Letter of Agency


Cover Letter(s)

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Shenzhen Melbong Acoustics o. LTD
CellB, 3th oo Toszer,HonghuyongetTechology ark, Leshujias Xtcang, Baoan, Shenzhen,
Guangdong China


Fedenit Communications Commission
445 12° SSW
Washinaton, DC 2055¢
Subject:        Limited Agency Agreement
                Shenthen MeiDon Acoustcs Co., LTD
                Feetp: 2ABST—STA
‘To Whom . May Coneere:
We, Shenthen MeiDong Acoustis Ca, ETD heceby authorized Tteek Testing Secvices t sas
onAgent forthe purposeof preparing appliesion for FCC TD aurber (24B37—877A)under all
applicable pats o the FCC cules d cepulitions
"The effecive dateofthis limied speney apreementis (20/7—17—29). The Limited Ageocy
Agreement expires untll furthenotie, nless sooner terminated or extendad by weiten notice to
Terentck Testing Services and the Foderal Communieations Commision
"This is to advisethat we ae in full complisnce with the Anti—Deug Abuse Act. The applicatis
ot sibject to a denial offederales pursusatt Seetion 5301 of the Anti—Drug Actof 1988,
21 U.S.C. 862, nd no parey to the applietionis subject to a denialof federal beefits pucsusnt to
T you have any questions ocomments, lease do not hestute to contset me

Hw“(g‘ Prg. Hex
Shenzhen MeDorg Acoustcs Go, LTD
Contact person: Huang ping hua
Tite: General manager

Document Created: 2017-12-11 06:02:20
Document Modified: 2017-12-11 06:02:20

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