Test Report


Test Report

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                                            FCC PART 15.249
                                               TEST REPORT

                       GODOX Photo Equipment Co.,Ltd.
  19th Floor, Room 1902, Building Jinshan, 5033 Shennan East Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen
                                        518001, China

                                            FCC ID: 2ABYNX1C

           Report Type:                                         Product Type:
           Original Report                                     TTL Wireless Flash Trigger(TX)

                     Test Engineer:        Allen Qiao

                    Report Number: RDG150730005-00

                       Report Date:         2015-08-11
                                            Sula Huang
                      Reviewed By:          RF Leader

                  Test Laboratory:         Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)
                                           No.69 Pulongcun, Puxinhu Industrial Zone,
                                           Tangxia, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
                                           Tel: +86-769-86858888
                                           Fax: +86-769-86858891

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the device described herein. It may not be duplicated or
used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan). This report is valid only
with a valid digital signature. The digital signature may be available only under the Adobe software above version 7.0.

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                                                             Report No.: RDG150730005-00

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................3
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .....................................................................................3
 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................................3
 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) .............................................................................................................................3
 TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................3
 TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................3
SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................................4
  JUSTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................................4
  EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE ..........................................................................................................................................4
  BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................................4
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................5

FCC§15.203 - ANTENNA REQUIREMENT..............................................................................................................6
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ..............................................................................................................................................6
  ANTENNA CONNECTOR CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................................................................6
FCC§15.205, §15.209&§15.249- RADIATED EMISSIONS ......................................................................................7
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ..............................................................................................................................................7
  MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ....................................................................................................................................7
  EUT SETUP ..................................................................................................................................................................8
  TEST EQUIPMENT SETUP ..............................................................................................................................................9
  TEST PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................................9
  CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION ...................................................................................................9
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................10
  TEST RESULTS SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................................10
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................10
FCC §15.215(C) – 20 DB BANDWIDTH TESTING ................................................................................................12
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................12
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................12
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................12
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................12
FCC§15.249(D) - OUT OF BAND EMISSION (50 DB ATTENUATION) ............................................................15
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................15
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................15
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................15
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................15
DECLARATION LETTER ........................................................................................................................................17

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                   Report No.: RDG150730005-00

Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)
 The GODOX Photo Equipment Co.,Ltd.’s product, model number: X1C(FCC ID: 2ABYNX1C) (the
  "EUT") in this report was a TTL Wireless Flash Trigger(TX) , was measured approximately: 7.0cm (L)
  x 7.2 cm (W) x 4.5 cm(H), rated input voltage: DC3V from 2×1.5V AA battery.

Note: the series product, model X1C, X1N are electrically identical , the difference between them is X1C has hotshoe
control function , and X1N don’t have this function , we selected X1C for fully testing, the details was explained in
the attached declaration letter.

* All measurement and test data in this report was gathered from production sample serial number: 150730005
(Assigned by BACL.Dongguan). The EUT was received on 2015-08-03.

This type approval report is prepared on behalf of GODOX Photo Equipment Co.,Ltd. in accordance with
Part 2-Subpart J, and Part 15-Subparts A, B and C of the Federal Communication Commissions rules.

The tests were performed in order to determine compliance with FCC Part 15, Subpart C, and section
15.203, 15.205, 15.209 and 15.249 rules.

Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)

Test Methodology
All measurements contained in this report were conducted with ANSI C63.4-2009, American National
Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and
Electronic Equipment in the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

All radiated and conducted emissions measurement was performed at Bay Area Compliance Laboratories
Corp. (Dongguan).

Test Facility
The Test site used by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) to collect test data is located
on the No.69 Pulongcun, Puxinhu Industrial Zone, Tangxia, Dongguan, Guangdong, China

Test site at Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) has been fully described in reports
submitted to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The details of these reports have been found
to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on February 06, 2015. The
facility also complies with the radiated and AC line conducted test site criteria set forth in ANSI C63.4-

The Federal Communications Commission has the reports on file and is listed under FCC Registration No.:
273710. The test site has been approved by the FCC for public use and is listed in the FCC Public Access
Link (PAL) database.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RDG150730005-00

The system was configured for testing in engineering mode with maximum power output and switched the
channels by key.

3 channels were provided by the manufacturer:

                           Frequency                 Frequency                   Frequency
                Channel                 Channel                    Channel
                             (MHz)                     (MHz)                       (MHz)
                   1          2413          2          2438           3            2464.5

EUT Exercise Software
No software was used during the test.

Block Diagram of Test Setup

                                                                                                   1.0 Meter

                          Non-Conductive Table
                          80 cm above Ground Plane

                                                       1.5 Meter

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                     Report No.: RDG150730005-00


                  FCC Rules                   Description of Test          Result

                   §15.203                   Antenna Requirement        Compliance

                  §15.207(a)                 Conduction Emissions      Not Applicable

          15.205, §15.209, §15.249            Radiated Emissions        Compliance

                  §15.215 (c)                  20 dB Bandwidth          Compliance
                                           Outside of Band Emission
                  §15.249(d)                                            Compliance
                                              (50dB attenuation)

     Not Applicable: The EUT is battery operated equipment.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                              Report No.: RDG150730005-00

Applicable Standard
For intentional device, according to §15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no
antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used.

Antenna Connector Construction
The EUT has one integral antenna arrangement, which was permanently attached and the antenna gain is
0dBi, fulfill the requirement of this section. Please refer to the EUT photos.

Result: Compliant.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                             Report No.: RDG150730005-00

FCC§15.205, §15.209&§15.249- RADIATED EMISSIONS
Applicable Standard

As per FCC§15.249 (a), except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the field strength of
emissions from intentional radiators operated within these frequency bands shall comply with the

            Fundamental         Field strength of fundamental        Field strength of harmonics
             frequency                 (millivolts/meter)                 (microvolts/meter)

            902–928 MHz                       50                                 500

          2400–2483.5 MHz                     50                                 500

           5725–5875 MHz                      50                                 500

           24.0–24.25 GHz                    250                                2500

As per FCC§15.249 (c), Field strength limits are specified at a distance of 3 meters.

(d) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated
by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in §15.209,
whichever is the lesser attenuation.

Measurement Uncertainty
Compliance or non- compliance with a disturbance limit shall be determined in the following manner:

If Ulab is less than or equal to Ucispr of Table 1, then:
–compliance is deemed to occur if no measured disturbance level exceeds the disturbance limit;
–non - compliance is deemed to occur if any measured disturbance level exceeds the disturbance limit.
If Ulab is greater than Ucispr of Table 1, then:
–compliance is deemed to occur if no measured disturbance level, increased by (Ulab − Ucispr), exceeds the
disturbance limit;
–non - compliance is deemed to occur if any measured disturbance level, increased by (Ulab − Ucispr),
exceeds the disturbance limit.

Based on CISPR 16-4-2: 2011, measurement uncertainty of radiated emission at a distance of 3m at Bay
Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) is:
30M~200MHz: 5.0 dB
200M~1GHz: 6.2 dB
1G~6GHz: 4.45 dB
6G~18GHz: 5.23 dB

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                               Report No.: RDG150730005-00

                                          Table 1 – Values of Ucispr

                                        Measurement                                             Ucispr
Radiated disturbance (electric field strength at an OATS or in a SAC) (30 MHz to 1000 MHz)      6.3 dB
Radiated disturbance (electric field strength in a FAR)           (1 GHz to 6 GHz)              5.2 dB
Radiated disturbance (electric field strength in a FAR)           (6 GHz to 18 GHz)             5.5 dB

EUT Setup
Below 1 GHz:

Above 1 GHz:

The radiated emission and out of band emission tests were performed in the 3 meters chamber test site,
using the setup accordance with the ANSI C63.4-2009. The specification used was the FCC 15.209/15.205
and FCC 15.249 limits.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                            Report No.: RDG150730005-00

Test Equipment Setup
The system was investigated from 30 MHz to 25 GHz.

During the radiated emission test, the EMI test receiver & Spectrum Analyzer Setup were set with the
following configurations:

              Frequency Range            RBW         Video B/W        IF B/W         Detector
             30 MHz – 1000 MHz          120 kHz        300 kHz        120 kHz           QP
                                         1MHz           3 MHz            /              PK
                  Above 1 GHz
                                         1MHz           10 Hz            /             Ave.

Test Procedure
Maximizing procedure was performed on the highest emissions to ensure that the EUT complied with all
installation combinations.

All data was recorded in the Quasi-peak detection mode from 30MHz to 1GHz, Peak and average detection
mode above 1 GHz.

Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation
The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Loss, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the Meter Reading. The basic equation is as follows:

        Corrected Amplitude = Meter Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable
limit. For example, a margin of 7dB means the emission is 7dB below the limit. The equation for margin
calculation is as follows:

        Margin = Limit –Corrected Amplitude

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                Report No.: RDG150730005-00

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                     Serial       Calibration   Calibration
       Manufacturer           Description           Model
                                                                    Number           Date        Due Date
           R&S             EMI Test Receiver         ESCI           100224        2015-05-09    2016-05-09
                                Antenna              JB3           A060611-3      2014-07-28     2017-07-27
            HP                 Amplifier            8447E         2434A02181      2014-09-01     2015-09-01
           R&S             Spectrum Analyzer       E4440A         SG43360054      2014-12-04     2015-12-04
       ETS-Lindgren          Horn Antenna            3115          000 527 35     2012-09-06     2015-09-06
        Mini-Circuit           Amplifier         ZVA-213-S+        054201245      2015-02-19     2016-02-19
           R&S             Spectrum Analyzer       FSP 38            100478       2015-05-09     2016-05-09
        Ducommun                                                  1007726-01
                             Horn Antenna       ARH-4223-02                       2014-06-16     2017-06-15
       Technolagies                                                   1304
          Quinstar             Amplifier                         15964001001      2014-09-06     2015-09-06

   * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) attests that all calibrations
    have been performed, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of Units (SI).

Test Results Summary
According to the data in the following table, the EUT complied with the FCC Part 15.209 &15.205 &
15.249, with the worst margin reading of:

                             9.81 dB at 231 MHz in the Horizontal polarization

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

             Temperature:           27.8 oC
        Relative Humidity:            58%
            ATM Pressure:          100.2 kPa

    The testing was performed by Allen Qiao on 2015-08-05.

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RDG150730005-00

      Test Mode: Transmitting
                   Receiver             Rx Antenna      Cable Amplifier   Corrected
Frequency                                                                               Limit    Margin
            Reading     Detector     Polar    Factor      loss    Gain    Amplitude
  (MHz)                                                                               (dBμV/m)    (dB)
            (dBμV) (PK/QP/AV)        (H/V) (dB(1/m)) (dB)         (dB)    (dBμV/m)
                                          Low Channel: 2413 MHz
  2413       59.62        PK           H       25.67     3.69     0.00      88.98      114.00     25.02
  2413       54.16        AV           H       25.67     3.69     0.00      83.52       94.00     10.48
  2413       58.37        PK           V       25.67     3.69     0.00      87.73      114.00     26.27
  2413       53.18        AV           V       25.67     3.69     0.00      82.54       94.00     11.46
  2390       27.52        PK           H       25.61     3.63     0.00      56.76       74.00     17.24
  2390       13.43        AV           H       25.61     3.63     0.00      42.67       54.00     11.33
  4826       36.04        PK           H       30.65     5.02     27.41     44.30      74.00      29.70
  4826       25.83        AV           H       30.65     5.02     27.41     34.09      54.00      19.91
  7239       31.79        PK           H       34.17     6.65     25.90     46.71      74.00      27.29
  7239       18.73        AV           H       34.17     6.65     25.90     33.65      54.00      20.35
  9652       30.47        PK           H       36.06     8.56     27.45     47.64      74.00      26.36
  9652       17.55        AV           H       36.06     8.56     27.45     34.72      54.00      19.28
  2020       35.67        PK           H       24.65     3.22     27.46     36.08      74.00      37.92
  2020       38.3         AV           H       24.65     3.22     27.46     38.71       54.00     15.29
  231        43.7         QP           H       11.94     1.83     21.48     35.99       46.00     10.01
                                        Middle Channel: 2438 MHz
  2438       59.54        PK           H       25.74     3.76     0.00      89.04      114.00     24.96
  2438       54.16        AV           H       25.74     3.76     0.00      83.66       94.00     10.34
  2438       58.28        PK           V       25.74     3.76     0.00      87.78      114.00     26.22
  2438       53.03        AV           V       25.74     3.76     0.00      82.53       94.00     11.47
  4876       35.93        PK           H       30.78     5.15     27.42     44.44      74.00      29.56
  4876       25.73        AV           H       30.78     5.15     27.42     34.24      54.00      19.76
  7314       31.55        PK           H       34.35     6.74     25.88     46.76      74.00      27.24
  7314       18.46        AV           H       34.35     6.74     25.88     33.67      54.00      20.33
  9752       30.45        PK           H       36.30     8.61     27.23     48.13      74.00      25.87
  9752       17.46        AV           H       36.30     8.61     27.23     35.14      54.00      18.86
  2020       35.24        PK           H       24.65     3.22     27.46     35.65      74.00      38.35
  2020       22.72        AV           H       24.65     3.22     27.46     23.13      54.00      30.87
  3145       33.9         PK           H       27.66     6.97     27.41     41.12       74.00     32.88
  3145       21.22        AV           H       27.66     6.97     27.41     28.44       54.00     25.56
  231        43.8         QP           H       11.94     1.83     21.48     36.09       46.00      9.91
                                         High Channel: 2464.5 MHz
 2464.5      59.95        PK           H       25.81     3.74      0.00     89.50      114.00     24.50
 2464.5      54.55        AV           H       25.81     3.74     0.00      84.10       94.00      9.90
 2464.5      58.42        PK           V       25.81     3.74      0.00     87.97      114.00     26.03
 2464.5      53.32        AV           V       25.81     3.74      0.00     82.87       94.00     11.13
 2483.5      28.58        PK           H       25.86     3.67      0.00     58.11       74.00     15.89
 2483.5      13.97        AV           H       25.86     3.67      0.00     43.50       54.00     10.50
  4929       36.2         PK           H       30.92     5.34     27.43     45.03      74.00      28.97
  4929       26.15        AV           H       30.92     5.34     27.43     34.98      54.00      19.02
 7393.5      32.16        PK           H       34.54     6.83     25.86     47.67       74.00     26.33
 7393.5      18.84        AV           H       34.54     6.83     25.86     34.35       54.00     19.65
  9858       30.8         PK           H       36.56     8.67     26.90     49.13      74.00      24.87
  9858       17.87        AV           H       36.56     8.67     26.90     36.20      54.00      17.80
  2020       36.06        PK           H       24.65     3.22     27.46     36.47      74.00      37.53
  2020       23.39        AV           H       24.65     3.22     27.46     23.80      54.00      30.20
  231        43.9         QP           H       11.94     1.83     21.48     36.19      46.00       9.81

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                Report No.: RDG150730005-00

FCC §15.215(c) – 20 dB BANDWIDTH TESTING
Applicable Standard
Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general emission limits, as contained
in §§ 15.217 through 15.257 and in Subpart E of this part, must be designed to ensure that the 20 dB
bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be specified in the specific rule section
under which the equipment operates, is contained within the frequency band designated in the rule section
under which the equipment is operated.

Test Procedure
1. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument using either an internal calibrator or a known signal
   from an external generator.
2. Position the EUT on the test table without connection to measurement instrument. Turn on the EUT.
   Then set it to any one convenient frequency within its operating range. Set a reference level on the
   measuring instrument equal to the highest peak value.
3. Measure the frequency difference of two frequencies that were attenuated 20 dB from the reference
   level. Record the frequency difference as the emission bandwidth.
4. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured were complete.

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                     Serial       Calibration Calibration
      Manufacturer            Description           Model
                                                                    Number           Date      Due Date

           R&S           Spectrum Analyzer          FSP 38           100478        2015-05-09    2016-05-09

   * Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) attests that all calibrations
    have been performed, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of Units (SI).

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:               26.9°C
         Relative Humidity:               57 %
            ATM Pressure:               100.2kPa

    * The testing was performed by Allen Qiao on 2015-08-05.

      Test Result: Compliant.

       Please refer to following tables and plots

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                   Report No.: RDG150730005-00

    Test Mode: Transmitting

                                             Frequency      20 dB Bandwidth
                                               (MHz)             (MHz)
                          Low                   2413              0.780
                         Middle                 2438             0.780
                          High                 2464.5            0.780

                                              Low Channel

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)            Report No.: RDG150730005-00

                                            Middle Channel

                                             High Channel

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                 Report No.: RDG150730005-00

Applicable Standard
Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by
at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in §15.209,
whichever is the lesser attenuation

Test Procedure
1. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument using either an internal calibrator or a known signal
   from an external generator.
2. Position the EUT without connection to measurement instrument. Turn on the EUT and connect its
   antenna terminal to measurement instrument via a low loss cable. Then set it to any one measured
   frequency within its operating range, and make sure the instrument is operated in its linear range.
3. Set RBW to 100 kHz and VBW of spectrum analyzer to 300 kHz with a convenient frequency span
   including 100 kHz bandwidth from band edge.
4. Measure the highest amplitude appearing on spectral display and set it as a reference level. Plot the
   graph with marking the highest point and edge frequency.
5. Repeat above procedures until all measured frequencies were complete.

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                     Serial       Calibration     Calibration
      Manufacturer             Description          Model
                                                                    Number           Date          Due Date

           R&S              Spectrum Analyzer       FSP 38           100478       2015-05-09      2016-05-09

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) attests that all calibrations have
 been performed, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of Units (SI).

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:               27.3 °C
         Relative Humidity:               59 %
            ATM Pressure:                99.8kPa

    * The testing was performed by Allen Qiao on 2015-08-10.

      Test Result: Compliant.

       Please refer to the following table and plots:
                                             Delta Peak to Band Emission                Delta Limit
                  Band Edge
                                                        (dBc)                             (dBc)
                    Left                                49.37                                50
                    Right                           46.61                           50
      Note:The band emission compliant with the general radiated emission limits in §15.209.
           Please refer to radiated emissions test section.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                 Report No.: RDG150730005-00

                                           Band Edge, Left Side

                                          Band Edge, Right Side

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)               Report No.: RDG150730005-00


                                    ***** END OF REPORT *****

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Document Created: 2015-08-31 09:27:39
Document Modified: 2015-08-31 09:27:39

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