Letter declaration of model difference


Cover Letter(s)

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                           Ocean Digital Technology Ltd.
      Flat 12B, Yeung Yiu Chung (No.8) Ind.Bldg., 20 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon
                             Bay,Kowloon, Hong Kong

                         Product Similarity D eclaration
D ate: June 14, 2019


Model N umber: MA-26D, WR-26D , MA-26, WR-26

Fed eral Comm u nications Comm ission
Au thorization and Evalu ation Division
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Colum bia, MD

To Whom It May Concern,
We, Ocean D igital Technology Ltd. hereby d eclare that ou r p rod u ct (Portable Internet
Radio) Mod el N um ber: MA-26D , WR-26D, MA-26, WR-26 PCB board , Schematic,
H ard w are version, Softw are version, stru ctu re and internal photos are sam e excep t for
the mod el’s nam e; nam ed d ifferently d u e to m arketing p urp oses.

Shou ld you have any qu estions or com m ents regard ing this m atter, p lease have m y best


 (Signed )
N am e / Title: Karen H o / Manager
Com pany: Ocean Digital Technology Ltd .
Ad d ress: Flat 12B, Yeung Yiu Chu ng (N o.8) Ind .Bld g., 20 Wang H oi Road , Kow loon
Bay,Kow loon, H ong Kong
Phone: 85224201464
Fax: 85237532352
E-Mail: info@oceand igitalshop .com

Document Created: 2019-06-14 13:58:26
Document Modified: 2019-06-14 13:58:26

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