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                             Table 14-3 PCS1900 #1 Head

                             Table 14-4 PCS1900 #1 Body

Note: The distance is 15mm

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  Table 14-5 PCS1900 #2 Body

Table 14-6 WCDMA1900-BII #1Head

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                             Table 14-7 WCDMA1900-BII #1Body

Note: The distance is 15mm

                             Table 14-8 WCDMA1900-BII #2Body

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                             Table 14-9 WCDMA1700-BIV #1Head

                         Table 14-10 WCDMA1700-BIV #1Body

Note: The distance is 15mm

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Table 14-11 WCDMA1700-BIV #2Body

Table 14-12 WCDMA850-BV #1Head

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                                          Table 14-13 WCDMA850-BV #1Body

   14.3 Full SAR
                                                    Measured                   Measured Measured Reported Reported   Power
    Test Band      Channel    Frequency   Tune-Up              Test Position                                                   Figure
                                                     Power                     10g SAR   1g SAR  10g SAR   1g SAR     Drift
      GSM850         251      848.8 MHz    33.5     33.16      Right Cheek      0.208    0.269     0.22    0.29      -0.03    Fig A.1
      GSM850         190      836.6 MHz     30      29.64          Rear         0.666    0.872     0.72    0.95      -0.02    Fig A.2
     PCS1900         512     1850.2 MHz    30.5     30.21       Left Cheek      0.065     0.1      0.07    0.11       0.11    Fig A.3
   PCS1900 #1        512     1850.2 MHz     27      26.68          Rear         0.275    0.461     0.30    0.50       0.04    Fig A.4
   PCS1900 #2        512     1850.2 MHz     25      24.06      Bottom edge      0.312    0.589     0.39    0.73      -0.04    Fig A.5
  WCDMA1900-BII     9262     1852.4 MHz     24      23.53       Left Cheek      0.104    0.155     0.12    0.17      -0.04    Fig A.6
WCDMA1900-BII #1    9262     1852.4 MHz     24      23.53          Rear         0.182    0.306     0.20    0.34       0.13    Fig A.7
WCDMA1900-BII #2    9262     1852.4 MHz     21      20.61      Bottom edge      0.249     0.47     0.27    0.51      -0.07    Fig A.8
  WCDMA1700-BIV     1312     1712.4 MHz     24      23.26       Left Cheek      0.049    0.072     0.06    0.09      -0.08    Fig A.9
WCDMA1700-BIV #1    1513     1752.6 MHz     24      23.20          Rear         0.191    0.304     0.23    0.37       0.06    Fig A.10
WCDMA1700-BIV #2    1412     1732.4 MHz     22      21.52      Bottom edge      0.488    0.895     0.55    1.00      -0.05    Fig A.11
   WCDMA850-BV      4132      826.4 MHz     24      23.26       Left Cheek      0.206    0.271     0.24    0.32       0.09    Fig A.12
   WCDMA850-BV      4132      826.4 MHz     24      23.26          Rear         0.301    0.386     0.36    0.46      -0.04    Fig A.13

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14.4 WLAN Evaluation
According to the KDB248227 D01, SAR is measured for 802.11b DSSS using the initial test position
Note1: When the reported SAR of the initial test position is > 0.4 W/kg, SAR is repeated for the
802.11 transmission mode configuration tested in the initial test position using subsequent highest
estimated 1-g SAR conditions determined by area scans, on the highest maximum output power
channel, until the reported SAR is ≤ 0.8 W/kg.
Note2: For all positions/configurations tested using the initial test position and subsequent test
positions, when the reported SAR is > 0.8 W/kg, SAR is measured for these test
positions/configurations on the subsequent next highest measured output power channel until the
reported SAR is ≤ 1.2 W/kg or all required channels are tested.
Note3: According to the KDB248227 D01, The reported SAR must be scaled to 100% transmission
duty factor to determine compliance at the maximum tune-up tolerance limit.
                                    Table 14-14 WLAN2450 #1

                                  Table 14-15 WLAN2450 #1 Head Full SAR
                                              WLAN2450 #1 Head Full SAR
   Ambient Temperature:         22.5                                            Liquid Temperature:      22.3
                                                   Measured SAR [W/kg]               Reported SAR [W/kg]
                Device         SAR
   Rate                                        11           6           1
              orientation   measurement                                          11           6            1
                                           2462 MHz     2437 MHz   2412 MHz
                       Tune up                16.5         16.5        16.5             Scaling factor*
              Slot Average Power [dBm]       16.21        16.07      15.66      1.07         1.10         1.21
                             1g Full SAR     0.519                              0.55
  802.11b     Right Cheek     10g SAR        0.222                              0.24
  5.5Mbps                     Deviation      0.01                               0.01
                             1g Full SAR     0.49                               0.52
               Right Tilt     10g SAR        0.205                              0.22
                              Deviation      0.01                               0.01

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                                     Table 14-16 WLAN2450 #1 Body Fast SAR
                                                       WLAN2450 #1 Body Fast SAR
  Ambient Temperature:              22.5                                                             Liquid Temperature:          22.3
                                                          Measured SAR [W/kg]                               Reported SAR [W/kg]
                 Device          SAR
   Rate                                                11          6          1
               orientation    measurement                                                             11              6             1
                                                    2462 MHz   2437 MHz   2412 MHz
                        Tune up                        16.5          16.5            16.5                      Scaling factor*
               Slot Average Power [dBm]               16.21         16.07           15.66           1.07            1.10          1.21
                             1g Fast SAR              0.056                                         0.06
                  Front         10g SAR               0.029                                          0.03
                                Deviation             0.08                                           0.08
                               1g Fast SAR            0.14                                           0.15
 802.11b          Rear          10g SAR               0.071                                          0.08
 5.5Mbps                        Deviation             0.09                                           0.09
                               1g Fast SAR            0.077                                          0.08
                Top edge        10g SAR               0.04                                           0.04
                                Deviation             0.05                                           0.05
                               1g Fast SAR            0.016                                          0.02
               Right edge       10g SAR               0.01                                          0.01
                                Deviation             -0.14                                         -0.14
  802.11b                      1g Fast SAR            0.13                                          0.14
  1Mbps           Rear           10g SAR              0.068                                          0.07
    B1                           Deviation            0.04                                           0.04

                                     Table 14-17 WLAN2450 #1 Body Full SAR
                                                       WLAN2450 #1 Body Full SAR
  Ambient Temperature:              22.5                                                             Liquid Temperature:          22.3
                                                            Measured SAR [W/kg]                             Reported SAR [W/kg]
                 Device          SAR
   Rate                                                 11           6           1
               orientation    measurement                                                            11               6             1
                                                    2462 MHz     2437 MHz   2412 MHz
                        Tune up                        16.5         16.5        16.5                           Scaling factor*
               Slot Average Power [dBm]               16.21        16.07      15.66                 1.07            1.10          1.21
                             1g Full SAR              0.124                                          0.13
                  Rear        10g SAR                 0.066                                          0.07
                                 Deviation            0.09                                           0.09

             According to the KDB248227 D01, The reported SAR must be scaled to 100% transmission duty factor to determine
                    compliance at the maximum tune-up tolerance limit. The scaled reported SAR is presented as below
       Frequency                                               Actual duty     maximum duty       Reported     Scaled reported
                                      Test Position                                                                               Figure
   MHz           Ch.                                              factor            factor     SAR(1g)(W/kg)    SAR(1g)(W/kg)

   2462             11                  Right Cheek                 99.15%          100%             0.55            0.55         Fig.14

             According to the KDB248227 D01, The reported SAR must be scaled to 100% transmission duty factor to determine
                    compliance at the maximum tune-up tolerance limit. The scaled reported SAR is presented as below
       Frequency                                               Actual duty     maximum duty       Reported     Scaled reported
                                      Test Position                                                                               Figure
   MHz           Ch.                                              factor            factor     SAR(1g)(W/kg)    SAR(1g)(W/kg)

   2462             11                       Rear                   99.15%          100%             0.13            0.13         Fig.15

SAR is not required for OFDM because the 802.11b adjusted SAR ≤ 1.2 W/kg.

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Picture 14.1 Duty factor plot

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15 SAR Measurement Variability
SAR measurement variability must be assessed for each frequency band, which is determined by
the SAR probe calibration point and tissue-equivalent medium used for the device measurements.
When both head and body tissue-equivalent media are required for SAR measurements in a
frequency band, the variability measurement procedures should be applied to the tissue medium
with the highest measured SAR, using the highest measured SAR configuration for that tissue-
equivalent medium.
The following procedures are applied to determine if repeated measurements are required.
1) Repeated measurement is not required when the original highest measured SAR is < 0.80 W/kg;
steps 2) through 4) do not apply.
2) When the original highest measured SAR is ≥ 0.80 W/kg, repeat that measurement once.
3) Perform a second repeated measurement only if the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the
original and first repeated measurements is > 1.20 or when the original or repeated measurement
is ≥ 1.45 W/kg (~ 10% from the 1-g SAR limit).
4) Perform a third repeated measurement only if the original, first or second repeated
measurement is ≥ 1.5 W/kg and the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original, first and
second repeated measurements is > 1.20.

                                                              Original SAR   First Repeated
        Mode          CH         Freq        Test Poisition                                   The Ratio
                                                                 (W/kg)        SAR(W/kg)
      GSM850          190     836.6 MHz          Rear           0.872           0.864          1.01
 WCDMA1700-BIV #2    1412    1732.4 MHz      Bottom edge        0.895           0.886          1.01

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16 Measurement Uncertainty
16.1 Measurement Uncertainty for Normal SAR Tests (300MHz~3GHz)
No.   Error Description       Type   Uncertainty   Probably        Div.     (Ci)   (Ci)   Std.    Std.    Degree
                                     value         Distribution             1g     10g    Unc.    Unc.    of
                                                                                          (1g)    (10g)   freedo
Measurement system
 1    Probe calibration        B         6.0            N           1        1       1     6.0     6.0       ∞
 2    Isotropy                 B         4.7            R            3      0.7     0.7    1.9     1.9       ∞
 3    Boundary effect          B         1.0            R            3       1       1     0.6     0.6       ∞
 4    Linearity                B         4.7            R            3       1       1     2.7     2.7       ∞
 5    Detection limit          B         1.0            N           1        1       1     0.6     0.6       ∞
 6    Readout electronics      B         0.3            R            3       1       1     0.3     0.3       ∞
 7    Response time            B         0.8            R            3       1       1     0.5     0.5       ∞
 8    Integration time         B         2.6            R            3       1       1     1.5     1.5       ∞
      RF           ambient
 9                             B         0              R            3       1       1      0       0        ∞
10                             B         0              R            3       1       1      0       0        ∞
      Probe      positioned
11                             B         0.4            R            3       1       1     0.2     0.2       ∞
      mech. restrictions
      Probe    positioning
12    with   respect    to     B         2.9            R            3       1       1     1.7     1.7       ∞
      phantom shell
13    Post-processing          B         1.0            R            3       1       1     0.6     0.6       ∞
                                             Test sample related
      Test sample
14                             A         3.3            N           1        1       1     3.3     3.3       71
      Device holder
15                             A         3.4            N           1        1       1     3.4     3.4        5
16    Drift of output power    B         5.0            R            3       1       1     2.9     2.9       ∞
                                             Phantom and set-up
17    Phantom uncertainty      B         4.0            R            3       1       1     2.3     2.3       ∞
      Liquid conductivity
18                             B         5.0            R            3      0.64   0.43    1.8     1.2       ∞
      Liquid conductivity
19                             A        2.06            N           1       0.64   0.43   1.32    0.89       43
      Liquid permittivity
20                             B         5.0            R            3      0.6    0.49    1.7     1.4       ∞
      Liquid permittivity
21                             A        1.6             N           1        0.6   0.49    1.0     0.8       521

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                                            c u
      Combined standard
                                   u 
                                                    2 2
                                                    i i
                                                                                                    9.55    9.43       257
                                            i 1

Expanded uncertainty
(confidence interval        of           ue  2uc                                                   19.1    18.9
95 %)
16.2 Measurement Uncertainty for Normal SAR Tests (3~6GHz)
No.    Error Description          Type    Uncertainty        Probably        Div.     (Ci)   (Ci)   Std.    Std.    Degree
                                          value              Distribution             1g     10g    Unc.    Unc.    of
                                                                                                    (1g)    (10g)   freedo
Measurement system
 1     Probe calibration           B           6.55               N           1        1       1    6.55    6.55       ∞
 2     Isotropy                    B               4.7            R            3      0.7     0.7    1.9     1.9       ∞
 3     Boundary effect             B               2.0            R            3       1       1     1.2     1.2       ∞
 4     Linearity                   B               4.7            R            3       1       1     2.7     2.7       ∞
 5     Detection limit             B               1.0            R            3       1       1     0.6     0.6       ∞
 6     Readout electronics         B               0.3            R            3       1       1     0.3     0.3       ∞
 7     Response time               B               0.8            R            3       1       1     0.5     0.5       ∞
 8     Integration time            B               2.6            R            3       1       1     1.5     1.5       ∞
       RF           ambient
 9                                 B               0              R            3       1       1      0       0        ∞
       RF           ambient
10                                 B               0              R            3       1       1      0       0        ∞
       Probe      positioned
11                                 B               0.8            R            3       1       1     0.5     0.5       ∞
       mech. restrictions
       Probe    positioning
12     with   respect    to        B               6.7            R            3       1       1     3.9     3.9       ∞
       phantom shell
13     Post-processing             B               4.0            R            3       1       1     2.3     2.3       ∞
                                                       Test sample related
       Test sample
14                                 A               3.3            N           1        1       1     3.3     3.3       71
       Device holder
15                                 A               3.4            N           1        1       1     3.4     3.4        5
16     Drift of output power       B               5.0            R            3       1       1     2.9     2.9       ∞
                                                       Phantom and set-up
17     Phantom uncertainty         B               4.0            R            3       1       1     2.3     2.3       ∞
       Liquid conductivity
18                                 B               5.0            R            3      0.64   0.43    1.8     1.2       ∞
       Liquid conductivity
19                                 A           2.06               N           1       0.64   0.43   1.32    0.89       43
20     Liquid      permittivity    B               5.0            R            3      0.6    0.49    1.7     1.4       ∞

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       Liquid permittivity
21                               A                1.6             N           1        0.6   0.49    1.0     0.8       521
      Combined standard
                                 u c'     c u
                                           i 1
                                                        i                                           10.7    10.6       257

Expanded uncertainty
(confidence interval       of          ue  2uc                                                     21.4    21.1
95 %)
16.3 Measurement Uncertainty for Fast SAR Tests (300MHz~3GHz)
No.    Error Description        Type      Uncertainty        Probably        Div.     (Ci)   (Ci)   Std.    Std.    Degree
                                          value              Distribution             1g     10g    Unc.    Unc.    of
                                                                                                    (1g)    (10g)   freedo
Measurement system
 1     Probe calibration         B                6.0             N           1        1       1     6.0     6.0       ∞
 2     Isotropy                  B                4.7             R            3      0.7     0.7    1.9     1.9       ∞
 3     Boundary effect           B                1.0             R            3       1       1     0.6     0.6       ∞
 4     Linearity                 B                4.7             R            3       1       1     2.7     2.7       ∞
 5     Detection limit           B                1.0             R            3       1       1     0.6     0.6       ∞
 6     Readout electronics       B                0.3             R            3       1       1     0.3     0.3       ∞
 7     Response time             B                0.8             R            3       1       1     0.5     0.5       ∞
 8     Integration time          B                2.6             R            3       1       1     1.5     1.5       ∞
       RF           ambient
 9                               B                0               R            3       1       1      0       0        ∞
       RF           ambient
10                               B                0               R            3       1       1      0       0        ∞
       Probe     positioned
11                               B                0.4             R            3       1       1     0.2     0.2       ∞
       mech. Restrictions
       Probe    positioning
12     with   respect    to      B                2.9             R            3       1       1     1.7     1.7       ∞
       phantom shell
13     Post-processing           B                1.0             R            3       1       1     0.6     0.6       ∞
       Fast    SAR         z-
14                               B                7.0             R            3       1       1     4.0     4.0       ∞
                                                       Test sample related
       Test sample
15                               A                3.3             N           1        1       1     3.3     3.3       71
       Device holder
16                               A                3.4             N           1        1       1     3.4     3.4        5
17     Drift of output power     B                5.0             R            3       1       1     2.9     2.9       ∞
                                                       Phantom and set-up
18     Phantom uncertainty       B                4.0             R            3       1       1     2.3     2.3       ∞

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       Liquid conductivity
19                               B                5.0             R            3      0.64   0.43    1.8     1.2       ∞
       Liquid conductivity
20                               A            2.06                N           1       0.64   0.43   1.32    0.89       43
       Liquid permittivity
21                               B                5.0             R            3      0.6    0.49    1.7     1.4       ∞
       Liquid permittivity
22                               A                1.6             N           1        0.6   0.49    1.0     0.8       521
      Combined standard
                                 u c'     c u
                                           i 1
                                                        i                                           10.4    10.3       257

Expanded uncertainty
(confidence interval       of          ue  2uc                                                     20.8    20.6
95 %)

16.4 Measurement Uncertainty for Fast SAR Tests (3~6GHz)
No.    Error Description        Type      Uncertainty        Probably        Div.     (Ci)   (Ci)   Std.    Std.    Degree
                                          value              Distribution             1g     10g    Unc.    Unc.    of
                                                                                                    (1g)    (10g)   freedo
Measurement system
 1     Probe calibration         B            6.55                N           1        1       1    6.55    6.55       ∞
 2     Isotropy                  B                4.7             R            3      0.7     0.7    1.9     1.9       ∞
 3     Boundary effect           B                2.0             R            3       1       1     1.2     1.2       ∞
 4     Linearity                 B                4.7             R            3       1       1     2.7     2.7       ∞
 5     Detection limit           B                1.0             R            3       1       1     0.6     0.6       ∞
 6     Readout electronics       B                0.3             R            3       1       1     0.3     0.3       ∞
 7     Response time             B                0.8             R            3       1       1     0.5     0.5       ∞
 8     Integration time          B                2.6             R            3       1       1     1.5     1.5       ∞
       RF           ambient
 9                               B                0               R            3       1       1      0       0        ∞
       RF           ambient
10                               B                0               R            3       1       1      0       0        ∞
       Probe     positioned
11                               B                0.8             R            3       1       1     0.5     0.5       ∞
       mech. Restrictions
       Probe    positioning
12     with   respect    to      B                6.7             R            3       1       1     3.9     3.9       ∞
       phantom shell
13     Post-processing           B                1.0             R            3       1       1     0.6     0.6       ∞
       Fast    SAR         z-
14                               B            14.0                R            3       1       1     8.1     8.1       ∞
                                                       Test sample related
       Test sample
15                               A                3.3             N           1        1       1     3.3     3.3       71
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      Device holder
16                            A               3.4            N          1       1       1     3.4     3.4        5
17    Drift of output power   B               5.0            R          3       1       1     2.9     2.9       ∞
                                                   Phantom and set-up
18    Phantom uncertainty     B               4.0            R          3       1       1     2.3     2.3       ∞
      Liquid conductivity
19                            B               5.0            R          3      0.64   0.43    1.8     1.2       ∞
      Liquid conductivity
20                            A           2.06               N          1      0.64   0.43   1.32    0.89       43
      Liquid permittivity
21                            B               5.0            R          3      0.6    0.49    1.7     1.4       ∞
      Liquid permittivity
22                            A               1.6            N          1       0.6   0.49    1.0     0.8       521
     Combined standard
                              u c'    c u
                                       i 1
                                                    i                                        13.5    13.4       257

Expanded uncertainty
(confidence interval     of        ue  2uc                                                  27.0    26.8
95 %)

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Table 17.1: List of Main Instruments
 No.          Name                 Type        Serial Number    Calibration Date       Valid Period
 01     Network analyzer          E5071C       MY46110673       January 24, 2018         One year
 02       Power meter              NRVD           102083
                                                               November 01,2017          One year
 03       Power sensor            NRV-Z5          100542
 04     Signal Generator          E4438C       MY49070393       January 02,2018          One Year
 05         Amplifier             60S1G4         0331848            No Calibration Requested
 06            BTS                CMW500          159889       December 20, 2017         One year
 07       E-field Probe        SPEAG EX3DV4        7464        September 12,2017         One year
 08            DAE              SPEAG DAE4         1525         October 02, 2017         One year
 09    Dipole Validation Kit   SPEAG D835V2       4d069           July 19,2017           One year
 10    Dipole Validation Kit   SPEAG D1750V2       1003           July 21,2017           One year
 11    Dipole Validation Kit   SPEAG D1900V2      5d101           July 26,2017           One year
 12    Dipole Validation Kit   SPEAG D2450V2       853            July 21,2017           One year
                                    ***END OF REPORT BODY***

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ANNEX A Graph Results
GSM850_CH251 Right Cheek
Date: 3/5/2018
Electronics: DAE4 Sn1525
Medium: head 835 MHz
Medium parameters used: f = 848.8 MHz; σ = 0.918 mho/m; εr = 42.24; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
Ambient Temperature: 22.5oC, Liquid Temperature: 22.3oC
Communication System: GSM850 848.8 MHz Duty Cycle: 1:8.3
Probe: EX3DV4 – SN7464 ConvF(10.28,10.28,10.28)

    Area Scan (71x121x1): Interpolated grid: dx=1.000 mm, dy=1.000 mm
    Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.281 W/kg

    Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
    Reference Value = 7.114 V/m; Power Drift = -0.03 dB
    Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.333 W/kg
    SAR(1 g) = 0.269 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.208 W/kg
    Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.294 W/kg

                                         Fig A.1

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Document Created: 2018-04-04 09:44:25
Document Modified: 2018-04-04 09:44:25

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