15_BL3336-P UserMan


Users Manual

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          BL3336‐P Product Manual V1.2

Version      Date         Note
1.0          5/4/2018     Preliminary version
1.1          6/20/2018    Modified parameters including output power
                          and current
1.2          10/12/2018   Modified some parameters

     a. Support IEEE802.11 b/g/n standards
     b. Support WEP, WPA and WPA2 encryption
     c. Support UART/PWM/ADC/GPIO/I2C interfaces
     d. Support STA/AP/AP+STA modes
     e. Support SmartConfig
     f. Support TLS/SSL and mDNS protocols
     g. Support PCB antenna
     h. 3.3V power supply

1.     Product Overview (Hardware)
          The module supports 802.11b/g/n and it is capable for communication with other
     devices via UART. The module integrates radio transceiver, MAC, baseband, all Wi‐Fi
     protocols, configurations and network stack. It can be widely used in applications like smart
     home devices, remote monitoring devices and medical care instruments.
          The module integrates an ARM Cortex‐ M4F speed up to 125MHz with 256KB SRAM
     and 2MB flash.

     1.1 Basic Radio Specification

          1.1.1 WLAN parameter
     Radio range                                     2.412 GHz - 2.462 GHz
     Wireless standards                              IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
                                                     802.11b :14dBm ± 2dBm
     Radio output                                    802.11g :13dBm ± 2dBm
                                                     Internal: PCB antenna
     Antenna type
                                                     External: Not supported
     Receiving sensitivity                           802.11g<-72dBm@54Mbps
     Stack                                           IPv4, TCP/UDP/FTP/HTTP/HTTPS/TLS/mDNS
     Data rate (max)                                 11M@802.11b, 54M@802.11g, MCS7@802.11n
                                                     Encryption standard:
                                                     Encryption algorithm:

          1.1.2    Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol          Description                         Min.       Max.              Units

Ts               Storage temperature                   ‐40          125              ℃
TA               Ambient operating temperature         ‐10          80               ℃
Vdd              Supply voltage                        3.0          3.6              V
Vio              Voltage on IO pin                     0            3.3              V

            1.1.3    DC Voltage and current
Specifications                    Min.       Typ.      Max.               Units
VDD                               3          3.3       3.6                V
VIL(input low voltage)            0                    0.8                V
VIH(input high voltage)           2                    3.6                V
VOL(output low voltage)           0                    0.4                V
VOH(output high voltage)          2.4                  3.6                V
RPU                                          75                           KΩ
RPD                                          75                           KΩ
Io                                8                    24                 mA
RX current                                             150                mA
Max current                                            380                mA

            1.1.4     IEEE802.11b mode
ITEM                         Specification

Modulation Type              DSSS / CCK
Frequency range

Channel                      CH1 to CH13

Data rate                    1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbps

TX Characteristics            Min            Typical          Max.            Unit


                                             17                               dBm

Frequency Error               ‐10                             +10             ppm

                                                              ‐21             dB
Transmit spectrum mask

RX Characteristics            Min            Typical          Max.            Unit


Minimum Input Level Sensitivity

11Mbps (FER≦8%)                                         -83                dBm

Maximum Input Level


             1.1.5   IEEE802.11g mode
 ITEM                                   Specification

 Modulation Type                        OFDM
 Frequency range
                                        CH1 to CH13

 Data rate                              6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54Mbps

TX Characteristics         Min          Typical         Max.               Unit

Power@54Mbps                            14                                 dBm

Frequency Error            ‐10                          +10                ppm

EVM@54Mbps                                              ‐29                dB

Transmit spectrum mask

RX Characteristics         Min          Typical         Max.               Unit


Minimum Input Level Sensitivity

54Mbps                                                    ‐70              dBm

Maximum Input Level


             1.1.6   IEEE802.11n 20MHz bandwidth mode
ITEM                                Specification

Modulation Type                     OFDM
Frequency range
                                    CH1 to CH13

Data rate                           MCS0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7

TX Characteristics        Min      Typical        Max.   Unit


Power@HT20, MCS7
                                   13.5                  dBm

Frequency Error           ‐10                     +10    ppm

EVM@HT20, MCS7                                    ‐29    dB

Transmit spectrum mask

RX Characteristics        Min      Typical        Max.   Unit


Minimum Input Level Sensitivity

MCS7                                               -69   dBm

Maximum Input Level


            1.1.7 IEEE802.11n 40MHz bandwidth mode
ITEM                              Specification

Modulation Type                   OFDM
Frequency range
                                  CH1 to CH13

Data rate                         MCS0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7

TX Characteristics        Min      Typical        Max.   Unit


Power@HT40, MCS7
                                   13.5                  dBm

Frequency Error           ‐10                     +10    ppm

                                                  ‐29    dB

Transmit spectrum mask

RX Characteristics        Min      Typical        Max.   Unit


Minimum Input Level Sensitivity

MCS7                                               -65   dBm

Maximum Input Level


1.2 Hard
       dware Inttroductio

   1.2.1. Mechanical
          M          Dimension

   1.2.2. Recommend
          R       ded Pad Sizze

                                  ((Unit: mm)

1.2.3. Pin Definitio

       Pin      Interface   Descripti
                                    ion     Type
        1       GND         GND             POWER
        2       VDD         3.3V            POWER
        3       NRST        HW reset        I
                TX0         UART0 TX        O
                SPI_MOSI    SPI inter
        4       GPIOA23     Support PWM0
                                     P      I/O
                RX0         UART0 RX        I
                SPI_CLK     SPI inter
        5       GPIOA18                     I/O
                TX2         UART2 TX        O
                GPIOA30     Support PWM3
                                     P      I/O
        6       I2C0_SDA    I2C inter
                RX2         UART2 RX        I
                GPIO29      Support PWM4
                                     P      I/O
        7       I2C_SCL     I2C inter
        8       ADC         ADCIN           I
                GPIOA19                     I/O
         9      SPI_CS      SPI inter
        10      GPIOA5      Support PWM4
                                    P       I/O
                GPIOA15     Support PWM1
                                    P       I/O
        11      SWD_DATA                    I

                      GPIOA14          Support PWM0                 I/O
              12      SWD_CLK
              13      VDD              3.3V                         POWER
              14      GND              GND                          POWER
              15      GPIOA0           Support PWM5                 I/O
              16      GPIOA12          Support PWM3                 I/O
              17      NC
                      GPIO22           Support PWM5                 I/O
              18      SPI_MISO         SPI interface

        1.   In default, UART0 is used for bypass communication and UART2 is used for
             output of debugging information. Please refer to the description in DC
             Characteristics for UART output current level.
        2.   NRST is hardware reset for the module and will be effective with VIL.
             Configuration information will be remained after module reset. The module is
             already designed with RC reset upon power‐on.
        3.   TX and RX in UART0 are used for communication with external MCU powered by
             3V. Please refer to the description in 3.3. DC Characteristics for UART output
             current level.
        4.   It is recommended to leave unused GPIOs floating.
        5.   Before using “General Electric” firmware, please confirm configuration LED,
             software reset PIN and reset current level.

1.2..3. PCB An


      The moduule support PCB antennna in 2.4G
                                             G~2.5G freq
                                                       quency withh S11 port less
thann -10dB andd antenna gaain about 1..6dB.

                              Simulatted radiation patttern of antenna gain

Thee following precautionss should be considered during desiigning with PCB anten
1. Do not plaace any electrical com
                                  mponents orr grounding
                                                       g in antennaa area on main
   board and it’s
             i better to
                       o leave this aarea blank on
                                                o PCB
2. It is recomm
              mended to not place aany electricaal componeents within 20mm rang
                                                                              ge of
   module anttenna and not
                       n design aany circuit or bond copper on maain board under
   this area.
3. Do not use the modulee inside anyy metal case or containeers with mettal painting
4. Keep the anntenna of wifi
                        w module nnext to the edge of maiin board dur   uring design
                                                                                   n of
   PCB to enssure better performance
                         p         e of antennaa, as illustraated below


                                    Deevice PCB

  3. Referrence Design

1.3..1. UART Interface Design

For devices wiith 3.3V pow wer supply,, you can diirectly conn
                                                             nect the devvice UART port
withh module UART
             U       port according
                          a         too the illustraation.




If yoour device is
                i powered by 5V, you can refer to
                                                o the circuitt shown in th
                                                                        the figure beelow
or ddesign your own circuitt for power conversion
                                                n. The value of resistor can be adjuusted
accoording to acctual circuit design.

1.3..2. Power Supply
              S      Requirement
If aan LDO is used to su  upply the m module witth 3.3V powwer, C1 caapacitor can
                                                                                n be
considered to beb used witth 10u-22uu; If a DCD DC is used to
                                                           t supply 33.3V powerr, C1
capaacitor can be
               b considereed to be usedd with 22uF
It iss recommennded to sup
                         pply the moodule with power high
                                                        her than 4000mA to en
enouugh power supply to th
                         he module aand avoid po
                                               ower down during dataa
Thee module is designed with
                        w 2x 3.3V
                                V pins. You can power the modulee with eitherr pin
or bboth pins.

  C Warning

Thiss device coomplies witth Part 15 of the FCC
                                              C Rules. Operation
                                                       O         iss subject to
                                                                              o the

folloowing two conditions:

(1) This devicee may not cause
                         c     harm
                                  mful interfereence, and (2) this deviice must acccept

any interferencce received, including iinterferencee that may cause undesiired operation.

NOTE 1: Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the
party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:

This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an

uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions

for satisfying RF exposure compliance.

Note 1: This module certified that complies with RF exposure requirement under

mobile or fixed condition, this module is to be installed only in mobile or fixed


A mobile device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used in other than

fixed locations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation distance of at

least 20 centimeters is normally maintained between the transmitter's radiating

structure(s) and the body of the user or nearby persons. Transmitting devices designed

to be used by consumers or workers that can be easily re-located, such as wireless

devices associated with a personal computer, are considered to be mobile devices if

they meet the 20 centimeter separation requirement.

A fixed device is defined as a device is physically secured at one location and is not

able to be easily moved to another location.

Note 2: Any modifications made to the module will void the Grant of Certification,

this module is limited to OEM installation only and must not be sold to end-users,

end-user has no manual instructions to remove or install the device, only software or

operating procedure shall be placed in the end-user operating manual of final


Note 3: Additional testing and certification may be necessary when multiple modules

are used.

Note 4: The module may be operated only with the antenna with which it is

authorized. Any antenna that is of the same type and of equal or less directional gain

as an antenna that is authorized with the intentional radiator may be marketed with,

and used with, that intentional radiator.

Note 5: To ensure compliance with all non-transmitter functions the host manufacturer

is responsible for ensuring compliance with the module(s) installed and fully

operational. For example, if a host was previously authorized as an unintentional

radiator under the Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity procedure without a

transmitter certified module and a module is added, the host manufacturer is

responsible for ensuring that the after the module is installed and operational the host

continues to be compliant with the Part 15B unintentional radiator requirements.

Since this may depend on the details of how the module is integrated with the host,

Hangzhou Gubei Electronics Technology Co., Ltd shall provide guidance to the host

manufacturer for compliance with the Part 15B requirements.

Note 6: FCC ID label on the final system must be labeled with “Contains FCC ID:
2ACDZ-BL3336-P” or “Contains transmitter module FCC ID: 2ACDZ-BL3336-P”.


This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is

subject to the following two conditions:

(1) This device may not cause interference; and

(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause

undesired operation of the device.

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux

appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions

suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de

l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est

susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.

    IC Radiation Exposure Statement:

This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located with any other transmitters

except in accordance with IC multi-transmitter product procedures. Referring to the

multi-transmitter policy, multiple-transmitter(s) and module(s) can be operated

simultaneously without reassessment permissive change.

Cet appareil et son antenne (s) ne doit pas être co-localisés ou fonctionnement en

association avec une autre antenne ou transmetteur.

    This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for

an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with

minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.

    Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements IC

établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet équipement doit être installé et

utilisé avec un minimum de 20cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre


    This module is limited to OEM installation only and must not be sold to

end-users, end-user has no manual instructions to remove or install the device, only

software or operating procedure shall be placed in the end-user operating manual of

final products. Additional testing and certification may be necessary when multiple

modules are used.

    Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could

void the user's authority to operate this equipment.

   The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following "

Contains IC: 21239-BL3336P ".

Document Created: 2018-11-28 16:09:23
Document Modified: 2018-11-28 16:09:23

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