External Photos


External Photos

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2.1033 (7) : Internal External Photographs, FCC ID Placement

    The placement of the FCC ID will be conspicuously prominent in the back of the enclosure.
    The illustration below demonstrates the exact placement of the FCC ID on the finished product.

The remaining pages contain detailed photos of both external and the internal components, showing the
construction of the device.

*   Battery clip attaches to the bottom of the PCB
*   The PCB slots into the underside of the top enclosure piece
*   Battery door attaches to the bottom piece of the enclosure
*   3 Torx screws completes the top/bottom enclosure assembly
*   1 Phillips screw fastens the battery door shut

Document Created: 2014-02-22 23:23:11
Document Modified: 2014-02-22 23:23:11

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