User manual


Users Manual

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Add: 19th Floor, Room 1902, Building Jinshan, 5033 Shennan, East Road,
Luohu District, Shenzhen 518001, China

电话/Tel: +86-755-29609320(8062)           传真/Fax: +86-755-25723423
                                                                         说    明    手     册
705-AMI000-00                Made in China                               Instruction Manual   Smartphone Flash

前言                                    警告
感谢您购买神牛产品。                           请保持干燥。
在使用本产品之前, 请先仔细阅读本手册,以确保您能安全使用。       请勿私自拆卸产品,如产品出现故障须由本公司或授权的维修人员进行检查维修。
请保存好本手册以备将来查询参考。                     禁止拆卸、撞击、挤压或投入火中,若出现严重鼓胀,请勿继续使用。
 手机APP操作                             请勿在化学品、可燃性气体或其他特殊物质附近使用闪光灯,这些物质在特殊情况
 Ami内置蓝牙4.0模块,可以通过蓝牙连接手机,由APP控制拍照。   下可能对闪光灯发出的瞬间强光敏感,有可能导致火灾或电磁干扰。在这些场合
 小巧便携:内置锂电池,携带无忧。                    下,请注意相关警告标识。
 色温恒定:色温全程保持在6000±200K范围内            本产品不能防水,在雨天及潮湿环境下请注意防水。

                   - 01 -                            - 02 -

                                  01   前言                      10   手机APP介绍
                                  02   警告                      11   保护功能
                                  05   部件名称                    12   规格参数
                                       机身                      13   故障排除指南
                                       标配物品                    13   维护保养
                                  06   电池
                                  06   电源管理
                                  07   闪光模式
● 此使用说明书中的操作步骤假定相机和闪光灯的电源开关已开启。
                                       A模式: 自动闪光
● 参考页码由(第**页)表示。
● 此使用说明书中使用以下警告符号:                08   Ami手机闪光灯连接手机


                     - 03 -                           - 04 -

 机身                                      部件名称          电池
Type-C USB
充电接口                                           闪光灯
                                                       1. 本品采用锂电池,集成在产品里面不可拆卸,使用寿命长;
蓝牙连接状态                                                 2. 安全可靠,内置电路有过充保护、过放保护、过流保护、短路保护;
指示灯/回电指示灯                                              3. 使用电池充电器只需1个小时左右。
蓝灯快闪: 蓝牙未连接                                             电池电量指示
蓝灯灭: 蓝牙已连接
红灯常亮: 回电完成                                              电量指示灯    意义
红灯闪: 正在回电                                               蓝灯常亮     满电

电量指示灯                                                   紫色灯      中电

开关                                                      红灯常亮     低电

                 磁铁吸座                            重置     红灯闪烁     电量用尽,此状态不支持闪光灯工作,1分钟后将自动关机。

 标配物品                                                            注:此状态请尽快(10天内)充电,才可使用或放置。

                                                        *长按2秒ON/OFF按钮<   >控制该产品的打开和关闭, 长时间不使用时请关闭电

(1) 闪光灯       (2) 背夹    (3) 磁力贴片*2   (4) Type-C USB线
                                                        注:短按ON/OFF按钮<    >可试闪。
                        - 05 -                                               - 06 -

闪光模式                                               手机闪光灯连接手机
闪光模式                                               1. 将Ami手机闪光灯开机。

该闪光灯的闪光模式为Auto(自动闪光: 简称A模式)。
                                                   2. 苹果手机请在APP Store里搜索
使主体和背景得到均衡曝光。                  Normal
                                                   “Godox Ami”, 并下载安装。
A: 自动闪光曝光补偿设置                   10 s

在手机APP相机界面可以调节该闪光灯                             +

                                                                                      ISO 160

                               ISO 160
                                                   3. 打开Ami APP选择   蓝牙

                    - 07 -                                                   - 08 -

4. 搜索蓝牙设备。                                                 手机APP介绍
                                                           1. 打开手机APP操作界面                            (8)    (7)        (6)
                                                           2. APP界面介绍
                                                           (1) 蓝牙链接图标:点击进入蓝牙链接界面,
                                 相机         蓝牙
                                                             选择Ami手机闪光灯对应的蓝牙ID,                            Normal
                                 待连接的设备             搜索设备
                                                             如:Ami-xxxx(x:0--9,A--F);当有多个Ami                 3s

                                                                                                            10 s
5. 将需要连接的Ami贴近手机,找到蓝牙名称                                      贴近手机,选择信号最强者连接。
 为Ami开头,如果有多个设备选择信号最强                                      (2) 拍照按键
 的连接。                                                      (3) 图片浏览                                                  0.0

                                                           (4) ISO:ISO范围25~640
6. 配对成功,返回APP相机界面。                                         (5) 曝光补偿:-2~+2                                                  -
                                                           (6) 相机前后镜头切换图标:直接点击可切换
7. 蓝牙配对成功后,Ami蓝牙指示灯灭,                       12:00
                                                           (7) 延时设置图标:
                                 相机         蓝牙
 只有红色的回电指示灯。                                                 有Normal 、3S 、10s三个选项              (4)
                                                                                                           ISO 160

                                 Ami-0F35           清除设备
                                 其他设备                      (8) 闪光图标:闪光灯回电中显示黄色,
                                 Ami-4C60                                                      (3)
                                 Ami-4C08                    回电完成显示橘色。

                        - 09 -                                                        - 10 -                 (2)     (1)

保护功能                                       规格参数
1. 电池过低保护                                  型号        Ami
 • 电池电量过低时,闪光灯不能使用,电流指示灯显示为红色闪烁。           闪光指数      5.3 (m ISO100)
2. 短路、过流、过压保护                              (最大档)     暗室、1m
 • 内置硬件保护电路,短路、过流、过压电池保护板会跳闸,截断电源。         闪光灯功率     5W
3. 过热保护                                    闪光灯色温     6000K±200K
                                           电源        锂电池(3.8V/610mAh)
 • 过热保护: 当闪光灯两次闪光的间隔不超过10秒,拍照距离2米左右最大功率闪
                                           全功率闪光次数   500次
                                           整机关机电流    < 10uA
                                           回电时间      <3s
                                           电池电量指示    √
 • 拍照距离2米左右最大功率闪40次保护。                     整机睡眠电流    <20mA
                                           体积        60x46x17mm
                                           净重        60g

                    - 11 -                                    - 12 -

故障排除指南                                     Foreword
如果遇到问题,请参阅此故障排除指南。                         Before using this product
闪光曝光不足或过度                                  Please read this user manual carefully in order to ensure your safety and the proper

• 照片中存在反光强烈的物体(玻璃窗户等)。                     operation of this product. Keep for future reference.

• 手指不要遮挡感光部位。
                                           Thank you for purchasing a GODOX product.
• Ami感光部分要正对被拍物体。
                                           Godox Ami smartphone flash is light and portable with built-in lithium battery.
• 感光部位脏,拿棉签清洁干净。                           The Ami flash offers:
• 由于APP相机部分的最大快门比较低,在室外强光下使用容易过曝。          • Operation with phone APP: With built-in Bluetooth 4.0 Module, which enables Ami
                                            to connect the smartphone through Bluetooth, thus setting flashes or LED
                                            video lights’ parameters on the APP interface.
• 闪光灯在工作时,如发现异常,应立即关掉电源,查明原因。
• 灯体应避免震动,平时注意表面除尘。
                                           • Lightweight and portable: Built-in lithium battery with no carriage burden.
• 灯体稍有发热为正常现象,无特别需要时,勿连续引闪。                • Stable color temperature: 6000±200K over the entire power range.
• 闪光灯的所有维修概由本厂指定可供原厂配件之维修部负责。
• 1年保修,消耗品如灯管等,不在1年保修范围。
• 经发现,擅自检修此闪光灯的,将取消闪光灯之一年保修期,维修需要收取相关费用。
• 如果本品出现故障或者被水淋湿,在专业人员维修后方可继续使用。
• 如有技术更改,恕不另行通知。

                      - 13 -                                                       - 14 -

Always keep this product dry. Do not use in rain or in damp conditions.
This product contains high-voltage electronic parts. Touching the high-voltage
circuit inside it may result in electric shock. Do not disassemble. Should repairs
become necessary, this product must be sent to an authorized maintenance
Stop using this product if it breaks open due to extrusion, falling or strong hit.
Otherwise, electric shock may occur if you touch the electronic parts inside it.
Do not leave or store the flash unit if the ambient temperature reads over 50°C
(e.g. in automobile).
Do not fire the flash directly into the eyes (especially those of babies) within short
distances. Otherwise visual impairment may occur. When taking pictures for
babies, keep the flash unit at least 1 meter (3.3 feet) away from them. Using           Conventions used in this Manual
bounce flash to reduce light intensity is also recommended.
                                                                                       • This manual is based on the assumption that both the camera and camera
Do not use the flash unit in the presence of flammable gases, chemicals and
other similar materials. In certain circumstances, these materials may be               flash’s power switches are powered on.
sensitive to the strong light emitting from this flash unit and fire or                  • Reference page numbers are indicated by “p.**”.
electromagnetic interference may result.                                               • The following alert symbols are used in this manual:
Please disconnect the charger after getting fully charged.                                  The Caution symbol indicates a warning to prevent shooting problem.
                                                                                            The Note symbol gives supplemental information.

                                      - 15 -                                                                                  - 16 -

     Contents                                                      Type-C USB Port
                                                                   Status Lamp of Phone
                                                                                                                          Name of Parts
14   Foreword                           23   APP Instruction       Bluetooth Connection/                                                  Unit
                                                                   Flash Ready Indicator
15   Warning                            24   Protection Function
                                                                   Blue light is blinking:
18   Name of Parts                      25   Technical Data        Bluetooth is disconnected.
                                                                   Blue light is off:
      Body                              26   Troubleshooting       Bluetooth is connected.
      Included Accessories              26   Maintenance           Red light is lit:                                                   Optical
                                                                   the recycle is finished.                                             Sensor
19   Battery                                                       Red light is blinking:
19   Power Management                                              it is recycling.

20   Flash Mode                                                    Battery Level Indicator
                                                                   Power Switch
      A Mode: Auto Flash                                                                          Magnetic Surface                      Reset
21   Ami Connects with Smartphone
                                                                   Included Accessories

                                                                   (1) Flash           (2) Clip            (3) Paster*2   (4)Type-C USB Cord
                               - 17 -                                                                    - 18 -

● Features                                                                    Battery      Flash Mode
1. This flash unit uses non-detachable built-in Li-ion polymer battery which has long       This flash has one flash modes: Auto (auto flash: A). The camera and the Ami will
   runtime.                                                                                work together to calculate the correct exposure for the subject and the background.
2. It is reliably safe. The inner circuit is against overcharge, overdischarge,
   overcurrent, and short circuit.                                                         A: Auto Flash Exposure Compensation Setting
3. Take only 1 hour to fully charge the battery by charging through the micro USB port.    Set the flash exposure compensation amount on
● Battery Level Indication                                                                 the camera interface of the smartphone APP
Battery Level Indication Meaning                                                           between±2 steps.
on the OLED display                                                                                                                                           3s

Blue light                  Full battery                                                                                                                      10 s

Purple light                Medium battery                                                                                                                                   +
Red light                   Low battery
Red light blinks            The battery level is going to be used out immediately.                                                                                     0.0

                            And the flash will auto power off in 1 minute.
                            Note: Please recharge the battery as soon as possible
                            (within 10 days). Then, the flash can be used or be
                            placed for long period.
  Power Management
  *Long press the < > Power Switch for 2 seconds to control the on/off of the flash                                                                          ISO 160

  unit. Turn off if the flash unit will not be used for an extended period. The flash unit
  will enter sleep mode after a certain period (approx. 30 minutes) of idle use.
  Note: Short press the ON/OFF button < > can test the flash.
                                           - 19 -                                                                                 - 20 -

Flash Connects with Smartphone
1. Press the <   > Button to turn on the                       4. Search Bluetooth of devices.
   Ami flash.

2. Search “Godox Ami” in iPhone’s APP
   Store and download the APP. Or install
                                                                                                                  Camera           Bluetooth
   the APP by scanning the QR Code with                        5. Approach the Ami flashes to the
                                                                                                                  Pending connection device    Search
   your smartphone.                                               smartphone find the Bluetooths
                                                                                                                   Other device
                                                                  whose name begins with "Ami"
                                                                  and choose the one which has
                                                                  the strongest signal to connect.

                                                               6. Back to the APP’s Camera interface after
                                                                  being successfully matched.

                                                               7. When successfully matched, Ami’s
                                                                  Bluetooth indicator is off while the red                           12:00
                                                     ISO 160
3. Open the APP and choose <           >.                         recycle indicator is lighten.                   Camera           Bluetooth

                                                                                                                  Ami-4C60                     Clear
                                                                                                                  Other device

                                            - 21 -                                                       - 22 -

APP Instruction                                                                     Protection Function
1. Open the operation interface of APP.                   (8)    (7)        (6)     1. Low Battery Protection
2. APP                                                                                  • When the battery level is too low, the flash cannot be used and the battery level
 (1) Bluetooth link icon: click to enter the                                              indication is blinking.
 Bluetooth link interface and choose the                                            2. Short Circuit, Overcurrent and Overvoltage Protections
 corresponding Bluetooth ID to link Ami flash.                   Normal                  • With built-in hardware to protect circuit. Auto power off will occur when running
                                                                  3s                      into short circuit, overcurrent and overvoltage.
 For example, Ami-xxxx (x:0--9,A--F).
                                                                 10 s               3. Over-Temperature Protection:
 When there are several Ami flashes in the
                                                                                +      • Over-temperature protection: when the intervals between the two flashes is within
 same occasion, approach the Ami flashes                                                  10 seconds, the over-temperature protection will be activated after firing 40 times
 to the smartphone and choose the one which                                              in full power with approx. two-meter distance. When over-temperature protection
 has the strongest signal to connect.                                     0.0
                                                                                         occurs, the blue lamp, not the battery level indicator, will blinks in 1 second's cycle
 (2) Shooting button.                               (5)                                  until the over-temperature protection is relieved. Now if continues to fire flashes,
 (3) Picture view.                                                                       the recycle time will be longer (max. 8s). And the over-temperature protection will
 (4) ISO: ISO ranges from 25 to 640                                                      be relieved if stops firing for 3 minutes. The over-temperature protection will be
 (5) Flash exposure compensation: -2 to +2                                              activated when the temperature of flash’s internal component is over 80°C and be
 (6) Front/back camera lens switching icon:                                             relieved below 60°C.
                                                                ISO 160
                                                    (4)                               • The over-temperature protection will be activated when firing in full power for 40
    click to switch
                                                                                        times with approx. two-meter shooting distance.
 (7) Delay setting icon: Normal,
    3s and 10s for choice
 (8) Flash icon: yellow for reclycling while
    orange for flash is ready.
                                           - 23 -                 (2)     (1)                                                 - 24 -

Technical Data                                                           Troubleshooting
Model                          Ami                                       If there is a problem, refer to this Troubleshooting Guide.
                                                                         The flash exposure is underexposed or overexposed.
Guide No. (1/1 power output)   Fn=5.3 (ISO100)
                                                                         • There was a highly reflective object (e.g. glass window) in the picture.
                               darkroom, 1m
                                                                         • Do not cover the light sensitive part.
Flash power                    5W                                        • The light sensitive part shall be placed towards the photographed object.
Flash color temperature        6000K±200K                                • Clean the dirty places of light sensitive part with cotton swabs.
Power source                   Lithium Battery (3.8V/610mAh)             • As the max. shutter of APP’s camera part is relatively low, overexpose is easy to
Full power flashes              500                                         be occurred in outdoor light.
Whole shutdown current              10UA                                 Maintenance
Recycle time                        3s                                   - Shut down the device immediately should abnormal operation be detected.
Battery level indication       √                                         - Avoid sudden impacts and the product should be dedusted regularly.
Whole sleep current                 20mA                                 - It is normal for the flash tube to be warm when in use. Avoid continuous flashes if
Dimensions                                                                 unnecessary.
WxHxD                          60x46x17mm                                - Maintenance of the flash must be performed by our authorized maintenance
                                                                           department which can provide original accessories.
Net Weight                     60g
                                                                         - This product, except consumables e.g. flash tube, is supported with a one-year
Wireless Frequency Range       2402.0MHz-2480.0MHz(Bluetooth wireless)
Max. Transmitting Power            -4.86dBm(Bluetooth wireless)          - Unauthorized service will void the warranty.
                                                                         - If the product had failures or was wetted, do not use it until it is repaired by
                                                                         - Changes made to the specifications or designs may not be reflected in this manual.
                                - 25 -                                                                           - 26 -

FCC statement
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance     is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.                                       —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two   —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
conditions:                                                                                     —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
 (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,                                            is connected.
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may      --Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
cause undesired operation.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment .
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or

Note : This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
                                         - 27 -                                                                                                   - 28 -

Document Created: 2019-09-03 21:17:00
Document Modified: 2019-09-03 21:17:00

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