RF Exposure Info

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                                       FCC ID: 2ACYTHVI888

                                       RF EXPOSURE
Applied procedures / limit
These devices are not exempted from compliance does not exceed the Commission’s RF
exposure guidelines.Unless a device operates at substantially low power levels,with a low gain
antenna(s),supporting information is generally needed to establish the various potential
operating configurations and exposure conditions of a transmitter and its antenna(s) in order to
determine compliance with the RF exposure guidelines.
In order to demonstrate compliance with MPE requirement(see Section 2.1091),the following
information is typically needed:
Calculation that estimates the minimum separation distance(20 cm or more)between an
antenna and persons required to satisfy power density limits defined for free space.
Antenna installation and device operating instructions for installers(professional/unskilled
users),and the parties responsible for ensuring compliance with the RF exposure requirement
Any caution statements and/or warming labels that are necessary in order to comply with the
exposure limits Any other RF exposure related issues that may affect MPE compliance.

FCC 1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
impact of human exposure to radio-frequency(RF) radiation as specified in 1.1307(b).
(A) Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
                   Electric Field   Magnetic Field                            Averaging Time
   Frequency                                       Power Density (S)
                   Strength (E)       Strength (H)                              |E|2,|H|2or S
  Range (MHz)                                         (mW/ cm2)
                       (V/m)             (A/m)                                   (minutes)
     0.3-3.0            614               1.63          (100)*                        6
     3.0-30           1842 / f           4.89 / f      (900 / f)*                     6
     30-300             61.4              0.163           1.0                         6
    300-1500                                             F/300                        6
 1500-100,000                                              5                          6

(B) Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure

                      Electric Field    Magnetic Field                   Averaging Time
    Frequency                                          Power Density (S)
                      Strength (E)       Strength (H)                     |E|2,|H|2 or S
   Range (MHz)                                            (mW/ cm2)
                          (V/m)             (A/m)                          (minutes)
     0.3-1.34              614               1.63            (100)*             30
     1.34-30              824/f             2.19/f          (180/f)*            30
      30-300               27.5             0.073              0.2              30
    300-1500                                                F/1500              30
  1500-100,000                                                 1.0              30

Note: f = frequency in MHz ; *Plane-wave equivalent power density

                                                  FCC ID: 2ACYTHVI888


     Calculation Method of RF Safety Distance:

     P :power input to the antenna in Mw
     EIRP :Equivalent(effective) isotropic radiated power.
     S :power density mW/ cm2
     G ;numeric gain of antenna relative to isotropic radiator
     R :distance to centre of radiation in cm

     FCC radio frequency exposure limits may be exceeded at distances closer than r cm from
     the antenna of this device

     EIRP=10(Antenna Gain+Peak Output Power/10)
1. s=1.0 mW /cm2 for limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposures.
2. The time averaged power over 30 minutes will be equaled Output Power.
3. The Power Density at a distance of 20cm calculated from the formula is far below the limit of
   1MW/ cm2

                                       FCC ID: 2ACYTHVI888


Operating Mode:802.11 b

              Average        Output                                     Limit of
                                         Antenna           Power
  Channal      output        power                                       Power
                                          Gain           Density (S)   Density (S)   Result
   (MHz)       power      to antenna
                                         (numeric)       (mW/ cm2)     (mW/ cm2)
               (dBm)         (mW)

    2412       12.72        18.71           1(0dBi)          0.0037        1         Pass

    2437       12.64        18.37           1(0dBi)          0.0037        1         Pass

    2462       12.61        18.24           1(0dBi)          0.0036        1         Pass

Operating Mode:802.11 g

              Average        Output                                     Limit of
                                        Antenna            Power
  Channal      output        power                                       Power
                                         Gain            Density (S)   Density (S)   Result
   (MHz)       power      to antenna
                                          (numeric)      (mW/ cm2)     (mW/ cm2)
               (dBm)         (mW)

   2412        11.64        14.59           1(0dBi)          0.0029         1         Pass

   2437        11.59        14.42           1(0dBi)          0.0029         1         Pass

   2462        11.41        13.84           1(0dBi)          0.0028         1         Pass

Operating Mode:802.11 n(20M)

              Average        Output                                     Limit of
                                        Antenna            Power
  Channal      output        power                                       Power
                                         Gain            Density (S)   Density (S)   Result
   (MHz)       power      to antenna
                                          (numeric)      (mW/ cm2)     (mW/ cm2)
               (dBm)         (mW)

   2412        10.45        11.09           1(0dBi)          0.0022         1         Pass

   2437        10.33        10.79           1(0dBi)          0.0021         1         Pass

   2462        10.26        10.62           1(0dBi)          0.0021         1         Pass

                                     FCC ID: 2ACYTHVI888

NOTE: (For mobile or fixed location transmitters, the maximum power density is 1.0mW/cm2
even if the calculation indicates that the power density would be larger)

Document Created: 2014-09-26 12:52:22
Document Modified: 2014-09-26 12:52:22

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