RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                        Report Number: TRA-029073-45-00A

19 RF Exposure
As per KDB 447498

47 CFR §§1.1307 and 2.1091

2.1091 Radio frequency radiation exposure evaluation: Portable devices.

For purposes of these requirements mobile devices are defined by the FCC as transmitters
designed to be used in other than fixed locations and to generally be used in such a way that
a separation distance of at least 20 centimetres is normally maintained between radiating
structures and the body of the user or nearby persons. These devices are normally evaluated
for exposure potential with relation to the MPE limits. As the 20cm separation specified under
FCC rules may not be achievable under normal operation of the EUT, an RF exposure
calculation is needed to show the minimum distance required to be less than 0.6mW/cm2
power density limit, as required under FCC rules

Prediction of MPE limit at a given distance

Equation from KDB 447498 D01

                        1 . 64 ERP                                        1 . 64 ERP
                 S                       re - arranged        R 
                            4 R 2                                             S 4


S = power density
R = distance to the centre of radiation of the antenna
ERP = EUT Maximum power


   Prediction          Maximum                                Distance (R) cm required to be less than
                                        Power density limit
   Frequency             ERP                                                0.6mW/cm2
                                          (S) (mW/cm2)
     (MHz)              (mW)                                                   (cm)

      2462              118.89                  0.6                                  5.1

RF915 2.0                                                                                  Page 236 of 236

Document Created: 2019-05-02 06:52:51
Document Modified: 2019-05-02 06:52:51

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