RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                                           MPE TEST REPORT
Report Reference No. .................... :              TRE1702002902                  R/C…….: 52994

FCC ID ............................................. :   2ABUBSIS8800-U

Applicant’s name ........................... :           SHENZHEN SAMHOO SCI&TECH CO.,LTD.
                                                         Room 401,Building 2th,Huaqiangyun Industrial Park,Meixiu Road,
                                                         Meilin,Futian District,Shenzhen,China
Manufacturer......................................:      SHENZHEN SAMHOO SCI&TECH CO.,LTD.
                                                         Room 401,Building 2th,Huaqiangyun Industrial Park,Meixiu Road,
                                                         Meilin,Futian District,Shenzhen,China
Test item description .................... :             Digital transceiver

Trade Mark ....................................... :     Samhoo

Model/Type reference ....................... :           SIS8800-U

Listed Model(s) ................................. :      -
                                                         FCC Per 47 CFR 2.1091(b)
Standard ......................................... :

Date of receipt of test sample……....:                    Feb. 15, 2017

Date of testing………………………..:                              Feb. 16, 2017– Apr. 25, 2017

Date of issue…………………………:                                 Apr. 25, 2017

Result .................. …………………...:                    PASS

Compiled by

( position+printed name+signature) .. :                  File administrators Shayne Zhu

Supervised by

( position+printed name+signature) .. :                  Project Engineer Cary Luo

Approved by

( position+printed name+signature) .. :                  RF Manager Hans Hu

Testing Laboratory Name ............. :                  Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.

Address.............................................:    1/F, Bldg 3, Hongfa Hi-tech Industrial Park, Genyu Road, Tianliao,
                                                         Gongming, Shenzhen, China

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the Shenzhen
Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. is acknowledged as copyright owner and source of the material.
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. takes no responsibility for and will not assume liability
for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced material due to its placement and

The test report merely corresponds to the test sample.
It is not permitted to copy extracts of these test result without the written permission of the test laboratory.

 Report No : TRE1702002902                Page 2 of 9         Issued: 2017-04-25


1.     SUMMARY                                                                               3

1.1.   Client Information                                                                3
1.2.   Report version                                                                    3
1.3.   Product Description                                                               4
1.4.   Test frequency list                                                               5
1.5.   EUT configuration                                                                 6
1.6.   Modifications                                                                     6

2.     TEST ENVIRONMENT                                                                      7

2.1.   Address of the test laboratory                                                    7
2.2.   Environmental conditions                                                          7
2.3.   Statement of the measurement uncertainty                                          7

3.     METHOD OF MEASUREMENT                                                                 8

3.1.   Applicable Standard                                                               8
3.2.   Limit                                                                             8
3.3.   MPE Calculation Method                                                            8

4.     CONCLUSION                                                                            9

                                                        Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

 Report No : TRE1702002902                      Page 3 of 9                   Issued: 2017-04-25

1.1. Client Information
Applicant:                   SHENZHEN SAMHOO SCI&TECH CO.,LTD.
                             Room 401,Building 2th,Huaqiangyun Industrial Park,Meixiu Road,
                             Meilin,Futian District,Shenzhen,China
Manufacturer:                SHENZHEN SAMHOO SCI&TECH CO.,LTD.
                             Room 401,Building 2th,Huaqiangyun Industrial Park,Meixiu Road,
                             Meilin,Futian District,Shenzhen,China

1.2. Report version
       Version No.              Date of issue                           Description
             00                 Apr. 25, 2017                             Original

                                                                        Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

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1.3. Product Description
Name of EUT:                   Digital transceiver
Trade mark:                    Samhoo
Model/Type reference:          SIS8800-U
Listed mode(s):                -
Power supply:                  1)DC 12V 2)AC 120V/60Hz
Battery information:           -
Charger information:           -
Adapter information:           -

Operation Frequency Range:     From 400MHz to 470MHz
Rated Output Power:            High Power: 50W (47.00dBm)/Low Power: 5W (37.00dBm)
Modulation Type:               Analog Voice:              FM
                               Digital Voice              4FSK
                               /Digital Data:
Digital Type:                  DMR
Channel Separation:            Analog Voice:                    12.5kHz
                               Digital Voice                    12.5kHz              6.25kHz
                               /Digital Data:
Emission Designator:           Analog Voice:                   12.5kHz Channel Separation: 5K94F3E
                                                               25kHz Channel Separation: ---
                               Digital Voice& Data:            12.5kHz Channel Separation: 7K84FXW
                                                               6.25kHz Channel Separation: ---
                               Digital Data:                   12.5kHz Channel Separation: 7K84FXD
                                                               6.25kHz Channel Separation: ---
Support data rate:             9.6kbps
Antenna Type:                  External

Maximum Transmitter            Digital                    50.35W for 12.5kHz Channel Separation
  Power:                       Analog                     50.58W for 12.5kHz Channel Separation
Note: The product has the same digital working characters when operating in both two digitized voice/data
mode. So only one set of test results for digital modulation modes are provided in this test report.

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1.4. Test frequency list
        Mode           Modulation         Operation Frequency Range            Test Frequency (MHz)
                                                                              CHL       400.0125
        Analog             FM                   400MHz~470MHz                CHM        435.0000
                                                                              CHH       469.9875
                                                                              CHL       400.0125
        Digital           4FSK                  400MHz~470MHz                CHM        435.0000
                                                                              CHH       469.9875

In section 15.31(m), regards to the operating frequency range over 10 MHz, the Lowest frequency, the middle
frequency, and the highest frequency of channel were selected to perform the test, please see the above
listed frequency for testing.

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EUT operation mode
                                               Power level                Digital                 Analog
    Test mode             Transmitting
                                                   High               12.5kHz                    12.5kHz
       TX1                    √                     √                       √
       TX2                    √                     √                                                √
√: is operation mode.

1.5. EUT configuration
The following peripheral devices and interface cables were connected during the measurement:

● - supplied by the manufacturer

○ - supplied by the lab

● Power Cable                                  Length (m) : 3.00
                                                    Shield : Unshielded
                                               Detachable : Undetachable
○ Multimeter                                 Manufacturer : /
                                                Model No. : /

1.6. Modifications
No modifications were implemented to meet testing criteria.

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2.1. Address of the test laboratory
      1/F, Bldg 3, Hongfa Hi-tech Industrial Park, Genyu Road, Tianliao, Gongming, Shenzhen, China
      Phone: 86-755-26748019 Fax: 86-755-26748089

      The sites are constructed in conformance with the requirements
      of ANSI C63.7, ANSI C63.4 (2009) and CISPR Publication 22.

2.2. Environmental conditions
During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:

  Temperature:                                15-35 ° C

  Humidity:                                   30-60 %

  Atmospheric pressure:                    950-1050mbar

2.3. Statement of the measurement uncertainty
The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The reader is cautioned that there
may be errors within the calibration limits of the equipment and facilities. The measurement uncertainty was
calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. to TR-100028-01” Electromagnetic compatibility
and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment
characteristics; Part 1” and TR-100028-02 “Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters
(ERM);Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment characteristics; Part 2 “ and is
documented in the Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd quality system acc. to DIN EN
ISO/IEC 17025. Furthermore, component and process variability of devices similar to that tested may result
in additional deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued compliance of the device.

Hereafter the best measurement capability for Shenzhen Huatongwei laboratory is reported:

                         Test Items                          Measurement Uncertainty              Notes
      Transmitter power conducted                                    0.57 dB                       (1)

          (1) This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95%
              confidence level using a coverage factor of k=1.96.

                                                                              Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

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3. Method of measurement
3.1. Applicable Standard
According to §1.1307(b)(1), systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a
manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess of the
Commission’s guidelines.
According to §1.1310 and §2.1091 RF exposure is calculated.

3.2. Limit
FCC Part 1.1310(e):

f=frequency in MHz
*=Plane-wave equivalent power density

3.3. MPE Calculation Method
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance
Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01


Where: S=power density
   P=power input to antenna
   G=power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
   R=distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

As declared by the Applicant, the EUT transmits with the maximum soure-baed Duty Cycle of 100%-see the
User manual, and the EUT is a wireless device used in a fixed mounted on outdoor permanent structures , at
least 350cm from any body part of the user or nearby persons; from the maximum EUT RF output power, the
minimum fixed separation distance, r =350cm, as well as the gain of the used antenna is 8dBi, the RF power
density can be obtained.


                                                                               Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

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FCC Part 2.1091:

                                      Max                           Power             Power
     Test            Minimum                       Antenna
                                     Output                        Density            Density            Test
  Frequency         Separation                      Gain
                                     Power                        At 350cm          Limit FCC           Results
    (MHz)          Distance (cm)                  (Numeric)
                                     (mW)                         (mW/cm2)          (mW/cm2)

  400.0125             350           60000         6.3096           0.2461            0.2667

     435               350           60000         6.3096           0.2461            0.2667             PASS

  469.9875             350           60000         6.3096           0.2461            0.2667


                                      Max                           Power             Power
     Test            Minimum                       Antenna
                                     Output                        Density            Density            Test
  Frequency         Separation                      Gain
                                     Power                        At 350cm          Limit FCC           Results
    (MHz)          Distance (cm)                  (Numeric)
                                     (mW)                         (mW/cm2)          (mW/cm2)

  400.0125             350           60000         6.3096           0.2461            0.2667

     435               350           60000         6.3096           0.2461            0.2667             PASS

  469.9875             350           60000         6.3096           0.2461            0.2667

Max Output Power(W)= Rated Output Power(W)+ Rated Output Power(W)*20%

4. Conclusion
The measurement results comply with the FCC Limit per 47 CFR 2.1091 for General Population/Uncontrolled

                        .......................End of Report.........................

                                                                             Report Template Version: H00 (2016-08)

Document Created: 2017-10-10 09:46:48
Document Modified: 2017-10-10 09:46:48

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