User guide


Users Manual

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                                                    NIKE+ FUEL TRAINER

                                    The ultimate measure ofyourathletic activity
                                      La solution par excellence pour mesurer ton activité sportive.


Download thefree Nike+ Training Club app from the App store or Google Play. Once you have the app, you‘ll have to
quickly set up a Nike+ accountif you don‘t already have one.
Translated FRC text.


Once you‘re inside the app, tap on the upper right tab that says "Fuel Trainer" to set yours up. Then you‘ll be ready to
Translated FRC text.

Compliance Information
United Sates:
                                                         "Tis devce comples wih ncusty Canada lcense—erempt RSS stndard().
"This deven comples wih par 15 otha FCG rus.             Operaton is subjesto th folowing oconditons:(1) is devie nay
Operaton is subjet o he folowing ho conditons (1)        not cause inteference and (2) is device must accupt anyinterlrence,
thisdevice may not cause harnfi inerference, and )       Incliding inrtarence trat may cause undesired peration ofthe device.
this device must accupt any nartarence recaved           L présent apparel est confame aux CNR industre Canada applcabies
incluing intorlrence tat may cause undesired             us appareis rado exemls de lconce, Uxplotaton ost avtorsdeaux
operaion.                                                deux condions suvantes : (1)Fapparel ne dot pas produre ce
FGC WARNING: any changesor maciicatons not               broullage, t (2) Tuiisatoar de apparal dat accepter out
expressty approved bythe paty responside or              brouilage radlodectique subl, mime i broulago ost suscontble
compllance couvaid he users author t operae tis          «en compromatr i fonctonnoment.
                                                         Industy Canada ICES—003 Conplance Labet CAN ICES—3 (@)NWG—3G)
exibment under FCC reguiatons.
Note: This equiment has been tested andfound to          Gat appara astconforme aves Sanié Canada Gode de sdcurté 6 /1 RSS210.
comply wih the limis for a Cless 8 igtal device,         Cst apparel numéique de ia casse B ost contorme a i
pursiantto part 15 ofe FCC Rules. These imis are         norme NB—003 du Canada.
ddesgned to provide reasonabl prtecton against
harmlnterferance iarosdantal instatatn, Th               EU (Ewropean Union} Declaraton o Contomnty win
exibment gonertes, uses ard can radiate racio            Regard o the EU Drecive 1909.9EC
frequency energy and,if ntirstaled and used in
accordance with the instrictons, may cause harmfal       HerebyNe, decares that ts Nike« FusBand SE is in
Intelrence t racio communicatons. Hownver,ther is        comlance win tno esentl reuirements and ater
no guarantae thatnterlrence will not cccur in a          relevant proviions ofhefotowing drecives and
partevlar nstalaton. fts ecuioment doos cause            standards:
harmlnterlerance to rado or tleision recention,
which an be deternined by lurring the equipment t        Low Votage Directve 20089stc
and on,the useris encourages o ty to corctthe
Inteerence by one or moreofthe fotowing mensures:        For sataty devicais approved forIEC 60850—12005
                                                         (Second Edton)+ Am 1:2009 the standard for
—Reorent or relacatstherecaning antomna.                 Infomation technology eauipment— Satat —Part 1:
—increase the seporaton betweenthe equiement and         General requrements and IEC 62471:2008 (Frst Edtion)
recatver                                                 —standart for Photablogeal safety oflamps and lamp
—Comnectthe equipmentintoanoutet on a ut
diferent fom thatt which he receiveis connected.         For RATTE drecive 1999920 equipment is cortied
—Consut he deakeroan experienced radaty                  for ETSI EN 300 328 and ETS EN 301 4807
technician forholp.                                      For EMC Directve 2004/10BEC (Eectomagnate
—Exposure to Radi Frequency Radlaton:Th radated          Compatbity) ie Equpmentis contfd for EN S60z2
oxtput power !is device s blow the FCC and               ane En seore
Industy Canada racio frequerey                           Te device is n complance wi RotISDrectve
wxposure imis.                                           2011/BSIEU (Restricton of Hazardous Substances) and
Note: The Transmites witin ts device must not bo         WEEE Directve 2012/19RU (Waste Electical and
cofecated o operatin in contincton wih any oter          Electonic Equipment
antamna or ransnitor.
                                                         "Tis product conains a lthum batiry tatis not user
Equpment corifed tor                                     accessie. This batte is approved orth standard EC
FGC Part 15 SubpartC, Secton 15 247                      6213%: ‘Secondary cals and batteres containing alkaine
Industy Canada RSS—210                                   or athe non—acid electottes — Safey requrementsfor
FGC Part 15, Subpar B;Industy Canada ICES—008            portale sealed secondary cals, and for batteres made
Clase: 8                                                 from hem, for use in porable applcatons‘. Do not
Moda: searcs                                             atemtto apon he case, cthorise data may be ost and
                                                         performance compromised. Substances contained in his
"This device comples win ncustry Canada leonse—          product andfor ts batory may darmage the envronment
exempt RSS standard(s)Operaton is subject tothe          andlor human healt icisposed of improports The
foloving tro conditons:(1)tisdevce may not cause         wheeled sn on ths product infcales that it shoutd not be
Intrlrance, ad (2)hs dovice must accept any              pased oftogotherwit housenold waste.Please be
interlrance, including ntefernce trat may cause          respansileand take t o your nearest recycing
undesred operaton ofhe devce.                            eotection point t ensure ts recyced. To ocate your
This device comples wih Hoath Canada‘s Safaty Code       nearest colecton pont, ontact e retaler where you
6/1C RSS—102.nfomation can be oained at                  made your purchase or your local muniopalty.
Witpuiniewho—s09calowhsemitpubniradiationt               Do notuse oter battries not erifed foIEC 62133.
This Gias 8 ditalapparatuscomples wih Canadian
Cat apparel est conforme avec ndusti Canada RSS
standard exempls deleonce (s) Son ublsaton ost
sournise & Les deux condiions suvantes: (1) ce apporel
no paut pas provequerinterrances ot(2)cot appared
dot accepter Toute intrlirece,y compns ies
Interences aut povvent causer un mauvais
foretonnement u dsposit.

Batiry replacement:
Do not attempttoresice the rechargeatic battey in
the Nikes FueiBand yourselt The batey should be
repiaced ony y Nike or a Nike Autrorized Senice
Do notdsassenmbl oremove bateriesrom device.
Do notexpose t e o dspose ofinfre.
Do not use any charger oterthan that specifed for
use wih e eaviement Referto User Manualfor
proper chrging instuctons.
Do not leave battey on prolonged charge whon notin
Do not cush or modty.
Dispose of propery
Catfomia Battey Chargng Enory Effcincy

The Weee Directive
                   This symbol on the product orits packaging
                   indicates that this product must not be disposed
                   of with other waste. Instead, it is your responsibllity
                   to dispose ofyour waste equipment by handing it
                   over to a designated collection point for the
                   recycling of waste electrical and electronic
    _              equipment. The separate collection and recycling
                   of your waste equipmentat the time of disposal
                   will help conserve natural resources and ensure
                   that itis recycled ina manner that protects human
                   health and the environment. For more information
                   about where you can drop off your waste
                   equipmentfor recycling, please contact your local
                   city recycling office or the dealer from whom
                   you originally purchased the product.

Manufacturers Addresses
Nike, Inc. One
Bowerman Drive

Nike European Op
Netherlands BV
Colosseum 1
1213 NLHilversum
The Netherlands

Document Created: 0430-10-31 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0430-10-31 00:00:00

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