FAA spectrum attest ltr with ACSS ltr to FAA Spectrum


Attestation Statements

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                                                                    800 Independence Ave., S.W.
                                                                       lashington. DC 20591
of       rohor
   Transport ation
Federal Aviation

 OCT 17 204

Mr. Andy Leimer
 Federal Communications Commission
 7435 Oakland Mills Road
 Columbia, MD 21046

Dear Mr. Leimer:

The Federal Aviation Administration, Spectrum Engineering Services received the Aviation
Communication & Surveillance Systems (ACSS) letter dated October 09, 2014 regarding
application for Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certification of a Multi Link
Transceiver part 9022500—1000 (Models NGT—2000 and NGT—2500), FCC ID:
2ACTZMSS$25. The ACSS equipment has a 40 watts rated power UAT transmission and
00032 watts Mode A interrogation, with frequency range of 1030 MHz plus/ minus 1 MHz.

The Spectrum Planning and International Group has reviewed the data presented by ACSS
and has found no objection to the FCC granting certification to this equipment.

If you require any additional information, please contact Ms. Annette Allender, Electronics
 Engineer, Spectrum Planning and International Group, at (202) 267—3893 or via e—mail


Robert A. Frazier
Manager, Spectrum Planning
  and International Group

Phil.Heinicke@I1—3com.com                     *

                                  Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems
                                               19810 North 7Ave
                                            Phoenix, AZ 85027—4400
                                     (623) 445—7000     Fax: (623) 445—7001

 09 October 2014

 Ms. Annette Allender
 Federal Aviation Administration
 Spectrum Engineering Services, AJW—1C
 800 Independence Avenue, S.W.
 Room 507
 Washington, D.C. 20591


 Subject:       Notification of FCC Equipment Certification Application for ACSS Multi Link Transceiver part
                number 9022500—10000 (Models NGT—2000 and NGT—2500).

 FCC ID #.      2ACTZMSS25

ACSS FRN:       0004999231

Dear Ms. Allender,

In accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations, CFR Title 47, Part 87, Subpart D, Paragraph 87.147(d),
Paragraph 87.147(d)(1), and Paragraph 87.147(d)(3), notification is hereby given from ACSS to file for FCC
Equipment Certification for the ACSS Multi Link Transceiver part number 9022500—10000 (Models NGT—2000 and

The ACSS Multi Link Transponders will be applying for FAA TSO Authorization for the following TSOs:

    e   TSO—C154c        —   Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast
                             (ADS—B) Equipment Operating on Frequency of 978 MHz

    e       TSO—C145¢    —    Airborne Navigation Sensors Using The Global Positioning System Augmented By
                             The Satellite Based Augmentation System

    e   TSO—C157a        —   Aircraft Flight Information Services—Broadcast (FIS—B) Data Link Systems and

    e   TSO—C195a        —    Avionics Supporting Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast (ADS—B) Aircraft
                             Surveillance Applications (ASA)

The equipment is a Multi Link Transceiver with a rated power of 40 watts for the UAT transmission and .00032
watts for the Mode A interrogation. The UAT transmission emission type is 1M3OF1D and has a frequency range
of 978 MHz + 19.56 kHz. The Mode A interrogation emission type is 18MOP1D and has a frequency range of
1030 MHz + 0.1 MHz. Additional detailed characteristic information is included in the documentation on the
enclosed CD that supports this Notification. The enclosed CD is labeled ‘ACSS MSS25 Multilink Surveillance
System FCC Documentation‘, and its contents are as listed in ATTACHMENT A.

Subject:         Notification of FCC EquipmentCertification Application for ACSS Multi Link Transceiver part number 9022500—10000
                 (Models NGT—2000 and NGT—2500)

If you have any questions or concerns or feel additional documentation is necessary, please contact me by one of
the methods below.


Philip D. Heinicke
Technical Staff Engineer

e—mail: phil.heinicke@L—3com.com

phone: 623 445—6665
cell:      602 327—9291
FAX:       623 445—7004

Subject:         Notification of FCC Equipment Certification Application for ACSS Multi Link Transceiver part number 9022500—10000
                 (Models NGT—2000 and NGT—2500)

                                                       ATTACHMENT A

                                              Included Support Documentation                                                         ;

    1.     NGT—2500 FCC Compliance Plan and Results, ACSS Document 8021005—001, Rev —.

    2.     NGT—2000/2500 End Item Assembly Drawing, ACSS Drawing No. 9022500—10000, Rev C.

    3.     Parts List, MLT Assembly, NGT—2000/2500, ACSS Drawing No. PL9022500—10000, Rev C

    4.     Circuit Card Assembly GPS UAT — NGT—2000/2500, ACSS Drawing No. 9022010—002, Rev B.

    5.     Circuit Card Assembly Power Supply — NGT—1000/2000/2500, ACSS Drawing No. 9021030—001, Rev E.

    6.     Circuit Card Assembly Power Amplifier — NGT—1000/2000/2500, ACSS Drawing No. 9021020—001, Rev F.

    7.     Installation Manual, LYNX Multilink Surveillance System, NGT—2000/2500 Part Number 9022500—10000,
           Document Number 0040—17011—01, Revision A.

    8.     NGT—2000/2500 End Item Label Drawing, ACSS Drawing No. 9022502—001 Rev C.

Document Created: 2014-10-20 14:54:25
Document Modified: 2014-10-20 14:54:25

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