15_BST-400 UserMan


Users Manual

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Instruction Manual
Stereo Bluetooth®
Sound Therapy System

Model: BST-400

Table of Contents
Important Safeguards......................................................4
Key Buttons & Controls.....................................................6
                                                                                         Thank you for choosing Sound Oasis®!
Free Sound Oasis APPS....................................................13
                                                                                         Sound Oasis® is the world leader in sound therapy systems.
Technical Specifications..................................................14
                                                                                         We are dedicated to making life healthier and more enjoyable with
Using As A Speakerphone ...............................................15
                                                                                         creative sound solutions that combine superior quality with the very
Disposal..........................................................................16     latest technology.
FCC Information..............................................................16
Warranty........................................................................17       Your Sound Oasis® Stereo Bluetooth Sound Therapy System BST-400
                                                                                         has been designed to help you sleep better by providing sounds proven
                                                                                         to help people sleep, relax, block annoying noise, manage tinnitus and
                                                                                         increase privacy. You can play the built-in sounds from the included
                                                                                         micro SD card or stream new sounds/music from any Bluetooth enabled
                                                                                         device (e.g. smartphone, tablet, computer, etc.). You can even add new
                                                                                         sounds by inserting a new micro SD sound card.

                                                                                         Your BST-400 includes a rechargeable battery so you can enjoy 5 – 8 hours
                                                                                         of wireless playtime or you can keep it plugged in with the included USB
                                                                                         charging cable and wall adapter.

2                                                                         Sound Oasis®   sleep better. feel better. live better®                                 3

Important Safeguards                                                           Contents
• Read all instructions.                                                       Your BST-400 includes:
• To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, do not expose this product
  to rain or moisture.                                                         1. Stereo Bluetooth Sound Therapy System
• Do not expose this product to dripping or splashing, and do not place        2. Micro SD sound card preloaded with Sound Oasis sounds (sounds vary
  objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on or near the product. As         from model to model – please refer to the insert sheet included with
  with any electronic product, use care not to spill liquids into any part       this product).
  of the system. Liquids can cause a failure and/or a fire hazard.             3. USB charging cable
• Do not place any naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, on or         4. Wall adapter
  near this product.                                                           5. User manual
• Do not use any charging cable other than that specifically provided for      6. Warranty reply card
  use with this product.
• The battery needs to be charged before use. Follow the charging
  instructions described in this manual.
• After extended periods of storage, it may be necessary to charge
  and discharge the battery pack several times to obtain maximum
• The battery pack gives its best performance when it is operated at
  normal room temperature (68°F +/- 23°F or 20°C +/- 5°C).
• In the event fluid from the battery leaks from the product, do not
  allow the liquid to come in contact with the skin or eyes. If contact has
  been made, wash the affected area with generous amounts of water
  and seek medical advice.
• To clean, gently wipe with a soft cloth moistened with warm water
  or mild detergents only, and then remove all moisture with a soft, dry
  cloth. Do not use harsh solvents or chemicals for cleaning.

4                                                          Sound Oasis®        sleep better. feel better. live better®                              5

Key Buttons & Features                                                           Button              Description
         Volume                                                                                      • Press and hold for 3 seconds to turn BST-400 on. Press and
      Mode      Sound Selection                                                                        hold for 1 second to turn BST-400 off.
                                      Charge Indicator                                               • BST-400 defaults to the sounds contained in your micro SD
                                                                                                       card when the Power Button is pressed.
                                                                                                     • Press to replay a sound.

                                                                                                     • Press to pause and play a sound.

                                                                                                     • Press to skip to a new sound

                                                                                                     • Press to decrease the speaker volume incrementally. Press
                                                                                                       and hold to decrease the volume continuously.
                                                                                                     • Press to increase the speaker volume incrementally. Press
                                                                                                       and hold to increase the volume continuously.
                                                                                                     • Press to alternate between playing sounds from your 		
                                                                                                       Bluetooth source or sounds contained in your micro SD card.
                                                                                                     • When you first turn on your BST-400, it will default to
                                                                                     MODE              sounds contained in your micro SD card. Pressing the MODE
                                                                                                       button again will activate the Bluetooth mode and your
                                                                                                       BST-400 will attempt to reconnect to the last connected
                                                                                                       device. If there are no paired devices, the BST-400 becomes
                                                                                                       discoverable (see Playing Bluetooth Streamed Sounds 		
                                                                                                       section of this manual).
                                                                                                     • Blue LED indicates that the BST-400 is in the Bluetooth state
                                                                                                       and can play sounds/music streamed from your Bluetooth
                                                                                                       enabled source.
                                                                                                     • Blinking blue light – BST-400 is discoverable and ready to
                                                                                                       pair with a Bluetooth enabled device.
                                     Power Button
                                                     USB Port                                        • Solid blue light – BST-400 is connected to a Bluetooth device.
                                     Aux Input                                                       • The solid blue light will turn off after about 10 seconds 		
                                     Built In Sleep Sounds                                             so the light does not interfere with your sleep. To check if
                                     (Included Micro SD Card)
                                                                                                       Bluetooth is on, you can press any button and the solid blue
                                     2x 10 Watt Speakers
                                     With subwoofer                                                    light will activate for 10 seconds to confirm the BST-400 is in
                                     4,000 mAh Rechargeable Battery                                    the Bluetooth state.

6                                                               Sound Oasis®   sleep better. feel better. live better®                                                   7

    Button       Description
                 • Amber LED indicates sound will play from the micro SD card.       Power Sources
                 • The solid amber light will turn off after about 10 seconds so     Your BST-400 can operate as a wireless, cord free sound machine or a
    Charge         the light does not interfere with your sleep.                     wireless Bluetooth speaker because it includes a built-in rechargeable
    Indicator    • Red LED indicates that your BST-400 is charging.                  battery. You can also keep your BST-400 plugged into a USB power
                 • The red LED will stay lit until your BST-400 is fully charged –   source for continuous operation without recharging.
                   then the LED will dim to a very dim level.
                 • Your BST-400 can operate as a hands-free speaker for your         To Power By Built-In Rechargeable Battery:
    Microphone     smartphone.                                                       1. Prior to using your BST-400 in the wireless, cord free mode for the first
                 • Insert included USB charging cable to charge your BST-400’s          time, please completely charge the built-in battery.
                   battery or power your BST-400 from a USB source.                  2. Connect the provided USB Charging Cable to the included AC-charger,
                                                                                        computer or laptop USB port. The unit’s Charge Indicator is brightly
                 • Insert an optional audio cable with 1/8” (3.5 mm) plugs to
                                                                                        illuminated while charging. It takes about up to 6 hours to charge the
    AUX INPUT      play music from an external device (e.g. iPhone®, iPod®,
                                                                                        battery. When charging is completed, the Charge Indicator will be very dim.
                   MP3 player or CD player) through the unit’s speaker system.
                                                                                     3. Disconnect the USB Charging Cable and operate your BST-400 as
                 • Your BST-400 comes with a micro SD card preloaded with               described below.
                   Sound Oasis sounds. The micro SD card must be inserted            4. When the unit is in low power status, the red Charge Indicator and
                   into this slot in order for you to play the sounds on the micro      amber LED will flash. Please recharge the battery of your BST-400 when
                   SD sound card.                                                       this occurs.
    MICRO SD     • You may insert new micro SD cards preloaded with other
                   MP3 sounds or content (see the Using Other Micro SD               Note: When the battery is fully discharged, it needs about 30 minutes of
                   Cards section of this manual). Please check 		                    charging before you can use the unit again.
                   www.soundoasis.com for our download library.

                                                                                     To Power By USB Charging Cable:
                                                                                     1. Connect the provided USB Charging Cable to the included AC-charger,
                                                                                        computer or laptop USB port.
                                                                                     2. Operate your BST-400 as described below.

8                                                             Sound Oasis®           sleep better. feel better. live better®                                     9

Listening To Sounds/Music From The Micro SD Card                                Playing Bluetooth Streamed Sounds
You can enjoy sounds or music from your BST-400 from the included               Your BST-400 can also operate as a Bluetooth speaker so you can stream
preloaded MICRO SD CARD.                                                        new sounds/music to your BST-400.

Playing Sounds from the Built-In Micro SD Card                                  To stream sounds/music from your Bluetooth enabled device (e.g.
Your BST-400 includes a MICRO SD CARD that contains preloaded Sound             your mobile phone, music player, PC/laptop) to your BST-400,
Oasis sounds.                                                                   please follow these steps:
                                                                                1. Press and hold the POWER button down for 3 seconds.
To play sounds/music from the built-in MICRO SD CARD, please                    2. Your BST-400 will play sounds from your MICRO SD CARD by default.
follow these steps:                                                                Press the MODE button to activate the Bluetooth mode. Your
1. Press and hold the POWER button down for 3 seconds.                             BST-400 will then attempt to reconnect to the last connected device.
2. Your BST-400 will automatically start playing the first sound on the Sound      If there are no paired devices, the BST-400 becomes discoverable (see
   Oasis MICRO SD CARD.                                                            Playing Bluetooth Streamed Sounds section of this manual).
3. Press the - VOLUME + button to increase or decrease volume.                  3. On your Bluetooth enabled device, turn Bluetooth on, locate the
4. Press the >II button to pause and resume playback.                              Bluetooth device list and select the device named BST-400. Pair your
5. Press the SOUNDS > button to skip to the next sound track.                      BST-400 with your Bluetooth enabled device.
6. Press the < SOUNDS button to repeat the sound track.                         4. The Bluetooth LED will light up on your BST-400 and you will hear a
                                                                                   Bluetooth pairing mode “blip” to indicate that you are in the
Please note:                                                                       Bluetooth streaming mode.
• For the exact sounds preloaded on your MICRO SD SOUND CARD, please            5. Press play on your Bluetooth device to play the streamed music/sound
  refer to the separate sound listing sheet included with your BST-400.            if the music/sound does not automatically start playing.
• Each preloaded Sound Oasis sound is 8 hours long so it plays throughout       6. Press the - VOLUME + button to increase or decrease volume.
  the night. After playing through the 8 hour sound track, your BST-400         7. Press the >II button to pause and resume playback.
 will automatically replay the same sound track.
                                                                                8. Press the SOUNDS > button to skip to the next sound track on your
                                                                                   music list.
                                                                                9. Press the < SOUNDS button to repeat the sound track playback.

                                                                                Please note:
                                                                                • You can only pair one Bluetooth device at a time.
                                                                                • If pairing fails, please turn your BST-400 off and then on again and
                                                                                  retry pairing.

10                                                          Sound Oasis®        sleep better. feel better. live better®                                  11

Using Other Micro SD Cards                                                     Streaming Sound Oasis APPS
Your BST-400 includes a MICRO SD CARD that contains preloaded Sound            Sound Oasis has a growing library of APPS to help your and your family
Oasis sounds. You can use any other MICRO SD CARD with your BST-400.           sleep. Please see more information at www.soundoasis.com/apps
Here are a few options:

1. Download additional sound tracks from our Sound Oasis web site
   onto your computer and then move/drag these new Sound Oasis
   sound tracks to a new MICRO SD CARD. Insert the new MICRO SD
   CARD into the BST-400 and playback those tracks as described above
   under Listening To Sounds/Music From The Micro SD Card.

     Sound Oasis’ patent pending tracks are ideal to download and use
     because they are 8 hours long and will play seamlessly and continuously
     through the night.                                                         Sleep Sounds Tinnitus Therapy            Baby Sleep        White Noise

     Note: If you drag new Sound Oasis sound tracks to your existing
     MICRO SD CARD, you will erase the existing sounds if there is not         By purchasing this BST-400, you are entitled to use any of our PRO APPS for
     enough memory for the new sounds. Always use a newly purchased            free. These PRO APPS provide you with many more sound options and they
     blank MICRO SD CARD to install new Sound Oasis sound tracks on.           even allow you to customize the sounds with a built-in equalizer. To obtain
                                                                               these PRO APPS, please follow these steps:
2. Purchase custom made MICRO SD CARDS from Sound Oasis. Visit our             1. Visit http://www.soundoasis.com/apps/ and download the LITE version
   web site at www.soundoasis.com and choose which specific tracks                of your chosen APP. We have four (4) APPS to choose from: Sleep Sounds,
   you would like. We will then preload your own custom MICRO SD                  Tinnitus Therapy, Baby Sleep and White Noise.
   CARD with your selected sounds and ship it to you.                          2. Open the LITE APP.
                                                                               3. Pair your smartphone or tablet to the BST-400.
OPTION 3                                                                       4. The LITE APP will automatically convert to a PRO APP after pairing is
3. Move/drag sound files from your computer’s music library to a new              complete. The LITE APP must be open when the BST-400 connects.
   MICRO SD CARD. Unless they are Sound Oasis sound tracks, sounds
   from your music library will not be 8 hours long. As a result, the BST-
   100 will play each short track and then automatically replay it.            When playing these APPS, you can stream them to your BST-400 for
                                                                               extra versatility and convenience.

12                                                         Sound Oasis®        sleep better. feel better. live better®                                  13

Technical Specifications                                                 Using As A Speakerphone
 Bluetooth Specification   Bluetooth 4.0                                 Your BST-400 can function as a Bluetooth speakerphone to add extra
                                                                         sound fidelity and convenience to your phone call.
 Bluetooth Profiles        HSP v1.2, HFP v1.5, A2DP v1.2 aptX®
 Operating Distance        30’/10m                                       Please follow these steps to use as a speakerphone:
 Run Time                  5 – 8 hours
                                                                         1. Press and hold the POWER button down for 3 seconds.
 Charging Time             Up to 6 hours
                                                                         2. Press the MODE button again to activate the Bluetooth mode. You
 Dimensions                7.87” x 2.36” x 2.52” (200mm x 60mm x 64mm)      will hear a Bluetooth streaming mode “blip” and see the Bluetooth
                                                                            LED flash.
 Weight                    676g/1.5 lbs.
                                                                         3. Make sure your BST-400 is Bluetooth paired with your smartphone.
 Material                  Aluminum housing/ABS plastic base             4. Start your call.
 Supports USB Sound Card   Data transfer function                        5. You will be able to speak into the BST-400 (please speak towards the
                                                                            MICROPHONE) and hear your call through the BST-400 speaker. End
 Supports Reading Micro    MP3 music format
 SD Card                                                                    the call on your smartphone or by pressing the >II button. Repeat
                                                                            the call on your smartphone or by pressing and holding the >II
 Speaker                   2 x 10 watt speakers with subwoofer              button on your BST-400. Adjust the volume during the call via the
 Channels                  Stereo                                           - VOLUME + button.
 Distortion THD            </ 1%
                                                                         Note: If you are streaming sounds/music to your BST-400 and you
 Signal to Noise Ratio     S/N: >/ 80dB                                  receive a call on your smartphone, you can stop the sounds/music and
 Battery                   Built-in lithium battery, 3.7V/4,000 mAh
                                                                         answer the call by pressing the >II button. To hang up the call, press the
                                                                         >II button again.
 Charging Voltage          5V +/-0.25V

14                                                       Sound Oasis®    sleep better. feel better. live better®                                15

 Disposal                                                                                    1 Year Limited Warranty
                  Dispose of all product parts in accordance with local regulations. If      Sound Oasis Company Warrants that this product is free from defects in materials
                  in doubt, please consult your local authorities.                           or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase.

                  The battery in the BST-400 needs to be recycled. Do not                    If the Product fails to operate in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications,
                  attempt to replace the built-in battery yourself.                          simply return the product to the retail location where you purchased it or call our
                                                                                             toll free number below within one (1) year of the date of purchase. Proof of date
 The crossed-out wheeled bin means that within the European Union the product                of purchase is required.
 must be taken to separate collection at the product end-of-life. Do not dispose of
                                                                                             Sound Oasis Company will, as its option, repair or replace the product at no charge
 these products as unsorted municipal waste.
                                                                                             to you.
                                                                                             This warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident, misuse or abuse,
 FCC Information                                                                             lack of reasonable care, the affixing of any attachment not provided with the
 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B            product, or loss of parts , or subjecting the product to anything but the specified
 digital Device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to          voltage or batteries.
 provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
 This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not          This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, express or implied. All implied
 installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
 to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not          warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for
 occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to    any particular purpose, are limited in duration to one (1) year from the date
 radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off         of original purchase. In no event will Sound Oasis Company be responsible
 and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the     for incidental, consequential, or special damages resulting from the use of
 following measures:
                                                                                             this product.
 • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.                                               Some states do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts and /
 • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
                                                                                             or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
 • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from which the receiver
   is connected.                                                                             limitation may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
 • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.                        which vary from state to state.

 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject                    To Speak with a Sound Oasis Customer Service Representative,
 to the following two conditions:                                                            Please call: 1-866-625-3218 or email us at info@soundoasis.com
 1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
 2. This device must accept any interference received, including
 		 interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

 16                                                                   Sound Oasis®           sleep better. feel better. live better®                                           17

Thank you for choosing Sound Oasis®!

Document Created: 2018-12-27 10:40:48
Document Modified: 2018-12-27 10:40:48

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