Change Impact Analysis


Operational Description

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                                  LYNX HARDWARE CHANGE IMPACT ANALYSIS (HCIA)
                                       FOR POWER AMPLIFIER & RF SWITCH UPDATES
Aviation Communication and
   Surveillance Systems
CAGE Code          Initial Release Date             Revision Date                    Document Number   Revision
 1WYD3               07-Mar-2019                  27-Aug-2019                          8210332-001        A

                                               Proprietary Notice
              This document and the information disclosed herein are proprietary data of Aviation
            Communication & Surveillance Systems, LLC. Neither this document nor the information
             contained herein shall be reproduced, used, or disclosed to others without the written
                    authorization of Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems, LLC.

              Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552) and Disclosure of Confidential Information
                                          Generally (18 USC 1905)
                This document is being furnished in confidence by Aviation Communication and
             Surveillance Systems, LLC. The information disclosed herein falls within exemption (b)
                            (4) of 5 USC 552 and the prohibitions of 18 USC 1905.

                                                  Export Notice
            This technical data is controlled under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and
             may not be exported to a Foreign Person, either in the U.S. or abroad, without proper
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                          Copyright 2019 Aviation Communication and Surveillance Systems, LLC.
                                                   All Rights Reserved.

     Doc Number         Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                            Revision
     8210332-001         For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                              A

                               Record of Revisions
Rev          Date      Authorization           Description of Change
 -       07-Mar-2019   ECR018849               Initial Release
                                                    Changed document to reflect new FCC-driven
                                                    creation of 9001305-002 for the STAC1011-350B
A        19-Aug-2019   ECR018849
                                                    power amplifier and Mod C. Updated ACSS logo on
                                                    title page.

         ACSS           Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the     RR-1
                                       proprietary notice on the title page.

        Doc Number                            Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                                               Revision
        8210332-001                            For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                                                 A

                                                           Table of Contents
1  INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 2
 1.1    Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 2
 1.2    Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 2
 1.3    Description of Equipment ............................................................................................................... 2
 1.4    Referenced Documents .................................................................................................................. 5
 1.5    Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 7
2 CCA DESIGN UPDATE ......................................................................................................................... 8
 2.1    Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 8
 2.2    Description of Hardware Changes .................................................................................................. 8
   2.2.1     Power Amplifier ....................................................................................................................... 9
   2.2.2     RF Switch updates ................................................................................................................ 10
3 CHANGE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................... 15
 3.1    Complex Electronic Hardware Changes....................................................................................... 15
 3.2    Software Changes ........................................................................................................................ 15
 3.3    Failure Functional Analysis ........................................................................................................... 15
 3.4    TSO Change Impact Analysis ...................................................................................................... 15
 3.5    Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 15
4 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION TESTING ................................................................................ 16
END OF DOCUMENT ................................................................................................................................. 17

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                                                              proprietary notice on the title page.

       Doc Number                       Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                                    Revision
       8210332-001                       For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                                      A

                                                     Table of Figures
Figure 1-1: NGT-9000 Platform Hardware Block Diagram ........................................................................... 4
Figure 1-2: RF Transmitter / Receiver Block Diagram .................................................................................. 4
Figure 2-1: Power Amplifier Schematic Excerpt ......................................................................................... 10
Figure 2-2: Schematic Excerpt, Transmitter Self-test Signal Routing......................................................... 11
Figure 2-3: Schematic Excerpt, Transmitter Feedback or Receiver Self-test ............................................. 11

            ACSS                         Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the              TF-1
                                                        proprietary notice on the title page.

       Doc Number                         Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                                      Revision
       8210332-001                         For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                                        A

                                                       Table of Tables
Table 1-1: Summary of Hardware Modifications ........................................................................................... 2
Table 1-2: Lynx Hardware LRUs Affected .................................................................................................... 2
Table 1-3: Referenced Industry Documents ................................................................................................. 5
Table 1-4: Referenced ACSS Documents .................................................................................................... 6
Table 1-5: Acronyms and Abbreviations ....................................................................................................... 7
Table 2-1: Datasheet Specification Comparison ........................................................................................ 13
Table 2-2: 9002396-001 Switching Speed over Temperature. ................................................................... 14
Table 4-1: Summary of Environmental Test Conditions ............................................................................. 16

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                                                         proprietary notice on the title page.

            Doc Number              Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                             Revision
            8210332-001              For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                               A


1.1         Purpose

This Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA) documents the hardware modifications, summarized in
Table 1-1, due to long lead times and/or obsolescence.

Table 1-1: Summary of Hardware Modifications

    No.       Assembly                       Description of Modification
    1         Circuit Card Assembly –        P/N 9020020-003 is revised to allow using the 9002396-001
              NGT-9000D+                     HMC284 RF switch in place of the 9000783-001 AS186-302LF RF
                                             switch. The new switch has one less ground connection, but is
                                             otherwise physically equivalent and functionally has negligible
    2         Transistor, RF, High Power,    Replaced P/N 9001305-001 with the 9001305-002 STAC1011-
              LDMOS                          350B. The original part is the STAC1011-350A. Both parts use
                                             the same die, but the manufacturer changed the package, lead
                                             frame, and lead plating to address manufacturing yield and
                                             obsolescence issues. The 9001305-002 part number results from
                                             the need to identify LRUs with MOD C, not from any significant
                                             difference between the STAC1011-350A and STAC1011-350B.

Table 1-2: Lynx Hardware LRUs Affected

        Part Number           Hardware Mod            Input Power            Unit Size           Affected CCAs
        9200-17000-01               C                       DC             Panel Mount             9020020-003,
        9200-17500-01               C                       DC                                     9020020-003,

All design changes were analyzed for impact to each applicable TSO. The engineering analysis
categorizes the impacts to each TSO as one of the following (per 14 CFR 21.619):

             Minor Impact - the applicable change has a minor impact on the TSO function. It does not
              require a major reevaluation of the substantiation data to demonstrate compliance to the TSO
             Major impact - the applicable change has a major impact on the TSO function and does require
              a major reevaluation of the substantiation data to demonstrate compliance to the TSO

1.2         Scope

This HCIA applies to the Lynx product line, and provides justification for the Major/Minor TSO change
classification of the hardware modification.

1.3         Description of Equipment

The LYNX Platform hardware was developed by Aviation Communications and Surveillance Systems
(ACSS) in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. A top-level, hardware block diagram of the Lynx Platform hardware is

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                                                   proprietary notice on the title page.

        Doc Number                                           Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                                                                         Revision
        8210332-001                                           For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                                                                           A

shown in Figure 1-1. An additional block diagram detailing the functions specific to the RF processing is
shown in Figure 1-2 because this diagram explicitly shows the coaxial interfaces to the antennas.

The following CCAs are used for implementing the functions:

          Circuit Card Assembly –NGT-9000D+

This single Circuit Card Assembly provides the internal signal routing to all internal assemblies within the
LRU, the display (if installed), and to the external connector. This assembly includes the 12-28VDC
power supply input filtering and conversion to regulated outputs.

The CCA Assembly also hosts the application software and contains all of the hardware for RF and I/O
processing. This includes interfacing with an optional UAT/GPS receiver that is unaffected by current
changes to the CCA Assembly.

Additionally, the CCA Assembly contains the circuitry to process both received and transmitted 1030MHz
and 1090MHz RF signals. Received 1030MHz and 1090MHz signals are converted to a filtered
intermediated frequency and routed to A/D converters for digitization and processing. The transmitter RF
circuitry up-converts, filters, and amplifies the modulated signal provided by the digital circuitry via a D/A

POWER SUPPLY                                                                         DC-DC                        DC-DC
                                                      +14V Power Interrupt                                                          +8V
                                                                                      Buck                         Buck
   A/C Power       EMI/Surge      DC-DC                                              DC-DC                        DC-DC           PA +36V
                                                              +17V                               +34V
   12-28VDC         Protect     Buck/Boost                                           Boost                        Boost            7000uf

                                                                                                                  DC-DC            -52V
                                                                                                                  Boost           PA +28V
                                                                DC-DC         +5V
                                                                                             DC-DC                                 1000uf
                                                                 Buck        +3.3V                       +1.0V FPGA
                                                                                                                                                                                            SUPPRESSION BUFFER                         1
                                                                 Buck                        DC-DC
                                                                                                         +1.8V FPGA                                                                                RS-232 OUTPUT                       2
                                                                DC-DC         +12V
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RS-232 INPUT                        3
                                                               Buck/Inv       -12V
                                                                                             Switch       +3.3V I/O
                                                                                                                                                                                                A429 OUTPUT DEI1072                    1
                                                                                                                                                                                                A429 INPUT DEI1044-G                   4
RF BLOCK DIAGRAM                                                                ARTIX
                                                                                100T                                                                                                               DISC OUTPUT                         6
  RF I/O                                  PIN                TX_PIN_TOP
                                         DIODE               RX_PIN_TOP
  SWITCH                                                     TX_PIN_BOT
                                                                                                                                                                                                    DISC INPUTS                        17
                                                                                                                                                                                                        RS-422 I/O                     1
                                          ADC_MUX_CNTL                                                            ADMUX
  RF SELF-TEST                             ADC SPI BUS
                                           TX SELF-TEST
                                          FWD_PWR_SEL                                                                                  ANALOG
                                                                                                                      ANALOG PS
  TX                                      TX_BEARING CAL
  MODULATION                              TX_D/A BUS
                                             144MHz                                                                               PROCESSOR                      TPS65951                 26MHz
                                OSC                                                                                                 AM-3715
                                                BUFFER                                                   GPMC BUS                               I2C (CONTROL)                             XTAL
  POWER                                              TX_EN                                                                                      McBSP (AUDIO)                              KHz
                                            CURRENT_SENSE_ENABLE                                 eMMC Memory           MMC
  AMPLIFIER                                 DAC SPI BUS                                            4GBytes                                      USB ULPI 12W
                                                                                                                                                                                   AUDIO                                             600 OHM
                                                                                                                                                                                                          AUDIO AMP
  LOCAL                                   LO TUNING BUS                                                16KB                                                                       USB OTG
  OSCILLATOR                            64MHZ

                                OSC                                                                   512MB           SDRAM
                               64MHz                           64MHZ FPGA                             SDRAM            BUS
                                                                                                                                                       I2C       I2C BUFFER                                 DCM

     LTC2293 A/D
                                        TOP 1090 A/D BUS
     TOP RX                                                                                                                                                     RS-232 RX / TX                     RS-232 MAINT #1
                                        TOP 1030 A/D BUS

                                                                                                                                                                RS-232 RX / TX                     RS-232 MAINT #2
  BOT RX /FRONT                             RX_TR_L
  END                                                                                                 VIDEO BUS                                                   4 WIRE RES
                                           BOT/SUM RX                                                                                                SPI        TOUCH SCREEN
     LTC2293 A/D
     TOP RX                             BOT 1090 A/D BUS
                                        BOT 1030 A/D BUS

                                                                                                                        VIDEO BUS 1 (400X240)
                                                                                                                        VIDEO BUS 2 (400X240)                                      1200 R               Mode ALT

                                                                                                                                                                                                     ADS-B ON                  2nm

                                            LVDS BUS                                                                  LCD BACKLIGHT CONTROL                                        PALT 13000 ft
    RX CCA                                GPS TIME MARK                                                                                                                            ID N333TL             TAS ABV         -08
                                                                                                                                                                                    0       1       2         3      4         5        6      7

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                                                                            proprietary notice on the title page.

        Doc Number                                                     Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                                                                                                                          Revision
        8210332-001                                                     For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                                                                                                                            A

Figure 1-1: NGT-9000 Platform Hardware Block Diagram

                                                                                                                                 916MHz -5dBm                                         LOCAL OSCILLATOR – 1204MHz                                              916MHz
 TOP ANTENNA                                                                                                                                                  0dB              916MHz +5dBm                                                                   +13dBm
                                                                                                                                                                                                        5dB                                          0dB                     -7dBm
 OMNI   SKYWATCH                                                                                                                TOP 1030
                                                                                                                                                                                       TX LO                                                                                                    LO TUNING
                                                                                                                                             0dB                                                                                                                               Synthesizer/
                                                                                                                                                                          (RES)                                                         Splitter                RF                              BUS
                                                                                                                                TOP 1090                                                                                                GP2S1+                 Amp
                                                                                                                                                                                             SPLITTER            RF Switch                                                      ADF4360-6             64MHz
                                                                                                                                                                                               (RES)             AS186-302                              ABA-53563
                                                                                                                                BOT 1030                                                                                                                G=21.5dB
                                                                                                                                             0dB                                                                                                        P1dB=15dBm
                                                                                                                                                                          (RES)                                                 RX_MIXER_EN
                      9dB                                                                                                       BOT 1090

                               RF SELF-TEST                                                                                                                                                  ß +0dBm
                                                                                                                                                                                             à +25dBm
                                 10dB                  FWD_PWR_SEL
                                        ß -20dBm                                                                          ADC_MUX_CNTL                                   ß +0 to -11dBm                  TX BEARING_CAL               TX SELF-TEST
                                        à +25dBm                                                    9dB   9dB                                                            à +18dBm
               ANTENNA                                                                                                                                 AD7276AYRA                                                                                          9000 BASE
               CAL                                 RF SWITCH                                                       Log                                                                                  RF Switch                  RF Switch
                                                     13290-                                                        AMP                     4-1 MUX             12bit     ADC SPI                        AS186-302                  AS186-302
                                                     313LF                                                                                  DG203               A/D       BUS
        SUM   DELTA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        9000D+

                                                                                            POWER AMPLIFIER                                                                   TX                                                                                     4dB
                                                                                                   +36V                             +28V                                      MODULATION                TX SELF-TEST         1030/1090_CNTRL                                               1030/1090_CNTRL
               RF I/O                                                                                               AD8216                              AD8216
               SWITCH                                                                                              I-SENSE                             I-SENSE
                                                                RX_PIN_TOP                                                                                                                                                                              1030MHz            1030MHz
                                                                                                                                                                                                    RF Switch                 RF         RF Switch                                    RF Switch

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CERAMIC            CERAMIC
                       20dB                                                                                                                                                             RF          AS186-302                AMP         AS186-302                   4dB              AS186-302
                                                                                                                I_SENSE_EN_L                       I_SENSE_EN_L
                                                        λ/4              λ/4                                                                                                                                             ABA-53563
                                                                                                                                                                                MGA-31389                                G=21dB
                                                                                                                                                                                                1090MHz +5dBm
                                        LPF                                                                                                                                     G=21dB                                   P1dB=15dBm
                                                   TX_PIN_TOP                                                                                                                                   1030MHz +8dBm                                           1090MHz            1090MHz
                                                                                                 LDMOS             LDMOS           LDMOS                                        P1dB=22dBm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SAW                SAW

                                                                                                                                                                                                    TX LO
                                                        λ/4              λ/4                STAC1011-350          PD57018-E       MW6S004NT1                                                                                          4dB               4dB                  3dB
                                                                                            G=15dB                G=16dB          G=18dB                                                                                                                                                             144MHz
                                        LPF                                                 @+55dBm               @+40dBm         @+24dBm
                                                                       TX_PIN_BOT                                                                                                                                  RF                                              RF

                                                                                                                  TX_EN           TX_EN                   TX_EN                                                   AMP                                             AMP
                                                                                                                                                                                 ADL-5350 250MHz LPF                   250MHz LPF           70MHz HPF
                                                                                                                                                                                           1 POLE LC          ABA-56563 1 POLE LC           2 POLE LC          ADA-4643
                                                                                                                                               QUAD 12-                          G=-7dB
                                                                                                                                                                                                              G=21dB                                           G=17dB               AD-9707 14b
                                                                                                                                               BIT DAC
                                                      RX_PIN_BOT                                                                                                    DAC SPI                                   P1dB=15dBm                                       P1dB=13dBm
                                                                                                                                               MAX5715                                                                                                                             114MHz (1090)
                                                                                                                                                                     BUS            1090MHz -5dBm                114MHz +5dBm                                   114MHz -5dBm       174MHz (1030)
                                                                                                                                                                                    1030MHz -3dBm                174MHz +2dBm                                   174MHz -9dBm

                                                                         TOP RX FRONT END                                                1090MHz ADS-B/TAS RECEIVER                                                                                                                        LTC2293
                                                                                         RX_TR_L                                                                                                                                                                                           (TOP RX)

                                                                               RF SWITCH                                                 1030MHz XPDR RECEIVER
                                                                                 13290-                              LNA

                   BOT RX FRONT END                                                                                                      1090MHz ADS-B/TAS RECEIVER                                               LT5525
                                              BOT/SUM RX                                             TEMP COMP PAD                                                                                                P1dB = 7dBm
                            1090MHz                                  RX_TR_L                                                                                    3dB                  3dB                      2dB G = -3dB   2dB
                                                                                           2dB          AN7-5N6
                                              RF SWITCH         RF SWITCH                                                                                                 RF                                                                RF
                                                                                                   RF                SPLITTER
                                                13290-            13290-           LNA                                                                                    AMP                                                               AMP
                                                                                                   AMP                GP2S1+                                                                                                                                                                        64MHz
                                                313LF             313LF
                                                                                                                                                1090MHz                                        1090MHz                                                  174MHz BPF
                                                                                                                                                                        ADA-4643                                                      ADA-4643
                                                                                 MGA-62563         ADA-4643                                       SAW                                            SAW                                                     2 POLE LC
                                                                                                                                                                        G=17dB                                                        G=17dB                                            LTC2293
                                                                                 G=16dB            G=17dB                                      IL = 4dB                 P1dB=13dBm                                916MHz LO
                                                                                 P1dB=7dBm         P1dB=13dBm                                                                                                                         P1dB=13dBm
                      1060/978MHz                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     12b
                       DIPLEXER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       A/D
                                                                                                                                         1030MHz XPDR RECEIVER
                                                                                                                                                                2dB                  4dB                   2dB      LT5525      2dB                                            ETC1-1-13

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            RF                                                        12b
                                                                       UAT/GPS RX CCA                                                                                     RF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            AMP                                                       A/D
                                                 UAT_RF                                                           LVDS BUS                                                AMP
                                                                                                                GPS TIME MARK                                                                                                                           114MHz BPF
                                                                                                                    +5VDC                          1030MHz              ADA-4643               1030MHz                                 ADA-4643
                                                   GPS_RF                                                                                                                                                                                                2 POLE LC             ETC1-1-13
                                                                                                                                                     SAW                G=17dB                   SAW                                   G=17dB
                Populate for 9000D, +, D+                                                                                                          IL = 4dB             P1dB=13dBm                                916MHz LO            P1dB=13dBm

Figure 1-2: RF Transmitter / Receiver Block Diagram

                ACSS                                                    Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the                                                                                                       Page 4
                                                                                       proprietary notice on the title page.

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      8210332-001          For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                              A

1.4   Referenced Documents

Table 1-3: Referenced Industry Documents

  Source    Document   Rev/Date        Description
  ARINC     429        1999            Mark 33 Digital Information Transfer System (DITS)
  ARINC     718A                       Mark IV Air Traffic Control Transponder (ATCRBS/Mode-S)
                       15, 2002
  ARINC     735B       12/14/2007      Traffic computer TCAS and ADS-B functionality
  RTCA      DO-160G    12/08/2010      Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne
  RTCA      DO-181E    03/17/2011      Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Air Traffic
                                       Control Radar Beacon System/Mode Select (ATCRBS/Mode
                                       S) Airborne Equipment
  RTCA      DO-229D    12/13/2006      Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Global
                                       Positioning System/Wide Area Augmentation System Airborne
  RTCA      DO-197A    09/12/1994      Minimum Operational Performance Standards for an Active
                                       Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (Active TCAS I)
  RTCA      DO-254     04/19/2000      Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware
  RTCA      DO-260B    12/02/2009      Minimum Operational Performance Standards for 1090 MHz
                                       Extended Squitter Automatic Dependent Surveillance –
                                       Broadcast (ADS-B) and Traffic Information Services –
                                       Broadcast (TIS-B)
  RTCA      DO-282B    12/2/2002       Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Universal
                                       Access Transceiver (UAT) automatic Dependent Surveillance
                                       Broadcast (ADS-B).

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Table 1-4: Referenced ACSS Documents

 Source   Document No.    Rev          Description
                                       NGT-9000 Environmental Qualification Evaluation Test Plan
 ACSS     8020130-006     -
                                       and Procedures
 ACSS     8020132-001     -            NGT-9000 FCC Test Plan and Procedures
                                       NGT-9000 FCC Test Plan and Procedures Power Amp
 ACSS     8020132-002     B
 ACSS     9000783-001     -            Switches, SPDT
 ACSS     9001305         C            350W LDMOS Transistor
 ACSS     9002396-001     -            Microcircuit, RF Switch, SPDT
 ACSS     9020020-003     G            Circuit Card Assembly – NGT 9000D+
 ACSS     9029000-20000   J            NGT-9000RD End Item Assembly
 ACSS     9029000-40000   J            NGT-9000D End Item Assembly
 ACSS     9200-17000-01   AG           Transponder Panel Mount With Diversity
 ACSS     9200-17500-01   R            Transponder Remote Mount With Diversity

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1.5   Acronyms and Abbreviations

Table 1-5: Acronyms and Abbreviations

 Acronym          Description
 AC               Alternating Current
 ACSS             Aviation Communication and Surveillance Systems
 ADS-B            Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
 AF               Audio Frequency
 ARINC            Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated
 CCA              Circuit Card Assembly
 CFR              Code of Federal Regulations
 DC               Direct Current
 ECR              Engineering Change Request
 EMI              Electromagnetic Interference
 EQT              Environmental Qualification Testing
 ESD              Electrostatic Discharge
 FCC              Federal Communications Commision
 HCIA             Hardware Change Impact Analysis
 kHz              Kilohertz
 LED              Light Emitting Diode
 LRU              Line Replaceable Unit
 MCU              Modular Concept Unit
 MHz              Megahertz
 Mod              Modification
 N/A              Not Applicable
 PSA              Power Supply Assembly
 PTT              Push to Talk
 P/N              Part Number
 RF               Radio Frequency
 RFA              Radio Frequency Transceiver Assembly
 RIA              Rear Interconnect Assembly
 RTCA             Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
 SW               Switch
 TPA              Transponder Processor Assembly
 TSO              Technical Standard Order
 VAC              Volts Alternating Current
 VDC              Volts Direct Current

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       8210332-001               For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                               A


2.1     Executive Summary

The manufacturer of the 9000783-001 RF switch, Skyworks Solutions Inc., notified ACSS in February
2018 that the RF switch would be discontinued, with the last shipment in March 2019. The switch
described by part number 9002396-001, made by Analog Devices under the HMC284AMS8G part
number, is appropriate for use in the same applications, and will be used to support future production.

In addition, the manufacturer of the 9001305-001 RF power amplifier, STMicroelectronics, notified ACSS
in January 2018 that they would be modifying the power amplifier packaging to address manufacturing
yield and obsolescence issues. They are not modifying the die used to create the amplifier. This new
version of the part is provided by the manufacturer as a form, fit, and function replacement for the power
amplifier, and will be used as part number 9001305-002.

Both devices have the same footprint as the parts they replace and are not anticipated to affect the
manufacturing process. Data provided by the manufacturers show equivalent performance, and
engineering evaluations have also been performed without demonstrated issues. The data indicates that
the component changes are low risk, but to ensure continued compliance with certification baselines
additional environmental testing will be performed.

The RF power amplifierchange is being implemented as Hardware MOD C due to FCC certification
considerations rather than any significant hardware impact. The original FCC certification has some
defects that, when combined with more recent guidance from the FCC, result in resubmitting for FCC
certification under a different FCC identifier.

2.2     FCC Considerations

The Lynx products were originally certified with data obtained via test procedure 8020132-001 and under
the FCC ID 2ACTZMSS90. Subsequent review of recent guidance updates provided by the FCC as well
as the original submittal revealed two issues:

      1) The submittal incorrectly identified the Lynx products as being Maritime Transponders.
      2) The FCC mandates that retested equipment can use the same identifiers as long as the test data
         matches the prior test results within 3dB. The prior test results incorrectly presented radiated
         emission levels at the noise floor and prevent subsequent test results from ever being within 3dB
         of the prior results.

To rectify the certification basis the Lynx products are being retested and will be resubmitted under the
FCC ID 2ACTZMSS9019. This change necessitates a change in the labels as well as a hardware
modification change to be able to track those LRUs covered by the new FCC ID. The label and
modification changes are instituted at the end item level described by part numbers 9029000-20000 and

Since the basis of recertification includes the new STAC1011-350B, the 9001305 document is updated to
describe the new part as the ACSS P/N 9001305-002. This new number causes revision of the 9020020-
003 CCA, which may then be used to validate and track those LRUs conforming to hardware modification

2.3     Description of Hardware Changes

The 9020020-003 bill of materials is revised to allow the use of the 9002396-001 in lieu of the 9000783-
001 RF switch. No changes to manufacturing processes or tests are required because the size, weight,

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     8210332-001                For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                              A

and construction are unaffected. No schematic or assembly documentation changes are required. The
affected reference designators are U17, U66, U68, U69, U70, and U71.

The update to the RF amplifier is accomplished by revising the 9001305 document to include the
9001305-002 component. The 9020020-003 CCA is then updated to use the 9001305-002 (STAC1011-
350B). The reference designator (Q73) and all assembly notes remain unchanged, only the parts list is

The 9020020-003 CCA is used by all versions of NGT-9000 LRUs, so updating the single CCA addresses
the component issues in all LRUs.

The specific function of the components at each reference designator is described in the following

2.3.1   Power Amplifier

The power amplifier, Q73, provides the final amplification of modulated 1030MHz and 1090MHz, TAS and
Transponder signals, to either the top or bottom antennas via PIN diode switches. The amplifier, shown
in schematic excerpt Figure 2-1, and does not result in any additional component changes or

STMicroelectronics Inc. provided information about the package changes as well as early issues with
oscillations in a document titled “STAC1011-350A Package Update5.pdf”, which is archived with this
document within AIM. Subsequently, STMicroelectronics provided environmental performance test data
on the updated component that included temperature, vibration, and shock testing on multiple samples in
the document “STAC1011-350B-STAC780-Final Reliability Report.pdf” which is also archived with this
document in AIM.

ACSS performed temperature testing using a hold-down mechanism which facilitated testing multiple
amplifiers. Since solder was not involved, the hold-down mounting allowed the devices to oscillate.
However, when mounted flush and with good CCA contact, the amplifiers met power and pulse fidelity
requirements over temperature. Test data describing these tests and the results are included with this
document in AIM in the document “Final Report on MLT PA Issues 2018.doc”.

The mechanical differences between the packages have been compared with no significant issues
found. The dimension differences are shown in the included document “NGT-9000 PA 9001305-001
Package Dimension Differences.xlsx”.

The Design For Manufacturing analysis by Manufacturing Engineering and TTE China did not reveal any
issues as shown in the email “RE: NGT-9000 PA 9001305-001 Package Dimension Differences.xlsx”,
also included in AIM.

          ACSS                 Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the    Page 9
                                              proprietary notice on the title page.

     Doc Number                 Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                             Revision
     8210332-001                 For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                               A

Figure 2-1: Power Amplifier Schematic Excerpt

2.3.2   RF Switch updates

The RF switches are used to for several functions including self-calibration, self-test, and controlling
signal filter paths.

U69 and U70, as shown in Figure 2-2, direct small signal RF to either the 1030MHz or 1090MHz
bandpass filters. These signals may be used for self-calibration, self-test, or for amplification and
transmission depending on the state as controlled by the FPGA. Key characteristics for each switch are
greater than 20dB isolation between the selected and unselected switch outputs so as to meet spectral
mask requirements (40dBc) and switching times less than 600ns to support DO-181E transponder reply
delay requirements.

U71 selects directing the filtered small signal RF to either be amplified for transmission or used for either
calibration or self-test. In LRUs without the TAS function enabled, the switch may be bypassed by the
resistors shown in the dashed-line squares because the 1030MHz transmissions are not needed. The
key characteristic for the switch are greater than 20dB isolation between the selected and unselected
switch output.

U68 directs self-test and calibration signals to either a 50ohm resistor or U17, the antenna Cal switch.
The key characteristic for the switch is isolation greater than 20dB, as this switch assists in preventing
undesired coupling to and from antenna ports.

U17 both isolates the self-test and transmitter filtering circuitry from the transmitter feedback signal while
transmitting as well as directing the self-test signals between the antenna calibration port or to the
receiver self-test switch. The key characteristics for the switch is isolation greater than 20dB.

The self-test switch, U66, directs the receiver self-test signals to either the top or the bottom antenna
inputs or, when transmitting, directs the transmitter forward power feedback signal from the correct
antenna. The key characteristic is switch isolation greater than 20dB to ensure that the correct
top/bottom path is used for both self-test and transmitter feedback.

The schematic excerpts for these switches are shown in both Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3.

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    8210332-001              For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                               A

Figure 2-2: Schematic Excerpt, Transmitter Self-test Signal Routing

Figure 2-3: Schematic Excerpt, Transmitter Feedback or Receiver Self-test

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     Doc Number               Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                            Revision
     8210332-001               For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                              A

A comparison of the manufacturer’s datasheet specifications as shown in Table 2-1 demonstrated that
the 9002396-01 meets or exceeds all of the stated specification except:

   1) Noise BW: This is irrelevant as all applications are both narrowband and near 1GHz.
   2) Isolation: The 9002396-001 has 9dB less isolation nominally, but has enough to ensure normal
      operation. This is demonstrated by failure-free operation over all the operating modes during
      temperature testing.
   3) Control voltage: The control voltage maximum is 1/2V lower than the 9000783-001, but as the
      switch is driven by signals derived from regulated 5V sources, the 67% derating is well within the
      desired 80% guidelines.
   4) Power input: The 9002396-001 maximum is 250mW (26dBm) vs 1000mW (30dBm) for the
      9000783-001. The component most at risk is U66 because it is closest to the signal path of the
      very high power transmitted signal. The switch is isolated from the transmitted signal by both the
      directional coupler (20dB isolation) and the resistive 14dB attenuator. Thus, to exceed
      250mW(26dBm), the transmitter would need to generate 26dBm + 20dB + 14dB = 60dBm
      (1000W). The power amplifier is only rated for 350W and is further isolated from the directional
      coupler by PIN diode switches and PCB losses. The reduction in maximum power handling
      capability still maintains high margins.
   5) The 9000783-001 component specifies the switch will operate at 3V, while the 9002396-001 does
      not specify a lower limit.

In addition, the manufacturer datasheet specifications were compared against design parameters used in
the transmitter design “budget”. The 9002396-001 will meet the budget values, in some cases with more
margin than the existing 9000783-001.

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     Doc Number                    Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                            Revision
     8210332-001                    For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                              A

                                   9000783-001                    9002396-001
                                   Skyworks                       ADI
                                   AS186-           TX
                                   302LF            Budget     HMC284AMS8
 Control Voltage (V)                            5            5          5
 Current (mA)
       Insertion Loss Nom. (dB)             -0.9          -0.8                  -0.5
     Insertion Loss Min at Cold
                           (dB)                           -0.7
      Insertion Loss Max at Hot
                           (dB)           -1.05             -1                  -0.6
                    NF nom (dB)                            0.8
                  NF T hot (dB)                              1
                  P-1 dB (dBm)                28            30                    28
             P-1 dB Cold (dBm)             28.5             30
              Output IP3 (dBm)                46            46                   49
                Noise BW (MHz)             4000          1000                  3500
           Switching Speed (ns)               50                                 20
                  Isolation (dB)             -55                                -46

 Absolute Max
            Control Voltage (V)                 8                                7.5
                         Id (mA)
                       Pin (dBm)              30                                  26
       Hot Switch Level (dBm)                                                     18
                       Iref (mA)
                     Pdiss (mW)

 Storage Temp (C)                  -65 to 150                     -65 to 150

 Package                           MSOP-8                         MSOP-8

Table 2-1: Datasheet Specification Comparison

To verify the switching speed of the 9002396-001 demonstration card was obtained from the
manufacturer. In the LRU, a differential driver (DS26C31) converts single ended logic signals from the
FPGA to the differential signals needed by the RF switch devices. This differential driver can interact with
the RF switch to affect switching time, so the combination of the switch on the demonstration card and
driver was tested over temperature. The data from this testing is in the file “HMC284 Demo Card
data.xls”, and is archived in AIM with this document. A summary of the test results is shown in Table 2-2,
which demonstrates that the combined switch speed is much faster than the 600ns PIN diode switches as
well as being very consistent over temperature.

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     8210332-001               For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                               A

THL = time from 50% to RF falls 20dBc.
TLH = Time from 50% to RF rises to -1dBc.
                        THL                                 TLH
T chamberTime        File Name              Time          File Name
+25C     36ns        Screen0024.BMP         76ns          Screen0023.BMP
100C     40ns        Screen0052.BMP         80ns          Screen0025.BMP
-50C     34ns        Screen0053.BMP         70ns          Screen0054.BMP

Table 2-2: 9002396-001 Switching Speed over Temperature.

Additional temperature testing was performed on a related product. A T3CAS 9005000-55 TEQ01118
was selected to screen for suitability in this application because:

    1) T3CAS is the source design from which the Lynx circuits were copied, and uses the same switch
       drivers and 5V rails.
    2) T3CAS uses 29 of the RF switches, so it provides more opportunities to demonstrate issues if
       they exist.
    3) The T3CAS product has higher power transmissions and is specified for more sensitive
       receptions than the Lynx product. Again, it provides more opportunities to demonstrate issues.

The T3CAS LRU was calibrated in the factory and shown to pass all pre-test, ESS, and final tests. The
RF switches were then replaced with the proposed 9002396-001 and the tests repeated without
recalibration. All factory tests again passed without any noted degradation. The factory test data is
included in AIM with this document.

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          Doc Number              Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                            Revision
          8210332-001              For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                              A


3.1       Complex Electronic Hardware Changes

No Complex Electronic Hardware changes occurred.

3.2       Software Changes

No software changes occurred.

3.3       Failure Functional Analysis

There is no known Lynx Failure Functional Analysis due to the changes.

3.4       TSO Change Impact Analysis

The Lynx product is approved to the following TSOs:

           ATCRBS/Mode S Transponder Function:
                o TSO-C112d
           Airborne Multipurpose Electronic Display Function (9029000-20000 only):
                o TSO-C113a
           GPS Function:
                o TSO-C145c
           Traffic Advisory (TAS) Function:
                o TSO-C147
           Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Function:
                o TSO-C154c
           Flight Information Services-Broadcast (FIS-B) Function:
                o TSO-C157a
           Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Function:
                o TSO-C166b
           Avionics Supporting ADS-B Operation Function:
                o TSO-C195a

The impact of the change affects hardware only. Because of this, all TSO related hardware functions will
be validated via system level testing during the applicable environments.

The hardware changes described herein do not meet the 14 CFR 21.619(b) Major change criteria of
requiring a substantially complete investigation to determine compliance with the applicable TSO’s.
Therefore, the 9029000-XXXXX HW Mod C is a Minor TSOA change.

3.5       Conclusion

All changes affect hardware only and has an insignificant affect with regards to the functionality and
manufacturability of the LRU. Therefore, it is submitted as a Minor change impact Category 3.

              ACSS                Use or disclosure of the information on this sheet is subject to the    Page 15
                                                 proprietary notice on the title page.

         Doc Number                   Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                            Revision
         8210332-001                   For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                              A


Environmental Qualification Testing (EQT) Emissions and Susceptibility will be performed on the Lynx
panel mount P/N 9200-17000-01 LRU according to the DO-160G environmental categories summarized
in Table 4-1 and as described in the procedure document 8020130-006.
The Panel mount LRU was selected for EMI testing because all affected hardware is in common between
the panel mount and the remote LRU (P/N 920-17500-001), the panel mount includes the added
complexity of the display, and because the display increases the aperture and hence the risk during EMI
testing. Temperature and Humidity may be performed using either the Remote Mount (P/N 920-17500-
01) or the panel mount because the affected components are used in exactly the same manner on both
assemblies. Performance under environmental conditions based on the various TSO requirements is
specified in the Environmental Qualification Test Plan and Procedures, 8020130-006. However, unlike
previous qualification efforts, during EMI and Susceptibility the panel mount LRU will be tested with the
cable connectors facing the antennas because of a change to the installation kit planned to be evaluated
concurrently with the changes described in this document.

Additionally, since the power amplifier change could affect the results of FCC mandated tests, these tests
will also be performed to evaluate the impact. This testing, described in 8020132-002, includes
transmitter power, modulation, occupied bandwidth, and spurious emissions. Radiated spurious emission
testing is performed on both the NGT-9000D (panel mount) and the NGT-9000RD (remote mount) due to
differences in the display and mounting orientation. The same CCA’s/connectors/cables are used on
both panel and remote mount LRUs, so testing involving the RF cables may be tested on only one
version and be applicable to both LRU versions.

Table 4-1: Summary of Environmental Test Conditions

                                                 Means of
               DO-160G Section                                                              Justification
                                                                   The functionality of the new components will be tested
                                                                   over the specified temperature range. Since RF
                                                                   transmissions and receptions are what are affected by
    thru             Temperature                     Test
                                                                   the proposed changes, the RF Susceptibility operational
                                                                   tests will be used to verify performance during this
                                                                   No retest needed. The proposed replacements are the
    4.5.5       In-Flight Loss of Cooling         Analysis         same size, mounting, and technology with no changes
                                                                   in power dissipation or part temperature rating.
                                                                   No retest needed. The proposed replacements are the
              Altitude, Decompression, &
    4.6                                           Analysis         same size, mounting, and technology with no changes
                                                                   in power dissipation or part temperature rating.
                                                                   The functionality of the new components will be tested
                                                                   over the specified temperature variation range. Since
                                                                   RF transmissions and receptions are what are affected
     5          Temperature Variation                Test
                                                                   by the proposed changes, the RF Susceptibility
                                                                   operational tests will be used to verify performance
                                                                   during this testing.
                                                                   Humidity will be retested per 8020130-002 because of
                                                                   the repackaging of the power amplifier. Since RF
                                                                   transmissions and receptions are what are affected by
     6                 Humidity                      Test
                                                                   the proposed changes, the RF Susceptibility operational
                                                                   tests will be used to verify performance during this
                                                                   No retest needed. The mass and physical geometry of
    7.1           Operational Shocks              Analysis         the components are nearly the same as the former

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      Doc Number                    Lynx Hardware Change Impact Analysis (HCIA)                            Revision
      8210332-001                    For the Power Amplifier & RF Switch Updates                              A

                                               Means of
           DO-160G Section                                                                Justification
                                                                 No retest needed. The mass and physical geometry of
 7.2             Crash Safety                   Analysis         the components are nearly the same as the former
                                                                 No retest needed. The mass and physical geometry of
  8                 Vibration                   Analysis         the components are nearly the same as the former
  9          Explosive Atmosphere             Not Required       Product not certified to these requirements.
  10            Waterproofness                Not Required       Product not certified to these requirements.
  11          Fluids Susceptibility           Not Required       Product not certified to these requirements.
  12            Sand and Dust                 Not Required       Product not certified to these requirements.
  13                Fungus                    Not Required       Product not certified to these requirements
  14               Salt Spray                 Not Required       Product not certified to these requirements.
                                                                 No retest needed. The proposed replacements are the
  15            Magnetic Effect                 Analysis         same size, mounting, and technology with no addition
                                                                 of nickel, iron, or ferrous material
           Power Input – Electrical                              No retest needed. The component changes are not on
  16     Power Input Parameter Limits           Analysis         the DC power input and do not affect power supply
                     (DC)                                        loading in any way.
                                                                 No retest needed. The component changes are not on
  17             Voltage Spike                                   the DC power input and do not affect power supply
                                                Analysis         loading in any way.
                                                                 No retest needed. The component changes are not on
  18      AF Conducted Susceptibility           Analysis         the DC power input and do not affect power supply
                                                                 loading in any way.
                                                                 No retest needed. The component changes are not on
  19      Induced Signal Susceptibility         Analysis         the DC power input and do not affect power supply
                                                                 loading in any way.
                                                                 Radiated susceptibility will be performed.
                                                                 All updates relate to the RF switching and reception of
                                                                 transmitted and received frequencies. These
  20            RF Susceptibility                                frequencies of interest and their harmonics are well
                                                                 above 400MHz, the maximum test frequency for
                                                                 conducted susceptibility. No conducted tests is
                                                                 required because of the low upper frequency at which
                                                                 testing is performed.
                                                                 Radiated emissions testing will be performed.
                                                                 All updates relate to the RF switching and reception of
                                                                 transmitted and received frequencies. These
  21        Emission of RF Energy                                frequencies of interest and their harmonics are well
                                                                 above 152MHz, the maximum test frequency for
                                                                 conducted emissions. No conducted tests are required
                                                                 due to the low upper frequency of conducted emissions
          Lightning Induced Transient                            No retest needed. None of the changes are on
  22        Susceptibility, including           Analysis         interface circuitry or are part of the protection against
         customer specified transients                           induced lightning transients.
  23        Lightning Direct Effects          Not Required       Product not certified to these requirements.
  24                  Icing                   Not Required       Product not certified to these requirements.
                                                                 No retest needed. None of the changes are on
  25     Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)          Analysis
                                                                 interface circuitry or are needed to withstand ESD.
  26           Fire, Flammability             Not Required       Product not certified to these requirements.


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Document Created: 2019-08-27 10:37:59
Document Modified: 2019-08-27 10:37:59

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