Users Manual


Users Manual

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Remote Cord


  rts                                                          4
  Bo                                                           4
    i                                                          5
  Inserting Batte                                               5
  Replacing Batt                                                i
  When the MC—36b18 MOt 11 USB ..............sccsssscccscece... 5
    Llighting /                                                6
  nnecting the M                                              6
Using the MC—36b                                              J
 imed Photograph                                              7
        Release                                               14
         ns                                                   15


To prevent damage to your product or injury          product to manufacturer for inspection.               mediately and take the device to a —autho— rized
to yourself or to others, read the follow—ing                                                              service representative for inspection, taking care
safety precautions in their entirety before                                                                to avoid burns. Continued operation could result
                                                     AKeep dry
using this equipment. Keep thesesafety in—                                                                 in injury.
                                                     Do not handle with wet hands or immerse in or
structions where all those who use this equip—       expose to water or rain. Failure to observe this      A Do not expose to high temperatures
ment will read them.                                 precaution could result in fire or electric shock.    Do not leave the device in a closed vehicle under
      The consequences that could result from                                                              the sun or in other areas subject to extremely high
                                                     ALDo not use in the presence of flammable gas
failure to observe the precautions listed in this                                                          temperatures. Failure to observe this precaution
                                                     Failure to observe this precaution could result in
section are indicated by the following symbol:                                                             could result in fire or in damage to the casing or
                                                     explosion or fire.
     This icon marks warnings, information that                                                            internal parts.
     should be read before using this product to     &Keep out of reach of children
                                                                                                           AObserve precaution when handling batteries
     prevent possible injury.                        This device contains small parts which may pose a
                                                                                                           Batteries may leak or explode if improperly han—
                                                     choking hazard. Consult a physician immediately
                                                                                                           died. Observe the following precautions when
    Do not disassemble or modify                     if a child swallows any part of this device.
Failure to observe this precaution could result in                                                         handling batteries for use in this device:
                                                        Turn off immediately in the event of malfunction   + Use only batteries listed in this manual. Do not
electric shock or product malfunction. Should
                                                     Should you notice smoke or an unusual smell             mix old and new batteries or batteries of differ—
the product break open as the result of a fall or
                                                     coming from this device, remove the battery im—         ent types.
other accident, remove the batteries and take the

Display Panel®                                         Inserting Batteries                                Replacing Batteries
@ functional cursor                                    Slide the battery—chamber cover (@) from the       When replacing batteries:
@ Show time                                            back of the MC:366 and insert two AAA 1.5V         1Check that the ‘THMER ACTIVE" (@) and ‘re@@llii
@ Lock indicator                                       LRO3 alkaline batteries {available separately)      LEASE" (@) indicators are not displayed.
@ ow battery indicator                                 as shown.
@ TIMER ACTIVEindicator                                                                                   2 Turn the camera off and disconnect the MC—36b
@ Speaker on/off indicator                                                                                3 Remove the batteries.
@ SETindicator                                                                                            4 Wait until the control panel has gone out and
@ RELEASE"indicator                                                                                         insert new batteries
€ Numberof shots
                                                                                                          When the MC3 is Not in Use
   * The ilustration inside the front cover shows
                                                                                                          The MC—36bis not equipped with an off switch.
     the control panet with all elements lit. In the
     other illustrations throughout this manual,
                                                                                                          To reduce the drain on the batteries whenthe
     elements relevant to the explanation in the                                                          MC—36b is not in use, end shooting and check
     accompanying text are shown in black. Incli—                                                         that the "TIMER ACTIVE" (@), ‘SET" (@), and "RE—
     cators not mentioned in the text are shown        [BZ] The low battery Indicator((C—2MD              LEASE" (@) indicators are not displayed
     in gray                                           the low battery indicator (@) will biink whenthe           The drain on the batteries increases
                                                       batteries are low. Please replace the battery      when these indicators are flashing

The "TIMER ACTIVE""5ET" and "RELEASE*indicators     Lighting/Lock Button                                  1Turn the camera off
                 w moum i                           Press the lighting /lock button (@)) briefly to       2Check that the ‘TIMER ACTIVE" (@) and "RE—
                                                    activate the control panel backlight. The back—         LEASE(@) indlicators are not displayed.
                                                    light will remain Iit for about six seconds; press—   3 Remove the Remote cord socket termial cover
                 noucue imm                         ing the arrow button (@) while the backlight is         from the camera. By connecting the camera
dredieecescuces                                     on extends the timer for another six seconds            shutter, and will shutter plug (D)The camera
            Timer active (page 11); press TM~            To lock all controls except the shutter—re—        firmly connected.
Times ACHVE ER START/STOP button (@))               lease (@) and Lighting /lock buttons, press
              Settings can be madified (page        the illuminator tock button until the lock icon
              7); press SEbutton (@)                     is displayed in the control panel. To release
   RELEASE    Manual release active (page 14);      the lockPlease press the lighting/lock button until
    (TIMER    release shutter—release button        the lock icon is no longer displayed.
 ACTIVE not   (®); if button is in HOLP position,
  flashing)   Irelease shutter—release lock}                        PeRIvosun                             - Disconnecting the MC—36b
                                                                                                          After checking that the ‘TIMER ACTIVE® (@) and RE—
                                                                                                          LEASE" (@) indicators are not displayed, turn the
                                                                                                          camera off and disconnect the MC:36b. Replace
                                                                                                          the Remote cord socket terminal cover.

The MC—366 functions as.                          1. Adjust Camera Settings                           2. Set the Timer
+ An automatic timer (pp.7—13). Choose the de—    1.1Connect the MC—36b (pg. 6) and turn the          2.1Press the §ET button (@). "SET" will flash in
  tay (time before shooting starts), exposure        camera on                                           the display panel.
  time, interval, and number of shots for timed   1.2Adjust camera settings as follows (see the
  interval photography. Shutter speed can be         camera manual for details):
 selected with the camera if desired (pg. 13)                              manual
+A manual release (pg. 14). Take photographs                           u
 manually using the shutter—release button on
 theMC—36b. Photographs can be taken manu—                           AF—C (continuous—servo autofo—
 ally even when the timer is running                                 snn en Mamenus
                                                                     $ (single frame
                                                     * Select ‘release priority"if available

                                                                                                       TheMC—36bcan be connected to the camnera af—
                                                                                                       ter the timer has been set

Timed Photography(3/7)
Setting the Timer                                                        Delay (time until shooting starts)
lUse the arrow button to set the timer.
Press left or right to select, up or down                         Hour               Minute
to change. The current selection is in—                                         Pemomen
dicated by the selection cursor (@).                                                nn

                                                                                      ul )

Press SET (@) at any time to complete the opera—
tion and display the new setrings for the selected
item. To view other settings, press the arrow but—
ton left orright. The current selection is indicated
by the selection cursor (@). Press the SET button
                                                       Setting                                                araman»
                                                                                                              vdou Go
to edit the current setting as described above                                                                     »[    d

    Timed Photography(4/7)
    Eols                              use                    uend

E      Minute         Second   Hour   Minute   Second
                                      Pm       .on
O                                     nm


                                in      w        m            m       in


Timed Photography(5/7)
P Setting the Timer                                     2.3 After adjusting all settings as desired, press              3. Start the Timer
To ensure correct operation, choose an interval at          the SET button (@®) to put the new settings                 Press the TIMER START/STOP button (@)). The
least one second longer than the exposure time.            into effect. timer will issue a beep—(speakers in the open   timer will start and "TIMER ACTIVE"(@) will fash m
When using autofocus, set the delay to two sec—           drumsnes.and the "SET" indicator will go out.                 in the Show panel. Between shots, the con—
onds or more and choose an interval at least two                                                                        trol panel will show the time remaining until
seconds longer than the exposure time to ensure                 Pebviteolen
                                                                                                                        the next photograph is taken. Two second Focus
that the camera has time to focus. When using
                                                                                                                        output, focus and the release oflight—greenlight.
long exposure noise reduction (available with
some digital cameras), the interval should be at
                                                                                                                             While the shutter is open, the Show
least twice the exposure time.
      Intervals of 00:00:00 will automatically be re—      The new settings will remain in effect until                 panel will show the time remaining until the
set to 00:00:01 when the SET button (@®) is pressed        changed or until the batteries are removed                   shutter closes, and the release lamp and "RE—
to put settings into effect.                               or exhausted.                                                LEASE" indicator (@) will flash at one—second
      To set the number of shots to = = (unlimited),                                                                    intervals. Focus and the release indicator Lianghong
select 1 and press the arrow button (@) down or                                                                         Deng. If the speaker is turned on, the timer will be
select 399 and press the arrow button up.                                                                               issued one second intervals for the beeps, each take a
                                                                                                                        picture, the remaining number of shots will be updated.


Timed Photography(6/7)
 Show Panel Display (Timer Active)                                     When that did not open the             4. End Shooting
                                                                       shutter: shots: Time remaining         Shooting will end automatically when the se—
                                         DELAY LONG INTVL N       J
                                                                         until next shot                      lected number of shots has been taken. To end
                                 coy                      While shutteris open: Time remain—   shooting before all photographs have been
                                          d d * L LK 2                   ing until shutter closes             taken, press the TIMER START/STOP button (@®)).

      Flashes while timer is active       TIMER ACTIVE
                                                         [ i2 RELEAS
                                                                        Number of shots remaining
                                                                        Flashes while shutter is open
The Speaker and Release Lamp
The following iflustration shows when a beep will sound (@) and the release lamp flash (Q) with a delay
of 5s, an exposure time of 4s, and an interval of § s.

    Loudspeakers :
      Light green
The red indicator light :
     Focus output |
 The release of output
                     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    theCamera to Seiect ShutterSpeed                                                                  [ Ysing theTimes
o take        raphs at the shutter          selected with the ca        adjust settings as follows:   Before using the timer for extended periods,
                        {manual) or $ (shutter—priority      auto                                     check that the batteries have enough charge. Re—
                                                                                                      place the batteries when the low battery indicator
                                                                                                      (T—IB flashes in the show panel (@)
                           (continuous—servo            ocus) or M (manual)

                       onger than camera         shutter s
    ect ‘release priority if available.
        using autofocus, chopse an interval at least two seconds longer than the camera shutter
to allow the cammera time to focus. When using long exposure noise reduction {available with so
digital cameras}, choose an interval at least double the camera shutter speed


      Manual Release
      The MC—36b shutter—release button (@) func                       And the display will show the shutter has       The MC:36b shutter—release button can be used
      tions in much the same way as the camera                         opened the time.
                                                                                                                       when no batteries are inserted. The Show pan—
E shutter—release button                                                    To keep the shutter—release button ful—    el will remain off and no beep will sound.
                                                                       ly pressed for buib photography, slide the
      1. Adjust Camera Settings                                                                                        The shutter—release button can be used to re—
                                                                       button to the HOLD position.. Slide it in the
          Connect the MC—36b (pg.6) and turn the                                                                       lease the shutter manuaily while the timer is ac—
                                                                       opposite direction to release the lock.
          camera on. Choose exposure mode, shut—                                                                       tive, Timer count—down (Package so display panels~
          ter speed, focus mode, and shooting mode                                                                     focus and the release of the indicator Ight and beep).contin—
          as desired                                                                                                   ues during manual release. If a manual release
                                                                                                                       overlaps with an automnatic release, the shutter
      2, Take Pictures                                                                                                 will remain open until both exposure times have
      2.1 Press theMC—36b shutter—release button (©)                                                                   expired
          halfway and check focus and exposure,                     2.2 Release the button to end shooting.
          Focus and the release of bright green light.
          And then click to complete their photographs.
          When the shutter opens, Focus and the release indicator
          Lianghong Dengevery one second camera issued a beep,
          the "RELEASE® indicator (@) will flash, and


Check the camera battery level and number @@ not dmp The product may maifunction if sub—                  A note on electrontcally—controlled devices: in extreme—
of exposures remaining before using the MC— jected to strong shocks or vibration.                         ly rare instances, unusual characters may appear
36b (see the camera manual for details) The                                                               in the Show panel and the device may stop
                                                   Keep dry: This product is not waterproof and may
timer will continue to operate even when no                                                               functioning. in most cases, this phenomenon is
                                                   malfunction if immersed in water or exposed to
pictures can be recorded due to low battery,                                                              caused by a strong external static charge. Turn
                                                   high levels of humnidity. Rusting of the internal
lack or film or memory, or lack of space in the                                                           the camera off, disconnect the MC—36b, remove
                                                   mechanism can cause irreparable damage.
                                                                                                          the batteries, and then replace them once the
memory buffer (digital cameras only). An AC
                                                   Avoid sudden changes in temperature: Sudden chang—     control panel has turned off. Caution is required
adapter {(available separately) is recommended
                                                   es in temperature, such as occur when entering or      when handling the batteries, which may be hot
for longer sessions.
                                                   leaving a heated building on a cold day, can cause     from use. in the event of continued malfunction,
      Some cameras have an AF activation                                                                  contact your retailer or representative.
                                                   condensation inside the device. To prevent con—
option that determines whether the camera          densation, place the device in a carrying case or a
will focus when the shutter—release button is                                                             Display panel: LCD displays tend to darken at
                                                   plastic bag before exposing it to sudden changes
pressed halfway (see the camera manual for                                                                high temperatures and exhibit stower response
                                                   in temperature.
                                                                                                          times at low temperatures. This does not indicate
details). Enable shutter—release button AF—ac—
                                                   Keep away from strong magnetic fields: Strong static   a malfunction.
tivation when using the MC—36b
                                                   charges or the electromagnetic felds produced
     Please note that the timer is less accurate
                                                   by equipment such as radio transmitters could
than most watches or household clocks. —           interfere with the device.

Nikon,. Canon . Sony,. Samsung.,. Matsushita,. Peheax,. C   Konica Minclta, etc.
 s to              5
    5 tQ                  5
    S to                  5
7           ==
    wo AAA 1.5V
                 two              contimnuous               at exposure
    min. Use of the illuminator will reduce
    20—+50 °C     (—4—+]
                  15     x40x l&mm (6.1 x    1.6%

                         FCC ID: 2ACYPMC-36R
      This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
      subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
      cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
      interference received, including interference that may cause
      undesired operation.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment。

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
 —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Document Created: 2014-08-25 16:09:49
Document Modified: 2014-08-25 16:09:49

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