Test Report


Test Report

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                          TEST REPORT
              65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu,                   _       _
          Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea            KR18—SRFO112—A          K                                   L
       TEL: 82—31—285—0894 FAX: 82—505—299—8311            Page (1) of (24)                     l

   1. Client

      + Name                    : PARTRON CO., LTD.
      > Address                 : 22,Samsung1—ro2—gil, Hwaseong—si, Gyeonggi—do, South Korea

      + Date of Receipt         : 2018—08—07

   2. Use of Report             i —
   3. Name of Product and Model                 : Fast Wireless Charger / PTC—200

  4. Manufacturer and Country of Origin : PARTRON VINA / VIETNAM

   5. FCC ID                                    : 2AD5SK—PTC200

  6. Date of Test               : 2018—09—06 to 2018—09—07

  7. Test Standards             : FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.209

  8. Test Results               : Refer to the test result in the test report

                  Tested by                                  Technical Manager

                  Name : Taeyoung Kim           Q@)          Name : Jongha Choi z


                                        KCTL Inc.

    As a test result of the sample which was submitted from the client, this report does not guarantee
    the whole product quality. This test report should not be used and copied without a written agreement
    by KCTL Inc.


                   KCTL Inc.                               Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea             KR18-SRF0112-A
      TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311              Page (2) of (24)


         Date                                         Revision                                    Page No
      2018-09-13                                  Originally issued                                  -
      2018-10-02                                      Revised                                      9, 11

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KCTL Inc. This document
may be altered or revised by KCTL Inc. personnel only, and shall be noted in the revision section of the
document. Any alteration of this document not carried out by KCTL Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify
the document.


                        KCTL Inc.                                                   Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea                                       KR18-SRF0112-A
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311                                         Page (3) of (24)

                                                               [ Contents ]

1. Client information .............................................................................................................................. 4
2. Laboratory information ..................................................................................................................... 5
3. Description of E.U.T........................................................................................................................... 6
    3.1 Basic description ........................................................................................................................... 6
    3.2 General description ....................................................................................................................... 6
    3.3 Test configurations ........................................................................................................................ 7
    3.4 Normal and extreme test conditions ............................................................................................. 7
4. Summary of test results .................................................................................................................... 8
    4.1 Standards & results ....................................................................................................................... 8
    4.2 Measurement Uncertainty ............................................................................................................. 8
5. Test results ......................................................................................................................................... 9
    5.1 Antenna Requirement ................................................................................................................... 9
    5.2 Field Strength of Fundamental and Spurious Emission .............................................................. 10
    5.3 20 ㏈ Bandwidth .......................................................................................................................... 19
    5.4 Conducted Emission ................................................................................................................... 21
6. Test equipment used for test .......................................................................................................... 24

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (4) of (24)

 1. Client information

   Applicant:                    PARTRON CO., LTD.
   Address:                      22,Samsung1-ro2-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do,
                                 South Korea
   Telephone number:             +82 31 201 7793
   Contact person:               Jongyeon Jeon / luckingman@partron.co.kr

   Manufacturer:                 PARTRON VINA
   Address:                      Lo 11 Khai Quang - Vinh Yen - Vinh Phuc - VietNam

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (5) of (24)

 2. Laboratory information

 KCTL Inc.
 65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
 Telephone Number: +82 31 285 0894
 Facsimile Number: +82 505 299 8311

 FCC Site Designation No: KR0040, FCC Site Registration No: 687132
 VCCI Registration No. : R-3327, G-198, C-3706, T-1849
 Industry Canada Registration No. : 8035A


          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (6) of (24)

 3. Description of E.U.T.

 3.1 Basic description
             Applicant                PARTRON CO., LTD.
                                      22,Samsung1-ro2-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do,
       Address of Applicant
                                      South Korea
           Manufacturer               PARTRON VINA

     Address of Manufacturer          Lo 11 Khai Quang - Vinh Yen - Vinh Phuc - VietNam

        Type of equipment             Fast Wireless Charger

            Basic Model               PTC-200

           Serial number              N/A

 3.2 General description

         Frequency Range               110 ㎑ ~ 205 ㎑

        Type of Modulation             AM

           Power supply                DC 5 V, DC 9 V

          Type of Antenna              Loop coil Antenna

         RF power setting              Referred the measuring instrument from manufacturer
 Note : The above EUT information was declared by the manufacturer.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (7) of (24)

 3.3 Test configurations
 In order to check all kinds of possible configurations, EUT was evaluated with appropriate client and
 under each charging condition as below table.

                          EUT Mode                                            Description
                                                                      Less than 1 % of Battery
         5 V Charging Mode with Client device
                                                                     Less than 50 % of Battery
    (Model : SM-G930S, FCC ID : A3LSMG930KOR)
                                                                   100 % full charging of Battery
                                                                      Less than 1 % of Battery
       9 V Fast Charging Mode with Client device
    (Model : SM-G930S, FCC ID : A3LSMG930KOR)                        Less than 50 % of Battery
                                                                   100 % full charging of Battery
 Note : The above EUT information was declared by the manufacturer.

 3.4 Normal and extreme test conditions
 - Ambient Conditions
                                         Temperature [℃]                      Relative humidity [%]
     Requirement for tests                     15 to 35                              20 to 75
       Ambient Conditions                          23                                   51

 -Test Conditions
         Test Condition                Temperature [°C]                           Voltage [V]
             NTNV                                23                                    5, 9
 Note 1 : N:Normal T:Temperature       V:Voltage

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (8) of (24)

 4. Summary of test results
 4.1 Standards & results
                                                                                      Report        Test
     FCC Rule Reference                             Parameter
                                                                                      Section      Result
             15.203                Antenna Requirement                                   5.1         C
                                   Field Strength of Fundamental and
             15.209                                                                      5.2         C
                                   Spurious Emission
             2.1049                20 ㏈ Bandwidth                                        5.3         C
             15.207                AC Power Line Conducted Emission                      5.4         C

 Note1) : C = Complies, NC = Not Complies, NT = Not Tested, NA = Not Applicable

 Note: Measurement methods used to test this device are ANSI C63.10:2013

 4.2 Measurement Uncertainty
  Measurement Item                                                         Uncertainty
                                                                          U = kUc (k = 2)
                                                            9 ㎑ ~ 30 ㎒                +2.42 ㏈, -2.42 ㏈
                                                                                      +4.94 ㏈, -5.06 ㏈
                                                           30 ㎒ ~ 300 ㎒:
  Radiated Spurious Emissions                                                         +4.93 ㏈, -5.05 ㏈
                                                                                      +4.97 ㏈, -5.08 ㏈
                                                         300 ㎒ ~ 1 000 ㎒:
                                                                                      +4.84 ㏈, -4.96 ㏈

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (9) of (24)

    5. Test results
    5.1 Antenna Requirement
    5.1.1 Regulation
    According to §15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other
    than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a
    permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional
    radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this Section. The
    manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but
    the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited.

    5.1.2 Result
    The transmitter has permanently attached Loop Coil antenna (internal antenna) on board.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                   Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea                KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311                Page (10) of (24)

 5.2 Field Strength of Fundamental and Spurious Emission
 5.2.1 Regulation
 According to §15.209(a), Except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an
 intentional radiator shall notexceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:

       Frequency (㎒)               Field strength (㎶/m)                   Measurement distance (m)

        0.009 - 0.490                      2 400/F(㎑)                                  300
        0.490 - 1.705                      24 000/F(㎑)                                  30
          1.705 - 30                            30                                      30
            30 - 88                           100**                                      3
           88 - 216                           150**                                      3
          216 - 960                           200**                                      3
         Above 960                             500                                       3
 **Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under this
    section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54–72 ㎒, 76–88 ㎒, 174–216 ㎒ or 470–806 ㎒.
    However, operation within these frequency bands is permItted under other sections of this part, e.g.,
   §15.231 and 15.241.

 5.2.2 Measurement Procedure

 Test Procedures for emission from 9 ㎑ to 30 ㎒
 a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter
     anechoic chamber test site. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
    highest radiation.
 b. Then antenna is a loop antenna is fixed at one meter above the ground to determine the maximum
    value of the field strength. Both parallel and perpendicular of the antenna are set to make the
 c. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the table was
    turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum reading.
 d. The test-receiver system was set to Quasi Peak and Average Detect Function and Specified
    Bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311              Page (11) of (24)

    Test Procedures for emission from above 30 ㎒
    1. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter
        anechoic chamber test site below 1 ㎓. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the
       position of the highest radiation.
    2. During performing radiated emission below 1 ㎓, the EUT was set 3 meters away from the
       Interference receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top of a variable height antenna tower.
    3. The antenna is a bi-log antenna and its height is varied from one meter to four meters above the
        ground to determine the maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical
       polarizations of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
    4. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was
       tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees
       to find the maximum reading.
    5. The test receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum
       Hold Mode.
    6. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 10 ㏈ lower than the limit specified, then testing
       could be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be reported. Otherwise the emissions that
       did not have 10 ㏈ margin would be re-tested one by one using peak, quasi-peak or average
       method as specified and then reported in a data sheet.


    According to exploratory test no any obvious emission were detected from 9 kHz to 30 MHz. Although
    these tests were performed other than open area test site, adequate comparison measurements were
    confirmed against 30 m open are test site. Therefore sufficient tests were made to demonstrate that the
    alternative site produces results that correlate with the ones of tests made in an open field based on
    KDB 414788.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                  Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea               KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (12) of (24)

5.2.3 Test Result
Test Condition: Refer to the clause 3.5 Normal and extreme test conditions

- Complied
1. Measured value of the Field strength of spurious Emissions (Radiated)
2. The following table shows the highest levels of radiated emissions on both polarizations of
   horizontal and vertical.
3. All radiated testing was measured in one orthogonal EUT position (X-axis)

- Field Strength of Fundamental Test data

- 5 V Charging Mode (Less than 1 % of Battery)

                               Cable     Amp     Antenna              3m Field    Result     Limit
 Frequency   Reading   Pol.                                 Factor                                   Margin
                               Loss      Gain     Factor              Strength   at 300m   at 300m
    [㎒]       [㏈(㎶)]   [V/H]    [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]    [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]       [㏈]
   0.125      96.80      H     0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     84.50       4.50     25.67    21.17
   0.126      90.60      V     0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     78.30      -1.70     25.60    27.30
Note1. Factor = Cable loss + Amp gain + Antenna factor
Note2. According to §15.31 (f)(2);
      Result at 300 m (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Field Strength Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log(300/3) (㏈㎶/m).
Note3. The limit above was calculated based on table of §15.209 (a).

- 5 V Charging Mode (Less than 50 % of Battery)

                               Cable     Amp     Antenna              3m Field    Result     Limit
 Frequency   Reading   Pol.                                 Factor                                   Margin
                               Loss      Gain     Factor              Strength   at 300m   at 300m
    [㎒]       [㏈(㎶)]   [V/H]    [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]    [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]       [㏈]
   0.125      97.20      H     0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     84.90       4.90     25.67    20.77
   0.126      90.50      V     0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     78.20      -1.80     25.60    27.40
Note1. Factor = Cable loss + Amp gain + Antenna factor
Note2. According to §15.31 (f)(2);
      Result at 300 m (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Field Strength Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log(300/3) (㏈㎶/m).
Note3. The limit above was calculated based on table of §15.209 (a).

- 5 V Charging Mode (100 % full charging of Battery)

                               Cable     Amp     Antenna              3m Field    Result     Limit
 Frequency   Reading   Pol.                                 Factor                                   Margin
                               Loss      Gain     Factor              Strength   at 300m   at 300m
    [㎒]       [㏈(㎶)]   [V/H]    [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]    [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]       [㏈]
   0.125      97.10      H     0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     84.80       4.80     25.67    20.87
   0.126      90.50      V     0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     78.20      -1.80     25.60    27.40
Note1. Factor = Cable loss + Amp gain + Antenna factor
Note2. According to §15.31 (f)(2);
      Result at 300 m (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Field Strength Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log(300/3) (㏈㎶/m).
Note3. The limit above was calculated based on table of §15.209 (a).

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                  Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea               KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (13) of (24)

- 9 V Fast Charging Mode (Less than 1 % of Battery)

                               Cable     Amp     Antenna              3m Field    Result     Limit
 Frequency   Reading   Pol.                                 Factor                                   Margin
                               Loss      Gain     Factor              Strength   at 300m   at 300m
    [㎒]       [㏈(㎶)]   [V/H]    [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]    [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]       [㏈]
   0.126      96.10     H      0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     83.80       3.80    25.60     21.80
   0.124      90.40     V      0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     78.10      -1.90    25.74     27.64
Note1. Factor = Cable loss + Amp gain + Antenna factor
Note2. According to §15.31 (f)(2);
      Result at 300 m (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Field Strength Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log(300/3) (㏈㎶/m).
Note3. The limit above was calculated based on table of §15.209 (a).

- 9 V Fast Charging Mode (Less than 50 % of Battery)

                               Cable     Amp     Antenna              3m Field    Result     Limit
 Frequency   Reading   Pol.                                 Factor                                   Margin
                               Loss      Gain     Factor              Strength   at 300m   at 300m
    [㎒]       [㏈(㎶)]   [V/H]    [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]    [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]       [㏈]
   0.126      96.50     H      0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     84.20       4.20    25.60     21.40
   0.124      90.30     V      0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     78.00      -2.00    25.74     27.74
Note1. Factor = Cable loss + Amp gain + Antenna factor
Note2. According to §15.31 (f)(2);
      Result at 300 m (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Field Strength Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log(300/3) (㏈㎶/m).
Note3. The limit above was calculated based on table of §15.209 (a).

- 9 V Fast Charging Mode (100 % full charging of Battery)

                               Cable     Amp     Antenna              3m Field    Result     Limit
 Frequency   Reading   Pol.                                 Factor                                   Margin
                               Loss      Gain     Factor              Strength   at 300m   at 300m
    [㎒]       [㏈(㎶)]   [V/H]    [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]    [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]       [㏈]
   0.126      96.70     H      0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     84.40       4.40    25.60     21.20
   0.124      90.70     V      0.55     -32.76    19.91     -12.30     78.40      -1.60    25.74     27.34
Note1. Factor = Cable loss + Amp gain + Antenna factor
Note2. According to §15.31 (f)(2);
      Result at 300 m (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Field Strength Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log(300/3) (㏈㎶/m).
Note3. The limit above was calculated based on table of §15.209 (a).

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                  Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea               KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (14) of (24)

- Spurious Emission Test data

1. According to §15.31 (f)(2)
   - 300 m Result (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log(300/3) (㏈㎶/m)
   - 30 m Result (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log(30/3) (㏈㎶/m)
2. Spurious emissions for all possible modes were investigated and almost the same below
     1 ㎓.
3. According to §15.31(o), emission levels are not report much lower than the limits by over
   20 ㏈.

- 9 ㎑ to 30 ㎒ data (worst-case)

- 5 V Charging Mode (Less than 50 % of Battery)

                               Cable     Amp     Antenna              3m Field    Result     Limit
 Frequency   Reading   Pol.                                 Factor                                   Margin
                               Loss      Gain     Factor              Strength   at 300m   at 300m
    [㎒]       [㏈(㎶)]   [V/H]    [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]    [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]       [㏈]
   0.430      72.30      H     0.58     -32.74    19.76     -12.40     59.90     -20.10     14.93    35.03

                               Cable     Amp     Antenna              3m Field   Result     Limit
 Frequency   Reading   Pol.                                 Factor                                   Margin
                               Loss      Gain     Factor              Strength   at 30m    at 30m
    [㎒]       [㏈(㎶)]   [V/H]    [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]    [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]       [㏈]
   0.717      56.20      H     0.70     -32.73    19.73     -12.30     43.90      3.90      30.49    26.59
   1.004      52.40      H     0.82     -32.72    19.70     -12.20     40.20      0.20      27.57    27.37
Note1. Factor = Cable loss + Amp gain + Antenna factor
Note2. According to §15.31 (f)(2);
      Result at 30 m (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Field Strength Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log (30/3) (㏈㎶/m).
      Result at 300 m (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Field Strength Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log (300/3) (㏈㎶/m).
Note3. The limit above was calculated based on table of §15.209 (a).

- 9 V Fast Charging Mode (100 % full charging of Battery)

                               Cable     Amp     Antenna              3m Field    Result     Limit
 Frequency   Reading   Pol.                                 Factor                                   Margin
                               Loss      Gain     Factor              Strength   at 300m   at 300m
    [㎒]       [㏈(㎶)]   [V/H]    [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]    [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]       [㏈]
   0.378      75.10      H     0.57     -32.74    19.77     -12.40     62.70     -17.30     16.05    33.35

                               Cable     Amp     Antenna              3m Field   Result     Limit
 Frequency   Reading   Pol.                                 Factor                                   Margin
                               Loss      Gain     Factor              Strength   at 30m    at 30m
    [㎒]       [㏈(㎶)]   [V/H]    [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]    [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]       [㏈]
   0.628      62.80      H     0.59     -32.73    19.74     -12.40     50.40      10.40     31.65    21.25
   0.881      56.60      H     0.71     -32.72    19.71     -12.30     44.30       4.30     28.70    24.40
Note1. Factor = Cable loss + Amp gain + Antenna factor
Note2. According to §15.31 (f)(2);
      Result at 30 m (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Field Strength Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log(30/3) (㏈㎶/m).
      Result at 300 m (㏈㎶/m) = 3 m Field Strength Result (㏈㎶/m) - 40log (300/3) (㏈㎶/m).
Note3. The limit above was calculated based on table of §15.209 (a).

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                 KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea               KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (15) of (24)

- Below 1 ㎓ data (worst-case)

- 5 V Charging Mode (Less than 50 % of Battery)

                Receiver                        Cable    Amp.     Antenna
Frequency                    Pol.    Reading                                Factor    Result   Limit     Margin
               Bandwidth                        Loss     Gain      Factor
    [㎒]           [㎑]       [V/H]    [㏈(㎶)]      [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]      [㏈]     [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]    [㏈]

Quasi-Peak DATA. Emissions below 1 ㎓
  53.64           120         V       37.60     2.19     -32.11    18.22    -11.70    25.90    40.00     14.10
  281.47          120         V       37.20     5.07     -32.04    18.67     -8.30    28.90    46.00     17.10
  361.86          120         V       34.60     5.50     -32.08    20.78     -5.80    28.80    46.00     17.20
Note1. Factor = Cable loss + Amp gain + Antenna factor

- 9 V Fast Charging Mode (100 % full charging of Battery)

                Receiver                        Cable    Amp.     Antenna
Frequency                    Pol.    Reading                                Factor    Result   Limit     Margin
               Bandwidth                        Loss     Gain      Factor
    [㎒]           [㎑]       [V/H]    [㏈(㎶)]      [㏈]      [㏈]       [㏈]      [㏈]     [㏈(㎶/m)] [㏈(㎶/m)]    [㏈]

Quasi-Peak DATA. Emissions below 1 ㎓
  52.55           120         V       36.70     2.13     -32.10    18.27    -11.70    25.00    40.00     15.00
  281.47          120         V       37.40     5.07     -32.04    18.67     -8.30    29.10    46.00     16.90
  361.86          120         V       33.90     5.50     -32.08    20.78     -5.80    28.10    46.00     17.90
Note1. Factor = Cable loss + Amp gain + Antenna factor

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                              Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea            KR18-SRF0112-A
      TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311             Page (16) of (24)

5.2.4 Test Plot
Plot of Field Strength of Fundamental and Spurious Emission (Radiated)
- 30 ㎒ ~ 1 ㎓ data
- 5 V Charging Mode (Less than 1 % of Battery)

           0.009                    0.100                         1.000                     10.000   30.000
                                                      Frequency                                      [MHz]

- 5 V Charging Mode (Less than 50 % of Battery)

           0.009                    0.100                         1.000                     10.000   30.000
                                                      Frequency                                      [MHz]

- 5 V Charging Mode (100 % full charging of Battery)

           0.009                    0.100                         1.000                     10.000   30.000
                                                      Frequency                                      [MHz]

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                              Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea            KR18-SRF0112-A
      TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311             Page (17) of (24)

- 9 V Fast Charging Mode (Less than 1 % of Battery)

           0.009                    0.100                         1.000                     10.000   30.000
                                                      Frequency                                      [MHz]

- 9 V Fast Charging Mode (Less than 50 % of Battery)

           0.009                    0.100                         1.000                     10.000   30.000
                                                      Frequency                                      [MHz]

- 9 V Fast Charging Mode (100 % full charging of Battery)

           0.009                    0.100                         1.000                     10.000   30.000
                                                      Frequency                                      [MHz]

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                              Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea            KR18-SRF0112-A
      TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311             Page (18) of (24)

- 30 ㎒ ~ 1 ㎓ data

- 5 V Charging Mode







          30.000     50.000             100.000                                      500.000       1000.000
                                                      Frequency                                    [MHz]

- 9 V Fast Charging Mode







          30.000     50.000             100.000                                      500.000       1000.000
                                                      Frequency                                    [MHz]

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311              Page (19) of (24)

5.3 20 ㏈ Bandwidth

5.3.1 Regulation
  For reporting purpose only

5.3.2 Measurement Procedure
a. Span = set to capture all products of the modulation process, including the emission skirts.
   RBW = 1 ~ 5 % of the OBW, VBW = RBW, Sweep = auto, Detector = peak, Trace = max hold.
b. The marker-to-peak function to set the mark to the peak of the emission. Use the marker-delta
   function to measure 20 ㏈ down one side of the emission. Reset the function, and move the marker
   to the other side of the emission, until it is (as close as possible to) even with the reference marker
   level. The marker-delta reading at this point is 20 ㏈ bandwidth of the emission.

5.3.3 Test Result
Test Condition: Refer to the clause 3.5 Normal and extreme test conditions

- Complied

                                                20 ㏈ Bandwidth
            Test Mode                                                                  Results
       5 V Charging Mode                              39.50                        reporting purpose
    9 V Fast Charging Mode                            49.50                        reporting purpose
 Note: Becasuse the measured signal is CW/CW-like,adjusting the RBW per C63.10 would
       not be practical since measured bandwidth will always follow the RBW and the result
       will be approximately twice the RBW.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311              Page (20) of (24)

5.3.4 Test Plot
Plot of 20 ㏈ Bandwidth

- 5 V Charging Mode

- 9V Fast Charging Mode

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                 KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311               Page (21) of (24)

5.4 Conducted Emission
5.4.1 Regulation
According to §15.207(a), for an intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the public utility
(AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any
frequency or frequencies, within the band 150 ㎑ to 30 ㎒, shall not exceed the limits in the
following table, as measured using a 50 µH/50 Ω line impedance stabilization network (LISN).
Compliance with the provisions of this paragraph shall be based on the measurement of the radio
frequency voltage between each power line and ground at the power terminal. The lower limit applies at
the boundary between the frequency ranges.

                                                               Conducted limit (㏈㎶)
      Frequency of emission (㎒)
                                                     Qausi-peak                        Average
                0.15 – 0.5                            66 to 56 *                       56 to 46 *
                  0.5 – 5                                 56                              46
                  5 – 30                                  60                              50
* Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

According to §15.107(a), for unintentional device, except for Class A digital devices, line conducted
emission limits are the same as the above table.

5.4.2 Measurement Procedure

1) The EUT was placed on a wooden table of size, 1 m by 1.5 m, raised 80 ㎝ in which is located 40 ㎝
   away from the vertical wall and 1.5m away from the side wall of the shielded room.

2) Each current-carrying conductor of the EUT power cord was individually connected through a
   50Ω/50μH LISN, which is an input transducer to a Spectrum Analyzer or an EMI/Field Intensity Meter,
   to the input power source.

3) Exploratory measurements were made to identify the frequency of the emission that had the highest
   amplitude relative to the limit by operating the EUT in a range of typical modes of operation, cable
   position, and with a typical system equipment configuration and arrangement. Based on the
   exploratory tests of the EUT, the one EUT cable configuration and arrangement and mode of
   operation that had produced the emission with the highest amplitude relative to the limit was selected
   for the final measurement.

4) The final test on all current-carrying conductors of all of the power cords to the equipment that
   comprises the EUT (but not the cords associated with other non-EUT equipment is the system) was
   then performed over the frequency range of 0.15 ㎒ to 30 ㎒.

5) The measurements were made with the detector set to PEAK amplitude within a bandwidth of 10 ㎑ or
   to QUASI-PEAK and AVERAGE within a bandwidth of 9 ㎑. The EUT was in transmitting mode during
   the measurements.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                            KCTL Inc.                                                     Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea                                             KR18-SRF0112-A
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311                                              Page (22) of (24)

5.4.3 Test Result

Test Condition: Refer to the clause 3.5 Normal and extreme test conditions

- Complied

Figure 6. plot of Conducted Emission

- Conducted worst-case data: 5 V Charging Mode (Less than 50 % of Battery)

  KCTL Inc.                                                                 <<>>

      Model             :                                                    Standard              :
      Serial            :                                                    Remark1               :
      Operator          :                                                    Remark2               :
      AC Power          :                                                    Remark3               :
      Temp,Humidity     :                                                    Remark4               :
               80                                                                                                    <B_AC>
                                                                                                                                  Limit (QP)
               70                                                                                                                 Limit (CAV)
                                                                                                                     <New Data>
                                                                                                                                  Spectrum (N_A,AV)
               60                                                                                                                 Spectrum (N_A,PK)
                                                                                                                                  Spectrum (L1_A,AV)
                                                                                                                                  Spectrum (L1_A,PK)
               50                                                                                                                 Suspected Item(N_A)
                                                                                                                                  Suspected Item(L1_A)
                                                                                                                                  Final Item-QP(N_A)

               40                                                                                                                 Final Item-AV(N_A)
                                                                                                                                  Final Item-QP(L1_A)
                                                                                                                                  Final Item-AV(L1_A)



                0.150             0.500           1.000                      5.000        10.000            30.000
                                                             Frequency                                      [MHz]

  Final Result

  --- N_A Phase ---
  No. Frequency Reading Reading           c.f     Result   Result    Limit    Limit     Margin     Margin
                     QP       CAV                   QP       CAV      QP       AV         QP        CAV
         [MHz]    [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)]       [dB]   [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)]     [dB]       [dB]
    1    0.37673     29.1     21.1        10.0      39.1     31.1     58.4     48.4      19.3       17.3
    2    0.45089     30.6     23.1        10.0      40.6     33.1     56.9     46.9      16.3       13.8
    3    0.51783     33.0     25.3        10.0      43.0     35.3     56.0     46.0      13.0       10.7
    4    0.58549     28.9     21.9        10.0      38.9     31.9     56.0     46.0      17.1       14.1
    5    2.75627     23.1     14.6         9.9      33.0     24.5     56.0     46.0      23.0       21.5
    6 16.14558       22.9     13.1        10.6      33.5     23.7     60.0     50.0      26.5       26.3

  --- L1_A Phase ---
  No. Frequency Reading Reading           c.f     Result   Result    Limit    Limit     Margin     Margin
                     QP       CAV                   QP       CAV      QP       AV         QP        CAV
         [MHz]    [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)]       [dB]   [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)]     [dB]       [dB]
    1    0.38312     33.8     26.6        10.0      43.8     36.6     58.2     48.2      14.4       11.6
    2    0.44823     35.5     29.2        10.0      45.5     39.2     56.9     46.9      11.4        7.7
    3    0.51847     37.6     31.0        10.0      47.6     41.0     56.0     46.0       8.4        5.0
    4    0.58314     34.6     27.3        10.0      44.6     37.3     56.0     46.0      11.4        8.7
    5    1.04192     30.8     22.5         9.9      40.7     32.4     56.0     46.0      15.3       13.6
    6    5.61691     29.2     20.9        10.0      39.2     30.9     60.0     50.0      20.8       19.1

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                           KCTL Inc.                                                      Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea                                              KR18-SRF0112-A
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311                                               Page (23) of (24)

- Conducted worst-case data: 9 V Fast Charging Mode (100 % full charging of Battery)

     KCTL Inc.                                                                 <<>>

         Model              :                                                   Standard               :
         Serial             :                                                   Remark1                :
         Operator           :                                                   Remark2                :
         AC Power           :                                                   Remark3                :
         Temp,Humidity      :                                                   Remark4                :
                  80                                                                                                     <B_AC>
                                                                                                                                      Limit (QP)
                  70                                                                                                                  Limit (CAV)
                                                                                                                         <New Data>
                                                                                                                                      Spectrum (N_A,AV)
                  60                                                                                                                  Spectrum (N_A,PK)
                                                                                                                                      Spectrum (L1_A,AV)
                                                                                                                                      Spectrum (L1_A,PK)
                  50                                                                                                                  Suspected Item(N_A)
                                                                                                                                      Suspected Item(L1_A)
                                                                                                                                      Final Item-QP(N_A)

                  40                                                                                                                  Final Item-AV(N_A)
                                                                                                                                      Final Item-QP(L1_A)
                                                                                                                                      Final Item-AV(L1_A)



                   0.150             0.500           1.000                      5.000         10.000            30.000
                                                                Frequency                                       [MHz]

     Final Result

     --- N_A Phase ---
     No. Frequency Reading Reading           c.f     Result   Result    Limit    Limit      Margin     Margin
                        QP       CAV                   QP       CAV      QP       AV          QP        CAV
            [MHz]    [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)]       [dB]   [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)]      [dB]       [dB]
       1    0.18599     30.2     15.5        10.2      40.4     25.7     64.2     54.2       23.8       28.5
       2    0.50355     34.4     26.6        10.0      44.4     36.6     56.0     46.0       11.6        9.4
       3    0.57025     29.8     23.4        10.0      39.8     33.4     56.0     46.0       16.2       12.6
       4    3.66703     22.8     14.4        10.0      32.8     24.4     56.0     46.0       23.2       21.6
       5 10.32866       14.9      7.4        10.4      25.3     17.8     60.0     50.0       34.7       32.2
       6 14.77948       21.8     12.4        10.6      32.4     23.0     60.0     50.0       27.6       27.0
     --- L1_A Phase ---
     No. Frequency Reading Reading           c.f     Result   Result    Limit    Limit      Margin     Margin
                        QP       CAV                   QP       CAV      QP       AV          QP        CAV
            [MHz]    [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)]       [dB]   [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)] [dB(uV)]      [dB]       [dB]
       1    0.20277     30.7     21.3        10.0      40.7     31.3     63.5     53.5       22.8       22.2
       2    0.50114     37.7     32.1        10.0      47.7     42.1     56.0     46.0        8.3        3.9
       3    0.57195     35.1     28.3        10.0      45.1     38.3     56.0     46.0       10.9        7.7
       4    1.06972     29.0     21.3         9.9      38.9     31.2     56.0     46.0       17.1       14.8
       5    2.43515     27.8     19.5         9.9      37.7     29.4     56.0     46.0       18.3       16.6
       6 11.95801       19.4     10.3        10.4      29.8     20.7     60.0     50.0       30.2       29.3

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                 KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea              KR18-SRF0112-A
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311              Page (24) of (24)

6. Test equipment used for test
                                                                                               Next Cal.
        Equipment Name           Manufacturer            Model No.             Serial No.
■    SIGNAL GENERATOR                 R&S                SMB100A                176206         19.01.31
■                                     R&S               SMBV100A                257566         19.01.05
■      DC Power Supply           AGILENT                 E3632A            MY40004399          19.01.05
■      Spectrum Analyzer           R&S                    FSV40              100988            19.01.05
■        Bilog Antenna         SCHWARZBECK              VULB 9168             583              20.04.13
■                                  AGILENT              8491B-003           2708A18758         20.05.04
■    EMI TEST RECEIVER              R&S                   ESCI                100732           19.08.23
■        LOOP Antenna               R&S                  HFH2-Z2            892665/035         19.01.25
■           Amplifier                                      310N                 186280         19.04.05
■        Antenna Mast             MATURO                  EAS 1.5           042/8941211             -
■        Antenna Mast             MATURO                  EAS 1.5           043/8941211             -
■         Turn Table              MATURO                 TT 0.8 PF          041/8941211             -
■       Cable Assembly             gigalane               RG-400                 -                  -

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

Document Created: 2018-10-11 17:35:34
Document Modified: 2018-10-11 17:35:34

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