Users Manual


Users Manual

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              Version 1.1
        Copyright © 2016

                                                     About This Guide
           This document introduces users to the specifications of ESP-WROOM-S2 hardware,
           including the following topics.

            Chapter             Title                                             Subject

                                                  Introduction to ESP-WROOM-S2, including dimensions and
           Chapter 1 Overview

           Chapter 2 Pin Description              Introduction to pin layout and the relevant description.

                                                  Description of the major functional modules and protocols applied on
           Chapter 3 Functional Description
                                                  ESP-WROOM-S2, including CPU, flash, memory and interfaces.

           Chapter 4 Electrical Characteristics   Electrical data of ESP-WROOM-S2.

           Chapter 5 '$$8BSOJOH

Release Notes
                Date                 Version                                    Release notes

           2016.06           V1.0                     First release.

                                                      Updated the operating temperature range;
           2016.08           V1.1                     Added NCC Wi-Fi standard;
                                                      Updated Section 3.4 Interface Description.

                                                                        Table of Contents
1. Overview .................................................................................................................................1

2. Pin Description ....................................................................................................................... 3

3. Functional Description ............................................................................................................ 5
     3.1.    MCU .......................................................................................................................................... 5

     3.2.    Memory...................................................................................................................................... 5
              3.2.1.      Internal SRAM and ROM .............................................................................................5
              3.2.2.      SPI Flash ......................................................................................................................5

     3.3.    Crystal Oscillator ....................................................................................................................... 6

     3.4.    Interface Description ................................................................................................................. 7

4. Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................................8
     4.1.    Absolute Maximum Ratings....................................................................................................... 8

     4.2.    Recommended Operating Conditions ....................................................................................... 8

     4.3.    Digital Terminal Characteristics ................................................................................................. 8

     4.4.    RF Performance......................................................................................................................... 9

     4.5.    Sensitivity................................................................................................................................... 9

     4.6.    Power Consumption ................................................................................................................ 10

     4.7.    Reflow Profile...........................................................................................................................11

5. '$$8BSOJOH .........................................................................................................................12

                                                                                                   1. Overview

1.                                                                               Overview
            Espressif provides the SMD module - ESP-WROOM-S2 that integrates ESP8266EX. The
            module has received various adjustments to achieve better RF performance. We
            recommend using ESP-WROOM-S2 for tests or for further development.

             For more information on ESP8266EX, please refer to ESP8266EX Datasheet.

            The module size is 16 mm x 23 mm x 3 mm (see Figure 1-1). The flash used on this
            module is a 2 MB SPI flash connected to HSPI, with the package size of SOP 8-150 mil.
            The gain of the on-board PCB antenna is 2 dBi.
            The ESP-WROOM-S2 works as the SDIO/SPI slave with the SPI speed of up to 8 Mbps.

                                              Figure 1-1. ESP-WROOM-S2 Module

                                          Table 1-1. ESP-WROOM-S2 Specifications

                 Categories                   Items                               Specifications

                                  Standards                     FCC

                    Wi-Fi         Wi-Fi protocols               802.11 b/g/n

                                  Frequency range               24M)[ ~ 24.)[
                                                                UART/I2C/GPIO/PWM/SDIO/SPI/IR Remote Control/
                                  Peripheral interface

Espressif                                                1/13                                         2016.08

                                                                                                         1. Overview

                Categories                    Items                               Specifications

                                 Operating voltage              3.0V ~ 3.6V

                                 Operating current              Average: 80 mA
                                 Operating temperature range    -40°C ~ 85°C

                                 Storage temperature            -40°C ~ 85°C

                                 Package size                   16 mm x 23 mm x 3 mm

                                 External interface             -

                                 Wi-Fi mode                     Station/SoftAP/SoftAP + Station

                                 Security                       WPA/WPA2

                                 Encryption                     WEP/TKIP/AES

                                                                UART Download / OTA (via network) / Download and
                 Software        Firmware upgrade
                                                                burn firmware via host
                                                                Supports Cloud Server Development
                                 Software development
                                                                SDK for secondary development

                                 Network protocols              IPv4, TCP/UDP/HTTP/FTP

                                 User configuration              AT Instruction Set, Cloud Server, Android/iOS App

            ESP-WROOM-S2 with high temperature range option (-40°C ~ 125°C) is available for custom order.

Espressif                                             2/13                                                   2016.08

                                                                                                           2. Pin Description

2.                                                                     Pin Description
            Figure 2-1 shows the pin distribution of the SMD Module.


             6.00                                                 PCB ANTENNA

                                      GND                                                           EN
                                                                                                              0.60 1.50
                                      3V3                                                        ADC_IN

                                      IO16                                                         RST                     23.00

                                      IO15                                                          IO5

                                          IO2                 4.50      1:GND                      TXD
                                          IO0                                                      RXD
                                                                          4.50                  SD1/INT

                                          SD2/IO9                                              SD0/MISO
                                          SD3/CS                                                  SCLK

                                      CMD/MOSI                                                     GND     0.90

                                   0.85                                                                                   Unit: mm

                                                     Figure 2-1. Top View of The ESP-WROOM-S2

                                                       Table 2-1. ESP-WROOM-S2 Dimensions

                    Length                          Width               Height     PAD size (bottom)          Pin Pitch

            16 mm                           23 mm               3 mm               0.9 mm x 0.85 mm       1.5 mm

            ESP-WROOM-S2 has 20 pins, please see the pin definitions in Table 2-2.

Espressif                                                      3/13                                                       2016.08

                                                                                             2. Pin Description

                                  Table 2-2. ESP-WROOM-S2 Pin Definitions

            No.    Pin Name                                Functional Description

             1    GND         Ground

                              3.3 V power supply (VDD)
             2    3V3
                              It is recommended the maximum output current a power supply provides be of
                              500 mA or above.

             3    IO16        GPIO16; used for Deep-sleep wake-up when connected to RST pin.

             4    IO15        • UART download: pull down.
                              • SDIO boot: floating (internal pull-up) or pull up.

                              GPIO2; UART1_TXD
             5    IO2         • UART download: pull down.
                              • SDIO boot: don’t-care.

             6    IO0         • UART download: pull down.
                              • SDIO boot: don’t-care.

             7    IO4         GPIO4

             8    SD2/IO9     SD_D2 (Series resistor: 100 ~ 200 Ω, 10 k pull-up resistor); GPIO9

             9    SD3/CS      SD_D3 (Series resistor: 100 ~ 200 Ω, 10 k pull-up resistor); SLAVE_ SPI_CS

            10    CMD/MOSI    SD_CMD (Series resistor: 100 ~ 200 Ω, 10 k pull-up resistor); SLAVE_ SPI_MOSI

            11    GND         Ground

            12    SCLK        SD_CLK (Series resistor: 100 ~ 200 Ω); SLAVE_ SPI_CLK

            13    SD0/MISO    SD_D0 (Series resistor: 100 ~ 200 Ω, 10 k pull-up resistor); SLAVE_ SPI_MISO

            14    SD1/INT     SD_D1 (Series resistor: 100 ~ 200 Ω, 10 k pull-up resistor); SLAVE_ SPI_INT

                              UART0_RXD, receive end in UART download;
            15    RXD

                              UART0_TXD, transmit end in UART download, floating (internal pull-up) or pull up;
            16    TXD

            17    IO5         GPIO5

            18    RST         Reset

                              Tests the power-supply voltage of VDD3P3 and the input power voltage of TOUT.
            19    ADC_IN
                              These two functions cannot be used simultaneously.

            20    EN          Chip enable pin (cannot be floating). Active high.

Espressif                                     4/13                                                    2016.08

                                                                                      3. Functional Description

3.                                  Functional Description
3.1. MCU
                ESP8266EX contained in the ESP-WROOM-S2 integrates Tensilica L106 32-bit micro
                controller (MCU) and a 16-bit RSIC. The CPU clock speed is 80 MHz and can reach a
                maximum value of 160 MHz. The system can readily run a Real Time Operating System
                (RTOS). Currently, the Wi-Fi stack only takes up 20% of CPU time. The remaining CPU time
                (80% of total MIPS) can be used for user application. The MCU can work in conjunction
                with the other parts of the chip through the following interfaces.
                   • Programmable RAM/ROM interface (iBus) that connects to memory controller and
                        can access the external flash.
                   • Data RAM interface (dBus) that connects to memory controller.
                   • AHB interface that accesses the register.

3.2. Memory
3.2.1.      Internal SRAM and ROM
                ESP8266EX Wi-Fi SoC integrates memory controller including SRAM and ROM. MCU can
                access the memory controller through iBus, dBus, and AHB interfaces. All these interfaces
                can access ROM or RAM units. A memory arbiter determines the running sequence in the
                arrival order of requests.
                According to our current version of SDK, SRAM space available to users is assigned as
                   • RAM size < 50 kB, that is, when ESP8266EX is working in Station mode and
                        connects to the router, available space in Heap + Data sector is around 50 kB.
                   • There is no programmable ROM in ESP8266EX, therefore, user program must be
                        stored in the SPI flash integrated into the ESP-WROOM-S2.

3.2.2.      SPI Flash
                ESP8266EX supports SPI flash. Theoretically speaking, ESP8266EX can support up to 16
                MB SPI flash.
                ESP-WROOM-S2 currently integrates 2 MB SPI flash memory. ESP-WROOM-S2 supports
                these SPI modes: Standard SPI, DIO (Dual I/O), DOUT (Dual Output), QIO (Quad I/O) and
                QOUT (Quad Output).

Espressif                                               5/13                                          2016.08

                                                                                         3. Functional Description

             Please use the most updated download tool and configure SPI MODE in the download tool as DIO or

3.3. Crystal Oscillator
            ESP-WROOM-S2 uses 26 MHz crystal oscillator. The accuracy of the crystal oscillator
            should be ±10 PPM, and the operating temperature range is -20°C to 85°C.
            When using the download tool, please note to select the right crystal oscillator type. In
            circuit design, capacitors C1 and C2 which connect to the earth, are added to the input
            and output terminals of the crystal oscillator respectively. The values of the two capacitors
            can be flexible, ranging from 6 pF to 22 pF, however, the specific capacitive values depend
            on further testing and adjustment on the overall performance of the whole circuit. Normally,
            the capacitive values of C1 and C2 are within 10 pF for the 26 MHz crystal oscillator.
            Crystal oscillator should be placed as close to the XTAL pins as possible (without the traces
            being too long). It is good practice to add high density ground vias around the clock trace
            for great insulation.
            There should be no vias on the input and output traces, which means the traces cannot
            cross layers.
            Place the input and output bypass capacitors on the near left or right side of the chip. Do
            not place them on the traces.
            Do not route high-frequency digital signal lines in the four-layer board. It is best not to route
            any signal line under the crystal oscillator. The larger the copper area on the top layer is, the
            better. As crystal oscillator is a sensitive component, do not place magnetic components
            such as high current inductance nearby.

Espressif                                           6/13                                                  2016.08

                                                                                            3. Functional Description

3.4. Interface Description

                                              Table 3-1. Interface Description

            Interface            Pin                                  Functional Description

                                             S2 can control SPI Slave as a Master or communicate with Host MCU as
                        GPIO12/13/14/15 or
              SPI                            a Slave. In overlap mode, S2 can share the SPI interface with Flash,
                                             shifted by different CS signals.
                                             Currently the demo provides 4 PWM channels (users can extend to 6
                        Any available GPIO
             PWM                             channels). PWM interface can realize the control of LED lights, buzzers,
                        (EXCEPT GPIO16)
                                             relays, electronic machines, etc.
                                             The functionality of infrared remote control interface can be realized via
                        Any available GPIO
               IR                            software programming. The interface uses NEC coding, modulation, and
                        (EXCEPT GPIO16)
                                             demodulation. The frequency of modulated carrier signal is 38 kHz.
                                             Tests the power supply voltage of VDD3P3 (Pin 3 and Pin 4) and the input
              ADC       TOUT                 power voltage of TOUT (Pin 6). However, these two functions cannot be
                                             used simultaneously. This interface is typically used in sensors.

                        Any available GPIO
              I2C                            Connects to external sensors and display screens, etc.
                        (EXCEPT GPIO16)

                                             Communicates with UART device.
                                             Downloading: U0TXD + U0RXD or GPIO2 + U0RXD
             UART                            Communicating (UART0): U0TXD, U0RXD
                                             Debugging: UART1_TXD (GPIO2) can be used to print debugging
                        UART1: IO2(TXD)

Espressif                                          7/13                                                        2016.08

                                                                                                 4. Electrical Characteristics

4.                      Electrical Characteristics
            Unless otherwise specified, measurements are based on VDD = 3.3 V, TA = 25°C.

4.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings

                                               Table 4-1. Absolute Maximum Ratings

                        Rating                     Condition                             Value                      Unit

            Storage temperatue           -                             -40 ~ 125                               ℃

            Maximum soldering
                                         -                             260                                     ℃

            Supply voltage               IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020           3.0 ~ 3.6                               V

4.2. Recommended Operating Conditions

                                      Table 4-2. Recommended Operating Conditions

                Operating condition            Symbol            Min               Typ                 Max          Unit

            Operating temperature        -                -40                20                  125           ℃

            Supply voltage               VDD              3.0                3.3                 3.6           V

4.3. Digital Terminal Characteristics

                                          Table 4-3. Digital Terminal Characteristics

                      Terminals                Symbol            Min               Typ                 Max          Unit

            Input logic level low        VIL              -0.3               -                   0.25 VDD      V

            Input logic level high       VIH              0.75 VDD           -                   VDD + 0.3     V

            Output logic level low       VOL              N                  -                   0.1 VDD       V

            Output logic level high      VOH              0.8 VDD            -                   N             V

Espressif                                             8/13                                                          2016.08

                                                                                                4. Electrical Characteristics

4.4. RF Performance

                                              Table 4-4. RF Performance

                          Description                    Min                     Typ              Max               Unit

            Input frequency                      2400                  -                2483.5                MHz

            Input impedance                     -                      50                   -                 ohm

            Input reflection                     -                      -                -10                   dB

            PA output power at 72.2 Mbps         15.5                  16.5             17.5                  dBm

            PA output power in 11b mode             16                     17               18                dBm


            CCK, 1 Mbps                         -                      -98              -                     dBm

            CCK, 11 Mbps                        -                      -91              -                     dBm

            6 Mbps (1/2 BPSK)                   -                      -93              -                     dBm

            54 Mbps (3/4 64-QAM)                -                      -75              -                     dBm

            HT20, MCS7 (65 Mbps, 72.2 Mbps)     -                      -72              -                     dBm

                                              Adjacent channel rejection

            OFDM, 6 Mbps                        -                      37               -                     dB

            OFDM, 54 Mbps                       -                      21               -                     dB

            HT20, MCS0                          -                      37               -                     dB

            HT20, MCS7                          -                      20               -                     dB

4.5. Sensitivity

                                                Table 4-5. Sensitivity

                              Parameters                     Min                  Typ                Max            Unit

            Input frequency                         2412                   -                24              MHz

            Input impedance                         -                      50               -                 Ω

            Input reflection                         -                      -                -10               dB

            PA output power at 72.2 Mbps            15.5                   16.5             17.5              dBm

            PA output power in 11b mode                 16                 17                   18            dBm

            DSSS, 1 Mbps                            -                      -98                        -       dBm

Espressif                                       9/13                                                                 2016.08

                                                                                          4. Electrical Characteristics

                           Parameters                         Min           Typ                 Max              Unit

            CCK, 11 Mbps                              -               -91                        -         dBm

            6 Mbps (1/2 BPSK)                         -               -93                        -         dBm

            54 Mbps (3/4 64-QAM)                      -               -75                        -         dBm

            HT20, MCS7 (65 Mbps, 72.2 Mbps)           -               -72                        -         dBm

                                                 Adjacent channel rejection

            OFDM, 6 Mbps                              -               37                         -         dB
            OFDM, 54 Mbps                             -               21                         -         dB
            HT20, MCS0                                -               37                         -         dB

            HT20, MCS7                                -               20                         -         dB

4.6. Power Consumption
            The following power consumption data were obtained from the tests with 3.3 V power
            supply and a voltage stabilizer, in 25°C ambient temperature.
              • All tests were performed at the antenna port without SAW filter.

              • All data are based on 90% duty cycle in continuous transmission mode.

                                               Table 4-6. Power Consumption

                                 Modes                              Min             Typ              Max         Unit

            Tx 802.11b, CCK 11 Mbps, POUT = +17 dBm             -             170           -               mA

            Tx 802.11g, OFDM 54 Mbps, POUT = +15 dBm            -             140           -               mA

            Tx 802.11n, MCS7, POUT = +13 dBm                  -             120           -               mA

            Rx 802.11b, 1024 bytes packet length , -80 dBm      -             50            -               mA

            Rx 802.11g, 1024 bytes packet length , -70 dBm      -             56            -               mA

            Rx 802.11n, 1024 bytes packet length , 65 dBm     -             56            -               mA

            Modem-Sleep                                         -             15            -               mA

            Light-Sleep                                         -             0.9           -               mA

            Deep-Sleep                                          -             10            -               μA

            Power Off                                            -             0.5           -               μA

Espressif                                         10/ 13                                                         2016.08

                                                                                             4. Electrical Characteristics

               Modem-Sleep is used when applications require CPU to be working, such as PWM or I2S applications.
               In the scenarios where Wi-Fi connectivity is maintained and data transmission is not required, Wi-Fi
               Modem circuit can be shut down to save power, according to 802.11 standards (such as U-APSD). For
               example, in DTIM3, when ESP8266EX sleeps for 300 ms and wakes up for 3 ms to receive Beacon
               packages from AP, the overall average current consumption is about 15 mA.
               Light-Sleep is used for applications whose CPU may be suspended, such as Wi-Fi switch. In the
               scenarios where Wi-Fi connectivity is maintained and data transmission is not required, Wi-Fi Modem
               circuit and CPU can be shut down to save power, according to 802.11 standards (such as U-APSD). For
               example, in DTIM3, when ESP8266EX sleeps for 300 ms and wakes up for 3 ms to receive Beacon
               packages from AP, the overall average current consumption is about 0.9 mA.
               Deep-Sleep is for applications that do not require Wi-Fi connectivity and only transmit data with long time
               lags, e.g., a temperature sensor that measures temperature every 100 s. For example, when ESP8266EX
               sleeps for 300 s then wakes up to connect to AP (taking about 0.3 ~ 1 s), the overall average current
               consumption is far less than 1 mA.

4.7. Reflow Profile

                                                      Table 4-7. Reflow Profile

                                  Indicator                                                  Value

            Ramp-up Rate (TS Max to TL)                              3℃/second max.

            Temperature Min. (TS Min.)                               150℃

            Temperature Typ. (TS Typ.)                               175℃

            Temperature Min. (TS Max.)                               200℃

            Time (TS)                                                60 ~ 180 seconds

            Ramp-up Rate (TL to TP)                                  3℃/second max.

            Time maintained above: Temperature (TL)/Time (TL)        217℃/60 ~ 150 seconds

            Peak temperature (TP)                                    260℃ max, for 10 seconds

            Target Peak Temperature (TP Target)                      260℃ + 0/-5℃

            Time within 5°C of actual Peak Temperature (TP)          20 ~ 40 seconds

            TS max to TL (Ramp-down Rate)                            6℃/second max.

            Time 25°C to Peak Temperature (t)                        8 minutes max.

Espressif                                             11/ 13                                                      2016.08

                                                                                                       5. Schematics

5.                                                                         '$$8BSOJOH
      ny Changes or modifications not e pressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
     void the user s authority to operate the e uipment.

     This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
     This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
     including interference that may cause undesired operation.

     The outside of final products that contains this module device must display a label referring to the enclosed
     module. This e terior label can use wording such as: Contains Transmitter odule
     FCC ID: 2 C           ROO 2 or Contains FCC ID: 2 C             ROO 2 ny similar wording that e presses the
     same meaning may be used.

       To satisfy FCC RF posure re uirements for this transmission devices, a separation distance of 2 cm or
     more should be maintained between the antenna of this device and persons during operation. To ensure
     compliance, operation at closer than this distance is not recommended. The antenna(s) used for this
     transmitter must not be co located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Espressif                                              12/ 13                                                2016.08

                     Disclaimer and Copyright Notice
                     Information in this document, including URL references, is subject to change without
                     All liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of
                     information in this document is disclaimed. No licenses express or implied, by estoppel or
                     otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein.
                     The Wi-Fi Alliance Member logo is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Bluetooth logo is
                     a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.
                     All trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned in this document are
Espressif IOT Team   property of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged.    Copyright © 2016 Espressif Inc. All rights reserved.

Document Created: 2017-12-21 00:39:04
Document Modified: 2017-12-21 00:39:04

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC