user manual


Users Manual

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                           LITHIUM-ION BATTERY                        • Reorient or relocate the              LOCATION OF PORTS AND         CHARGING THE SPEAKER
                           WARNINGS                                     receiving antenna.                    CONTROLS                      1. Connect the USB Cable (included)
                           This device contains a non-removable       • Increase the distance between         1. Power/Pairing Button            to the Micro USB Port on the
                           lithium-ion battery. The battery must be     the equipment and receiver.                                              speaker.
Mini Bluetooht Speaker                                                                                        2. Volume Up Button
Go with music everywhere   recycled or disposed of properly.          • Connect the equipment to an outlet                                  2. With the speaker power off, plug
                                                                                                              3. Volume Down Button
                           Contact your local waste management          on a circuit different from that to                                      the other end of USB Cable into a
                           office for information on battery                                                  4. Micro-USB Charging Port         USB Port on your PC or a 5V 1A
                                                                        which the receiver is connected.
                           recycling or disposal.                                                             5. LED Indicator                   adapter (not included).
                                                                      • Consult the dealer or an
                                                                                                              6. Aux-In Port                3. The LED Indicator light will illuminate
                                                                        experienced radio/TV technician
                           FCC INFORMATION                              for help.                             7. Micro-USB Charging Cable        red while charging and will turn off
                           This equipment has been tested                                                        (not shown)                     when speaker is fully charged.
                                                                      This equipment complies with                                               Charges in approximately 3 hours
                           and found to comply with the               Part 15 of the FCC Rules.               8. Nylon Strap (not shown)
                           limits for a Class B Digital Device,                                                                                  for up to 10 hours of listening
                                                                      Operation is subject to the                                                enjoyment.
                           pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC             following two conditions:
                           Rules. These limits are designed to                                                                              NOTE: When battery is low, the speaker
                           provide reasonable protection against      1. This equipment may not cause                                       will sound a beep tone every minute.
                           harmful interference in a residential         harmful interference.
                                                                                                                                            TURNING THE SPEAKER ON/
                           installation. This equipment generates,    2. This equipment must accept any
                                                                         interference received, including
                           uses, and can radiate radio frequency
                           energy and, if not installed and used         interference that may cause                                        1. Press and hold the Power Button for
                           in accordance with the instructions,          undesired operation.                                                  2 seconds. The speaker is turned on
                           may cause harmful interference to          Modifications not authorized by the                                      and will sound ascending tones. The
                                                                                                                               2               LED Indicator quick flash blue.
                           radio communications. However, there       manufacturer may void the user’s                         3                                                         320672 • 320673 • 320674 • 321179
                           is no guarantee that interference will     authority to operate this device.                                     2. Press and hold the Power Button for
                           not occur in a particular installation.                                                             4               4 seconds again. The speaker will
                                                                      FCC ID: 2AB9SD16                                         5
                           If this equipment does cause harmful                                                                6               sound tones. The LED Indicator lits
                           interference to radio or television                                                                                 off and the speaker is powered
                           reception, which can be determined                                                                                  off.
                           by turning the equipment off and
                           on, the user is encouraged to try to
                                                                                                                                                                                         Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA 03054
                           correct the interference by one or
                           more of the following measures:                                                                                                                                  800-846-3000 •

PLAYING MUSIC THROUGH A                      NOTES:                                    CARE AND STORAGE                          SPECIFICATIONS
WIRED CONNECTION                             1. Aux-in will take priority over the     Store the speaker in a cool, dry place.   DC-Input: 5V, 1A
You can connect your audio device to            Bluetooth® connection. When Aux
                                                                                                                                 Output: 3W
the speaker with a 3.5mm audio cable            cable is unplugged, the speaker
                                                will reconnect to the phone via                                                  Range: Class 2, up to 33 ft (10 m)
                                                Bluetooth®. A tone will sound.                                                   Li-ion Rechargeable Battery: 1200mAh
1. Plug one end of the cable into your       2. You can connect the speaker to                                                   Charging Time: Approx. 3 hours
   audio device, just like you would a          other Bluetooth® enabled devices by                                              Battery Life: Approx.10 hours
   pair of headphones.                          holding the Power Button 2 seconds.                                              Compatibility: Bluetooth® 2.0 or above
2. Plug the other end of the cable into         The Power LED Indicator will flash
   the speaker's Aux-In Port. The LED                                                                                            device with A2DP/AVRCP
                                                blue and the speaker is in pairing
   Indicator will illuminate solid blue.        mode again.
3. Use your audio device to control
   music playback, and adjust volume         LISTENING TO YOUR AUDIO
   through speaker.                          DEVICE
                                             1. Play your audio device as you
PAIRING YOUR DEVICE                             normally would.
1. Prepare your device to pair using         2. Single press the Volume Up or
   Bluetooth® technology, making sure           Down buttons to adjust the volume.
   you are within 33 feet of the speaker     3. Long press the Volume Down or
   Refer to your device’s owners                Volume Up buttons will go back to
   manual for details if necessary.             the previous track or advance to the
2. Turn on the speaker.                         next track.
3. The LED lndicator will slowly flash       4. To pause audio, press the Power
   blue and the speaker is ready to pair.       Button on the Speaker. To resume
4. Once the speaker is in pairing mode          audio playback, press the same
   and your device is ready to pair,            button again.
   select 'Pocketune.' If prompted,
   use 0000 as a PIN for the pairing
                                                                                                                                 The Bluetooth® word mark and logos
   code. Once the speaker is selected,
                                                                                                                                 are registered trademarks owned of
   the LED Indicator will be in soild blue
                                                                                                                                 Bluetooth® SIG, Inc. and any use of
   and the speaker will sound ‘do’
                                                                                                                                 such marks by Brookstone is under
   tone to confirm pairing is complete.                                                                                          license.
                                                                                                                                 @ 2017 Brookstone

Document Created: 2016-12-15 15:48:31
Document Modified: 2016-12-15 15:48:31

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