User Manual


Users Manual

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Product User Guide

                     Smart Cash Register
                     Model:Moby C150

                     This document is the property of Ingenico Inc.                                         Rev20180802
                     Its content cannot be reproduced or divulged without the company’s written approval.

Disclaimer ......................................................................................................... 3

Abbreviations list .............................................................................................. 4

1    Introduction ................................................................................................ 5
     1.1     Safety Notices before Installation or Use .......................................................................5
     1.2     Product Configuration .....................................................................................................6
     1.3     Operating Environment ...................................................................................................7
     1.4     Dimension and Weight .....................................................................................................7

2    Unpacking ................................................................................................... 8

3 Appearance and interface .......................................................................... 9
     3.1     Configuration 1: 10.1’’ customer display .......................................................................9
     3.2     Configuration 2: no customer display .......................................................................10

4 Installation ................................................................................................ 11
     4.1 Checking Environment for Installation ......................................................................... 11
     4.2 Install RP45x module ..................................................................................................... 11
     4.3 Micro USB ......................................................................................................................12
     4.4 Peripheral Cable Connections .......................................................................................13
     4.5 Debugging and Trial Operation.....................................................................................15

5    Usage Instruction ...................................................................................... 16
     5.1     Power On/Power Off the Terminal ................................................................................16
     5.2     Keypad Function ............................................................................................................16
     5.3     Magnetic stripe card......................................................................................................17
     5.4     Smart Card ..................................................................................................................... 17
     5.5     Contactless Card ............................................................................................................ 18
     5.6     Fingerprint identification ..............................................................................................18
     5.7     USB Ports ....................................................................................................................... 19
     5.8     Usage of Printer .............................................................................................................19

6 Standard ................................................................................................... 22

7    Maintenance ............................................................................................. 24
     7.1     MSR and Smart Card Reader Maintenance...................................................................24
     7.2     Printer Maintenance ......................................................................................................24
     7.3     Trouble shooting ........................................................................................................... 24

8 Notices...................................................................................................... 25

9 Transportation and Storage........................................................................ 26

10           Others................................................................................................ 26
     10.1        Product accessories can be sold separately ............................................................ 26
     10.2        Customer Service.......................................................................................................26
     10.3        Customer Service Address ........................................................................................26

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     Care has been taken to ensure that the contents of this document are as accurate as
      possible. Ingenico however declines any responsibility for inaccurate, incomplete or
      outdated information.
     This document is copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Ingenico reserves the right to
      modify the software, hardware or manual of this product at any time without notice.
    Due to the upgrade of the product, some of the details of this document may be
      inconsistent with the product. Ingenico reserves the finally explanatory rights.
    Any reproduction, excerption, backup, modification, transmission, translation or
      commercial use of this document or any portion of this document, in any form or by any
      means, without the prior written consent of Ingenico is prohibited. Otherwise, it will
      retain the right to pursue the legal liability.
     Ingenico shall not be liable for any damages, failures and data loss to device or accessories
      resulting from improper operation not in accordance with the instructions of this guide.

Documentation Conventions:

             Danger:This symbol means that it is harmful to the safety of person and

          Caution: This symbol means that you must be extremely careful not to do
    some things that may damage the device.

              Notice: This symbol brings your attention to some helpful suggestions and

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Abbreviations list
               Abbreviations character                                 Means
                  AC                                alternating current
                  DC                                direct current
                  LPDDR3                            Low Power Double Data Rate memory
                  POS                               Point of sale
                  BT                                Bluetooth
                  CSR                               Contact Smart-card Reader
                  MSR                               Magnetic Smart-card reader
                  Cless card                        Contactless card
                  WIFI                              Wi-Fi (or WiFi) is a local area wireless technology that
                                                    allows an electronic device to participate in computer
                                                    networking using 2.4 GHz UHF and 5 GHz SHF ISM
                                                    radio bands
                  LCD                               liquid crystal display
                  USB                               Universal Serial Bus

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1 Introduction

  1.1 Safety Notices before Installation or Use
        The terminal must be installed following the instructions stated in this manual. Connect the
       power cable to the power socket. Make sure that the ground wire of the power socket is connected
       to the earth. Avoid sockets that share copying machine, air conditioner and other machine switched
       frequently in the same circuit.
        Do not use any other adapter. The use of mismatched adapter may damage your terminal.
        If the power cable is broken, please stop using it immediately and contact the customer service.
        Do not splash any liquid or conductive objects such as pins and wires; otherwise it will cause short
       circuits and damage the terminal.
        Do not load or place anything on the terminal.
        Do not shake or knock the terminal.
        Keep the terminal far from high temperature, dust, moisture and electromagnetic field.
        Do not plug in or out any parts or peripherals in charging state. Please turn off the power before
       cutting off the power.
        Do not use or place flammable aerosols or paint to avoid fire.
        Turn off the power immediately once any fault happens. Never try to disassemble and fix the
       terminal by yourself, contact our customer service for help if necessary.
        Cut off the power supply of the terminal in case of lightning strike in lightning weather.
        When the terminal is attacked illegally (e.g. opening the casing), the sensitive information stored
       in the terminal will be immediately erased. Please do not open the casing to avoid unnecessary
        When the terminal is attacked/tampered, there will be obvious alarm information and alarm
       sound. Please contact the customer service.

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Product USES and features
          Moby C150 is a new generation smart cash register terminal designed by Ingenico,
     configured with touch screen and high-speed communications, to be used in an indoor
          As a smart cash register terminal, Moby C150 integrates the function of a cash register
     and financial payment terminal. It has passed various industrial certifications to ensure
     transaction security. Moby C150 has novel appearance and friendly interface, using
     Octa-Core 2.0GHz high-speed CPU, large capacity memory, large touch screen, high-speed
     printer with cutter, deliver enjoyable customer experience. Moby C150 supports a variety of
     communication modes including Ethernet, WIFI and BT. The C150 is integrated with
     Ingenico RP45x series payment reader module, which support Smart card reader,
     contactless card reader & ISO/IBM format magnetic card.

1.2 Product Configuration
     Moby C150 model description
                  Model                            Name                             Notes
               Moby C150                   Smart Cash Register

     Moby C150 Configuration
         Moby C150 series offer as many functional configurations as possible to meet different demands of the
     customers, hence the product configuration difference. Please contact the customer manager for more details.
           Product Configuration                            Description                     Notes
           10.1’’ customer display      15.6’’ Main Screen+10.1’’ Customer Display
            No customer display         15.6’’ Main Screen + no customer Display

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1.3 Operating Environment
     Operating and Storage Conditions

                                    Ambient Temperature                           -10℃~50℃
                                    Storage Temperature                          -20℃~70℃
                Relative              Operating Humidity                  5%~90%, Non-condensing
                Humidity               Storage Humidity                   5%~90%, Non-condensing
                                 Air Pressure                                 86kPa~106 kPa
                                                                              Altitude: <2000m

1.4 Dimension and Weight
      Customer display              Weight                Dimension                                 Note
       Configuration                  (g)         L(mm) x W(mm) x H(mm)
   10.1’’ Customer Display          ≈5400               403 × 225 × 390           Dual screen, without printing paper roll
    No Customer Display             ≈4850               403 × 225 × 380           Single screen, without printing paper roll

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2 Unpacking
      Please check carefully to ensure the terminal and fittings are not disassembled or damaged.
      Any disassembling behavior may lead to its failure to use.
      1. The following items are included in Moby C150 box.
       Moby C150 terminal
       User guide
       Power Adapter
          The adapter should use one of the following three:
              MANUFACTURER                   MODEL          INPUT(AC) OUTPUT(DC)
        Lite-On Technology Corp        PA-1650-90          100~240Vac         19Vdc,3.42A
        Chicony Power Technology A14-065N1A                100~240Vac         19.5Vdc,3.33A
        Co., Ltd                                           50-60Hz,1.7A

      2. Disassemble all the packaging of the terminal and accessories.
      3. It is recommended to keep all the packaging of C150 for further packing or shipment if
      needed in the future.

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3 Appearance and interface
3.1 Configuration 1:         10.1’’ customer display

                                                   Figure 3-1
                 1. Main Screen (LCD and touch panel) 2. Buckle of paper roll cover
                 3. Paper roll cover                     4. Magnetic card reader
                 5. Smart card reader                    6. Menu key
                 7. Home key                             8. Back key
                 9. Cash drawer button                   10. Volume - Keys
                 11. Volume + Keys                       12. Power Key
                 13. Power LED                           14. Finger print reader
                 15. Customer Display (10.1-inch LCD without touch panel)
                 16. Contactless card reader             17.Speaker
                 18. Cable outlet cover plate            19. LAN (Ethernet) port
                 20. USB port *3                         21. Headphone jack
                 22. RS232 port                          23. Cash drawer port
                 24. DC power jack

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3.2 Configuration 2:         no customer display

                                                      Figure 3-2

                 1. Main Screen (LCD and touch panel)        2. Buckle of paper roll cover
                 3. Paper roll cover                         4. Magnetic card reader
                 5. Smart card reader                        6. Menu key
                 7. Home key                                 8. Back key
                 9. Cash drawer button                       10. Volume - Keys
                 11. Volume + Keys                           12. Power Key
                 13. Power LED                               14. Finger print reader
                 15. Contactless card reader                 16.Speaker
                 17. Cable outlet cover plate                18. LAN (Ethernet) port
                 19. USB port *3                             20. Headphone jack
                 21. RS232 port                              22. Cash drawer port
                 23. DC power jack

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4 Installation

  4.1 Checking Environment for Installation
           Place the terminal onto a desk or table big and stable enough to support the weight of
           the system and peripherals to prevent it from dropping. The terminal should be in the
           environment far away from heat source, and free from moisture, electromagnetic and
           electrical devices (e.g. PC screen and electric motor, etc.).

                 Notice: Do not arrange power cables along the pedestrian walkway or across
                 the channel on the floor for the sake of safety.

  4.2 Install RP45x module

                                                    Figure 4-1

           After the RP45x cover plate is lifted,
           (1) Insert the RP45x reader card module into the Micro USB cable head
           (2) Put the RP45x vertically into the structural groove
           (3) Cover the RP45x cover plate
           (4) Screw the cover plate screw and set the screw cover plate screw to the right.

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4.3 Micro USB

                                                Figure 4-2

     Open the RP45x cover plate, then you will find a             logo, it shows the Micro USB located.

                 Caution: The ports of the terminal should not be connected improperly.

   Micro USB is only used as a slave device to connect the computer to debug and copy data.

                                                Pin      Definition    Description

                                                 1         VBUS        5V
                                                 2           D-        Differential Date, Negative
                                                 3           D+        Differential Date, Positive
                                                 4           ID        NC
           Figure 4-3                            5         GND         Ground

                      Notice: When the Moby C150 is connected to the computer, the
                      Ethernet and the USB Type-A connections are temporarily disabled.
                      The connection will be resumed automatically when the Moby C150 is
                      disconnected to the computer.

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4.4 Peripheral Cable Connections

                                                Figure 4-4

        When the cover behind the base is removed, the ports from left to right are as follows:
     RJ45 Internet port, USB Type-A port, audio port, RS232 port, Cash drawer port and DC-JACK

                   Notice: Please put the power cable, USB cable and Ethernet cable in the
                   slot of the back cover to prevent the cables from being scattered.

          Terminal adapter interface. Insert the random configuration of DC adapter socket for terminal power supply.

                                               Item         Signal    Function

                                                 1           VDD      DC 19V~20V 3.25A
                                                 2           GND      GND

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          Warning: Please use the standard power adapter from the product package. Any other
          types of power adapter may lead to the failure of terminal.

Ethernet Port:RJ45

                                               Item             RJ45 Connector Signal
                                               1             ETH_TX+
                                                             Ethernet communication signals
                                               2             ETH_TX-
                                                             Ethernet communication signals
                                               3             ETH_RX+
                                                             Ethernet communication signals
                                               4             NC
                                               5             NC
                                               6             ETH_RX-
                                                             Ethernet communication signals
                                               7             NC
                                               8             NC

Audio Jack
     The audio jack of Moby C150 support OMTP and CTIA standard interface, Includes four-segment audio head
(supporting microphone) and three-segment audio head, which can be connected to headphones or speakers

                                                Item            Audio jack signals
                                                1               MIC2_IN MIC input signal
                                                2               HPH_L Left Channel
                                                3               HPH_R right Channel
                                                4               HS_DET insert detect
                                                5               NC
Cashbox interface: RJ11                         6               HPH_REF reference GND
     Support external cashbox                                                                       connection,
use RJ11 connector,support all the DC 12V cashbox.

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                                                 Item           RJ11 connector signal
                                                 1              GND
                                                 2              NC
                                                 3              Drive signal
                                                 4              GND

    Terminal have 2 standard serial UART COM1 and COM2, the signal are use RS232 level.

                                                Item            RJ22 connector signal
                                                1                5.0V
                                                2               TXD
                                                3               RXD
                                                4               GND

USB Type-A port
 The terminal has 3*USB HOST ports which located on the base, they can be used connect to C150 pin pad or other USB

                                                        Item          signal

                                                          1           VBUS
                                                          2             D-
                                                          3             D+
                                                          4             GND

4.5 Debugging and Trial Operation

Debugging and Trial Operation
1. Check if the power cable is properly connected. When the power supply is functional, the red
    light will be on.
2. Press the power button and observe the system led is from red to blue. If the button has
    been pressed but the terminal has no any response, please refer to the "Trouble shooting".
3. After the installation of the equipment, please have a trial operation.

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5 Usage Instruction

  5.1 Power On/Power Off the Terminal

      Power on:Make sure the power adapter is correctly connected and press <Power> button more
      than 3s. The power indicator flickers from red to blue. The main display will show the root screen.
      Power off: Press <Power> button for more than 2s until the screen displays the following figure,
      select <Power off> then press it.

                                                Figure 5-1
     The power indicator flickers from blue to red when the terminal is turned off normally.

  5.2 Keypad Function

      The terminal has four physical keys in total. They are placed at the lower right corner of the
  Main Screen. The function of the buttons is displayed on the screen.

                                               Figure 5-2
       Power Button: To turn on/off the terminal (press for some seconds) and lock/unlock the
       screen (press in a short time).
       Volume Keys: To adjust system volume.
       Cash Drawer button: To open the cash drawer quickly. The access right to the drawer is
      controlled by software.

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5.3 Magnetic stripe card

       The card can be read bi-directionally, with the stripe facing down. Use a regular
     movement in order to ensure a reliable card reading.

                                                     Figure 5-3
   Unacceptable magnetic card:
    1. Being curved.
    2. Deformation and edge defection.
    3. The magnetic stripe is obviously damaged, scratched or out of magnetic.

5.4 Smart Card

        Insert the smart card vertically with the metal chip facing the operator and keep it in
     position throughout the transaction.

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                                                                Figure 5-4
                      Notice: If the chip contacts of the smart card are damaged or oxidized, it
                      may cause transaction failure.

5.5 Contactless Card

          Place the card right against the sensing area. Keep the card close to the reader during
       the transaction. You can remove the card when the transaction is completed.

                                                      Figure 5-5

5.6 Fingerprint identification

     Fingerprint identification is located behind the right side of the main display screen and can be used for login,
authorization, etc.

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                  Notice: please keep the surface of the fingerprint module clean.

5.7 USB Ports

         The terminal has 3 USB Type-A ports in total. They are all with power output of 5V/0.5A, located behind
the base are recommended for USB devices that are not plugged in/out frequently (e.g. PIN Pad, scanners

                                                   Figure 5-7

5.8 Usage of Printer

Installing paper roll
1. Paper roll characteristics
                The paper roll can be purchased in stationery store. If the users need to

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  purchase or customize their own paper roll, they can refer to the following size
      Width: 80mm
      Thickness: 80µm
      Diameter: 80mm
      The carbonized layer of the paper roll should follow the way as Figure 6-11.

                                             Figure 5-8

             Notice: The quality of the paper roll will affect the printing display.
             Please do not use inferior paper roll to avoid inconvenience.

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2. Installing paper roll

                                                               1. Pull the buckle of the paper roll

                                                               2. Insert the paper roll in the
                                                               compartment     following   the
                                                               directions show on the below

                                                               3. Pull the paper up to the top of the
                                                               terminal, maintain the paper and
                                                               close the cover.

                                                                 4. Press simultaneously on both
                                                                 upper corners of the paper flap until
                                                                 it clips into position.

                                                               5. Press both sides of the cover at
                                                               the same time with both hands.
                                                               Make sure that both sides of the
                                                               cover are buttoned.
                      Figure 5-9
                   Notice: Please make sure that paper roll cover is buttoned with the
                   entire panel, otherwise it may lead to poor printing or failing to
                   recognize the paper roll.

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6       Standard
    FCC Warning
    Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
    compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
    This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
    conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
    any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
    Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
    device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
    protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
    uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
    the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is
    no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment
    does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
    turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
    one or more of the following measures:
       Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
       Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
       Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
        receiver is connected.
       Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

    FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
    This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
    environment .
    This transmitter must not be co‐located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna
    or transmitter.
    This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the
    radiator & your body.

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Environment (WEEE, Batteries and packaging)
This product is labeled in accordance with European Directives 2002/96/EC concerning
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and 2006/66/EC concerning Batteries
and Accumulators. Those provisions are requiring producers and manufacturers to
become liable for take-back, treatment and recycling upon end of life of equipment and

If your product contains batteries, they must be disposed of at appropriate collection


             The crossed-out waste bin stuck on the product or its accessories means that
             the product belongs to the family of electrical and electronic equipment, and
             waste batteries must not be thrown away but collected separately and

Please contact your retailers for more detailed information about the compliance
solution in place for disposing of your old product and used batteries.
Packaging waste must also be collected separately to assure a proper disposal and
In this way you can participate in the re-use and upgrading of Electrical and Electronic
Equipment Waste, which can have an effect on the environment and human health.

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7        Maintenance

     7.1 MSR and Smart Card Reader Maintenance

         Do not attempt to clean the magnetic card reader and smart card reader, for this
          action may result in damage to the terminal and void the warranty.

     7.2 Printer Maintenance

      Do not try to pull up the paper roll under any circumstances.
      If paper jam occurs, please pull the buckle and open the paper roll cover. The paper
     jam will be fixed automatically.
      Dust or waste paper remnant in the printer will reduce the efficiency. Please use soft
     brush to clean it (Be careful not to scratch the printer head).

     7.3 Trouble shooting

    Question             Explanation             Action
    Terminal does        Abnormal                1. Make sure the power adapter is correctly connected
     not start           power supply            and the power indicator is red.
                                                 2. Make sure the button is pressed more than 3s.
                                                 3. If it still fails, please contact our customer service for
    Screen is off        1. Power is not         1. Check whether power cable plugs tightly.
                         enough                  2. Disconnect the power cable and reconnect it.
                                                 3. If it still fails, please contact our customer service
                                                 department for help.
    Printer does not     1. Abnormal 1、 Check whether the power is on.
    work                 power supply.
                                     2、 Check if it is out of paper or if the paper roll is
                         2. Incorrectincorrectly installed.
                         paper       3、 Check whether the paper roll cover is fully closed.
                                     4、 If the problem still exists, please contact our
                                     customer service center.
    Peripheral       1. Abnormal     1. Check the power cable connected to the peripheral
    device does not power supply.       device.
    work             2. Broken cable 2. Check whether the peripheral device is connected to
                                        the power supply and works properly.
                                     3. Please try to replace a cable and reconnect it with
                                     reference to device connections.
                                     4. If the problem still exists, please contact our
                                     customer service center.
    Transaction      1. Damaged MSR 1. Try to use more than one magnetic card to test the
    Processing fails card.           transaction, to confirm the failure is not due to
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                        2. Operate the          magnetic card.
                        card improperly.        2. Make sure card is swiped correctly.
                        3. Damaged              3. Manually process the transaction instead of using
                        MSR card                card reader. If manually operated transaction works,
                        reader.                 the failure may be due to magnetic card reader.
                        4. Damaged              4. If the manual transaction fails, please check the
                        smart card              communication status or check the smart card reader.
                        5.                      5. Use more than one smart card to test the
                        Communication           transaction, to confirm the failure is not caused by the
                        breakdown.              smart card.
                                                6. If there is communication breakdown, please
                                                contact the corresponding communication operator to
                                                solve the problem.
                                                7. If there is still problem, please contact our customer

8       Notices
       Do not use the terminal in an environment with direct sunlight, high temperature,
        moisture or dust.
       Cut off the power supply before cleaning; use soft dry cloth to clean. Cleaning
        terminal with a clean cloth dipped in one or two drops of neutral detergent to clean,
        not to use a damp cloth. For dirt difficult to remove, alcohol or alcoholic washing
        detergent can be used. Do not use thinner, trichloroethylene or keto solvents,
        because these chemicals will damage plastic & rubber parts.
       Do not plug in or out any parts in charging state (Except USB, Ethernet, headset).
       Do not plug out smart card during transaction process.
       Please shut down the terminal to save energy at the end of the day.
       Stop operation when there is abnormal phenomenon. Shut down the terminal and
        inform the service provider if:
          1. You hear harsh sound when using the system.
          2. If you spilled any liquid into device accidentally.
          3. You smell burning plastic.

              WARNING: The terminal is limited to indoor use. Any exposure to rain or
              dust for the terminal causing its malfunction is not within the scope of

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9 Transportation and Storage
  Adopt general transportation mode, and prevent the goods from sunlight, snow, water
  and mechanical impact. Transport the devices with care. Do not throw it forcibly. Prevent
  the packaging from extrusion during transportation, to avoid breakage.

            Notice: There are warnings for the transportation on the packaging box.
            Please follow the warnings during transportation to avoid damage to the

  The product should be stored in the original packaging box. The warehouse is not
  allowed to have harmful gases, inflammable items, explosives, corrosive chemical goods,
  strong mechanical vibration and strong magnetic field. Packing box should be at least
  15cm above the ground, and be away from heat, cold, window or air inlet source at least

10 Others

  10.1 Product accessories can be sold separately

       We provide you with more kinds of accessories to meet the different requirements.
     1. Paper roll
     2. PIN Pad
     3. Cash drawer
     4. Scanner
     Note: please contact customer manager for more details.

  10.2 Customer Service

       Please refer to the contact information in the warranty list of the terminal, contact
       the nearest service point for maintenance. Please provide valid proof such as
       purchase invoice in case of maintenance.

  10.3 Customer Service Address

       Ingenico Inc.
       3025 Windward Plaza, Alpharetta, GA 30005

     This document is the property of Ingenico Inc.                                         Rev20180802
     Its content cannot be reproduced or divulged without the company’s written approval.
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Document Created: 2018-11-28 10:50:34
Document Modified: 2018-11-28 10:50:34

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