RF Test Report


Test Report

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Report No.: 18071069-FCC-R
Supersede Report No.: N/A
Applicant          Southern Telecom Inc.
Product Name       HD WI-FI Security Camera
Model No.          SVC562
Serial No.         (All models have same circuits diagram, PCB Layout, construction
                   and rated power,only different was model name and appearance.)
Test Standard      FCC Part 15.247, ANSI C63.10: 2013
Test Date          September 17 to 25, 2018
Issue Date         September 26, 2018
Test Result            Pass      Fail
Equipment complied with the specification
Equipment did not comply with the specification

        Aaron Liang                     David Huang
       Test Engineer                    Checked By

                      This test report may be reproduced in full only
     Test result presented in this test report is applicable to the tested sample only

                                         Issued by:
                   Zone A, Floor 1, Building 2 Wan Ye Long Technology Park
       South Side of Zhoushi Road, Bao’ an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China 518108
                 Phone: +86 0755 2601 4629801 Email: China@siemic.com.cn

                                          Test Report No.     18071069-FCC-R
                                          Page                2 of 26

                             Laboratories Introduction

SIEMIC, headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, with superior facilities in US and Asia, is one
of the leading independent testing and certification facilities providing customers with one-stop
shop services for Compliance Testing and Global Certifications.

In addition to testing and certification, SIEMIC provides initial design reviews and compliance
management throughout a project. Our extensive experience with China, Asia Pacific, North
America, European, and International compliance requirements, assures the fastest, most cost
effective way to attain regulatory compliance for the global markets.

                       Accreditations for Conformity Assessment
            Country/Region                                              Scope
                   USA                              EMC, RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                 Canada                             EMC, RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                  Taiwan                             EMC, RF, Telecom, SAR, Safety
               Hong Kong                                RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                 Australia                           EMC, RF, Telecom, SAR, Safety
                  Korea                          EMI, EMS, RF, SAR, Telecom, Safety
                  Japan                              EMI, RF/Wireless, SAR, Telecom
                Singapore                                   EMC, RF, SAR, Telecom
                  Europe                             EMC, RF, SAR, Telecom, Safety

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                                                                         Test Report No.            18071069-FCC-R
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1.      REPORT REVISION HISTORY.............................................................................................................................5

2.      CUSTOMER INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................5

3.      TEST SITE INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................6

4.      EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) INFORMATION .........................................................................................7

5.      TEST SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................................9

6.      MEASUREMENTS, EXAMINATION AND DERIVED RESULTS ................................................................... 10

6.1 AC POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ................................................................................................... 10

6.2 RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS & RESTRICTED BAND ........................................................................ 16

ANNEX A. TEST INSTRUMENT ................................................................................................................................. 22

ANNEX B. TEST SETUP AND SUPPORTING EQUIPMENT ................................................................................ 23

SIMILARITY..................................................................................................................................................................... 26

                                         Test Report No.   18071069-FCC-R
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1. Report Revision History

         Report No.            Report Version               Description             Issue Date
     18071069-FCC-R                NONE                        Original         September 26, 2018

2. Customer information

Applicant Name        Southern Telecom Inc.
Applicant Add         5601 1st Ave, 2nd Floor Brooklyn New York United States
Manufacturer          Southern Telecom Inc.
Manufacturer Add      5601 1st Ave, 2nd Floor Brooklyn New York United States

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3. Test site information

Test Lab :
 Lab performing tests   SIEMIC (Shenzhen-China) LABORATORIES
                        Zone A, Floor 1, Building 2 Wan Ye Long Technology Park
 Lab Address            South Side of Zhoushi Road, Bao’ an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China
 FCC Test Site No.      535293
 IC Test Site No.       4842E-1
 Test Software          Radiated Emission Program-To Shenzhen v2.0

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 4. Equipment under Test (EUT) Information
Description of EUT:             HD WI-FI Security Camera

Main Model:                     SVC562

Serial Model:                   (All models have same circuits diagram, PCB Layout, construction and
                                rated power,only different was model name and appearance.)

Date EUT received:              September 17, 2018

Test Date(s):                   September 17 to 25, 2018

Equipment Category:             DTS

Antenna Gain:                   WIFI: 2.5dBi

Antenna Type:                   PCB Antenna

Type of Modulation:             802.11b/g/n: DSSS, OFDM

RF Operating Frequency (ies):   WIFI: 802.11b/g/n(20M): 2412-2462 MHz

Number of Channels:             WIFI :802.11b/g/n(20M): 11CH

Port:                           Please refer to the user manual

                                Model: A18A-050100U-US2
Input Power:
                                Input: AC100-240V~50/60Hz,Max.0.2A
                                Output: DC 5V,1A

Trade Name :                    SHARPER IMAGE

FCC ID:                         2ABV4SVC562

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                   Adapter Model         Report Number          Description of Revision     Date of Revision

        0          D31-05050100         18070685-FCC-R             Original Report           July 18, 2018

        1       A18A-050100U-US2        18071069-FCC-R            Amended Report          September 26, 2018

Note: This is the amended report application (18071069-FCC-R) of the device, the original submission
(18070685-FCC-R) was granted on July 18, 2018. The difference between the original device and the
current one was as following the detail information:
The difference is for different Adapter
And based on the above differences, we will retest the “ AC Power Line Conducted Emissions and Radiated
Emissions” test data, and others please refer to report 18070685-FCC-R.

                                             Test Report No.       18071069-FCC-R
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 5. Test Summary

The product was tested in accordance with the following specifications.
All testing has been performed according to below product classification:

       FCC Rules                                    Description of Test                     Result
 §15.207 (a),                 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions                         Compliance
 §15.205, §15.209,            Radiated Emissions & Unwanted Emissions
 §15.247(d)                   into Restricted Frequency Bands

Measurement Uncertainty

            Test Item                                 Description                       Uncertainty
 Band-Edge       &   Unwanted
 Emissions into Restricted
 Frequency      Bands       and   Confidence level of approximately 95% (in the case
 Radiated       Emissions    &     where distributions are normal), with a coverage    +5.6dB/-4.5dB
 Unwanted Emissions                  factor of 2 (for EUTs < 0.5m X 0.5m X 0.5m)
  into Restricted Frequency
                -                                              -                             -

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 6. Measurements, Examination And Derived Results

6.1 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions

Temperature                                               26 C
Relative Humidity                                         55%
Atmospheric Pressure                                      1017mbar
Test date :                                               September 26, 2018
Tested By :                                               Aaron Liang


Spec              Item    Requirement                                                            Applicable
                          For Low-power radio-frequency devices that is designed to be
                          connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency
                          voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any
                          frequency or frequencies, within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz, shall
47CFR§15.                 not exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50
    207,                  [mu] H/50 ohms line impedance stabilization network (LISN). The
  RSS210                  lower limit applies at the boundary between the frequencies ranges.
                            Frequency ranges                            Limit (dBµV)
                                  (MHz)                        QP                      Average
                                0.15 ~ 0.5                66 – 56                      56 – 46
                                  0.5 ~ 5                      56                        46
                                  5 ~ 30                       60                        50

Test Setup

                  1. The EUT and supporting equipment were set up in accordance with the requirements of
                     the standard on top of a 1.5m x 1m x 0.8m high, non-metallic table.
                  2. The power supply for the EUT was fed through a 50W/50mH EUT LISN, connected to
                     filtered mains.

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            3. The RF OUT of the EUT LISN was connected to the EMI test receiver via a low-loss
                  coaxial cable.
            4. All other supporting equipment were powered separately from another main supply.
            5. The EUT was switched on and allowed to warm up to its normal operating condition.
            6. A scan was made on the NEUTRAL line (for AC mains) or Earth line (for DC power)
                  over the required frequency range using an EMI test receiver.
            7. High peaks, relative to the limit line, The EMI test receiver was then tuned to the
                  selected frequencies and the necessary measurements made with a receiver bandwidth
                  setting of 10 kHz.
            8. Step 7 was then repeated for the LIVE line (for AC mains) or DC line (for DC power).


   Result      Pass                    Fail

Test Data   Yes                          N/A

Test Plot   Yes (See below)              N/A

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Test Mode:         Transmitting Mode

       Test Data
                              Phase Line Plot at 120Vac, 60Hz
               Frequency    Reading                      Corrected     Result   Limit    Margin
  No.    P/L                           Detector
                   (MHz)     (dBµV)                        (dB)        (dBµV)   (dBµV)    (dB)

   1      L1       0.1578    26.77        QP              10.03        36.80    65.58    -28.78
   2      L1       0.1578     8.17       AVG              10.03        18.20    55.58    -37.38
   3      L1       0.4971    24.43        QP              10.03        34.46    56.05    -21.59
   4      L1       0.4971    16.76       AVG              10.03        26.79    46.05    -19.26
   5      L1       1.0353    15.57        QP              10.03        25.60    56.00    -30.40
   6      L1       1.0353     7.98       AVG              10.03        18.01    46.00    -27.99
   7      L1       3.1053    11.52        QP              10.06        21.58    56.00    -34.42
   8      L1       3.1053     3.11       AVG              10.06        13.17    46.00    -32.83
   9      L1       6.5607    13.61        QP              10.10        23.71    60.00    -36.29
  10      L1       6.5607     1.90       AVG              10.10        12.00    50.00    -38.00
  11      L1   10.0200       13.30        QP              10.15        23.45    60.00    -36.55
  12      L1   10.0200        3.51       AVG              10.15        13.66    50.00    -36.34

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Test Mode:      Transmitting Mode

    Test Data
                           Phase Neutral Plot at 120Vac, 60Hz
               Frequency   Reading                     Corrected     Result   Limit    Margin
   No.   P/L                         Detector
                 (MHz)     (dBµV)                        (dB)        (dBµV)   (dBµV)    (dB)

    1    N      0.4737     23.94        QP              10.02        33.96    56.45    -22.49
    2    N      0.4737     20.18       AVG              10.02        30.20    46.45    -16.25
    3    N      0.7896     17.41        QP              10.03        27.44    56.00    -28.56
    4    N      0.7896      6.89       AVG              10.03        16.92    46.00    -29.08
    5    N      1.7217     16.57        QP              10.04        26.61    56.00    -29.39
    6    N      1.7217     10.81       AVG              10.04        20.85    46.00    -25.15
    7    N      3.7917     16.16        QP              10.06        26.22    56.00    -29.78
    8    N      3.7917      8.25       AVG              10.06        18.31    46.00    -27.69
    9    N      5.5389     18.66        QP              10.08        28.74    60.00    -31.26
   10    N      5.5389      8.80       AVG              10.08        18.88    50.00    -31.12
   11    N      11.3733    16.31        QP              10.16        26.47    60.00    -33.53
   12    N      11.3733     6.88       AVG              10.16        17.04    50.00    -32.96

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Test Mode:         Transmitting Mode

       Test Data
                              Phase Line Plot at 240Vac, 60Hz
                Frequency   Reading                      Corrected     Result   Limit    Margin
  No.     P/L                          Detector
                   (MHz)     (dBµV)                        (dB)        (dBµV)   (dBµV)    (dB)

   1      L1       0.1539    26.02        QP              10.03        36.05    65.79    -29.74
   2      L1       0.1539     8.66       AVG              10.03        18.69    55.79    -37.10
   3      L1       0.4659    15.58        QP              10.03        25.61    56.59    -30.98
   4      L1       0.4659     1.32       AVG              10.03        11.35    46.59    -35.24
   5      L1       0.8169    17.29        QP              10.03        27.32    56.00    -28.68
   6      L1       0.8169     8.40       AVG              10.03        18.43    46.00    -27.57
   7      L1       2.4198    13.34        QP              10.05        23.39    56.00    -32.61
   8      L1       2.4198     6.97       AVG              10.05        17.02    46.00    -28.98
   9      L1       4.4976    13.35        QP              10.07        23.42    56.00    -32.58
  10      L1       4.4976     7.13       AVG              10.07        17.20    46.00    -28.80
  11      L1       6.5763    16.78        QP              10.10        26.88    60.00    -33.12
  12      L1       6.5763     8.53       AVG              10.10        18.63    50.00    -31.37

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Test Mode:      Transmitting Mode

    Test Data
                          Phase Neutral Plot at 240Vac, 60Hz
              Frequency   Reading                     Corrected     Result   Limit    Margin
  No.   P/L                         Detector
                 (MHz)    (dBµV)                        (dB)        (dBµV)   (dBµV)    (dB)

   1    N       0.4776    24.46        QP              10.02        34.48    56.38    -21.90
   2    N       0.4776    21.75       AVG              10.02        31.77    46.38    -14.61
   3    N       0.8130    17.94        QP              10.03        27.97    56.00    -28.03
   4    N       0.8130     3.84       AVG              10.03        13.87    46.00    -32.13
   5    N       1.6554    13.97        QP              10.04        24.01    56.00    -31.99
   6    N       1.6554     9.08       AVG              10.04        19.12    46.00    -26.88
   7    N       3.6552    15.42        QP              10.06        25.48    56.00    -30.52
   8    N       3.6552     5.65       AVG              10.06        15.71    46.00    -30.29
   9    N       9.2088    17.82        QP              10.13        27.95    60.00    -32.05
   10   N       9.2088     8.31       AVG              10.13        18.44    50.00    -31.56
   11   N       13.7679   18.11        QP              10.19        28.30    60.00    -31.70
   12   N       13.7679    7.61       AVG              10.19        17.80    50.00    -32.20

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6.2 Radiated Spurious Emissions & Restricted Band

Temperature                                              26 C
Relative Humidity                                        55%
Atmospheric Pressure                                     1017mbar
Test date :                                              September 26, 2018
Tested By :                                              Aaron Liang


Spec              Item   Requirement                                                             Applicable
                         Except higher limit as specified elsewhere in other section, the
                         emissions from the low-power radio-frequency devices shall not
                         exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table and
                         the level of any unwanted emissions shall not exceed the level of
                         the fundamental emission. The tighter limit applies at the band
                              Frequency range (MHz)                     Field Strength (µV/m)
                                    0.009~0.490                             2400/F(KHz)
                                    0.490~1.705                             24000/F(KHz)
                                     1.705~30.0                                   30
                                      30 – 88                                     100
47CFR§15.                            88 – 216                                     150
  247(d),                             216 960                                     200

  RSS210                             Above 960                                    500

   (A8.5)                For non-restricted band, In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the
                         frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally
                         modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency
                         power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least
                         20 dB or 30dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the
                         band that contains the highest level of the desired power,
                         determined by the measurement method on output power to be
                         used. Attenuation below the general limits specified in § 15.209(a)
                         is not required
                                 20 dB down                   30 dB down
                         or restricted band, emission must also comply with the radiated
                         emission limits specified in 15.209

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Test Setup

             1.   The EUT was switched on and allowed to warm up to its normal operating condition.
             2.   The test was carried out at the selected frequency points obtained from the EUT
                  characterization. Maximization of the emissions, was carried out by rotating the EUT,
                  changing the antenna polarization, and adjusting the antenna height in the following
                  a.        Vertical or horizontal polarization (whichever gave the higher emission level
                            over a full rotation of the EUT) was chosen.
                  b.        The EUT was then rotated to the direction that gave the maximum
                  c.        Finally, the antenna height was adjusted to the height that gave the maximum
             3.   The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is
                  120 kHz for Quasiy Peak detection at frequency below 1GHz.
             4.   The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and video
                  bandwidth is 3MHz with Peak detection for Peak measurement at frequency above

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                   The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1MHz and the video
                   bandwidth is 10Hz with Peak detection for Average Measurement as below at
                   frequency above 1GHz.
            5.     Steps 2 and 3 were repeated for the next frequency point, until all selected frequency
                   points were measured.


   Result        Pass               Fail

Test Data   Yes                       N/A

Test Plot   Yes (See below)           N/A

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Test Result:

Test Mode:       Transmitting Mode

Frequency range: 9KHz - 30MHz
  Freq.       Detection      Factor       Reading             Result      Limit@3m   Margin
  (MHz)         value        (dB/m)      (dBuV/m)          (dBuV/m)       (dBuV/m)    (dB)
    --            --            --             --                   --       --       >20
    --            --            --             --                   --       --       >20
The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20dB below the
permissible value has no need to be reported.
Distance extrapolation factor =40 log (specific distance/test distance)(dB);
Limit line = specific limits(dBuv) + distance extrapolation factor.

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Test Mode:           Transmitting Mode

30MHz -1GHz

Test Data
                                      Horizontal Polarity Plot @3m

No.   P/L   Frequency   Reading    Ant_F    PA_G     Cab_L       Result       Limit     Margin   Height

             (MHz)      (dBuV/m)   (dB/m)    (dB)      (dB)     (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)    (dB)    (cm)     ( º)

1     H     501.1790     32.54     17.72    21.81     2.42       30.87        46.00     -15.13   100      142

2     H     333.6867     32.39     14.31    22.20     1.96       26.46        46.00     -19.54   100      144

3     H     250.3012     35.54     11.41    22.29     1.70       26.36        46.00     -19.64   100      178

4     H     157.5589     32.01     12.60    22.29     1.38       23.70        43.50     -19.80   100      318

5     H     212.2695     31.92     11.93    22.36     1.58       23.07        43.50     -20.43   100      192

6     H     145.8611     28.74     12.60    22.37     1.31       20.28        43.50     -23.22   100      310

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30MHz -1GHz

      Test Data
                                    Vertical Polarity Plot @3m

N    P/                                                                                               Degr
          Frequency   Reading   Ant_F    PA_G     Cab_L      Result       Limit     Margin   Height
o.   L                                                                                                ee
           (MHz)                (dB/m)   (dB)      (dB)     (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)    (dB)    (cm)     ( º)

1    V    501.1790    38.01     17.72    21.81    2.42       36.34        46.00     -9.66    100      45

2    V    668.1423    32.49     19.85    21.43    2.60       33.51        46.00     -12.49   100      280

3    V    279.0436    34.35     12.68    22.29    1.75       26.49        46.00     -19.51   100      165

4    V    213.7634    35.13     11.91    22.36    1.58       26.26        43.50     -17.24   100      321

5    V    132.2206    32.96     13.11    22.39    1.22       24.90        43.50     -18.60   100      157

6    V    58.6126     38.09     7.45     22.41    0.76       23.89        40.00     -16.11   100      93

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       Instrument           Model              Serial #               Cal Date     Cal Due     In use

 AC Line Conducted
   EMI test receiver
     Emissions            ESCS30            8471241027               09/15/2017   09/14/2018
   Line Impedance          LI-125A            191106                 09/23/2017   09/22/2018
   Line Impedance
 Stabilization Network     LI-125A            191107                 09/23/2017   09/22/2018
          ISN Network
 Stabilization            ISN T800             34373                 09/23/2017   09/22/2018

   Transient Limiter       LIT-153            531118                 08/30/2017   08/29/2018

 Radiated Emissions
   EMI test receiver        ESL6              100262                 09/15/2017   09/14/2018
 Positioning Controller    UC3000        MF780208282                 11/17/2017   11/16/2018
                           8447E            2727A02430               08/30/2017   08/29/2018

Microwave Preamplifier
                           8449B            3008A02402               03/22/2018   03/21/2019

    Horn Antenna          BBHA9170          3145226D1                09/27/2017   09/26/2018

    Active Antenna
                           AL-130             121031                 10/12/2017   10/11/2018

    Bilog Antenna
                            JB6              A110712                 09/19/2017   09/18/2018

  Double Ridge Horn
                           AH-118              71283                 09/22/2017   09/21/2018
 Antenna (1 ~18GHz)

   Universal Radio
Communication Tester      CMU200              121393                 09/23/2017   09/22/2018

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Block Configuration Diagram for AC Line Conducted Emissions

    LISN 1
    V=120V/240V AC


                                                                          Test Table

                                                                         80cm above
                                                                         ground plane

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    A Bureau Veritas Group Company   Page                  24 of 26

Block Configuration Diagram for Radiated Emissions ( Below 1GHz ) .

                                     E                                       Test Table

                                                                            80cm above
                                                                            ground plane



                                            Receiving Antenna

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The following is a description of supporting equipment and details of cables used with the EUT.

Supporting Equipment:

         Manufacturer                                                 Model                Serial No

    DongGuan AoHai Power
                                         Adapter                A18A-050100U-US2              N/A
      Technology Co.,Ltd

Supporting Cable:

    Cable type           Shield Type                                   Length            Serial No

    USB Cable             Un-shielding               No                  0.8m               N/A

                             Test Report No.   18071069-FCC-R
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Annex C. User Manual / Block Diagram / Schematics / Partlist/
Please see the attachment

Document Created: 2019-09-14 02:03:13
Document Modified: 2019-09-14 02:03:13

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