

Test Report

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                                  FCC PART 15C
                                  TEST REPORT
                              No. I18Z60588-IOT02

                                    TCL Communication Ltd.

                                                 Tablet PC

                                     Model Name: 8067/8068

                                        FCC ID: 2ACCJBT12


                                     Hardware Version: V1.2

                                      Software Version: E1H

                                      Issued Date: 2018-5-10

The test results in this test report relate only to the devices specified in this report.This report shall not be
reproduced except in full without the written approval of CTTL.
The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST,
or any agency of the U.S.Government.
Test Laboratory:
CTTL, Telecommunication Technology Labs, CAICT
No.52, HuayuanNorth Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China 100191.
Email:cttl_terminals@caict.ac.cn, website:www.caict.ac.cn
                                                                         ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

                                                 No. I18Z60588-IOT02
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Report Number     Revision   Description                Issue Date
I18Z60588-IOT02   Rev.0      1st edition                2018-5-8
I18Z60588-IOT02   Rev.1      Update the statements      2018-5-10
                             in chapter 5.2

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1.      TEST LABORATORY ......................................................................................................................... 5

     1.1.      TESTING LOCATION ......................................................................................................................... 5
     1.2.      TESTING ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................. 5
     1.3.      PROJECT DATA ................................................................................................................................. 5
     1.4.      SIGNATURE ...................................................................................................................................... 5

2.      CLIENT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 6

     2.1.      APPLICANT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 6
     2.2.      MANUFACTURER INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 6

3.      EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT (AE) ............................. 7

     3.1.      ABOUT EUT .................................................................................................................................... 7
     3.2.      INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF EUT ................................................................................................ 7
     3.3.      INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF AE ................................................................................................... 7
     3.4.      NORMAL ACCESSORY SETTING ........................................................................................................ 8
     3.5.      GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................... 8

4.      REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................. 9

     4.1.      DOCUMENTS SUPPLIED BY APPLICANT ............................................................................................ 9
     4.2.      REFERENCE DOCUMENTS FOR TESTING ........................................................................................... 9

5.      TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................................. 10

     5.1.      SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ......................................................................................................... 10
     5.2.      STATEMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 10

6.      TEST FACILITIES UTILIZED ......................................................................................................... 11

7.      MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................................ 12

     7.1.      PEAK OUTPUT POWER - CONDUCTED ............................................................................................ 12
     7.2.      FREQUENCY BAND EDGES ............................................................................................................. 12
     7.3.      TRANSMITTER SPURIOUS EMISSION - CONDUCTED ....................................................................... 12
     7.4.      TRANSMITTER SPURIOUS EMISSION - RADIATED........................................................................... 12
     7.5.      TIME OF OCCUPANCY (DWELL TIME) ............................................................................................ 12
     7.6.      20DB BANDWIDTH ........................................................................................................................ 12
     7.7.      CARRIER FREQUENCY SEPARATION ............................................................................................... 13
     7.8.      AC POWERLINE CONDUCTED EMISSION ....................................................................................... 13

ANNEX A: DETAILED TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................ 14

     A.1. MEASUREMENT METHOD .................................................................................................................. 14
     A.2. PEAK OUTPUT POWER – CONDUCTED ............................................................................................... 15
     A.3. FREQUENCY BAND EDGES – CONDUCTED ......................................................................................... 16
     A.4. TRANSMITTER SPURIOUS EMISSION - CONDUCTED ........................................................................... 23
     A.5. TRANSMITTER SPURIOUS EMISSION - RADIATED ............................................................................... 48
     A.6. TIME OF OCCUPANCY (DWELL TIME) ................................................................................................ 58
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  A.7. 20DB BANDWIDTH............................................................................................................................. 68
  A.8. CARRIER FREQUENCY SEPARATION ................................................................................................... 74
  A.9. NUMBER OF HOPPING CHANNELS...................................................................................................... 77
  A.10. AC POWERLINE CONDUCTED EMISSION .......................................................................................... 81

ANNEX E: ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE .................................................................................... 86

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1. Test Laboratory

1.1. Testing Location
Conducted testing Location: CTTL(huayuan North Road)
  Address:                 No. 52, Huayuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing,
                           P. R. China100191

Radiated testing Location: CTTL(huayuan North Road)
  Address:                  No. 52, Huayuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing,
                            P. R. China100191

1.2. Testing Environment
  Normal Temperature:           15-35℃
  Relative Humidity:            20-75%

1.3. Project data
  Testing Start Date:           2018-4-8
  Testing End Date:             2018-5-8

1.4. Signature

                        Wu Le
           (Prepared this test report)

                   Sun Zhenyu
          (Reviewed this test report)

                  Lv Songdong
          (Approved this test report)

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2. Client Information

2.1. Applicant Information
 Company Name:       TCL Communication Ltd.
                     7/F, Block F4, TCL Communication Technology Building, TCL
 Address /Post:      International E City, Zhong Shan Yuan Road, Nanshan District,
                     Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R. China 518052
 City:               Shenzhen
 Postal Code:        518052
 Country:            China
 Telephone:          0086-755-36611722
 Fax:                /

2.2. Manufacturer Information
 Company Name:       TCL Communication Ltd.
                     7/F, Block F4, TCL Communication Technology Building, TCL
 Address /Post:      International E City, Zhong Shan Yuan Road, Nanshan District,
                     Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R. China 518052
 City:               Shenzhen
 Postal Code:        518052
 Country:            China
 Telephone:          0086-755-36611722
 Fax:                /

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3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) and Ancillary Equipment (AE)

3.1. About EUT
  Description                   Tablet PC
  Model Name                    8067/8068
  FCC ID                        2ACCJBT12
  Frequency Band                ISM 2400MHz~2483.5MHz
  Type of Modulation            GFSK/π/4 DQPSK/8DPSK
  Number of Channels            79
  Power Supply                  3.9V DC by Battery

3.2. Internal Identification of EUT

  EUT ID*    SN or IMEI                           HW Version              SW Version
  EUT1       7YLC03CQPGB0027                      V1.2                    E1H
  EUT2       /                                    V1.2                    E1H

*EUT ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

3.3. Internal Identification of AE

  AE ID*     Description                SN                              Remarks
  AE1        battery                      /                             /

  AE2        Travel charger                /                            18TCT-CH-0201
  AE3        Travel charger                /                            18TCT-CH-0213
  AE4        Travel charger                /                            NO TEST
  AE5        Travel charger                /                            NO TEST
  AE6        Travel charger                /                            NO TEST
  AE7        Travel charger                /                            NO TEST
  AE12       Travel charger                /                            18TCT-CH-0200
  AE13       Travel charger                /                            18TCT-CH-0219

 AE8       USB Cable                       /                            18TCT-DC-0070
 AE9       USB Cable                       /                            18TCT-DC-0082
 AE10      USB Cable                       /                            /
 AE11      USB Cable                       /                            /
 Model                                TLp025F7(CAC2580038C7)
 Manufacturer                         VEKEN
 Capacitance                          2580 mAh
 Nominal voltage                      3.8V
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AE2, AE12
 Model                                CBA0058AGAC5
 Manufacturer                         PUAN
 Length of cable                      /
AE3, AE13
 Model                                CBA0058AGAC7
 Manufacturer                         CHENGYANG
 Length of cable                      /
 Model                                CBA0058AAAC5
 Manufacturer                         PUAN
 Length of cable
 Model                                CBA0058AKAC5
 Manufacturer                         PUAN
 Length of cable
 Model                                CBA0058ACAC5
 Manufacturer                         PUAN
 Length of cable
 Model                                CBA0058AAAC7
 Manufacturer                         CHENGYANG
 Length of cable

  Model                                CDA3122005C2
  Manufacturer                         SHENGHUA
  Length of cable                      1m
  Model                                CDA3122005C8
  Manufacturer                         PUAN
  Length of cable                      /
*AE ID: is used to identify the test sample in the lab internally.

3.4. Normal Accessory setting
Fully charged battery should be used during the test.

3.5. General Description
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is a model of Tablet PC with integrated antenna. It consists of
normal options: lithium battery, charger. Manual and specifications of the EUT were provided to
fulfill the test. Samples undergoing test were selected by the Client.

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4. Reference Documents

4.1. Documents supplied by applicant
EUT feature information is supplied by the applicant or manufacturer, which is the basis of testing.

4.2. Reference Documents for testing
The following documents listed in this section are referred for testing.
 Reference             Title                                                           Version
                       FCC CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart C:
                       15.205 Restricted bands of operation;
 FCC Part15            15.209 Radiated emission limits, general requirements;            2016
                       15.247 Operation within the bands 902–928MHz,
                       2400–2483.5 MHz, and 5725–5850 MHz.
                       American National Standard of Procedures for
 ANSI C63.10                                                                             June,2013
                       Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices

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5. Test Results

5.1. Summary of Test Results
Abbreviations used in this clause:
    P Pass, The EUT complies with the essential requirements in the standard.
    F Fail, The EUT does not comply with the essential requirements in the standard
    NA Not Applicable, The test was not applicable
    NP Not Performed, The test was not performed by CTTL

     SUMMARY OF MEASUREMENT RESULTS                       Sub-clause                 Verdict

     Peak Output Power - Conducted                  15.247 (b)(1)                       P
     Frequency Band Edges                           15.247 (d)                          P
     Transmitter Spurious Emission - Conducted      15.247 (d)                          P
     Transmitter Spurious Emission - Radiated       15.247, 15.205, 15.209              P
     Time of Occupancy (Dwell Time)                 15.247 (a) (1)(iii)                 P
     20dB Bandwidth                                 15.247 (a)(1)                      NA
     Carrier Frequency Separation                   15.247 (a)(1)                       P
     Number of hopping channels                     15.247 (a)(b)(iii)                  P
     AC Powerline Conducted Emission                15.107, 15.207                      P
Please refer to ANNEX A for detail.
The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10.

5.2. Statements
CTTL has evaluated the test cases requested by the applicant /manufacturer as listed in section
5.1 of this report for the EUT specified in section 3 according to the standards or reference
documents listed in section 4.2
The change between 8067 and 8068 is that the 8068 shut off GPS. The 8067 is under testing,
According to the changes, the 8068 shares the 8067 results.

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 6. Test Facilities Utilized
 Conducted test system
                                    Serial                          Calibratio       Calibration
No.     Equipment        Model                  Manufacturer
                                   Number                           n Period          Due date
       Vector Signal
 1                       FSQ26     200136      Rohde & Schwarz        1 year         2018-09-30
 2    Bluetooth Tester   CBT32     100649      Rohde & Schwarz        1 year         2018-09-29
 3     Test Receiver      ESCI     100344      Rohde & Schwarz        1 year         2019-02-28
 4         LISN          ENV216    101200      Rohde & Schwarz        1 year         2019-04-15
 5    Shielding Room      S81         /        ETS-Lindgren               /                /

 Radiated emission test system
                                     Serial                          Calibration     Calibration
No.     Equipment         Model                   Manufacturer
                                    Number                             Period         Due date
1      Test Receiver     ESU26      100235            R&S               1 year       2019-03-31
2      Loop antenna      HFH2-Z2                Rohde & Schwarz        3 years       2019-01-03
                          VULB                                                       2019-02-03
3      EMI Antenna                 9163-301       Schwarzbeck           1 year
4      EMI Antenna        3115     0067250        ETS-Lindgren          1 year       2018-12-31
5     Waveguide Horn      3116       2663         ETS-Lindgren         3 years       2020-05-31
6     Bluetooth Tester    CBT       101042      Rohde & Schwarz         1 year       2019-03-08

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7. Measurement Uncertainty

7.1. Peak Output Power - Conducted
Measurement Uncertainty:
   Measurement Uncertainty (k=2)                    0.66dB

7.2. Frequency Band Edges
Measurement Uncertainty:
   Measurement Uncertainty (k=2)                    0.66dB

7.3. Transmitter Spurious Emission - Conducted
Measurement Uncertainty:
         Frequency Range                        Uncertainty (k=2)
          30 MHz ~ 8 GHz                            1.22dB
        8 GHz ~ 12.75 GHz                           1.51dB
         12.7GHz ~ 26 GHz                           1.51dB

7.4. Transmitter Spurious Emission - Radiated
Measurement Uncertainty:
         Frequency Range                        Uncertainty (k=2)
             < 1 GHz                                5.16dB
             > 1 GHz                                5.44dB

7.5. Time of Occupancy (Dwell Time)
Measurement Uncertainty:
    Measurement Uncertainty (k=2)                     0.88ms

7.6. 20dB Bandwidth
Measurement Uncertainty:
  Measurement Uncertainty (k=2)                    61.936Hz

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7.7. Carrier Frequency Separation
Measurement Uncertainty:
  Measurement Uncertainty (k=2)        61.936Hz

7.8. AC Powerline Conducted Emission
Measurement Uncertainty:
  Measurement Uncertainty (k=2)         3.08dB

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ANNEX A: Detailed Test Results
A.1. Measurement Method
A.1.1. Conducted Measurements
The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10.
1). Connect the EUT to the test system correctly.
2). Set the EUT to the required work mode (Transmitter, receiver or transmitter & receiver).
3). Set the EUT to the required channel.
4). Set the EUT hopping mode (hopping or hopping off).
5). Set the spectrum analyzer to start measurement.
6). Record the values. Vector Signal Analyzer

                                                                     Vector Signal
              EUT                          Power

A.1.2. Radiated Emission Measurements
The measurement is made according to ANSI C63.10
The radiated emission test is performed in semi-anechoic chamber. The distance from the EUT to
the reference point of measurement antenna is 3m. The test is carried out on both vertical and
horizontal polarization and only maximization result of both polarizations is kept. During the test,
the turntable is rotated 360° and the measurement antenna is moved from 1m to 4m to get the
maximization result.
In the case of radiated emission, the used settings are as follows,
Sweep frequency from 30 MHz to 1GHz, RBW = 100 kHz, VBW = 300 kHz;
Sweep frequency from 1 GHz to 26GHz, RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 1MHz;



 Tower/Table                                                                            Filter

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A.2. Peak Output Power – Conducted

Method of Measurement: See ANSI C63.10-clause 7.8.5
a) Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
 Span: 6MHz
 RBW: 3MHz
 VBW: 3MHz
 Sweep time: 2.5ms
 Detector function: peak
 Trace: max hold
b) Allow trace to stabilize.
c) Use the marker-to-peak function to set the marker to the peak of the emission.
d) The indicated level is the peak output power.

Measurement Limit:
                 Standard                                     Limit (dBm)
          FCC Part 15.247(b)(1)                                   < 30

Measurement Results:
                              Ch 0           Ch 39              Ch 78
       Channel                                                                  Conclusion
                            2402 MHz       2441 MHz           2480 MHz
  Peak Conducted
                              4.13            4.14               3.38                 P
 Output Power (dBm)
For π/4 DQPSK
                              Ch 0           Ch 39              Ch 78
       Channel                                                                  Conclusion
                            2402 MHz       2441 MHz           2480 MHz
  Peak Conducted
                              3.80            3.83               3.16                 P
 Output Power (dBm)
                              Ch 0           Ch 39              Ch 78
       Channel                                                                  Conclusion
                            2402 MHz       2441 MHz           2480 MHz
  Peak Conducted
                              4.04            4.09               3.40                 P
 Output Power (dBm)
Conclusion: PASS

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A.3. Frequency Band Edges – Conducted

Method of Measurement: See ANSI C63.10-clause 7.8.6
Connect the spectrum analyzer to the EUT using an appropriate RF cable connected to the EUT
output. Configure the spectrum analyzer settings as described below (be sure to enter all losses
between the unlicensed wireless device output and the spectrum analyzer).
⎯ Span: 10 MHz
⎯ Resolution Bandwidth: 100 kHz
⎯ Video Bandwidth: 300 kHz
⎯ Sweep Time:Auto
⎯ Detector: Peak
⎯ Trace: max hold
Place a marker at the end of the restricted band closest to the transmit frequency to show
compliance. Also measure any emissions in the restricted bands. Save the spectrum analyzer plot.
Repeat for each power and modulation for lowest and highest channel.
Observe the stored trace and measure the amplitude delta between the peak of the fundamental
and the peak of the band-edge emission. This is not an absolute field strength measurement; it is
only a relative measurement to determine the amount by which the emission drops at the band
edge relative to the highest fundamental emission level.

Measurement Limit:
             Standard                                     Limit (dBc)
   FCC 47 CFR Part 15.247 (d)                               < -20

Measurement Result:
 Channel          Hopping               Band Edge Power ( dBc)               Conclusion
              Hopping OFF                  Fig.1           -50.49                  P
              Hopping ON                   Fig.2           -63.10                  P
              Hopping OFF                  Fig.3           -58.42                  P
              Hopping ON                   Fig.4           -63.51                  P

For π/4 DQPSK
 Channel          Hopping               Band Edge Power ( dBc)               Conclusion
              Hopping OFF                  Fig.5           -48.03                  P
              Hopping ON                   Fig.6           -57.13                  P
              Hopping OFF                  Fig.7           -59.27                  P
              Hopping ON                   Fig.8           -62.20                  P
 Channel          Hopping               Band Edge Power ( dBc)               Conclusion
              Hopping OFF                  Fig.9           -54.49                  P
              Hopping ON                   Fig.10          -58.26                  P

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            Hopping OFF                Fig.11        -60.11                  P
            Hopping ON                 Fig.12        -61.18                  P
Conclusion: PASS
Test graphs as below

              Fig.1.   Frequency Band Edges: GFSK, Channel 0, Hopping Off

              Fig.2.   Frequency Band Edges: GFSK, Channel 0, Hopping On

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Fig.3.   Frequency Band Edges: GFSK, Channel 78, Hopping Off

Fig.4.   Frequency Band Edges: GFSK, Channel 78, Hopping On

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Fig.5.   Frequency Band Edges: π/4 DQPSK, Channel 0, Hopping Off

Fig.6.   Frequency Band Edges: π/4 DQPSK, Channel 0, Hopping On

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Fig.7.   Frequency Band Edges: π/4 DQPSK, Channel 78, Hopping Off

Fig.8.   Frequency Band Edges: π/4 DQPSK, Channel 78, Hopping On

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Fig.9.   Frequency Band Edges: 8DPSK, Channel 0, Hopping Off

Fig.10. Frequency Band Edges: 8DPSK, Channel 0, Hopping On

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Fig.11. Frequency Band Edges: 8DPSK, Channel 78, Hopping Off

Fig.12. Frequency Band Edges: 8DPSK, Channel 78, Hopping On

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A.4. Transmitter Spurious Emission - Conducted

Method of Measurement: See ANSI C63.10-clause 7.8.8

Measurement Procedure – Reference Level

1. Set the RBW = 100 kHz.

2. Set the VBW = 300 kHz.

3. Set the span to 5-30 % greater than the EBW.

4. Detector = peak.

5. Sweep time = auto couple.

6. Trace mode = max hold.

7. Allow trace to fully stabilize.

8. Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum power level in any 100 kHz band
segment within the fundamental EBW. Next, determine the power in 100 kHz band segments
outside of the authorized frequency band using the following measurement:

Measurement Procedure - Unwanted Emissions

1. Set RBW = 100 kHz.

2. Set VBW = 300 kHz.

3. Set span to encompass the spectrum to be examined.

4. Detector = peak.

5. Trace Mode = max hold.

6. Sweep = auto couple.

7. Allow the trace to stabilize (this may take some time, depending on the extent of the span).

Ensure that the amplitude of all unwanted emissions outside of the authorized frequency band
(excluding restricted frequency bands) is attenuated by at least the minimum requirements
specified above.

Measurement Limit:
                   Standard                                         Limit
                                              20dB below peak output power in 100 kHz
        FCC 47 CFR Part 15.247 (d)
Measurement Results:
    Channel              Frequency Range             Test Results               Conclusion
      Ch 0               Center Frequency                Fig.13                       P
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  2402 MHz      30 MHz ~ 1 GHz        Fig.14                       P
                 1 GHz ~ 3 GHz        Fig.15                       P
                3 GHz ~ 10 GHz        Fig.16                       P
                10 GHz ~ 26 GHz       Fig.17                       P
                Center Frequency      Fig.18                       P
                30 MHz ~ 1 GHz        Fig.19                       P
    Ch 39
                 1 GHz ~ 3 GHz        Fig.20                       P
  2441 MHz
                3 GHz ~ 10 GHz        Fig.21                       P
                10 GHz ~ 26 GHz       Fig.22                       P
                Center Frequency      Fig.23                       P
                30 MHz ~ 1 GHz        Fig.24                       P
    Ch 78
                 1 GHz ~ 3 GHz        Fig.25                       P
  2480 MHz
                3 GHz ~ 10 GHz        Fig.26                       P
                10 GHz ~ 26 GHz       Fig.27                       P
For π/4 DQPSK
   Channel      Frequency Range    Test Results              Conclusion
                Center Frequency      Fig.28                       P
                30 MHz ~ 1 GHz        Fig.29                       P
    Ch 0
                 1 GHz ~ 3 GHz        Fig.30                       P
  2402 MHz
                3 GHz ~ 10 GHz        Fig.31                       P
                10 GHz ~ 26 GHz       Fig.32                       P
                Center Frequency      Fig.33                       P
                30 MHz ~ 1 GHz        Fig.34                       P
    Ch 39
                 1 GHz ~ 3 GHz        Fig.35                       P
  2441 MHz
                3 GHz ~ 10 GHz        Fig.36                       P
                10 GHz ~ 26 GHz       Fig.37                       P
                Center Frequency      Fig.38                       P
                30 MHz ~ 1 GHz        Fig.39                       P
    Ch 78
                 1 GHz ~ 3 GHz        Fig.40                       P
  2480 MHz
                3 GHz ~ 10 GHz        Fig.41                       P
                10 GHz ~ 26 GHz       Fig.42                       P
   Channel      Frequency Range    Test Results              Conclusion
                Center Frequency      Fig.43                       P
                30 MHz ~ 1 GHz        Fig.44                       P
    Ch 0
                 1 GHz ~ 3 GHz        Fig.45                       P
  2402 MHz
                3 GHz ~ 10 GHz        Fig.46                       P
                10 GHz ~ 26 GHz       Fig.47                       P

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                   Center Frequency              Fig.48                       P
                       30 MHz ~ 1 GHz            Fig.49                       P
    Ch 39
                       1 GHz ~ 3 GHz             Fig.50                       P
  2441 MHz
                       3 GHz ~ 10 GHz            Fig.51                       P
                   10 GHz ~ 26 GHz               Fig.52                       P
                   Center Frequency              Fig.53                       P
                       30 MHz ~ 1 GHz            Fig.54                       P
    Ch 78
                       1 GHz ~ 3 GHz             Fig.55                       P
  2480 MHz
                       3 GHz ~ 10 GHz            Fig.56                       P
                   10 GHz ~ 26 GHz               Fig.57                       P
Conclusion: PASS
Test graphs as below

             Fig.13. Conducted spurious emission: GFSK, Channel 0,2402MHz

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Fig.14. Conducted spurious emission: GFSK, Channel 0, 30MHz - 1GHz

Fig.15. Conducted spurious emission: GFSK, Channel 0, 1GHz - 3GHz

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Fig.16. Conducted spurious emission: GFSK, Channel 0, 3GHz - 10GHz

Fig.17. Conducted spurious emission: GFSK, Channel 0,10GHz - 26GHz

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  Fig.18. Conducted spurious emission: GFSK, Channel 39, 2441MHz

Fig.19. Conducted spurious emission: GFSK, Channel 39, 30MHz - 1GHz

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Document Created: 2018-05-10 14:47:44
Document Modified: 2018-05-10 14:47:44

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