ACSS TSOA application letter to FAA LAACO


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e                                                                    iR        Transport Airplane Directorate
U.S. Department                                                                Los Angeles Aircraft
of Transportation                                                              Certification Office
Federal Aviation                                                               3960 Paramount Boulevard
Administration                                                                 Lakewood, California, 907124137

 APR 1 7 2014
 Ref: 130L—14—114

 Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems
  ATTN: Philig Heinicke
 19810 North 7" Avenue
 Phoenix, AZ 85027—4400

                        Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems (ACSS)
                               NXT Release 1 Transponder Configuration,
                              Technical Standard Order C112d and C166b

Dear Mr. Heinicke:

This is in reply to your letter dated April 03, 2014 requesting approval of a Technical Standard Order
(TSO) authorization for NXT Release 1 Transponder configuration. We accept your statement
certifying your article meets the requirements of TSO—C112d, C166b and that you meet the
requirements of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations part 21 subpart 0. Effective the date of this
letter, we authorize you to identify the following NXT Release 1 Transponder configuration with the
marking requirements defined in 14 CFR § 45.15(b) in TSO—C112d and C166b.

 Part Number           End Item Drawing        S/W Mod Level       H/W Mod Level                      TsO
                                                                                          TSO—C112d (Level
                                                                                          3adens, Class 1) &
9006000—55000        9006000—55000, Rev A             «                    —               TSO—C166b (Class
                                                                                          A3 Transmit Only)

Your Quality Control Systems, as defined in your Quality Control Manual, currently on file at
the Phoenix Manufacturing Inspection District Office, is considered satisfactory and complies
with CFR § 21.607 for production of this article at your Phoenix, AZ 85027, facility.

As required by the TSO, the following statement must be furnished with each manufactured

"The conditions and tests required for TSO approval of this article are minimum performance
standards. It is the responsibility of those installing this article either on or within a specific type or
class aircraft to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO standards. TSO
articles must have separate approval for installation in an aircraft. The article may be installed only if
performed under 14 CFR part 43 or the applicable airworthiness requirements".

 This letter also constitutes a deviation approval for the following:

     (1) TSO—C166b: Section 4(a)(b)(e) Marking Requirements

     (2) TSO—C112d and TSO—C166b: DO—160G, Section 21.5 Radiated RF Emissions

 This TSO authorization, issued under 14 CFR § 21.611, is effective until surrendered, withdrawn or
 otherwise terminated under the provisions of 14 CFR § 21.613. With notice, we may withdraw this
 TSO authorization if articles are not in compliance with the applicable TSO performance standards per
 14 CFR § 21.2.

 You must obtain FAA approval prior to making any changesto the location of your manufacturing
 facilities pursuant to 14 CFR § 21.609(b).

Without further FAA approval, we don‘t allow manufacturers to mark articles after they change their
company‘s name, address, or ownership. You must notify the ACO and MIDO of name, address, or
proposed ownership changes.

Per 14 CFR 21.614, a holder of a TSOA may not transferit. If you wish to transfer it, you must request
a transfer from the FAA.

Send to the office below any design change(s) for this TSO article as outlined in 14 CFR 21.619(a).
You should notify us of minor design changes within six months.

Also, as recipient of this authorization, we require you to report any failure, malfunction, or defect
relating to articles produced under this authorization in accordance with the provisions of 14 CFR 21.3.
The report should be communicated initially by telephone to the Supervisor, Technical and
Administrative Support Staff, ANM—103L, (562) 627—5300, within 24 hours after it has been
determined the failure has occurred and followed up with a written notice. Federal Aviation
Administration Form 8010—4 (Malfunction or Defect Report) or other appropriate formatis acceptable
in transmitting the required details.

Please note that technical data the FAA retains may be subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
requests. This office will notify you of any request(s) pertaining to your data and give you the
opportunity to protect the data from public disclosure.

If you have any questions regarding this authorization, please contact Mr. Jen Pei, Project Manager, by
telephone at (562) 627—5320, by e—mail at, or by fax at (562) 627—5210.


Haifa Haj—Eid
Supervisor, Technical and Administrative
Support Staff

                     Federal Aviation

 Memorandum                                                                                           |
Peis:             APR 11 2014
To:            Alan Shinseki, Manager, Systems and Equipment Branch, ANM—130L                 _

From:          Richard Jennings, Manager, Systems and Equipment Standards Branch, AIR—130/

Prepared by: Dara Gibson, Aerospace Engineer, Systems Integration Section, AIR—134

CC:           Haifa Haj—Eid, Supervisor, Technical and Administrative Support Staff,
              Jen Pei, Systems and Equipment Branch, ANM—1 30L
Subject:      Response to Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems®‘ (ACSS) deviation
              request to TSO—C112d and —C166b for their NTX Release 1 Transponders
              P/N 9006000—55000( )

This is in response to your memorandum, dated March 28, 2014, requesting approval for ACSS
to deviate from the following TSOs:

TSO—C112d 4ir Traffic Control Radar Beacon System/Mode Select (ATCRBS/Mode S)
          Airborne Equipment, and
TSO—C166b Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast (ADS—B) and
          Traffic Information Service— Broadcast (TIS—B) Equipment Operating on the               |
             Radio Frequency of1090 Megahertz (MHz).

This office concurs with this request as indicated in the attached Table 1. If you have any
questions regarding this memorandum, please contact John D. Fisher at (202) 385—4948.

                                                           Table 1— Deviation Response

        1TSO—C112d, Section      For DO—160G, Section 21.5 "Emission of RF Energy", Category M was identified as the                 Concur with the ELOS
        3.d. for compliance to   appropriate category. This deviation would be for the RF radiated emissions to exceed the           provided by ACSS.
        [RTCA/DO—160G for        |Category M requirementfor the RF radiated emission limit in the following frequency bands:         Provide the
         environmental                      .                       P            ;                   td                              exceedance in the
         qualification.          2180MHz + 78MHz (2nd Transmitter Harmonic) Exceeds Cat M limits by 270B                             Enstallstion manual
                                                             &           s                 td                                        and the guidance for
                                 4360MHz + 78MHz (4th Transmitter Harmonic) Exceeds Cat M limits by 5dB                              the installer to verify
                                                             4           x                 Ees                                       non—interference with
                                 5450MHz + 78MHz (5th Transmitter Harmonic) Exceeds Cat M limits by 10dB                             other avionice systems

                                  Equivalent Level of Safety (ELOS) summary:                                                         forthose Fequencies.
                                  *      Meets DO—181E spectrum reply bounds
                                  e      There are no defined aeronautical safety related operations utilizing these frequencies.
                                  e      For this deviation, the NXT Installation Manual will direct the installer to specifically
                                           verify non—interference with other avionics systems for these frequencies.
TSO—     TSO—C166b, Section 3. |[DO—160G was used for environmental testing to show compliance to the DO—260B Section 2.3 \Granted   |Concur with the ELOS
C166b    d. for compliance to the [requirements. For DO—160G, Section 21.5 "Emission of RF Energy", Category M was                   provided by ACSS.
         RTCA/DO—260B             identified as the appropriate category. This deviation would be for the RF radiated emissions to   Provide the
         Paragraph 2.3            exceed the Category M requirementforthe RF radiated emission limit in the following                exceedance in the
         requirements for         frequency bands:                                                                                   installation manual
         ;‘;‘;gg“c::;x‘]         2180MHz + 78MHz (2nd Transmitter Harmonic) Exceeds Cat M limits by 274B                             and the guidance for
                                                                                                                                     the installer to verify
                                                                                                                                     non—interference with
                                 4360MHz * 78MHz (dth Transmitter Harmonic) Exceeds Cat M limits by 5dB
                                                                                                                                     other avionics systems
                                                                                                                                     for those frequencies.
                                 5450MHz + 78MHz (5th Transmitter Harmonic) Exceeds Cat M limits by 10dB

                                 Equivalent Level of Safety (ELOS) summary:
                                 *      Meets DO—181E spectrum reply bounds (per DO—260B)
                                 e      There are no defined aeronautical safety related operations utilizing these frequencies.
                                 *      For this deviation, the NXT Installation Manual will direct the installer to specifically
                                          verify non—interference with other avionics systemsfor these frequencies.

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Document Created: 2014-07-15 11:01:53
Document Modified: 2014-07-15 11:01:53

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