FCC MPE rev.1


RF Exposure Info

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                                Statement of compliance to
                            Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
                                  No. 171000929SHA—002

                            Applicant   _:   Dana Innovations
                                             212 Avenida Fabricante San Clemente, CA 92672 USA

               Manufacturing site       _:   Hansong (Nanjing) Technology Ltd.
                                             8th Kangping Road, Jiangning Economy and Technology
                                             Development Zone, Nanjing, 211106, China.

                      Product Name      _:   Amplifier

                          Type/Model    _:   D8

According to §2.1091, §2.1093 and § 1.1307(b), systems operating under the provisions of
this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio

frequency energy level in excess of the Commission‘s guidelines.

 Date of issue: July 17, 2018

 Prepared by:                                                          Reyiewed by:

  Wap{e zlwg/

 Wade Zhang (Project engineer)                                         Daniel Zhao (Reviewer)

                                                         Page 1 of 3

                                                                                    FCC ID: 2ACSD-D8

Power density (S) is calculated according to the formula:

      S = PG / (4πR²)

Where S = power density in mW/cm²
      P = transmit power in mW
      G = numeric gain of transmit antenna (numeric gain=Log-1(dB antenna gain/10))
      R = distance (cm)

The calculations in the table below use the highest gain of antenna for client EUT. These
calculations represent worst case in terms of the exposure levels.
  Frequency band           Power           Antenna Gain            R        S               Limits

       (MHz)            dBm      mW       dBi        (Numeric)    (cm)   (mW/cm2)       (mW/cm2)

  2402 - 2480(BLE)      8.233    6.66      2            1.585     20      0.002               1

For DWAM83 module:

  Frequency band           Power           Antenna Gain            R        S               Limits

       (MHz)            dBm      mW        dBi        (Numeric)   (cm)   (mW/cm2)       (mW/cm2)
    2412 ~ 2464         19.49   88.92       2           1.585     20       0.028              1
    5180 ~ 5240         7.44     5.55       2           1.585     20       0.002              1
     5736 ~ 5814      16.84    48.31        2           1.585     20       0.015              1
Note: 1 mW/cm2 from 1.310 Table 1

For the device consider simultaneous transmission of BLE and DWAM83 module 5GHz,

The worst MPE = 0.002 + 0.015 = 0.017 mW/cm2 < 1 mW/cm2.

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                                                                              FCC ID: 2ACSD-D8

                                         Appendix I

Definition below must be outlined in the User Manual:

To satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements, a separation distance of 20 cm or more should be
maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during device operation.
To ensure compliance, operations at closer than this distance is not recommended.

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Document Created: 2018-07-31 16:00:10
Document Modified: 2018-07-31 16:00:10

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