14_Elite 4.0S TestRpt DSS-p2, r2


Test Report

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Report No:   TRE1608017204   Page:   24 of 43    Issued:   2016-09-08

                   GFSK                         π/4DQPSK

                   DH1                           2-DH1

                   DH3                           2-DH3

                   DH5                           2-DH5

Report No:   TRE1608017204   Page:   25 of 43   Issued:   2016-09-08





Report No:     TRE1608017204                    Page:    26 of 43               Issued:   2016-09-08

4.8. Pseudorandom Frequency Hopping Sequence
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.247 (a)(1):
Frequency hopping systems shall have hopping channel carrier fre-quencies separated by a minimum of 25
kHz or the 20 dB bandwidth of the hop-ping channel, whichever is greater. Al-ternatively, frequency hopping
systems operating in the 2400–2483.5 MHz band may have hopping channel carrier fre-quencies that are
separated by 25 kHz or two-thirds of the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is greater,
provided the systems operate with an output power no greater than 125 mW. The system shall hop to chan-
nel frequencies that are selected at the system hopping rate from a pseudo ran-domly ordered list of hopping
fre-quencies. Each frequency must be used equally on the average by each trans-mitter. The system
receivers shall have input bandwidths that match the hop-ping channel bandwidths of their cor-responding
transmitters and shall shift frequencies in synchronization with the transmitted signals.
The pseudorandom frequency hopping sequence may be generated in a nice-stage shift register whose 5th
and 9th stage outputs are added in a modulo-two addition stage.And the result is fed back to the input of the
friststage.The sequence begins with the frist one of 9 consecutive ones,forexample:the shift register is
initialized with nine ones.
● Number of shift register stages:9
● Length of pseudo-random sequence:29-1=511 bits
● Longest sequence of zeros:8(non-inverted signal)

An explame of pseudorandom frequency hopping sequence as follows:

Each frequency used equally one the average by each transmitter.
The system receiver have input bandwidths that match the hopping channel bandwidths of their
corresponding transmitter and shift frequencies in synchronization with the transmitted signals.

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4.9. Restricted band (radiated)
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.209
             Frequency                          Limit (dBuV/m @3m)                         Value
                                                         54.00                            Average
             Above 1GHz
                                                         74.00                             Peak

1.   The EUT was setup and tested according to ANSI C63.10:2013 for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247
2.   The EUT is placed on a turn table which is 1.5 meter above ground. The turn table is rotated360 degrees
     to determine the position of the maximum emission level.
3.   The EUT waspositioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters.
4.   The antenna is scanned from 1 meter to 4 meters to find out the maximum emission level. Thisis
     repeated for both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna. In order to find themaximum
     emission, all of the interface cables were manipulated according to ANSI C63.10:2013 on radiated
5.   The receiver set as follow:
     RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz for Peak value
     RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz for Average value.
6.   The frequency range from 2310MHz to 2483.5MHz harmonic is checked.

Report No:     TRE1608017204                 Page:   28 of 43                 Issued:     2016-09-08

              Read    Antenna   Cable   Preamp                               Margin
Frequency                                           Level       Limit Line                              Test
              Level    Factor   Loss     Factor                               Limit     Polarization
  (MHz)                                           (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)                                value
             (dBuV)    (dB/m)   (dB)      (dB)                                (dB)
  2390        34.79     27.53   6.81     37.24       31.89         74        -42.11      Vertical
  2390        36.23     27.53   6.81     37.24       33.33         74        -40.67     Horizontal
  2390       23.33     27.53    6.81     37.24       20.43         54        -33.57      Vertical
  2390       23.46     27.53    6.81     37.24       20.56         54        -33.44     Horizontal

              Read    Antenna   Cable   Preamp                               Margin
Frequency                                           Level       Limit Line                              Test
              Level    Factor   Loss     Factor                               Limit     Polarization
  (MHz)                                           (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)                                value
             (dBuV)    (dB/m)   (dB)      (dB)                                (dB)
 2483.5       54.07     27.85   6.96     37.92       50.96         74        -23.04      Vertical
 2483.5       55.56     27.85   6.96     37.92       52.45         74        -21.55     Horizontal
 2483.5      45.48      27.85      6.96  37.92      42.37       54      -11.63      Vertical
 2483.5      46.18      27.85      6.96  37.92      43.07       54      -10.93    Horizontal
Note:1.Level= Read+ Antenna Factor+ Cable Loss- Preamp Factor
     2.Have pre-scan all modulation mode, found the GFSK modulation which it was worst case, so only the
worst case’s data on the test report.

Report No
        o:      TRE16
                    608017204                      Page:    29
                                                             9 of 43                  Issued:   2016--09-08

4.10. Ba
       andedge and
               a Spurio
                      ous Emiss
                              sion (cond
      R Title 47 Parrt 15 Subpartt C Section 15.247
                                             1      (d):
In any 100 0 kHz bandw width outside
                                   e the frequency band in which
                                                             w      the sprread spectrum m intentionall radiator is
operating,, the radio fre
                       requency pow wer that is prroduced by th
                                                              he intentionaal radiator sh
                                                                                        hall be at leas
                                                                                                      st 20 dB belo ow
that in the
          e 100 kHz ba andwidth withhin the band that containss the highestt level of the desired powwer, based on  n
either an RF
           R conducte  ed or a radiatted measure ement.

1.   The transmitter
          t          o
                     output was co
                                 onnected to the
                                             t spectrum  m analyzer th
                                                                     hrough an atttenuator.
2.   Condducted spuriious emission the bandwwidth of the fu
                                                          undamental frequency
                                                                     f         waas measuredd by spectrum
     analyyzer withRBW
                     W=100 KHz and VBW=3     300KHz.
3.   Below
         w -20dB of th
                     he highest em
                                 mission level in operating
                                                          g band.

Test plot as
          a follows:

Report No:   TRE1608017204                Page:   30 of 43              Issued:   2016-09-08


       Bandedge- no hopping mode (CH00)                      Bandedge- hopping mode (CH00)

       Bandedge- no hopping mode (CH78)                      Bandedge- hopping mode (CH78)

Report No:   TRE1608017204         Page:   31 of 43      Issued:   2016-09-08

                             GFSK Tx Spurious Emission

                   CH00                                  CH39


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       Bandedge- no hopping mode (CH00)                      Bandedge- hopping mode (CH00)

       Bandedge- no hopping mode (CH78)                      Bandedge- hopping mode (CH78)

Report No:   TRE1608017204           Page:   33 of 43        Issued:   2016-09-08

                             π/4DQPSK Tx Spurious Emission

                   CH00                                      CH39


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       Bandedge- no hopping mode (CH00)                      Bandedge- hopping mode (CH00)

       Bandedge- no hopping mode (CH78)                      Bandedge- hopping mode (CH78)

Report No:   TRE1608017204         Page:   35 of 43       Issued:   2016-09-08

                             8DPSK Tx Spurious Emission

                   CH00                                   CH39


Report No:      TRE1608017204              Page:   36 of 43          Issued:   2016-09-08

4.11. Spurious Emission (radiated)
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.209
             Frequency                          Limit (dBuV/m @3m)               Value
             30MHz-88MHz                             40.00                     Quasi-peak
             88MHz-216MHz                            43.50                     Quasi-peak
             216MHz-960MHz                           46.00                     Quasi-peak
             960MHz-1GHz                             54.00                     Quasi-peak
                                                     54.00                      Average
              Above 1GHz
                                                     74.00                        Peak
‹   Below 30MHz

‹   30MHz~1000MHz

‹   Above 1GHz

Report No:     TRE1608017204                    Page:   37 of 43               Issued:   2016-09-08

1.   The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meter above ground for below 1GHz,and 1.5m for
     above 1GHz at a 3 meter camber. The table was rotated 360 degrees todetermine the position of the
     highest radiation.
2.   The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, whichwas mounted on the top
     of a variable-height antenna tower.
3.   The antenna height is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to determine the maximum
     value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to make the
4.   For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and thenthe antenna was tuned to
     heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatablewas turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the
     maximum reading.
5.   Use the following spectrum analyzer settings
     a) Span shall wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured;
     b) Below 1GHz, RBW=120KHz, VBW=300KHz, Sweep=auto, Detector function=peak, Trace=max hold;
         If the emission level of the EUT measured by the peak detectoris 3 dB lower than the applicable limit,
         the peak emission level will be reported. Otherwise, theemission measurement will be repeated using
         the quasi-peak detector and reported.
     c) Above 1GHz, RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz for Peak value
                    RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz for Average value.


Have pre-scan all modulation mode, found the GFSK modulation CH39 which it was worst case, so only the
worst case’s data on the test report.

Measurement data:

„ 9kHz ~ 30MHz
The low frequency, which started from 9 kHz to 30MHz, was pre-scanned and the result which was
20dB lower than the limit line per 15.31(o) was not reported.

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„   30MHz ~ 1GHz

Remark:Transd=Cable lose+ Antenna factor- Pre-amplifier;Margin=Limit -Level

Report No:       TRE1608017204                       Page:    39 of 43                   Issued:     2016-09-08

„    Above 1GHz
                                                   CH00 for GFSK
               Read      Antenna     Cable     Preamp                                  Margin
Frequency                                                 Level          Limit Line                                Test
               Level      Factor     Loss       Factor                                  Limit      Polarization
  (MHz)                                                 (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)                                  value
              (dBuV)      (dB/m)     (dB)        (dB)                                   (dB)
 4804.00       37.87       31.28     5.66       35.29     39.52            74.00       -34.48       Vertical
 7206.00       34.58       36.22     6.87       35.15     42.52            74.00       -31.48       Vertical
 9608.00       34.55       37.85     8.80       35.55     45.65            74.00       -28.35       Vertical
11264.26         *                                                                                  Vertical
 4804.00       39.20      31.28       5.66       35.29       40.85         74.00       -33.15      Horizontal
 7206.00       35.80      36.22       6.87       35.15       43.74         74.00       -30.26      Horizontal
 9608.00       35.15      37.85       8.80       35.55       46.25         74.00       -27.75      Horizontal
11264.26         *                                                                                 Horizontal
 4804.00       32.20      31.28       5.66       35.29       33.85         54.00       -20.15       Vertical
 7206.00       29.01      36.22       6.87       35.15       36.95         54.00       -17.05       Vertical
 9608.00       28.42      37.85       8.80       35.55       39.52         54.00       -14.48       Vertical
11264.26         *                                                                                  Vertical
 4804.00       33.20      31.28       5.66       35.29       34.85         54.00       -19.15      Horizontal
 7206.00       29.91      36.22       6.87       35.15       37.85         54.00       -16.15      Horizontal
 9608.00       29.11      37.85       8.80       35.55       40.21         54.00       -13.79      Horizontal
11264.26         *                                                                                 Horizontal

                                                   CH39 for GFSK
               Read      Antenna     Cable     Preamp                                  Margin
Frequency                                                 Level          Limit Line                                Test
               Level      Factor     Loss       Factor                                  Limit      Polarization
  (MHz)                                                 (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)                                  value
              (dBuV)      (dB/m)     (dB)        (dB)                                   (dB)
 4882.00       39.21       30.88     5.70       35.27     40.52            74.00       -33.48       Vertical
 7323.00       35.24       35.82     6.91       35.13     42.84            74.00       -31.16       Vertical
 9764.00       35.20       37.45     8.84       35.53     45.96            74.00       -28.04       Vertical
12247.62         *                                                                                  Vertical
 4882.00       39.44      30.88       5.70       35.27       40.75         74.00       -33.25      Horizontal
 7323.00       36.04      35.82       6.91       35.13       43.64         74.00       -30.36      Horizontal
 9764.00       36.12      37.45       8.84       35.53       46.88         74.00       -27.12      Horizontal
12247.62         *                                                                                 Horizontal
 4882.00       33.16      30.88       5.70       35.27       34.47         54.00       -19.53       Vertical
 7323.00       28.92      35.82       6.91       35.13       36.52         54.00       -17.48       Vertical
 9764.00       28.99      37.45       8.84       35.53       39.75         54.00       -14.25       Vertical
12247.62         *                                                                                  Vertical
 4882.00       33.54      30.88       5.70       35.27       34.85         54.00       -19.15      Horizontal
 7323.00       30.06      35.82       6.91       35.13       37.66         54.00       -16.34      Horizontal
 9764.00       30.02      37.45       8.84       35.53       40.78         54.00       -13.22      Horizontal
12247.62         *                                                                                 Horizontal

1. Final Level =Receiver Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor
2. “*”, means this data is the too weak instrument of signal is unable to test.
3. The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

Report No:       TRE1608017204                       Page:    40 of 43                   Issued:     2016-09-08

                                                   CH78 for GFSK
               Read      Antenna     Cable     Preamp                                  Margin
Frequency                                                 Level          Limit Line                                Test
               Level      Factor     Loss       Factor                                  Limit      Polarization
  (MHz)                                                 (dBuV/m)         (dBuV/m)                                  value
              (dBuV)      (dB/m)     (dB)        (dB)                                   (dB)
 4960.00       39.26       30.98     5.73       35.32     40.65            74.00       -33.35       Vertical
 7440.00       35.06       35.92     6.94       35.18     42.74            74.00       -31.26       Vertical
 9920.00       35.04       37.55     8.87       35.58     45.88            74.00       -28.12       Vertical
13214.26         *                                                                                  Vertical
 4960.00       39.24      30.98       5.73       35.32       40.63         74.00       -33.37      Horizontal
 7440.00       36.17      35.92       6.94       35.18       43.85         74.00       -30.15      Horizontal
 9920.00       36.10      37.55       8.87       35.58       46.94         74.00       -27.06      Horizontal
13214.26         *                                                                                 Horizontal
 4960.00       33.19      30.98       5.73       35.32       34.58         54.00       -19.42       Vertical
 7440.00       29.96      35.92       6.94       35.18       37.64         54.00       -16.36       Vertical
 9920.00       28.68      37.55       8.87       35.58       39.52         54.00       -14.48       Vertical
13214.26         *                                                                                  Vertical
 4960.00       33.46      30.98       5.73       35.32       34.85         54.00       -19.15      Horizontal
 7440.00       29.98      35.92       6.94       35.18       37.66         54.00       -16.34      Horizontal
 9920.00       29.79      37.55       8.87       35.58       40.63         54.00       -13.37      Horizontal
13214.26         *                                                                                 Horizontal

1. Final Level =Receiver Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor
2. “*”, means this data is the too weak instrument of signal is unable to test.
3. The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

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5. Test Setup Photos of the EUT
Radiated Emission

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Conducted Emission (AC Mains)

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6. External and Internal Photos of the EUT
Reference to Test Report TRE1608017201

                             .......................End of Report.........................

Document Created: 2016-10-12 19:34:55
Document Modified: 2016-10-12 19:34:55

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