Letter pertaining to the fact that ACSS and L3 AS are both part of L3 Communicat


Cover Letter(s)

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26 February 2015

Ms. Evelyn Cherry
Federal Communications Commission
Equipment Authorization Branch
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, Maryland 21046

Subject:    Confidentiality request for schematics drawings submitted in support of FCC Certification
            for ACSS Multilink Transponder part number 9029000-20000 (Model NGT-9000).

Reference: FCC Rules Sections 0.457(d) and 0.459 as authority for confidentiality request


Reference #:46704

731 Form #: EA604696

ACSS FRN: 0004999231

Dear Ms. Cherry:

In accordance with FCC Rules Sections 0.457(d) and 0.459 as the authority, ACSS submitted a request
that long-term confidentiality be granted for a number of schematic drawings under our FCC application

If ACSS understands the request in your correspondence correctly, you are asking for a Non-
Disclosure agreement between the grantee and the purchaser. To this end, ACSS wants to provide
clarification on why some of the provided drawings currently have an L-3 Communications Avionics
Systems logo on the front page. I hope this letter will fully address your concern because a non-
disclosure agreement would not demonstrate the fact that ACSS has full rights to the subject product

ACSS and L-3 Avionics Systems (L-3 AS) are sister companies under L-3 Communications
Corporation, Aviation Products Sector. Therefore, we are jointly part of L-3 Communications. For the
NGT-9000 Transponder product, ACSS owns and has full rights to the NGT-9000 product; however,
because ACSS hired L-3 AS to perform some of the design for the ACSS product, some of the
drawings have not yet been converted to the ACSS format.

Furthermore, because ACSS was initially planning to have L-3 AS begin the manufacture of the product
for ACSS (which has since changed back to ACSS production), the production drawings in particular
are not yet in an ACSS format. For the sake of market timing and being able to provide a much needed
product to the ADS-B market, ACSS hopes this explanation will suffice to alleviate any FCC concerns.
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Subject:     Confidentiality request for schematics drawings submitted in support of FCC Certification for ACSS Multilink Transponder
             part number 9029000-20000 (Model NGT-9000).

Again, thank you for any assistance, and please call me with any questions if you don’t believe this
correspondence will fully address your concern.


Mark R. Krause
Senior Manager, Strategic Alliances & Major Subcontracts
L-3 Aviation Products Sector
phone: 623 445-6939
cell:    602 384-8357
e-mail: mark.krause@L-3com.com

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Document Created: 2015-02-26 13:07:51
Document Modified: 2015-02-26 13:07:51

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