

RF Exposure Info

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                                                                     No. I18Z60479-SEM03
                                                                         Page 121 of 179

C.4.4 Device Holder for Phantom
The SAR in the phantom is approximately inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between the source and the liquid surface. For a source at 5mm distance, a positioning uncertainty
of ±0.5mm would produce a SAR uncertainty of ±20%. Accurate device positioning is therefore
crucial for accurate and repeatable measurements. The positions in which the devices must be
measured are defined by the standards.
The DASY device holder is designed to cope with the different positions given in the standard. It
has two scales for device rotation (with respect to the body axis) and device inclination (with
respect to the line between the ear reference points). The rotation centers for both scales is the ear
reference point (ERP). Thus the device needs no repositioning when changing the angles.
The DASY device holder is constructed of low-loss
POM material having the following dielectric
parameters: relative permittivity =3 and loss
tangent  =0.02. The amount of dielectric material has been reduced in the closest vicinity of the
device, since measurements have suggested that the influence of the clamp on the test results
could thus be lowered.
<Laptop Extension Kit>
The extension is lightweight and made of POM, acrylic glass and foam. It fits easily on the upper
part of the Mounting Device in place of the phone positioner. The extension is fully compatible with
the Twin-SAM and ELI phantoms.

    Picture C.9-1: Device Holder                        Picture C.9-2: Laptop Extension Kit
C.4.5 Phantom
The SAM Twin Phantom V4.0 is constructed of a fiberglass shell integrated in a table. The shape of
the shell is based on data from an anatomical study designed to
Represent the 90th percentile of the population. The phantom enables the dissymmetric evaluation
of SAR for both left and right handed handset usage, as well as body-worn usage using the flat
phantom region. Reference markings on the Phantom allow the complete setup of all predefined
phantom positions and measurement grids by manually teaching three points in the robot. The shell
phantom has a 2mm shell thickness (except the ear region where shell thickness increases to 6 mm).
Shell Thickness: 2 ± 0. 2 mm
 Filling Volume:   Approx. 25 liters
 Dimensions:       810 x l000 x 500 mm (H x L x W)
 Available:        Special
                                                                  ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

                             No. I18Z60479-SEM03
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Picture C.10: SAM Twin Phantom

                          ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

                                                                      No. I18Z60479-SEM03
                                                                          Page 123 of 179

ANNEX D         Position of the wireless device in relation to the phantom

D.1 General considerations
This standard specifies two handset test positions against the head phantom – the “cheek” position
and the “tilt” position.

   wt                         Width of the handset at the level of the acoustic

   wb                                Width of the bottom of the handset

    A             Midpoint of the width wt of the handset at the level of the acoustic output

    B                      Midpoint of the width    wb   of the bottom of the handset

Picture D.1-a Typical “fixed” case handset         Picture D.1-b Typical “clam-shell” case

          Picture D.2 Cheek position of the wireless device on the left side of SAM

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                                                                      No. I18Z60479-SEM03
                                                                          Page 124 of 179

             Picture D.3 Tilt position of the wireless device on the left side of SAM

D.2 Body-worn device
A typical example of a body-worn device is a mobile phone, wireless enabled PDA or other battery
operated wireless device with the ability to transmit while mounted on a person’s body using a carry
accessory approved by the wireless device manufacturer.

                         Picture D.4 Test positions for body-worn devices

D.3 Desktop device
A typical example of a desktop device is a wireless enabled desktop computer placed on a table or
desk when used.
The DUT shall be positioned at the distance and in the orientation to the phantom that corresponds
to the intended use as specified by the manufacturer in the user instructions. For devices that employ
an external antenna with variable positions, tests shall be performed for all antenna positions
specified. Picture 8.5 show positions for desktop device SAR tests. If the intended use is not specified,
the device shall be tested directly against the flat phantom.

                                                                   ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

                                                         No. I18Z60479-SEM03
                                                             Page 125 of 179

                  Picture D.5 Test positions for desktop devices

D.4 DUT Setup Photos

                                   Picture D.6

                                                      ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

                                                                     No. I18Z60479-SEM03
                                                                         Page 126 of 179

ANNEX E          Equivalent Media Recipes
The liquid used for the frequency range of 800-3000 MHz consisted of water, sugar, salt, preventol,
glycol monobutyl and Cellulose. The liquid has been previously proven to be suited for worst-case.
The Table E.1 shows the detail solution. It’s satisfying the latest tissue dielectric parameters
requirements proposed by the IEEE 1528 and IEC 62209.

                    Table E.1: Composition of the Tissue Equivalent Matter
   Frequency         835     835       1900     1900      2450          2450        5800        5800
     (MHz)          Head     Body      Head     Body      Head          Body        Head        Body
 Ingredients (% by weight)
      Water         41.45     52.5    55.242    69.91     58.79        72.60        65.53       65.53
      Sugar         56.0      45.0       \         \         \            \            \           \
       Salt         1.45      1.4      0.306     0.13      0.06         0.18          \            \
    Preventol        0.1      0.1        \         \         \            \            \           \
    Cellulose        1.0      1.0        \         \         \            \            \           \
                      \         \     44.452    29.96     41.15        27.22          \            \
                      \         \        \         \         \            \         17.24       17.24
 Triton X-100         \         \        \         \         \            \         17.24       17.24
                   ε=41.5    ε=55.2   ε=40.0   ε=53.3    ε=39.2       ε=52.7       ε=35.3      ε=48.2
                   σ=0.90    σ=0.97   σ=1.40   σ=1.52    σ=1.80       σ=1.95       σ=5.27      σ=6.00
  Target Value
Note: There are a little adjustment respectively for 750, 1750, based on the recipe of closest
      frequency in table E.1.

                                                                  ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

                                                                 No. I18Z60479-SEM03
                                                                     Page 127 of 179

ANNEX F        System Validation
The SAR system must be validated against its performance specifications before it is deployed.
When SAR probes, system components or software are changed, upgraded or recalibrated, these
must be validated with the SAR system(s) that operates with such components.
                            Table F.1: System Validation for 7464
 Probe SN.     Liquid name        Validation date   Frequency point        Status (OK or Not)
 7464          Head 750MHz        Sep.26,2017       750 MHz                OK
 7464          Head 850MHz        Sep.26,2017       850 MHz                OK
 7464          Head 900MHz        Sep.26,2017       900 MHz                OK
 7464          Head 1750MHz       Sep.26,2017       1750 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 1810MHz       Sep.26,2017       1810 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 1900MHz       Sep.27,2017       1900 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 1950MHz       Sep.27,2017       1950 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 2000MHz       Sep.27,2017       2000 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 2100MHz       Sep.27,2017       2100 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 2300MHz       Sep.27,2017       2300 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 2450MHz       Sep.27,2017       2450 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 2550MHz       Sep.28,2017       2550 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 2600MHz       Sep.28,2017       2600 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 3500MHz       Sep.28,2017       3500 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 3700MHz       Sep.28,2017       3700 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 5200MHz       Sep.28,2017       5200 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 5500MHz       Sep.28,2017       5500 MHz               OK
 7464          Head 5800MHz       Sep.28,2017       5800 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 750MHz        Sep.28,2017       750 MHz                OK
 7464          Body 850MHz        Sep.25,2017       850 MHz                OK
 7464          Body 900MHz        Sep.25,2017       900 MHz                OK
 7464          Body 1750MHz       Sep.25,2017       1750 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 1810MHz       Sep.25,2017       1810 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 1900MHz       Sep.25,2017       1900 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 1950MHz       Sep.25,2017       1950 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 2000MHz       Sep.29,2017       2000 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 2100MHz       Sep.29,2017       2100 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 2300MHz       Sep.29,2017       2300 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 2450MHz       Sep.29,2017       2450 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 2550MHz       Sep.29,2017       2550 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 2600MHz       Sep.29,2017       2600 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 3500MHz       Sep.24,2017       3500 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 3700MHz       Sep.24,2017       3700 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 5200MHz       Sep.24,2017       5200 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 5500MHz       Sep.24,2017       5500 MHz               OK
 7464          Body 5800MHz       Sep.24,2017       5800 MHz               OK

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                                                  No. I18Z60479-SEM03
                                                      Page 128 of 179

ANNEX G        Probe Calibration Certificate
Probe 7464 Calibration Certificate

                                               ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

      4     Laboratory of                                                              & SctwelzertschorKabierdionst
Schmid & Partner                                                                       5    Strvice suisse ditatonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                            Serviclo svizer ditaratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 6004 Zurich, Svitzedand                                            3. sutss tatirationerice

Accrited bythe Sss Accredtaton Senice (SA)                                              Accreaitation No.: SCS 0108
"The Owiss Accredtation Gervice is one of the signatoris t he EA
MulilatealAgreementfor the recognitono calbrationcorficates

TSL                        tissue simulating liquid
NORMcy.z                   sensitvily in free space
Come                       sensitvily in TSL / NORMcy.z
DCP                        diode compression point
or                         crest factor (1iduly_cycle) ofthe RF signal
A,B, C, D                  modulation dependent Inearization parameters
Polarization o             1» rotation around probe axis
Polerization 8             8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at measurement center),
                           ie., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis
Connector Angle            information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot coordinate system
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
    a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, ‘IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Poak Spatial—Averaged Specific
      Absorption Rate (SAR)in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
      Techniques", June 2013
    b 1EC 62208—1, ", *Measurement procedure fo: the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)from hand—
      held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHiz)*,July 2016
    0 1EC 62209—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices
      used in close proximityto the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
    3 KDB 865684, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
         NORMxy,z: Assessed for E—field polarization 8 = 0 (f s 900 MHz in TEM—celt f> 1800 MHz: R22 waveguide)
         NORMy,z are only intermediate values, Le., the uncertainties of NORMx y;z does not affect the E*—field
         uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvP)
         NORM(Dxy.z = NORMxy,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart. This Inearization is
         implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of the frequency response is included
         in the stated uncertainty of ConF.
         DCPy,a: DP are numericalinearization parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
         signal (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media
         PAR: PAR is the Peak to Average Rati that is not callbrated but determined based on the signal
                                                    A, B, C, D are numericallinearization parameters assessed based on
                                            modultion signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
         media. VR is the maximum callbration range expressed in RMS voltage across the diode.
         ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—field (or Temperature Transfer
         Standard for f s 800 Miz) and inside waveguide using analytical fied distrbutions based on power
         measurements for {> 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessment of the parameters applied for
         boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are
         used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close tothe boundary. The sensitvity in TL corresponds
         to NORMcy,z * Conv whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for Conv. A frequency dependent
         ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending the valdty from + 50 MHz to + 100
         Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy) in a feld of low gradients realized using a flat phantom
         exposed by a patch antenna.
         Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of vrtual measurement centerfrom the probe tip
         (on probe axis). No tolerance required.
         Connector Angle: The angle is assessed using the information gained by determining the NORM (no
         uncertainty required).

Certficate No: EX3—7464_Sopt?                              Page 2 of 36

ExGDVé — SNi7ece                                                               September 12, 2017

                    Probe EX3DV4


                                 Manufactured:            September 6, 2016
                                 Calibrated:              September 12, 2017

                                Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                   (Note: non—compatible with DASY2 system!)

Certficate No: EX3—7404_Sopt?                    Page 3 orse

EX3DV4— SN:7484                                                                                               September 12, 2017

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7464
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                         Sensor X                      Sensor Y                   Sensor£             Une (ke2)
 Norm {aVifVim))                           045                           o4s                           045            270.1%
 boP my)"                                  To                            ses                           sor
Modulation Calibration Parameters
 w             Communication System Name                         A             s           c           o       Ye        uns
                                                                as         anvy                        ao      my        (ked)
 8             ow                                        x      |_0o        o              10      ooo        mss       #a%
                                                         Y|_oo                 o0          10                 Taar
                                                         z|  os                co          10                 taro
Note: For delais on UID parameters see Appendic
Sensor Model Parameters
                             C2            a          T           12                T3           T4           To          T6
                 ld          it           v!        msV*        |_msV+              ms           v*           v?
                57.06       4414         57.02       1202        026               5.030        0.00         027        1.006

                sos2        4584         36.65       1434        0.468             5.100        025          0.62%6     1.007
                6501        4978         3735        1527        1.043             5073         0.00         0.801      1.008

 The reponsd uncertainty of measurementis stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probabilty of approximately 95%.

The uncerainias of Narm XY.Z donotafectha E%—fald unoarainy iside TSL (see Rages S and 6
*             rizalon arameter uncerainy not requres.
                 Xernined using h max. dovittonfom Incarasponse appying recianguledetibulon nd is expressedfothe square of he
fld vale.

Cortficate No: EX3—7484._Sopt7                            Page 4 of 38

Exsovs— sNirase                                                                                       September 12, 2017

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7464
Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media

   t uie                         Cov(‘gl\:;g/w    ComvFX      ConvEY      ConvEZ_|    Aipha®     “'(7.."3.'.‘)“    (‘1::'2:)
      150                             o.re         1220        t220        1220        on           100           s133%
      200            153              oer          mm          n|          iim         om           iz            a183%
      aso            435              or           maz         mar—|       i7          ois          120           +183%
      750            a10              o9           ios?        fost        iost        oss         om             +120%
      sos            415              0.90         1028        toss        tors        o«s         oso            +120%
      200            415              oor          1003        foos        toos        ors         i0             +120%
      1450           408              120          208          aos        5.05        osr         080            2120%
      1640           402              131          sa2          sa2        se          oss         o80            +120%
      1750           40.1             187           a7o         8.70        a7o         oss         o8            £120%
      1810           400              140           a42         842         s42         ose         oss           +120%
      1900           400              140           aso         aso         sso         oss         os0           +120%
      2000           400              140           830         839         sse         ose         oss           +120%
      2100           see              149           ast         854         asa         o2          o8%s          +120%
      2300           305              167           840         840         s40         om          085           £120%
      2450           so2              180           zs          180         789         os          o83           +120%
      2600           so0              198           z76         176         z7e         ost         os2           +120%
      3500           sre              201           740         740         7ao         on          om            r181%
      $700           s77              312           zn          zn          in          oso         osm           a131%
      5200           360              465           sez         see         see         oss         180           a131%
      s2so           359              471           sos         ses         see         oss         180           a13.1%
      5300           358              4.76          s53         s53         sse         oss         180           +131%
      5500           356              49             521         521         521        040          1.80         £19.1 %
      seoo           355              sor           4ss          4ss     | 4ss          om0          iso          e131%
      stso           354              s22           5o4          s«        se           os           180          +131%
      seoo           s53              sar           Ex           s1        s11          o«0          is           r131%
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Cortficate No: EX3—7484_Sept7                          Page 5 of38

exsovs— sNirase                                                                                   September 12, 2017

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7464
Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media

    uin $        m'f.!.'f.’.‘flfiy'   Cor[xd;’:“:;lv“y   ComvFX   ComEY    ConvEZ_|   Aipha®   D('r:\’r‘:)n    (:zg)
      150             s19                 o.80           mig      1219     1219       on        10           a183%
      200             see                 082            se       32       is2        om        12           r1e3%
      aso             ser                 084            mos      0s       i10s       om        12           r183%
      750             ses                 096            1oes     toss     foss       oss       os           r120%
      sas             s52                 oar            02       ioai     ioar       oss       oso          +120%
      200             ss0                 105            toir     1017     ioir       o«        oso          a120%
      1450            sa.0                180            a18       o.18    a1s        oss       oso          £120%
      1640            ser                 142            a12       912      a12       ose       o%0          +120%
      1750            sea                 149            860       BCY      seo       o«        080          £120%
      1810            ses                 182            s4s       s45      sas       o1        08           +120%
      1900            ses                 182            ss2       832      es        osr       os           £120%
      2000            ses                 182            a24       s24      824       ose       os0          +120%
      2100            se2                 162            ase       830      a.38      o«        os0          +120%
      2300            s29                 181            830       830      8.30      oa2       oss          £120%
      2450            ser                 185            800       809      a0e       os        o9s          £120%
      2800            sas                 216            78e       7ea      zee       oso       osf          +120%
      3500            s13                 s1             106       708      7os       oss       o70          i131%
      3700            s1.0                355            s30       689      ese       oss       osm          r181%
      5200            490                 530            530       530      sao       oss       180          a191%
      seso            «0                  sas            52e       529      sze       oss       180          r131%
      5300            480                 s42            s1        s19      si9       oss       180          £181%
       5500            486                 565           461       461      481       0.40       1.90        £13.1%

       5e00            485                 sat            450      450      aso       o«         18          +181%
       srso            483                 sa«            aso      459      4se       o«         180         a13.1%
       seoo            482                 800            asr      4st      asr       ow         18          i+181%
©renueney atoyavose 200c ot 10 0tz n acota o DASY u4 and Nghr ooPage2 se oco 50 L. Th uncis the SS oft
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 Cerificale No: EX3—7404._Sopt?                            Page 6of 38

Exsove— SNirec¢                                                                                          September 12, 2017

                                             Frequency Response of E—Field
        Frequency response (normalized)              (TEM—Cell:if110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

                                          ci524f o uc 30fi l ul f ulc                      yc          cccf s
                                               500           1000      1800        2000        2500       fiw
                                                       red                                  &
                                             Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: £ 6.3%(k=2)

Certficate No: EX3—7404_Sept7                                       Page 7 of 38

@7TL                                                                                         1

  exsovs—shczees                                                                                     September 12, 2017

                                    Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 = 0°

                      £=600 MHz,TEM                                              171800 MHz,R22


                                                                             s                          w

                                  m                .%                                    s                   k
             #            s              *         +                    a            *           *           #
             To           x              v          7                  Ta            x           v

        § °t

                                  Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: 2 0.5% (k=2)

  Cortficate No: EX3—7464_Sept7                         Page & or 38

Exsovs— sNireea                                                                                                          September 12, 2017

                                                           Dynamic Range f(SARperq)
                                                                     (TEM cell , feyar= 1900 MHz)
               Input Signal u¥)

                                                     M                   i                        .             |
                                               100    t0:                    Lo           10      to       o         10
                                                                                   SAR {mWoms)
                                                             not compensated                      compensated
                                  Ercor {dG)

                                                      —                       t
                                                109            to2           101   too     101                      to
                                                                              SAR [mWiem3]
                                                              not compansatec               compersates
                                                          Uncertainty of Linsarity Assessment: £ 0.6% (ke2)

Certfcate No: EX3—7404_Sopt?                                                       Page 9 of 38

<                                                                                          —

 Exsovs— SNiress                                                                           September 12, 2017

                                  Conversion Factor Assessment
                  1= 900 MHzWGLS RO (H_com)                            1= 1810 MzWGLS R22 (1.com)
         io                                                   .
         ast                                                       E
         *L %.

         se                                                        I
         «s                                                    *|
              s        C# .g, a % 0s                           s
                                                                   :        sc              ®   —
                                                                                                    w   ~%
                      sls       s
                                Bo                                          :               a

                                  Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                             Error (4, 8), £= 900 MHz

                             10 <os cos o« 32 oo o2 o os 08 10
                              Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: # 2.6% (K=2)

 Certficate No: EX3—7404_Sept7                      Page 10 of 38

exsove— oncrase                                             September 12, 2017

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7464

Other Probe Parameters
 Sensor Aangement                                                 Trianguier
 Comnector Angle ()                                                     276
 Mechanical Surface Delection Mode                                  enabled
 Oplical Surface Detection Mode                                     dsabed
 Probe Overall Lengh                                                337 mm
 Probe Body Diameter                                                 10 mm
 Tip Lengh                                                             9mm
 Tip Diameler                                                        25 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor X Gallbration Point                               T mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Y Gallbralion Point                               T mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor 2 Galibraton Pont                                 T mm
 Recommended Measurement Distance from Surtace                       14 mm

Certficate No: EX3—7404_Sopt7                Page 11 of38

                                                   No. I18Z60479-SEM03
                                                       Page 139 of 179

ANNEX H        Dipole Calibration Certificate
750 MHz Dipole Calibration Certificate

                                                ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

     B      Laboratory of
Schmid & Partner
  Engineering AG
Zeughausstrasse 43, 0004 Zurich, Switzeriand

Acoredted by the Sviss Accreditation Srvice (GAG)
                                                                             @g   Sotweizerischer Kaliprierdionst
                                                                              Service suisse a‘italonnage
                                                                                  Serviclo aviezero oi tarature
                                                                             S suiss Cattpration Sorvice

                                                                              Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
"The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
Mulltatera! Agreementforthe recognition of callation cortficatos
TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
ConvF                       sensitivity in TSL / NORM xy,z
N/A                         not applicable or not measured

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
      Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
      Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques®, June 2013
   b IEC 62209—1, *Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate
       (SAR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of
          300 MHz to 6 GHz)®, July 2016
    c     IEC 62209—2, "Procedureto determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless
          communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
       MHz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
    d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

Additional Documentation:
    e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
      *   Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
          of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at thefrequency indicated.
    *     Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
          point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
          parallel to the body axis.
    *     Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
          positioned under the liquid filed phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
          measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
          reflected power. No uncertainty required.
      *   Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
          No uncertainty required.
      *   SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input powor.
      *   SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
      *   SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
          nominal SAR result.
  The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
  multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
  probability of approximately 95% .

Certficate No: D750V3—1017_Jult?                               Page 2 of 8

Measurement Conditions
   DASY system contiquration, as far as not given on page 1.
    DASY Version                                             basvs                            vse.t00
    Extrapolation                                    Advanced Extrapolation
     Phantom                                         Modular Fiat Phantomn
     Distance Dipole Center — TSL                            15 mm                           with Spacer
     Zoom Scan Resolution                              dx, dy, dz =5 mm
     Frequency                                         750 Miz a 1 Miiz

Head TSL parameters
   The following paramaters and calculations were apolied.
                                                             Temperature      Permittivity        Conductivity
     Nominal Head TSL parameters                               220°C              a10              0.89 mhoim
     Measured Head TSL parameters                            @g2o02)°C         41.026%          0.9 mhoim 26 %
     Head TSL temperature change during test                   <as*c                                   —
SAR result with Head TSL

     SAR averaged over 1 om (1 g) of Head TSL                 Condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW inout power              2.00 Whg
     SAR for nominal Hoad TSL parameters                  normalized to 1W        8.92 Whky = 17.0 % (kx?)

     SAR averaged over 10 em(10 g) of Head TSL                condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power              1.36 Wio
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                  normalized to 1W        5.42 Wikg + 16.3 % (k=2)

Body TSL parameters
   The following parameters and calculations were apglied.
                                                             Temperature      Permittivity        Conductivity
     Nominal Body TSL. parameters                              220°C            sas                0.98 mhoim
     Measured Body TSL parameters                            @2002)°C         s5.020%           0.99 mhoim &6 %
     Body TSL temperature change during test                   <o5*c            ~—                     —
SAR result with Body TSL

     SAR averaged over 1 cm‘ (1 g) of Body TSL                Condiion
     SAR measured                                        250 mW inout power               222 Wiho
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parametars                  normalized to 1W         8.66 Wikg 2 17.0 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 om* (10 ) of Body TSL               condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power               145 Wig
     SAR for nominal Bady TSL parametors                  normalized to 1W         5.68 Whky £ 16. % (k=2)

Cortficate No: D750V3—1017_Jult?                      Page 3 of8

7TL                                                                                             P

 Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
 Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

       Impedance, transformed to feed point                                            54.4 2 10. jn
       Retum Loss                                                                        +275 08

 Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

       Impedance, transformed to feed point                                            4030 —3.4 n
       Retum Loss                                                                        ~20.1 4B

 General Antenna Parameters and Design

     Electrieal Delay (one direction)                                                     1.033 ns
 After long term use with 100W racieted power, only a sight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can be meesured.

 The dipole is made of standard sermirigld coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is directly connected to the
 second arm of the dipole. The antenna is therefore short—cirouited for DC—signals. On some ofthe dipoles, small end caps
 are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded according to the position as explained in the
 "Measurement Conditions‘ paragragh. The SAR data are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is stil
 according to the Standard.
 No excessive foree must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend or the soldered connections nearthe
 feedpoint may be damaged.

 Additional EUT Data

       Manutactured by                                                                    spaae
       Manutactured on                                                                 March 22, 2010

 Certficate No: D7S0V3—1017_Junt7                          Page 4 of 8

DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland
DUT: Dipole 750 MHz; Type: D75OV3; Serial: D750V3 — SN:1017
                                                                                      Date: 19.07.2017

Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 750 MHz
Medium parameters used: £=750 MHz; o = 0.89 S/m; 6; = 41; p = 1000 kg/m‘
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEE/EC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:

        Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvF(10.49, 10.49, 10.49); Calibrated: 31.05.2017;

        Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surace Detection)

        Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 28.03.2017

        Phantom: Flat Phantom 4.9 (front); Type: QD OOL P49 AA; Serial: 1001

        DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=15mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 58.85 V/m; Power Drift = 0.00 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 3.22 W/kg
SAR(L g) =2.09 W/kg; SAR(1O g) = 1.36 W/ke
Maximum valueof SAR (measured) =2.83 W/kz



                   0 dB =2.83 Wikg = 4.52 dBWikg

Certficate No: D7S0V3—1017_.Jult7              Page 5 of 8

omm                                                                          I
 TTL                                                                                  F
mm                                                                                          C

 Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

                                                             18 Jul zeir   estarise
          ERD sa      i uis         asessse   esiore s800 pi               7s0.000 ooo ns





                    Sthet sse.00 ooo ns                           stoe ssa.00 ace ie

 Certficate No: D7503—1017_Jult7               Page 6 of 8

DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole 750 MHz; Type: D750V3; Serial: D750V3 — SN:1017
                                                                                      Date: 19.07.2017

Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 750 MHz
Medium parameters used: f=750 MHz; a = 0.99 $/m; &; = 55; p = 1000 ke/m?
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEEAMEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)
DASY52 Configuration:

   *    Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvR(10.35, 10.35, 10.35); Calibrated: 31.05.2017;

   *    Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

   *    Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 28.03.2017

   *    Phantom: Flat Phantom 4.9 (Back); Type: QD 0OR P49 AA; Serial: 1005

   «_   DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=15mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurementgrid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 57.67 V/m; Power Drift = —0.03 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 3.34 W/kg
SAR(I g) =2.22 W/kg; SAR(1O g) =
Maximum valueof SAR (measured) = 2.


                 0 dB =2.96 Wikg=4.71 dBWikg

Cortficate No: D7S03—1017_.u17                 Page 7 of 8

@7TL                                                                              I

 Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                             19 on zeir cessorne
          EXD sa      i ucss        maszsso —s«ntse 62 s or             7se.c00 oc htz





                    Sthet sse.00n ooons                           stoe ssa.00 ece nne

 Certficate No: D7S0V3—1017_Jult7              Page 8 of 8

Calibration Laboratory of                                  s          >         HEWI          g. Scteizerischer Kallorierdienst
Schmid & Partner                                         ipewck              ‘"amn"          i5 Service suisse o‘#tionnage
  Engineering AG                                          Lrecs                                   Sarvislo aviezoro d taratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzeriand              ky                 Nee $)          S swins Catioration Service

Accredted by he Swiss Accrodiaion Sorvice (SAS)                                               Accreditation No: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to he EA
MullLateral Agreoment fr the recognition of callbration certficates
Ctiem       CTTL—BJ (Auden)                                                        Certticate N: DB35V2—40069_Jul17

 Object                           DB35V2 — SN:4d069

 Cabration procedure(s)           QA CAL—05.19
                                  Calibration procedure for dipole validation kits above700 MHz

 Calbration date:                 July 19, 2017

 This cairaton certicate dacumentsthe aceablity to natlona standards,which realze the physical untso measurements 81.
 "The measurements and the uncertainieswih confddence probabity are given on thefolowing pages and are par ofthe cortfat

 Allcalbrations have beon conducted in the clsed Iaboratary fas: anvironmant tempralure(22 3)°C and hunidity< 70%.

 Calbration Equipment used (M&TE crtealfr calbraton)
 Primary Stendards                 n«                     Cal Date (Cortficate No)                     Scheduled Caltation
 Power mater NRP                   sit rowrre             dtpt7 (No. 217—cosvorse0)                    Apere
 Power sensor NRP—291              shz rosaes             otApe7 (no. 2tr—casen)                       Apere
 Poer sensor NRP—Z91               on: roams              oeApe17 (No. 2t7—0000)                       Apers
 Reterence 20 dB Attnator          sh: sose (200)         or—Apr—17 (No. 2t7—00500)                    Aoere
 Type—N mismatch combination       |SN: 0472 /O68e7       Or—Apet7 (No.217—02520)                      Apere
 Raterence Probe EOVA              snt rero               3tMay—17 (No. EXG—7340_Mayi7)                Mayts
 oaee                              s on                   26Mar—t7 (No. DAE4—601_Mart?)                Marte
 Secondary Standards               n«                     Check Date in house)                         Scheduled Chack
 Power mater EP42A                 SN: GBardeoror         0r0Oct15 in house check Oct—10)              in house chack: Oct—18
 Pover sensor HP 8481A             SN: Us8rz92708         0r—Octd$ (inhousecheck Oct16)                In house chack: Oct—18
 Power sensor HP 8101A             SN: MFétogzat?         070ett$ (nhousecheckOct18)                   in house chack: Oot—18
 AF generater nSMT—O               sn: roowre             16—Jun—15 t house chock Oct—16)              in house chack: Oct—10
 Notwork AnabyzorHP 8753E          sn: ussrasoses         1€:09.01 (n house check Oct—18)              in house chack: Oct—17
                                   Name                               Function                          Signature
 Galtrated by:                     Johannes Kurida                    Laboratoy Techrician
 Approved by:                      Katia Pokovie                      Tochrical Manager              /Z/ Zf,

                                                                                                       issuect Juty 20, 2017
 This caibration certicate shal not b reproduced exoeot n fulwthout witen approva f he aboraton

Cortficate No: DB35V2—44060_Junt7                              Page 1 of 8

     4      Laboratory of
Schmid & Partner
  Engineering AG
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzeriand

Accredted by the Swiss Accredtation Sorvice (SAS)
                                                                            s   Sehweizerischer Kallbrierdienst
                                                                            q Service suisse i‘étatonnage
                                                                              Servitio svizzoro di taratura
                                                                            5. swiss Caltbration Service

                                                                             Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the aignatories to the EA
Multlateral Agroomantfor the recogn‘tion ofcallration certfieatos
TSL                        tissue simulating liquid
ConvF                       sensitivity in TSL / NORM x.y,z
NA                          not applicable or not measured

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
      Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
      Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", June 2013
   b IEC 62209—1, "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate
      (SAR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of
         300 MHz to 6 GHz)®, July 2016
    c  IEC 62209—2, "Procedureto determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless
       communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
       MHz to 6 GHz)®, March 2010
    d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

Additional Documentation:
   e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   * Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
     of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated.
   * Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
     point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
     parallel to the body axis.
   * Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
     positioned under the liquid filled phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
     measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
     reflected power. No uncertainty required.
     *    Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
          No uncertainty required.
     *   SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
     *   SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
     *   SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
         nominal SAR result.
  The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
  multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
  probability of approximately 95% .

Certficate No: DB3V2—40060_Jut7                               Page 2 of 8

Measurement Conditions
   DASY system confiquration, as far as not given on page 1.
    DASY Version                                             Dasys                              vse.100
    Extrapolation                                    Advanced Extrapolation
    Phantom                                           Medular Fiat Phantom
    Distance Dipole Gnter — TSL                              15 mm                             with Spacer
     Zoom Sean Resolution                              t dy, dz ~5 mm
     Frequency                                         805 MHza 1 MHz

Head TSL parameters
   The following paramaters and calculations were applied.
                                                               Temperature      Permittivity        Conduetivity
     Nominal Head TSL parameters                                 220°0             415               0.90 mhoim
     Measured Head TSL parameters                             @20 02)°C         40826 %           0.91 mhoim6%
     Head TSL temperature change during test                    <o5°c                                   m
SAR result with Head TSL

     SAR averaged over 1 om(1 g) of Head TSL                    Conditin
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                297 Who
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                  normalized to 1W          9.37 Whg = 17.0 % (ke2)

     SAR averaged over 10 em(10 g) of Head TSL                  condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                158 Wha
     SAR for nominal Head TSL paramsters                  normalized to 1W          6.06 Wikg =16.5 % (k=2)

Body TSL parameters
   The following parameters and calculations were apolied.
                                                               Temperature      Permitivity         Conductivity
     Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  22.0°C            562              0.87 mhoim
     Measured Body TSL parameters                              gao02)°C         54626%            1.01 mhoim6%
     Body TSL temperature change during test                     <05°C            ~—
SAR result with Body TSL

     SAR averaged over 1 om? (1 g) of Body TSL                  Gondition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                 243 Whg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        8.41 Whkg 2 17.0 % (k=2)
     SAR averaged over 10 cm? (10 g) of Body TSL                condition
     SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    157 whg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parametars                     normalized to 1W        6.12 Wikg 2 16.5 % (k=2)

Certficate No: DB35V2—40060_Jut17                     Page 3 of 8

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                          sein—12j0
      Retum Loss                                                                      ~$2.4 dB

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                          479n—3.0 n
      Retum Loss                                                                      —25.9 0B

General Antenna Parameters and Design

    [Electrical Detay (one direction)                       |                          1302 ns
Alfter long term use with 100W radiated power, only a sight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can be measured

The dipole is made of standard sermiigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is direcy connected to the
second arm ofthe dipole. The antenna is therefore shor:—circuited for DC—signals. On some of the dipoles, small end caps
are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching whon loaded according to the position as explained in the
‘Measurement Condiions* paragraph. The SAR data are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is stll
according to the Standard.
No excessive force must be applled to the dipole arms, because they might bnd or the soldered connections noar the
feedpoint may be damaged.

Additional EUT Data

      Menutactured by                                                                  sraag
      Menufactured on                                                             November 09, 2007

Certficate No: DB3SV2—44069_Ju17                         Page 4 of 8

Document Created: 2018-05-22 17:10:44
Document Modified: 2018-05-22 17:10:44

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