TempConfidential_9027W_USA EN_QG


Users Manual

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Device Overview............................................1              EMAIL...........................................................21

Service Activation...........................................3            Messaging......................................................21

Support ...........................................................4      Web Browser.................................................23

Account Information.....................................4                 Bluetooth® .....................................................24

SIM Card.........................................................5        Help Protect Your Device ...........................24

Battery..............................................................6    Accessories....................................................25

Power................................................................7    Software updates...........................................26

Home Screen...................................................8           Firmware Versions.......................................26

Applications..................................................10          ADDITIONAL INFORMATION .............27

Calls................................................................12   Device security..............................................28

Voicemail.......................................................17        12 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY.......29

CloserTVTM...................................................17           Recycling Information.................................29

Accessing Files..............................................18           Safety and Use...............................................30

Data Sharing..................................................19          Privacy ..........................................................35

Volume & ringtone.......................................20                Safety tips.......................................................43



                  Micro USB
    Headset Connector Microphone                         Rear Camera



1                                                                      2

    SERVICE ACTIVATION                                                     SUPPORT
    If you are a new T-Mobile® customer and your service                   This guide provides you with information you need
    has not yet been activated, simply call Customer                       to get started.
    Care at 1-800-937-8997 and a T-Mobile Activation                       For more information and additional support, please
    representative will assist you.                                        visit http://www.t-mobile.com/support where you
    You will need the following information when
    activating service:                                                       • Register at my.t-mobile.com
                                                                              • Check your usage, pay your bill
        • Your name, phone number, home and billing
          address                                                             • Upgrade your device, and change your rate
        • Your Service Agreement and the agent code                             plan.
          on your Agreement                                                   • Review your device’s User Manual.
    Note: For business and government accounts, please                        • View the latest troubleshooting instructions in
    provide the organization’s name, address, and tax ID number.                the Support Forums or ask a question of your
        • Your Social Security number, current driver’s
          license number, and date of birth for credit
          check purposes                                                   ACCOUNT INFORMATION
        • Your choice of T-Mobile rate plan and services
          (see www.t-mobile.com for latest plan                            Be sure to access your account at My.T-Mobile.com
          information)                                                     to check your minutes, pay your bill, upgrade your
        • Your IMEI number are located on the box                          device, change your rate plan, and contact customer
          barcode label                                                    service.
    Service or use is your agreement to T-Mobile’s Terms and Conditions.   You can also access this account information from
    T-Mobile requires Arbitration of Disputes unless, for new
                                                                           your device from the T-Mobile app.
    customers, you opt-out within 30-days, or for existing customers,
                                                                              • Touch      from the Home screen.
    you previously opted-out. For details, see T-Mobile’s Terms and
    Conditions at www.T-Mobile.com/terms-conditions.

3                                                                                                                                 4

    The SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card identifies
    your device to the wireless network. You can't make
    or receive device calls without a properly installed
    SIM card unless its an emergency call (911).                                                  SIM

    You don't need to power off your device before
    inserting or removing the SIM card.
    Note: Your device only supports MicroSIM cards. Do     Note: MicroSD Cards are sold separately
    not attempt to insert other SIM types like SIM and
    Nano cards to avoid damage to your device.             BATTERY
    Insert/Remove the MicroSIM and MicroSD                 To optimize battery performance, be sure to fully
    Cards                                                  charge your device before using it for the first time.
                                                           Charging the device
     1.    Open the slot.
                                                            1.   Insert the small end of the charging cable into
                                                                 the charge port as shown.

     2. Insert/Remove the MicroSIM card and
           MicroSD card.

                                                            2. Connect charger to power outlet

5                                                                                                                   6

    Note: Please use the cable that came with your device.      your network operator.
    Using other cables may damage the charging port or reduce
    battery performance.                                        Power off your device

    Optimize Battery Life                                       Hold down the Power key until options appear and
                                                                select Power off.
    To optimize battery life, adjust your screen brightness
    and display timeout.                                        HOME SCREEN
     1. Adjusting brightness level: Lowering your
          screen brightness level can optimize your battery     You can bring all the items (applications, shortcuts,
           level. To adjust the brightness level, from the      folders and widgets) you love or use most frequently
           Home screen, touch          > Settings > Display     to your Home screen for quick access. Touch the
          > Brightness level. To lower the brightness level,
                                                                Home key to get instant access to the Home screen.
          move the wheel to the left.
     2. Power Saving Mode: Power Saving mode                                               Status bar
          minimizes battery usage to extend battery life. To                             • Touch and drag down to open
                                                                                              the notifications panel.
           turn on your Power Saving mode, from the Home
          screen, touch        > Settings > Battery. Then                                  Search bar
                                                                                           • Touch  to enter text search
           turn on the Standby intelligent power saving                                       screen.
          and the Battery saver.                                                           • Touch  to enter voice search

    POWER                                                                                  Favorite applications tray
                                                                                           • T ouch to enter the applications.
    Power on your device                                                                   • Touch and hold to move or change
                                                                           Home key           applications.
                                                                Back                   Recent apps
    Hold down the Power key until the device powers on.         • Touch to go back to • Touch to view recent apps.
    Unlock your device by using Swipe, PIN, Password               last screen.
    or pattern if necessary and the Home screen will be
    displayed.                                                  Home screen is provided in an extended format to
                                                                allow more space for adding applications, shortcuts
    If you do not know your PIN code or forget it, contact      etc. Slide all Home screens horizontally left and right

7                                                                                                                                 8

    to get a complete view of the Home screens. The        APPLICATIONS
    white line at the lower part of the screen indicate
    which screen you are viewing.                          App List
    Status Bar                                             Press the Application icon       from the idle screen
                                                           to access the App list.
    The Status bar appears at the top of your Home
    screen. You will find icons indicating your device’s
    status and new notification alerts appear in the
    Status bar.

         Icon                      Status
                   Bluetooth® active
                   Wi-Fi® active
                   Network (full signal)
                   Network (roaming)
                                                           Add/Remove Application
                  4G LTE data service
                                                            1. Add: You can touch and hold a folder, an
                   3G data service                             application, or a widget to activate the Move
                   Airplane mode                               mode and drag the item to any Home screen
                                                               you prefer.
                   Alarm set
                                                            2. Reposition: Touch and hold the item to be
                   Battery (charging)                          repositioned to activate the Move mode, drag
                   Battery (fully charged)                     the item to the desired position and then release.

                   New message                                  You can move items both on the Home screen
                                                                and the Favorite tray. Hold the icon on the left

9                                                                                                                   10

          or right edge of the screen to drag the item to        list. It is an optional add-on feature that can be
          another Home screen.                                   purchased directly from your device for an additional
                                                                 monthly charge.
      3. Remove: Touch and hold the item to be removed
          to activate the Move mode, drag the item up to         A one time 30 day trial is included with the device.
          the top of the Remove icon and release.
                                                                 1. Touch         from the Home screen.
      4. Create folders: To improve the organization of
          items (shortcuts or applications) on the Home          2. Choose an on-screen option.
         screen, you can create a folder by stacking
         one app on top of another. To rename a folder,          CLOSERTVTM
         open it and touch the folder’s title bar to input
          the new name.                                          This function can universally access to both live TV
                                                                 and Over The Top1 content, fully control both mobile
      5. Wallpaper customization:                                and TV screens, and seamlessly swap between live
     You can change your wallpaper in two different             TV channels and OTT content:
       1. Touch and hold an empty area on the Home               From the home screen, touch                        > CloserTV TM
            screen and then select WALLPAPERS from
            bottom options. Slide left and right to view         • Touch          to search the video you want to watch.
            and select one Wallpaper image, Touch Set
            wallpaper on top left bar and then select Home       • Touch          to search content by voice.
            screen to set image as Home screen. You can          • Touch            to control the TV content.
            set different wallpapers for Lock screen and
            Home screen.                                         Note: you need to set the Remote control by touching
       2. Change your wallpaper by going to Settings >           the Set up            and following the instructions
            Display > Wallpaper.                                 before using it for the first time.
     T-Mobile Name ID                                            1OTT: The deliver of film and TV content provided via a high-speed
                                                                 Internet connection rather than a cable or satellite provider. OTT does
     T-Mobile Name ID identifies callers, displaying Name,       not mean free, some of OTT services require a subscription, i.e. one
     City and State even if the caller is not in your contacts   does not have access to Netflix without a subscription.

11                                                                                                                                         12

     ACCESSING FILES                                           device into a portable Wi-Fi hotspot.
                                                               To turn on USB tethering or Wi-Fi Hotspot:
     To access media files and photos saved on your
                                                                1. Touch Settings > Network & connection >
     device or to transfer files from your device’s SD card           Tethering & Mobile HotSpot.
     (sold separately) to your computer, follow these steps:    2. Touch the switch of USB tethering to activate
     To connect device to PC                                          this function.
      1. Use the USB cable that came with your device            3. Touch Mobile HotSpot then touch the switch to
           to connect the device to a USB port on your                activate this function.
          computer. You will receive a notification that the   Note: These functions may incur additional network
           USB is connected.                                   charges from your network operator. Extra fees may
      2. If you use MTP or PTP, your device will be            also be charged in roaming areas.
          automatically connected. Note: Before using
           MTP, make sure that the driver (Windows Media
           Player 11 or higher version) has been installed.    VOLUME & RINGTONE
     To locate data you have transferred or downloaded         Adjust Ringtone and Volume
     in your microSD card/internal storage:                     1. From the Home screen, press Application
     • Touch      to open the applications list.                   icon      and select Settings, and then select
     • Touch Files Go      .                                       Sound.
                                                                2. Position the slider to adjust volume for Media,,
     All data you have downloaded is stored in the Files           Alarm, or Notification separately.
     Go.Here you can view media files (videos, Images,          3. You can set ringtone for Device, Notification
     Audio and others), install applications into your             and Alarm separately.
     device, etc.                                               4. Touch the switch of the name to turn on or off
                                                                   it’s sound.
     You can share your device’s mobile data connection
     with a single computer via USB cable (USB tethering)
     or with up to eight devices at once by turning your

13                                                                                                                    14

     CONTACTS                                                  MESSAGING
     Create a New Contact                                      Use the messaging feature to send and receive text
      1.  From the Home screen, touch Application              (SMS) and multimedia (MMS) messages.
          icon     , and select Contacts icon .                Create and Send a Message
       2. Touch      to create a new contact.
                                                                1. From the Home screen, touch                   >
       3. Enter contact’s name and other contact
                                                                   Messaging icon           to enter .
                                                                2. Touch       to write text messages.
       4. When finished, touch to Save.
                                                                3. Enter the phone number of the recipient in the
                                                                   bar at the top of the page or touch     to add
     GMAIL                                                         recipients.
                                                                4. Press the Type message bar to enter the text of
     Set Up Gmail Accounts                                         the message.
     • From the Home screen, touch            > Gmail           5. Press the icon      to send text messages.
       icon An email wizard will guide you through the
       steps to set up an email account.
     • Enter the email address and password of the 		
       account you want to set up.
     • If the account you entered is not provided by your
       service provider in the device, you can touch
       MANUAL SETUP after entering the email address,
       select an account type and enter password of
       your email, then correctly fill in server and port in
       both Incoming server settings and Outgoing
       server settings interfaces. Finally touch FINISH
       to complete setup.
                                                               An SMS message of more than 160 characters will be
                                                               charged as several SMS. A counter will be on the right
                                                               of the text box to remind you how many characters
                                                               are allowed to be entered in one message.

15                                                                                                                      16

     Note: Specific letters (accented) will also increase    across all devices with the browser installed can be
     the size of the SMS, this may cause multiple SMS to     synchronised with your Google account.
     be sent to your recipient.

     Send a Multimedia Message

     MMS enables you to send video clips, images,
     animations, slides and sounds to other compatible
     mobiles and e-mail addresses.
     An SMS will be converted to MMS automatically
     when media files (image, video, audio, etc.) are
     attached or subject or email addresses are added.
     To send a multimedia message, enter the recipient’s
     phone number in the To bar and touch the Type
     message bar to enter the text of the message. Touch
     the icon      to attach a picture, video, audio and     Your device comes with Bluetooth connectivity, a
     so on.                                                  wireless technology that enables a data connection
     When finished, touch        to send the multimedia      between your device and a Bluetooth headset or
     message.                                                other Bluetooth device (sold separately).

     Note: Data must be turned on to successfully send       Connect to Bluetooth
     MMS messages.                                            1. From the Home screen, touch icon              >
                                                                  Settings icon      > Network & Connection.
     WEB BROWSER                                              2. Touch the switch of Bluetooth to activate this
     From the Home screen, touch       > Chrome          .    4. The device will automatically search for device.
     A web browser with which you can surf the Internet.      5. Select the desired Bluetooth device to pair with
                                                                 your device.
     Your bookmarks, browsing history, and settings

17                                                                                                                  18

     HELP PROTECT YOUR DEVICE                                 if you interrupt it, you will lose some or all of your data.

     To help prevent others from using your device without    ACCESSORIES
     your permission, activate the following security
     options:                                                 Whether you want a charger, or a fashionable
                                                              headphone, T-Mobile is the shop for all your device
     From the Home screen, touch           > Settings >
     Security & location > Device security
                                                              To purchase accessories for your device, please visit
     1. Screen lock
                                                              T-Mobile.com, call 1.800.204.2449, or visit your
     • None: Touch to disable screen unlock security.
                                                              nearest T-Mobile store.
     • Swipe: Touch to enable slide unlock mode.
     • Pattern: Touch to draw a pattern to unlock screen.     Accessories selection subject to change and may
     • PIN: Touch to setup a numeric PIN to unlock            vary by location.
     • Password: Touch to setup a password to unlock          SOFTWARE UPDATES

     2. Apps Lock:                                            To access Software Updates, follow the these steps:
                                                               1. Connect your device to a Wi-Fi network and
     Touch to set a lock for some Apps, when the App                make sure it has a strong data connection
     has a lock, you need to draw unlock pattern every         2. Ensure your battery is fully charged before
     time when you want to use it.
                                                                    starting the software update. Your device’s
     3. Encrypt tablet                                              current battery level can be found on your
                                                                    device under Settings > Battery
     This function can encrypt your accounts, settings,         3. Touch the Application icon            from the
     downloaded apps and their data and other files.                Home screen then select Settings > System
     After you encrypt your tablet, you need to unlock the          > Updates
     screen to decrypt the tablet every time you power         4. Touch Check for update and the device will
     it on.                                                         search for the latest software
                                                                5. If software update is available, click on
     Note: Encrypting tablet will take a while to complete,
                                                                    Download update. Once the software is

19                                                                                                                           20

         downloaded, touch Install update > Install            T-Mobile’s Terms and Conditions.
      6. Now your device has the latest version of the
         software                                              DEVICE SECURITY
     FIRMWARE VERSIONS                                         T-Mobile encourages customers to take appropriate
                                                               measures to secure their devices and invites them to
     This device will only operate with firmware versions      take advantage of the features available on this device
                                                               to help secure it from theft and/or other unauthorized
     that have been approved for use by T-Mobile and
                                                               access and use. This device has a locking function
     the device manufacturer. If unauthorized firmware is      (e.g., Security PINs) that can serve as a first line of
     placed on the device, it will not function.               defense against unauthorized use or access to stored
     T-Mobile's legal disclaimers need to follow this page     information. Preloaded security applications that
                                                               allow customers to track or locate misplaced devices
     and here is the language to be included:
                                                               can be found on several T-Mobile devices. Lost or
                                                               stolen devices should be immediately reported to
     ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                    T-Mobile so that proper measures can be taken to
                                                               protect accounts. For additional information, visit:
     Use of some content or features may require               http://www.tmobile.com/devicesecurity and http://
     qualifying service, or access to a Wi-Fi connection.      www.t-mobile.com/Company/PrivacyResources.
     Mobile HotSpot: Qualifying service required. Plan
     data allotment applies. Roaming and on-network            12 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY
     data allotments differ; see your selected service for
     details. Use of connected devices subject to T-Mobile     For Warranty information and support, please visit
     Terms and Conditions.                                     https://us.alcatelmobile.com/warranty/. You can also
                                                               call Alcatel [US] Customer Support at 1-855-368-
     Wi-Fi: Device will not transition between Wi-Fi and the   0829 to request a hard copy of the warranty.
     cellular network. Devices using wireless connections
     may be vulnerable to unauthorized attempts to
     access data and software stored on the device. Plan
     data allotment applies to use by connected devices
     sharing Wi-Fi. Use of connected devices subject to

21                                                                                                                       22

     RECYCLING INFORMATION                                     attempts to access data on the device. Plan data
                                                               allotment applies to use by connected devices
     For more information on Electronic Recycling:             sharing Wi-Fi. Use of connected devices subject to
      1) Visit Alcatel Electronic Recycling Program            T-Mobile’s Terms and Conditions.
           website at https://us.alcatelmobile.com/
           accessibility-compliance/electronic-recycling-      Traffic Safety
           program/, or
      2) Call Alcatel US Customer Support at 1-855-368-        Given that studies show that using a mobile device
           0829.                                               while driving a vehicle constitutes a real risk, even
     Battery Recycling (USA & Canada):                         when the hands-free kit is used (car kit, headset...),
     Alcatel partners with Call2Recycle® to offer a safe       drivers are requested to refrain from using their
     and convenient battery recycling program. For             mobile device when the vehicle is not parked. Check
     more information on our Battery Recycling Program,        the laws and regulations on the use of wireless
     please visit the USA and Canada website at https://       mobile devices and their accessories in the areas
     us.alcatelmobile.com/accessibility-compliance/            where you drive. Always obey them. The use of these
     battery-recycling/ and https://ca.alcatelmobile.com/      devices may be prohibited or restricted in certain
     accessibility-compliance/battery-recycling/.              areas.
                                                               When driving, do not use your mobile device and
                                                               headphone to listen to music or to the radio. Using
                                                               a headphone can be dangerous and forbidden in
                                                               some areas.
     SAFETY AND USE                                            When switched on, your mobile device emits
                                                               electromagnetic waves that can interfere with the
     We recommend that you read this chapter carefully         vehicle’s electronic systems such as ABS anti-lock
     before using your mobile device. The manufacturer         brakes or airbags. To ensure that there is no problem:
     disclaims any liability for damage, which may result as   • Do not place your mobile device on top of the
     a consequence of improper use or use contrary to the        dashboard or within an airbag deployment area,
     instructions contained herein. Devices using wireless     • Check with your car dealer or the car manufacturer
                                                                 to make sure that the car’s electronic devices are
     connections may be vulnerable to unauthorized
                                                                 shielded from mobile device RF energy.

23                                                                                                                      24

     Conditions of Use                                         Note: Using your device in landscape mode with
                                                               polarized sunglasses on may cut light from the
     You are advised to switch off the mobile device from      screen. Take your polarized sunglasses off or use
     time to time to optimize its performance.                 your device in portrait orientation to continue use.
     Remember to abide by local authority rules of mobile      Read and follow the directions from the manufacturer
     device use on aircrafts.                                  of your implantable medical device. If you have any
                                                               questions about using your mobile device with your
     Operational Warnings: Obey all posted signs when          implantable medical device, consult your healthcare
     using mobile devices in public areas.                     provider.
     • Turn off your mobile device in any location where
       posted notices instruct you to do so. In an aircraft,   It is recommended to have proper supervision while
       turn off your mobile device whenever instructed to      small children use your mobile device.
       do so by airline staff. If your mobile device offers
       an airplane mode or similar feature, consult airline    Do not attempt to disassemble your device. If you
       staff about using it in flight.                         disassemble your device, the warranty will not apply.
     • Switch the mobile device off when you are in health
       care facilities, except in designated areas. As with    Always handle your mobile device with care and keep
       many other types of equipment now in regular use,       it in a clean and dust-free place.
       mobile devices can interfere with other electrical
       or electronic devices, or equipment using radio         Do not allow your mobile device to be exposed
       frequency.                                              to adverse weather or environmental conditions
                                                               (moisture, humidity, rain, infiltration of liquids, dust,
     • Switch the mobile device off when you are near
       gas or flammable liquids. Strictly obey all signs       sea air, etc.). The manufacturer’s recommended
       and instructions posted in a fuel depot, gas station,   operating temperature range is 0°C (32°F) to +50°C
       or chemical plant, or in any potentially explosive      (122°F)
                                                               Note: The max value depends on the device
     • When the mobile device is switched on, it should
       be kept at least 15 cm from any medical device          condition, materials around it and the housing paint
       such as a pacemaker or insulin pump. In particular      and texture.
       when using the mobile device you should hold it         Over 50°C (122°F) the legibility of the mobile
       against the ear on the opposite side to the device,
       if any.                                                 device’s display may be impaired, though this is
                                                               temporary and not serious.

25                                                                                                                         26

     Do not open or attempt to paint or repair your mobile       occur: convulsion, eye or muscle twitching, loss of
     device.                                                     awareness, involuntary movements, or disorientation.
                                                                 To limit the likelihood of such symptoms, please take
     Do not drop, throw or try to bend your mobile device.       the following safety precautions:
     Do not use the mobile device if the screen is damaged,      • Play at the farthest distance possible from the
     cracked or broken to avoid any injury.                        screen.

     Use only batteries, battery chargers, and accessories       When you play games on your mobile device, you
     which are recommended by TCL Communications                 may experience occasional discomfort in your
     Ltd. and its affiliates and are compatible with your        hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your
     mobile device model. TCL Communications Ltd. and            body. Follow these instructions to avoid problems,
     its affiliates disclaim any liability for damage caused     such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other
     by the use of other chargers or batteries.                  musculoskeletal disorders:
                                                                 • Take a minimum of a 15-minute break every hour of
     Your mobile device should not be disposed in                    game playing.
     municipal waste. Please check local regulations for         • If your hands, wrists, or arms become tired or
     disposal of electronic products.                              sore while playing, stop and rest for several hours
                                                                   before playing again.
     Remember to make back-up copies or keep a written
     record of all important information stored in your          • If you continue to have sore hands, wrists, or arms
     mobile device.                                                 during or after playing, stop the game and see a
     Some people may suffer epileptic seizures or                            PROTECT YOUR HEARING
     blackouts when playing video games. These seizures
     or blackouts may occur even if a person never had a                     To prevent possible hearing damage, do
     previous seizure or blackout. If you have experienced                   not listen at high volume levels for long
     seizures or blackouts, or if you have a family history of               periods. Exercise caution when holding
     such occurrences, please consult your doctor before         your device near your ear while the loudspeaker is
     playing video games on your mobile device. Parents          in use.
     should monitor their children’s use of video games or
     other features that incorporate flashing lights on the
     mobile devices. All persons should discontinue use
     and consult a doctor if any of the following symptoms

27                                                                                                                        28

     PRIVACY                                                       circuit in a battery.
                                                                 • Do not burn or dispose of a used battery in
     Please note that you must respect the laws and                household rubbish or store it at temperatures
     regulations of your jurisdiction or other jurisdiction(s)     above 60ºC.
     where you will use your mobile device regarding             • Do not disassemble or open crush, bend or
     taking photographs and recording sounds with your             deform, puncture or shred.
     mobile device. Pursuant to such laws and regulations,       • Do not modify or remanufacture, attempt to
     it may be strictly forbidden to take photographs and/         insert foreign objects into the battery, immerse
     or to record the voices of other people or any of their       or expose to water or other liquids, expose to fire,
     personal attributes, and reproduce or distribute them,        explosion or other hazard
     as this may be considered to be an invasion of privacy.     Products that have the below symbol must be taken
                                                                 to collection points at the end of their life:
     It is the user’s sole responsibility to ensure that prior
     authorization be obtained, if necessary, in order to                  • M
                                                                              unicipal waste disposal centers
     record private or confidential conversations or take a                  with specific bins for these items of
     photograph of another person; the manufacturer, the                     equipment.
     seller or vendor of your mobile device (including the                 • Collection bins at points of sale.
     operator) disclaim any liability which may result from
                                                                 They will then be recycled, preventing substances
     the improper use of the mobile device.
                                                                 being disposed of in the environment, so that their
     Battery and Accessories                                     components can be reused.
                                                                 In European Union countries:
     Following air regulation, if the battery of your product    These collection points are accessible free of charge.
     is not charged, please charge first.                        All products with this sign must be brought to these
                                                                 collection points.
     Before removing the battery from your device, make
                                                                 In non-European Union jurisdictions:
     sure that the device is switched off.
                                                                 Items of equipment with this symbol are not be
     Observe the following precautions for battery use:          thrown into ordinary bins if your jurisdiction or your
     • Do not attempt to open the battery (due to the risk       region has suitable recycling and collection facilities;
       of toxic fumes and burns).                                instead they are to be taken to collection points for
     • Do not puncture, disassemble or cause a short-            them to be recycled.
                                                                 In the United States you may learn more about

29                                                                                                                          30

     CTIA’s Recycling Program at http://www.                   the emission limits for exposure to radio-frequency
     recyclewirelessphones.com                                 (RF) energy. These limits are part of comprehensive
     CAUTION: IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN                     guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF
     INCORRECT TYPE, DEVICE MIGHT EXPLODE.                     energy for the general population. The guidelines
     DISPOSE USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE                   are based on standards that were developed by
     INSTRUCTION.                                              independent scientific organizations through
                                                               periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific
     Chargers                                                  studies. These guidelines include a substantial safety
                                                               margin designed to ensure the safety of all persons,
     Home A.C./ Travel chargers will operate within the        regardless of age and health.
     temperature range of: 0°C (32°F) to 40°C (104°F).         The exposure standard for mobile devices employs
     The chargers designed for your mobile device meet         a unit of measurement known as the Specific
     with the standard for safety of information technology    Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by public
     equipment and office equipment use. Due to different      authorities such as the Federal Communications
     applicable electrical specifications, a charger you       Commission of the US Government (FCC), or by
     purchased in one jurisdiction may not work in another     Industry Canada, is 1.6 W/kg averaged over 1 gram
     jurisdiction. They should be used for this purpose        of body tissue. Tests for SAR are conducted using
     only.                                                     standard operating positions with the mobile device
                                                               transmitting at its highest certified power level in all
     The charger shall be installed near the device and
     shall be easily accessible.                               tested frequency bands.

     Travel charger: 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 0.6A                   The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization
            Output: 5V, 2A                                     for this model device with all reported SAR levels
                                                               evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF
     Radio Waves                                               exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model
                                                               device is on file with the FCC and can be found under
     THIS MOBILE DEVICE MEETS THE GOVERNMENT’S                 the Display Grant section of HYPERLINK “http://www.
     REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO                        fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid” www.fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid after
     WAVES.                                                    searching on FCC ID:2ACCJBT13.

     Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver.   Although the SAR is determined at the highest
     It is designed and manufactured not to exceed             certified power level, the actual SAR level of the

31                                                                                                                        32

     mobile device while operating can be well below the        the need for any special precautions for use of
     maximum value. This is because the mobile device is        mobile devices. If individuals are concerned, they
     designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to      might choose to limit their own or their children’s
     use only the power required to reach the network. In       RF exposure by limiting the length of calls, or
     general, the closer you are to a wireless base station     using “hands-free” devices to keep mobile devices
     antenna, the lower the power output of the mobile          away from the head and body. (fact sheet n°193).
     device. Before a mobile device model is available          Additional WHO information about electromagnetic
     for sale to the public, compliance with national           fields and public health are available on the following
     regulations and standards must be shown.                   website: http://www.who.int/peh-emf.

     Maximum SAR for this model and conditions under            Note: This equipment has been tested and found
                 which it was recorded                          to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device
     9027W Body-worn LTE B2 1.19 w/kg                           pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
                                                                designed to provide reasonable protection against
                                                                harmful interference in a residential installation. This
     While there may be differences between the SAR             equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
     levels of various mobile devices and at various            frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
     positions, they all meet the government requirement        accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
     for RF exposure. For body-worn operation, the device       interference to radio communications. However,
     has been tested when positioned a minimum of 0 mm          there is no guarantee that interference to radio
     from the body without any metal parts in the vicinity of   or television reception, which can be determined
     the device or when properly used with an appropriate       by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
     accessory and worn on the body. Use of other               encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
     accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF          or more of the following measures:
     exposure guidelines. Additional information on SAR         • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
     can be found on the Cellular Telecommunications            • Increase the separation between the equipment
     & Internet Association (CTIA) Web site: http://www.          and receiver.
     phonefacts.net                                             • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
     The World Health Organization (WHO) considers                circuit different from that to which the receiver is
     that present scientific information does not indicate

33                                                                                                                         34

     • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV           Licenses
       technician for help.                                               MicroSD Logo is a trademark.
     • Changes or modifications not expressly approved
       by the party responsible for compliance could                      T he Bluetooth® word mark and logos
       void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.                 are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
                                                                           and any use of such marks by TCL
     For the receiver devices associated with the operation                Communications Ltd. and its affiliates
     of a licensed radio service (e.g. FM broadcast), they                 is under license. Other trademarks and
     bear the following statement:                                         trade names are those of their respective
     This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.                  Alcatel 9027W
     Operation is subject to the condition that this device
     does not cause harmful interference.                                 Bluetooth® Declaration ID D040051
     For other devices, they bear the following statement:                The Wi-Fi Logo is a certification mark of
                                                                          the Wi-Fi Alliance.
     This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
     Operation is subject to the following two conditions:                The 5150-5350     MHz band is restricted
                                                                          to indoor use     only for the following
     (1) This device may not cause harmful interference                  countries:
     (2) This device must accept any interference received,               BE BG CZ         DK DE EE IE
          including interference that may cause undesired                  LT LU HU         MT NL AT PL
                                                                           EL ES FR HR           IT   CY LV
     Your mobile device is equipped with a built-in                        PT RO SI SK           FI   SE UK
     antenna. For optimal operation, you should avoid
     touching it or degrading it. As mobile devices offer                  NO    IS    LI   CH TR
     a range of functions, they can be used in positions
     other than against your ear. In such circumstances
                                                               You have purchased a product which uses the
     the device will be compliant with the guidelines when
                                                               open source (http://opensource.org/) programs
     used with headset or USB data cable. If you are using
                                                               mtd, msdosfs, netfilter/iptables and initrd in object
     another accessory ensure that whatever product
                                                               code and other open source programs licensed
     is used is free of any metal and that it positions the
     mobile device at least 0 mm away from the body.

35                                                                                                                     36

     under the GNU General Public License and Apache
     License. We will provide you with a complete
     copy of the corresponding source codes upon
     request within a period of three years from the
     distribution of the product by TCL Communications
     Ltd. You may download the source codes from
     The provision of the source code is free of charge
     from Internet.

     Consider Device Compatibility

     If you have a pacemaker, check with your doctor to
     make sure it’s safe for you to use device. In some
     cases, cellular radio frequencies can disrupt the
     performance of other electronic equipment. If you
     have questions about the interaction between your
     device and any other piece of electronic equipment,
     ask the equipment manufacturer.


Document Created: 2018-08-10 17:19:00
Document Modified: 2018-08-10 17:19:00

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