

Test Report

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Cal       (ation Laboratory of                                                                 . Sctweizerischer Kaltorierdionst
Schmid & Partner                                                                               . Service sulsse d@talonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                                 Servisio svizero i taratura
Zoughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Suitzerand                                                    8     Suiss Callbration Service

Accredted by the Svies Accredtation Sonice (SAS)                                                Accreditation No: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one ofthe signatories to the EA
Multiaterat Agreement for the recognition of calbration cortfeates
Client      CTTL(Auden)                                                             Cenificate No: CD1880V3—1018_Aug17

 Object                           CD1880V8 — SN: 1018

 Caltvation procedure(s)          OA CAL—20.v6
                                  Calibration procedure for dipoles in air

 Calbraton date:                  August 23, 2017

 Thiscaltraton certicatedocumentsthe bnceabily to natlnal sindards, uhch realie th physical units of measuroments (30.
 The meassrements and ho uncertainies wih conidence probabity are gven on the folowing pages and are part of thcorticate.
 Allcalbrations have been conducted in theclased laboraloy facity: envronment temporature (22 . 3)°C and humidty < 70%.
 Calbraton Equipment used (MRTE crtcafor calbraton)
  Primary Standards                 n«                     CalDate (Corticato o)                          Scheduled Calbraton
  Pover mote: NR                    sit roerre             dt—ipe—t7 (No. 217—ceszimese2)                 Aoie
  Pover sensor NRF:201              SN: rosoes             0t—ape17 (No. 217—00500)                       Apets
  Ponersensor NRP:291               sn rosmes              dt—dvr—t7 (No. 217—ces00)                      Apeis
  Reterence 20 68 Atnvator          snz sose eag           0r—apet7 (No. 217—00000)                       Apei8
  TypeN mismatchcominatin           N: or72/ 06027         Or—Aprt7 (No.217—02520)                        Aper8
  Probe EROVs                       SN: 2006               30.Dee—16 (No. ER3—2308_Decte)                 Deet7
  Prove sove                        SN: ooss               30.Dec—18 (No.H—€085_Doct6)                    Deet7
  paes                              sc zen                 194007 (No. DAE4—7et_Jurtr)                    wers
  Secondary Standards               B                      Check Date tn house)                           Schaduted Check
  Power mater Agient 24198          SN: aasmzoor           09—0ct09 in house chock Sep—14)                in house checic Oct17
  Power sensor HP EsateA            SNtUsaeeesto®          OSdan—10 (nhouse check Sep—14)                 In house checic Oct17
  Poer sensor HP 8482A              SN: Usarznssar.        09—0ct09 (nhousecheck Sep—14)                  In house chackc Octt7
  AF generator RBSSMT—05            SN:eszzssiort          27—Aug—12 (n house check Oct—15)               In house chackc Octt7
  Natwork Analyzor HP 07598         sn: usarasoses         18—0.01 (n house chack Oct—16)                 In house chec Oct17
                                    Name                              Functon                              Sgnatue
  Cattrated by:                    Johannes Kurida                    Laboratoy Technician                 z
                                                                                                         / /ffl/ fe=

  Approved by:                      Katia Pobovie                     Technical Manager                 /@W’C

                                                                                                          Issued: August 23, 2017
  Thisealbration carficle shll notbe reproduced excentin fuil wihout witenapproval ofhe laborator.

 Certficate No: CD1880V3—1018_Augt?                   Page 1 o8

     4      Laboratory of                                                                g._ Sctweizerischer Kallbrerdlanst
Schmid & Partner                                                                         g5 Service sulsse détalonnage
   Engineering AG                                        Tsd                             @g   Senvicio vizzero ditaratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Svitzerland             77,[/??\“\\?                         Suiss Gallbrition Service
Accredted by the Svies Accredtation Sonico (SAS)                                          Accrediation No.: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatoriosto the EA
Multiaterat Agreement for the recognition of callration corifeates

1        ANSI—C63,10—2007
         American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Compatiblty between Wireless Communications
         Devices and Hearing Aids.
C        ANST—C63,19—2011
         American National Standard, Methods of Measurement of Compatibilty between Wireless Communications
         Devices and Hearing Aids.
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   + Coordinate System: y—axis is in the direction of the dipole arms. z—axis is from the basis of the antenna
      (mounted on the table) towards its feed point between the two dipole arms. x—axis is normal to the other axes.
      in coincidence wih the standards [1], the measurement planes (probe sensor center) are selected to be at a
      distance of 10 mm (15 mm for[2]) above the top metal edge of the dipole arms.
         Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the hardcopies at the end of the cortificate. All
         figures stated in the certificate are valld at the frequency indlcated. The forward power to the dipole connector
         is set with a calibrated power meter connected and monitored with an auxilary power meter connected to a
         directional coupler. While the dipole under tes:is connected, the forward power is adjusted to the same level.
         Antenna Positioning: The dipole is mounted on a HAC Test Arch phantom using the matching dipole
         positioner with the arms horizontal and the feeding cable coming from the floor. The measurements are
         performed in a shielded room with absorbers around the setup to reduce the reflections.
         Itis verified before the mounting of the ipole under the Test Arch phantom, that ts arms are perfectly in a
         line. Itisinstalled on the HAC dipole positioner with its arms parallebelow the dielectric reference wire and
         able to move elastically in vertical direction without changing its relative position to the top center of the Test
         Arch phantom. The vertical distanceto the probe is adjusted after dipole mounting with a DASY5 Surtace
         Check job. Before the measurement, the distance between phantom surtace and probe tip is veriied. The
         proper measurement distance is selected by choosing the matching section of the HAC Test Arch phantem
         with the proper device reference point (upper surface of the dipole) and the matching grid reference point(tp
         of the probe) considering the probe sensor offset. The vertical distance to the probe is essentialfor the
         Feed PointImpedance and Retum Loss: These parameters are measured using a HP 8753E Vector Network
         Analyzer. The impedance is specified at the SMA connector ofthe dipole. The influence of reflections was
         eliminating by applying the averaging function while moving the dipole in the air, at Ieast 70om away from any
         E—feld distribution: E fied is measured in the x4—plane with an isotropic ERSD—feld probe with 100 mW
         forward power to the antenna feed point. In accordance with [1] and [2},the scan area is 20mm wide, ts
         length exceeds the dipole arm length (180 or $0mm). The sensor center is 10 mm (15 mm for [2])(i 2) above
         the metal top of the dipole arms. Two 3D maxma are available near the end of the dipole arms. Assurning the
         dipole arms are perfectly in one line, the average of these two maxima (in subgrid 2 and subgrid 8) is
         determined to compensate for any non—paralleity to the measurement plane as well as the sensor
         displacement. The E—feld value stated as calibration value represents the maximum of the interpolated 9D—E—
         field, in the plane above the dipole surtace.
         Ffield distribution: H—feld is measured with an isotropic H—field probe with 100mW forward powerto the
         antenna feed point, in the xcy—plane. The scan areaand sensor distanceis equivalent to the E—field scan. The
         maximum of the field is available at the center (subgrid 5) above the feed point. The H—field value stated as
         callbration value represents the maximum of the interpolated H—field, 10mm above the dipole surface at the
         feed point.
  The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multipled by the
  coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probabiity of approximately 95%.

 Certficate No: GD1880V3—1018_Augt?                  Page 2c 8

7TL                                                                                        F

 Measurement Conditions
    DASY system confiquration, as far as not given on page 1.
      DASY Version                                               Dasys                      vs2.10.0
      Phantom                                             HAG Test Arch
      Distance Dipole Top — Probe Center                        10, 15 mm
      Scan resolution                                        th, dy = 8 mm
      Frequency                                         1880 Miiza: 1 MHz
      Input power drift                                         <0.05 0B

 Maximum Field values at 1880 MHz

      H—field 10 mm above dipole surface                           condition         interpotated maximum
      Maximum measured                                        100 mW input power     0.456 Am 2 8.2 % (ke2)

      E—field 10 mm above dipole surface                            condition        Interpolated maximum
      Maximum measured abovehigh end                          100 mW input power     199. Vim= 42.88 dBVim
      Maximum measured abovelow end                           100 mW inout power     1974 Vim=42.76 dBVim
      Averaged maximum above arm                                100 mW input power   190.3 Vim x 12.8 % (ke2)

      E—field 15 mm above dipole surface                             condition       Interpolated maximum
      Maximum measured above high ond                           100 mW inout power   91.7 Vim= $0.24 dBVim
      Maximum measured above low end                            100 mW input power   87.4 Vim= 38.83 dBVim
      Averaged maximum above arm                                100 mW input power   89.5 Vim 2 12.8 % (k=2)

 Certficate No: CD1880V3—1018_Aug17             Page 3 of3

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
Antenna Parameters

      Frequency                                                Return Loss                     Impedance
      1730 MHz                                                    28.3 dB                     §4.0 Q + 0.2 jQ
      1880 MHz                                                    22.6 dB                     54.2 Q + 6.5 jQ
      1900 MHz                                                    22.4 dB                     56.3 Q + 5.1 jQ
      1950 MHz                                                    33.2 dB                     52.2 Q — 0.1 jQ
      2000 MHz                                                    19.3 dB                    47.9 Q + 10.5 jQ

3.2 Antenna Design and Handling

The calibration dipole has a symmetric geometry with a built—in two stub matching network, which leads to the
enhanced bandwidth.
The dipole is built of standard semirigid coaxial cable. The internal matching line is open ended. The antenna is
therefore open for DC signals.
Do not apply force to dipole arms, as they are liable to bend. The soldered connections near the feedpoint may be
damaged. After excessive mechanical stress or overheating, check the impedance characteristics to ensure that the
internal matching network is not affected.

After long term use with 40W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can be measured.

Certificate No: CD1880V3—1018_Aug17            Page 4 of 8

Impedance Measurement Plot

                                                           22 nus aosr osiasiar
         Eim sin     uoo      s corer ~18 s               11—22.550 40 1 co0.000 soo lz

                                                                                          CHL HNarkers
                                                                                          z—a0.008 0e
                                                                                           172600 ie
                                                                                          cr—2a. 408 on
                                                                                           1.90000 04z
                                                                                          «—ana7r ce
                                                                                           1.35600 olz
                                                                                          s—a9,208 c
                                                                                           200000 on
         cne sin     i ues           a#sumro essmie seals i            1 sen.000 ooo iz
                                                                                          CH2 Narkers
         tor                                                                                  a201%a
                                                                                           1.73000 6iz
                                                                                          1.53000 oiz

                                                                                          2.00000 o4z
                   center 2 s00.000 000 nz                       sem 1 coe.c00 aco mz

Certficate No: CD1860V3—1018_Augi7           Page S of8

DASY5 H—field Result

                                                                                    Date: 22.08 2017

Test Laboratory: SPEAG Lab2

D     HAC Dipole 1880 MHz: Type: CD1880V3; Serial: CD1880V3 — SN: 1018

Communication System: UID 0 — CW ; Frequeney: 1860 MHz
Medium parameters used: o =0 $/m, e = 1; p= 1 kg/m‘
Phantom section: RF Section
Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEE/IEC/ANST C63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:

       Probe: H3DV6 — SN6065; ; Calibrated: 30.12.2016
       Sensor—Surface: (Fix Surface)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn781; Calibrated: 13.07.2017
       Phantom: HAC Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC PO1 BA; Serial: 1070
       DASY32 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole H—Field measurement @ 1880MHz/H—Scan — 1880MHz d=10mm/FHearing Aid Compatibility Test
(41x181x1): Interpolated griddx=0.5000 mm, dy=0.5000 mm
Device Reference Point: 0, 0, —6.3 mm
Reference Value = 0.4890 A/m; PowerDrift = 0.02 dB
PMR not calibrated. PMF = 1.000 is applied.
H—field ernissions = 04659 A/m
Near—field category: M2 (A WF 0 dB)
                                      PME scaled H—Field
                                       Grid 1 M2Grid 2 M2 [Grid 3 M2
                                       0.394 A/m|0.435 A/m{0.424 A/m

                                       (Grid 7 M2 [Grid 8 M2 [Grid 9 M2
                                       0.392 A/m|0.424 A/m|0.413 A/m




                 0 dB =0.4659 Afm=—6.63 dBA/m

Corficate No: CD18808—1018_Aug17          Page 6 ot8

DASY5 E—field Result

                                                                                     Date: 22.082017

Test Laboratory: SPEAG Lab2

DUT: HAC Dipole 1880 MHz; Type: CD1880V3; Serial: CD1880V3 — SN: 1018

Communication System: UID 0 — CW ; Frequency: 1880 MHz
Medium parameters used:     0 $/m, &, = 1; p= 1000 kg/m‘
Phantom section: RF Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEEAEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)
DASY52 Configuration:

       Probe: ER3DV6 — SN2336; ConvF(1, 1, 1); Calibrated: 30.12.2016;
       Sensor—Surface: (Fix Surface)
       Electronics: DAE4 Sn781; Calibrated: 13.07.2017
       Phantom: HAC Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC PO1 BA; Serial: 1070
       DASY32 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.107417)

Dipole E—Field measurement @ 1880MHz/E—Scan — 1880MHz d=10mmy/Hearing Aid Compatibility Test
(41x181x1): Interpolated grid: dx=0.5000 mm, dy=0.5000 mm
Device Reference Point: 0, 0, —6.3 mm
Reference Value= 155.3 V/m; Power Drift = —0.01 dB
Applied MIF=0.00 dB
RF audio interference level = 42.88 dBV/m
Emission category: ML
                                     MIF scaled E—field
                                     (Grid 1 M1                (Grid 3 M1
                                     |42.43 dBV/m|42.88 dBV/m |42.74 dB V/m
                                     lGrid 4 M2                lGrid 6 M2
                                     39.11 dBV/m               39.19 dBV/m|
                                     (Grid 7 Mi                (Grid 9 M1
                                     42.22 dBV/im|42.76 dBV/m|42.65 dB V/m

Gerificate No: CD1880V3—1018_Aug17           Page 7 of8

Dipole E—Field measurement @ 1880MH—/E—Scan — 1880MHz d=15mm/Hearing Aid Compatibility Test
(41x181x1): Interpolated grid: dx=0.5000 mm, dy=0.5000 mm
Device Reference Point: 0, 0, —6.3 mm
Reference Value= 155.1 V/m; Power Drift =0.01 dB
Applied MIF =0.00 dB
RF audio interference level = 39.24 dBV/m
Emission category: M2
                                     MIF scaled E—field
                                     (Grid 1 M2       [Grid 2 M2   [Grid 3 M2
                                     38.99 dB V/m]29.24 dBV/m [39.15 dBV/m
                                     (Grid 4 M2                    (Grid 6 M2
                                     [37.01 dB V/im                37.06 dB V/m
                                     lGrid 7 M2   forid 8 M2  [Grid 9 M2
                                     38.56 dBV/m/38.83 dBV/m[38.77 dBV/m





               0 dB = 139.3 V/m=42.88 dBV/m

Certficate No: CD1880V3—1018_Augt?           Page 8of8

Calibration Laboratory of                                  «n                                  G Sctmeizerischer Kalibrerdionst
Schmid & Partner                                          %                                    5 Service suisse détalonnage
   Engineering AG                                         Ts                                          Servizio avizzero   taratura
Zeughausstrasse 9, 6004 Zurich, Swtzerian                  n                                   5| suiss Cattration Service
Accredted by tSwiss Accreditaion    Sarvice (GAS)                                              Accredtation No: SCS 0108
"Tne Swiss Acereditation Service   one of the signatorios to the EA
Mutllateral Agreement for the recognition of callbration cortifcatos

Clent       BV.ADT(Auden)                                                           Certiicate no: CD2600V3—1005_Mar18
 Object                            ©Dasoovs — SN: 1005

 Caltraton povedurets)             Qa CaL—20v6
                                   Calibration procedure for dipolesin air

  Calbration date:                  March 14, 2018

  Thiscaltration certfcate documents the trceabittyto naional sandards, which reaize he ptysica unds of measurements (81.
  The measurements and the unceriaities wth contidence probablty are gven on thafotowing pages and are part of e centieate
  Allcalbrations have bean conducted in theclosed laboratoy facity: envronment temperature(22a 3)°C and humidty < 70%

  Caltbation Equipment used (MATE criicalfocaibraton)
  Pimary Standards                 PB                       GalDate (Certicate No)                         Scheduted Catbration
  Power meter NP                   sn roure                 d4—ortr (No. 217.casevioesen)                  Aocis
  Power sensor NNP—231             sn rooess                Oépet? (No. 217.00521)                         Aprig
  Power sensor NRP—291             sn 1oess                 04—Aprt7 (No. 217.0ose0)                       Apeis
  Reterence 20 d Atenvater         shtsose (eon             07—Apr17 (No. 217.00520)                       Apeis
  TypeN mismatch combinaton        SN: 047.2/ 0627          Or—Ap—t7 (No. 217—02500)                       Apeis
  Probe ersovs                     sn s0r3                  06Mar—to (No, EF3—1013_Marte)                  Marte
  nage                             snzen                    17Jon—18 (No. DAE4701_Janta)                   Jan—to

  Secondary Standarts                e                      Check Date in house)                           seneduted Gheck
  Power mater Agient 44198           sit Germzzoro1         05—3ct09 house check Oct—17)                   in house chec Oct20
  Power sensor HP E4tzA              sn usseeest02          O5—an—10 (nhousecheck Oct—17)                  in house chea Oct20
  Powersensor HP s48oa               sn: usarzosser         09—0ct08 (nhousecheck Oct)                     In house check: Oct20
  AF generstor RKS SMT—08            sn: ssceswor1          27—A09—12 (house check Oct17)                  In house check: Oct20
  Natwotk AnalyzorHP 8750E           sht ussracasas         180ct01(nhousecteckOctt7)                      In house checkc Oct18
                                     Name                              Function                             Signature
  Caltrated by:                      Laif Wysner                       Labontay Techrican                  3a %

  Approved by:                       Kate Posove                       Technical Manager              % 5;

                                                                                                           Issued: March 15,2018
  Thiscaltration cortfato shal notbe reproduced excoptinful wthout witten aporoval of the laborory.

 Cortficate No: CD2600V3—1008_Mart®                    Page 1 of5

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                 i3 Schweizerischer Kallorierdianst
Schmid & Partner                                                                          . Service suisse détalonnage
   Engineering AG                                                                         & Servitlo avizzero ditorature
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Swtzerland                                                  Swiss Caltoration Service
Aceredited by the Sniss Accrestation Senice (SAS)                                          Accrediation No.: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accroditation Service is one of th
MuiMtaterat Agreement for the recagnition of callbration certficates

[1]       ANS—Csa.to.on1
          American National Standard, Methods of Measurement of Compatibiity between Wireless Communications
          Devices and Hearing Aids.
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
      *   Coordinate System: y—axis is in the direction of the dipole arms. z—axis is from the basis of the antenna
          (mounted on the table) towards its feed point between the two dipole arms. x—axis is normal to the other axes.
          in coincidence with the standards [1], the measurement planes (probe sensor center) are selected to be at a
          distance of 15 mm above the top metal edge of the dipole arms.
      *   Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the hardcopies at the end ofthe certficate. All
          figures stated in the certficate are valid at the frequency indieated. The forward power to the dipole connector
          is set with a callbrated power meter connected and monitored with an auxiliary power meter connected to a
          directional coupler. Whithe ipole under test is connected, the forward power is adjusted to the same level.
      * Antenna Positioning: The dipole is mounted on a HAG Test Arch phantom using the matching dipole
        positioner with the arms horizontal and the feeding cable coming from the floor. The measurements are
        performed in a shielded room with absorbers around the setup to reduce the reflections.
          Itis veriied before the mounting of the dipole under the Test Arch phantom, that ts arms are perfectly in a
          line. t is installed on the HAG dipole positioner with its arms parallel below the dielectric reference wire and
          able to move elastically in vertical direction without changing its relative position to the top center of the Test
          Arch phantom. The vertical distance to the probeis adjusted after dipole mounting with a DASYS Surface
          Check job. Before the measurement, the distance between phantom surface and probe tip is veriied. The
          proper measurementdistance is selected by choosing the matching section of the HAC Test Arch phantom
          with the proper device reference point (upper surtace of the dipole) and the matching grid reference point (Up
          of the probe) considering the probe sensor offset. The vertical distance to the probe is essentialfor the
      *   Feed Point Impedance and Retum Loss: These parameters are measured using a HP 8753E Vector Network
          Analyzer. The impedance is specified at the SMA connector of the dipole. The influence of reflections was
        eliminating by applying the averaging function while moving the dipole in the air, a least 70cm away from any
      * Efeld distrbution: E field is measured in the x4—plane with an isotropic ERSD—field probe with 100 mW
          forward power to the antenna feed point In accordance with {1}, the scan area is 20mm wide, ts length
          exeends the dipolo arm longth (180 or 00mm). The sensor center is 15 mm (i z) above the metal top of the
          dipole arms. Two 3D maximaare available near the end of the dipole arms. Assuming the dipole arms are
          perfectly in one line, the averageof these two maxima (in subgrid 2 and subgrid 8) is determined to
          compensate for any non—parallelty to the measurement plane as well as the sensor displacement. The E—field
          value stated as calibration value represents the maximum of the interpolated 3D—E—field, in the plane abore
          the dipole surface.

  The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multilied by the
  coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probabilty of approximately 95%.

Gertficate No: CD2000V3—1005_MartB                     Page 205

Measurement Conditions
   DASY system contiquration, as far as not given on page 1.
     DASY Version                                              DASY$                            vs2.10.0
     Phantom                                            HAG Test Arch
     Distance Dipole Top — Probe Center                     15 mm
     Scan resolution                                     , dy = 5 mm
     Frequency                                         2600 MHz+1 MHz
     Input power drift                                     <0.05 0B

Maximum Field values at 2600 MHz

     E—field 15 mm above dipole surface                          condition              Interpolated maximum
     Maximum measured above high end                        100 mW input power          86.5 Vim = 38.74 dBVim
     Maximum measured above low end                         100 mW input power          85.1 Vim = 38.60 dBVim
     Averaged maximum above arm                             100 mW input power          85.8 Vim 12.8 % (ke2)

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
Antenna Parameters
      Frequency                                                 Return Loss                   impedance
      2450 MHz                                                     22.4 08                   «6n —48i0
      2580 MHz                                                     20.7 08                   s14n+35in
      2600 MHz                                                     208 08                    si8 n +000
      2650 MHz                                                     24.9 08                   seon—s5in
      2750 MHz                                                     188 08                    ar9g— 1110

3.2 Antenna Design and Handling
The callbration dipole has a symmetric geometry with a buil—in two stub matching network, which leads to the
enhanced bandwicth.
The dipolo is built of standard semirigid conxial cable. The internal matching ine is open ended. The antenna is
therefore open for DC signals.
Do not apply force to dipole arms, as they are liable to bend. The soldered connections near the feedpoint may be
damaged. After excessive mechanical stress or overhsating, check the impedance characteristics to ensure that the
internal matching network is not affected.
After long term use with 40W radiated power, only a sight warming of the dipole nearthe feedpoint can be measured.

Cartficate No: CD2600V3—1005_Mart8            Page 3 of $

/Impedance Measurement Plot

                                                            44 Mar zore. ces028e
              sit     tos       s ae/rer 1 as                 25.7e5 ao 2 600.000 o00 tie

                                                                                                 CHt Harkers
                                                                                                  2.i5s00 ce
                                                                                                  2sso00 ore
                                                                                                 «asore «e
                                                                                                  25000 che
                                                                                                 seao.rrr ce
                                                                                                  2.rs000 oz

          cne sin     a ucrs            surrea :_asses_seare
                                                 essien selaze ph         2 se
                                                                             o2.000 oee w rive

                                                                                                 Che harkers
                                                                                                   a t4647 a
                                                                                                    caudtal a
                                                                                                  25000 nz
                                                                                                  * BIHoisd
         it                                                                                          OR d
                                                                                                 265600 ma
         ma                                                                                       lie cce
                                                                                                 275000 onz
                    cemter 2 seo.000 000 nz                         semv sea.oeo 000 nz

 Certfiate No: CD26003—1008_Mart8             Page 4 of5

DASY5 E—field Result

                                                                                                   Date: 14.03.2018
Test Laboratory: SPEAG Lab2

DUT: HAC Dipole 2600 MHz: Type: CD2600V3; Serial: CD2600Y3 — SN: 1008

Communication System: UID 0 — CW Frequency: 2600 MHz
Medium parameters used:    = 0 $/m,       000 ka/m!
Phantom section: RF Section
Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEI EmEC/aNsI C63.19—2011)
DASY52 Configuration:

        Probe: EF3DV3 — SN4013; ConvF(1, 1,             ates: 0s.03.2018;
        Sensor—Surface:(Fix Surface)
        Electronics: DAEA $n781; Callbrated: 17.01.2018
        Phantom: HAC Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC PO1 Ba; Serial: 1070
        bast52 52.10.0(1448); SEMCADx 14.6.10(7427)

Dipole E—Field measurement/f—Scan — 2600MHz d=1SmavHearing Aid Compatibility Test (41x181x1): Interpolated grid
4x=0.5000 mm, dy=0.5000 mm
Device Reference   Point: 0, 0, —6.3 mm
Reference Value 63.21 V/m; Power Drif
Applied MIF = 0.00 dB
RE audio interference level = 38.74 dBV/m
Emission category: M2
                                            MIF scaled E—fild
                                            lond 1 mz      Gnd 2 Mz         lGrid 3 M2

                                            (36.27 dBv/m|38.6 dBV/m [38.56 dBV/m
                                            lGnd a mz                       lorid 6 M2

                                            7.98 dBv/m                      [328.22 dav/m
                                            lend 7 ma     |srasima    |orisome
                                            [s8.41 dov/m|18.78 daw/m|38.71 dBv/m





                          0 dB = 86.52 V/m = 38.74 dB/m

Certficate No: CD2600V3—1008_Marld                Page 5 ct$

                                                 Page 84 of 89


                                      ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

     "      Laboratory of                                                  .   Schwezerscher Kallbrlerdinst
Schmid & Partner                                                           c   Service suisse c‘étalonnage
  Engineering AG                                           seA                 Servizio svizzero ditarature
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switeoriand             Ts                $   suies Caltbration Service
Accreited by the Shiss Accreditaon Service (SAS)                            Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
The Swiss Acereditation Serviceis one of the signatorias t the EA
Mulllaterat Agreement for the recognition of callration certfiates

DAE                        data acquisition electronics
Connector angle            information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot
                           coordinate system.

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters
   * DC Voltage Measurement: Calibration Factor assessed for use in DASY system by
     comparison with a calibrated instrument traceable to national standards. The figure given
     correspondsto thefull scale range of the voltmeter in the respective range.
    *    Connector angle: The angle of the connector is assessed measuring the angle
         mechanically bya tool inserted. Uncertainty is not required.
    *    The following parameters as documented in the Appendix contain technical information as a
         result from the performance test and require no uncertainty.
         *    DC Voltage Measurement Linearity: Verification of the Linearity at +10% and —10% of
              the nominal calibration voltage. Influenceof offset voltage is included in this
         *    Common mode sensitivity: Influenceof a positive or negative common mode voltage on
              thedifferential measurement.
         *    Channelseparation: Influence of a voltage on the neighbor channels not subject to an
              input voltage.
         *    AD Converter Values with inputs shorted: Values on the internal AD converter
              corresponding to zero input voltage
         *    Input Offset Measurement; Output voltage and statistical results over a large number of
              zero voltage measurements.
         *    Input Offset Current: Typical value for information; Maximum channel input offset
              current, not considering the input resistance.
         *    Input resistance: Typical value for information: DAE input resistance at the connector,
              during internal auto—zeroing and during measurement.
         *    Low Battery Alarm Voltage: Typical value for information. Below this voltage, a battery
              alarm signal is generated.
         *     Power consumption: Typical value for information. Supply currents in various operating

Certficate No: DAE4—777_Sop17                                Page 2 of5

DC Voltage Measurement
  AID — Converter Resolution nominal
      High Range:          1198 =       8AuV ,       fullrange =   100...+800 mV
      Low Range:           188 =         Btnv        full range = —1......+3mV
   DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 seo

    Calibration Factors              x                     v                             z
    High Range             405.400 + 0.02% (k=2) 405.860 £0.02% (k=2)          405.570 £0.02% (k=2)
    Low Range              3.06640 + 1.50% (k=2) 8.96204 £ 1.50% (k=2)         4.00499 + 1.50% (k=2)

Connector Angle

     Connector Angle to be used in DASY system                                      sro*k1®

Cortlicate No: DAE4—777_Sep17                       Page 3 of5


Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS0108)
1. DC Voltage Linearity
    High Range                           Reading (uV)       Difference (uV)        Error (%)
    Channel X       _ _+ Input            200022.79             1242               201
    Channel X       + input                20003.49              125               oo1
    Channel X       _ _— Input             —19908.42             srr               a0s
    Channel Y       __+ Input             200025.10             1004               o1
    Channel Y       + input                20007.22              as4                o1
    Channel Y       Input                  —20002.34             a.s0              ace
    Channel 2       _ _+ Input            200028.10              s8                200
    Channel 2       + Input                20002.38              210               EG
    Channel 2        ___~Input             —20003.04             212               001

    Low Range                            Reading (1¥)       Difference (x¥)         Error (%)
    Channel X   _ _+ Input                 2000.se               <sr                ace
    Channel X___+ Input                     20137                o.s0                o25
    Channel X   _ _— Input                 —199.19               020                 0.10
    Channel Y    +input                    1990.05               aso                204
    Channel Y    + input                    200.04               —a7s               37
    Channel Y    — input                   —198.08               ss                  o4s
    ChannelZ     +input                    2001.05               020                 o1
    Channel 2    _ _+ input                 199.08               0s                 aas
    Channel Z    —Input                    «20002                ass                 o4s

2. Common mode sensitivity
   DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 seo; Measuring time: 3 see
                   Common mode                      High Range                   Low Range
                   Input Voitage (mV)         Average Reading (1V)           Average Reading (uV)
    Ghannel X                      200                   545                      8.79
                                  —a00                   s00                      oes
    Channel ¥                      200                   770                      730
                                  —200                   ase                      200
    Channel 2                      aco                   7st                      649
                                  +200                   a21                      an

3. Channel separation
   DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: seo; Measuring time: 3 see
                       Input Voltage (mV)    ChannelX(uV)        ChannelY (g¥)   ChannelZ (uV)
    Channel X                  200                 —                 —16t            204
    Channel Y                  200                aso                  —             o4s
    Channel 2                  200                seo                se                —
Certficate No: DAE4—777_Sep17                       Page 4 of5


4. AD—Converter Values with inputs shorted
   DASY measurement parametars: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring tme: 3 seo
                                             High Range (LSB)             Low Range (LSB)
    Channel x                                            1s910                    rmese
    Channel Y                                            16318                    14077
    Channel Z                                            16083                    140n

5. Input Offset Measurement
   DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 soo; Measuring time: 3 seo
   Input toMQ
                           Average (u¥)       min. Offset (u) max Offset (iv)      5* '::“;J"’“’"
    Channel X                   aso                 20                 oss                ost
    Channel Y                   158                  0.4               280                048
    Channeiz                    020                 ore                118                o42

6. Input Offset Current
    Nominal Input cirouiry offset current on all channels: <25tA

7. Input Resistance (Typical values forinformation)
                                                 Zeroing (kOhm)              Measuring (MOhm)
    Channel X                                          200                         200
    Channel Y                                          200                         200
    Channel z                                          o                           200

8. Low Battery Alarm Voltage (Typical values or information)
   Typical values                     Alarm Level (VDC)
    Supply (+ Voo)                                                      +9
    Supply (— Vee)                                                      48

9. Power Consumption (Typical values for iformation
    Typical values                         Switched off(mA) Stand by (mA)       Transmitting (mA)
    Supply (+ Voo)                              +001             18                    a1e
    Supply (— Vee)                              ~o01              s                     a

Certficate No: DAE4—777_Sop17                            Page 5 of 5

                                                      Page 89 of 89

The photos of HAC test are presented in the additional document:

Appendix to test report No.I18Z60070-SEM02/03

The photos of HAC test

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Document Created: 2018-05-15 15:33:45
Document Modified: 2018-05-15 15:33:45

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