User manual


Users Manual

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               D6 6 8 SERIES
               OWNER'S MANUAL

                                      STOCK CODE: 834963

Thanks for your favor in our product. To derive optimum performance from the
product,please read this manual carefully before using it.

This manual applies to the following models of D668 series:
D668 U1、D668 U2、D668 V digital portable products.

User Information                                                         Instructional Icon
◆ Government law prohibits governmental jurisdiction within              The following icons are available through this manual:
   the scope of unauthorized use of radio.                                   Caution: Indicates situations that could cause damage to
◆ Illegal operation will be subject to fines or arrest punishment.           your radio.
◆ Repair only by trained professional and technical personnel.               Note: Indicates tips that can help you make better use of
Security: Users need to know and understand the use of radio.                your radio.

   Note: The pictures presented in this manual are only for reference!   *   Asterisk: Indicates the currently restricted function.

                                                                         Term Explanation
   Note                                                                  Key operation
                                                                         Short press: To press the key and release it quickly;
Please observe the following precautions to prevent fire,                Long press: To press the key and remain holding it down
                                                                                      about a period of 1.5 seconds;
personal injury and damage to the radio.
                                                                         Hold down: To press the key and remain holding it down.
◆ Continuous using radio long time or at high power transmit
                                                                         Group call
   mode will cause the heat of the back of terminal.
                                                                         Group call is initiated by a single user to a group. involving
◆ In any case, do not dismantling the unit. Do not let the               the calling party and all the group members.
  terminal by prolonged direct sunlight, and do not use the              Emergency call
  radio near the heating device.                                         Emergency call is the highest priority call. It is used to call for
◆ Do not put the radio on extremely dusty, damp and splashing            help to the companion or the control center in an emergency
   water areas, and also on the uneven surface.                          situation. The general set is group call form. If initiating an
◆ If you find any unusual smells or smoke from terminal, you             emergency call, any non emergency calls can be interrupted.

  should immediately remove the battery, and contact with the            Conventional mode
                                                                         Under conventional mode,Simplex communication can be
  local Samhoo dealer.
                                                                         carried out directly between the terminals without network
                                                                         limitation. But user cannot use the functions that need
                                                                         network support.

Copyright Information                                                      Disclaimer
Samhoo is trademark or registered trademark of SHENZHEN SAMHOO             Samhoo endeavors to achieve the accurancy and completeness of this
SCI & TECH CO.,LTD. in the PRC and/or other countries or areas.            manual, but no warranty of accuracy or reliabilityis given. All the
Samhoo retains the ownership of its trademarks and product names. All      specifications and designs are subject to change without notice due to
other trademarks and/or product names that may be used in this manual      continuous technology development. No part of this manual may be
are properties of their respective owners.                                 copied, modified, translated, or distributed in any manner without the
                                                                           express written permission of Samhoo. If you have any suggestions or
The Samhoo product described in this manual may include computer
                                                                           would like to learn more details,
programs stored in memory or other media. Laws in the PRC and/or
                                                                           please visit our web site: or dial service
other countries or areas preserve for Samhoo exclusive rights for
                                                                           hotline:0086-755 8316 0260.
Samhoo computer programs. The purchase of this product shall not
be deemed to grant, either directly or by implication, any rights to the
purchaser with respect to Samhoo computer programs. Any Samhoo
computer programs may not be copied, modified, distributed,
decompiled, or reverseengineered in any manner without the prior
written consent of Samhoo.

Checking Items in the package.............................................................2                             Adjusting the volume........................................................8
Optional accessories ................................................................................3                  Selecting a channel...........................................................8
Product overview.......................................................................................4                Signal Intensity * .................................................................9
       Product controls................................................................................4                Clock*.............................................................................9
Before use....................................................................................................5       Sqeulch level ..................................................................9
       Charging the battery.......................................................................5                   Battery level...................................................................10
                                                                                                                      Mode switch...................................................................10
       Charging operation steps..............................................................5
       Charger LED indicator and charging status.............................5                                        Group call.......................................................................11
Assembly and disassembly....................................................................6                         Emergency call...............................................................11
       Attaching the antenna....................................................................6                 Troubleshooting....................................................................11
       Attaching the battery.......................................................................6              Care and cleaning.................................................................12

       Removing the battery......................................................................6                Quality assurance and maintenance terms...............................12

       Attaching the belt clip.....................................................................6
       Attaching audio accessory/programming cable....................7
Status indicators.........................................................................................7
      LED indicator........................................................................................7
      LED icons...............................................................................................8
Basic operations.........................................................................................8
      Turning on/off the radio .................................................................8

Checking Items In The Package
Please unpack carefully and check that all items listed below are received. if any item is missing or damaged, please contact your

                Battery(B02207400)                      Charger(DC100002 )                   Power adapter(CG-120100 )

                Antenna(AntD618H1)                        Belt clip(SBC01)                         Strap(SR000)

                    Radio unit                            Ower's manual                              Certificate

     Note: 1.The frequency band of antenna is marked on the label of it, if not, please refer to the label on the radio unit for
             frequency band information;
           2. The pictures presented in this manual are only for reference!

Optional Accessories

   C-Earset with on-mic PTT (EA0303)            Programming cable   (SPC03)

  If you need to know more information about the optional accessories,please contact us.


Product Overview

Product controls
                       NO.   Part Name            NO.    Part Name

                             LED Indicator              Emergency Call Key

                             Antenna                    PTT Key (transmit key)

                             P1 key (hot key)           P2 key (hot key)

                             Channel Knob               Radio ON-OFF/Volume

                             Speaker                    Accessory Jack Cover

                             Microphone                 Dot Matrix Display

                             Accessory Jack             Strap Hole

                             Belt Clip                  Battery

                             Battery Pole Piece         Battery Latch


Before Use
Charging the battery

   Charging operation steps                                                         Charger LED indicator and charging status
Please only use the charger and battery specified by Samhoo; the
indicator of the charger can show the charging progress.
                                                                                     LED indication           Charging status
                                                                                    LED flashes red
                                                                                                              Standby(not loaded)
                                                                                    and green alternatively
                                                                                    LED glows red             Charging status

                                                                                    LED glows green           Fully charged

1.As shown, connect the power adapter to AC power socket and the
  jack at the back of the charger.
2.As    shown, insert the battery or the radio with battery into the charger,
 and make sure the contact between the battery and charger is good.
3.The charging process initiates when the indicator glows red.
4.When the indicator turns green, it indicates that the charging is finished.
  The charging time for the standard 2000 mAh battery normally takes
  about 3 hours, for optimal battery performance, the first charging time
  should be up to 5 hours.


Assembly and Disassembly

Attaching the antenna                 Removing the battery

1.Rotate the antenna clockwise        1.As       shown, hold the radio
 until it is fastened.                  like this.
Note: To remove the antenna,          2.As       shown, push up the
please rotate it                        battery latch with another hand.
counter-clockwise.。                   3.Yank the battery as arrow
                                        direction shows in .

Attaching the battery
                                      Attaching the belt clip
1.Put the battery flatwise into
the radio, as shown in      ,
horizontally push the battery         1.As shown in the picture,
latch to the top along the              push down the belt clip
aluminum slot until a                   along the slot.
clickety-clack sound is heard.        2.If it is required to
Note: If the battery is not             disassemble the belt clip,
fastened or is still loose,             push the belt clip shrapnel
please remove the battery
                                        upwards and pull it out.
and reinstall.


Assembly and Disassembly                          Status Indicators
Attaching audio accessory/programming cable       LED indicators
                                                  The LED indicator on top provides you with the information of the
                                                  current operation status of the radio.
1.As shown in the picture, open
the dust plug.                                     Handheld terminal status         Indicator status
2.Align the audio/programming
cable plug with the accessory
                                                   Transmitting the call            LED glows red
jack.                                              Receiving the call               LED glows green
3.Insert the audio/programming
cable plug.                                        Channel is idle                  LED flashes green slowly
                                                   Channel is busy                  LED glows orange


Status Indication                                                             Basic Operations
LED icons                                                                     Turning on/off the radio
Dot matrix display could show multiple kinds of information. During           In order to turn on the radio, please rotate the
the process of switching on the radio, it would show the start                [On-Off/ Volume] knob clockwise until a
                                                                              clickety-clack sound is heard; during the
animation; after switching on it, press [P1] or [P2], it could show the
                                                                              process, the dot matrix screen will show the
channel serial number, signal strength scale, clock, Bluetooth,                                                                   Starting animation
                                                                              start animation.
squelch level and battery scale periodically; rotate [On-Off/ Volume]         In order to turn off the radio, please rotate the [On-Off/ Volume] knob
knob it could show volume scale; rotate [Channel] knob you could              counter-clockwise until a clickety-clack sound is heard.
switch the channel.                                                           Adjusting the volume
                                                                              After turning on the radio, rotate the [On-Off / Volume] knob clockwise
                                                                              to increase the volume or counter-clockwise to decrease the volume.

                                                                                                         Volume display

                                                                              Selecting a channel
                                                                              After switching on the radio, the dot matrix
                                                                              display shows the channel serial number by
                                                                              default; rotate the [Channel] Knob to switch a
                                                                              channel. Meanwhile, there is a voice broadc-    Channel display
                                                                              ast Indicating the current channel serial
                                                                              number, the signal serial number icon also changes accordingly.
                                                                              This radio could save up to 99 channels.
                                                                                  Direct Mode,Analog Channel        Repeater Mode,Analog Channel
                                                                                  Direct Mode,Digital Channel       Repeater Mode,Digital Channel

Basic Operations

Signal Intensity *                                             Clock *
LED screen can indicate 5 levels of signal intensity and       Display: Clock display includes “year; month/date; hour/minute”.
unregistered status.                                           Short press 【P1】key or 【P2】key continuously can display
                                                               clock information in a circle.

                                                                       Year              Month/Day             Hour/Minute
                         Signal Intensity
Press 【P1】key or【P2】key can switch to signal intensity         In year, month/date or hour/minute interface, long press 【P1】
interface to check signal levels.                              key can enter edit interface, the first digit will flicker. Short press
                                                               【P2】key can adjust value, short press 【P1】key can switch
                                                               to next digit. Long press 【P1】key can save data and exit edit
                                                               interface, long press 【P2】key can quit saving data and exit
                                                               edit interface.


Basic Operations

Squelch Level *                                                      Mode Switch
LED screen can indicate 5 squelch levels. Press 【P1】key or
【P2】key continuously can switch to squelch level interface to        The radio support analogue conventional/digital conventional modes.
check signal intensities.                                            Modes can be switched via programming software by dealers.

                                                                         Stands for limited functionality, indicating that this feature.

                      Squelch Level

Battery Levels
LED screen can indicate 5 battery levels.

                      Battery Levels


Call                                                                         Troubleshooting

Group call
                                                                              Phenomena                   Analysis
Talk group can be set by dealer in advance. The operation methods
                                                                              The radio cannot            Please check whether the voltage is too low
are the same under DMO/conventional mode.                                     be turned on                or the battery is damaged.
                                                                                                       1: Check the signal intensity; make sure that the
• Transmitting a group call                                                                               radio is in the service area.
                                                                              Call failure
                                                                                                       2: Contact network administrator, make sure that
1: Rotate channel knob to select call group;                                                              the radio is authorized.
2: Press【PPT】key can transmit a group call;                                                            1: Make sure that the radio is in the correct group
                                                                              Group call receive          channel.
                                                                              /reply failure           2: Make sure that the radio is authorized tojoin
• Receiving and replying a group call                                                                     the group.
You can receive the group call without any key operation. If reply is         Call transmission is        Long transmission time, time is out.
needed, please press 【PPT】key after the speech of the other
                                                                                                       1: Check whether the terminal is in basement,
side and then speak to microphone.                                                                        tunnel or other signal shielding position
                                                                              Call drop accidentally
                                                                                                          beyond the coverage area.
                                                                                                       2: Check the battery.
Emergency Call
Emergency call is supported and operated as below:                                                     1: Check if there is water in loudspeaker's
                                                                                                          inlet hole.
Long press 【Emergency Call】key to transmit an emergency call.                 Loudspeaker              2: If there is water, put loudspeaker downwards to
                                                                              diminished                  palm and pat it for few times. After 3~5minutes,
                                                                                                          the loudspeaker will be back to normal.

                                                                             If above troubleshooting suggestions cannot solve your problem, or you are
                                                                             facing other problems beyond those, please do not hesitate to contact with
                                                                             local Samhoo dealers or contact Samhoo directly for more assist.


Care and Cleaning                                                         Quality Assurance and Maintenance Terms

To guarantee optimal performance as well as a long service life of        SHENZHEN SAMHOO SCI & TECH CO.,LTD. (hereinafter referred to as
your radio, please follow the tips below.                                 Samhoo) promise the radios produced by Samhoo, sincethe date of
                                                                          purchase, under the condition of normal use, operation and maintenance,
Radio care
                                                                          have defects in the material or manufacturing technology, you will enjoy
Keep the radio far away from substances that can corrode the
                                                                          the following warranty service.
electronic circuit.
Do not hold the radio by its antenna or headset cable directly            1. The scope and duration of warranty
to prevent damage to its normal use.                                      The radio: 12 months.
Attach the accessory jack cover when the radio is not in use.             The standard accessories (including antenna, battery, charger,belt
                                                                          clip etc.): 6 months.
Radio cleaning
Clean up the dust and fine particles on the radio surface and             2. The warranty
charging piece with a clean and dry lint-free cloth or a brush            If you apply for the warranty services of Samhoo products, please
regularly.                                                                provide a valid warranty card or the original invoice. In the warranty
Use neutral cleanser and a non-woven fabric to clean thekeys,             period, the related marks of Samhoo products, such as the serial
control knobs and front case after long-time use. Do not use              number, should be maintained clear and complete and not be torn up.
chemical preparations such as stain removers, alcohol, sprays or          1.The warranty card should be a complete warranty card which is
oil preparations, so as to avoid surface case damage. Make sure           filled in and stamped by Samhoo or the authorized dealers.
that the radio is completely dry before use.                              The contents on the warranty card should include the product
                                                                          name, manufacturing serial number, date of purchase, marketing
   Note:                                                                  unit and so on.
   Turn off the radio and remove the battery before cleaning.             2. The effective invoice should be supervised by the fiscal and
                                                                          taxation departments and it is an important voucher. The filling
                                                                          content on the invoice should include the product name,
                                                                          manufacturing serial number,date of purchase, amount of
                                                                          purchase and so on.


Quality Assurance and Maintenance Terms

Note:                                                                      5.The fault or damage to the antenna is not caused by the materials
                                                                             or processing.
● This product must be sent back to the headquarters of the
                                                                           6.The related marks on the radio are torn up or erased, the serial
  service or our overseas service station for the repair.
                                                                             number can not be identified.
● The waterproof terminals(the waterproof level should be up               7.The products whose purchase date cannot be identified.
  to or above 6)must be sent back to the service headquarters,             8.The malfunction or damage caused by the force majeure.
  our overseas service station or the maintenance station of               9.The normal abrasion.
  authorized dealers for repair.                                           10.The battery with following circumstance:
● Please pack the product well with the required documents                    a.Artificially damaged or opened.
  and detailed description of malfunction and send to our                     b.Use the abnormal equipment to make a battery charging.
  company or the designated service points. You can also                   Special note:
  get help by dial our service hotline:0086-755 8316 0260.                 1.Within the limits of law, in any case, Samhoo has no liability for
                                                                           the loss that is more than the product purchase price, meanwhile,
3.The terms of this service do not include the
                                                                           Samhoo is not liable for any loss of use, loss of time, loss of
following contents.
                                                                           business, loss of profits or income, and the incidental, special or
1.Beyond the valid period of warranty.                                     secondary damage.
2.The malfunction or damage caused by the use or maintenance               2.Since the environment or system of using the product are
  which are not according to the specification.                            different. Samhoo is not responsible for the coverage area of the
3.The malfunction or damage caused by the abnormal or uncon-               whole system or the operation conditions.
  ventional use.                                                           3. The maintenance clauses are enacted in accordance with
4.The malfunction or damage caused by the modification, change,            relevant national warranty regulations. Due to the technical
  remove, using non-original attachments or batteries, or upgrading        development and market adjustment, the clauses will be changed
                                                                           accordingly. The specific changes are subject to Change Notice
  software and removing firmware without Samhoo’s authorization.
                                                                           issued by samhoo customer service center. For other matters not
                                                                           mentioned here, will be subject to relevant national regulations.

FCC Statement

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Caution: Any changes or modifications to this device not explicitly approved by manufacturer could void
your authority to operate this equipment. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.


                             RF Energy Exposure Awareness and Control Information and Operational Instructions for Occupational Use
Notice: this radio is intended for use in occupational/controlled conditions where users have full knowledge of their exposure and can exercise control over their
exposure to meet the occupational limits in FCC and International standards. This radio device is NOT authorized for general population consumer use.

Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Regulations
When Digital Two-Way Radiois used as a consequence of employment, the FCC requires users to be fully aware of and able to control their exposure to meet
occupational requirement. Exposure awareness can be facilitated by the use of a product label directing users to specific user awareness information. Your Digital
Two-Way Radio has a RF Exposure Product Label. Also, your Digital Two-Way Radio user manual includes information and operating instructions required to control
your RF exposure and satisfy compliance requirements.

Compliance with RF Exposure Standards
Your Digital Two-Way Radio is designed and tested to compliance with a number of national and international standards and guidelines for human exposure to radio
frequency electromagnetic energy. This radio compliance with the IEEE (FCC) and ICNIRP exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF exposure environments at
operating duty factors of up to 50% talk – 50% listen and is approved for occupational use only. In terms of measuring RF energy for compliance with these
exposure guidelines, your radio generates measureable RF energy only while it is transmitting (during talking), not when it is receiving (listening) or in standby

Your Digital Two-Way Radio complies with the following RF energy exposure standards and guidelines:
● United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Code of Federal Regulations;
● Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1
● International Commission on Non-lionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

RF Exposure Compliance and Control Guidelines and Operating Instructions for Two-Way Radio Operations
To control your exposure and ensure compliance with the occupational/controlled environment exposure limits, always adhere to the following procedures;
● DO NOT remove the RF Exposure Label from the device
● User awareness instructions should accompany device when transferred to other users.


Operational Instructions and Training Guidelines
To ensure optimal performance and compliance with the occupational/controlled environment RF energy exposure limits in the above standards and guidelines,
users should transmit no more than 50% of the time and always adhere to the following procedures;

● In front of the face, hold the radio in a vertical position with microphone (and other parts of the radio including the antenna) at least one inch (2.5 centimeters)
  away from the nose or lips. Keep the radio at a proper distance is important to ensure compliance.
  Note: RF exposure decrease with increasing distance from the antenna.
● Body Worn Operation; when worn the body, always place the radio in an approved clip, holder, or body harness for this product.
  Using approved body-worn accessories is important because the use of non-approved accessories may results in exposure levels, which exceed the
  occupational/controlled environment RF exposure limits
  Using only approved supplied or replacement antennas, batteries, and audio accessories, use of non-approved antennas, batteries, and wired or wireless
  accessories may exceed the applicable RF exposure guidelines (IEEE, ICNIRP or FCC).


                                                             SHENZHEN SAMHOO SCI & TECH CO.,LTD.

is registered trademark of SHENZHEN SAMHOO SCI & TECH CO.,LTD.
and is under authorized use.
All rights reserved.

Stock code: 834963
Address: Huaqiangyun Industrial Park, No.1-1 Meixiu Road ,
Meilin Industrial Park, Futian Distric, Shenzhen, China.
Service hotline: 0086-755 8316 0260
Postcode: 518049


Document Created: 2017-09-21 16:22:11
Document Modified: 2017-09-21 16:22:11

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC