Modular Approval Request

FCC ID: 2AC23-WF75RL1510C

Cover Letter(s)

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Hui Zhou Gaoshengda                                                      FCC Modular Approval Request
Technology Co.,LTD                                                                                         Number:CFs08
                                                                                                             Version: VO3
                                                                                                         Date: 01—08—2011
To the CC or FGG TCB handting this applcation
Houby :
Compary rame (grinise). Hu Zhou Gacshengi TechndagyCo.LTD
Adtress                 N073 Zrongia Devebpmentes.Fuzrou Gangiong. Gima
Oty/ 2P ate / County Facrou GuandongChia
requestmodtar approvalfor thecoriaton fur equiment wiin ts applcatonidenifed by
reein                   aromwerseist0c
"The tabe befow cotans te jutfcaton for madulr agororalofths eauement
 Requinment                                                                    Explanation rom granteo0 ol wrta yos nc
                                                                               but asdian why Xcomples/how is ctieved)
1. Throdilarrananiter mist have ts omn RF shiddng                              Nes
                                                                               (The modtareap it cRE stidng case)
2.The modidrrananitormust have bufered mecilatonidaa ipus (suchinuls wee       Nes
prodadto ansure tatthe madde wl coply wth Pat 15 reaurements under             (The madulardal inouts ar buflredttroughlog
conditrs ofexcessve data rates or overmoxutin                                  e micoeortrotercomectons)
3 The redilar ransniter mist haveis oun pomesuppy reaton                       Nes
                                                                               (RF votage movtaton is handed onthe mode)
4. The medulrrananitormustcomplywit e atenna reaurements of Secton15 203       Nes
and 1820t(0, Thantemna mustaterbo pormanenty atached oremploya "unaue"         (The masidar uit permanenty antema, be
artonsccutar(a l comactione betwean the mosuis and the antema. nclidng te      srtamnais PC Atenna)
5. The rediar rananitor mt be lesd ia sanloneconfguraton, o. t maide        Nes
mus not benste ancthar devee durng teting, Thi s nlendad t demonsale bat the(The madtlardurng testngwin a USB adaoter
maddeis csable o campling wiPat 15 omianin is regardess o the devce nlo     and be ditance is rodter han 10emso to
which ts eventialyinsaled                                                   Cisonce berveenmocarand host sysis
                                                                            reater hn tozn)
6.The redulr rananitormast bolabeld win is oun FGC D rurmber and, 1 heFCo Nes
1D is nt valtewhen the mocul is nstaled inside anctherdevee,thanthe ctsde f (Please retero F00 ID ied
the devce ino which t mede s instaled mustlso dapayalabelmforingo he
endlosed medule, This etenor labelcan use wading uzh a hefolowng:"Contans
TransmiteMogie FCGID: X(2NODELT o contans FC1D.X¥Z0OELt"Any
simiawerdingt epresses ho same maaning may b used.The Granie may ather
provide sch a labelan xample ofwich musbe nctuded n th appicatonfr
eqipent adhoreaten,o; must provde adesvate instuctons along wih he mexute
wirichexpan ts recuiroment n t later case,a enpyof hase nstctons mustbe
Inclutad n te appicatonfo easipmentathorzaton
7. Te redilar ransniter must coraly wary speciferdooperaing requrements        Nes
appleailetohe ransmittr andthe manufactree must provde adequale instuctons     (Please refer io the moddar insataton muarua)
aorg uththe made o olary uch regurements. Accpy ofhese iatuclons
mus beincluded n t appicatonfor easipment mutotaton. For exale therearo
y stt opnatonaland Imingreauremants tht mustbe met befora vansentar is
aubored for oneratonundarSectan 15231, Fornslance, datatransnisson is
protibied, excentforaperaion under Secton 15 231(0, n vhich caue threare
sepant fldstrengh levaand irin requrements.Comalance wih hase
requronents mustbe assured
1 The moditrranamitermastcomplyvib ary agplcale RF exgonireaurenaris           Nes
For ourple FCG Rdes in Sectons 2 1001, 2 1083 and spedfc Sectons ofPart 15.    (Pleasesee the NPE reporhe mecidar neets
Incurg 1212(0, Td07(), 1252() and 18258(q. requre tht Unlconsed RCS,           NPE ealatn t 4r CFR 1107 @)())
UMLard mlinetewave devios perfom rouineenvrormentaevauaten o RF
Expoe to denonatate complance In addiin, sread specvum vansmiters
operatngunder Secion 15 207 are maured o addtass RF Emore corplance in
accortance win Secien15 247(s(4) Mocklatanuniters anproved under ober
Sectons of Par 15 when necessan, may lso need o adcress cotan RF Eposice
concenms, riealy by roning specilsnstalaton and opering nstuctons foruses,
Istales and obeinlrested partes o ensrecanglance
Abtstaton tyoonied
it and County:           Date:          Name:                     Function:                  Spratun:
                                        (bis mastbea person)                                 (« oftcalcompary stamp)
Huheu, China             2016—04—25     |Hhi Guen                 Manager
                                                                                               Jn quo~

Document Created: 2019-10-26 06:45:20
Document Modified: 2019-10-26 06:45:20

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