

Users Manual

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                       Quick Sta art Guide
For ffurther assisttance,visit ww
 or ccontact Tech Support at su

1–U USB Port
2–P Power AirStattion (withoutt battery)
3–P Power from AirStation
                A          to Neo
                              N 3
4–O On/Off Button
5 – Internet Conn
6–A Antenna Slot
7– R

Howw to use Guidee Frames
   me snaps intoo place.
You can adjust yo
                our Guide Fra
                            ames for diffeerent docume
                                                     ent sizes.

1.   Slide the “T”” part of the frame into thhe AirStation..
2.   Insert “forkeed” end of the frame piecee into each end of the “T”” frame.

Notee: You can snaap and adjustt according too the size of the
                                                           t documen
                                                                   nts you are sccanning.

Howw to attach orr release brackets
   o 5 Neo 3         T3
1.     To attach brackets:
                  b         Place the brackett so the plasttic ends on the bottom go into the
      holes. Slide the bracket forward
                               f        until you hear it snap into placce.
2.     To release bracket: Movve the slide bbutton and ho old into the unlock positio n, then
      slide the braacket out and
                               d lift.

Howw to attach Ho
                overCam on AirStation
Releease Button
Conn nect

1. Puut your HoverCam on the AirStation annd slide forwaard until you hear a “click””.
    o release your HoverCam, push the releease button on
2. To                                                   o top of the AirStation annd slide
      your HoverCCam out.
3. In
    nsert USB cab
                ble into the baack of your H overCam.
4. Coonnect the otther end of th
                               he USB cablee to the USB port
                                                        p on the AirStation.
To Release:
Pushh and hold the release buttton then slidde the HoverC
                                                        Cam out.

Gettting Started: Setting
                  S       the AirStation

1. Plug in the 5vv adapter to charge the A             e light on the AirStation w
                                         AirStation. The                         will go from
   yyellow to green when fullyy charged.

USB Port

The AirStation caan be used ap
                             pproximately 3 hours before needing to
                                                                  o be rechargeed.

2.Coonnect your HoverCam
                 H         by plugging it innto the USB port
                                                        p located ono the back oof the
3. Pu
    ush the poweer button on the
                             t back sidee of the AirStaation near the power sourrce.
Powwer Button

  wnload the “D
              DashTop” App


1. Viisit the Applee App Store.
2. Seearch for “DashTop”.
3. Doownload the App.

Conn nect AirStatio
                  on without In
1a) OOn your wind dows toolbar, click on the network icon n normally loccated in the bbottom
                 orner of your screen. For M
    rright hand co                          Mac, it is norm
                                                          mally located on the top bbar.
  b)) Click on the AirStation ne
                               etwork and cclick connect.

2.    In your bro
                owser type 19 :8080 and hitt enter.
3.    On the web b page click the
                              t “stream “ link on the le eft hand side of the page. A live video
     stream of what
               w     is under your
                               y   camera should be displayed.
Conggratulations! You can noww use the AirSStation with the download ded "DashTopp" App.

   nect AirStatio
                on with Intern
                             net bridging

1a) O
    On your wind  dows toolbar, click on the network icon n normally loccated in the bbottom
          right han
                  nd corner of your
                               y     screen. For Mac, it iss normally loccated on the ttop bar.
  b)) Click on the AirStation ne
                               etwork and cclick connect.

    n your browseer type andd hit enter.
2. In
3.     By default the user nam me is root andd there is no password
                                                           p        set.
4.     Login.
5.     Click netwo ork and selecct WiFi Bridgee.
6.     Click the sccan button.
7.     Find your network
                  n        and click join netw work.
8.     Enter your passphrase anda click savee and apply.
9.     Logout
10. In your bro   owser type 19 :8080 and hitt enter.

11.   On the web  b page click the
                               t “stream “ link on the le eft hand side of the page. A live
         video strream of whatt is under youur camera sho ould be displayed.
12. Now go to any webpage      e to verify yo u are on the internet.
Conggratulations! You can now w use the AirSStation with the download ded "DashTopp" App.

FCC Statement
This equipment hash been testted and founnd to comply with the limits for a Classs B digital de  evice,
purssuant to part 15 of the FC CC rules. Thesse limits are designed to provide
                                                                        p      reasoonable protection
against harmful interference in a residentiial installation. This equippment generaates, uses and d can
radiaate radio freq
                  quency energgy and, if nott installed andd used in accordance withh the instructtions,
mayy cause harmful interferen   nce to radio communicattions. However, there is nno guarantee   e that
interrference will not occur in i a particulaar installatio
                                                          on. If this equipment doees cause harrmful
to raadio or televiision receptio
                                on, which cann be determiined by turning the equippment off and on,
the user is enco  ouraged to tryt to correcct the interfe  erence by one or more of the follo   owing

‐Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
‐Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
‐Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
‐Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This equipment complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This transmitter should be installed and operatated with a minimum distance of 20
centimeters between the radiator and your body and must not be co‐located or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by unauthorized
modifications to this equipment. Such modifications could void the user authority to operate the

Document Created: 2013-12-12 11:54:16
Document Modified: 2013-12-12 11:54:16

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC