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8.2   System Verification
SAR system verification is required to confirm measurement accuracy, according to the tissue
dielectric media, probe calibration points and other system operating parameters required for
measuring the SAR of a test device. The system verification must be performed for each frequency
band and within the valid range of each probe calibration point required for testing the device.

The system verification results are required that the area scan estimated 1-g SAR is within 3% of
the zoom scan 1-g SAR. The details are presented in annex B.

                             Table 8.1: System Verification of Head
Measurement                                           Measured value
                             Target value (W/kg)                                   Deviation
   Date                                                   (W/kg)
 (yyyy-mm-                      10 g       1g          10 g       1g           10 g         1g
     dd)                      Average    Average     Average    Average      Average      Average
   2018/3/5      835 MHz        6.06       9.37        6.08        9.4        0.33%        0.32%
   2018/3/6     1750 MHz        19.4       36.7       19.72       36.68       1.65%        -0.05%
   2018/3/7     1900 MHz        21.0       40.0       21.24       39.32       1.14%        -1.70%
   2018/3/8     2450 MHz        24.7       52.2        24.6        51.2       -0.40%       -1.92%

                             Table 8.2: System Verification of Body
Measurement                                           Measured value
                             Target value (W/kg)                                   Deviation
   Date                                                   (W/kg)
 (yyyy-mm-                      10 g       1g          10 g       1g           10 g         1g
     dd)                      Average    Average     Average    Average      Average      Average
   2018/3/5      835 MHz        6.12       9.41        6.08        9.56       -0.65%       1.59%
   2018/3/6     1750 MHz        19.8       37.1       19.68       37.36       -0.61%       0.70%
   2018/3/7     1900 MHz        21.5       40.5        21.4        39.8       -0.47%       -1.73%
   2018/3/8     2450 MHz        23.8       50.4        23.6       50.28       -0.84%       -0.24%

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9 Measurement Procedures

9.1   Tests to be performed
In order to determine the highest value of the peak spatial-average SAR of a handset, all device
positions, configurations and operational modes shall be tested for each frequency band according
to steps 1 to 3 below. A flowchart of the test process is shown in picture 9.1.

Step 1: The tests described in 9.2 shall be performed at the channel that is closest to the center of

the transmit frequency band (   f c ) for:
a) all device positions (cheek and tilt, for both left and right sides of the SAM phantom, as
described in annex D),
b) all configurations for each device position in a), e.g., antenna extended and retracted, and
c) all operational modes, e.g., analogue and digital, for each device position in a) and configuration
in b) in each frequency band.

If more than three frequencies need to be tested according to 11.1 (i.e.,   Nc    > 3), then all

frequencies, configurations and modes shall be tested for all of the above test conditions.

Step 2: For the condition providing highest peak spatial-average SAR determined in Step 1,
perform all tests described in 9.2 at all other test frequencies, i.e., lowest and highest frequencies.
In addition, for all other conditions (device position, configuration and operational mode) where the
peak spatial-average SAR value determined in Step 1 is within 3 dB of the applicable SAR limit, it
is recommended that all other test frequencies shall be tested as well.

Step 3: Examine all data to determine the highest value of the peak spatial-average SAR found in
Steps 1 to 2.

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Picture 9.1 Block diagram of the tests to be performed

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9.2   General Measurement Procedure
The area and zoom scan resolutions specified in the table below must be applied to the SAR
measurements and fully documented in SAR reports to qualify for TCB approval. Probe boundary
effect error compensation is required for measurements with the probe tip closer than half a probe
tip diameter to the phantom surface. Both the probe tip diameter and sensor offset distance must
satisfy measurement protocols; to ensure probe boundary effect errors are minimized and the
higher fields closest to the phantom surface can be correctly measured and extrapolated to the
phantom surface for computing 1-g SAR. Tolerances of the post-processing algorithms must be
verified by the test laboratory for the scan resolutions used in the SAR measurements, according to
the reference distribution functions specified in IEEE Std 1528-2013. The results should be
documented as part of the system validation records and may be requested to support test results
when all the measurement parameters in the following table are not satisfied.

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9.3     WCDMA Measurement Procedures for SAR
The following procedures are applicable to WCDMA handsets operating under 3GPP Release99,
Release 5 and Release 6. The default test configuration is to measure SAR with an established radio
link between the DUT and a communication test set using a 12.2kbps RMC (reference measurement
channel) configured in Test Loop Mode 1. SAR is selectively confirmed for other physical channel
configurations (DPCCH & DPDCHn), HSDPA and HSPA (HSUPA/HSDPA) modes according to output
power, exposure conditions and device operating capabilities. Both uplink and downlink should be
configured with the same RMC or AMR, when required. SAR for Release 5 HSDPA and Release 6
HSPA are measured using the applicable FRC (fixed reference channel) and E-DCH reference
channel configurations. Maximum output power is verified according to applicable versions of 3GPP
TS 34.121 and SAR must be measured according to these maximum output conditions. When
Maximum Power Reduction (MPR) is not implemented according to Cubic Metric (CM) requirements
for Release 6 HSPA, the following procedures do not apply.
For Release 5 HSDPA Data Devices:

  Sub-test                c            d            d (SF)         c /  d           hs         CM/dB

        1                2/15         15/15            64              2/15             4/15              0.0
        2               12/15         15/15            64             12/15             24/25             1.0
        3               15/15          8/15            64              15/8             30/15             1.5
        4               15/15          4/15            64              15/4             30/15             1.5
For Release 6 HSPA Data Devices

                               d                                                 ed      ed
            c                      c / d    hs       ec         ed
 Sub-                                                                                              CM       MPR    AG     E-

                  d                                                                               (dB)    (dB)   Index   TFCI
                          (SF)                                                   (SF)    (codes)

  1     11/15    15/15         64    11/15    22/15    209/225    1039/225        4            1   1.5      1.5    20     75

  2      6/15    15/15         64    6/15     12/15    12/15        12/15         4            1   1.5      1.5    12     67

                                                                  ed 1 :47/15
  3     15/15    9/15          64    15/9     30/15    30/15                      4            2   1.5      1.5    15     92

                                                                 ed 2 :47/15
  4      2/15    15/15         64    2/15     4/15      4/15        56/75         4            1   1.5      1.5    17     71

  5     15/15    15/15         64    15/15    24/15    30/15       134/15         4            1   1.5      1.5    21     81

Rel.8 DC-HSDPA (Cat 24)
SAR test exclusion for Rel.8 DC-HSDPA must satisfy the SAR test exclusion requirements of Rel.5
HSDPA. SAR test exclusion for DC-HSDPA devices is determined by power measurements
according to the H-Set 12, Fixed Reference Channel (FRC) configuration in Table C.8.1.12 of 3GPP
TS 34.121-1. A primary and a secondary serving HS-DSCH Cell are required to perform the power
measurement and for the results to qualify for SAR test exclusion.

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9.4   Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Measurement Procedures for SAR
Normal network operating configurations are not suitable for measuring the SAR of 802.11
transmitters in general. Unpredictable fluctuations in network traffic and antenna diversity
conditions can introduce undesirable variations in SAR results. The SAR for these devices should
be measured using chipset based test mode software to ensure that the results are consistent and
Chipset based test mode software is hardware dependent and generally varies among
manufacturers. The device operating parameters established in a test mode for SAR
measurements must be identical to those programmed in production units, including output power
levels, amplifier gain settings and other RF performance tuning parameters. The test frequencies
should correspond to actual channel frequencies defined for domestic use. SAR for devices with
switched diversity should be measured with only one antenna transmitting at a time during each
SAR measurement, according to a fixed modulation and data rate. The same data pattern should
be used for all measurements.

9.5   Power Drift
To control the output power stability during the SAR test, DASY4 system calculates the power drift
by measuring the E-field at the same location at the beginning and at the end of the measurement
for each test position. These drift values can be found in section 14 labeled as: (Power Drift [dB]).
This ensures that the power drift during one measurement is within 5%.

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10 Area Scan Based 1-g SAR

10.1 Requirement of KDB
According to the KDB447498 D01 v05, when the implementation is based the specific polynomial
algorithm as presented at the 29th Bioelectromagnetics Society meeting (2007) and the estimated
1-g SAR is ≤ 1.2 W/kg, a zoom scan measurement is not required provided it is also not needed
for any other purpose; for example, if the peak SAR location required for simultaneous
transmission SAR test exclusion can be determined accurately by the SAR system or manually to
discriminate between distinctive peaks and scattered noisy SAR distributions from area scans.

There must not be any warning or alert messages due to various measurement concerns identified
by the SAR system; for example, noise in measurements, peaks too close to scan boundary, peaks
are too sharp, spatial resolution and uncertainty issues etc. The SAR system verification must also
demonstrate that the area scan estimated 1-g SAR is within 3% of the zoom scan 1-g SAR (See
Annex B). When all the SAR results for each exposure condition in a frequency band and wireless
mode are based on estimated 1-g SAR, the 1-g SAR for the highest SAR configuration must be
determined by a zoom scan.

10.2 Fast SAR Algorithms
The approach is based on the area scan measurement applying a frequency dependent
attenuation parameter. This attenuation parameter was empirically determined by analyzing a large
number of phones. The MOTOROLA FAST SAR was developed and validated by the MOTOROLA
Research Group in Ft. Lauderdale.

In the initial study, an approximation algorithm based on Linear fit was developed. The accuracy of
the algorithm has been demonstrated across a broad frequency range (136-2450 MHz) and for
both 1- and 10-g averaged SAR using a sample of 264 SAR measurements from 55 wireless
handsets. For the sample size studied, the root-mean-squared errors of the algorithm are 1.2% and
5.8% for 1- and 10-g averaged SAR, respectively. The paper describing the algorithm in detail is
expected to be published in August 2004 within the Special Issue of Transactions on MTT.

In the second step, the same research group optimized the fitting algorithm to an Polynomial fit
whereby the frequency validity was extended to cover the range 30-6000MHz. Details of this study
can be found in the BEMS 2007 Proceedings.
Both algorithms are implemented in DASY software.

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11 Conducted Output Power

11.1 GSM Measurement result
During the process of testing, the EUT was controlled via Agilent Digital Radio Communication tester
(E5515C) to ensure the maximum power transmission and proper modulation. This result
contains conducted output power for the EUT. In all cases, the measured peak output power should
be greater and within 5% than EMI measurement.

Note:The #1 is normal power (Hotspot off)
      The #2 is low power (Hotspot on)

                                         Table 11-1 GSM850 #1

                                         Table 11-2 PCS1900 #1

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                                             Table 11-3 PCS1900 #2

Division Factors
To average the power, the division factor is as follows:
1TX-slot = 1 transmit time slot out of 8 time slots=> conducted power divided by (8/1) => -9.03dB
2TX-slots = 2 transmit time slots out of 8 time slots=> conducted power divided by (8/2) => -6.02dB
3TX-slots = 3 transmit time slots out of 8 time slots=> conducted power divided by (8/3) => -4.26dB
4TX-slots = 4 transmit time slots out of 8 time slots=> conducted power divided by (8/4) => -3.01dB
According to the conducted power as above, the body measurements are performed with
4Txslots for 850MHz and 1900MHz #1, 3Txslots for 1900MHz #2.

11.2 WCDMA Measurement result
                                        Table 11-4 WCDMA1900-BII #1

                                        Table 11-5 WCDMA1900-BII #2

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                         Table 11-6 WCDMA1700-BIV #1

                         Table 11-7 WCDMA1700-BIV #2

                          Table 11-8 WCDMA850-BV #1

11.3 Wi-Fi and BT Measurement result
                          Table 11-9 Bluetooth Power

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Table 11-10 WLAN2450 #1

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12 Simultaneous TX SAR Considerations

12.1 Introduction
The following procedures adopted from “FCC SAR Considerations for Cell Phones with Multiple
Transmitters” are applicable to handsets with built-in unlicensed transmitters such as 802.11 a/b/g
and Bluetooth devices which may simultaneously transmit with the licensed transmitter.
For this device, the BT and Wi-Fi can transmit simultaneous with other transmitters.

12.2 Transmit Antenna Separation Distances

                                Picture 12.1 Antenna Locations

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12.3 SAR Measurement Positions
According to the KDB941225 D06 Hot Spot SAR v01, the edges with less than 2.5 cm distance to
the antennas need to be tested for SAR.
                                        SAR measurement positions
        Mode             Front     Rear      Left edge      Right edge         Top edge        Bottom edge
    Main antenna          Yes       Yes         Yes              Yes             No               Yes
        WLAN              Yes       Yes         No               Yes             Yes               No

12.4 Standalone SAR Test Exclusion Considerations
Standalone 1-g head or body SAR evaluation by measurement or numerical simulation is not
required when the corresponding SAR Exclusion Threshold condition, listed below, is satisfied.
The 1-g SAR test exclusion threshold for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at test separation distances ≤ 50 mm
are determined by:
[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW) / (min. test separation distance, mm)] ·
[√f(GHz)] ≤ 3.0 for 1-g SAR, where
 f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
 Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation
 The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison

                    Table 12.1: Standalone SAR test exclusion considerations
                                                         SAR test       RF output power
                                                         exclusion                                SAR test
      Band/Mode              F(GHz)         Position
                                                         threshold       dBm           mW         exclusion
                                              Head         9.6             5           3.16          Yes
        Bluetooth               2.441
                                              Body         9.6             5           3.16          Yes
                                              Head         9.58          16.5          44.67          No
2.4GHz WLAN 802.11 b             2.45
                                              Body         9.58          16.5          44.67          No

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13 Evaluation of Simultaneous
           Table 13.1: The sum of reported SAR values for main antenna and WiFi
                                Position             Main antenna                 WiFi             Sum
  Highest reported
   SAR value for        Right hand, Touch cheek                0.29                0.55            0.84
  Highest reported
   SAR value for                  Rear                         0.95                0.13            1.08

            Table 13.2: The sum of reported SAR values for main antenna and BT
                                       Position                   Main antenna              BT       Sum
   Maximum reported
                                Left hand, Touch cheek                   0.32             0.13       0.45
   SAR value for Head
   Maximum reported
                                         Rear                            0.95             0.07       1.02
   SAR value for Body
 [1] - Estimated SAR for Bluetooth (see the table 13.3)

                            Table 13.3: Estimated SAR for Bluetooth
                                                    Distance Upper limit of power * Estimated1g
      Mode/Band             F (GHz)      Position
                                                      (mm)     dBm          mW        (W/kg)
        Bluetooth            2.441         Head           5              5           3.16          0.13
        Bluetooth            2.441         Body           10             5           3.16          0.07
* - Maximum possible output power declared by manufacturer

When standalone SAR test exclusion applies to an antenna that transmits simultaneously with
other antennas, the standalone SAR must be estimated according to following to determine
simultaneous transmission SAR test exclusion:
(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance,
mm)]·[√f(GHz)/x] W/kg for test separation distances ≤ 50 mm;
where x = 7.5 for 1-g SAR.
When the minimum test separation distance is < 5 mm, a distance of 5 mm is applied to determine
SAR test exclusion

According to the above tables, the sum of reported SAR values is<1.6W/kg. So the simultaneous
transmission SAR with volume scans is not required.

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14 SAR Test Result
It is determined by user manual for the distance between the EUT and the phantom bottom.
The distance is 10 or 15mm and just applied to the condition of body worn accessory.
It is performed for all SAR measurements with area scan based 1-g SAR estimation (Fast SAR). A
zoom scan measurement is added when the estimated 1-g SAR is the highest measured SAR in
each exposure configuration, wireless mode and frequency band combination or more than
The calculated SAR is obtained by the following formula:

                      Reported SAR = Measured SAR × 10(PTarget −PMeasured )⁄10
Where PTarget is the power of manufacturing upper limit;
     PMeasured is the measured power in chapter 11.

                           Mode                                                        Duty Cycle
 Speech for GSM850/1900                                                                    1:8.3
 GPRS&EGPRS for GSM850/1900 #1                                                              1:2
 GPRS&EGPRS for GSM1900 #2                                                                1:2.67
 WCDMA&LTE                                                                                  1:1

14.1 Evaluation of multi-batteries
Note: B1: CAC2400008C1 B2: CAC2400009C7
We’ll perform the head measurement in all bands with the primary battery depending on the
evaluation of multi-batteries retest on highest value point with other battery. Then, repeat the
measurement in the Body test.
        frequency                                                                                  1g SAR
                              Mode/Band          Side         Position        BatteryType                     PowerDrift
    MHz          Channel                                                                           (W/kg)
    848.8           251         GSM850           Right         Cheek        CAC2400008C1           0.224         -0.01
    848.8           251         GSM850           Right         Cheek        CAC2400009C7           0.269         -0.03
Note: According to the values in the above table, the battery, B2, is the primary
battery. We’ll perform the head measurement with this battery and retest on highest value point
with others.
        frequency                                                                                  1g SAR
                               Mode/Band                 Position             BatteryType                     PowerDrift
    MHz          Channel                                                                           (W/kg)
   1712.4          1312       WCDMA1700               Rear 10mm             CAC2400008C1           0.418          0.01
   1712.4          1312       WCDMA1700               Rear 10mm             CAC2400009C7           0.424          0.02
Note: According to the values in the above table, the battery, B2, is the primary
battery. We’ll perform the Body measurement with this battery and retest on highest value point
with others.

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14.2 SAR results
Note:H1:CCB0046A10C1 H2:CCB0046A10C4
                       Table 14-1 GSM850 #1 Head

                         Table 14-2 GSM850 #1 Body

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Document Created: 2018-04-04 09:44:24
Document Modified: 2018-04-04 09:44:24

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