Test Report


Test Report

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                          FCC PART 15 SUBPART C
                     IC RSS 210, ISSUE 8, DECEMBER 2010
                      TEST AND MEASUREMENT REPORT

                                                ShotTracker Inc.
                                       9105 Flint, Overland Park, KS 66214, USA

                                               FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1
                                                 IC: 12327A-S4N1

                  Report Type:                                        Product Type:
                  Original Report                                     ShotTracker BLE Net Sensor

                            Prepared By:         Chen Ge

                       Report Number:            R1408252-247 Rev A

                            Report Date:         2014-11-04

                                                 Bo Li
                           Reviewed By:          Test Engineer

                                                 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.
                                                 1274 Anvilwood Avenue,
                                                 Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA
                                                 Tel: (408) 732-9162
                                                 Fax: (408) 732-9164

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the device described herein. It may not be duplicated or used in
part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. This report must not be used by the customer to claim
product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA*, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government.
* This report may contain data that are not covered by the A2LA accreditation and are marked with an asterisk “*”    (Rev.2)

ShotTracker Inc.                .                                                                                  FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

  1 General Description..................................................................................................................................................... 5
  1.1    Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT) ...................................................................................... 5
  1.2    Mechanical Description of EUT ......................................................................................................................... 5
  1.3    Objective ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
  1.4    Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s) ............................................................................................................................. 5
  1.5    Test Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 5
  1.6    Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................................... 5
  1.7    Test Facility ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
  2 System Test Configuration.......................................................................................................................................... 7
  2.1    Justification ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
  2.2    EUT Exercise Software....................................................................................................................................... 7
  2.3    Special Equipment .............................................................................................................................................. 7
  2.4    Equipment Modifications.................................................................................................................................... 7
  2.5    Local Support Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 7
  2.6    EUT Internal Configuration Details .................................................................................................................... 7
  3 Summary of Test Results ............................................................................................................................................ 8
  4 FCC §15.247 (i), §2.1091 & IC RSS-102 – RF Exposure.......................................................................................... 9
  4.1    Applicable Standards .......................................................................................................................................... 9
  4.2    MPE Prediction ................................................................................................................................................. 10
  4.3    MPE Results ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
  5 FCC §15.203 & IC RSS-Gen §7.1.2 – Antenna Requirements ................................................................................ 11
  5.1    Applicable Standards ........................................................................................................................................ 11
  5.2    Antenna List...................................................................................................................................................... 11
  5.3    Result ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
  6 FCC §15.209, §15.247(d) & IC RSS-210 §A8.5 – Spurious Radiated Emissions.................................................... 12
  6.1    Applicable Standard .......................................................................................................................................... 12
  6.2    Test Setup ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
  6.3    Test Procedure .................................................................................................................................................. 13
  6.4    Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation..................................................................................................... 14
  6.5    Test Equipment List and Details ....................................................................................................................... 14
  6.6    Test Environmental Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 14
  6.7    Summary of Test Results .................................................................................................................................. 15
  6.8    Radiated Emissions Test Data and Plots ........................................................................................................... 16
  7 FCC§15.247(a)(2) & IC RSS-210 §A8.2 – 6 dB & 99% Emission Bandwidth ....................................................... 19
  7.1    Applicable Standards ........................................................................................................................................ 19
  7.2    Measurement Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 19
  7.3    Test Equipment List and Details ....................................................................................................................... 19
  7.4    Test Environmental Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 19
  7.5    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
  8 FCC §15.247(b) & IC RSS-210 §A8.4 – Peak Output Power Measurement .......................................................... 22
  8.1    Applicable Standards ........................................................................................................................................ 22
  8.2    Measurement Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 22
  8.3    Corrected Amplitude......................................................................................................................................... 22
  8.4    Test Equipment List and Details ....................................................................................................................... 22
  8.5    Test Environmental Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 22
  8.6    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
  9 FCC §15.247(d) & IC RSS-210 §A8.5 – 100 kHz Bandwidth of Band Edges ......................................................... 26
  9.1    Applicable Standards ........................................................................................................................................ 26
  9.2    Measurement Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 26

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                                                 Page 2 of 36                          FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.               .                                                                                 FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

  9.3    Test Equipment List and Details ....................................................................................................................... 26
  9.4    Test Environmental Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 26
  9.5    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
  10 FCC §15.247(e) & IC RSS-210 §A8.2 (b) – Power Spectral Density ....................................................................... 28
  10.1   Applicable Standard .......................................................................................................................................... 28
  10.2   Measurement Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 28
  10.3   Corrected Amplitude......................................................................................................................................... 28
  10.4   Test Equipment List and Details ....................................................................................................................... 28
  10.5   Test Environmental Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 28
  10.6   Test Results ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
  11 Exhibit A – FCC & IC Equipment Labeling Requirements .................................................................................... 31
  11.1   FCC ID Label Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 31
  11.2   IC Label Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 31
  11.3   FCC ID & IC Label Contents and Location...................................................................................................... 32
  12 Exhibit B – Test Setup Photographs .......................................................................................................................... 33
  12.1   Radiated Emission below 1 GHz Front View ................................................................................................... 33
  12.2   Radiated Emission below 1 GHz Rear View .................................................................................................... 33
  12.3   Radiated Emission above 1 GHz Front View ................................................................................................... 34
  12.4   Radiated Emission above 1 GHz Rear View .................................................................................................... 34
  13 Exhibit C – EUT Photographs .................................................................................................................................... 35
  13.1   EUT – Top View............................................................................................................................................... 35
  13.2   EUT – Bottom View ......................................................................................................................................... 35
  13.3   EUT – PCB Board Top View ........................................................................................................................... 36
  13.4   EUT – PCB Board Bottom View ...................................................................................................................... 36

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                                                Page 3 of 36                         FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.       .                                                FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

                             DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY

           Revision Number     Report Number           Description of Revision        Date of Revision

                   0                R1408252-247           Original Report               2014-11-03

                   1         R1408252-247 Rev A             Revised report              2014-11-04

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                  Page 4 of 36              FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.     .                                                      FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

1     General Description
1.1    Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)
This test and measurement report was prepared on behalf of ShotTracker Inc. And their product model: S4N1,
FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1 or the “EUT” as referred to in this report. The EUT is a ShotTracker
BLE Net Sensor.

1.2    Mechanical Description of EUT

The EUT measures approximately 6.0 cm (L) x 5.0cm (W) x 2.5 cm (H) weighs 43 g.
The test data gathered are from a production sample, serial number: R1408252 assigned by BACL.

1.3    Objective
This report is prepared on behalf of ShotTracker Inc. in accordance with Part 2, Subpart J, and Part 15, Subparts
B and C of the Federal Communication Commissions rules.

The objective is to determine compliance with FCC Part 15.247 and IC RSS-210 rules for Output Power,
Antenna Requirements, 6 dB Bandwidth, and power spectral density, 100 kHz Bandwidth of Band Edges
Measurement, Spurious Emissions, Conducted and Radiated Spurious Emissions.

1.4    Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)

1.5    Test Methodology
All measurements contained in this report were conducted in accordance with ANSI C63.4-2009, American
National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and
Electronic Equipment in the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz and FCC KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance
v03r01: Guidance for Performing Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) Operating
Under §15.247.

1.6    Measurement Uncertainty

All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, especially in the field of EMC. The factors
contributing to uncertainties are spectrum analyzer, cable loss, antenna factor calibration, antenna directivity,
antenna factor variation with height, antenna phase center variation, antenna factor frequency interpolation,
measurement distance variation, site imperfections, mismatch (average), and system repeatability.

The following calculation follows the procedures as set forth in clause 7.2.3, ETSI TR 100 028-1 V1.4.1 (2001-
12), the expression of Uncertainty in Radiated RF Testing is in accordance to ISO/IEC 17025 and TR 100 028-1
V1.4.1 (2001-12).

The expanded Measurement Uncertainty value having a confidence factor of 95%, is within a range of 5.48 dB.
This means that the value of conducted RF carrier power test will be within +/- 2.74 dB of the measuring
radiated emissions power versus the expected value.
The expected value is defined as the power at the antenna of the Transmitter under Test.

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                     Page 5 of 36            FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.    .                                                   FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

1.7     Test Facility

Bay area compliance Laboratories Corp. (BACL) is:
1- An independent Commercial Test Laboratory accredited to ISO 17025: 2005 by A2LA, in the fields of:
Electromagnetic Compatibility & Telecommunications covering Emissions, Immunity, Radio, RF Exposure,
Safety and Telecom. This includes NEBS (Network Equipment Building System), Wireless RF,
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (TTE); Network Equipment; Information Technology Equipment
(ITE); Medical Electrical Equipment; Industrial, Commercial, and Medical Test Equipment; Professional Audio
and Video Equipment; Electronic (Digital) Products; Industrial and Scientific Instruments; Cabled Distribution
Systems and Energy Efficiency Lighting.

2- An ENERGY STAR Recognized Laboratory, for the LM80 Testing, a wide variety of Luminares and

3- A NIST Designated Phase-I and Phase-II CAB including: ACMA (Australian Communication and Media
Authority), BSMI (Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of Taiwan), IDA (Infocomm Development
Authority of Singapore), IC(Industry Canada), Korea ( Ministry of Communications Radio Research
Laboratory), NCC (Formerly DGT; Directorate General of Telecommunication of Chinese Taipei) OFTA
(Office of the Telecommunications Authority of Hong Kong), Vietnam, VCCI - Voluntary Control Council for
Interference of Japan and a designated EU CAB (Conformity Assessment Body) (Notified Body) for the EMC
and R&TTE Directives.

4- A Product Certification Body accredited to ISO Guide 65: 1996 by A2LA to certify:
1- Unlicensed, Licensed radio frequency devices and Telephone Terminal Equipment for the FCC. Scope A1,
A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4 & C.
2. Radio Standards Specifications (RSS) in the Category I Equipment Standards List and All Broadcasting
Technical Standards (BETS) in Category I Equipment Standards List for Industry Canada.
3. Radio Communication Equipment for Singapore.
4. Radio Equipment Specifications, GMDSS Marine Radio Equipment Specifications, and Fixed Network
Equipment Specifications for Hong Kong.
5. Japan MIC Telecommunication Business Law (A1, A2) and Radio Law (B1, B2 and B3).
6. Audio/Video, Battery Charging Systems, Computers, Displays, Enterprise Servers, Imaging Equipment, Set-
Top Boxes, Telephony, Televisions, Ceiling Fans, CFLs (Including GU24s),Decorative Light Strings, Integral
LED Lamps, Luminaires, Residential Ventilating Fans.

The test site used by BACL Corp. to collect radiated and conducted emissions measurement data is located at its
facility in Sunnyvale, California, USA.

The test site at BACL Corp. has been fully described in reports submitted to the Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) and Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI). The details of these reports have
been found to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on February 11 and
December 10, 1997, and Article 8 of the VCCI regulations on December 25, 1997. The test site also complies
with the test methods and procedures set forth in CISPR 22:2008 §10.4 for measurements below 1 GHz and
§10.6 for measurements above 1 GHz as well as ANSI C63.4-2009, ANSI C63.4-2009, TIA/EIA-603 & CISPR

The Federal Communications Commission and Voluntary Control Council for Interference have the reports on
file and they are listed under FCC registration number: 90464 and VCCI Registration No.: A-0027. The test site
has been approved by the FCC and VCCI for public use and is listed in the FCC Public Access Link (PAL)

Additionally, BACL Corp. is an American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) accredited
laboratory (Lab Code 3297-02). The current scope of accreditations can be found at


Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                  Page 6 of 36           FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.       .                                                    FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

2     System Test Configuration
2.1    Justification
The EUT was configured for testing according to ANSI C63.4-2009.

The EUT was tested in a testing mode to represent worst-case results during the final qualification test.

2.2    EUT Exercise Software

2.3    Special Equipment
There were no special accessories were required, included, or intended for use with EUT during these tests.

2.4    Equipment Modifications
No modifications were made to the EUT.

2.5    Local Support Equipment

2.6    EUT Internal Configuration Details

          Manufacturer              Description                     Model                 Serial Number

         ShotTracker Inc.           Main board                NET V2 Rev C                       -

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                    Page 7 of 36             FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.      .                                                         FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

3    Summary of Test Results

Results reported relate only to the product tested.

              FCC & IC Rules                             Description of Test                      Results

          FCC §15.247(i), §2.1091
                                                           RF Exposure                          Compliant
                IC RSS-102
                FCC §15.203
                                                       Antenna Requirement                      Compliant
             IC RSS-Gen §7.1.2
              FCC §15.207(a)
                                                  AC Line Conducted Emissions                      N/A1
             IC RSS-Gen §7.2.4
              FCC §15.247 (d)
                                                Spurious Emissions at Antenna Port                 N/A2
             IC RSS-210 §A8.5
           FCC §15.205, §15.209,
                                              Radiated Spurious Emissions Including
                 §15.247 (d)                                                                    Compliant
                                                        Restricted Bands
          IC RSS-210 §A8.5, §2.2
             FCC §15.247(a)(2)
                                                      6 dB Emission Bandwidth                   Compliant
             IC RSS-210 §A8.2
             FCC §15.247(b)(3)
                                                   Maximum Peak Output Power                    Compliant
             IC RSS-210 §A8.4
              FCC §15.247(d)
                                           100 kHz Bandwidth of Frequency Band Edge             Compliant
             IC RSS-210 §A8.5
              FCC §15.247(e)
                                                       Power Spectral Density                   Compliant
            IC RSS-210 §A8.2(b)

        N/A1: The device is only for battery powered.
        N/A2: The device has no antenna port; all tests are performed by radiated method.

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                       Page 8 of 36              FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.       .                                                      FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

4     FCC §15.247 (i), §2.1091 & IC RSS-102 – RF Exposure

4.1    Applicable Standards
According to FCC §15.247(i) and §1.1307(b)(1), systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be
operated in a manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess of the
Commission’s guidelines.

                               Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

         Frequency           Electric Field       Magnetic Field
                                                                          Power Density          Averaging Time
           Range               Strength             Strength
                                                                            (mW/cm2)               (minutes)
           (MHz)                 (V/m)               (A/m)
                                 Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
           0.3-1.34               614                   1.63                  * (100)                    30
           1.34-30               824/f                 2.19/f                * (180/f )                  30
           30-300                27.5                   0.073                   0.2                      30
          300-1500                 /                      /                   f/1500                     30
        1500-100,000               /                      /                     1.0                      30

        f = frequency in MHz
        * = Plane-wave equivalent power density

Before equipment certification is granted, the procedure of IC RSS-102 must be followed concerning
the exposure of humans to RF fields.

According to IC RSS-102 Issue 2 section 4.1, RF limits used for general public will be applied to the EUT.

                             Electric Field       Magnetic Field         Power Density           Time Averaging
                              (V/m rms)            (A/m rms)                (W/m2)                   (min)
          0.003 - 1               280                   2.19                    -                       6
            1 - 10              280 / f               2.19 / f                  -                       6
           10 - 30                28                  2.19 / f                  -                       6
           30 – 300               28                   0.073                   2*                       6
                                         0.5                   0.5
         300 – 1 500           1.585 f              0.0042 f                 f / 150                    6
        1 500 – 15 000           61.4                  0.163                   10                       6
       15 000 – 150 000          61.4                  0.163                   10                  616000 / f1.2
       150 000- 300 000        0.158 f0.5         4.21 x 10 -4 f0.5       6.67 x 10-5 f            616000 / f1.2

        Note: ƒ is frequency in MHz
              * = Power density limit is applicable at frequencies greater than 100 MHz

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                       Page 9 of 36                FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.       .                                                          FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

4.2    MPE Prediction
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance, Equation from OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01

                                                      S = PG/4R²
Where: S = power density
       P = power input to antenna
       G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
       R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

4.3    MPE Results

                           Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (dBm):           4.89
                            Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (mW):           3.083
                                                                  Prediction distance (cm):     20
                                                             Prediction frequency (MHz):        2402
                                                  Maximum Antenna Gain, typical (dBi):          0
                                                      Maximum Antenna Gain (numeric):           1.0
                             Power density of prediction frequency at 20.0 cm (mW/cm2):         0.000613
                             Power density of prediction frequency at 20.0 cm (mW/cm2):         0.00613
                   MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency (mW/cm2):        1.0
                   MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency (mW/cm2):        10

The device is compliant with the requirement MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure.

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                          Page 10 of 36              FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.      .                                                    FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

5     FCC §15.203 & IC RSS-Gen §7.1.2 – Antenna Requirements

5.1    Applicable Standards
According to FCC §15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of
an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with
the provisions of this Section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can be replaced by
the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited.

And according to FCC §15.247 (b) (4), if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi are used
the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi.

According to IC RSS-Gen §7.1.2: Transmitter Antenna

A transmitter can only be sold or operated with antennas with which it was certified. A transmitter may be
certified with multiple antenna types. An antenna type comprises antennas having similar in-band and out-of-
band radiation patterns. Testing shall be performed using the highest-gain antenna of each combination of
transmitter and antenna type for which certification is being sought, with the transmitter output power set at the
maximum level. Any antenna of the same type and having equal or lesser gain as an antenna that had been
successfully tested for certification with the transmitter, will also be considered certified with the transmitter,
and may be used and marketed with the transmitter. The manufacturer shall include with the application for
certification a list of acceptable antenna types to be used with the transmitter.

When a measurement at the antenna connector is used to determine RF output power, the effective gain of the
device's antenna shall be stated, based on measurement or on data from the antenna manufacturer. Any antenna
gain in excess of 6 dBi (6 dB above isotropic gain) shall be added to the measured RF output power before using
the power limits specified in RSS-210 or RSS-310 for devices of RF output powers of 10 mW or less. For
devices of output powers greater than 10 mW, except devices subject to RSS-210 Annex 8 (Frequency Hopping
and Digital Modulation Systems Operating in the 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz, and 5725-5850 MHz
Bands) or RSS-210 Annex 9 (Local Area Network Devices), the total antenna gain shall be added to the
measured RF output power before using the specified power limits. For devices subject to RSS-210 Annex 8 or
Annex 9, the antenna gain shall not be added.

5.2    Antenna List

             Frequency                          Antenna Type                         Antenna Gain (dBi)

                2.4GHz                             Integrated                                 0

5.3    Result
The antenna is with less 6 dBi gain; therefore, it complies with the antenna requirement.

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                     Page 11 of 36            FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.        .                                                   FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

6     FCC §15.209, §15.247(d) & IC RSS-210 §A8.5 – Spurious Radiated Emissions
6.1    Applicable Standard
As per FCC §15.35(d): Unless otherwise specified, on any frequency or frequencies above 1000 MHz, the
radiated emission limits are based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing an average detector
function. Unless otherwise specified, measurements above 1000 MHz shall be performed using a minimum
resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz.
As per FCC §15.209(a) and RSS-210: Except as provided elsewhere in this Subpart, the emissions from an
intentional radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table

                   Frequency                      Field Strength                      Measurement Distance
                     (MHz)                      (micro volts/meter)                         (meters)
                   0.009 - 0.490                    2400/F(kHz)                                 300
                   0.490 - 1.705                   24000/F(kHz)                                 30
                   1.705 - 30.0                            30                                   30
                      30 - 88                          100**                                     3
                     88 - 216                          150**                                     3
                    216 - 960                          200**                                     3
                    Above 960                              500                                   3

** Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under this
Section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz or 470-806 MHz.
However, operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this Part, e.g., Sections
15.231 and 15.241.

As Per FCC §15.205(a) except as show in paragraph (d) of this section, only spurious emissions are permitted in
any of the frequency bands listed below:

               MHz                        MHz                         MHz                             GHz

            0.090 – 0.110              16.42 – 16.423
                                                                     960 – 1240                   4. 5 – 5. 15
            0.495 – 0.505           16.69475 – 16.69525
                                                                    1300 – 1427                  5. 35 – 5. 46
           2.1735 – 2.1905               25.5 – 25.67
                                                                   1435 – 1626.5                  7.25 – 7.75
            4.125 – 4.128                37.5 – 38.25
                                                                  1645.5 – 1646.5                 8.025 – 8.5
          4.17725 – 4.17775               73 – 74.6
                                                                    1660 – 1710                    9.0 – 9.2
          4.20725 – 4.20775              74.8 – 75.2
                                                                  1718.8 – 1722.2                  9.3 – 9.5
            6.215 – 6.218               108 – 121.94
                                                                    2200 – 2300                   10.6 – 12.7
          6.26775 – 6.26825               123 – 138
                                                                    2310 – 2390                  13.25 – 13.4
          6.31175 – 6.31225            149.9 – 150.05
                                                                   2483.5 – 2500                 14.47 – 14.5
            8.291 – 8.294          156.52475 – 156.52525
                                                                    2690 – 2900                  15.35 – 16.2
            8.362 – 8.366               156.7 – 156.9
                                                                    3260 – 3267                   17.7 – 21.4
          8.37625 – 8.38675          162.0125 –167.17
                                                                   3.332 – 3.339                 22.01 – 23.12
          8.41425 – 8.41475            167.72 – 173.2
                                                                   3 3458 – 3 358                 23.6 – 24.0
            12.29 – 12.293                240 – 285
                                                                   3.600 – 4.400                  31.2 – 31.8
         12.51975 – 12.52025             322 – 335.4
                                                                                                 36.43 – 36.5
         12.57675 – 12.57725             399.9 – 410
                                                                                                  Above 38.6
            13.36 – 13.41                 608 – 614

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                     Page 12 of 36                 FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.      .                                                   FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

As per FCC §15.247 (d) In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or
digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the
highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided the
transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter complies with the
conducted power limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, as permitted under paragraph
(b)(3) of this section, the attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation
below the general limits specified in §15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the
restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in
§15.209(a) (see §15.205(c).

As per IC RSS-210 A8.5 Out-of-band Emissions, In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in
which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated device is operating, the RF power that is produced shall be at
least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired
power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided that the transmitter demonstrates
compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter complies with the conducted power limits
based on the use of root-mean-square averaging over a time interval, as permitted under Section A8.4 (4), the
attenuation required shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation below the general field strength limits
specified in RSS-Gen is not required.

6.2   Test Setup
The radiated emissions tests were performed in the 5-meter Chamber, using the setup in accordance with ANSI
C63.4-2009. The specification used was the FCC 15 Subpart C limits.

6.3   Test Procedure
For the radiated emissions test, the EUT host, and all support equipment power cords was connected to the AC
floor outlet.

Maximizing procedure was performed on the highest emissions to ensure that the EUT complied with all
installation combinations.

The EUT is set 3 meter away from the testing antenna, which is varied from 1-4 meter, and the EUT is placed on
a turntable, which is 0.8 meter above ground plane, the table shall be rotated for 360 degrees to find out the
highest emission. The receiving antenna should be changed the polarization both of horizontal and vertical.

The spectrum analyzer or receiver is set as:

Below 1000 MHz:

                   RBW = 100 kHz / VBW = 300 kHz / Sweep = Auto

Above 1000 MHz:

                   (1) Peak: RBW = 1MHz / VBW = 1MHz / Sweep = Auto
                   (2) Average: RBW = 1MHz / VBW = 10Hz / Sweep = Auto

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                    Page 13 of 36            FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.         .                                                    FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

6.4     Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation
The Corrected Amplitude (CA) is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor (AF), the Cable Loss (CL), the
Attenuator Factor (Atten) and subtracting the Amplifier Gain (Ga) to indicated Amplitude (Ai) reading. The
basic equation is as follows:

          CA = Ai + AF + CL + Atten – Ga

For example, a corrected amplitude of 40.3 dBuV/m = Indicated Reading (32.5 dBuV) + Antenna Factor
(+23.5dB) + Cable Loss (3.7 dB) + Attenuator (10 dB) - Amplifier Gain (29.4 dB)

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance within the applicable
limit. For example, a margin of -7 dB means the emission is 7 dB below the maximum limit. The equation for
margin calculation is as follows:

          Margin = Corrected Amplitude - Limit

6.5     Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                        Calibration    Calibration
        Manufacturer            Description          Model No.           Serial No.
                                                                                           Date         Interval
      Sunol Science Corp     System Controller         SC99V             122303-1           N/R            N/R
      Sunol Science Corp                                 JB3            A020106-2       2014-08-15        1 year
       Hewlett Packard         Pre-amplifier           8447D            2944A06639      2014-06-09        1 year

          WiseWave             Horn Antenna        ARH-4223-02           10555-01       2012-08-09        3 years

           Agilent             Pre-amplifier           8449B            3008A01978      2014-02-04        1 year

           Agilent           Spectrum Analyzer        E4440A            US42221851      2014-02-28        1 year

           EMCO                Horn Antenna             3115            9511-4627       2013-10-17        1 year
      Rohde & Schwarz        EMI Test Receiver                            100337        2014-03-22        1 year

Statement of Traceability: BACL attests that all calibrations have been performed per the A2LA requirements, traceable
to NIST.

6.6     Test Environmental Conditions

         Temperature:             20-24 C
  Relative Humidity:              41-45 
        ATM Pressure:           101-102 kPa

The testing was performed by Chen Ge on 2014-08-27 to 2014-08-29 at 5m chamber 3.

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                       Page 14 of 36               FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.        .                                                     FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

6.7    Summary of Test Results
According to the data hereinafter, the EUT complied with the FCC Title 47, Part 15C and IC RSS-210
standard’s radiated emissions limits, and had the worst margin of:

30-1000 MHz:

      Mode: Transmitting
              Margin                 Frequency                 Polarization
               (dB)                    (MHz)               (Horizontal/Vertical)

               -16.08                 42.80775                    Vertical                    Low Channel

1 – 25 GHz:

      Mode: Transmitting
              Margin                 Frequency                 Polarization
               (dB)                    (MHz)               (Horizontal/Vertical)

               -6.693                   4960                     Horizontal                   High Channel

Please refer to the following table for specific test result details

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                       Page 15 of 36              FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.   .                                                  FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

6.8     Radiated Emissions Test Data and Plots

1) 30-1000 MHz, measured at 3 meters distance Low Channel, worst case.

                   Corrected        Antenna   Antenna     Turntable
      Frequency                                                          Limit     Margin      Detector
                   Amplitude         Height   Polarity    Azimuth
        (MHz)                                                           (dBuV)      (dB)     (PK/QP/Ave)
                    (dBuV)            (cm)     (H/V)      (degrees)
      42.80775         23.92          102        V              297       40        -16.08        QP
       31.2095         17.66          231        H              299       40        -22.34        QP
      974.7015         23.44          130        V              135       54        -30.56        QP
      105.7085         21.47          100        V              10        43.5      -22.03        QP

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A               Page 16 of 36            FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.    .                                                       FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

2) 1 – 25 GHz, measured at 3 meters distance

            S.A.  Turntable         Test Antenna         Cable    Pre-      Cord.         FCC/IC
          Reading Azimuth     Height Polarity Factor     Loss     Amp.     Reading   Limit    Margin        Comments
          (dBµV) (degrees)     (cm)    (H/V) (dB/m)      (dB)     (dB)    (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)    (dB)
                                     Low Channel 2402 MHz, measured at 3 meters
  2402      61.34       82    100        V      28.956    3.42        0    93.716          -         -         Peak
  2402      65.44       44    113        H      28.956    3.42        0    97.816          -         -         Peak
  2402      46.15       82    100        V      28.956    3.42        0    78.526          -         -          Ave
  2402      48.96       44    113        H      28.956    3.42        0    81.336          -         -          Ave
  2390      26.74       0     100        V      28.956    3.42        0    59.116         74      -14.884      Peak
  2390      30.04       44    100        H      28.956    3.42        0    62.416         74      -11.584      Peak
  2390      12.11       0     100        V      28.956    3.42        0    44.486         54       -9.514       Ave
  2390      11.62       44    100        H      28.956    3.42        0    43.996         54      -10.004       Ave
  4804      56.73       38    100        V      33.097    5.36    34.29    60.897         74      -13.103      Peak
  4804      57.68       76    100        H      33.097    5.36    34.29    61.847         74      -12.153      Peak
  4804      32.85       38    100        V      33.097    5.36    34.29    37.017         54      -16.983       Ave
  4804      33.47       76    100        H      33.097    5.36    34.29    37.637         54      -16.363       Ave
  7206      47.31       0     100        V      35.928     6.7    34.39    55.548       73.716    -18.168      Peak
  7206      46.84       0     100        H      35.928     6.7    34.39    55.078       77.816    -22.738      Peak
  7206      31.73       0     100        V      35.928     6.7    34.39    39.968       58.526    -18.558       Ave
  7206      31.22       0     100        H      35.928     6.7    34.39    39.458       61.336    -21.878       Ave
  9608      45.08       0     100        V      37.954    8.33     34.9    56.464       73.716    -17.252      Peak
  9608      45.35       0     100        H      37.954    8.33     34.9    56.734       77.816    -21.082      Peak
  9608      30.78       0     100        V      37.954    8.33     34.9    42.164       58.526    -16.362       Ave
  9608      30.57       0     100        H      37.954    8.33     34.9    41.954       61.336    -19.382       Ave
                                    Middle Channel 2440 MHz, measured at 3 meters
  2440      57.62       80    100        V      28.956    3.42        0    89.996          -         -         Peak
  2440      58.84       43    107        H      28.956    3.42        0    91.216          -         -         Peak
  2440      43.46       80    100        V      28.956    3.42        0    75.836          -         -          Ave
  2440      44.52       43    107        H      28.956    3.42        0    76.896          -         -          Ave
  4880      54.58       72    100        V      33.327    5.36    34.29    58.977         74      -15.023      Peak
  4880      55.84       45    100        H      33.327    5.36    34.29    60.237         74      -13.763      Peak
  4880      40.27       72    100        V      33.327    5.36    34.29    44.667         54       -9.333       Ave
  4880      41.38       45    100        H      33.327    5.36    34.29    45.777         54       -8.223       Ave
  7320      47.12       0     100        V      36.369     6.7    34.39    55.799         74      -18.201      Peak
  7320      47.27       0     100        H      36.369     6.7    34.39    55.949         74      -18.051      Peak
  7320      32.12       0     100        V      36.369     6.7    34.39    40.799         54      -13.201       Ave
  7320      32.74       0     100        H      36.369     6.7    34.39    41.419         54      -12.581       Ave
  9760      45.47       0     100        V      38.087    8.33     34.9    56.987       69.996    -13.009      Peak
  9760      45.32       0     100        H      38.087    8.33     34.9    56.837       71.216    -14.379      Peak
  9760      32.14       0     100        V      38.087    8.33     34.9    43.657       55.836    -12.179       Ave
  9760      32.18       0     100        H      38.087    8.33     34.9    43.697       56.896    -13.199       Ave

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                     Page 17 of 36                 FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.     .                                                          FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

              S.A.  Turntable         Test Antenna          Cable    Pre-        Cord.          FCC/IC
            Reading Azimuth     Height Polarity Factor      Loss     Amp.       Reading     Limit    Margin     Comments
            (dBµV) (degrees)     (cm)    (H/V)    (dB/m)    (dB)     (dB)      (dBµV/m)   (dBµV/m)    (dB)
                                       High Channel 2480 MHz, measured at 3 meters
  2480       55.47       81      100        V      29.155    3.42        0      88.045        -          -        Peak
  2480       55.83       44      106        H      29.155    3.42        0      88.405        -          -        Peak
  2480       41.78       81      100        V      29.155    3.42        0      74.355        -          -         Ave
  2480       42.17       44      106        H      29.155    3.42        0      74.745        -          -         Ave
 2483.5      27.78       0       100        V      29.155    3.42        0      60.355       74       -13.645     Peak
 2483.5      27.68       0       100        H      29.155    3.42        0      60.255       74       -13.745     Peak
 2483.5      12.24       0       100        V      29.155    3.42        0      44.815       54       -9.185       Ave
 2483.5      12.39       0       100        H      29.155    3.42        0      44.965       54       -9.035       Ave
  4960       53.82       185     110        V      33.327    5.36    34.29      58.217       74       -15.783     Peak
  4960       53.76       27      100        H      33.327    5.36    34.29      58.157       74       -15.843     Peak
  4960       42.56       185     110        V      33.327    5.36    34.29      46.957       54       -7.043       Ave
  4960       42.91       27      100        H      33.327    5.36    34.29      47.307       54        -6.693     Ave
  7440       48.15       137     100        V      36.565     6.7    34.39      57.025       74       -16.975     Peak
  7440       47.73       76      100        H      36.565     6.7    34.39      56.605       74       -17.395     Peak
  7440       33.68       137     100        V      36.565     6.7    34.39      42.555       54       -11.445      Ave
  7440       32.57       76      100        H      36.565     6.7    34.39      41.445       54       -12.555      Ave
  9920       47.26       28      100        V      38.287    8.33       34.9    58.977      68.045    -9.068      Peak
  9920       46.35       0       100        H      38.287    8.33       34.9    58.067      68.405    -10.338     Peak
  9920       31.97       28      100        V      38.287    8.33       34.9    43.687      54.355    -10.668      Ave
  9920       31.14       0       100        H      38.287    8.33       34.9    42.857      54.745    -11.888      Ave

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                       Page 18 of 36                FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.       .                                                          FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

7     FCC§15.247(a)(2) & IC RSS-210 §A8.2 – 6 dB & 99% Emission Bandwidth
7.1     Applicable Standards
According to FCC §15.247(a)(2) and IC RSS-210 A8.2 (a), systems using digital modulation techniques may
operate in the 902~928 MHz, 2400~2483.5 MHz, and 5725~5850 MHz bands. The minimum 6 dB bandwidth
shall be at least 500 kHz

7.2     Measurement Procedure
The measurements are base on FCC KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r01: Guidance for Performing
Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) Operating Under §15.247 section 8: DTS

7.3     Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                      Calibration      Calibration
        Manufacturer           Description          Model No.        Serial No.
                                                                                         Date           Interval

           Agilent          Spectrum Analyzer        E4440A         US42221851         2014-02-28         1 year

      Sunol Science Corp    System Controller        SC99V           122303-1             N/R              N/R

           EMCO               Horn Antenna            3115           9511-4627         2013-10-17         1 year

Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the A2LA requirements,
traceable to the NIST.

7.4     Test Environmental Conditions

         Temperature:            20-24 C
    Relative Humidity:           41-45 
        ATM Pressure:          101-102 kPa

The testing was performed by Chen Ge on 2014-08-27 to 2014-08-29 at 5m chamber 3.

7.5     Test Results

                                             6 dB Emission      99% Emission         6 dB OBW
                                               Bandwidth         Bandwidth              Limit         Results
           Channel           (MHz)
                                                 (kHz)             (MHz)               (MHz)

             Low             2402               674.146             1.0805             > 0.5        Compliant

            Middle           2440               661.016             1.0905             > 0.5        Compliant

             High            2480               650.433             1.1518             > 0.5        Compliant

Please refer to the following plots for detailed test results

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                         Page 19 of 36              FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.   .                                           FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

                                     Low channel: 2402 MHz

                                    Middle channel: 2440 MHz

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A           Page 20 of 36         FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

   Agient                                      Freq/Channel

                                                Center Freq
          Ch Freq     2.48 Oz      Trig Free
                                               245000000 GHe
Occupted Bandiidth

    ueeace                                        Start Freq
                                               247850000 GHe
                     «Atten 0 d8
                                                      Stop Freq
                                               248150000 CHtz

                                                     CF Step
                                                300000000 kiz
                                               Buto         Hen
                                                  Freq Offset
       o 000 Giiz                               2.00000000 Hz
                                                 Signal Track
Occupied Bandvidth                                          off
                 1.1518 MHz
Transmit Freq Error

ShotTracker Inc.        .                                                   FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

8     FCC §15.247(b) & IC RSS-210 §A8.4 – Peak Output Power Measurement
8.1    Applicable Standards
According to FCC §15.247(b) and IC RSS-210 §A8.4 (4) for systems using digital modulation in the 902~928
MHz, 2400~2483.5 MHz, and 5725~5850 MHz bands: 1 Watt.

8.2    Measurement Procedure
The measurements are base on FCC KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r01: Guidance for Performing
Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) Operating Under §15.247 section 9:
Fundamental emission output power, and ANSI C63.10 -2009.

8.3    Corrected Amplitude
The Corrected Amplitude (CA) is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor (AF), the Cable Loss (CL), the
Attenuator Factor (Atten) and subtracting the Amplifier Gain (Ga) to indicated Amplitude (Ai) reading. The
basic equation is as follows:

         CA = Ai + AF + CL + Atten – Ga
For example, a corrected amplitude of 40.3 dBuV/m = Indicated Reading (32.5 dBuV) + Antenna Factor
(+23.5dB) + Cable Loss (3.7 dB) + Attenuator (10 dB) - Amplifier Gain (29.4 dB)

8.4    Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                               Calibration        Calibration
       Manufacturer            Description      Model No.      Serial No.
                                                                                  Date             Interval

           Agilent          Spectrum Analyzer    E4440A      US42221851         2014-02-28           1 year

           EMCO               Horn Antenna         3115        9511-4627        2013-10-17          1 Year

       Sunol Sciences       System Controller    SC104V        113005-1             N/A               N/A

Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the A2LA requirements,
traceable to the NIST.

8.5    Test Environmental Conditions

        Temperature:              20-24 C
    Relative Humidity:            41-45 
       ATM Pressure:             101-102kPa

The testing was performed by Chen Ge on 2014-08-27 to 2014-08-29 at 5m chamber 3.

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                      Page 22 of 36            FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

   ShotTracker Inc.     .                                                     FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

   8.6   Test Results
                                                         Cord.                             Conducted
             Radiated                          Cable                             Peak
                        Antenna     Antenna              Peak       Antenna                  Peak       FCC/IC
Frequency    Reading                           Loss                             Output                            Margin
                        Polarity     Factor             Radiated     Gain                   Output        Limit
  (MHz)     (dBμV/m)                           (dB)                             Power                              (dB)
                         (H/V)      (dB/m)             (dBμV/m)      (dBi)                  Power        (dBm)
              @ 3m                                                               EIRP
                                                         @ 3m                               (dBm)
  2402         62.73        V        28.956     5.72     97.406         0        2.15         2.15         30     -27.85
  2402         65.47        H        28.956     5.72    100.146         0        4.89         4.89         30     -25.11
  2440         62.38        V        28.956     5.72     97.056         0         1.8          1.8         30      -28.2
  2440         61.61        H        28.956     5.72     96.286         0        1.03         1.03         30     -28.97
  2480         60.16        V        29.155     5.72     95.035         0       -0.221       -0.221        30     -30.221
  2480         60.28        H        29.155     5.72     95.155         0       -0.101       -0.101        30     -30.101

   Convert the resultant EIRP level to an equivalent electric field strength using the following relationship:

   E = EIRP – 20log D + 104.8

   E = electric field strength in dBμV/m,
   EIRP = equivalent isotropic radiated power in dBm
   D = specified measurement distance in meters.

   Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                    Page 23 of 36             FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.   .                                                   FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

                                            Low channel: 2402 MHz

                       Vertical Polarity                           Horizontal Polarity

                                           Middle channel: 2440 MHz

                       Vertical Polarity                           Horizontal Polarity

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                  Page 24 of 36           FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.   .                                                  FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

                                           High channel: 2480 MHz

                       Vertical Polarity                          Horizontal Polarity

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                 Page 25 of 36           FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.       .                                                        FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

9     FCC §15.247(d) & IC RSS-210 §A8.5 – 100 kHz Bandwidth of Band Edges

9.1     Applicable Standards
According to FCC §15.247(d), in any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency bands in which the spread
spectrum intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator
shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the
desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement. In addition, radiated emissions
which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emissions limits
specified in §15.209(a) see §15.205(c).

According to IC Rss-210 §A8.5, in any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread
spectrum or digitally modulated device is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced shall be at least
20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power,
based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance
with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter complies with the conducted power limits based on the
use of RMS averaging over a time interval, as permitted under section A8.4(4), the attenuation required shall be
30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation below the general limits specified in Tables 2 and 3 is not required.

9.2     Measurement Procedure
The measurements are base on FCC KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r01: Guidance for Performing
Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) Operating Under §15.247 section 13: Band-
edge measurements

9.3     Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                    Calibration      Calibration
        Manufacturer          Description          Model No.       Serial No.
                                                                                       Date           Interval

           Agilent         Spectrum Analyzer        E4440A        US42221851         2014-02-28         1 year

      Sunol Science Corp   System Controller        SC99V          122303-1             N/R              N/R

           EMCO              Horn Antenna            3115          9511-4627         2013-10-17         1 year

Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the A2LA requirements,
traceable to the NIST.

9.4     Test Environmental Conditions

         Temperature:           20-24 C
    Relative Humidity:          41-45 
        ATM Pressure:         101-102 kPa

The testing was performed by Chen Ge on 2014-08-27 to 2014-08-29 at 5m chamber 3.

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                      Page 26 of 36               FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.     .                                               FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

9.5   Test Results
      Please refer to following pages for plots of band edge.

                   Channel                          Delta (dBc)                    Limit

          Low Channel, 2402 MHz                        39.46                      > 20dBc
          High Channel, 2480 MHz                       45.03                     > 20dBc

                   Low Band Edge                                        High Band Edge

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                    Page 27 of 36      FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.        .                                                   FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

10 FCC §15.247(e) & IC RSS-210 §A8.2 (b) – Power Spectral Density
10.1 Applicable Standard
According to FCC §15.247(e) and RSS-210 §A8.2 ( b) , for digitally modulated systems, the power spectral
density conducted from the intentional radiator to the antenna shall not be greater than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band
during any time interval of continuous transmission.

10.2 Measurement Procedure

The measurements are base on FCC KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r01: Guidance for Performing
Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) Operating Under §15.247 section 10:
Maximum power spectral density level in the fundamental emission, and ANSI C63.10 -2009.

10.3 Corrected Amplitude
The Corrected Amplitude (CA) is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor (AF), the Cable Loss (CL), the
Attenuator Factor (Atten) and subtracting the Amplifier Gain (Ga) to indicated Amplitude (Ai) reading. The
basic equation is as follows:

        CA = Ai + AF + CL + Atten – Ga

For example, a corrected amplitude of 40.3 dBuV/m = Indicated Reading (32.5 dBuV) + Antenna Factor
(+23.5dB) + Cable Loss (3.7 dB) + Attenuator (10 dB) - Amplifier Gain (29.4 dB)

10.4 Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                               Calibration        Calibration
       Manufacturer            Description      Model No.      Serial No.
                                                                                  Date             Interval

          Agilent           Spectrum Analyzer    E4440A      US45303156         2013-08-22          2 Years

          EMCO                Horn Antenna         3115        9511-4627        2013-10-17          1 Year

       Sunol Sciences       System Controller    SC104V        113005-1             N/A               N/A

Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed per the A2LA requirements,
traceable to the NIST.

10.5 Test Environmental Conditions

        Temperature:              20-24 C
  Relative Humidity:               41-45 
      ATM Pressure:              101-102 kPa

The testing was performed by Chen Ge on 2014-08-27 to 2014-08-29 at 5m chamber 3.

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                      Page 28 of 36            FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.           .                                                        FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

10.6 Test Results
               Radiated                                                              Cord.       Cord.
                               Antenna    Antenna   Cable     Peak      Antenna                           FCC/IC
  Frequency    Reading                                                                PSD        Peak               Margin
                               Polarity    Factor   Loss     Radiated    Gain                               Limit
    (MHz)     (dBμV/m)                                                                EIRP       PSD                 (dB)
                                (H/V)     (dB/m)    (dB)    (dBμV/m)     (dBi)                             (dBm)
                @ 3m                                                                 (dBm)      (dBm))
                                                              @ 3m
    2402           48.96          V       28.956     5.72    83.636         0        -11.614    -11.614     8       -19.614
    2402           51.56          H       28.956     5.72    86.236         0         -9.014    -9.014      8       -17.014
    2440           48.54          V       28.956     5.72    83.216         0        -12.034    -12.034     8       -20.034
    2440           47.24          H       28.956     5.72    81.916         0        -13.334    -13.334     8       -21.334
    2480           45.08          V       29.155     5.72    79.955         0        -15.295    -15.295     8       -23.295
    2480           45.39          H       29.155     5.72    80.265         0        -14.985    -14.985     8       -22.985

The corrected Peak PSD was calculated from the formula:

E = EIRP – 20log D + 104.8

E = electric field strength in dBμV/m,
EIRP = equivalent isotropic radiated power in dBm
D = specified measurement distance in meters.

Please refer to the following plots for detailed test results:

                                                    Low channel: 2402 MHz

                               Vertical Polarity                                Horizontal Polarity

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                           Page 29 of 36               FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

ShotTracker Inc.   .                                                   FCC ID: 2AC4B-S4N1, IC: 12327A-S4N1

                                           Middle channel: 2440 MHz

                       Vertical Polarity                           Horizontal Polarity

                                           High channel: 2480 MHz

                       Vertical Polarity                           Horizontal Polarity

Report Number: R1408252-247 Rev A                  Page 30 of 36           FCC Part 15C/IC RSS 210 Test Report

Document Created: 2019-07-09 02:04:00
Document Modified: 2019-07-09 02:04:00

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