User Manual Part 1


Users Manual

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Checking Items in the Package
Please unpack carefully and check thatall items listed below are received. If any item is missing or damaged, please contact your


                  taa)                                                                                  Cb
           Battery(B00207400)                                                               Power adapter(EN:A$100100)

     Antenna 400—470MHz:(ANTe02004350100]
             555—fopunc imreosesse00100)                Belt clip(SBCO0)


                Radio     unit                           Owner‘s manual                          Quick reference guide
@& Note: The antenna may vary with different frequency bands. And the frequency band is marked on the label of antenna; if not,
   please refer to the label on the radio unit for frequency band information.

Optional accessories

                                                                                      Programming software kit(cable+disk}
       Leather carrying(SLCB100)                 Programming cable(SPCOO)

                                             Earplece wllg on—mlc PTT
   C—Earset with on—mic PTT(EHO100)                                                     Earbud with on—mic PTT(ES0100)
                                             transparent acoustic tube   (EA0100)

w Note: If you need to know more information about the optional accessories, please contactus.

Product Overview

Product controls
                   NO.   Part Name             NO.|   Part Name

                   o     P1 Key (hot key)      o      PTT Key(transmitkey)

                   @     »2Key (hotkey)        @      Emergency Call Key

                   o     Antenna               o      LED Indicator

                   @     channeiKnob           0      E:::’ On—OffiVolume

                   ©     carplece              (B     SimplexMicrophone
       00 9

                   @     Lob vispiay           (B     Function Keypad
                   ®     Speaker               B      Numeric Keypad

                   &     DupiexMicrophone      (D     sattery Latch

                   y     accessoryJackGover    F)     Strap Hole

                   ®     sertcip               T      Battery

                   €)    sattery Pole Piece    @D)    accessory Jack

                   ©     Micra SD Encryption
                         Card Cover

Function keypad

 Funtion/Enter key—@ \i?CB_ Back/Option key
                             @       >   J
 Receive/Call key —a           s‘
                                v c ~*             Hangup key

                                  I— Direction key
Programmable keys
[P1] key, [P2] key, four direction keys,(C\key, can be set as function
or menu shortcut keys by your dealer.The default state of [P1] and
[P2] shortcuts are for high—low power switching. You only need to
press the corresponding shortout key to quickly access the needed
menu or function.

Before Use
Charging the battery                                                    M Charger LED indicator and charging status
® Charging operation steps                                              LED indication            Charging status
Use only the charger and battery specified by Samhoo.                   LED flashes red slowly    Standby(no load)
Charger LED can indicate the charging progress.                         LED glows red             Charging

                                                                        LED glows orange          Fully charged285%
                                                                        LED glows green           Fully charged
                                                                        LED flashes red rapidly   Error

1.As © shown,Connect the power adapter to AC power socket and
 the jack at the back of the charger.
2.As © shown,insert battery or radio with battery in the charger, and
 make sure the good contact between battery and charger terminals.
3.The charging process initlates when LED glows red.
4.LED turns green, indicating that charging is complete.

The standard 2000 mAh battery charging normally takes about
3 hours, for optimal battery performance, the first charging time
should be up to 5 hours.

Assembly and Disassembly
Attaching the antenna                                              Removing the battery
1.Turn the antenna
                                                                   1.As@Shown, hold
clockwise to fasten
It.                                                                the radio like this.
Note:To removethe
                                                                   2.As@shown, push
antenna, rotate It                                                 up the battery latch
counter—clockwise.                                                 with another hand.
                                                                   3.Yank the battery
                                                                   as@arrow direction
Attaching the battery                                              shown.
1.Flatwise put the
battery into the radio,
as @ shown,horizon—
                                                                   Attaching the belt clip
tally push to the top
                                                                   1.Rotate the screws
along the aluminum
                                                                   counter—clockwise to
                                                                   remove it;
2.As @ shown,push                                                  2.Align the screw holes
up the batterylatch                                                on the belt clip with
forward until a click                                              those on the radio‘s
is heard.                                                          body, and then tighten
                                                                   the screws clockwise.
@     Note:Ifthe battery is not fastened and still loose, please   Note:To remove the
      remove the battery and reinstall.                            belt clip, loosen the

Attaching audlo accessoy/programming   Status Indicators
cable                                  LCD icons
1.Open the accessory                   LCD screen can display radio status, text items and menu
Jack cover. As@shown                   items. The following are the icons displayed in standby
align the plug
            s with the                 interface.
accessory jack ,then
;fllAGhsfl-h    light                        Icon name       Icon     Radlo status
 .As   @shown,tighten
the screw clockwise on                  Battery strength            Low batler_y Pokel
the plug.                               iIcons                      More bars indicate more
Note: To remove                                                     battery power
accessories, loosen                                                 No signal
the screw counter—                      RSSI                        More bars indicate better
clockwise.                                                          signal strength
                                                                    New message/unread
                                        Message icons               message
                                                                    Inbox is full
                                                                    TMO mode
                                        Operation mode              DMO mode
                                                                    Analog mode
                                                                    Transmit with lower power
                                        Power icons                 Transmit with middle power
                                                                    Transmit with high power
                                        Profiles Icons

                                                              Basic Operations
    Icon name          Icon    Radlo status                   Turning on/off the radio
Audio accessories              Audio accessory is             Rotate the Radio On—Off/Volume knob clockwise / counter—
icons                          connected
                                                              clockwise until a click is heard to turn on/off the radio.
  Call status icon             On the phone
  icon selection               Select talk group              Adjusting the volume
                                                              After turning the radio on, rotate the Radio On—Off / Volume
                                                              knob clockwise to Increase the volume or counter—clockwise to
                                                              decreasethe volume.
LED indicator
The top LED indicator will help you easily identify current   Selecting a channel
radio status.                                                 Rotate the Channel Knob to select a desired channel.
  Radio status                LED indicator
                                                              LockIng/Unlocking the keypad
  Transmitting the call       LED glows red
                                                              Quickly press (=7 key and(x=) key to lock, and quickly press (x+)
  Receiving the call          LED glows green
                                                              key and(x=) key to unlock the keypad.When the keypad is locked,
  Phone call                  LED glows red on both sides     you can still answer or reply the call. After the call, keypad will be
  Channel is idle             LED flashes green slowly        lacked automatically.
  Channel is busy             LED glows orange
                                                              Mode switch
                                                              [Option] —> Radio Modo , select DMO mode & TMO mode.

Private call                                                         You can receive the group call without any key operation. If reply
                                                                     is needed, please hold down [PTT] key after the speech of the
M Transmitting a private call
                                                                     other side and then speak to mlcrophone.
1.Input contact number using Numeric Keypad or enter menu
 "Phonebook® ‘call log" to select desired contact.                   Phone call (only TMO mode)*
2.Hald down [PTT] keyto transmit a simplex Call to the               This radio can be used to dial a telephone number. Detailed
 selected contact.                                                   Information and the availabllity, please contact your service
m Recelving or replyIng a private call
1.When the [PTT] key is in the state of release, you can             m Transmitting a phone call
 recelvethe call without any key operation.                          1. In TMO mode, Press (=7 key to enter *Phonebook‘, choose
2.After the speech of the other side, you can hold down [PTT]        the contact number. The contact number by the distributor
 key to reply.                                                       through software written.
                                                                     2. Select" Ctype " to select number type as *PABX® or *Phone"
Group call                                                           {displayed on the LCD screen).
                                                                     3.Press C key to transmit a phone call.
Talk group can be set by dealerin advance the operation
methods are the same under DMO mode and TMO mode.                    M Receiving a phone call
® Transmitting a group call                                          in TMO mode, pressing    ) key can receive a phone call. The call
                                                                     parties can speech at the same timewithout any key operation.
1.In standby Interface, select the desired talk group through
                                                                     To rejact a call or hang up the phone, please press = key.
  Channel Knob.
                                                                     (2) Note:
2.Press (=) key to decide the talk group.
                                                                        1.The gateway number must be set through CPS. The details
3.Hold down [PTT] key to transmit a group call.
                                                                        please contact network operator.
                                                                        2.** * Indicates the function is not supported temporarily.
m Receiving and replying a group call

                                                                       Menu Navigation
Emergency call                                                         [Menu]                    New
Both DMO mode and TMO mode can support emergency call                            Phonebook       Inbox
and operate In the same way:                                                      Message
  Long press [Emergency calll key to transmita emergency
 call; To quit the emergency call, please press /) key.                            Calllog       Incoming
 @ Note: When transmitting a duplex call, please speak to the                                    Missed
    duplex microphone; when transmitting a simplex call, please                                  Standard

    speak to the simplex microphone.                                               Profiles      Vibrate
@Note: In poweroff mode, you can long press emergency call                                       Custom
  to turn on the radio and initiate an emergency call.                                           Language
                                                                                                 Date and time
                                                                                                 Keypad lock
                                                                                                 Screen saver
                                                                                   Settings      Screen Setup
                                                                                                 Alone work
                                                                                                 Man down

                                                                                                 Time correction*
                                                                                Losation         On/Oft
                                                                                                 Time zone
                                                                                                 Data transmission*
                                                                                 { Accessory |   Bluetooth®

Phonebook                                                                 2.User message
The contact is used to savecontact information, You can save up             When writing new message, each message length up to 110
to 500 entries in the list. Eachinformation includes the name and           bytes, The recipient can be individual or group.
the corrasponding number. In standby mode, press </"function—>
phonebook" to enter contact list. Here you can perform the follow—        ® Inbox
ing operations:                                                           The Inbox can save up to 50 received messages. After receiving
                                                                          new messages, the [] icon and the number of new SMS will be
 MIAdd a contact
                                                                          displayed on status bar. Select "Read" to view it immediataly or
 MView the contact information
                                                                          press C button to view it later. If the unread message in inbox is
 MIModify the contact information
                                                                          full, § icon will be displayed on status bar. At this point you need
 MDelete a contact information                                            to clean up inbox in time in order to continue to receive other
 MDeloteall the contact information                                       messages. For each message, you can choose to perform any of
 MICheck the capacity of telephone book                                   these operations:
 MIFind a contact (by name)
                                                                          Reply: Reply to the sender.
 MICall                                                                   Delete: Delate this message.
You can transmita simplex call to a contact in the phonebook:             Delete all: Delete all the received messages.
1. Select a contact in contact list.                                      Forward to the individual: Forward this messageto other user.
2. Hold down [PTT] key totransmita simplex to the selected                Forward to group: Forward this message to a group.
  contact.                                                                Extract number: Extract the number contained in this message.
                                                                          Call: Transmit a call to the sender.
                                                                          m Outbox
m New
                                                                          The outbox can save up to 20 sent messages. For each mass—
1.Status messago                                                          age, you can chooseto perform any of these operations: delete,
  *Status message" is set by dealer in advance, you can only              delate all, forward to Individual, forward to group, edit, extract
   send and read the message, but can not edit it.                        number, call.

m Drafts                                                                   M Screen saver
The draft box can save up to 10 draft messages. For each mess—             You can set whether to enable this function. When "Enable" is select—
age, you can choose to perform any of these operations: delete,            ed, after the setting time written by CPS the screen saver will start
delete all, forward to individual, forward to group, edit.                 automatically(Notice:press any key will clear the screen saver timer.)

Call log                                                                   M Screen setup
This redio can save up to 20 entries in the outgoing list, incoming        Brightness
list and missed list respectively. When there is a new missed call,         To set the display brightness. You can increase or decrease
corresponding tips will appear on the screen.                               it, using the <& key or < key.
Selecting an entry, you can perform any of these operations:               Backlight timeout
call, check, save, delete, delete all.                                      Turn on/off keypad light. You can set the turn—on time by CPS.

                                                                           M Inversion of the screen
Settings                                                                   When you enable this function, the content displayed on the
m Date and time                                                            screen can be rotated 180 degrees. Itis more conveniant for
                                                                           you to browse the information on the screen.
You can set the date, timethrough this aption, the methods of
oporation are as follows:                                                  D Note: After inversion, the function of / key and—) key inter—
Press lef/right direction key to selact the setting item and input            change.
desired number using numeric keypad.
                                                                           m Language
m Keypad lock                                                              You can switch between different languages through this option.
You can set whother to enable this function. When * Enable *               At the moment, this radio only supports two languages: Simplified
is selected, after the setting time written by CPS, keypad will            Chinese and English.
be locked automatically.

M Time correction*
This function uses received effective GPS time to correct the
time on the terminal. This function can be used with time zone                         Radio mode     __|—|     ;:\A/Ig
options.                                                                   r3
                                                                           9           management               Folder list
m On/off                                                                   B
                                                                           3                i «                 Scan on—off
This function can be opened or closed GPS/BEIDOU.                                      Seamming       I—L       Scan list
                                                                           —           Information
m Timezone
This function can allow you to set GPS system time zone accord—        Press (<—) key to enter optlon menu. taking the trunking mode as
ing to the location or user needs. There are a total of 25 time        an example to present the using method of each menu items.
zone options for time correction.
                                                                       Radlo mode
m Datatransmisslon*                                                    You can switch among these modes DMO and TMO.

This function is used to send GPS/BEIDOU information to other
terminals or control canter. There are two optlons: send to
                                                                       Group management
individual and send to a group.                                        In "Option" menu, select "group management" to enter group
                                                                       falderlist, you can perfarm any of these operations.
                                                                       @ Add a channel/group
                                                                       ® Delete a channel/group
                                                                       ® View a channel/group


Document Created: 2016-06-15 16:47:33
Document Modified: 2016-06-15 16:47:33

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