I18Z60073-IOT11_FCC_NFC 15C_Report_ Rev0 updated


Test Report

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                                  TEST REPORT

                                    TCL Communication Ltd.

 GSM Quad-band/HSPA-UMTS Six-band/ LTE 19-band mobile phone

                                    MODEL NAME:BBF100-1

                                        FCC ID: 2ACCJN026


                                       Hardware Version: 09

                                   Software Version: AAX573

                                     Issued Date: 2018-05-02

The test results in this test report relate only to the devices specified in this report. This report shall not be
reproduced except in full without the written approval of CTTL.
The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST,
or any agency of the U.S.Government.
Test Laboratory:
CTTL, Telecommunication Technology Labs, CAICT
No.52, Huayuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China 100191.
Email:cttl_terminals@caict.ac.cn, website:www.caict.ac.cn

                                                                          ©Copyright. All rights reserved byCTTL.

                                                                                                                                     Page 2 of 23

1.      TEST LABORATORY a222.000000, 0000004 4404000000004 aeeveee es eose seveseeseneenesevenseve ces seee ces seee ces seeeseneevese ces seve evseverecccee 3

     11.        TESTING LOCATION ...    0e ec e e rmernernernernerner en r                    en en         en en en                            enc n en   ...3
     1.2.       TESTING ENVIRONMENT ..........                                                                                                              ...3
1.3.         PROJECT DATA 112.0000 0000000 u0e eevenerneceneveecenenensese sesese cevessesensscese essese cessese ces seee ceseevese essese cessevecevercecseee 3

14.          SIGNATURIF 2000 en00eenenenereeneneveennensenesenssnecenesese cesessese cessese essese cessese cesseve se essese essese essesecenserccecsece 3

2.      CLIENT INFORMATION aseee0e00 0000000002 0000204 seeeneeeseeneseene neseene seseese seveesesenesnese essese essese esseneccserscecsscccee 4

     2.1 .      APPLICANT INFORMATION ... ... ... eeeceeereermermernerrererrernernernernernernernerernernernernernervernerverennernernen en 4
     2.2.        MANUFACTURER INFORMATION ..........ceeeeeeeermerermernernernernernernereerernernernernerner en en en en en en ce 4
3.      EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT (AE) ........cc.00c000c000.... 5

     3.1.         Asout EUT......                                                                                                                            .5
     3.2.        INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION oF EUT Usep puring ThE TEstT                                                                                      25
     3.3..       INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF AE UseD DURING THE TEST ........                                                                               225
     3.4.         GENnERAL DESCRIPTION.                                                                                                                     .6
     8.5.        EUT SET—UPS ...                                                                                                                           ...6

4.           REFERENCE DOCUMENTS....

     4.1.        Documents SUPPLIED BY THE APPLICANT .....                                                                                                 «2. 7
     4.2.        REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS .................                                                                                               ... 7

5.      LABORATORY ENVIRONMIENT 222220000 0000000 0000000002 000004 2eces neseeee es esnseenneseven ceve ces seve evsevecencecsceccscccee 8

6.      SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS 10200000 0000004004460 000 000004 neeeee es eeee seesesenesnene ces seee ces seee ces seve evevececcscccee 9

     6.1.       SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS 1........0.00.n0 cce cev e neveeeeereeeeereereereereereveereereerevnevnevnevnevneveenevnevnecnee 9
     6.2.       TERMS USED IN THE SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS.............0.ns ces ceevneeeeeeeereereereereeneenenemnernenes 10
     6.3        STATEMENTS ...... ... c cccevieveeeneeeeeeereeeeerevrvrereverevrevreerevrevrevrevreverevrevrevrevnevnevnevneveenevnevnece 10

7.      TESTEQUIPMENT UTILAZED aneseneneenene n00 4000004460400e00 004 aee eeee es eeee es eeee e eeeene ces seee ces ceee ces ceve ceveevecerescece 11

ANNEX A: MEASUREMENT RESULTS asne0,n00000 0000004 2040444 2040400000e004s00e00064aeeeeaeeeseene ces seeeseneevece essececescercce 12

     A.1.ELECTRIC FIELD STRENGTH OF FUNDAMENTALAND OUTSIDE THE ALLOCATED BANDS ..                                                                          . 12
     A.Z.ELECTRIC FIELD RADIATED EMISSIONS (< BOMHZ) .........00000eeeeeeeermmrmermermermermenenenenes.                                  13
     A.3.ELEctRic FIELD RaptateD Emissions (>30MH2z)..........                                                                           16
     A.4.FRrequency ToLeRance                                                                                                          .18
     A.S. 20DB BANDWIDTH .. .0. 00000000000                                                                               venen en en ce 19
     A.G§. CONDUCTED EMISSION ... .0. 000000 e ie e eernerner en en en en en en en en en en eener en en en en en en en eenernenen en 21
ANNEX A: ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE. m0000000000000004 4004004600004 ae008 eee000 eee0000 eee0e en eenece esceveresceccce 23

                                                                                                         ©Copyright. All rights reserved byCTTL.


                                                                                            Page 3 of 23

1. Test Laboratory

1.1. Testing Location
CTTL(Huayuan North Road)
    Address:                         No. 52, Huayuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing,
                                     P. R. China 100191
    Address:                         No. 51 Shouxiang Science Building, Xueyuan Road,
                                     Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China 100191

1.2. Testing Environment
    Normal Temperature:              15—35°C
    Extreme Temperature:             —10/+55°C
    Relative Humidity:               20—75%

1.3. Project data
    Testing Start Date:              2018—04—02
    Testing End Date:                2018—05—02

1.4.        Signature

                   Zheng Mengxuan
              (Prepared this test report)

                        Zhu Liang
             { Reviewedthis test report)

                     C +.             36

              {Approved this test report)

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                                                                               Page 4 of 23

2. Client Information

2.1. Applicant Information
Company Name:       TCL Communication Ltd.
                    7/F, Block F4, TCL Communication Technology Building, TCL International
Address:            E City, Zhong Shan Yuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong,
                    P.R. China 518052
Country:            China
Contact             Gong Zhizhou
Tel:                0086—755—36611722
Email:              zhizhou.gong@tcl.com

2.2. Manufacturer Information
  Company Name:      TCL Communication Ltd.
                     7/F,    Block   F4,   TCL   Communication    Technology     Building,   TCL
  Address:           International E       City, Zhong   Shan Yuan   Road, Nanshan       District,
                     Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R. China 518052
  Country:           China
  Contact            Gong Zhizhou
  Tel:               0086—755—36611722
  Email:             zhizhou.gong@tcl.com

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3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) and Ancillary Equipment (AE)

3.1. About EUT

 Description:                        GSM Quad-band/HSPA-UMTS Six-band/ LTE 19-band
                                     mobile phone
 FCC ID                              2ACCJN026
 With NFC Function:                  Yes
 Frequency:                          13.56 MHz
 Antenna:                            Internal
 Operation Voltage:                  3.6VDC to 4.35VDC (nominal: 3.85VDC)
 Operation Temperature:              -10°C to +55°C
Note1: Photographs of EUT are shown in ANNEX B of this test report. For component list, please
refer to documents of the manufacturer.

3.2. Internal Identification of EUT Used during the Test

Mobile phone identification
  EUT ID* IMEI                          HW Version           SW Version
  EUT3       015103000010186            09                   AAX573
  EUT35      015103000010020            09                   AAX573
*EUT ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

3.3. Internal Identification of AE Used during the Test

  AE ID*          Description               SN                    Reversion
  AE1          Battery                /                           inbuilt
  AE2          Charger                /                           18TCT-CH-0157
  AE3          USB Cable              /                           18TCT-DC-0049
  AE10         PICC Card              /                           /

 Model                              TLp035B1
 Manufacturer                       BYD
 Capacitance                        3360mAh
 Nominal voltage                    3.85V
 Model                              CBA0064AGBC1(QC13EU)
 Manufacturer                       BYD
 Length of cable                    /
 Model                              CDA0000105CF
 Manufacturer                       LUXSHARE
 Length of cable                    cm
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 Type                                 /
 Manufacturer                         /
 Type of card                         PICC

*AE ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

3.4. General Description

This is a product supportingGSM Quad-band/HSPA-UMTS Six-band/ LTE 19-band mobile
phonewith 2.4G/5G technologies.
Manuals and specifications of the EUT were provided to fulfil the test.
Samples undergoing test were selected by the client.
Manufacturer's declaration: NFC work does not depend on other access methods, such as WLAN,
GPRS, etc.

3.5. EUT Set-ups

EUT Set-up No.                       Combination of EUT and AE                                    Remarks

   Set. NFC01         EUT3 + AE2 + AE3 + AE10                                                             --
   Set. NFC02         EUT35                                                                               --
   Set. NFC03         EUT3 + AE10                                                                         --
The Transmit State ofNFC: the NFC function is on.The EUT will transmit the NFC data and
command continuously during the test.
The Transmit State of without modulation: The EUT will transmit the CW signal at the operating        H

frequency.  H

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4. Reference Documents

4.1. Documents Supplied by the Applicant

EUT feature information is supplied by the applicant or manufacturer, which is the basis of testing.

4.2. Regulations and Standards

The following documents listed in this section are referred for testing.
 Reference             Title                                                              Version
 CFR 47 Part 2         Part 2—Frequency Allocations and Radio Treaty Matters;             2016
                       General Rules and Regulations.
 CFR 47 Part15         Part 15 — Radio Frequency Devices.                                 2016
                       Subpart C—Intentional Radiators.
                         H                                 H

                       § 15.35Measurement detector functions and bandwidths.
                       § 15.207 Conducted limits.
                       § 15.209 Radiated emission limits, general requirements.
                       §15.215Additional provisions to the general radiated
                       emission limitations.
                       §15.225 Operation within the band 13.110–14.010 MHz.
 ANSI C63.10           American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance            2013
                       Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices

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Semi—anechoic chamberSAC—1(23 meters X 17meters X 1Ometers)                did not exceed following
limits along the EMC testing:
Temperature                                    Min. = 15 °C,Max. = 85 °C
 Relative humidity                             Min. = 15 %, Max. = 75 %
Shielding effectiveness                        0.014MHz—1MHz, >60dB;
                                               1MHz — 1000MHz, >900B.
 Electrical insulation                         >2 MQ
Ground system resistance                       <40
Normalised site attenuation (NSA)              <+4 dB, 3m/10m distance,
                                               from 30 to 1000 MHz
Site voltage standing—wave ratio(Syswr)        Between 0 and 6 dB, from 1GHz to 18GHz
Uniformity of field strength                   Between 0 and 6 dB, from 80 to 3000 MHz

Fully—Anechoic Chamber FAC—3(8.6mx6.1mx3.85m) did not exceed following limits along

Temperature                                    Min. = 15 °C, Max. = 25°C

 Relative humidity                             Min. = 30 %, Max. = 60 %
Shielding effectiveness                        > 110 dB
 Electrical insulation                         >2MQ
Ground system resistance                       <10
Site voltage standing—wave ratio (Syswr)       Between 0 and 6 dB, from 1to 18GHz
Uniformity of field strength                   Between 0 and 6 dB, from 80 to 4000 MHz

Conducted Chamber did not exceed following limits along the testing:

Temperature                                    Min. = 15 °C, Max. = 25°C

 Relative humidity                             Min. = 30 %, Max. = 60 %
Shielding effectiveness                        > 110 dB
 Electrical insulation                         >2MQ
Ground system resistance                       <0.5 Q

Control Room did not exceed following limits along the testing:

Temperature                                    Min. = 15 °C,Max. = 25°C

 Relative humidity                             Min. =30 %, Max. = 60 %
Shielding effectiveness                        > 110 dB
 Electrical insulation                         >2MQ
Ground system resistance                       <0.5 Q

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6.1. Summary of Test Results

                                                     Clause in            Section in
 No              Test Cases                                                                  Verdict
                                                     Regulation           This Report
                 Electric Field Strength of
  1                                                  CFR 47 § 15.225(a)                       P(Set. NFC03)
                 Fundamental Emissions
                 Electric Field Strength of          CFR 47 § 15.225(b)
  2                                                                                           P(Set. NFC03)
                 Outside the Allocated Bands         CFR 47 § 15.225(c)
                 Electric Field Radiated             CFR 47 § 15.209            A.2           P(Set. NFC01)
                 Emissions                           CFR 47 § 15.225(d)         A.3           P(Set. NFC01)
  4              Frequency Tolerance                 CFR 47 § 15.225(e)         A.4           P(Set. NFC02)
                                                                                              P(Set. NFC02,
  5              20dB Bandwidth                      CFR 47 § 15.215(c)         A.5
  6              Conducted Emissions                 CFR 47 § 15.207            A.6           P(Set. NFC01)
 The measurement is carried out according to ANSI C63.10.See ANNEX A for details.

Test Conditions:
For this report, all the test cases listed above were tested under normalTemperature, Voltage,
Humidity, and Air Pressure. The specific conditions are as following:

                                              Tmin                           -20 ℃

 Temperature                                  T nom                          25℃

                                              T max                          55℃

                                              V min                          3.6V
 Voltage                                      V nom                          3.8V
                                              V max                          4.2 V
 Humidity                                     H nom                          44%
 Air Pressure                                 A nom                          1010 mbar

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6.2. Terms Used in the Summary of Test Results

Terms Used in Condition Column:
 T nom           Normal Temperature
 T min           Low Temperature
 T max           High Temperature
 V nom           Normal Voltage
 V min           Low Voltage
 V max           High voltage
 H nom           Norm Humidity
 A nom           Norm Air Pressure

Terms Used in Verdict Column:
 P               Pass, The EUT complies with the essential requirements in the standard.
 NP              Not Perform, The test was not performed by CTTL
 NA              Not Applicable, The test was not applicable
 F               Fail, The EUT does not comply with the essential requirements in the standard

 AC              Alternating Current
 AFH             Adaptive Frequency Hopping
 BW              Band Width
 E.I.R.P.        equivalent is tropical radiated power
 ISM             Industrial, Scientific and Medical
 RF              Radio Frequency
 Tx              Transmitter

6.3. Statements

The test cases listed in Section 6.1 of this report for the EUT specified in Section 3 were performed
by CTTL according to the reference documents in Section 4.
The EUT meets all applicable requirements of the regulations and standards in Section 4.2.
This report only deals with the NFC function among the features described in section 3.

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  7. TestEquipment Utilized
                                        SERIES                          CAL. DUE          CAL.
NO.         NAME              TYPE                    PRODUCER
                                        NUMBER                           DATE           INTERVAL
 1.    Spectrum Analyzer     RSA3408A    B010277        Tektronix       2018-09-04         1 Year
 2.     Climatic chamber      SH242      93008658       Keysight        2018-11-27         1 Year
 3.      H-field Antenna     HFH2-Z2    829324/0007       R&S           2019-01-13         1 Year
 4.       EMI Antenna        VULB9163      514        Schwarz beck      2021-01-03        3 years
 5.      Test Receiver        ESCI7       100948          R&S           2018-07-25         1 Year
        Universal Radio
 6.                           ESU26       100376          R&S           2018-12-30         1 year
      Communication Tester
 7.           LISN           ENY216       101200          R&S           2019-04-15         1 year

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24B   A.1.Electric Field Strength of Fundamentaland Outside the Allocated bands

A.1.1. Reference
See Clause 6.4 of ANSI C63.10-2013 specifically.
See Clause 4 and Clause 5 of ANSI C63.10-2013 generally.

A.1.2. MeasurementMethods
The transmitter carrier output levels (E-Field) from the EUT are measured in a semi-anechoic
chamber. The EUT is placed on a non-conductive stand of 80cm high, and at a measurement
distance of 3mfrom the receiving antenna. The center of the receiving loop antenna is 1.0 meter
above the ground.The E-field is measured with a shielded loop antenna connected to a
measurement receiver. Detected E-field was maximized by rotating the EUT through 360° and
adjusting the receiving antenna polarizations. The maximization processes were repeated with the
EUT positioned respectively in its three orthogonal axes.The measurements were performed with
thepeak detector and if required, thequasi-peak detector.
The measurement bandwidth is:
              Frequency of Emission (MHz)                           RBW/VBW
                      12.56-14.56                                   10/30kHz

The E-field measured at 3m is calculated as:
E-field (dBµV/m) = Rx (dBµV)+ CableLoss (dB)+ AF@3m (dB/m)

                                              Loop antenna


A.1.3. EUT Operating Mode and Test Conditions
The measurement of EUT is carried out under the transmit state of NFC (See 3.5).
The EUT is powered by a travel adapter.
During the measurements, the ambient temperature of the electromagnetic anechoic chamber is

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in the range of 15 ~ 25 °C.

A.1.4. Limits
  FrequencyRange (MHz)                             E—field Strer(ns‘tlr;nl:)lmlt @30 m          E—field Str(zggi:c/::)m" @ 3 m

 13.560 + 0.007                                                    +15,848                                    124

 18887 to trig                                                                                                so
 farioto 12.010                                                                                               s1
 Note: Where the limits have been defined at one distance, and a signal level measured at
 another, the limits have been extrapolated using the following formula:

 Extrapolation(dB) = 40log,,, (Measurement Distance/Specification Distance)

A.1.5. Measurement Results
Measurement results of normal conditions see Figure A—1 for different set—ups of EUT.The result
displayed take into account applicable antenna factors and cable losses.
Conclusions: Set. NFCO3,PASS.
                                                             RSE     15.225 12.56—14.56M





                Level in dB i# /m

                                                                                                fie 15205 P W ASK 3%
                                                                      13.5600.0 0 .M Kz
                                    so                            1a.4§#sh45utP & /*
                                                                            Bbda aoo wR e
                                    so                                            dife$A0 MR +
                                                                                   1444B 8 /m


                                     r2.s8   128     13     132      124     126    1.     3       12    ma   14.58
                                                                     Frequency in MHz

                                                          Figure A—1: Set. NFCO3
A.1.6. Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty: U=4.0 dB, k=2.

A.2.Electric Field Radiated Emissions (< 30MHz)

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A.2.1. Reference
See Clause 6.4 of ANSI C63.10-2013 specifically.
See Clause 4 and Clause 5 of ANSI C63.10-2013 generally.

A.2.2. MeasurementMethods
The transmitter carrier output levels (E-Field) from the EUT are measured in a semi-anechoic
chamber. The EUT is placed on a non-conductive stand of 80cm high, and at a measurement
distance of 3mfrom the receiving antenna. The center of the receiving loop antenna is 1.0 meter
above the ground.The E-field is measured with a shielded loop antenna connected to a
measurement receiver. Detected E-field was maximized by rotating the EUT through 360° and
adjusting the receiving antenna polarizations. The maximization processes were repeated with the
EUT positioned respectively in its three orthogonal axes.The measurements were performed with
the peak detector and if required, thequasi-peak detector.

The measurement bandwidth is:
          Frequency of Emission (MHz)                               RBW/VBW
                   0.009-0.15                                      100/300 Hz
                     0.15-30                                        10/30 kHz

The E-field measured at 3m is calculated as:
E-field (dBµV/m) = Rx (dBµV)+ CableLoss (dB)+ AF@3m (dB/m)

                                              Loop antenna


A.2.3. EUT Operating Mode and Test Conditions
The measurement of EUT is carried out under the transmit state of NFC (See 3.5).
The EUT is powered by a travel adapter.
During the measurements, the ambient temperature of the electromagnetic anechoic chamber is

in the range of 15 ~ 25 ℃.

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A.2.4. Limits
                                                     E—field Strength Limit @ 30m                  E—field Strength Limit @ 3m
  FrequencyRange (MHz)                                           (mV/m)                                      (dBuV/m)

 0.009—0.490                                        2400/F(KHz)                                    129—94
 0.490—1.705                                        24000/F(kHz)                                   74—63
 1.705—30                                           30                                             70
 Note: Where the limits have been defined at one distance, and a signal level measured at
 another, the limits have been extrapolated using the following formula:

 Extrapolation(dB) = 40log,, (Measurement Distance/Specification Distance)

A.2.5. Measurement Results
Measurement results of normal conditions see Figure A—2 for different set—ups of EUT. The result
displayed take into account applicable antenna factors and cable losses.
Conclusions: Set. NFCOQ1,PASS.
                                                                    RE 9k H z—80M Hz






                Lavel in dBf /m

                                  70                                                                    x BLO l 303 N 4





                                     dk   20   a0     so    1o0k   200 300   500   mm    on   am   Sm    rom   20 som
                                                                       Frequency in Hz

                                                           Figure A—2: Set. NFCO1
A.2.6. Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty: U=4.0 dB, k=2.

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26B   A.3.Electric Field Radiated Emissions (≥30MHz)

A.3.1. Reference
See Clause 6.5 of ANSI C63.10-2013 specifically.
See Clause 4 and Clause 5 of ANSI C63.10-2013 generally.

A.3.2. MeasurementMethods
The electric field radiated emissions from the EUT are measured in a semi-anechoic chamber. The
EUT is placed on a non-conductive stand of 80cm high, and at a measurement distance of
10mfrom the receiving antenna. The receiving antennasconnected to a measurement receiver. In
order to search for maximum field strength emitted from the EUT, the receiving antenna can be
moved between the height of 1.0 mto 4.0 m.Detected E-field was maximized at each frequencyby
rotating the EUT through 360°and adjusting the receiving antenna positions for both vertical and
horizontal antenna polarizations. The maximization processes were repeated with the EUT
positioned respectively in its three orthogonal axes.The measurements were performed with
thepeak detector and if required, thequasi-peak detector.
The measurement bandwidth is:
              Frequency of Emission (MHz)                           RBW/VBW
                       30-1000                                       120kHz

A.3.3. EUT Operating Mode and Test Conditions
The measurement of EUT is carried out under the transmit state of NFC (See 3.5).
EUT1 had been connected to a travel adapter.
During the measurements, the ambient temperature of the electromagnetic anechoic chamber is

in the range of 15 ~ 25 ℃.

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A.3.4. Limits
FrequencyRange                E—field Strength Limit                      E—field Strength Limit                      E—field Strength Limit
      (MH2)                             @ 3m                                             @ 3m                                   @ 10m
                                       {mV/m)                                          (dBuV/m)                                (dBuV/m)
30—88                                    100                                              40                                      30
88—216                                   150                                             43.5                                    33.5
216—960                                  200                                              46                                      36
960—1000                                 500                                              54                                      44

A.3.5. Measurement Results
Measurement results of normal conditions see Figure A—3for different set—ups of EUT. The result
displayed take into account applicable antenna factors and cable losses.
Conclusions: Set. NFCOQ1,PASS.

A.3.6. Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty: U=3.9 dB, k=2
                                                                   RE 30M Hz—1GHz



                                                                                                                     RECiRaxt 1 5
                  $ o4

                  E    30                                                  “

                                $                 *                &

                        30M           so   60      8o       100M                 200           300    «00    so0        soo    1G

                                                                       Frequency in Hz

                                                   Figure A—3: Set. NFCO1

Final Result 1
 Frequency      QuasiPeak        Height         Polarization           Azimuth          Corr.        Margin          Limit          Comment
   (MHz)        (dBuV/m)            (cm)                                 (deg)          (dB)          (dB)         (dBuV/im)
 40.573000        22.9            109.0                 V                ~42.0           0.3          17.1           40.0
 74.523000        24.5            120.0                 V                29.0           5.2           15.5           40.0
 122.344000        19.6           120.0                 V                25.0           —3.4          23.9           43.5
 167.546000       31.6            100.0                 V                +10.0          —3.8          11.9           43.5
 173.851000       28.6            100.0                 V                +10.0          —3.5          14.9           43.5
 200.429000       23.1            100.0                 V                —3.0           ~1.7          20.4           43.5

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27B   A.4.Frequency Tolerance

A.4.1. Reference
See Clause 13.6 of ANSI C63.4-2014 specifically.
See Clause 4, Clause 5, and Clause 6 of ANSI C63.4-2014 generally.

A.4.2. MeasurementMethods

                         Thermal Chamber


                           EUT                                      Frequency

The transmitter output signal was picked up by coil antenna connected to the frequency counter.
The center frequency was measured with 30Hz RBW and 1kHz span.
During the test, the EUT was placed in a thermal chamber until thermal balance and lasting
appropriate time.

A.4.3. EUT Operating Mode and Test Conditions
The measurement of EUT is carried out under the transmit state of without modulation (See 3.5).
EUT1 had been not connected to a travel adapter.
Operation Temperature: T min, T nom, and T max with V nom.
Operation Voltage: V min and V max with T nom.

A.4.4. Test Layouts
See A.4.2.

A.4.5. Limits
The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within +/- 0.01% of the operating

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A.4.6. Measurement Results
Measurement results see Table A-1for different test conditions.
Conclusions: Set. NFC02, PASS.

Table A-1: Frequency Stability VS Temperature and Voltage

                                                  Frequency Error (MHz)
      Temperature   Voltage
                                Startup        2 Min Later     5 Min Later              10 Min Later
        T min       V nom     13.5624750       13.5596875      13.5597500               13.5597500
        T max       V nom     13.5597000       13.5548250      13.5590000               13.5581375
        T nom       V nom     13.5597750       13.5543250      13.5572875               13.5588000
        T nom       V min     13.5597875       13.5656000      13.5628000               13.5619500
        T nom       V max     13.5546625       13.5644875      13.5538125               13.5601750

                                                   Frequency Error (%)
      Temperature   Voltage
                                Startup        2 Min Later     5 Min Later              10 Min Later
        T min       V nom        0.018           -0.002          -0.002                    -0.002
        T max       V nom       -0.002           -0.038          -0.007                    -0.014
        T nom       V nom       -0.002           -0.042          -0.020                    -0.009
        T nom       V min       -0.002            0.041           0.021                     0.014
        T nom       V max       -0.039            0.033          -0.046                     0.001

A.4.7. Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty: U =77Hz, k=2

28B   A.5. 20dB Bandwidth

A.5.1. Reference
See Clause 13.7 of ANSI C63.4-2014 specifically.
See Clause 4, Clause 5, and Clause 6 of ANSI C63.4-2014 generally.

A.5.2. MeasurementMethods
The transmitter output signal was picked up by coil antenna to the spectrum analyzer.
The transmitter output signal was picked up by coil antenna connected to the spectrum analyzer.
The bandwidth of the center frequency was measured with 140Hz RBW, 420Hz VBW and 14kHz

                              EUT                             Spectrum

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A.5.3. EUT Operating Mode and Test Conditions
The measurement of EUT is carried out under the transmit state of NFC and without modulation
(See 3.5).
EUT had been not connected to a travel adapter..

During the measurements, the ambient temperature is in the range of 15 ~ 25 ℃.

A.5.4. Test Layouts
See A.5.2.

A.5.5. Limits
The 20dB bandwidth shall be less than 80% of the permittedfrequency band. For 13.56 MHz NFC,
the permittedfrequency band is 14kHz, so the limit is 11.2 kHz.

A.5.6. Measurement Results
Measurement results see Figure A-4.
Conclusions: Set. NFC04, PASS.

                      Figure A-4: Test result of EUT35 at test set. NFC02

A.5.7. Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty: U =77Hz, k=2

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A.6. Conducted emission

A.6.1. Reference
See Clause 6.2 of ANSI C63.10—2013 specifically.
See Clause 4 and Clause 5 of ANSI C€63.10—2013 generally.

A.6.2. MeasurementMethods
The conducted emissions from the AC port of the EUT are measured in a shielding room. The EUT
is connected to a Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN).An overview sweep with peak
detection was performed. The measurements were performed with a quasi—peak detector and if
required, an average detector.
The conducted emission measurements were made with the following detector of the test receiver:
Quasi—Peak/ AverageDetector.
The measurement bandwidth is:
          Frequency of Emission (MHz)                                 RBWAVBW
                          0.15—30                                          OkHz

           E                                         Table

           5                   AMN                                    EUT
           S                                     .
                                               Mains lead

                                                80 cm           /      l
                                                                            40 cm

A.6.3. EUT Operating Mode and Test Conditions
The measurement of EUT is carried out under the transmit state of NFC (See 3.5).
The EUT is powered by a travel adapter.
During the measurements, the ambient temperature is in the range of 15 ~ 25 °C.

A.6.4. Limits
         Frequency range                   .               2.                          ns
                 (MH2z)               Quasi—peak Limit (dBuV)           Average Limit (dBpuV)

               0.15 to 0.5                      66 to 56                            56 to 46
                0.5 to 5                              56                              46
                 5 to 30                              60                              50
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A.6.5. Measurement Results
Measurement results see Figure A—5.
Conclusions: Set. NFCO1, PASS.
Note:The measurement result at 13.56MHz is the fundamental emission of NFC signal.

                                                                                         Rod (ides    Voliand an Vaint 0 P

                                                                                         do 0. dszBVditansonMaink AV
                       Level in cBX

                                      150k      30040600   800M           2M   3M 4MSMG        8 10M        20M 30M
                                                                  Frequency in Hz

                                  Figure A—5: Test result of EUT1 at test set. NFCO1

Final Result 1
  Frequency   QuasiPeak                       Meas. Time     Bandwidth           Line          Corr.       Margin        Limit
    (MHz)       (dBuV)                           (ms)             (KH2)                        (dB)          (dB)       (dBuV)
   0.609000      46.1                            2000.0           9.000             L1         19.8          9.9         56.0

   1.077000      45.3                            2000.0           9.000             L1         19.6          10.7        56.0

   1.549500      44.4                            2000.0           9.000             L1         19.7          11.6        56.0

   2.746500      44.3                            2000.0           9.000             L1         19.7          11.7        56.0

   3.606000      42.7                            2000.0           9.000             L1         19.6          13.3        56.0

  13.560000      50.4                            2000.0           9.000             L1         19.9          0.6         60.0

Final Result 2
  Frequency    Average                       Meas. Time     Bandwidth           Line          Cort.        Margin        Limit
    (MHz)      (dBuV)                           (ms)          (KHz)                           (dB)          (dB)        (dBuV)
   0.523500     36.8                           2000.0         9.000              L1            19.9          9.2         46.0

   1.077000     33.0                           2000.0         9.000              L1            19.6         13.0         46.0
   1.896000     33.9                           2000.0         9.000              L1            19.7         121          46.0
   2.292000     34.2                           2000.0         9.000              L1            19.7         11.8         46.0
   4.951500     32.6                           2000.0         9.000              L1            19.6         13.4         46.0

  13.560000     54.0                           2000.0         9.000              L1            19.9          +4.0            50.0

A.6.6. Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement uncertainty: U= 3.2 dB, k=2

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ANNEX A: Accreditation Certificate

                         ***END OF REPORT***

                                               ©Copyright. All rights reserved byCTTL.

Document Created: 2018-05-16 01:31:17
Document Modified: 2018-05-16 01:31:17

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