MPE Test Report

FCC ID: 2AB7K-T1012

RF Exposure Info

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                           FCC ID: 2AB7K-T1012
Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
According to FCC 1. 1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency(RF) Radiation as specified in

Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)

MPE Calculation Method

             30 * P * G                                                   E2
E (V/m) =                                  Power Density: Pd (W/m²) =
                 d                                                        377
E = Electric field (V/m)
P = Average RF output power (W)
G = EUT Antenna numeric gain (numeric)
d = Separation distance between radiator and human body (m)
The formula can be changed to

       30 * P * G
Pd =
       377 * D 2
From the E UT RF output power, the minimum mobile separation distance, d=0.2m, as well as the
gain of the us ed ant enna, the RF power density can be obtained.

Measurement Result

Operation Frequency: WIFI 802.11b/gn HT20: 2412—2462MHz,
                     WiFI 8021 in HT#O. 2422.2490Nkz,
                        Power density Imited: 1mW/ om*
Antenna Type: PCB Antenna
WIFI antenna gain: 1.00B;
antenna gein Numeric=10(B¥10}« 10"(1/10)—1.28
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For the max result 0.015825 1.0 for Max Posrer Density, No SAR is required.

                           —1  tan 0chen
                             lten     ©
Signature:                                                             Date: 20170820

NAME AND TITLE (Please print o type):_tsson ClenManager
GOMF ANY (Please printor type}: Shenzhen NTEK Tesing Tennology Go, Lid7 TF; Buding E.
Fonda Science Park, Sanwel Community, Xxiang Street Bao‘an Distct, Shenzhen 518126 P.R.

Document Created: 2017-06-21 13:58:48
Document Modified: 2017-06-21 13:58:48

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