TempConfidential_STC A70A TMO_6062W_USA EN_QG


Users Manual

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                                E —»Mobiles

                                              Start Guide

            T —Mobile=

riovoonss            ceusonam
                                       & 7 o

Device Overview .......................................... 1             EMAIL .........................................................    21

Service Activation......................................... 3            Messaging ....................................................     21

Support ......................................................... 4      Web Browser ...............................................        23

Account Information ...................................            4     Bluetooth® ...................................................     24

SIM Card ....................................................... 5       Help Protect Your Device ......................... 24

Battery............................................................ 6    Accessories ..................................................     25

Power.............................................................. 7    Software updates.........................................          26

Home Screen................................................. 8           Firmware Versions......................................            26

Applications ................................................      10    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ........... 27

Calls.............................................................. 12   Device security............................................        28

Voicemail .....................................................    17    12 MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY ......29

CloserTVTM .................................................       17    Recycling Information............................... 29

Accessing Files ............................................       18    Safety and Use.............................................        30

Data Sharing................................................       19    Privacy ........................................................   35

Volume & ringtone.....................................             20    Safety tips.....................................................   43

Contacts.......................................................    20

pevice overview

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SERVCEACTATION                           SUPPORT
Wyovare anen?— Mb itomeardou sevce       Thiid portespontlomatny o ied
hasnotyetben actiniesimdly cal Custeme    nqutated
Carat 00437007 and aT—Moble Atvaion       feimueeito n tttn ut ene
eveniaienil anityou                      it Meffooitnaterenfiooetsn yo
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   o Vo SendeeAgreementand h agentcode       sls
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Noufo usns t pomrimnt acoun goue           «¥ertinnostontenretoininctons
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   o lb Soca Secuiy numbes curent ie s
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     desipusose                          ACCOUNTINECRMATION
   + You chieoft—Moberalplanandsendees   Ienntormoiaromta yMotecon
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Feeneauton to uy on tent s Torut
Gedive erntimmanturccntien

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is careto motdimage wyourteven
InveryfRenove h NaroSM and MivoO   Te tm uty siuc h w ay
Cards                              duarmttnietniatisiht
  1. Oiahiphmopmtoston
                                     1 bonthrittaftedaincatene

 2. haritamowtthicardandlsottcur

 2. Commetchgetoponeroutet                tordontyfi tb Rronit
ow hoae w e caseatcamevanyou deke         yourtrotkopmato
inabarcats n darapevempngpotonize         Poneroffyourdevice
OptimiceBattey Lfe                        Hlddomin teynt en uset
Tonptinbtey . adustyousurenbelhiness
anddiply tneout                           HOMESREEN
 1. Adusing batiness esk Loweing your     Y anbript belensfstatinwntnts
     len Toadust hebrhinss nc rom the     tide nipnonlanorse notlewnty
     Homesseen toug     »Setinos> Dooly   toyartone teeciaoss oie
     »Bihtnentnl Mlovehebitnesieat        orely opentwcenbevonescom
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 2. fower SningMode: Pover Sning mede                   m uty toores
     rininiestaieyusntowterdbater e To                    venditaonpnd
     turonyou RoveSangmodefomtheome
     serrenlovti > Stings > dten: Then                  Soame
     Hiid Besf l mdlbnrGorcbottooe                      fansiowtonen
     thefatey ons
Rowerenyourdevice                                        Tndunnturpeme
                                                         Trovntitivnes uie
Helddon t Rowerlnyuntt hediceponetson                     inform
Unlacyou devcebyusng Sripe AN, Pssenrd    tha / Phanien
o rteinecessayand ie Hame ce wl e         Tenopemart eablorenmsion
dasined                                    iands

Homesereen isprovden an etended formatlo        F      Jies Gound
atow morespucefoaddins apolcatonshotets
at Side l Homesreens hizantaly eand ight        K      |arertbrmaned
togetacomolte vewo! the Home sceens The                Nenmessge
whtcce atthe lver ucce sreenuts
whichsceenyou aeviewino
StousBar                                     APPUICATIONS
The Satusbar appessatthetopafyouHome         Aoplis
sueen tou wl fndcons ietinoyou deves
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Sutusbac                                     es tetonlst
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    apolcaionons nactine e Move            atetoeinissns aeria
    rode anddagthe m ary Homesueen         wtslotngeitore e on
    yoopate                                atdfeestatsares old en
 2. Rsoiton Tevch andhok! im o be          femescem
    «wostiono athate e More d dap       2 OnoysuratpimictoStion»
     thelntaihdesiedsoston and hn cee      DopinpWatmon
    Nomore ts bot on e Homesaren        cals
    and e fworks o Hakthecan onhelet
    o« ighwlthesueenta iagthelemto      Padingacat
 3. ReroveTouchind ho lemobernand       o anenysiescaetaoCitfm e tene
     loadini heMaremoddag e lerupto
     thtooolthecon,and nesseattm
 4 Cremefoltrs o iprortheorpmtaiono
     Hers thatnts oapoieaiononbettone
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    oneass onooarateToremmes ds
    coeniand uch folds" se brtoout
Sbu on cange youvalbupein t ifrent
 1. fochand old an enat es on theHome

Ente e daednurbehom theisbou drecly        Whnpourectieacat
and toue§BI t nsch catorsectsconict        + Sitmpte Rromenaionate
fo          y sorloucing tab en to
                                           + Sidomine: id on OBtio
Thenumberyouenteredcan besaredto Consats      es
by ouctingteaterencontat o hisloacontit    + Tnirion. Tibiettecabyrday
Hyou make amivale youcandltehe cce            anmsinesigs
datsby oucing
Tohangupacatoog@y                          Tomisirignestone t n onipet,
                                           Hotefovouremeninayour on eavese
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                                           cal in heusstedown poiton
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                                           d enteinemtint oaty pek oced
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                                           WeAtaegerinsornjourcanngnl tonng
                                           yortomieston atsoetaWiintenjs
                                           Toneéitlngtowe n eterttioet
                                           witou in Adfeent l d wyrotvon
                                           wibtheWiriCatng feaure

Nou mus: l have a $1—1 emeengyaddss
 regsteedntiyou aecoun lopnloyour esunt
 ahis/uimablecont,Gotoyou prtleit
 Ue Setingandseletto edtyou B Adtros
 Checpefoielyto ensreyouraddiss sys
+ Coporai aesouts mayresue adninitte
  asistarcefo 01 Addass cegiaton
                                          m pletizin
 1 hon
    Siigihe l
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                  Wihalbe +1
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Tochange h connecionnrefeence ortWe
Calino       ;                            mpemanrsie ts
 Lrovdihus 5 geuings> Cals
 2 Touch WiiCaling > Comecionprferes
 3—Touch e desiedWFiCatiprefuence
Iyouphone hnewote corenge t the
enagero dnmhaciitiite
mnind    ninbewd it To mate an
Abough allghones me ecipped wth 011
emsarng edlny, is mhote may o may rot

VOICEMAL                                  funtrrone ies oro @ome
SetlpVoicemall                               no it tniioperentiomia
LPrssandbold ocatvokemat                   Tuch @to marh conintbyveie
2. hm h Home sueen, ui > ¥sual            + Toh @toconvetteVeonient
Woremaiiftioseiup                         Yayoneilobelaroteontasaiso
TMotileName1D                             th Supmm ons e iescs
                                          befoe uing oc t istine
T—MobleNameDdntfes cesdspling Nare,
CBy ind Batrerenh cllcisnotinyorcntacs    ACcESSINGAILES
T s anoplnalon featue that can be
purchavemaly fomyour phonefo an addionl   Toaen neda e mdptts med n your
rontily dage                               en ol hfompu dnc s Ond
Aore ie304 Valisintudedwah h ho            futiaittleyo ommoneestys
1 osciggtromtheFomesaeen                  Tocomeidizeto2¢
                                            1. Un tietote bteientiyu tne
2.choosean onsurenopion                         lorenetthdeae oo it uton
                                                comple dnncveanstate i e
CLOSERTV»                                       158 seomened
                                            2: se w Mon #T ow ptonn e
Thisfincioncan unversly ces t batve TV          Asoratatyented us teke veg
and Ove Th Topconen, Ailyennteltoh mote         Wteiealhedv dnYee
and 1¥ sueensand seanlenl n besveen ve          P olgevarid tm ied
T¥chonreandOTT content
1 Th Ti atinestvomtvesstarmtnase
oeeg s ts sevantoe mitemcan o tm tv

Tolocmadainutnatansteredordonnboaded     VOWNE &RINGTONE
 Tosch @pope hesnnleaton o.              Adjustn—caloume
Aldtayouhaedavnloaded is stodin h ies    Vtcsnons iece o
Hereyocanvieumedafls ideos photo, mase   sdistrlime
and se remame fls niaappleatats nio       AddustRingtonesndvoume
jourdevesn                                1.
                                            tmHmtne!        a qi
                                          2. fotn se lnfetain ies
No can streyou dns mbilecatsconnecion         Abury orNotfeaionseanaty
wibasingecompotevial?® c U theing         1. Tortdarcedtogetnoesetins
eewil in l inies a mee hy tiangye
deferinto aporabi Wiribotbpot            CONTACTS
Tolimonl2 utheing o MRHotpot             CresteattenContct
 1. ToicStings > Netorkliteint >                     iestra Aeptaioe
     Hoootftetierny                      1. hotheremidhnnet
 2. Toichhesvacho S8itheing toactiate     2 fe@nentimmremat
 3. TouhWifiHonpotthentouchhesntchto       3. Ee ctct s eare id h cmtat
     atiateihs incion                          iormaton
NoteThse furelons mayincrditoranetrotk    4. WhenishdoSAE IoSmve
thaigesfomyout ntroicopentoc t fres m    Matea Cl rom ConttLse
ato bechagedin oaning wess                1. ronbefonessesin @rics
                                          2. ifhomiettoiewatastentoeh U

EMAL                                          5 hesttekon slorenttatmesnge
+ fomheKomescrn id#          >Emat
  kn n analntrtnilmiceyou though e
  dsn n etupan l acount
+ Em theemataddtssand passwordothe
o 1 th aecountyouentendisnotoroided y your
  ie povids in the ds w en Tuch
  HDNASE UR ahe eninint onaad on
  inectanaceoun tyand iteoo f                AsiiSnemzetnontiantHcintensite
  (ou ioh on eviect o rtrerndpotin
    B rconingseve elino and Ouigohy          apeininedil$ Auatoetteenteigt
  seveistingsnlerlces, AralyoucANBH          ofiiettotmiajontonnie uts
  leconpiisaio                               arealoned obeentnedinore mss
                                             Hote Seciltes en i woieene
NMESsAGNG                                    besteaieSl§timaymieestieSh n
U theesaglofeae tosen an reatvetet           besentoysoriinent
GMSn mutineddaMMS messes                     Serda MultmecdaMessage
Create andSendabMessage                      MMS ito t en io ts o
  1. Ronthetomesaren oi >Musigio             ariatirdidion l uecnoatie
      feonlil tente        #                 robes inde—maladtises
  2. Toudh @ towetetotmessges                J 965 ut e tretet S wtortaty
  3. Enerthe phone runbeoftiredtenti the     ie mee e oiuie uo o) on
      bar atthelop f theraocorouth td        atiarderntetorerl nbenesacaited
 4. es te Tipe messageb n enerthe lt

Toserda mutinea messaoenithessient s       BWUETOOTH®
shonerumieri the Toband touh t Tipe
rmessagebar ent atofthe mssTouch           Youds coms ut Bcmdo
theleango to atacha pitureviden, sud ard   witestcindothmentsn taceredian
                                           beter ods andebevouhn w
Wheniied tovaps. tsendtherilinedis         otheBucooth deie poldsepartey)
messoge                                    ComecttoBuetooth
Notw Owamustbeurned on tosucesttysend       1. honterionessem buion > @
MS messpes                                        Setingscer® Connenteddeices
                                             1. Tc iemiclBtootoe ie
                                            4 Tentonntaenbrdne
From teHomesrees ouigy   > Chor®             5. Stuthedriedtincobdielonin
Anebbronsernihwhichyoucan sittheltrnet           yourdevce
or bookmatiy beuring hitoos and retings    HELPPROTECT YOUR DEVICE
o lldecesnil thebrovrinstaled can be
synvonienlhyou Gongl aecount               Tobipineslesfeningrndrritst
                                           yot pniio, aiat e flonky secuty
                                            hn h Hore wom, n @prta>
                                            Stcurtycaton» Devcesecty
                                           + lorToxhtoiatercem ocms
                                           + Shie Totonnirideunbetmode
                                           +101 Tont o t a sevec 0 to oc

a Prvert Tachtssup apsswad o nlek         Aresniirtedientiitonmeminy
#Tuch and folow th nsbueton to t uo       SOFTWAREUPDATES
  (homtntsannermurlodout devce            TosmotarUnfi tee
a Usethisfincinyounen o t t snichon        1. Comsbour d oi inberend
  go e Stings » Scarty Alccaion > Secen         maeltwastonndatacmmncion
«Ti tefingendatsatchon                      2. Erueyou ts o liy tared wfve
                                                Hat b ue updt hrtake +
 Freersogitn                                    corn ue snb e n y
oueansefacercooi¥ontounloiyourdevce             devee n Sn »Batey
                                            1. moticastatinio       M@ptztore
 From e Homesueen og       >Stingsnfice         snesbsstedinigeStens ie
 renitonan faloring ieintuciont ntup            stoves Sytemundaies
 fieesoiton                                8. Tout Chcoanttean h e nt
                                                seach othelantsobre
 Whenyouslec tm on thefacerecognton zs      5.0 wlustae s malare t on
youean goback toFaerecognton maintotum          Domont snuc tssn i
 hon                                            dowoai is upsne > tmn
                                            6. kaniurdnietntelanivenceibe
ACcEssoRIES                                     sotre
Whaihe you vant aharoe oaftiontie         FRMWAREVERstON
hxishone T—Moble s theshopforalyurhove
                                          Di dnient yovenint ie
Topurtiae arsemorfocsou phone lemevit     tm ud sts? Wbteind
TMsbizcons cal LIM2BAMR or i our          betvice nndatestnntaie vae‘
resist FMoblesioe                         phcedonthedic bnitrotincion

     T-Mobile's legal disclaimers need to follow this page     features and services, and restrictions and details,
     and here is the language to be included:                  including important limitations on availability and
                                                               reliability of 9-1-1 emergency service when using
     ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                    Wi-Fi calling.
                                                               T-Mobile and the magenta color are registered
     Use of some content or features may require
                                                               trademarks of Deutsche Telekom AG. The Visual
     qualifying service, or access to a Wi-Fi connection.      Voicemail icon is a trademark of T-Mobile USA, Inc.
     Smartphone Mobile HotSpot: Qualifying service
     required. Plan data allotment applies. Roaming and        DEVICE SECURITY
     on-network data allotments differ; see your selected
     service for details. Use of connected devices subject     T-Mobile encourages customers to take appropriate
     to T-Mobile Terms and Conditions.                         measures to secure their devices and invites them to
                                                               take advantage of the features available on this device
     Wi-Fi: Device will not transition between Wi-Fi and the   to help secure it from theft and/or other unauthorized
     cellular network. Devices using wireless connections      access and use. This device has a locking function
     may be vulnerable to unauthorized attempts to             (e.g., Security PINs) that can serve as a first line of
     access data and software stored on the device. Plan       defense against unauthorized use or access to stored
     data allotment applies to use by connected devices        information. Preloaded security applications that
     sharing Wi-Fi. Use of connected devices subject to        allow customers to track or locate misplaced devices
     T-Mobile’s Terms and Conditions.                          can be found on several T-Mobile devices. Lost or
                                                               stolen devices should be immediately reported to
     Wi-Fi Calling: Wi-Fi connection required; may             T-Mobile so that proper measures can be taken to
     decrement plan minutes. Most devices will not             protect accounts. For additional information, visit:
     transition between Wi-Fi and the cellular network.        http://www.tmobile.com/devicesecurity and http://
     See your selected service for details.                    www.t-mobile.com/Company/PrivacyResources.
     Devices and screen images are simulated. Coverage
     not available in some areas. See Terms and
     Conditions (including arbitration provision) at
     T-Mobile.com, for rate plan information, charges for

27                                                                                                                       28

ForWarntinfomatonandsppod, lesevst     Mereonmentno nantectoy
Mos{frakatimatiecomreranty. bu en      tnvenioyarrclee hermnlter
se atAfate      Cuonewapeta tss 26—    din mfielyerdimnsneatis
0B trnwotalaunyulie maiy               nommmonethinsnnessnecateshile
                                       inttescaliedies Oniniovites
RECVCUING NECRVATION                   covetis moentovaeloomateias
Formorifomatinentectonfeodno           w loucentte ohe dnc unte
 D. Wt Arael Bean Reoelng Pogam        doivenapde io e s coneid dn
    wbite o. Wostisalatsinagoey        sheigWi ied oneteddims uerto
    accailyeonolare/deionragotng—      Tabistems andCondlos
 2) CalAcaaUsCtomeSuppott1—05s380—     ToffeSitey
    o                                  Chentatstdsontnrnpnnete d
datenReoring UE Cmata                  wileiecalderstteae icen
Amiloutines wib Cliteorie® tnotra e    wtertevnds e i d orck end
and conmmienbatey ressing pogam fo     dins e rovetd o l fon wng es
oc formaten on ufatey Reorino Reoron   ntlednirvaecai¢enotpred hn
plame vitheUandCanaca wlte t hlos/     heisn eautonm i e ovises
Asaloteinablecamimentilt conatinc      notediin indb aremiys esns
ecoth         nie            oc        saveyediemptntintienectine
ersbfy—conefarsebatinerezcing          deiaseastepenbiainnitedicone
                                       \oe ty dnc veyarnotl ie nd
                                       Mncrrelaliantomscobeado irg
                                       sc s edngoseendenitis

     When switched on, your mobile device emits                 gas or flammable liquids. Strictly obey all signs
     electromagnetic waves that can interfere with the          and instructions posted in a fuel depot, gas station,
     vehicle’s electronic systems such as ABS anti-lock         or chemical plant, or in any potentially explosive
     brakes or airbags. To ensure that there is no problem:     atmosphere.
     · Do not place your mobile device on top of the           ·When the mobile device is switched on, it should
       dashboard or within an airbag deployment area,           be kept at least 15 cm from any medical device
                                                                such as a pacemaker or insulin pump. In particular
     ·Check with your car dealer or the car manufacturer        when using the mobile device you should hold it
       to make sure that the car’s electronic devices are       against the ear on the opposite side to the device,
       shielded from mobile device RF energy.                   if any.
     Conditions of Use                                         Note: Using your device in landscape mode with
                                                               polarized sunglasses on may cut light from the
     You are advised to switch off the mobile device from      screen. Take your polarized sunglasses off or use
     time to time to optimize its performance.                 your device in portrait orientation to continue use.
     Remember to abide by local authority rules of mobile      Read and follow the directions from the manufacturer
     device use on aircrafts.                                  of your implantable medical device. If you have any
                                                               questions about using your mobile device with your
     Operational Warnings: Obey all posted signs when
                                                               implantable medical device, consult your healthcare
     using mobile devices in public areas.                     provider.
     ·Turn off your mobile device in any location where
       posted notices instruct you to do so. In an aircraft,   It is recommended to have proper supervision while
       turn off your mobile device whenever instructed to      small children use your mobile device.
       do so by airline staff. If your mobile device offers
       an airplane mode or similar feature, consult airline    Do not attempt to disassemble your phone. If you
       staff about using it in flight.                         disassemble your phone, the warranty will not apply.
     · Switch the mobile device off when you are in health
       care facilities, except in designated areas. As with    Always handle your mobile device with care and keep
       many other types of equipment now in regular use,       it in a clean and dust-free place.
       mobile devices can interfere with other electrical
       or electronic devices, or equipment using radio         Do not allow your mobile device to be exposed
       frequency.                                              to adverse weather or environmental conditions
     · Switch the mobile device off when you are near          (moisture, humidity, rain, infiltration of liquids, dust,
                                                               sea air, etc.). The manufacturer’s recommended
31                                                                                                                         32

     operating temperature range is 0°C (32°F) to +50°C        blackouts when playing video games. These seizures
     (122°F)                                                   or blackouts may occur even if a person never had a
                                                               previous seizure or blackout. If you have experienced
     Note: The max value depends on the device
                                                               seizures or blackouts, or if you have a family history of
     condition, materials around it and the housing paint      such occurrences, please consult your doctor before
     and texture.                                              playing video games on your mobile device. Parents
     Over 50°C (122°F) the legibility of the mobile            should monitor their children’s use of video games or
     device’s display may be impaired, though this is          other features that incorporate flashing lights on the
     temporary and not serious.                                mobile devices. All persons should discontinue use
                                                               and consult a doctor if any of the following symptoms
     Do not open or attempt to paint or repair your mobile     occur: convulsion, eye or muscle twitching, loss of
     device.                                                   awareness, involuntary movements, or disorientation.
     Do not drop, throw or try to bend your mobile device.     To limit the likelihood of such symptoms, please take
                                                               the following safety precautions:
     Do not use the mobile device if the screen is damaged,    ·Play at the farthest distance possible from the
     cracked or broken to avoid any injury.                      screen.
     Use only batteries, battery chargers, and accessories     When you play games on your mobile device, you
     which are recommended by TCL Communications               may experience occasional discomfort in your
     Ltd. and its affiliates and are compatible with your      hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your
     mobile device model. TCL Communications Ltd. and          body. Follow these instructions to avoid problems,
     its affiliates disclaim any liability for damage caused   such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other
     by the use of other chargers or batteries.                musculoskeletal disorders:
     Your mobile device should not be disposed in              ·Take a minimum of a 15-minute break every hour of
                                                                   game playing.
     municipal waste. Please check local regulations for
     disposal of electronic products.                          ·If your hands, wrists, or arms become tired or
                                                                 sore while playing, stop and rest for several hours
     Remember to make back-up copies or keep a written           before playing again.
     record of all important information stored in your        ·If you continue to have sore hands, wrists, or arms
     mobile device.                                               during or after playing, stop the game and see a
     Some people may suffer epileptic seizures or

33                                                                                                                         34

        protecrvourrexans                     Hnlenora e titeyfonyorrdacenite
        Topraientposseheaingdamage, do        srethtthedeiceissnithed oh
        netlsten at highvlumelels frlong      Obltetonsoprcnirsttey se
        periodEarise cation when hling        «Dotatensope tbateyelsnt
yourdeic nesryourearutiletheloudspesris         dedinessidbons. "
                                              »Dondt scirediasenticorcusensiot
PRIVACY                                            nho diore
                                              «0oWnnmdihlit   tmd Lt     tntoy n
Hease nots ht you mustrepect the laus and       Smdt
reaulaionsofyourjuiicion orotherjtsicion)     +09 rodsssentle o per uh and
where you will use yourmobile deice mguning     dimpncuecnited
tling photoonilsand recortng soundsuth your   «0o it madlo rendlitireateretto
RobkGone PimiaBowc btemorepbtom,                Mn            Tb br im mniee
                                                intoals BC niaierntth.
i may b sticlyTatidden o ue photnrsphs andf     edbonsrohahmard
ertoreconthevaicesofoerpeoplorary her         Inditm e bdon it mb
pesoralatitsts and reoradyceordatibutthen,    oecltton pensatiicmndafderife
arthiomay beconsidera obanimvason olpriacy
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     In non-European Union jurisdictions:                       Radio Waves
     Items of equipment with this symbol are not be
     thrown into ordinary bins if your jurisdiction or your     THIS MOBILE DEVICE MEETS THE GOVERNMENT’S
     region has suitable recycling and collection facilities;   REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO
     instead they are to be taken to collection points for      WAVES.
     them to be recycled.
     In the United States you may learn more about              Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver.
     CTIA’s Recycling Program at http://www.                    It is designed and manufactured not to exceed
     recyclewirelessphones.com                                  the emission limits for exposure to radio-frequency
     CAUTION: IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN                      (RF) energy. These limits are part of comprehensive
     INCORRECT TYPE, DEVICE MIGHT EXPLODE.                      guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF
     DISPOSE USED BATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE                    energy for the general population. The guidelines
     INSTRUCTION.                                               are based on standards that were developed by
                                                                independent scientific organizations through
     Chargers                                                   periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific
                                                                studies. These guidelines include a substantial safety
     Home A.C./ Travel chargers will operate within the         margin designed to ensure the safety of all persons,
     temperature range of: 0°C (32°F) to 45°C (113°F).          regardless of age and health.
                                                                The exposure standard for mobile devices employs
     The chargers designed for your mobile device meet
                                                                a unit of measurement known as the Specific
     with the standard for safety of information technology
                                                                Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by public
     equipment and office equipment use. Due to different
     applicable electrical specifications, a charger you        authorities such as the Federal Communications
     purchased in one jurisdiction may not work in another      Commission of the US Government (FCC), or by
     jurisdiction. They should be used for this purpose         Industry Canada, is 1.6 W/kg averaged over 1 gram
     only.                                                      of body tissue. Tests for SAR are conducted using
                                                                standard operating positions with the mobile device
     The charger shall be installed near the device and         transmitting at its highest certified power level in all
     shall be easily accessible.                                tested frequency bands.
     Travel charger: 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 0.6A                    The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization
           Output: 5V, 2A /9V, 1.67A                            for this model device with all reported SAR levels
                                                                evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF

37                                                                                                                         38

     exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model      information on SAR can be found on the Cellular
     device is on file with the FCC and can be found under   Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA)
     the Display Grant section of HYPERLINK “http://www.     Web site: http://www.phonefacts.net
     fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid” www.fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid after
     searching on FCC ID:2ACCJBT09.                          The World Health Organization (WHO) considers
                                                             that present scientific information does not indicate
     Although the SAR is determined at the highest           the need for any special precautions for use of
     certified power level, the actual SAR level of the      mobile devices. If individuals are concerned, they
     mobile device while operating can be well below the     might choose to limit their own or their children’s
     maximum value. This is because the mobile device        RF exposure by limiting the length of calls, or
     is designed to operate at multiple power levels         using “hands-free” devices to keep mobile devices
     so as to use only the power required to reach the       away from the head and body. (fact sheet n°193).
     network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless   Additional WHO information about electromagnetic
     base station antenna, the lower the power output        fields and public health are available on the following
     of the mobile device. Before a mobile device model      website: http://www.who.int/peh-emf.
     is available for sale to the public, compliance with
     national regulations and standards must be shown.       Note: This equipment has been tested and found
     The highest SAR value for this model mobile phone       to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device
     when tested is 1.03 W/Kg for use at the ear and 1.18    pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
     W/Kg for use close to the body.                         designed to provide reasonable protection against
                                                             harmful interference in a residential installation. This
     While there may be differences between the SAR          equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
     levels of various mobile devices and at various         frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
     positions, they all meet the government requirement     accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
     for RF exposure. For body-worn operation, the device    interference to radio communications. However,
     has been tested when positioned a minimum of 10         there is no guarantee that interference to radio
     mm from the body without any metal parts in the         or television reception, which can be determined
     vicinity of the device or when properly used with an    by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
     appropriate accessory and worn on the body. Use         encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
     of other accessories may not ensure compliance          or more of the following measures:
     with FCC RF exposure guidelines. Additional             · Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
39                                                                                                                      40

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     You have purchased a product which uses the
     open source (http://opensource.org/ ) programs
     mtd, msdosfs, netfilter/iptables and initrd in object
     code and other open source programs licensed
     under the GNU General Public License and Apache
     License. We will provide you with a complete
     copy of the corresponding source codes upon
     request within a period of three years from the
     distribution of the product by TCL Communications
     Ltd. You may download the source codes from
     The provision of the source code is free of charge
     from Internet.

     Consider Device Compatibility
     If you have a pacemaker, check with your doctor to
     make sure it’s safe for you to use aphone. In some
     cases, cellular radio frequencies can disrupt the
     performance of other electronic equipment. If you
     have questions about the interaction between your
     phone and any other piece of electronic equipment,
     ask the equipment manufacturer.


Document Created: 2018-04-28 18:51:06
Document Modified: 2018-04-28 18:51:06

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC