inquiry to FCC_20181223


RF Exposure Info

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Air interface and operating mode
   Air         Band                       Simultaneous     Name of Voice    Power
                          Type   C63.19
Interface     (MHz)                        Transmitter       Service       Reduction
                          VO      Yes                      CMRS Voice*
 GSM     1900                              BT and Wi-Fi                       NA
      GPRS/EDGE           VD      Yes                      Google Duo**
                          VO      Yes                      CMRS Voice*
WCDMA    1900                              BT and Wi-Fi                       NA
        HSPA              VD      Yes                      Google Duo**

               Band                                          VoLTE*
  LTE                     VD      Yes      BT and Wi-Fi                       NA
            2/4/5/13/66                                    Google Duo**

                                              BT, GSM,
                                                               Wi-Fi calling**
   Wi-Fi        2450        VD      Yes      WCDMA and                          NA
                                                               Google Duo**
                                             Wi-Fi, GSM,
    BT          2450        DT      NA       WCDMA and              NA          NA
VO: Legacy Cellular Voice Service from Table 7.1 in of ANSI C63.19-2011
DT: Digital Transport (no voice)
VD: IP Voice Service over Digital Transport
* Ref Lev in accordance with of ANSI C63.19-2011 and the July 2012 VoLTE
** Ref Lev −20 dBm0

Wi-Fi calling for T-coil measurement

 1. Equipment setup
     The test setup used for Wi-Fi calling T-coil measurement is shown in
      next page. The callbox used when performing Wi-Fi calling T-coil
      measurement is CMW500. The Data Application Unit (DAU) of the
      CMW500 was used to simulate IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)

 2. Audio level settings
     According to KDB 285076 D02, the average speech level of −20
      dBm0 shall be used. The CMW500 was manually configured to
      ensure that the settings for speech input and full scale levels resulted
      in the -20dBm0 speech input level to the DUT for the Wi-Fi calling
      over IMS connection.

 3. For the detail of test setup,
     Following attached SPEAG document “TN-BK-10032018-C-
      VoWLAN_T-coil_w_CMW500” to perform Wi-Fi calling T-coil setup
      and measurement


Wi-Fi calling for T-coil measurement

    Test setup for Wi-Fi calling T-coil measurement


     Follow the test plan to perform Wi-Fi calling T-coil

                                           Test plan
                                        Investigate the lowest and highest data rates to
(1) Radio configuration investigation   determine worst radio configuration to be used for testing
                                        by SNR comparison.
(2) Codec Investigation                 Determine the worst-case codec by SNR comparison.
                                        Using the worst-case codec, a channel of worst band
(3) Air Interface Investigation
                                        shall be tested


                      Follow the test plan to perform Wi-Fi calling
                      T-coil testing_Radio configuration investigation
    802.11b Radio configuration investigation                 802.11n(20M) Radio configuration investigation
                                                 Signal                                                         Signal
                   Data Rate   ABM1      ABM2                                     Data Rate   ABM1      ABM2
Mode       Channel                               Quality      Mode        Channel                               Quality
                    [Mbps]   [dB(A/m)] [dB(A/m)]                                   [Mbps]   [dB(A/m)] [dB(A/m)]
                                                  [dB]                                                           [dB]
802.11b       6        1       2.37      -39.21  41.58     802.11n(20M)      6      MCS0      2.33      -39.39  41.72
802.11b       6       11       2.25      -39.30  41.55     802.11n(20M)      6      MCS7      2.40      -40.27  42.67

    802.11g Radio configuration investigation                 802.11n(40M) Radio configuration investigation
                                                 Signal                                                         Signal
                   Data Rate   ABM1      ABM2                                     Data Rate   ABM1      ABM2
Mode       Channel                               Quality      Mode        Channel                               Quality
                    [Mbps]   [dB(A/m)] [dB(A/m)]                                   [Mbps]   [dB(A/m)] [dB(A/m)]
                                                  [dB]                                                           [dB]
802.11g       6        6       2.22      -46.40  48.62     802.11n(40M)      6      MCS0      2.30      -41.77  44.07
802.11g       6       54       2.36      -46.76  49.12     802.11n(40M)      6      MCS7      2.34      -41.99  44.33

          (1) Radio configuration investigation
          Investigate the lowest and highest data rates to determine worst radio configuration to be used for
          testing by SNR comparison.
          *Yellow represent the worst radio configuration
          *The data is for reference and example only


     Follow the test plan to perform Wi-Fi calling
     T-coil testing_Codec investigation
                                      AMR Codec Investigation - VoWIFI over IMS
                           WB AMR WB AMR             NB AMR       NB AMR
   Codec Setting:                                                              Orientation          Band        Standard     Channel
                          23.85kbps 6.60kbps         12.2kbps     4.75kbps
       ABM1 (dBA/m)          2.17        2.25          2.67         2.36

       ABM2 (dBA/m)         -41.05       -40.3        -40.51       -40.44
                                                                                    Axial           2.4GHz      802.11b         6
Frequency Response          Pass         Pass         Pass          Pass

   Signal Quality (dB)      43.22        42.55        43.18         42.8

                                        EVS Codec Investigation - VoWIFI over IMS
                        EVS Primary    EVS Primary    EVS Primary    EVS Primary
  Codec Setting:                                                                      Orientation       Band      Standard   Channel
                        WB 13.2kbps    WB 5.9kbps     NB 13.2kbps    NB 5.9kbps
      ABM1 (dBA/m)         3.41           2.49            3.9               3.98

      ABM2 (dBA/m)         -40.73        -40.28          -40.47            -39.62
                                                                                            Axial      2.4GHz     802.11b       6
Frequency Response         Pass           Pass           Pass              Pass

  Signal Quality (dB)      44.14          42.77          44.37              43.6

(2) Codec Investigation
In this case, the worst radio configuration is 802.11b, hence, using 802.11b to determine the
worst-case codec by SNR comparison. (WB AMR 6.6kbps is the worst codec in this case.)
*Yellow represent the worst-case codec
*The data is for reference and example only.

                Following the test plan to perform Wi-Fi calling
                T-coil testing_Air interface investigation

                            Air interface investigation for 2.4GHz WIFI
                                                                 Ambient   Frequency    Signal
                        Bandwidth           ABM1      ABM2                                      C63.19-2011
Mode      Orientation             Channel                         Noise    Response     Quality
                          (MHz)           [dB(A/m)] [dB(A/m)]                                     Rating
                                                                [dB(A/m)] Variation(dB) (dB)
 WLAN        Axial         20         6       2.25    -40.30      -58.34      2.00      42.55       T4
802.11b     Radial         20         6      -1.85    -41.94      -58.18       N/A       40.09      T4

          (3) Air Interface Investigation
          Using the worst-case codec and radio configuration a channel of worst band shall be tested.
          The worst case mode for 2.4GHz WLAN in each probe orientation is tested.
          *The data is for reference and example only.


Document Created: 2018-12-21 16:50:33
Document Modified: 2018-12-21 16:50:33

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