I18Z60479-EMC01_FCC 15B Rev0


Test Report

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                                  TEST REPORT
                               No. I18Z60479-EMC01

                                    TCL Communication Ltd.

                                LTE/UMTS/GSM mobile phone

                                       Model Name: A502DL

                                        FCC ID: 2ACCJH086


                                      Hardware Version: PIO

                                     Software Version: vGP1

                                     Issued Date: 2018-05-17

The test results in this test report relate only to the devices specified in this report. This report shall not be
reproduced except in full without the written approval of CTTL.
The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST,
or any agency of the U.S.Government.
Test Laboratory:
CTTL, Telecommunication Technology Labs, CAICT
No. 52, Huayuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China 100191.
Tel:+86(0)10-62304633-2512, Fax:+86(0)10-62304633-2504
Email: cttl_terminals@caict.ac.cn, website: www.caict.ac.cn

                                                   ©Copyright. All rights reserved by TMC Beijing。 Page 1 of 21

                                                No. I18Z60479-EMC01
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 Report Number     Revision   Description                      Issue Date
 I18Z60479-EMC01   Rev.0      1 edition                        2018-05-17

                                            ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

                                                                                                  No. I18Z60479-EMC01
                                                                                                          Page3 of 21

1.     TEST LABORATORY ............................................................................................................... 4

1.1.      TESTING LOCATION ........................................................................................................... 4

1.2.      TESTING ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................... 4

1.3.      PROJECT DATA ................................................................................................................... 4

1.4.      SIGNATURE .......................................................................................................................... 4

2.     CLIENT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 5

2.1.      APPLICANT INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 5

2.2.      MANUFACTURER INFORMATION ...................................................................................... 5

3.     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT (AE) ............................ 6

3.1.      ABOUT EUT .......................................................................................................................... 6

3.2.      INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF EUT USED DURING THE TEST ................................... 6

3.3.      INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF AE USED DURING THE TEST...................................... 6

3.4.      EUT SET-UPS ....................................................................................................................... 7

4.     REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................... 7

4.1.      REFERENCE DOCUMENTS FOR TESTING....................................................................... 7

5.     LABORATORY ENVIRONMENT.............................................................................................. 8

6.     SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................. 9

7.     TEST EQUIPMENTS UTILIZED ............................................................................................. 10

ANNEX A: MEASUREMENT RESULTS ....................................................................................... 11

ANNEX B: ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE ............................................................................... 21

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                                                             No. I18Z60479-EMC01
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1. Test Laboratory
1.1. Testing Location
Location: CTTL (huayuan North Road)
  Address:            No. 52, Huayuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China

1.2. Testing Environment
  Normal Temperature:            15-35oC
  Relative Humidity:             20-75%

1.3. Project data
  Testing Start Date:            2018-04-05
  Testing End Date:              2018-05-17

1.4. Signature

                        Li Yan
           (Prepared this test report)

                    Zhang Ying
           (Reviewed this test report)

                   Liu Baodian
          Deputy Director of the laboratory
           (Approved this test report)

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                                                        No. I18Z60479-EMC01
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2. Client Information
2.1. Applicant Information
 Company Name:       TCL Communication Ltd.
                     7/F, Block F4, TCL Communication Technology Building, TCL
 Address /Post:      International E City, Zhong Shan Yuan Road, Nanshan District,
                     Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R. China 518052
 Contact Person:     Gong Zhizhou
 Contact Email       zhizhou.gong@tcl.com
 Telephone:          0086-755-36611722
 Fax:                /

2.2. Manufacturer Information
 Company Name:       TCL Communication Ltd.
                     7/F, Block F4, TCL Communication Technology Building, TCL
 Address /Post:      International E City, Zhong Shan Yuan Road, Nanshan District,
                     Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R. China 518052
 Contact Person:     Gong Zhizhou
 Contact Email       zhizhou.gong@tcl.com
 Telephone:          0086-755-36611722
 Fax:                /

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3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) and Ancillary Equipment (AE)
3.1. About EUT
  Description                  LTE/UMTS/GSM mobile phone
  Model Name                   A502DL
  FCC ID                       2ACCJH086
  Extreme vol. Limits          3.5VDC to 4.4VDC (nominal: 3.8VDC)
Note: Components list, please refer to documents of the manufacturer; it is also included in the
original test record of CTTL, Telecommunication Technology Labs, CAICT.

3.2. Internal Identification of EUT used during the test
  EUT ID*              SN or IMEI                     HW Version         SW Version
  EUT2                 015145000208542                PIO                vGP1
  EUT5                 010145000208666                PIO                vGP1
*EUT ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

3.3. Internal Identification of AE used during the test
  AE ID*     Description                SN                             Remarks
  AE1        Battery                    /                              /
  AE2        Charger                    /                              /
  AE3        Charger                    /                              /
  AE4        USB cable                  /                              /

 Model                                CAC2400038C1
 Manufacturer                         BYD
 Capacitance                          2460mAh
 Nominal voltage                      /
 Model                                CBA0058AGAC4
 Manufacturer                         Aohai
 Length of cable
 Model                                CBA0058AGHC5
 Manufacturer                         Puan
 Length of cable
 Model                                CDA0000055C2
 Manufacturer                         SHENGHUA
 Length of cable                      98cm

*AE ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.
Note: The USB cables are shielded.

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3.4. EUT set-ups
EUT set-up No.      Combination of EUT and AE                  Remarks

Set.1                EUT2+ AE1+ AE2+ AE4                       Charger
Set.2                EUT2+ AE1+ AE3+ AE4                       Charger
Set.3                EUT2+ AE1+ AE4                            USB mode

4. Reference Documents
4.1. Reference Documents for testing
The following documents listed in this section are referred for testing.
 Reference                  Title                                                 Version
 FCC Part 15, Subpart B Radio frequency devices - Unintentional Radiators         2016
 ANSI C63.4                 American National Standard for                        2014
                            Methods of Measurement of Radio-
                            Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage
                            Electrical and Electronic Equipment
                            in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz

  Note: The test methods have no deviation with standards.

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                                                                 No. I18Z60479-EMC01
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Semi-anechoic chamber SAC-1 (23 meters×17meters×10meters) did not exceed following
limits along the EMC testing:
Temperature                                  Min. = 15 ℃, Max. = 35 ℃
Relative humidity                            Min. = 15 %, Max. = 75 %
Shielding effectiveness                      0.014MHz-1MHz, >60dB;
                                             1MHz - 1000MHz, >90dB.
Electrical insulation                        > 2 M
Ground system resistance                     <4 
Normalised site attenuation (NSA)            < ±4 dB, 10 m distance
Site voltage standing-wave ratio (SVSWR)     Between 0 and 6 dB, from 1GHz to 6GHz
Uniformity of field strength                 Between 0 and 6 dB, from 80 to 3000 MHz

 Semi-anechoic chamber SAC-2 (10 meters×6.7meters×6.1meters) did not exceed following
 limits along the EMC testing:

 Temperature                                Min. = 15 ℃, Max. = 35 ℃
 Relative humidity                          Min. = 15 %, Max. = 75 %
                                            0.014MHz - 1MHz, >60dB;
 Shielding effectiveness
                                            1MHz - 1000MHz, >90dB.
 Electrical insulation                      > 2 M
 Ground system resistance                   <4 
 Normalised site attenuation (NSA)          < ± 4 dB, 3m distance, from 30 to 1000 MHz
 Site voltage standing-wave ratio (SVSWR)   Between 0 and 6 dB, from 1GHz to 18GHz
 Uniformity of field strength               Between 0 and 6 dB, from 80 to 3000 MHz
Shielded room did not exceed following limits along the EMC testing:
Temperature                                   Min. = 15 ℃, Max. = 35 ℃
Relative humidity                             Min. = 20 %, Max. = 75 %
Shielding effectiveness                       0.014MHz-1MHz, >60dB;
                                              1MHz-1000MHz, >90dB.
Electrical insulation                         > 2 M
Ground system resistance                      <4 

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Abbreviations used in this clause:
                          P            Pass
 Verdict Column          NA            Not applicable
                          F            Fail

                          Clause in           Section in                            Test
Items     Test Name                                            Verdict
                          FCC rules           this report                         Location
           Radiated                                                            CTTL(huayuan
  1                        15.109(a)             A.1              P
           Emission                                                            North Road)
          Conducted                                                            CTTL(huayuan
  2                        15.107(a)             A.2              P
           Emission                                                            North Road)

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                                                                     No. I18Z60479-EMC01
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      7. Test Equipments Utilized

                                          SERIES                                   CAL DUE
                                                                                   2B              CALIBRATI

NO.     Description           TYPE                        MANUFACTURE               DATE              ON
                                          NUMBER          1B

 1     Test Receiver          ESU26        100235                 R&S             2019-02-28            1 year
      Universal Radio
 2    Communication          CMW500        143008                 R&S             2018-12-26            1 year
 3     Test Receiver          ESCI 7       100344                 R&S             2019-02-28            1 year
      Universal Radio
 4    Communication          CMW500        116588                 R&S             2018-11-26            1 year
 5         LISN              ENV216        101200                 R&S             2018-08-03            1 year
 6      EMI Antenna          VULB9163     9163-302             Schwarzbeck        2020-02-27            3 years
 7      EMI Antenna            3115       00167250             ETS-Lindgren       2020-05-21            3 years
 8          PC          OPTIPLEX 380      2X1YV2X                 DELL                  N/A              N/A
 9        Printer            P1606dn     VNC3L52122                HP                   N/A              N/A
10       Keyboard              L100                               DELL                  N/A              N/A
11        Mouse              M-UAE119   LZ935220ZRC              Lenovo                 N/A              N/A

                 Test Item                  Test Software and Version                   Software Vendor
      Radiated Continuous Emission                   EMC32 V9.01                               R&S
          Conducted Emission                        EMC32 V8.52.0                              R&S

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A.1 Radiated Emission
FCC: CFR Part 15.109(a).
A.1.1 Method of measurement
The field strength of radiated emissions from the unintentional radiator (USB mode of MS and
charging mode of MS) at distances of 10 meters(for 30MHz-1GHz) and 3 meters (for above 1GHz)
is tested. Tested in accordance with the procedures of ANSI C63.4 – 2014, section 8.3.
The EUT was placed on a non-conductive table. The measurement antenna was placed at a
distance of 3/10 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna height and the EUT azimuth
were varied in order to identify the maximum level of emissions from the EUT. This maximization
process was repeated with the EUT positioned in each of its three orthogonal orientations.

A.1.2 EUT Operating Mode:
The MS is operating in the USB mode and charging mode. During the test MS is connected to a
PC via a USB cable in the case of USB mode and is connected to a charger in the case of
charging mode. The model of the PC is DELL OPTIPLEX 380, and the serial number of the PC is
2X1YV2X. The software is used to let the PC keep on copying data to MS, reading and erasing the
data after copy action was finished.

Note:I/O information:Printer – USB, Mouse – PS/2, Keyboard – USB.

A.1.3 Measurement Limit
     Frequency range                                Field strength limit (µV/m)
          (MHz)                   Quasi-peak                 Average                     Peak
           30-88                       100
          88-216                       150
          216-960                      200
         960-1000                      500
           >1000                                               500                       5000

Note: the above limit is for 3 meters test distance. 10 meters’ limit is got by converting.

A.1.4 Test Condition
  Frequency range (MHz)                 RBW/VBW               Sweep Time (s)            Detector
           30-1000               120kHz (IF Bandwidth)               5             Peak/Quasi-peak
         Above 1000                    1MHz/1MHz                     15              Peak, Average

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A.1.5 Measurement Results
A "reference path loss" is established and the ARpl is the attenuation of “reference path loss”. It
includes the antenna factor of receive antenna and the path loss.
The measurement results are obtained as described below:
Result = PMea + ARpl = PMea + GA + GPL
     GA: Antenna factor of receive antenna
     GPL: Path Loss
     PMea: Measurement result on receiver.
Measurement uncertainty (worst case): 4.3dB, k=2.

Measurement results for Set.1:
Charging Mode/Average detector
 Frequency(MHz)      Result(dBµV/m)      GPL (dB)      GA (dB/m)       PMea(dBµV)           Polarity
     17455.433             37.6            -19.2          41.5            15.300                H
     17901.400             37.6            -18.5          45.6            10.500                H
     17886.667             37.5            -18.5          45.6            10.400                V
     17435.033             37.5            -19.2          41.5            15.200                H
     17380.067             37.5            -19.5          41.5            15.500                H
     17420.300             37.4            -19.2          41.5            15.100                H

Charging Mode/Peak detector
 Frequency(MHz)      Result(dBµV/m)      GPL (dB)      GA (dB/m)       PMea(dBµV)           Polarity
     17499.067             49.8            -19.2          41.5            27.500                H
     17359.667             49.4            -19.5          41.5            27.400                H
     17594.833             49.3            -18.9          45.6            22.600                V
     17393.100             49.0            -19.2          41.5            26.700                H
     17841.900             49.0            -18.5          45.6            21.900                H
     17924.067             49.0            -17.7          45.6            21.100                H

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Measurement results for Set.2:
Charging Mode/Average detector
 Frequency(MHz)    Result(dBµV/m)     GPL (dB)     GA (dB/m)      PMea(dBµV)           Polarity
    17877.033            37.8           -18.5         45.6           10.700                H
    17919.533            37.5           -17.7         45.6           9.600                 H
    17377.800            37.5           -19.5         41.5           15.500                V
    17396.500            37.5           -19.2         41.5           15.200                H
    17445.233            37.5           -19.2         41.5           15.200                H
    17865.133            37.4           -18.5         45.6           10.300                H

Charging Mode/Peak detector
 Frequency(MHz)    Result(dBµV/m)     GPL (dB)     GA (dB/m)      PMea(dBµV)           Polarity
    17799.967            48.7           -18.5         45.6           21.600                H
    17716.667            48.6           -18.9         45.6           21.900                H
    17864.000            48.4           -18.5         45.6           21.300                V
    17827.167            48.4           -18.5         45.6           21.300                H
    17874.200            48.3           -18.5         45.6           21.200                H
    17876.467            48.2           -18.5         45.6           21.100                H

Measurement results for Set.3:
USB Mode/Average detector
 Frequency(MHz)    Result(dBµV/m)     GPL (dB)     GA (dB/m)      PMea(dBµV)           Polarity
    17472.433            37.6           -19.2         41.5           15.300                H
    17379.500            37.6           -19.5         41.5           15.600                H
    17897.433            37.6           -18.5         45.6           10.500                V
    17395.933            37.6           -19.2         41.5           15.300                H
    17394.233            37.6           -19.2         41.5           15.300                H
    17396.500            37.5           -19.2         41.5           15.200                H

USB Mode/Peak detector
 Frequency(MHz)    Result(dBµV/m)     GPL (dB)     GA (dB/m)      PMea(dBµV)           Polarity
    17891.767            49.4           -18.5         45.6           22.300                H
    17420.300            49.1           -19.2         41.5           26.800                H
    17938.233            49.0           -17.7         45.6           21.100                V
    17340.967            48.9           -19.5         41.5           26.900                H
    17360.233            48.8           -19.5         41.5           26.800                H
    17284.300            48.8           -19.5         41.5           26.800                H

Note: The measurement results of Set.1, Set.2 and Set.3 showed here are worst cases of the
combinations of different batteries and USB cables.

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Charging Mode, Set.1
                                                             F u ll S p e c tru m

                          45                                                                       FCC P A R T 1 5 _ Q P _ 1 0 m



        Level in dBµV/m






                          30M     50   60        80   100M                 200           300   400 500           800   1G
                                                               F re q u e n c y in H z

                                Figure A.1 Radiated Emission from 30MHz to 1GHz
                                                             F u ll S p e c tru m

                                                                                                      FCC P A R T 1 5 _ P K


                                                                                                     FCC P A R T 1 5 _ A V G
        Level in dBµV/m





                           1G               2G          3G          4G       5G     6          8   10G                 18G
                                                               F re q u e n c y in H z

                                Figure A.2 Radiated Emission from 1GHz to 18GHz

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Charging Mode, Set.2
                                                             F u ll S p e c tru m

                          45                                                                       FCC P A R T 1 5 _ Q P _ 1 0 m


        Level in dBµV/m






                          30M     50   60        80   100M                 200           300   400 500           800   1G
                                                               F re q u e n c y in H z

                                Figure A.3 Radiated Emission from 30MHz to 1GHz
                                                             F u ll S p e c tru m

                                                                                                      FCC P A R T 1 5 _ P K


                                                                                                     FCC P A R T 1 5 _ A V G
        Level in dBµV/m





                           1G               2G          3G          4G       5G     6          8   10G                 18G
                                                               F re q u e n c y in H z

                                Figure A.4 Radiated Emission from 1GHz to 18GHz

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                                                                                                            No. I18Z60479-EMC01
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USB Mode, Set.3
                                                                          F u ll S p e c tru m

                              45                                                                                   FCC P A R T 1 5 _ Q P _ 1 0 m


            Level in dBµV/m






                              30M           50   60        80   100M                    200           300   400 500                800   1G
                                                                            F re q u e n c y in H z

                                          Figure A.5 Radiated Emission from 30MHz to 1GHz
Frequency                      QuasiPeak     Limit          Margin     Meas. Time            Bandwidth          Height       Pol    Azimuth
(MHz)                          (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)       (dB)       (ms)                  (kHz)              (cm)                (deg)
36.448000                      22.21         30.00          7.79       1000.0                120.000            302.0        V      110.0
                                                                          F u ll S p e c tru m

                                                                                                                         FCC P A R T 1 5 _ P K


                                                                                                                       FCC P A R T 1 5 _ A V G
            Level in dBµV/m





                               1G                     2G             3G          4G       5G     6          8      10G                   18G
                                                                            F re q u e n c y in H z

                                          Figure A.6 Radiated Emission from 1GHz to 18GHz

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                                                                   No. I18Z60479-EMC01
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A.2 Conducted Emission
FCC: CFR Part 15.107(a).
A.2.1 Method of measurement
For equipment that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio
frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies
within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed the limits. Tested in accordance with the
procedures of ANSI C63.4 – 2014, section 7.3.

A.2.2 EUT Operating Mode
The MS is operating in the USB mode and charging mode. During the test MS is connected to a
PC via a USB cable in the case of USB mode and is connected to a charger in the case of
charging mode. The model of the PC is DELL OPTIPLEX 380, and the serial number of the PC is
2X1YV2X. The software is used to let the PC keep on copying data to MS, reading and erasing the
data after copy action was finished.
Note:I/O information:Printer – USB, Mouse – PS/2, Keyboard – USB.

A.2.3 Measurement Limit

Frequency of emission (MHz)                            Conducted limit (dBµV)
                                          Quasi-peak                            Average
           0.15-0.5                        66 to 56*                            56 to 46*
            0.5-5                                56                                46
            5-30                                 60                                50
*Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency

A.2.4 Test Condition in charging mode
        Voltage(V)                     Frequency(Hz)
             120                                 60

     RBW/IF bandwidth                   Sweep Time(s)
            9kHz                                 1

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A.2.5 Measurement Results
Measurement uncertainty: U= 2.9 dB, k=2.
Charging Mode, Set.1






          Level in dBµV









                          150k        3 0 0 4 0 05 0 0   8 0 01 M        2M      3M 4M5M 6       8 10M       20M   30M

                                                                    Frequenc y in H z

                                                  Figure A.7 Conducted Emission
Final Result 1
 Frequency                QuasiPeak     Meas. Time          Bandwidth       Line        Corr.      Margin      Limit
 (MHz)                    (dBµV)        (ms)                (kHz)                       (dB)       (dB)        (dBµV)
 0.177000                 50.8          2000.0              9.000           L1          19.8       13.8        64.6
 0.262500                 43.0          2000.0              9.000           L1          19.8       18.3        61.4
 0.438000                 32.0          2000.0              9.000           L1          19.9       25.1        57.1
 1.077000                 32.6          2000.0              9.000           L1          19.6       23.4        56.0
 1.954500                 31.4          2000.0              9.000           L1          19.7       24.6        56.0
 2.890500                 30.8          2000.0              9.000           L1          19.7       25.2        56.0

Final Result 2
 Frequency Average                      Meas. Time          Bandwidth       Line        Corr.      Margin      Limit
 (MHz)        (dBµV)                    (ms)                (kHz)                       (dB)       (dB)        (dBµV)
 0.217500     29.4                      2000.0              9.000           L1          19.8       23.5        52.9
 0.262500    26.0       2000.0    9.000      L1       19.8      25.3      51.4
 0.496500    27.5       2000.0    9.000      L1       19.9      18.6      46.1
 1.027500    23.3       2000.0    9.000      L1       19.6      22.7      46.0
 1.923000    21.5       2000.0    9.000      L1       19.7      24.5      46.0
 2.530500    21.0       2000.0    9.000      L1       19.7      25.0      46.0
Note: The measurement results showed here are worst cases of the combinations of different
batteries and USB cables.

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Charging Mode, Set.2






          Level in dBµV









                          150k        3 0 0 4 0 05 0 0   8 0 01 M        2M      3M 4M5M 6       8 10M       20M   30M

                                                                    Frequenc y in H z

                                                  Figure A.8 Conducted Emission
Final Result 1
 Frequency                QuasiPeak     Meas. Time          Bandwidth       Line        Corr.      Margin      Limit
 (MHz)                    (dBµV)        (ms)                (kHz)                       (dB)       (dB)        (dBµV)
 0.429000                 41.6          2000.0              9.000           N           19.9       15.6        57.3
 0.442500                 41.4          2000.0              9.000           N           19.9       15.6        57.0
 1.023000                 38.7          2000.0              9.000           L1          19.6       17.3        56.0
 1.464000                 38.4          2000.0              9.000           N           19.6       17.6        56.0
 2.427000                 36.7          2000.0              9.000           N           19.6       19.3        56.0
 4.110000                 33.4          2000.0              9.000           L1          19.6       22.6        56.0

Final Result 2
 Frequency Average                      Meas. Time          Bandwidth       Line        Corr.      Margin      Limit
 (MHz)        (dBµV)                    (ms)                (kHz)                       (dB)       (dB)        (dBµV)
 0.429000     35.3                      2000.0              9.000           N           19.9       12.0        47.3
 0.438000    35.7       2000.0    9.000      N        19.9      11.4      47.1
 0.757500    34.1       2000.0    9.000      N        19.8      11.9      46.0
 1.518000    32.6       2000.0    9.000      N        19.6      13.4      46.0
 2.805000    30.7       2000.0    9.000      N        19.6      15.3      46.0
 3.673500    28.8       2000.0    9.000      N        19.7      17.2      46.0
Note: The measurement results showed here are worst cases of the combinations of different
batteries and USB cables.

                                                                                          ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

                                                                                              No. I18Z60479-EMC01
                                                                                                     Page20 of 21

USB Mode, Set.3






          Level in dBµV









                          150k      3 0 0 4 0 05 0 0   8 0 01 M        2M      3M 4M5M 6       8 10M       20M   30M

                                                                  Frequenc y in H z

                                                Figure A.9 Conducted Emission
Final Result 1
 Frequency QuasiPeak                  Meas. Time          Bandwidth       Line        Corr.      Margin      Limit
 (MHz)        (dBµV)                  (ms)                (kHz)                       (dB)       (dB)        (dBµV)
 0.204000     45.9                    2000.0              9.000           L1          19.8       17.6        63.4
 0.271500     38.0                    2000.0              9.000           L1          19.8       23.1        61.1
 0.541500     31.4                    2000.0              9.000           N           19.9       24.6        56.0
 0.946500     33.1                    2000.0              9.000           N           19.7       22.9        56.0
 3.448500     25.4                    2000.0              9.000           N           19.7       30.6        56.0
 4.326000     26.0                    2000.0              9.000           N           19.7       30.0        56.0

Final Result 2
 Frequency                Average     Meas. Time          Bandwidth       Line        Corr.      Margin      Limit
 (MHz)                    (dBµV)      (ms)                (kHz)                       (dB)       (dB)        (dBµV)
 0.168000                 45.2        2000.0              9.000           N           19.8       9.8         55.1
 0.267000    34.0       2000.0    9.000      L1       19.8      17.2      51.2
 0.946500    27.1       2000.0    9.000      N        19.7      18.9      46.0
 1.284000    22.4       2000.0    9.000      N        19.6      23.6      46.0
 3.381000    22.2       2000.0    9.000      N        19.7      23.8      46.0
 4.528500    21.1       2000.0    9.000      N        19.7      24.9      46.0
Note: The measurement results showed here are worst cases of the combinations of different
batteries and USB cables.

                                                                                        ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

                                                   No. I18Z60479-EMC01
                                                          Page21 of 21

ANNEX B: Accreditation Certificate

                         ***END OF REPORT***

                                               ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

Document Created: 2018-05-17 16:41:30
Document Modified: 2018-05-17 16:41:30

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