Users Manual


Users Manual

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                                  Bluetooth® technology audio module

                                       • Bluetooth radio
                                       -   Fully embedded Bluetooth® v3.0 +EDR
                                       -   Class2 module
                                       -   128-bit encryption security
                                       -   Range up to 15m
                                       -   Multipoint capability(7 transmit data devices
                                           connected at the same time)
                                       • Support profiles
                                       -   SPP (Master and slave)
                                       -   iAP (ipod accessory protocol)
                                       -   HFP ,A2DP,AVRCP,HID(Salve)
                                       • User interface
                                       - Send AT command over UART
                                       - Firmware upgrade over USB
                                       - With SPP service active: 560kbps transmission
                                         speed (UART)
                                       - PCM interface (I2S,SPDIF)
                                       - I2C interface(Master )
                                       • Audio codec
                                       -   16bit internal stereo codec :95dB SNR for DAC
                                       -   64MIPS Kalimba DSP coprocessor
                                       -   Support Apt-X ,AAC, Apt-XLL,SBC codec
                                       • General I/O
                                       -   11 general purpose I/Os
                                       -   2 analogue I/O
                                       •   FCC and Bluetooth® qualified
                                       •   Single voltage supply: 3.3V typical
                                       •   Small form factor: 23.24 x 11.93 x 2.2mm
                                       • Operating temperature range: -40 °C to 85 °C
                                       • The operation distance >20cm

                                                                    Version 2.0
                                                                     July 21 2014

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                                                                           Bluetooth Audio Module

1. Contents
1.      Description ................................................................................................................................................................ 4

2.      Application................................................................................................................................................................. 4

3.      EH-MB05 Product numbering ............................................................................................................................. 4

4.      Electrical Characteristic ........................................................................................................................................ 5

     4.1.      Recommend operation conditions ................................................................................................................. 5
     4.2.      Absolute Maximum Rating .............................................................................................................................. 5
     4.3.      Power consumptions ........................................................................................................................................ 6
     4.4. Input/output Terminal Characteristics ........................................................................................................... 6
       4.4.1. Digital Terminals........................................................................................................................................ 6
       4.4.2. USB .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
       4.4.3. Internal CODEC Analogue to Digital Converter ................................................................................. 7
       4.4.4. Internal CODEC Digital to Analogue Converter ................................................................................. 8

5.      Pinout and Terminal Description ........................................................................................................................ 9

     5.1.      Pin assignment .................................................................................................................................................. 9
        Physical Interfaces................................................................................................................................................ 11

     6.1.      Power Supply ................................................................................................................................................... 11
     6.2.      Reset .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
     6.3.      PIO ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
     6.4.      AIO ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
     6.5.      UART.................................................................................................................................................................. 13
     6.6. I2C Master ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
       6.6.1. Apple iOS CP reference design ........................................................................................................... 14
     6.7. Digital Audio Interfaces .................................................................................................................................. 15
       6.7.1   PCM ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
       6.7.2   Digital Audio Interface (I2 S) .................................................................................................................. 16
       6.7.3   IEC 60958 Interface (SPDIF) ............................................................................................................... 19
     6.8       Microphone input ............................................................................................................................................. 20
     6.9       Analog Output stage ....................................................................................................................................... 21
     6.10 USB .................................................................................................................................................................... 21

7.      EH-MB05 Reference Design ............................................................................................................................... 23

8.      Mechanical and PCB Footprint Characteristics.......................................................................................... 24

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                                                                      Bluetooth Audio Module

9.     RF Layout Guidelines .......................................................................................................................................... 24

     9.1      Feed Line and Antenna.................................................................................................................................. 25
     9.2      Matching network in free space ................................................................................................................... 26

10.        Reflow Profile ..................................................................................................................................................... 27

11.        Contact Information ......................................................................................................................................... 28

2. Table of Tables
TABLE 1: RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS ............................................................................................... 5
TABLE 2: ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS ................................................ 5
TABLE 3: POWER CONSUMPTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 6
TABLE 4: DIGITAL TERMINAL .................................................................................................................................. 7
TABLE 5: USB TERMINAL ....................................................................................................................................... 7
TABLE 6: ANALOGUE TO DIGITAL CONVERTER ....................................................................................................... 8
TABLE 7: DIGITAL TO ANALOGUE CONVERTER ....................................................................................................... 8
TABLE 8:PIN TERMINAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 11
TABLE 9: PIN STATUS ON RESET .......................................................................................................................... 12
TABLE 10: POSSIBLE UART SETTINGS ................................................................................................................ 13
TABLE 12 : DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE SLAVE TIMING .......................................................................................... 17
TABLE 13 : DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE MASTER TIMING ....................................................................................... 18
TABLE 14: USB INTERFACE COMPONENT VALUES ............................................................................................... 22

3. Table of Figures
FIGURE 1:       P I NOUT OF EH-MB05......................................................................................................................... 9
FIGURE 2:       P OW ER SUPPLY PCB DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 11
FIGURE 3:       C O NNECTION TO HOST DEVICE ........................................................................................................ 13
FIGURE 4 : EXAMPLE EEPROM CONNECTION WITH I2C INTERFACE .................................................................... 14
FIGURE 5 : APPLE CO-PROCESSOR 2.0C ............................................................................................................. 14
FIGURE 6 : APPLE CO-PROCESSOR 2.0B ............................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 7 : AUDIO INTERFACE .............................................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 8 : DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE MODES ..................................................................................................... 17
FIGURE 9 : DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE SLAVE TIMING .......................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 10 : DIGITAL AUDIO INTERFACE MASTER TIMING ..................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 11: EXAMPLE CIRCUIT FOR SPDIF INTERFACE (CO-AXIAL ) ..................................................................... 19
FIGURE 12: EXAMPLE CIRCUIT FOR SPDIF INTERFACE (OPTICAL) ....................................................................... 20
FIGURE 13: MICROPHONE BIASING (SINGLE CHANNEL SHOWN) ........................................................................... 20
FIGURE 14: SPEAKER OUTPUT ............................................................................................................................. 21
FIGURE 15: USB CONNECTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 22
FIGURE 16: REFERENCE DESIGN ......................................................................................................................... 23
FIGURE 18: CLEARANCE AREA OF ANTENNA ......................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 19: ANTENNA REFERENCE DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 20: PI MATCH NETWORK EXAMPLE ........................................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 21: RECOMMENDED REFLOW PROFILE ................................................................................................... 27

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                    Bluetooth Audio Module

1. Description
The EH-MB05 is an easy to use Bluetooth module, compliant with Bluetooth v3.0+EDR. The
module provides complete RF platform in a small form factor.
The EH-MB05 enables electronic devices with wireless connectivity, not requiring any RF
experience or expertise for integration into the final product. The EH-MB05 module, being a
certified solution, optimizes the time to market of the final application.
The module is designed for maximum performance in a minimal space including fast speed
UART and 11general purpose I/O lines, 1 analogueI/O lines, several serial interface options, and
up to 600 kbps transmission speed with SPP service active, 200 kbps with iAP service active.
The module is                               , the impedance of the feed line between the RF port and the
antenna shall be 50Ω.Embedded Bluetooth AT command firmware is a friendly interface,
Supportdifferent Bluetooth profiles, such as SPP, A2DP, AVRCP, HFP, HID, iAP and etc. iAP
over Bluetooth using apple’s authentication coprocessor.
Customers using the Apple authentication IC must register as developers, to become an
Apple certified MFI member. License fees may apply, for additional information visit:
Certified MFI developers developing electronic accessories that connect to an iPod®,
iPhone ®, and iPad ® can gain access to technical documentation, hardware components,
technical support and certification logos.
Customized firmware for peripheral device interaction, power optimization, security, and other
proprietary features may be supported and can be ordered pre-loaded and configured.

2. Application

• Sports and fitness
• Home entertainment
• Service diagnostics
• Office and mobile accessories
• Commercial
• Multimedia speaker
• Automotive
• Human interface devices

3. EH-MB05 Product numbering

A.   EH   -------------   Company Name(Ehong)
B.   MB05 ------------    Module Name

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                Bluetooth Audio Module

4.       Electrical Characteristic
4.1. Recommend operation conditions

     Operating Condition                              Min      Typical       Max         Unit
     Storage Temperature                              -40         --         +105        °C
     Operating Temperature Range                      -40         --         +85         °C
     PIO Voltage                                      +1.7       +3.3        +3.6         V
     AIO Voltage                                     +1.42       +1.5       +1.57         V
     VDD Voltage                                      +2.7       +3.3        +3.6         V
     RF frequency                                    2400        2441       24800        MHz

                           Table 1: Recommended Operating Conditions

4.2. Absolute Maximum Rating
     Rating                                                      Min         Max         Unit
     Storage Temperature                                          -40        +125        °C
     Operating Temperature                                        -40        +85         °C
     PIO Voltage                                                 -0.4        +3.6         V
     AIO Voltage                                                 -0.4       +1.57         V
     VDD Voltage                                                 -0.4        +3.6         V
     USB_DP/USB_DN Voltage                                       -0.4        +3.6         V
     Other Terminal Voltages except RF                           -0.4                     V

              Table 2: Absolute Maximum Rating Recommended Operating Conditions

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                               Bluetooth Audio Module

4.3. Power consumptions

  Operating Condition                    Min          Typical             Max                   Unit
  Standby, without deep sleep            2.1              -                3.1                   mA
  Standby, with deep sleep               0.11             -                0.7                   mA
  Inquiry window time                      -              -                40                    mA
  Connected (Deep sleep
  disable, sniff (a) enable )              -             3.3                   -                 mA
  Connected (Deep sleep on,
  sniff enable)                            -             0.4                   -                 mA
  Connected with data transfer            18             20                22                    mA
  Connected with audio
  streaming (A2DP)                                       35              40                      mA

                                     Table 3: Power consumptions
Note :
Power consumption depends on the firmware used. Typical values are shown in the table.
   Sniff mode ----- In Sniff mode, the duty cycle of the slave’s activity in the piconet may be reduced. If a
slave is in active mode on an ACL logical transport, it shall listen in every ACL slot to the master traffic,
unless that link is being treated as a scatter net link or is absent due to hold mode. With sniff mode, the
time slots when a slave is listening are reduced, so the master shall only transmit to a slave in specified
time slots. The sniff anchor points are spaced regularly with an interval of Tsniff.
   Radio on(Inquiry )----Search time is 22 seconds

4.4. Input/output Terminal Characteristics
4.4.1.Digital Terminals
Supply Voltage Levels                                     Min            Typ             Max            Unit
Input Voltage Levels
VIL input logic level low                                 -0.3             -         +0.25xVDD           V
VIH input logic level high                             0.625VDD            -          VDD+0.3            V
Output Voltage Levels
VOL output logic level low, lOL = 4.0mA                       -            -            0.125            V
VOH output logic level high, lOH = -4.0mA              0.75xVDD            -             VDD             V
Input and Tri-state Current
Ii input leakage current at Vin=VDD or 0V                 -100            0              100            nA
Ioz tri-state output leakage current at Vo=VDD            -100            0              100            nA
or 0V
With strong pull-up                                       -100           -40              -10           uA
With strong pull-down                                         10          40             100            μA

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                           Bluetooth Audio Module

 Input full scale at maximum gain (differential)                  -          4          -
 Input full scale at minimum gain (differential)                  -                     -           mV
 3dB Bandwidth                                                    -         20          -           kHz
 Microphone mode input impedance                                  -          6          -           kΩ
 THD+N (microphone input) @ 30mv rms input                                 0.04                     %
                                  Table 6: Analogue to Digital Converter

4.4.4.Internal CODEC Digital to Analogue Converter

   Parameter                       Conditions                    Min        Typ       Max           Unit
Resolution                                                            -       -         16          Bits
Output Sample Rate, Fsample                                       8           -         48          kHz
                      fin=1kHz                    8kHz                -      95         -
                      B/W=20Hz->20kHz          11.025kHz              -      95         -
Signal to Noise       A-Weighted                 16kHz                -      95         -
Ratio, SNR            THD+N<0.01%              22.050kHz              -      95         -            dB
                      0dBFS signal               32kHz                -      95         -
                      Load = 100kΩ                 44.1kHz            -      95         -
                                                    48kHz             -      95
Digital Gain          Digital Gain Resolution = 1/32 dB          -24          -        21.5          dB
Analogue Gain         Analogue Gain Resolution = 3dB              0           -        -21           dB
Output voltage full swing (differential)                              -     750         -
Allowed Load                                  Resistive           16          -        OC            Ω
                                              Capacitive           -          -        500           pF
THD+N 100kΩ load                                                      -       -        0.01          %
THD+N 16Ω load                                                        -       -        0.1           %
SNR (Load=16Ω, 0dBFS input relative to digital                        -                 -
                                                                             95                      dB
                                  Table 7: Digital to Analogue Converter

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                     Bluetooth Audio Module

5. Pinout and Terminal Description
5.1. Pin assignment

                                  Figure 1: Pinout of EH-MB05

 Pin     Symbol                   I/O Type                            Description
  1        GND         Ground                           Ground
                                                        Active LOW RESETB, input debounced
                       CMOS input with weak
  2      RESETB                                         so must be low for >5ms to cause a
                       internal pull-up
                       Input with weak internal pull-   Serial Peripheral interface clock for
  3      SPI_CLK
                       down                             programming only
  4     SPI_MISO       CMOS output, tri-state, with     Serial Peripheral Interface output for
                       weak internal pull-down          programming only
  5     SPI_MOSI       CMOS input, with weak            Serial Peripheral Interface input for
                       internal pull-down               programming only
                                                        Chip select for Synchronous Serial
                       Input with weak internal pull-
  6      SPI_CSB                                        Interface for programming only, active
  7        LED0        Open drain output                LED Driver
                       Bi-directional with
  8        PIO3        programmable strength            Programmable input/output line
                       internal pull-up/down
                       CMOS output, tri-state, with
  9     PCM_OUT                                         Synchronous Data Output
                       weak internal pull-down
 10      MIC_RP        Analogue                         Microphone input positive, right
 11      MIC_RN        Analogue                         Microphone input negative, right

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                Bluetooth Audio Module

                       Bi-directional with
 12        PIO0        programmable strength      Programmable input/output line
                       internal pull-up/down
                       Bi-directional with
 13        PIO1
                       programmable strength      Programmable input/output line
                       internal pull-up/down
                       CMOS Input, with weak
 14      PCM_IN                                   Synchronous Data Input
                       internal pull-down
 15        GND         Ground                     Ground

 16                    Bi-directional with weak
       PCM_SYNC                                   Synchronous Data Sync
                       internal pull-down
 17      RF_GND        RF Ground                  RF ground
 18        RF_IN       RF                         RF Transceiver input/output line
 19      RF_GND        RF Ground                  RF ground
                       Bi-directional with weak
 20     PCM_CLK                                   Synchronous Data Clock
                       internal pull-down
 21        AIO0        Bi-directional             Analogue programmable input/output line
 22        GND         Ground                     Ground
 23       MIC_LP       Analogue                   Microphone input positive, left
 24       MIC_LN       Analogue                   Microphone input negative, right
 25      SPK_LN        Analogue                   Speaker output negative, left
 26      SPK_LP        Analogue                   Speaker output positive, left
 27      SPK_RN        Analogue                   Speaker output negative, right
 28      SPK_RP        Analogue                   Speaker output positive, right
                       Bi-directional with
 29        PIO13       programmable strength      Programmable input/output line
                       internal pull-up/down
 30        VDD         3V3 power input            3V3 power input

 31                                               USB data plus with selectable internal
         USB_DP        Bi-directional
                                                  1.5K pull up resistor
 32      USB_DN        Bi-directional             USB data minus
 33        GND         Ground                     Ground
                       Bi-directional with
 34        PIO9        programmable strength      Programmable input/output line
                       internal pull-up/down
                       Bi-directional with
 35        PIO14       programmable strength      Programmable input/output line
                       internal pull-up/down
 36        PIO4        Bi-directional with        Programmable input/output line

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                        Bluetooth Audio Module

                           programmable strength
                           internal pull-up/down
    37      GND            Ground                          Ground
                           Bi-directional CMOS output,
    38    UART_TX          tri-state, with weak internal   UART data output
                           CMOS input with weak
    39    UART_RX                                          UART data input
                           internal pull-down
                           Bi-directional with
    40      PIO8           programmable strength           Programmable input/output line
                           internal pull-up/down
                           Bi-directional with
    41      PIO7           programmable strength           Programmable input/output line
                           internal pull-up/down
                           Bi-directional with
    42      PIO6                                           Programmable input/output line
                           programmable strength
                           internal pull-up/down

                                    Table 8:PIN Terminal Description

6. Physical Interfaces
6.1. Power Supply
-    The module DC3.3V power input.
-    Power supply pin connection capacitor to chip and pin as far as possible close
-    Capacitor decouples power to the chip
-    Capacitor prevents noise coupling back to power plane.

                                 Figure 2: Power Supply PCB Design

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                       Bluetooth Audio Module

6.2. Reset
The module may be reset from several sources: RESETB pin, power-on reset, a UART break
character or via software configured watchdog timer.

The RESETB pin is an active low RESETB and is internally filtered using the internal low
frequency clock oscillator. A RESETB will be performed between 1.5 and 4.0ms following
RESETB being active. It is recommended that RESETB be applied for a period greater than

At RESETB the digital I/O pins are set to inputs for bi-directional pins and outputs are tri-state.
The pull-down state is shown below.

              Pin Name / Group                                Pin Status on RESETB
                    USB_DP                                                N/a
                   USB_DN                                                 N/a
                   UART_RX                                                PD
                   UART_TX                                                PU
                   SPI_MOSI                                               PD
                   SPI_CLK                                                PD
                   SPI_CSB                                                PU
                   SPI_MISO                                               PD
                    RESETB                                                PU
                      PIOs                                                PD
                    PCM_IN                                                PD
                   PCM_CLK                                                PD
                  PCM_SYNC                                                PD
                  PCM_OUT                                                 PD
                                     Table 9: Pin Status on Reset

6.3. PIO
EH-MB05 has a total of 11 digital programmable I/O terminals. They are powered from VDD
(3.3V). Their functions depend on firmware running on the device. PIO lines can be configured
through software to have either weak or strong pull-ups or pull-downs.
All PIO lines are configured as inputs with weak pull-downs at reset.
Any of the PIO lines can be configured as interrupt request lines or as wake-up lines from sleep

6.4. AIO
EH-MB05 has 2 analogue I/O terminals. Their functions depend on software. Typically ADC
functions can be configured to battery voltage measurement. They can also be used as a digital

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                      Bluetooth Audio Module

6.5. UART
This is a standard UART interface for communicating with other serial devices. The
UART interface provides a simple mechanism for communicating with other serial
devices using the RS232 protocol.
The UART CTS and RTS signals can be used to implement RS232 hardware flow
control where both are active low indicators.

                    Parameter                                      Possible Values
                                                                 1200 baud (≤2%Error)
        Baud Rate                                                9600 baud (≤1%Error)
                                   Maximum                        3M baud (≤1%Error)
                    Flow Control                                   RTS/CTS or None
                       Parity                                     None, Odd or Even
                Number of Stop Bits                                     1 or 2
                  Bits per Byte                                             8
                                Table 10: Possible UART Settings

                             Figure 3: Connection To Host device

6.6. I2C Master
PIO6, PIO7 and PIO8 can be used to form a master I C interface. The interface is formed using
software to drive these lines. It is suited only to relatively
                                                          2    slow functions such as driving a LCD,
keyboard scanner or EEPROM. In the case, PIO lines need to be pulled up through 2.2KΩ

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                       Bluetooth Audio Module

                   Figure 4 : Example EEPROM Connection with I2C Interface

6.6.1.Apple iOS CP reference design
The figures below give an indicative overview of what the hardware concept looks like. A
specific MFI co-processor layout is available for licensed MFI developers from the MFI program.

                                  Figure 5 : Apple Co-processor 2.0C

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                       Bluetooth Audio Module

                                  Figure 6 : Apple Co-processor 2.0B

6.7. Digital Audio Interfaces
 The audio interface circuit consists of:
     ■ Stereo audio codec
     ■ Dual audio inputs and outputs
     ■ A configurable PCM, I²S or SPDIF interface
 Figure 2 outlines the functional blocks of the interface. The codec supports stereo playback and
 recording of audio signals at multiple sample rates with a resolution of 16-bit. The ADC and
 the DAC of the codec each contain 2 independent channels. Any ADC or DAC channel can be
 run at its own independent sample rate.

                                       Figure 7 : Audio Interface

 The interface for the digital audio bus shares the same pins as the PCM codec interface
 described in Table 11, which means each of the audio buses are mutually exclusive in their
 usage. Table 11 lists these alternative functions.

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                                  Bluetooth Audio Module

  PCM Interface                      SPDIF Interface                      I²S Interface
  PCM_OUT                            SPDIF_OUT                            SD_OUT

  PCM_IN                             SPDIF_IN                             SD_IN

  PCM_SYNC                           -                                    WS

  PCM_CLK                            -                                    SCK

          Table 11: Alternative Functions of the Digital Audio Bus Interface on the PCM Interface
The audio input circuitry consists of a dual audio input that can be configured to be either
single-ended or fully differential and programmed for either microphone or line input. It has an
analogue and digital programmable gain stage for optimization of different microphones.
The audio output circuitry consists of a dual differential class A-B output stage.

6.7.1 PCM

The audio pulse code modulation (PCM) interface supports continuous transmission and
reception of PCM encoded audio data over Bluetooth.
Hardware on EH-MB05 allows the data to be sent to and received from a SCO connection. Up
to three SCO connections can be supported by the PCM interface at any one time.
EH-MB05 can operate as the PCM interface master generating PCM_SYNC and PCM_CLK or
as a PCM interface slave accepting externally generated PCM_SYNC and PCM_CLK.
EH-MB05 is compatible with a variety of clock formats, including Long Frame Sync, Short
Frame Sync and GCI timing environments.
It supports 13-bit or 16-bit linear, 8-bit u-law or A-law companded sample formats and can
receive and transmit on any selection of three of the first four slots following PCM_SYNC.
EH-MB05 interfaces directly to PCM audio devices including the following:
■ Qualcomm MSM 3000 series and MSM 5000 series CDMA baseband devices
■ OKI MSM7705 four channel A-law and μ-law CODEC
■ Motorola MC145481 8-bit A-law and μ-law CODEC
■ Motorola MC145483 13-bit linear CODEC
■ STW 5093 and 5094 14-bit linear CODECs(8)
■ EH-MB05 is also compatible with the Motorola SSI interface

6.7.2 Digital Audio Interface (I2S)

The digital audio interface supports the industry standard formats for I2S, left-justified or right-
justified. The interface shares the same pins of the PCM interface as Table 11.

The I2S interface can be enabled by using AT+ commands. The module is an I2S slave device
with the default firmware. Contact with EHong for special firmware when use the module as an
I2S master. The I2S support following formats:

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                               Bluetooth Audio Module

                             Figure 8 : Digital Audio Interface Modes

   Symbol                  Parameter                          Min           Typical    Max       Unit
      -         SCK Frequency                                  -               -       6.2       MHz
      -         WS Frequency                                   -               -       96        kHz
     tch        SCK high time                                 80               -        -         ns
     tcl        SCK low time                                  80               -         -        ns
     topd       SCK to SD_OUT delay                            -               -        20        ns
     tssu       WS to SCK set up time                          20              -         -        ns
      tsh       WS to SCK hold time                            20              -         -        ns
      tisu      SD_IN to SCK set-up time                       20              -         -        ns
       tih      SD_IN to SCK hold time                         20              -         -        ns
                          Table 12 : Digital Audio Interface Slave Timing

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                               Bluetooth Audio Module

                          Figure 9 : Digital Audio Interface Slave Timing

   Symbol                Parameter                             Min          Typical    Max       Unit
        -       SCK Frequency                                   -              -       6.2       MHz
        -       WS Frequency                                    -              -        96       kHz
     topd       SCK to SD_OUT delay                             -              -        20        ns
     tspd       SCK to WS delay                                 -              -        20        ns
      tisu      SD_IN to SCK set-up time                       20              -         -        ns
       tih      SD_IN to SCK hold time                         10              -         -        ns
                          Table 13 : Digital Audio Interface Master Timing

                         Figure 10 : Digital Audio Interface Master Timing

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                               Bluetooth Audio Module

6.7.3 IEC 60958 Interface (SPDIF)

 Through AT+ command to switch if SPDIF is used.The IEC 60958 interface is a digital audio
 interface that uses bi-phase coding to minimise the DC content of the transmitted signal and
 allows the receiver to decode the clock information from the transmitted signal. The IEC 60958
 specification is based on the 2 industry standards:
     ■ AES/EBU
     ■ Sony and Philips interface specification SPDIF
 The interface is compatible with IEC 60958-1, IEC 60958-3 and IEC 60958-4.
 The SPDIF interface signals are SPDIF_IN and SPDIF_OUT and are shared on the PCM
 interface pins. The input and output stages of the SPDIF pins can interface to:
     ■ A 75Ω coaxial cable with an RCA connector, see Figure 11.
     ■ An optical link that uses Toslink optical components, see Figure 12.

                       Figure 11: Example Circuit for SPDIF Interface (Co-Axial)

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                                   Bluetooth Audio Module

                        Figure 12: Example Circuit for SPDIF Interface (Optical)

6.8 Microphone input

                       Figure 13: Microphone Biasing (Single Channel Shown)

The audio input is intended for use in the range from 1μA @ 94dB SPL to about 10μA @ 94dB
SPL. With biasing resistors R1 and R2 equal to 1kΩ, this requires microphones with sensitivity
between about –40dBV and –60dBV. The microphone for each channel should be biased as
shown in Figure 14.

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                          Bluetooth Audio Module

6.9 Analog Output stage

The output stage digital circuitry converts the signal from 16-bit per sample, linear PCM of
variable sampling frequency to a 2Mbits/s 5-bit multi-bit bit stream, which is fed into the analogue
output circuitry.
The output stage circuit is comprised a DAC with gain setting and class AB amplifier. The output
is available as a differential signal between SPKR_LN and SPKR_LP for the right channel, as
Figure 14 shows, and between SPKL_RN and SPKL_RP for the left channel.

                                      Figure 15: Speaker output

6.10 USB

This is a full speed (12M bits/s) USB interface for communicating with other compatible digital
devices. The module acts as a USB peripheral, responding to request from a master host
controller, such as a PC.
The USB interface is capable of driving a USB cable directly. No external USB transceiver is
required. The device operates as a USB peripheral, responding to requests from a master host
controller such as a PC. Both the OHCI and the UHCI standards are supported. The set of USB
endpoints implemented can behave as specified in the USB section of the Bluetooth
specification v2.1+EDR or alternatively can appear as a set of endpoints appropriate to USB
audio devices such as speakers.
The module has an internal USB pull-up resistor. This pulls the USB_DP pin weakly high when
module is ready to enumerate. It signals to the USB master that it is a full speed (12Mbit/s) USB

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                              Bluetooth Audio Module

                                     Figure 16: USB Connections

           Identifier                            Value                             Function
                                                                         Impedance matching to USB
                Rs                           27Ω Nominal
                            Table 14: USB Interface Component Values

USB_ON is only used when the firmware need an input to detect if USB is connected and the USB
function shall be enabled. In such case it is shared with the module PIO terminals. If detection is not
needed (firmware already runs with USB, such as USB DFU or USB CDC), USB_ON is not needed.

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                Bluetooth Audio Module

7. EH-MB05 Reference Design

                                  Figure 17: Reference Design

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                        Bluetooth Audio Module
8. Mechanical and PCB Footprint Characteristics

  Figure 18: Recommended PCB Mounting Pattern (Unit: mm, Deviation:0.02mm)TOP View

9. RF Layout Guidelines
EH-MB05 has an on-board PCB antenna. PCB design to ensure enough clearance area of
antenna, area length is 1.6 times of antenna length, area width is 4 times of antenna width, the
bigger the better if the space allows. The specific size as shown figure below.

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                         Bluetooth Audio Module

                              Figure 19: Clearance area of antenna

9.1     Feed Line and Antenna

The impedance of the feed line between the RF port and the antenna shall be 50Ω.
   A good ground directly under the feed line is always needed for impedance control.
   Route the feed line as curve lines when needed, avoid 90 or even less degree angles style.
   The width of the feed line, the distance of the feed line to the ground plane are keys to the
     impedance. Ask your PCB supplier to control the impedance of the feed line.
For the antenna,
 When PCB antenna is used, matching networks shall be used to optimize the antenna’s
     signal strength.
 Use as many vias as possible to connect the ground planes nearby the antenna.

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                       Bluetooth Audio Module

                             Figure 20: Antenna reference design

9.2     Matching network in free space

The specs of a Fractus standard antenna are measured in their evaluation board (in free space),
which is an ideal case. In a real design, components nearby the antenna, semiconductors,
LCD’s, batteries, covers, connectors, etc affect the antenna performance. This is the reason
why it is highly recommended to place 0402 pads for a PI matching network as close as
possible to the antenna feeding point. Do it in the ground plane area, not in the clearance area.
This is a degree of freedom to tune the antenna once the design is finished and taking into
account all elements of the system (batteries, displays, covers, etc).

                             Figure 21: PI match network example

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                         Bluetooth Audio Module

10.         Reflow Profile
The soldering profile depends on various parameters necessitating a set up for each application.
The data here is given only for guidance on solder reflow.




   25             A                   B                C             D                   E

        0             1           2           3             4              5             6     min

                             Figure 22: Recommended Reflow Profile
Pre-heat zone (A) — This zone raises the temperature at a controlled rate, typically 0.5 – 2
C/s. The purpose of this zone is to preheat the PCB board and components to 120 ~ 150 C.
This stage is required to distribute the heat uniformly to the PCB board and completely remove
solvent to reduce the heat shock to components.

Equilibrium Zone 1 (B) — In this stage the flux becomes soft and uniformly encapsulates
solder particles and spread over PCB board, preventing them from being re-oxidized. Also with
elevation of temperature and liquefaction of flux, each activator and rosin get activated and start
eliminating oxide film formed on the surface of each solder particle and PCB board. The
temperature is recommended to be 150to 210for 60 to 120 second for this zone.

Equilibrium Zone 2 (c) (optional) — In order to resolve the upright component issue, it is
recommended to keep the temperature in 210 – 217 for about 20 to 30 second.

Reflow Zone (D) — The profile in the figure is designed for Sn/Ag3.0/Cu0.5. It can be a
reference for other lead-free solder. The peak temperature should be high enough to achieve
good wetting but not so high as to cause component discoloration or damage. Excessive
soldering time can lead to intermetallic growth which can result in a brittle joint. The
recommended peak temperature (Tp) is 230 ~ 250 C. The soldering time should be 30 to 90
second when the temperature is above 217 C.

Cooling Zone (E) — The cooling ate should be fast, to keep the solder grains small which will
give a longerlasting joint. Typical cooling rate should be 4 C.

Shanghai Ehong Technologies Inc

                                                                         Bluetooth Audio Module

11. Contact Information

Technical support:

Phone: +86 21 64769993

Fax: +86 21 64765833

Street address: Rom1505, Blk 1st ,No.833 South Hong mei Rd ,Ming hang district shanghai

Note: FCC RF exposure requirements
1. Radiated transmit power must be equal to or lower than that specified in the FCC Grant of
   Equipment Authorization for FCC ID:2ACCRMB05.

2. To comply with FCC regulations limiting both maximum RF output power and human
   exposure to RF radiation, maximum antenna gain (including cable loss) must not exceed: .

  Bluetooth <4.0 dBi

3. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
   (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
       interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.

4.The host end product must include a user manual that clearly defines operating requirements
  and conditions that must be observed to ensure compliance with current FCC RF exposure

Ehong Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                            Bluetooth Audio Module

For portable devices, in addition to the conditions described above, a separate approval is
required to satisfy the SAR requirements of FCC Part 2.1093

If the device is used for other equipment that separate approval is required for all other
operating configurations, including portable configurations with respect to 2.1093 and different
antenna configurations.

For this device, OEM integrators must be provided with labeling instructions of finished
products.Please refer to KDB784748 D01 v07, section 8. Page 6/7 last two paragraphs:

A certified modular has the option to use a permanently affixed label, or an electronic label. For
a permanently affixed label, the module must be labelled with an FCC ID - Section 2.926 (see
2.2 Certification (labelling requirements) above). The OEM manual must provide clear
instructions explaining to the OEM the labelling requirements,options and OEM user manual
instructions that are required (see next paragraph).

For a host using a certified modular with a standard fixed label, if (1) the module’s FCC ID is not
visible when installed in the host, or (2) if the host is marketed so that end users do not have
straight forward commonly used methods for access to remove the module so that the FCC ID
of the module is visible; then an additional permanent label referring to the enclosed
module:“Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: 2ACCRMB05” or “Contains FCC ID:
2ACCRMB05” must be used. The host OEM user manual must also contain clear instructions
on how end users can find and/or access the module and the FCC ID.

The final host / module combination may also need to be evaluated against the FCC Part 15B
criteria for unintentional radiators in order to be properly authorized for operation as a Part 15
digital device.

The users manual or instruction manual for an intentional or unintentional radiator shall caution
the user that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. In cases where the manual
is provided only in a form other than paper, such as on a computer disk or over the Internet, the
information required by this section may be included in the manual in that alternative form,
provided the user can reasonably be expected to have the capability to access information in
that form.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:

Ehong Technology Co., Ltd

                                                                          Bluetooth Audio Module

—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

In accordance with FCC Part 15C, this module is listed as a Limited Modular Transmitter device.
Therefore, the final host product must be submitted to [ShangHai Ehong Technology Co.,Ltd.] for confirmation
that the installation of the module into the host is in compliance with the regulations of FCC and IC Canada.
Specifically, if an antenna other than the model documented in the Filing is used, a Class 2 Permissive Change
must be filed with the FCC. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could
void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Ehong Technology Co., Ltd

Document Created: 2017-03-28 14:02:29
Document Modified: 2017-03-28 14:02:29

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