Test Report


Test Report

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                                               TEST REPORT
 Reference No. ....................        :   WTS16S0755741E

 FCC ID ................................   :   2ACWB-PSWRLS

 Applicant ............................    :   mophie LLC

 Address ..............................    :   6244 Technology Ave. Kalamazoo, Michigan United States

 Manufacturer ....................         :   mophie LLC

 Address ..............................    :   6244 Technology Ave. Kalamazoo, Michigan United States

 Product Name ....................         :   mophie charge force powerstation

 Model No. ...........................     :   PWRSTION-WRLS

 Standards...........................      :   FCC Part 15 subpart C

 Date of Receipt sample ....               :   Jul. 14, 2016

 Date of Test .......................      :   Nov. 15 – 23, 2016

 Date of Issue ......................      :   Jan. 04, 2017
 Test Result .........................     :   Pass

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested, this test report cannot be
 reproduced, except in full, without prior written permission of the company. The report would be invalid
 without specific stamp of test institute and the signatures of compiler and approver.

                                                Prepared By:
                                   Waltek Services (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
      Address: 1/F., Fukangtai Building, West Baima Road, Songgang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen,
                                             Guangdong, China
                                           Tel :+86-755-83551033

         Compiled by:                                                         Approved by:

         Zero Zhou / Project Engineer                                         Philo Zhong / Manager

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http://www.waltek.com.cn                                       Page 1 of 24

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2    Test Summary
                   Test Items                Test Requirement   Result

              Conducted Emissions                  15.207       PASS

          Radiated Spurious Emissions              15.209       PASS
              Occupied Bandwidth                   15.205       PASS
              Antenna Requirement                  15.203       PASS

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3     Contents
1    COVER PAGE ...................................................................................................................................... 1

2    TEST SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 2

3    CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

4    GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 4
     4.1          GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF E.U.T........................................................................................................ 4
     4.2          DETAILS OF E.U.T. ................................................................................................................................ 4
     4.3          TEST FACILITY ....................................................................................................................................... 4
5    EQUIPMENT USED DURING TEST ............................................................................................................. 5
     5.1          EQUIPMENTS LIST ................................................................................................................................. 5
     5.2          DESCRIPTION OF SUPPORT UNITS ........................................................................................................ 5
     5.3          MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY.............................................................................................................. 6
     5.4          TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION ........................................................................................................... 6
6    CONDUCTED EMISSION ............................................................................................................................... 7
     6.1          E.U.T. OPERATION ............................................................................................................................... 7
     6.2          EUT SETUP ........................................................................................................................................... 7
     6.3          MEASUREMENT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 7
     6.4          CONDUCTED EMISSION TEST RESULT .................................................................................................. 8
7    RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS .......................................................................................................... 10
     7.1          EUT OPERATION ................................................................................................................................. 10
     7.2          TEST SETUP ........................................................................................................................................ 11
     7.3          SPECTRUM ANALYZER SETUP ............................................................................................................ 12
     7.4          TEST PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 12
     7.5          SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................................. 13
8    BANDWIDTH MEASUREMENT................................................................................................................... 14
     8.1          TEST PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................... 14
     8.2          TEST RESULT/PLOT: .......................................................................................................................... 14
9    ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ......................................................................................................................... 15

10   PHOTOGRAPHS- PWRSTION-WRLS TEST SETUP .............................................................................. 16
     10.1         RADIATION EMISSION TEST SETUP ..................................................................................................... 16
     10.2         PHOTOGRAPH – CONDUCTED EMISSION TEST SETUP ....................................................................... 17
11   PHOTOGRAPHS - CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS ................................................................................. 18
     11.1         PWRSTION-WRLS - APPEARANCE VIEW ........................................................................................ 18
     11.2         PWRSTION-WRLS - INTERNAL VIEW ............................................................................................. 21

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4       General Information

4.1 General Description of E.U.T.
        Product Name:                  mophie charge force powerstation
        Model No.:                     PWRSTION-WRLS
        Model Difference:              N/A
        Type of Modulation:             ASK
        Frequency Range:               0.112~0.205MHz
        The Lowest Oscillator:         /

        Antenna installation:              Coil Antenna

4.2 Details of E.U.T.
        Technical Data:                : Input:5V         1.5A
                                           Output (USB-A): 5V      2.1A;
                                           Wireless Output: 5W;
                                           Battery: 3.8V, 10000mAh, 38Wh

4.3 Test Facility
        The test facility has a test site registered with the following organizations:
       IC – Registration No.: 7760A-1
        Waltek Services (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. has been registered and fully described in a report filed with
        the Industry Canada. The acceptance letter from the Industry Canada is maintained in our files.
        Registration 7760A-1, October 15, 2015.
       FCC Test Site 1#– Registration No.: 880581
        Waltek Services(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a
        report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter from the
        FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 880581, April 29, 2014.
       FCC Test Site 2#– Registration No.: 328995
        Waltek Services(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a
        report filed with the (FCC) Federal Communications Commission. The acceptance letter from the
        FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 328995, December 3, 2014.

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        5       Equipment Used during Test
        5.1 Equipments List
Conducted Emissions Test Site 1#
 Item           Equipment            Manufacturer        Model No.      Serial No.     Calibration
                                                                                                          Due Date
  1.         EMI Test Receiver           R&S               ESCI          100947       Sep.12, 2016       Sep.11, 2017
  2.               LISN                  R&S              ENV216         101215       Sep.12, 2016       Sep.11, 2017
  3.              Cable                  Top           TYPE16(3.5M)          -        Sep.12, 2016       Sep.11, 2017

3m Semi-anechoic Chamber for Radiation Emissions Test site 2#
 Item           Equipment            Manufacturer        Model No.      Serial No     Calibration
                                                                                                          Due Date
  1            Test Receiver              R&S              ESCI          101296       Apr.13, 2016       Apr.12, 2017
  2         Active Loop Antenna      Beijing Dazhi       ZN30900A           -         Oct.17, 2016       Oct.16, 2017
             Trilog Broadband
  3                                SCHWARZBECK           VULB9160       9160-3325     Apr.09, 2016       Apr.08, 2017
  4               Amplifier            ANRITSU           MH648A          M43381       Apr.13, 2016       Apr.12, 2017
  5              Amplifier         pirection systems     PAP-0203        22024        Sep.12, 2016       Sep.11, 2017
  6               Cable            HUBER+SUHNER            CBL2          525178       Apr.13, 2016       Apr.12, 2017
RF Conducted Testing
 Item           Equipment            Manufacturer        Model No.      Serial No.    Calibration
                                                                                                          Due Date
              EMC Analyzer
  1.                                    Agilent           E7405A       MY45114943     Sep.15,2016        Sep.14,2017
            Spectrum Analyzer
  2.                                     R&S               FSL6          100959       Sep.15,2016        Sep.14,2017
              Signal Analyzer
  3.                                    Agilent           N9010A       MY50520207     Sep.15,2016        Sep.14,2017
  4.        Humidity Chamber              GF           GTH-225-40-1P IAA061213        Sep.15,2016        Sep.14,2017

        5.2 Description of Support Units
                     Equipment                 Manufacturer            Model No.               Series No.
                                         SHENZHEN HONOR
                 SWITCH ADAPTER           ELECTRONIC CO.,                                            -
                    Mobile Phone                SAMSUNG              GALAXY S6 Edge                  -

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5.3 Measurement Uncertainty

             Test Item                Frequency Range             Uncertainty            Note

       Conducted Emissions             150kHz~30MHz                3.64dB                (1)
        Radiated Spurious
                                      30MHz~1000MHz                5.03dB                (1)
     (1)This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95%
       confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

5.4 Test Equipment Calibration
      All the test equipments used are valid and calibrated by CEPREI Certification Body that
      address is No.110 Dongguan Zhuang RD. Guangzhou, P.R.China.

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6     Conducted Emission

      Test Requirement:               FCC CFR 47 Part 15 Section 15.207
      Test Method:                    ANSI C63.10:2013
      Test Result:                    PASS
      Frequency Range:                150kHz to 30MHz
      Class/Severity:                 Class B
      Limit:                          66-56 dBV between 0.15MHz & 0.5MHz
                                      56 dBV between 0.5MHz & 5MHz
                                      60 dBV between 5MHz & 30MHz
      Detector:                       Peak for pre-scan (9kHz Resolution Bandwidth)

6.1 E.U.T. Operation
     Operating Environment :
     Temperature:                     25.5 C
     Humidity:                        51 % RH
     Atmospheric Pressure:            101.2kPa
     EUT Operation :
     The test was performed in Charging mode, the test data were shown in the report.

6.2 EUT Setup
      The EUT was placed on the test table in shielding room.


                             EUT                                   Receiver     PC System




                                                                          :50 Terminator

6.3 Measurement Description
     The maximised peak emissions from the EUT was scanned and measured for both the Live and
     Neutral Lines. Quasi-peak & average measurements were performed if peak emissions were within
     6dB of the average limit line.

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6.4 Conducted Emission Test Result

      Live line:

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    Neutral line:

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7     Radiated Spurious Emissions
      Test Requirement:                 FCC CFR47 Part 15 Section 15.209
      Test Method:                      ANSI C63.10:2013
      Test Result:                      PASS
      Measurement Distance:             3m
      FCC Part15 Paragraph 15.209
                              Field Strength           Field Strength Limit at 3m Measurement Dist
           (MHz)             uV/m                            uV/m                    dBuV/m
       0.009 ~ 0.490      2400/F(kHz)        300      10000 * 2400/F(kHz)      20log(2400/F(kHz)) + 80
       0.490 ~ 1.705   24000/F(kHz)            30     100 * 24000/F(kHz)      20log(24000/F(kHz)) + 40
         1.705 ~ 30           30               30           100 * 30              20log(30) + 40
           30 ~ 88           100                3             100                    20log(100)
          88 ~ 216           150                3             150                    20log(150)
         216 ~ 960           200                3             200                    20log(200)
         Above 960           500                3             500                    20log(500)

7.1 EUT Operation

     Operating Environment :
     Temperature:                     23.5 C
     Humidity:                        51.1 % RH
     Atmospheric Pressure:            101.2kPa
     EUT Operation :
     The test was performed in Wireless output mode, the test data were shown in the report.

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7.2 Test Setup
      The radiated emission tests were performed in the 3m Semi- Anechoic Chamber test site, using the
      setup accordance with the ANSI C63.10: 2013.

      The test setup for emission measurement below 30MHz.

              Semi-anechoic 3m Chamber
              Turn Table From 0°to 360°


                            Turn Table

                                  PC              Spectrum            AMP          Combining
                                System            Analyzer                          Network

      The test setup for emission measurement from 30 MHz to 1 GHz.

              Semi-anechoic 3m Chamber
              Antenna Elevation Varies From 1 to 4 m
              Turn Table From 0°to 360°


           0.8m             Turn Table

                                 PC              Spectrum             AMP         Combining
                               System            Analyzer                          Network

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7.3 Spectrum Analyzer Setup

          Below 30MHz
                           Sweep Speed .............................................. Auto
                           IF Bandwidth ................................................ 10kHz
                           Video Bandwidth.......................................... 10kHz
                           Resolution Bandwidth.................................. 10kHz
          30MHz ~ 1GHz
                           Sweep Speed .............................................. Auto
                           Detector ..................................................... PK
                           Resolution Bandwidth .................................. 100kHz
                           Video Bandwidth.......................................... 300kHz
7.4 Test Procedure
      1. The EUT is placed on a turntable, which is 0.8m above ground plane.
      2. The turntable shall be rotated for 360 degrees to determine the position of maximum emission
      3. EUT is set 3m away from the receiving antenna, which is moved from 1m to 4m to find out the
        maximum emissions. The spectrum was investigated from the lowest radio frequency signal
        generated in the device, without going below 9 kHz, up to the tenth harmonic of the highest
        fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz, whichever is lower.
      4. Maximum procedure was performed on the six highest emissions to ensure EUT compliance.
      5. And also, each emission was to be maximized by changing the polarization of receiving antenna
        both horizontal and vertical.
      6. Repeat above procedures until the measurements for all frequencies are complete.
      7. The radiation measurements are tested under 3-axes(X, Y, Z) position(X denotes lying on the
        table, Y denotes side stand and Z denotes vertical stand). After pre-test, It was found that the
        worse radiation emission was get at the X position. So the data shown was the X position only.

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    7.5 Summary of Test Results
            Test Frequency: 9KHz ~ 30MHz
               Measurement                     Correct   Extrapolation
                                   Detector                                    results         Limits    Margin
 Frequency       results                        factor       factor
                   dBμV                                                         dBμV/m         dBμV/m
                                   PK/QP        dB/m            dB                                         dB
                   @3m                                                          @300m          @300m

    0.134          70.81             QP         20.74        80.00               11.55          25.33     -13.78

    0.268          21.98             QP         20.20        40.00               2.18           29.54     -27.36

            Test Frequency : 30MHz ~ 1GHz

                                       Turn       RX Antenna                                    FCC Part 15. 209
             Receiver                                                Corrected     Corrected
Frequency               Detector       table
             Reading                                                  Factor      Amplitude
                                      Angle     Height     Polar                                Limit   Margin

                        (PK/QP                                                                  (dBμV
 (MHz)        (dBμV)                  Degree      (m)      (H/V)         (dB)      (dBμV/m)               (dB)
                           /Ave)                                                                 /m)
  34.22        32.51       QP           17        2.0       H         -14.30        18.21       40.00    -21.79
  34.22        34.47       QP          241        1.3       V         -14.30        20.17       40.00    -19.83
 220.34        37.16       QP          186        1.2       H         -13.58        23.58       46.50    -22.92
 220.34        42.21       QP          187        1.6       V         -13.58        28.63       46.50    -17.87
 519.67        37.73       QP           75        1.9       H          -5.63        32.10       46.50    -14.40
 519.67        43.58       QP          212        1.5       V          -5.63        37.95       46.50    -8.55

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8     Bandwidth Measurement
      Test Requirement:                               FCC CFR47 Part 15 Section 15.205
8.1 Test Procedure

      1. The transmitter shall be operated at its maximum carrier power measured under normal test
      2. The span of the analyzer shall be set to capture all products of the modulation process,including
        the emission skirts.
      3. The resolution bandwidth (RBW) shall be in the range of 1% to 5% of the occupied bandwidth
        (OBW) and video bandwidth (VBW) shall be approximately 3x RBW.
8.2 Test Result/Plot:

                      Test Channel(kHz)                             99% Bandwidth(Hz)
                           134.07                                        86.228

      Test result plot as follows:

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9     Antenna Requirement
      According to the FCC Part 15 Paragraph 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure
      that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The
      use of a permanently attached antenna to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to
      comply with the provisions of this section. This product has a permanent Coil antenna, fulfill the
      requirement of this section

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10 Photographs- PWRSTION-WRLS Test Setup
10.1   Radiation Emission Test Setup

                                      Below 30MHz at Test Site 2#

                                From 30MHz to 1GHz at Test Site 2#

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10.2   Photograph – Conducted Emission Test Setup
                                  Conducted Emissions Test Site 1#

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11 Photographs - Constructional Details
11.1   PWRSTION-WRLS - Appearance View

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11.2   PWRSTION-WRLS - Internal View

                                                       Coil antenna

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                                      ======End of Report======

Waltek Services (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.

Document Created: 2017-12-20 08:01:26
Document Modified: 2017-12-20 08:01:26

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