Users Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                     Thinklite TTL Camera Flash

                                                                                            For Sony

                                                                                          INSTRUCTION MANUAL
神牛摄影器材有限公司                                                                                说     明     手   册
GODOX Photo Equipment Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    中英文双语 / Chinese English Bilingual
地址/Add: 深圳市宝安区福永镇福洲大道西新和村华发工业园A4栋
Building A4, Xinhe Huafa Industrial Zone, Fuzhou RD West, Fuyong
Town, Baoan District, Shenzhen 518103, China
电话/Tel: +86-755-29609320(8062)        传真/Fax: +86-755-25723423
邮箱/E-mail:                                         来查询参考。                                               Before using this product:
                                                                   Please read this user manual carefully in order to ensure your safety
705-TT35S0-00           Made In China                              and the proper operation of this product. Keep for future reference.

         前言                                安全须知

         在使用本产品之前:                         请勿让本产品淋雨或受潮,以免发生火灾或触电。
         请先仔细阅读本手册,以确保您能安全使用。请保存好本手册以      本产品内部有高压元件,切勿自行拆解或维修。如果接触产品内
  备将来查询参考。                                 部的高压电路,可能会发生触电。需要修理时,请送往指定地点
         感谢您购买神牛产品。                        进行专业维修。
         该型号机顶闪光灯适用于SONY系列相机,兼容TTL 自动闪光。   在使用过程中,如果本产品由于跌落、受到挤压或遭受强烈冲击
  使用TTL闪光灯,您将获得更简单的拍摄体验,在光线变化复杂的情          而造成外壳破裂的,请勿继续使用,以免因接触到内部电子元件
  况下,可以自动获得准确的闪光曝光,拍摄轻松自如。产品特点突出           而受到电击伤害。
  表现在以下几方面:                                请勿在近距离将闪光灯头正对人眼闪光(特别是婴儿的眼睛),
         ● GN36 (m ISO 100, @105mm)        否则可能会在短时间内造成视力障碍。在使用闪光灯拍摄婴儿
         ● 兼容索尼相机TTL                       时,建议闪光灯距离婴儿至少1米以上,也可以使用反射闪光来
          支持TTL自动闪光,可作为无线多灯闪光系统的主控或从属单     减少闪光可能对视力造成的伤害。
          元,拍摄更简单快捷。                       请勿在化学品、可燃性气体或其他特殊物质附近使用闪光灯,这
         ● 高清液晶屏                           些物质在特殊情况下可能对闪光灯发出的瞬间强光敏感,有可能
          显示直观,操作更加简易                      导致火灾或电磁干扰。在这些场合下,请注意相关警告标识。
         ● 内置2.4G无线传输                      请勿将本产品放置在超过50摄氏度的环境下,否则可能对元器件
          收发一体,超远距离,创意无限                   造成损坏。
         ● 功能齐全,无限享用                       本产品不能防水,在雨天及潮湿环境下请注意防水。
         ● 固件升级,兼容无忧

- 01 -                                                                - 02 -

                                    01   前言
                                    02   安全须知
                                    05   部件名称
                                    07   装卸闪光灯
                                    07   电源管理
                                    08   闪光模式:TTL自动闪光模式
                                    09   闪光模式:M手动闪光
  Electronic   Camera Flash              闪光模式:Multi频闪闪光
                                    11   无线闪光拍摄:无线电(2.4G)传输
                                    16   其他应用

  迅丽TTL机顶闪光灯                             创建眼神光
  Thinklite TTL Camera Flash
                                    19   C.Fn: 设置自定义功能
                                    19   保护功能
  ● 此使用说明书中的操作步骤假定相机和闪光灯的电源开关已开启。
                                    20   固件升级
  ● 参考页码由(第**页)表示。
                                    21   规格参数
  ● 此使用说明书中使用以下警告符号:
                                    22   故障排除指南
     该“小心”符号表示避免出现拍摄问题的警告。               兼容相机列表
     该“注意”符号提供补充信息。                 23   维护保养

- 03 -                                                           - 04 -

    部件名称                                                           ● 液晶显示屏

                                                                   (1) TTL自动闪光
              01                                                   Zoom : 变焦显示(第18页)    焦距(闪光覆盖/第18页)

              02                                                   TTL : TTL自动闪光



                                                                      : 高速同步              闪光曝光补偿量

                                                                                          M : 手动闪光



 ● 机身                                                              (3)Multi频闪闪光
  01. 眼神光板                               06. 热靴                                        Multi : 多重(频闪)闪光
  02. 内置广角散光板                            07. 液晶显示屏
  03. 闪光灯头                               08. 固定旋钮
  04. 光控传感器                              09. 电池仓
  05. 辅助对焦灯                              10. USB端口
    12                                                        13

    11             MODE   ZOOM         SYNC   SLAVE
                                                              14   (4)无线电传输拍摄
    17                                                        19
                                                              18   ● 主控单元                 闪光模式
    16                           SET                          15

 ● 控制面板
  11. <MODE>闪光模式选择按钮                          (复用按钮,长按2秒)            主控                          频道

  12. <ZOOM>ZOOM选择按钮                     18. < >无线按钮
                                                                   ● 从属单元
  13. <SYNC>高速同步按钮                            (复用按钮,长按2秒)
  14. <SLAVE>S1/S2光控选择                   19. <         >组别/频道按钮
              (在非无线模式)                            (复用按钮,在无线模式)
  15. <   >电源按钮                          20. 调节旋钮
  16. <   >试闪按钮/回电指示灯                    21. <SET>设置按钮
  17. <   >自定义按钮                                                     从属

- 05 -                                                                                               - 06 -

● 标配物品                                   C.Fn 离机使用时,建议通过自定义功能使“自动关闭电源”无效。
1、灯体 2、微型底座 3、保护包 4、柔光罩 5、说明书                     (C.Fn-ST 第19页)

● 可选购附件
可搭配本公司以下摄影附件使用,以获得最佳的拍摄效果和使用体验:        闪光模式:TTL自动闪光模式

                                      通过按<MODE>模式选择按钮,将闪光灯设置为<TTL>, 可以使闪
                                      ● 半按相机快门按钮进行对焦
                                      ● 在快门释放前的瞬间进行一次预闪,闪光灯接收相机信息进行主闪

                1   安装闪光灯。
                    ● 滑动闪光灯固定座使其完

                2   拧紧闪光灯。
                    ● 旋转固定座上的锁定旋

                                       MODE     ZOOM            SYNC     SLAVE
                                                                                         1   按下SET按键,进入调整状

                3   取下闪光灯。

                    ● 旋转固定座上的锁定旋                         SET                                 转动调节旋钮设置曝光补偿
                     钮,直到闪光灯解除锁定。                                                            量。
                                                                                             ● “0.3”表示1/3档,
                                                                                             ● 要取消闪光曝光补偿,
  电源管理                                                                                        “0”。

使用  电源开关控制该产品的打开(长按1秒)和关闭,长时间不使用



                                                                        SYNC     SLAVE
                                                                                         3   按下< SET >设置按钮,确
身任意键唤醒;作为从属单元(S1/S2、无线SLAVE)在60分钟无任                               SET

- 07 -                                                                                                        - 08 -

        高速同步                                                                                                                     S1光控单元设置

使用高速同步(HSS闪光),您可以在所有的快门速度下同步使用闪光                                                          在M手动闪光模式下,按<SLAVE>可以使用S1功能,闪光灯可作为
灯。高速同步模式下,使用光圈优先对人像进行填充闪光时特别方                                                             副灯使用,创造多种照明效果,适用于手动闪光环境。它会与主闪光
便。按<SYNC>按钮可开启高速同步闪光,此时高速符号<  >显                                                          灯的第一次闪光同步触发闪光,效果与使用无线引闪器一致。
     ● 使用高速同步,快门速度越高,有效的闪光范围就越小。
     ● 在高速同步模式下,无法设置频闪闪光。                                                                 在M手动闪光模式下,按<SLAVE>可以使用S2功能,闪光灯可作为
     ● 连续高速同步闪光15次后,闪光灯热保护功能可能会被激活。                                                       副灯使用,适用于TTL闪光环境。具有防预闪功能,使用带一次预闪
     ● 尽量不使用高速同步闪光,因为高速同步闪光会缩短闪光管寿命。                                                      功能的相机能用光控实现同步拍摄。它会与主闪光灯的第二次闪光同

                                                                                                ● 只有在M模式下才支持S1/S2光控引闪模式。

                                                                                               闪光模式:Multi 频闪闪光
  闪光模式:M 手动闪光
● 在SONY相机机身设置中,选择 Rear闪光方式。
您可以在1/128功率至1/1全功率间以1/3档为增量设置闪光输出。为                                                       摄移动物体的多个图像。您可以设置闪光频率(每秒的闪光次数,以
获得正确的闪光曝光,请使用手持的闪光测光表确定所需的闪光输出。                                                           Hz表示)、闪光次数和闪光输出。

    MODE     ZOOM

           MODE     ZOOM
                           SYNC      SLAVE

                                  SYNC       SLAVE
                                                     1    按<MODE>模式选择按钮,
                                                          屏幕显示<M>。                             MODE     ZOOM          SYNC     SLAVE
                                                                                                                                               1   按<MODE>闪光模式选择按

                     SET                                                                              MODE     ZOOM           SYNC     SLAVE
                            SET                           功率。                                                         SET

                                                       在 高速同步模式,可调闪光

                                                                                        MODE   ZOOM          SYNC     SLAVE
显示闪光输出                                                                                                                                             设置闪光频率和闪光次数。
拍摄过程中更改闪光输出时,下表将清楚地显示光圈值是如何更改                                                                         SET
                                                                                                                                                   ● 按SET按钮选择闪光频率,
的,如1/2-0.3→1/2+0.3。您可以在增加或减少闪光输出时查看光圈                                                                 MODE     ZOOM           SYNC     SLAVE         旋转调节旋钮设定数字。
值的更改规律。                                                                                                                                            ● 再按SET按钮选择闪光次
例如,将闪光输出量减少至1/2、1/2-0.3或1/2-0.7,然后再将其增                                                                                                             数,旋转调节旋钮设定数字。
           1/1–0.3         1/1-0.7                   1/2-0.3   1/2-0.7         ······
  1/1                                    1/2                             1/4              在频闪闪光过程中,到闪光停止为止快门应保持开启状态。使用下面的
           1/2+0.7         1/2+0.3                   1/4+0.7   1/4+0.3         ······

在M模式下,可以实现                           高速同步和第二帘快门同步功能(第09页)。

- 09 -                                                                                                                                                         - 10 -

                                                                   ● 即使有多个从属单元,主控单元也可通过无线控制控制所有
     为防止闪光灯头过热并损坏,请勿执行连续10次以上的频闪闪光连                                ● 本说明手册中,“主控单元”指安装在相机上的闪光灯,

     ● 反光很强的被摄体在暗背景前使用频闪闪光更加有效。                                 您可以在普通闪光和无线闪光之间切换。对于普通闪光,请务必将无
     ● 推荐使用三脚架和遥控开关。                                            线设置设为“关”。
     ● 频闪闪光时也可以使用“buLb”。
     ● 如果闪光次数显示为--,则闪光灯会连续闪光,直到快门或电池

                                                                 ZOOM            SYNC        SLAVE
                                                                                                              1   长按<SYNC>按钮2秒,直
                                                                                                                  至< >闪烁。旋转调节旋
                                                                                                                  钮令频幕显示 <   >,表
 闪   Hz                                                                  SET

 光输出      1    2    3    4    5    6-7 8-9   10 20-50   60-99
   1/4    6    3    2    2    2    2    2    2    2      2

   1/8    14   14   6    4    3    3    3    2    2      2
  1/16    30   30   30   20   10   8    5    3    3      3












                                                                 ZOOM            SYNC        SLAVE
                                                                                                              1   长按<SYNC>按钮2秒,直
                                                                                                                  至<  >闪烁。旋转调节旋
                                                                                                                  钮令频幕显示 <    >,表

  1/128   90   90   90   90   90   90   80   70   30     20

● 无线电创意系统,支持创建三个从属单元组,并实现TTL自动闪
● 使用主控单元按组分别设置的任何TTL自动闪光,手动闪光和频闪
                                                                 ZOOM           SYNC         SLAVE
                                                                                                              1   按< SLAVE >按钮选择
                                                                                                                  <MODE>按钮 选择主控单

  闪光设置都会被自动传输到从属单元。因此,在拍摄时无需操作从                                                                                   元的闪光模式可以在 OFF /
  属单元。只需在主控单元上对每个从属组进行单独设置就可完成。                                                                                   TTL / M 之间进行切换,选
● 将此产品设置为主控单元时,可以在TTL/M/Multi/OFF四种                                                                               择其中一种作为主控单元的
  闪光模式下工作。                                                                                                        闪光模式。
                                                                  MODE         ZOOM            SYNC   SLAVE

*TT350S 作为主控单元,可控制从属单元型号:
AD600、AD600M、AD360II-C、AD360II-N 、V860IIS、V850II、
                                                                                                              2   长按<MODE>按钮2秒可切

*TT350S 作为从属单元,可受控主控单元型号:

- 11 -                                                                                                                         - 12 -

 如果在拍摄现场不止一个无线闪光系统,您可以通过更改通讯频道来                                  5、M:手动无线闪光拍摄
    ZOOM          SYNC    SLAVE
                                          1   长按<SLAVE>按钮2秒直至
                                                                        MODE    ZOOM             SYNC     SLAVE

                                                                                                                  1   将闪光模式设为<M>。
                                                                                                                      ● 按下<MODE>按钮,

                                                                                         SET                           选择M模式。

                                          2   按下<SET>设置按钮确定。
    ZOOM          SYNC    SLAVE

                                                                MODE    ZOOM          SYNC      SLAVE

                                                                                                                  2   设置闪光输出
                                                                                                                      ● 旋转调节旋钮为闪光组设

 4、TTL: 全自动无线闪光拍摄
                                                                                                                  3   拍摄照片
                                                                                                                      ● 各组以设定的闪光光比闪光。

                                          1   设置主控单元
                                               为主控单元。 (第12页)
                                                                       MODE    ZOOM            SYNC     SLAVE
                                                                                                                  1   设定<Multi>频闪模式。
                                                                                                                      ● 长按<MODE>按钮2秒,
                                               TTL。                                                                   长按<MODE>按钮2秒即退

                                          2   设置从属单元                                                                  出。
                                              ● 可以选择A/B/C。                                                        2   闪光功率/闪光频率/闪光次
                                                                                                                      ● 在M组状态下可设置闪光

                                          3   检查传输频道
                                              ● 将主控单元和从属单元的

                                          4   定位相机和闪光灯
                                              ● 将其定位在(第15页)所
                                                                                                                      ● 在A、B、C组只可通过

   MODE    ZOOM           SYNC    SLAVE
                                          5   检查操作
                                              ● 按下主控闪光灯的试闪按
                                              钮< >。
                                              ● 从属单元闪光。如果从属


- 13 -                                                                                                                                - 14 -

使具有无线电传输无线拍摄功能的闪光灯(主控/从属),可按照与普通      ● 用三个从属组进行自动闪光拍摄。

● 使用一个从属单元进行自动闪光拍摄

         (主控)                                         B



     ● 使用附带的微型支架定位从属单元。
     ● 开始拍摄前请进行测试闪光和试拍。                其他应用
     ● 受从属单元的位置、周围环境、天气状况等影响,传输距离可能
       更短。                            自动辅助对焦灯
                无线多重闪光拍摄              对焦准确,辅助对焦灯自动熄灭。
                                        ● 不接相机时, TT350S的对焦灯不会亮;

● 用两个从属组进行自动闪光拍摄。                       ● 在微单(如ILCE6000L、a7RII)类型的相机上使用, TT350S对
                                        ● 只有在单反(如a99、a77II)类型的相机上使用, TT350S对

                                        位置       有效范围
                                        中央       0.6~4米
                                        边缘       0.6~2.5米

- 15 -                                                                         - 16 -

反射闪光                                        ZOOM:设置闪光覆盖范围并使用广角散光板
通过将闪光灯头指向墙壁或天花板,闪光在照亮被摄体前被墙面反射。             该闪光灯有两种变焦方式:自动变焦和手动变焦。可以设置闪光覆盖范
这可以减轻被摄物体背后的阴影,获得更自然的摄影效果。称之为反射             围以匹配24-105毫米的镜头焦距。自动变焦时,焦距会随相机变焦镜
闪光。                                         头的改变而变化,以提供最佳闪光效果。同样,使用内置的广角散光
旋转闪光灯头来设置反射方向。                              板,闪光覆盖范围可以扩展为14毫米广角镜头。

                           -7-90                                         手动变焦时,按下<ZOOM>
                                             ZOOM         SYNC   SLAVE
         270                                        SET                  ● 转动调节旋钮更改闪光覆盖范围。
                                                                         ● 在显示< AU>状态下,将自动设置

                                               ● 如果手动设置闪光覆盖范围,确保其覆盖镜头焦距,这样照片就不
                                               ● 低电量警示时,ZOOM值将无法调整,自动固定在24mm。

     ● 如果墙壁或天花板太远,反射闪光可能太弱并导致曝光不足。
                                                                         ● 同时弹出眼神光板。请推回眼神
     ● 墙壁或天花板应该是平坦的、白色的以利于高效的反射。如果反射

创建眼神光                                           ● 当拉出广角散光板, ZOOM值会固定在14mm, <ZOOM>按钮不
使用眼神光板,您可以在被摄体的眼睛中创建眼神光以使面部表情更                    起作用。

                    1   将闪光灯头向上旋转90°。                                    电池电量低时,电池符号<     > 会闪

                    2   拉出广角散光板,同时弹出                                     低电量警示时,ZOOM值将无法调
                        眼神光板。                                            整,自动固定在24mm。

                    3   推入广角散光板。
                        ● 仅推入广角散光板。
                        ● 按照反射闪光中相同的步

     ● 请将闪光灯头向前指然后向上旋转90度。如果左右旋转闪光灯头就
     ● 要获得最好的眼神光效果,被摄体不能处于相机1.5米/4.9英尺以内。

- 17 -                                                                                    - 18 -

                                                    功率                  次数
请对照以下图表本机应用栏,使用自定义功能来完成设置。                          1/1                 15

 自定义           功能                设置符号   设置和说明       1/2(+0.3,+0.7);     20

 功能符号                                               1/4(+0.3,+0.7)      30

 ST            自动休眠(standby)     ON     启动          1/8(+0.3,+0.7);

                                 OF     关闭          1/16(+0.3,+0.7)     40

 AF            自动对焦辅助光闪光         ON     启动

                                 OF     关闭
                                                   2. 其他保护
 BL            背光控制                     10秒后自动熄灭
                                                   ● 为了保证设备安全的工作,系统时刻进行预防保护,以下提示符号
                                 ON     一直点亮
                                                    LCD显示        警示内容
1. 长按< ZOOM >按钮2秒,直到显示C.Fn菜单。
                                                    E1           闪光灯回电系统出现问题,无法回电引闪,请重新开机,如无法
2. 旋转调节旋钮选择自定义功能。                                                解决请维修
3. 按< SET >设置按钮,自定义功能编号闪烁。                          E3           闪光灯管两端电压过高,请维修
4. 旋转调节旋钮设置想要的编号,按<SET>按钮确定。                        E9           固件升级有误,请进行正确固件升级
5. 按<ZOOM>退出C.Fn菜单。


1. 热保护
● 为防止闪光灯头过热并损坏,请勿在1/1功率时进行超过30次的快
● 如您在进行超过30次连续闪光后马上继续进行更多次闪光,内部的                    固件升级
  种现象,请让闪光灯冷却约10分钟,闪光灯便会恢复正常。                      本机通过USB插座可进行固件升级。软件最新公告及说明将会发布在
● 热保护启动后,显示屏上                 的符号会显示。              官方网站上。
                                                         ● 注:本品出厂不配USB升级线,请另行购买。普通的USB线可使
  功率                   次数                                  用,本产品USB口为Micro USB 接口。
  1/1                  30
                                                   查看版本号: 按住<MODE>按钮然后开机, 显示U-1.0, 表示1.0版
  1/2 +0.7             40
  1/2 +0.3             50
  1/2                  60
  1/4(+0.3,+0.7)       100
  1/8(+0.3,+0.7)       200
  1/16(+0.3,+0.7)      300
  1/32(+0.3,+0.7)      500
  1/64(+0.3,+0.7)      1000

- 19 -                                                                                     - 20 -

  规格参数                                                 故障排除指南

 型号                  TT350S                           如果遇到问题,请参阅此故障排除指南。

 · 类型
 兼容相机                SONY索尼 (参考兼容相机列表)
                                                      ● 电池安装方向错误。
 闪光指数                36(m ISO 100)
                                                      ● 闪光灯的内置电池耗尽。
 闪光覆盖范围              24 – 105毫米
                                                       →如果闪光灯LCD屏幕上<   >显示并闪烁,表明需要更换电池。

                      光覆盖范围)                          闪光灯不闪光。
                     •手动变焦                            ● 闪光灯没有牢固地安装在相机上。
                     •闪光灯头旋转/倾斜,水平0~270°,              →将闪光灯的固定座牢固地安装在相机上。
                      垂直-7°~90°(反射闪光)                 ● 闪光灯和相机的电子触点变脏。
 闪光持续时间(t0.1)        1/350秒-1/20000秒

 · 曝光控制
 曝光控制系统              TTL 自动闪光、手动闪光
                                                      ● 当灯作为主控单元时,90秒无操作后,自动电源关闭功能生效。
 闪光曝光补偿(FEC)         手动,闪光包围曝光:在±3档间以1/3档为增量调节
                     (可以组合使用手动闪光曝光补偿)                 ● 作为从属单元在60分钟无任何操作时,闪光灯会进入休眠状态。
 同步方式                高速同步(最高1/8000秒),前帘同步,后帘同步         →可按机身任意按键唤醒。
 频闪闪光                具备(次数:90次;99Hz)

 · 无线闪光(无线电2.4G传输)                                    自动变焦不工作。

 无线功能                主控单元,从属单元,关闭                     ● 闪光灯没有牢固地安装在相机上。
 可控制从属单元组            3组:A, B,C

 传输范围(约)             ≤30 米
 频道                  16组:1~16
                                                      ● 使用高速同步。
 · 自动对焦辅助光
 有效范围(约)             中央:0.6 -4米 / 边缘:0.6-2.5米          的有效闪光范围内。
 · 电源                                                 ● 闪光灯使用手动曝光模式。
 AA型电池               镍氢电池(推荐)或LR6类型碱性电池*2节             →改为TTL模式或修改闪光输出功率设置。
 回电时间                约0.1-2.2秒(松下eneloop镍氢电池),闪光灯准备

                     就绪,LED红色指示灯亮起                    相片出现暗角或者被摄物体只有局部能照亮。
                                                      ● 相机镜头焦距超出闪光灯的覆盖范围。
 全功率闪光次数             约210次(2500mA镍氢电池)
 节能                  闪光灯在无人操作90秒左右将会自动关闭电源。
 · 同步触发方式            热靴,光控

 · 尺寸

 体积                  140*62*38 mm

 净重(不含电池)            200g

- 21 -                                                                                - 22 -



  α7RII     α7R   α58   α99   ILCE6000L   α77 II


    注: 1. 此表格仅列举目前已测试的相机型号,未涵盖所有SONY相机。
         2. 本公司保留未来修改此表格内容的权利。


● 闪光灯在工作时,如发现异常,应立即关掉电源,查明原因。
● 灯体应避免震动,平时注意表面除尘。
● 灯体稍有发热为正常现象,无特别需要时,勿连续引闪。
● 闪光灯的所有维修概由本厂指定可供原厂配件之维修部负责。
● 1年保修,消耗品如灯管等,不在1年保修范围。
● 经发现,擅自检修此闪光灯的,将取消闪光灯之一年保修期,维修
● 如果本品出现故障或者被水淋湿,在专业人员维修后方可继续使
● 如有技术更改,恕不另行通知。

- 23 -                                             - 24 -

    Foreword                                                              For Your Safety

  Thank you for purchasing this product.                                   Always keep this product dry. Do not use in rain or in damp
  This TT350S camera flash applies to SONY series cameras and is           This product contains high-voltage electronic parts. Touching
  compatible with TTL autoflash. With this TTL compatible flash, your      the high-voltage circuit inside it may result in electric shock. Do
  shooting will become simpler. You can easily achieve a correct flash     not disassemble. Should repairs become necessary, this
  exposure even in complex light-changing environments. This               product must be sent to an authorized maintenance center.
  camera flash features:                                                   Stop using this product if it breaks open due to extrusion, falling
  ● GN36 (m ISO 100, @105mm).                                              or strong hit. Otherwise, electric shock may occur if you touch
  ● Fully support Sony TTL camera flash. Workable as Master or             the electronic parts inside it.
    Slave unit in a wireless flash group.                                  Do not fire the flash directly into the eyes (especially those of
  ● With built-in 2.4GHz wireless remote system to support                 babies) within short distances. Otherwise visual impairment
                                                                           may occur. When taking pictures for babies, keep the flash unit
    transmitting and receiving.
                                                                           at least 1 meter (3.3 feet) away from them. Using bounce flash
  ● Provided multiple functions, include manual flash, multi flash, HSS
                                                                           to reduce light intensity is also recommended.
    (up to 1/8000s), second curtain sync, FEC, etc.
                                                                           Do not use the flash unit in the presence of flammable gases,
  ● Support with firmware upgrade.
                                                                           chemicals and other similar materials. In certain circumstances,
                                                                           these materials may be sensitive to the strong light emitting
                                                                           from this flash unit and fire or electromagnetic interference may
                                                                           Do not leave or store the flash unit in places where the ambient
                                                                           temperature reads over 50°C (e.g. in automobile). Otherwise
                                                                           the electronic parts may be damaged.

- 25 -                                                                                                                                     - 26 -

                                                                      25   Foreword
                                                                      26   For Your Safety
                                                                      29   Name of Parts
                                                                           Control Panel
                                                                           LCD Panel
                                                                           What's in the Box of TT350S?
                                                                           Separately Sold Accessories
                                                                      31   Attaching to a Camera
                                                                      32   Power Management
                                                                      32   Flash Mode: TTL Autoflash
                                                                                  FEC (Flash Exposure Compensation)
                                                                                  High-Speed Sync
                                                                           Second-Curtain Sync
                                                                      34   Flash Mode – M: Manual Flash
                                                                      35   Flash Mode – Multi: Stroboscopic Flash
                                                                      36   Wireless Flash Shooting: Radio (2.4G) Transmission
                                                                           Wireless Settings
                                                                           Setting Master Unit’s Flash Mode
  Electronic      Camera Flash                                             Setting the Communication Channel
                                                                           TTL: Fully Automatic Wireless Flash Shooting
                                                                           M: Wireless Flash Shooting with Manual Flash
                                                                           Multi: Wireless Flash Shooting with Manual Flash
                                                                      41   Other Applications
                                                                           Auto Focus Assist Beam
  Thinklite TTL Camera Flash
                                                                           Bounce Flash
                                                                           Creating a Catchlight
  Conventions used in this Manual
                                                                           ZOOM: Setting the Flash Coverage and Using the Wide Panel
  ● This manual is based on the assumption that both the camera and
                                                                           Low Battery Indicator
  camera flash’s power switches are powered on.
                                                                      43   C.Fn: Setting Custom Functions
  ● Reference page numbers are indicated by “p.**”.
                                                                      44   Protection Function
  ● The following alert symbols are used in this manual:              45   Firmware Upgrade
     The Caution symbol gives supplemental information.               45   Technical Data
     The Note symbol indicates a warning to prevent shooting          47   Troubleshooting
                                                                      48   Compatible Camera Models
                                                                      48   Maintenance
- 27 -                                                                                                                          - 28 -

                                                                                          ● LCD Panel
     Name of Parts                                                                        (1) TTL Autoflash

                                                                                           Zoom : zoom display (Page 42)     Focus length (Page 42)

                        01                                                                 TTL : TTL autoflash



                                                                                               : Flash exposure                Flash exposure
                                                                                                compensation (Page 33)         compensation amount

                                                                                     06    (2)M Manual Flash
                                                                                                                                 M : Manual flash


                                                                                                                                 Manual flash output

                                                         08                                (3)Multi Flash
 ●   Body                                                                                                                    Multi : Stroboscopic flash
  01. Catchlight Panel                     06. Hotshoe
  02. Built-in Wide Panel                  07. LCD Panel                                                                         Number of flashes

  03. Flash Head                           08. Lock Ring
                                                                                                                                 Flash frequency
  04. Optic Control Sensor                 09. Battery Compartment
  05. Focus Assist Beam                    10. USB Port
          12                                                                 13
                                                                                           (4) Radio Transmission Shooting
          11                 MODE   ZOOM          SYNC   SLAVE
                                                                             19             ● Master Unit                        Flash mode
          16                               SET                               15
                                                                                              Firing group

 ●   Control Panel                                                                            Master                                       Channel
  11. <MODE>Mode Selection Button                    press for 2 seconds)
  12. <ZOOM>Zoom Selection Button 18. <     > Wireless Selection
  13.<SYNC>High-Speed Sync Button     Button (reusable button, long                         ● Slave Unit
  14. <SLAVE> S1/S2 Optic Slave       press for 2 seconds)
      Triggering Selection Button                19. <GR/CH> Group/Channel Button
         (in non-wireless mode)                      (reusable button, in wireless
  15. <        > Power Switch                        mode)
  16. <    > Test Button / Flash Ready 20. Select Dial
      Indicator.                       21.<SET> Set Button                                    Slave
  17. <     >Custom Function Setting
      Button (reusable button, long
- 29 -                                                                                                                                        - 30 -

  ● What’s       in the Box of TT350S?
                                                                            Power Management
 1. Flash unit    2. Mini stand   3. Protection case   4. Diffuser
 5. Instruction manual
                                                                          Use        Power Switch to power the flash unit on (Long press the
 ● Separately        Sold Accessories                                     button for one second) or off. Turn off if it will not be used for an
 The product can be used in combination with the following                extended period of time. Setting as a master flash, it will turn the
 accessories sold separately, so as to achieve best photography           power off automatically after a certain period (approx. 90 seconds)
 effects: X1T-S wireless flash trigger, Mini softbox, White & Silver      of idle use. Pressing the camera shutter halfway or pressing any
 reflector, Honeycomb, Color gels, Snoot, etc.                            flash button will wake up the flash unit. Setting as a slave flash, it
                                                                          will enter sleep mode after a certain period (adjustable, 60 minutes
                                                                          by default) of idle use. Pressing any flash button will wake it up.

                                                                               C.Fn Disabling Auto Power Off function is recommended
                                                                                    when the flash is used off camera. (C.Fn-ST, Page 43)

                                                                            Flash Mode: TTL Autoflash
                                                                          This flash has three flash modes: TTL, Manual (M), and Multi
   Attaching to a Camera                                                  (Stroboscopic). In TTL mode, the camera and the flash will work
                                                                          together to calculate the correct exposure for the subject and the
                                                                          background. In this mode, multiple TTL functions are available:

                                    1    Attach the Camera Flash.
                                         ● Slip the camera flash’s
                                            mounting foot into the
                                                                          FEC, HSS, second curtain sync, etc.
                                                                          * Press <MODE> Mode Selection Button and three flash modes will
                                            camera’s hotshoe all the      display on the LCD panel one by one with each pressing.

                                                                          TTL Mode
                                                                          Press <MODE> Mode Selection Button to enter TTL mode. The
                                    2    Secure the Camera Flash.
                                         ● Rotate the lock ring on the
                                           mounting foot until it locks
                                                                          LCD panel will display <TTL>.
                                                                          ● Press the camera release button halfway to focus.
                                                                          ● When the shutter button is fully pressed, the flash will fire a pre-
                                                                            flash that the camera will use to calculate exposure and flash
                                                                            output the instant before the photo is taken.

                                    3    Detach the Camera Flash.
                                         ● Rotate the lock ring on the
                                                                          Display“HI”: When the flash output value is up to the maximum
                                                                            value, “HI”will be displayed and blinking for 3 seconds. Adjust
                                           mounting foot until it is        the camera’s parameters if underexposure appears.
                                                                          Display“Lo”: When the flash output value is up to the minimum
                                                                            value, “Lo”will be displayed and blinking for 3 seconds. Adjust the
                                                                            camera’s parameters if overexposure appears.

- 31 -                                                                                                                                         - 32 -

         FEC: Flash Exposure Compensation                                                      M: Manual Flash
  With FEC function, this flash can adjust from -3 to +3 in 1/3rd stops.
  It is useful in situations where minor adjusting of the TTL system is
                                                                                             The flash output is adjustable from 1/1 full power to 1/128th power
  needed based on the environment.
                                                                                             in 1/3rd stop increments. To obtain a correct flash exposure, use a
  Setting FEC:                                                                               hand-held flash meter to determine the required flash output.

     MODE     ZOOM            SYNC     SLAVE           1   Press the SET Button and
                                                           the flash exposure
                                                           compensation amount will be
                                                                                                 MODE     ZOOM            SYNC     SLAVE
                                                                                                                                                   1    Press < MODE > button so
                                                                                                                                                        that < M > is displayed.

                       SET                                 highlighted on the LCD panel.                MODE      ZOOM
                                                                                                                                 SYNC      SLAVE

                                                                                                                                                   2    Turn the Select Dial to choose
                                                                                                                                                        a desired flash output amount.
                                                                                                                                                         In high-speed sync mode,

                                                       2   Turn the Select Dial to set the
                                                                                                                                                         the adjustable flash range is
                                                           ● “0.3”means 1/3 step,
                                                             “0.7”means 2/3 step.
                                                           ● To cancel the flash
     ZOOM           SYNC      SLAVE
                                                             exposure compensation,          Flash Output Range
                                                             set the amount to “+0”.         The following table makes it easier to see how the stop changes in
                       ZOOM           SYNC     SLAVE                                         terms of f/stop when you increase or decrease the flash output. For
                                                                                             example, when you decrease the flash output to 1/2, 1/2-0.3, or 1/2-
                                SET                    3   Press < SET > button again
                                                           to confirm the setting.           0.7, and then increase the flash output to more than 1/2, 1/2+0.3,
                                                                                             1/2+0.7, and 1/1 will be displayed.

                                                                                                         Figures displayed when reducing flash output level→

     High-Speed Sync                                                                                    1/1-0.3          1/1-0.7                   1/2-0.3   1/2-0.7           ······
 High Speed Sync (Hss flash) enables the flash to synchronize with                             1/1                                      1/2                            1/4
 all camera shutter speeds. This is convenient when you want to use                                     1/2+0.7          1/2+0.3                   1/4+0.7   1/4+0.3           ······
 aperture priority for fill-flash portraits.
 Press the <SYNC> button to turn on high-speed sync flash and                                           ←Figures displayed when increasing flash output level
 <     > is displayed. Then, adjust the SONY camera’s shutter to                             In the M mode,    high-speed sync and second curtain sync functions
 achieve high-speed sync flash.                                                               can be achieved.

         ● With high-speed sync, the faster the shutter speed, the                                                 Optical S1 Secondary Unit Setting
           shorter the effective flash range.                                                In M manual flash mode, press the <SLAVE> button so that this
         ● Multi flash mode cannot be set in high-speed sync mode.                           flash can function as an optic S1 secondary flash with optic sensor.
                                                                                             With this function, the flash will fire synchronously when the main
         ● Over-temperature protection may be activated after 15
                                                                                             flash fires, the same effect as that by the use of radio triggers. This
           consecutive high-speed sync flashes.
                                                                                             helps create multiple lighting effects.
         ● Try to avoid using high-speed sync flash, which will cut
           short flash tube’s lifetime.                                                                            Optical S2 Secondary Unit Setting
                                                                                             Press the <SLAVE> button so that this flash can also function as an
                                                                                             optic S2 secondary flash with optic sensor in M manual flash mode.
 Second-Curtain Sync                                                                         This is useful when cameras have pre-flash function. With this
                                                                                             function, the flash will ignore a single “preflash” from the main flash
 With a slow shutter speed, you can create a light train following the
                                                                                             and will only fire in response to the second, actual flash from the
 subject. The flash fires right before the shutter closes.
                                                                                             main unit.
 ● Set Sony camera to Rear mode.
                                                                                                  ●   S1 and S2 optic triggering and off camera high-speed
                                                                                                      mode are only available in M manual flash mode.

- 33 -                                                                                                                                                                              - 34 -

                                                                                              Maximum Stroboscopic Flashes:
       Multi: Stroboscopic Flash                                                               Flash Hz
                                                                                                               1      2       3    4    5    6-7 8-9     10 20-50   60-99

  With stroboscopic flash, a rapid series of flashes is fired. It can be                         1/4           6      3       2    2    2     2     2    2     2      2
  used to capture a multiple images of a moving subject in a single
  photograph.                                                                                    1/8           14     14      6    4    3     3     3    2     2      2
  You can set the firing frequency (number of flashes per sec.
  expressed as Hz), the number of flashes, and the flash output.                                1/16           30     30      30   20   10    8     5    3     3      3

         MODE     ZOOM          SYNC     SLAVE
                                                         1   Press <MODE> button so
                                                             that <Multi> is displayed.

                                                                                                               60     60      60   50   50   40     12   5     5      5

                MODE     ZOOM           SYNC     SLAVE                                                         90     90      90   80   80   70     60   20    10    10

                                                         2   Turn the Select Dial to choose
                                                             a desired flash output.            1/128          90     90      90   90   90   90     80   70    30    20

                                                                                                Wireless Flash Shooting: Radio (2.4G) Transmission
                                                         3   Set the flash frequency and
                                                             flash times.
                                                             ● Press the SET Button to        ● You can set up three slave groups for TTL autoflash shooting.
                                                                select the flash frequency.     With TTL autoflash, you can easily create various lighting effects.
MODE     ZOOM          SYNC     SLAVE
                                                                Turn the Select Dial to set   ● Any flash settings for the slave units on the master flash in TTL
                                                                the number.                     mode will be automatically sent to the slave units. So the only
                                                             ● Press the SET Button             thing you need to do is to set the master unit for each slave group

                MODE     ZOOM           SYNC     SLAVE
                                                                again to select the flash       without any operation for the slave units at all during the shooting.
                                                                times. Turn the Select Dial
                                                                to set the number.            ● This flash can work in TTL /M /Multi / OFF flash modes when set
                                                                                                as a master unit.
                                                                                              When using Godox 2.4G wireless X system, TT350S is perfectly
  Calculating the Shutter Speed                                                               compatible with other products of our company.
  During stroboscopic flash, the shutter remains open until the firing                        As a master unit, TT350S can control the following slave unit
  stops. Use the formula below to calculate the shutter speed and set                         models: AD600, AD600M, AD360II-C, AD360II-N, V860IIS, V850II,
  it with the camera.                                                                         TT685S, TT600.
                                                                                              As a slave unit, TT350S can be controlled by the following master
          Number of Flashes / Flash Frequency = Shutter Speed                                 unit models: X1T-S, V860IIS, V850II, TT685S, TT600.
  For example, if the number of flashes is 10 and the firing frequency is
  5 Hz, the shutter speed should be at least 2 seconds.                                            ● Even with multiple slave units, the master unit can control
                                                                                                     all of them via wireless.
          To avoid overheating and deteriorating the flash head, do not                            ● In this user manual, “master unit” refers to the camera flash
          use stroboscopic flash more than 10 times in succession.                                   on a camera and “slave unit” will be controlled by the
          After 10 times, allow the camera flash to rest for at least 15                             master unit.
          minutes. If you try to use the stroboscopic flash more than 10
          times in succession, the firing might stop automatically to
                                                                                              1. Wireless Settings
          protect the flash head. If this happens, allow at least 15
          minutes’ rest for the camera flash.                                                 You can switch between normal flash and wireless flash. For normal
                                                                                              flash shooting, be sure to set the wireless setting to OFF.

          ● Stroboscopic flash is most effective with a highly reflective                                                     Master Unit Setting
            subject against a dark background.
          ● Using a tripod and a remote control is recommended.
          ● Stroboscopic flash can be used with“buLb”.
          ● If the number of flashes is displayed as “--”, the firing will
                                                                                                  ZOOM         SYNC   SLAVE
                                                                                                                                        1    Long Press the <SYNC>
                                                                                                                                             button for 2 seconds so that
                                                                                                                                             < > is blinking. Turn the
            continue until the shutter closes or the battery is                                          SET
                                                                                                                                             Select Dial until the <   >
            exhausted. The number of flashes will be limited as shown                                                                        is displayed on the LCD
            by the following table.                                                                                                          panel, which means the
                                                                                                                                             master unit.

- 35 -                                                                                                                                                                - 36 -

                                         Slave Unit Setting
                                                                                                                         2   Slave Unit Setting
                                                                                                                             ● Set the TT350S that to be
    ZOOM           SYNC         SLAVE
                                                 1   Long Press the <SYNC>
                                                     button for 2 seconds so that
                                                     < > is blinking. Turn the
                                                                                                                               controlled as the wireless
                                                                                                                               slave unit. (Page 37)
                                                                                                                             ● The slave unit can be set
                                                     Select Dial until the <   > is
                                                                                                                               as A/B/C.
                                                     displayed on the LCD panel,
                                                     which means the slave unit.
                                                                                                                         3   Check the communication
                                                                                                                             ● If the master unit and
 2. Setting Master Unit’s Flash Mode                                                                                           slave unit(s) are set to a

    ZOOM           SYNC         SLAVE
                                                 1   Press the <SLAVE> Button to
                                                     choose the group from
                                                     M/A/B/C. Then, press the
                                                                                                                               different channel, set them
                                                                                                                               to the same channel.
                                                                                                                               (Page 37)
                                                     < MODE > Button so that the
                                                     master unit can work in OFF /
                                                     TTL / M flash mode. Choose
                                                                                                                         4   Position the camera and
                                                                                                                             ● Position the camera and
                                                     one of them as the flash
                                                     mode of master unit.                                                      flashes as the picture
                                                                                                                               shows. (Page 40)
     MODE         ZOOM            SYNC   SLAVE

                                                                                                                         5   Check the flash operation
                                                                                                                             ● Press the master unit’s

                                                 2   Press the <MODE> Button for
                                                     2 seconds to switch to Multi
                                                                                      MODE   ZOOM

                                                                                                          SYNC   SLAVE
                                                                                                                               Test Button< >.
                                                                                                                             ● Then, the slave unit will
                                                                                                                               fire. If not, adjust the slave
                                                                                                                               unit’s angle toward the
 3. Setting the Communication Channel
                                                                                                                               master unit and distance
 If there are other wireless flash systems nearby, you can change the                                                          from the master unit.
 channel IDs to prevent signal interference. The channel IDs of the
 master unit and the slave unit(s) must be set to the same.
                                                                                       The slave unit might be out of order or fire an unwanted flash
                                         Long press the <SLAVE>
                                         Button for 2 seconds until the
                                         channel IDs is blinking. Turn
                                                                                       due to the nearby wifi routers or other 2.4G equipments. If in
                                                                                       this case, please adjust the flash’s channel or turn off the 2.4G
          SET                            the Select Dial to choose a                   equipments.
                                         channel ID from 1 to 16.

    ZOOM           SYNC         SLAVE

                                                 2   Press the <SET> button to

4. TTL: Fully Automatic Wireless Flash Shooting
                     Autoflash Shooting with One Slave Unit

                                                 1   Master Unit Setting
                                                     ● Attach a TT350S camera
                                                     flash on the camera and set it
                                                     as the master unit. (Page 36)
                                                      ● M/A/B/C can be set as
                                                        TTL mode independently.
- 37 -                                                                                                                                                   - 38 -

  5. M: Wireless Flash Shooting with Manual Flash                                Slave/Master Unit's Positioning and Operation Range
  This describes wireless (multiple shooting) using manual flash. You            ● Autoflash Shooting with One Slave Unit
  can shoot with a different flash output setting for each slave unit
  (firing group). Set all parameters on the master unit.

       MODE    ZOOM          SYNC    SLAVE
                                             1   Setting the flash mode to
                                                 ● Press the <MODE> Button
                                                 to set the flash to M mode.

                                             2   Setting flash output
                                                 ● Turn the Select Dial to set
                                                 the flash output of the
                                                                                                                           Transmission distance is about 30m.

MODE   ZOOM         SYNC     SLAVE

                                             3   Taking the picture
                                                 ● Each group fires at the set
                                                   flash ratio.                       ● Use the supplied mini stand to position the slave unit.
                                                                                      ● Before shooting, perform a test flash and test shooting.
                                                                                      ● The transmission distance might be shorter depending on
                                                                                        the conditions such as positioning of slave units, the
                                                                                        surrounding environment and whether conditions.
  6. Multi: Wireless Flash Shooting with Manual

       MODE    ZOOM          SYNC    SLAVE
                                             1   Setting <Multi>
                                                 stroboscopic flash.
                                                 ● Long press the <MODE>
                                                                                                  Wireless Multiple Flash Shooting
                                                                                 You can divide the slave units into two or three groups and perform
                                                 button for 2 seconds so that    TTL autoflash while changing the flash ratio (factor). In addition, you
                                                 <Multi> is displayed. Long      can set and shoot with a different flash mode for each firing group,
                                                 press the <MODE> button         for up to 3 groups.
                                                 for 2 seconds again to exit.    ● Auto Shooting with Two Slave Groups

                                             2   Setting flash output/flash
                                                 frequency/flash times.
                                                 ● Setting the flash                                                   A

                                                 output/flash frequency/flash
                                                 times of the groups in the M
                                                 mode. Setting the multi flash                                                              B

                                                 mode. (see Page35 )

                                                 ● A, B and C group can only
                                                 control the ON/OFF of the
                                                 slave unit by pressing the
                                                 <MODE> Button.
                                                                                 ● Auto Shooting with Three Slave Groups
  Using a flash (master/slave) with a radio transmission wireless
  shooting function make it easy to shoot with advanced wireless                                                               C
  multiple flash lighting, in the same way as TTL autoflash shooting.
  The basic relative position and operation range are as shown in the                                                 A
  picture. You can then perform wireless TTL autoflash shooting just
  by setting the master unit to <TTL>.

 - 39 -                                                                                                                                                   - 40 -

    Other Applications                                                          ● Ifthe wall or ceiling is too far away, the bounced flash might
                                                                                  be too weak and result in underexposure.
                                                                                ● The wall or ceiling should be a plain, white color for high
  Auto Focus Assist Beam                                                          reflectance. If the bounce surface is not white, a color cast
  In poorly-lit or low-contrast shooting environments, the built-in auto          may appear in the picture.
  focus assist beam will automatically light on to make it easier for
  autofocus. The beam will light up only when autofocus is difficult       Creating a Catchlight
  and get out as soon as the autofocus becomes correct.                    With the catchlight panel, you can create a catchlight in the subject’s
  If you want to turn off the auto focus assist beam, set the “AF” to      eyes to add life to the facial expression.
  “OFF” on the C.Fn settings.

         ● When  not attaching to the camera, the auto focus assist
                                                                                                             1    Point the flash head upward by
           beam of TT350S does not light up.
         ● When using on Interchangeable Lens Digital Cameras (e.g.
           ILCE6000L, a7RII, etc.), the auto focus assist beam of
                                                                                                             2    Pull out the wide panel. The
                                                                                                                  catchlight panel will come out
                                                                                                                  at the same time.
           TT350S does not light up.
         ● When only using on DSLR cameras (e.g. a99, a77II, etc.),
           the auto focus assist beam of TT350S does light up.

                                                                                                             3    Push the wide panel back in.
                                                                                                                  ● Push in only the wide panel.
                   Effective Range                                                                                ● Follow the same procedures
                                                                                                                    as for bounce flash.
   Center          0.6~4m

   Periphery       0.6~2.5m

  Bounce Flash                                                                 ● Point the flash head straight ahead and then upward by 90°.
  By pointing the flash head toward a wall or ceiling, the flash will            The catchlight will not appear if you swing the flash head left
  bounce off the surface before illuminating the subject. This can               or right.
  soften shadows behind the subject for a more natural-looking shot.           ● For best catchlight effect, stay 1.5m/4.9ft away from the
  This is called bounce flash.                                                   subject.
  To set the bounce direction, hold the flash head and turn it to a
  satisfying angle.                                                        ZOOM: Setting the Flash Coverage and Using
                                                                           the Wide Panel
                                                -7-90                      The flash coverage can be set automatically or manually. It can be
                                                                           set to match the lens focal length from 24mm to 105mm. Also, with
                                                                           the built-in wide panel, the flash coverage can be expanded for
         270                                                               14mm wide-angle lenses.
                                                                                                              In Manual Zoom mode, press the
                                                                              ZOOM           SYNC   SLAVE     <ZOOM> button.
                                                                                                              ● Turn the Select Dial to change
                                                                                                                the flash coverage.
                                                                                                              ● If <AU> is displayed, the flash
                                                                                                                coverage will be set

                                                                                ● Ifyou set the flash coverage manually, make sure it covers
                                                                                  the lens focal length so that the picture will not have a dark
                                                                                ● When the low battery indicator is displayed, the ZOOM can
                                                                                  not be adjusted, it will constantly be 24mm.

- 41 -                                                                                                                                         - 42 -

                                       Using the Wide Panel
                                       Pull out the wide panel and place it         Protection Function
                                       over the flash head as shown. The
                                       flash coverage will then be extended     1. Over-Temperature Protection
                                       to 14 mm.                                ● To avoid overheating and deteriorating the flash head, do not fire
                                       ● The  catchlight panel will come out      more than 30 continuous flashes in fast succession at 1/1 full
                                         at the same time. Push the               power. After 30 continuous flashes, allow a rest time of at least 10
                                         catchlight panel back in.                minutes.
                                                                                ● If you fire more than 30 continuous flashes and then fire more
        ● When pull out the wide panel, the ZOOM will constantly be               flashes in short intervals, the inner over-temperature protection
          14mm. The <ZOOM> button will not work.                                  function may be activated and make the recycling time over 10
                                                                                  seconds. If this occurs, allow a rest time of about 10 minutes, and
                                       Low Battery Warning                        the flash unit will then return to normal.
                                       If the battery power is low, < > will    ● When the over-temperature protection is started,       is shown on
                                       appear and blink on the LCD panel.         the LCD display.
                                       Please replace the battery
                                                                                Number of flashes that will activate over-temperature protection:
                                       immediately. When the low battery
                                       indicator is displayed, the ZOOM can         Power Output Level         Number of Flashes
                                       not be adjusted, it will constantly be       1/1                        30
                                                                                    1/2 +0.7                   40
                                                                                    1/2 +0.3                   50
                                                                                    1/2                        60
                                                                                    1/4(+0.3,+0.7)             100
                                                                                    1/8(+0.3,+0.7)             200
    C.Fn: Setting Custom Functions                                                  1/16(+0.3,+0.7)            300
                                                                                    1/32(+0.3,+0.7)            500
  The following table lists the available and unavailable custom                    1/64(+0.3,+0.7)            1000
  functions of this flash.                                                          1/128(+0.3,+0.7)

                         C.Fn Custom Functions                                  Number of flashes that will activate over-temperature protection in
                                                                                high-speed sync triggering mode:
   Custom Function Function                Setting No. Settings & Description
   Signs                                                                            Power Output               Times

   ST                 Auto sleep           ON          ON                           1/1                        15
                                                                                    1/2(+0.3,+0.7);            20
                      (standby)            OF          OFF
                                                                                    1/4(+0.3,+0.7)             30
   AF                 AF-assist beam       ON          ON
                                           OF          OFF
                                                                                    1/16(+0.3,+0.7)            40
   BL                 Backlighting         10 sec.     Off in 10 sec.
                                                                                2. Other Protections
                      control              OF          Always off
                                                                                The system provides real-time protection to secure the device and
                                           ON          Always lighting          your safety. The following lists prompts for your reference:
                                                                                Prompts on LCD Panel Meaning
  1. Press the < ZOOM > Button for 2 seconds until C.Fn menu is                 E1                   A failure occurs on the recycling system so that the
     displayed.                                                                                      flash cannot fire.
  2. Turn the Select Dial to select the Custom Functions.                                            Please restart the flash unit. If the problem still exists,
                                                                                                     please send this product to a maintenance center.
  3. Press the <SET> Button and the Setting No. blinks.
                                                                                E3                   The voltage on two outlets of the flash tube is too high.
  4. Turn the Select Dial to set the desired number. Pressing the                                    Please send this product to a maintenance center.
     <SET> Button will confirm the settings.                                    E9                   There are some errors occurred during the upgrading
  5. Press the <ZOOM> Button to exit.                                                                process. Please using the correct firmware upgrade

- 43 -                                                                                                                                                      - 44 -

                                                                                     • Auto Focus Assist Beam
  Firmware Upgrade
                                                                                     Effective range (approx.) Center: 0.6~4m

This flash supports firmware upgrade through the USB port. Update                                             Periphery: 0.6~2.5m
information will be released on our official website.                                • Power Supply
     USB connection line is not included in this product. The USB                    AA batteries             Ni-MH batteries (recommended) or 2*LR6 alkaline batteries
     port is a standard Micro USB socket. Common USB
                                                                                     Recycle time             Approx. 0.1-2.2 seconds (eneloop Ni-MH batteries of Panasonic).
     connection line is applicable.
                                                                                                              Red LED indicator will light up when the flash is ready.
Checking the version: Press the <MODE> Button and the turn
                                                                                     Full power flashes       Approx. 210 (2500mA Ni-MH batteries)
the flash on. Then, the firmware update version (e.g. Version
1.0 will read U-1.0) will be displayed on the LCD panel.                             Power saving             Power off automatically after approx. 90 seconds

                                                                                                              of idle operation. (60 minutes if set as slave)

                                                                                     • Sync Triggering Mode Hotshoe, optic triggering

                                                                                     • Dimensions

  Technical Data                                                                     WxHxD                    140*62*38 mm

                                                                                     Weight without battery   200g

 Model                     TT350S

 • Type

 Compatible Cameras        Please reference to compatible camera models

 Guide No.                 36 (m ISO 100)

 (1/1 output @ 105mm)

 Flash Coverage            24 to 105mm

                           • Auto zoom (Flash coverage set automatically

                            to match the lens focal length and image size)

                           • Manual zoom

                           • Swinging/tilting flash head (bounce flash): 0 to 270°

                            horizontally and -7° to 90° vertically

 Flash Duration (t0.1)     1/350 to 1/20000 seconds

 • Exposure Control

 Exposure control system   TTL autoflash and manual flash

 Flash exposure            Manual. FEB: ±3 stops in 1/3 stop increments

 compensation (FEC)        (Manual FEC can be combined.)

 Sync mode                 High-speed sync (up to 1/8000 seconds),

                           first-curtain sync, and second-curtain sync

 Multi flash               Provided (up to 90 times, 99Hz)

 • Wireless Flash (2.4G radio transmission)

 Wireless flash function   Master, Slave, Off

 Controllable slave groups 3 (A, B and C)

 Transmission range        ≤30m


 Channels                  16 (1~16)

- 45 -                                                                                                                                                                   - 46 -

    Troubleshooting                                                           Compatible Camera Models
                                                                             This flash unit can be used on the following Sony camera models:
  If there is a problem, refer to this Troubleshooting Guide.
                                                                              α7RII        α7R         α58         α99      ILCE6000L        α77 II
  The Camera Flash cannot be charged.
  ● The battery is installed in the wrong direction.
    →Install the battery in the correct direction.
                                                                                ● This table only lists the tested camera models, not all Sony
  ● The camera flash’s internal battery is exhausted.                             cameras. For the compatibility of other camera models,
    →If <    > appears and blinks on the LCD panel, replace the                   a self-test is recommended.
     battery immediately.                                                       ● Rights to modify this table are retained.

  The Camera Flash does not fire.
  ● The camera flash is not attached securely to the camera.                  Maintenance
    →Attach the camera’s mounting foot securely to the camera.
  ● The electrical contacts of the Camera Flash and camera are dirty.       ● Shut down the device immediately should abnormal operation be
    →Clean the contacts.
                                                                            ● Avoid sudden impacts and the product should be dedusted
                                                                            ● It is normal for the flash tube to be warm when in use. Avoid
  The power turns off by itself.
                                                                              continuous flashes if unnecessary.
  ● After 90 seconds of idle operation, auto power off took effect if the
                                                                            ● Maintenance of the flash must be performed by our authorized
    flash is set as master.
                                                                              maintenance department which can provide original accessories.
    →Press the shutter button halfway or press any flash button to
                                                                            ● This product, except consumables e.g. flash tube, is supported
     wake up.
                                                                              with a one-year warranty.
  ● After 60 minutes of idle operation, the flash unit will enter sleep
                                                                            ● Unauthorized service will void the warranty.
    mode if it is set as slave.
                                                                            ● If the product had failures or was wetted, do not use it until it is
    →Press any flash button to wake up.
                                                                              repaired by professionals.

  Auto zoom does not work.                                                  ● Changes made to the specifications or designs may not be
                                                                              reflected in this manual.
  ● The camera flash is not attached securely to the camera.
    →Attach the camera flash’s mounting foot to the camera.
                                                                              FCC Warning
  The flash exposure is underexposed or overexposed.
                                                                            Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
  ● You used high-speed sync.
                                                                            responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate
    →With high-speed sync, the effective flash range will be shorter.
                                                                            the equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
     Make sure the subject is within the effective flash range
     displayed.                                                             Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device
  ● You used Manual Flash mode.                                             may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
                                                                            any interference received, including interference that may cause
    →Set the flash mode to TTL or modify the flash output.
                                                                            undesired operation.
  Photos have dark corners or only parts of the target subject
  are illuminated.                                                          FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
  ● The focal length of lens exceeds the flash coverage.                    This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth
    →Check the flash coverage you set. This flash unit has the flash        for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-
     coverage between 24 and 105mm, which fits medium-format                located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
     cameras. Pull the wide panel out to extend the flash coverage.         transmitter.

- 47 -                                                                                                                                               - 48 -

  Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital

  device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable

  protection against harmful interference in a re sidential installation. This equipment generates

  uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with

  the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is

  no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does

  cause harmful interference to radio or televisi on reception, which can be determined by turning

  the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or

  more of the following measures:

  —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit di fferent from that to which the receiver is

  —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

- 49 -

Document Created: 2019-10-24 08:20:54
Document Modified: 2019-10-24 08:20:54

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC