User Manual


Users Manual

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iCheck® 7

Braun iCheck® 7                                  Product description
BPW 4500US
Wrist blood pressure monitor
This product is manufactured under
licence to the ‘Braun‘ trademark. ‘Braun‘ is
a registered trademark of Braun GmbH,
Kronberg , Germany.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned
by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks is under licence.
App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.
and other countries.
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.
iCheck® is a registered trademark of Helen of Troy Limited.
Kaz USA, Inc.                  C €
A Helen of Troy Company               0297
Marlborough, MA 01752
©2018, All rights reserved.
BPW4500US        P/N AAOO2626RO0       O1MAR18                        Printed in China

Intended use of the Braun iCheckse 7                                                                    A Safety information and important precautions
Braun iCheck® 7 is a blood pressure monitor which has been developed for fast, accurate blood
                                                                                                        People suffering from cardiac arrhythmia, vascular constriction, arteriosclerosis in the extremities,
pressure measurements from the wrist. This blood pressure monitor operates as a stand—alone
                                                                                                        diabetes or users of cardiac pacemakers should consult their doctor before measuring their blood
device and automatically records your most recent readings. The recorded readings can be
                                                                                                        pressure themselves. Deviations in blood pressure values may occur in such cases.
downloaded later on your Smartphone for advanced trend interpretation.
                                                                                                        If you are under medical treatment or taking any medication, please consult your doctor first.
What you should know about blood pressure                                                               The use of this blood pressure monitor is not intended as a substitute for a consultation with
                                                                                                        your doctor.
Blood pressure constantly changes throughout the day. It rises sharply in the early morning and
declines during the late morning. Blood pressure rises again in the afternoon and finally drops
to a low level at night. It may also vary over a short period of time. Therefore readings from          Key rules for accurate blood pressure measurement
successive measurements can fluctuate.
                                                                                                        Always take readings at the same time of day, under the same conditions.
This device will display your blood pressure reading referring to two values: the systolic and the
                                                                                                        Do not take a measurement within 30 minutes after smoking, drinking coffee or tea or any form
diastolic values. The systolic blood pressure (the upper number) indicates how much pressure            of exertion. These factors will influence the measurement.
your blood is exerting against your artery walls when the heart beats. The diastolic blood
pressure (the lower number) indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your             Always measure on the same wrist. We recommend using left wrist.
artery walls while the heart is resting between beats. The pulse value is also displayed after each     Take off your wrist watch and jewelry before placing the monitor on the measuring arm.
                                                                                                        Remove tight clothing from your arm.
The AHA (American Heart Association) have set up the following standard blood pressure values
when measured with a resting pulse at home:                                                             If you want to take multiple measurements, wait approximately 3 minutes before repeating
                                                                                                        a measurement.
    Blood pressure                               High Blood         High Blood        Hypertensive
    (mmHg)           Noumal      Elevated        Pressure Stage 1   Pressure Stage2   Crisis
                                                                                                        Product description (seePage 1)
    SYS = systole    Less than      i    [         C                        t          1                C On/Off button (also used for Bluetooth® pairing, see page 7)
    [upper value)    120         120—129         30—139             140 or higher     higher than 180
                                                                                                        (® Graphic display for measurements and indications
    DIA = diastole   Lessthan    Less than   _            |                4           I
    (esertalns       80          80              80—89              90 or higher      higher than 120   @ Instant read color indicator
                                                                                                        ) Battery compartment cover
For every measurement displayed on the screen,                           ___SvS
the associated color (from green to red) will indicate         Green >                                  © Cuff
the corresponding blood pressure level. You can use            Yellow >   1204129 or   < 80
this classification daily to help you understand your         Orange> Aeoermpherier ecermghe,
blood pressure reading. If you are really concerned                     l
by the classification, you should consult your doctor.            Rad> ifeonimiives Uitten.
To ensure accurate measuring results, read the
complete instructions for use carefully.

Inserting/replacing batteries                                                                        4. The‘Easy Positioning System‘helps to ensure
                                                                                                        the arm is in the correct position. Simply move
+ Remove the battery compartment cover by sliding it                                                    your arm up and down until the white dot stays
  downwards. Insert the two batteries supplied with this product,                                       inside the circle (see Fig. 2). This means that the
  with polarity as indicated in the battery compartment. When                                           iCheck 7 is now level with your heart.
  replacing batteries, use alkaline batteries exclusively,
  type AAA/LRO3, 1.5V.                                                                               5. The measurement starts automatically once
                                                                                                        the correct position has been obtained. Do not
+ New batteries will provide approximately 300 measurements.                                            move or speak while the measurement is in
The basics                                                                                              Note: If it is necessary to interrupt a
The On/Off button is located to the right of the display. This is a                                     measurement, press the On/Off button Q) at
round button with the power symbol. Simply tap on this touch—                                           any time. The device immediately cancels the
sensitive button to turn your iCheck 7 On and Off.                                                      measurement, lowers cuff pressure and turns
                                                                                                        itself off.
When turning On, you will see a welcome screen first. When this message disappears the device
will be ready to use.
The graphic display shows numerical values for measurements, indications for user, guidance
system and error notifications, if any.
At the conclusion of the measurement the device will show a colored heart. Use the color codes       Understanding your reading
shown on Page 6 find out what the color means.
                                                                                                     Once the measurement is complete, the instant read ‘heart‘ symbol will illuminate.The ‘meaning‘
                                                                                                     of the color can be found in the table on Page 6. The graphic display will show the numerical
Taking a blood pressure measurement                                                                  values of your blood pressure readings.
1. Sit down, relax, keep still, especially the arm being used for the measurement, do not move       SYS: shows the systolic blood pressure in mmHg                :D
   or speak. For greatest accuracy, we recommend using the left wrist for the measurement.
                                                                                                     DIA: shows the diastolic blood pressure in mmHg                snfun _
2. Fit the monitor on your left wrist, roughly .4 inch
                                                                                                     PUL: shows the pulse — heart beats per minute                         %B 4          0
   below the palm line (see Fig. 1 for correct placement).
   DO NOT ATTACH LIKE A WRIST WATCH. The device                                                      & This symbol at the right—hand side of pulse reading
   should be on the inner side of your wrist. Secure the                     I                         indicates a regular heartbeat.
   cuff with the Velcro fastener, so thatit is tight but        /\“v/\
   comfortable. There should not be a space between               N                                  & This symbol at the right—hand side of pulse reading indicates that pulse irregularities were
                                                                                                       detected during the measurement. This irregular heartbeat can be caused simply by talking,
   the cuff and the wrist.                                          \
                                                                                                       moving or shaking during a measurement. In this case, the result may deviate from your
3. Press the On/Off button (L) to start a measurement.           /                                     normal basal blood pressure — repeat the measurement. Normally this is not cause for
   The graphic display will show the welcome screen                                                    concern. However if the symbol appears frequently, and these guidelines are strictly
   followed by the ‘Easy Positioning System!‘. This is shown                                           followed, you should seek medical advice.
   as a moving dot within a white circle.                                                   Fig. 1

The instant read color indicator follows the AHA recommendations for interpreting readings                Connection to Smartphone and Braun Healthy Heart app
and is described in the table below.
                                                                                                          Your iCheck® 7 can be connected by Bluetooth® to your Smartphone (iOS and Android)
         Green: normal blood        Your blood pressure reading is normal, and values are below           to download stored readings automatically. When readings are downloaded to your Smartphone,
         pressure                   120 mmHg systolic and below 80 mmHg diastolic.                        they are deleted from your iCheck® 7 memory.
                                    Your blood pressure reading is in the elevated blood pressure range   Make sure the ‘Braun Healthy Heart‘ app has been downloaded onto your Smartphone
         Yellow: Elevated Blood
                                    with values between 120—129 mmHg systolic and/or less than            and the app is open.
                                    80 mmHg diastolic.                                                                                BRH““      CANPERAEREICUIRE      GETTON

         Orange: High Blood         Your blood pressure reading is in the hypertension                                                 ||||I   # App Store          » Google Play
                                    range with values between 130—179 mmHg systolic and/or
         Pressure Stage 1
                                    80—119 mmHg diastolic.
                                    Your blood pressure reading is in the severe hypertension range
                                                                                                          Switch on the Bluetooth function on your Smartphone. If you are using the app for the first time,
«mm      Red: High Blood Pressure                                                                         it will guide you in pairing your iCheck® 7. If you have already used the app before, go to
*\/‘     Stage 2 OR Hypertensive with values of 180 mmHg systolic and above and/or 120 mmHg               the "Connect device" function available in the app menu and follow the instructions.
                                  diastolic and above. If you constently get readings in this range,
  —      Crisis
                                    consult your doctor.                                                  During Bluetooth pairing, iCheck® 7 will show a flashing Bluetooth icon 3 on the display.
                                                                                                          Once pairing is complete, iCheck® 7 will show your name on the display.
Blood pressure readings will be automatically saved in the device memory. Results are displayed
for approx. 60 seconds, then device will automatically shut—off. You can also shut off your device
with On/Off button.                                                                                       Battery life indicator
Note: If your iCheck® 7 device is switched on within 60 seconds of powering off, the welcome              Batteries are low @_}
screen is bypassed.                                                                                       When the batteries are approximately 80% discharged, the low battery symbol will show
                                                                                                          at power—up for about 6 seconds. The iCheck® 7 device will continue to measure reliably,
                                                                                                          but new batteries should be obtained.
Memory functions
                                                                                                          Batteries are empty —replacements required B<>
Your iCheck® 7 will store up to 100 readings in the internal memory. Readings are stored                  When the batteries are fully discharged, the empty battery symbol will show at power—up
automatically when the measurement is complete. When the 100 readings are reached,                        for about 6 seconds and then device will automatically shut off. You cannot take any readings
the new readings automatically replace the oldest ones. We suggest you regularly transfer                 and must replace the batteries.
your stored readings onto the Braun Healthy Heart app on your Smartphone in order to follow
the evolution of your blood pressure easily over a long period of time.
The memory is non—volatile. Stored readings will not be lost when the batteries are replaced.             Storage and cleaning
                                                                                                          + Do not place/leave the item in direct sunlight, at high temperatures or in damp and dusty
                                                                                                          + Do not store at extremely low (less than —4 °F) or high (more than 131 °F) temperatures.
                                                                                                          + Use a wet cloth or one impregnated with a mild cleansing agent to clean the case and then use
                                                                                                             a dry cloth to wipe it dry.
                                                                                                          +« Do not use any strong cleansers to clean it.

+ When the unit is not going to be used for a long time, remove the batteries. (Batteries may leak   Troubleshooting
  or cause damage).
+ Do not modify the device. NEVER open the device! This will void the manufacturer‘s guarantee.
                                                                                                                              Low battery warning              Be ready to replace batteries with new ones soon.
                                                                                                                                                               Insert new batteries or check that batteries are correctly
This device was calibrated at the time of manufacture. If used according to the instructions for                              Empty battery warning
use, periodic recalibration is not required.
                                                                                                     Device does not turn on,                                  Change batteries for new ones and make sure to insert them
                                                                                                                              Problem with batteries
                                                                                                     screen is black                                           correctly. If problem persists, contact consumer support
Guarantee                                                                                                                                                      Stay away from radio interference such as microwave ovens,
                                                                                                                                                               WiFi routers, laptop computers, etc. Make sure Bluetooth
Please read all instructions before attempting to use this device. Please retain the receipt as                                                                is enabled on your Smartphone before starting the pairing
proof/date of purchase.                                                                              "ERROR $ "               Cannot connect to                sequence.
The receipt must be presented when making any claim within the relevant guarantee period.                                     Smartphone
                                                                                                                                                               Follow the instructions for Bluetooth pairing in the Braun
Any claim under the guarantee will not be valid without a proof of purchase.                                                                                   APP and re—initiate the Bluetooth pairing sequence using the
                                                                                                                                                               Braun APP.
Your device is guaranteed for Two Years (2 Years) from date of purchase.
                                                                                                                              Measuring error
This guarantee covers defects in materials or workmanship that occur under normal use,               "ERROR 0"                The pulse signals on the cuff    Reposition the cuff and repeat the measurement.
defective devices meeting these criteria will be replaced free of charge.                                                     are too weak.

The guarantee DOES NOT cover defects or damage resulting from abuse or failure to follow                                      Pumping error
                                                                                                                                                               Reposition the cuff, close it tighter then repeat the
the user instructions.                                                                               "ERROR 1"                The cuff is not fastened         measurement.
The guarantee becomes void if the device is opened, tampered with, or used with non                                           properly.
Braun branded parts or accessories, or if repairs are undertaken by unauthorized persons.                                                                      Relax for a while and repeat the measurement.
                                                                                                     "ERROR 2"                Out of Range Results Error
                                                                                                                                                               Make sure the cuff is correctly positioned on your arm.
Accessories and consumables are excluded from any warranty.
                                                                                                                              Pump time error
For support requests, please visit or find service contact information       "ERROR 3"                The cuff is not fastened         Re—fit the cuff, and take a measurement again.
at the end of this owner manual.                                                                                              properly.
This guarantee is applicable to US only.                                                                                      User could not find the
                                                                                                                                                               Position the wrist at heart level as indicated by the ‘Easy
                                                                                                     "ERROR 4"                correct wrist position (angle)
The LOT and SN of your device are printed on the rating label located inside the battery                                      in less than 60 seconds
                                                                                                                                                               Positioning System!.
                                                                                                                                                               Remove and then reinsert the batteries. If the problem
                                                                                                     "ERROR 254"              Device internal error
                                                                                                                                                               persists, contact consumer support.
                                                                                                                                                               Remove and then reinsert the batteries. If the problem
                                                                                                     "ERROR 255"              Calibration error
                                                                                                                                                               persists, contact consumer support.
                                                                                                                                                               Device will automatically restart using the original Bluetooth
                                                                                                                              An error occurred during the
                                                                                                     "ERROR 256"                                               firmware. Re—initiate the firmware download process or follow
                                                                                                                              Bluetooth Firmware update
                                                                                                                                                               the on—screen instruction from Braun APP.

Specifications                                                                                                            Subject to change without notice.
                                                                                                                          This device conforms to the following standards:
Model                                    BPW4500US
                                                                                                                          EN 60601—1:2006/A1:2013 — General requirements for basic safety and essential performance.
Measurement method                       Oscillometric
                                                                                                                          EN 60601—1—2:2015 — Medical Electrical Equipment — Electromagnetic compatibility — Requirements and tests.
Display                                  OLED display
                                                                                                                          EN 60601—1—11:2010 — Medical Electrical Equipment — Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical
Blood pressure measurement range         40 ~ 255 mmHg
                                                                                                                          systems used in the home healthcare environment.
Pulse measurement range                  40 ~ 199 beats/minute
                                                                                                                          EN 1060—3:1997 + A2:2009 — Non—invasive sphygmomanometers — Supplementary requirements for electromechanical blood
Calibration accuracy                     Blood pressure: +/— 3 mmHg                                                       pressure measuring systems.
                                         Pulse rate: +/— 4% of reading
                                                                                                                          EN 1060—4:2004 — Non—invasive sphygmomanometers — Test procedures to determine the overall system accuracy of
Inflation/Deflation                      Automatic                                                                        automated non—invasive sphygmomanometers.
Sets of memory                           Up to 100 readings
Cuff size                                Fits wrist circumference: 12.5 — 21 cm (4.9 — 8.3 inch) min/max                                    This product conforms to the provisions of the EC Directive 93/42/EEC (Medical Device Directive and
Operating temperature                    +50 °F ~+ 104 °F, less than 85 % R.H. non—condensing                                         pag7 superseding regulations).
Storage temperature                      ~4°F ~ +131 °F, less than 85 % R.H. non—condensing                                                 This product carries the CE mark and is manufactured in conformity with the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.
Unit weight                              Approximately 1259 (exluding batteries)                                          MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT needs special precautions regarding EMC.
Power source                             Alkaline battery: 2 x AAA (LR3) 1.5V                                             For a detailed description of EMC requirements please contact an authorized local Service Center (see guarantee)
Auto power off                           Approx. 60 seconds                                                               or visit
Service life                             5 years                                                                          Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect medical electrical equipment.
Wireless communication                   Bluetooth® Smart
                                         Frequency Range: 2.4GHz ISM Band (2400 — 2483.5 MHz)
                                         Modulation: GFSK                                                                   i:‘\’    This product contains batteries and recyclable electronic waste. To protect the environment, do not dispose
                                         Effective radiated power: <20dBm                                                       «\   of it in household waste, but take it to an appropriate local collection center.

 A            fanmt
/\       Important
            Read the operating instructions.
            If the device is not used within the specified temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure ranges,         @            Id: 2ABRGBPW4500
            the technical accuracy of the measurement cannot be guaranteed.

     s      Internally powered equipment
  W         Type BF applied parts

i P22       Protected against solid foreign objects of 49 in diameter and larger. Protected against water drops falling
            vertically when the device is tilted up to 15°.
Not suitable for use in the presence of flammable anaesthetic mixtures with air, oxygen or nitrous oxide.
Continuous operation with short—time loading.

       o                                         #                                     85
su"r/g/     Operating temperature        wvflfm *     Storage temperature                    Storage humidity

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11

FCC statement
FCC Caution
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to
operate the equipment.                                                                                                   ‘
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
+ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
+ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
+ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
+ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure
compliance. This transmitter must not be co—located or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
This equipment has very low levels of RF energy that are deemed to comply without testing of specific
absorption ratio (SAR).

Support contact numbers

Document Created: 2018-04-11 10:59:11
Document Modified: 2018-04-11 10:59:11

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC