Test report


Test Report

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                                                                     Report No.: SET2015—06775

                   RF TEST REPORT
           Report No.:    SET2015—06775

     Product Name: SPY TRACKER

               FCC ID:    2AB4XAMP 10524R

           Model No. :    10524

            Applicant:    Atomic Monkey Products Ltd.

Applicant Address:        Room 811, 8/F., Corporation Park, No.11 On Lai Street, Shatin, N.


            Issued by:    CCIC—SET

         Lab Location:    Electronic Testing Building, Shahe Road, Xili, Nanshan District,

                          Shenzhen, 518055, P. R. China

                          Tel: 86 755 26627338        Fax: 86 755 26627238

        This test report consists of 21 pages in total. It may be duplicated completely for legal
use with the approval of the applicant. It should not be reproduced except in full, without
the written approval of our laboratory. The client should not use it to claim product
endorsement by CCIC—SET. The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.
The test report shall be invalid without all the signatures of testing engineers, reviewer and
approver. Any objections must be raised to CCIC—SET within 20 days since the date when
the report is received. It will not be taken into consideration beyond this limit.

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S                                                                          Report No.: SET2015—06775

                                                   Test Report

Product Name ..................... :         SPY TRACKER

Trad@ N@MQ@ ... :                            N/A

Brand N@MQ ...........ccccclsccke.. :        N/A

ADDIICANT . ... .cccneeeecenmrrrerrenees :   Atomic Monkey Products Ltd.

Applicant Address ............... :          Room 811, 8/F., Corporation Park, No.11 On Lai Street, S

                                             hatin, N.T.,HongKong

ManuUfaCtUFrer.........ccclscc...l.. :       Atomic Monkey Products Ltd.

                                             Room 811, 8/F., Corporation Park, No.11 On Lai Street, S
Manufacturer Address......... :
                                             hatin, N.T.,HongKong

Test Standards ..................... :       47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C(Section 15.249): Radio
                                             Frequency Devices

                                             ANSI C63.10:2009
                                             ANSI C63.4:2009
TeSt R@SUIt ........cccceee l :              PASS

TeSted BY ... :


                                             Haigang He, Test Engineer

Revi@eWed DY...........ccccccc.e>. :
                                             Zhu Qi, Senior Engineer


                                              (/‘/‘”     [‘ i.              2015.05.05
                                              Wu Li‘an, Manager

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\(D                                                                                                  Report No.: SET2015—06775

                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.      GENERAL INFORMATION .......020000000200000000e0eee0ess0see0seseseee0ese0see0sese0eee000ese0ee0se0eseseceseeceoeeoneo4

1.1     EUT DeSCTIDHIOM .........cccscccsssesssesseeesesesesecesscessecesecesecesscesscccsscesscessccsscccssccsseccsscccsscessccsscccsccnscensen4
1.2     SUDDOTE EQUIDM@NE..........c.cccccesseeeseeeseneseeeeeseecesecesecessccsscccscccsecessccsscccssccsseccsscccscccsscesscccscccssccnces5
1.3     TeSt StANUATGS ANG R@SUIES.................cccsssesse0eeesesesesesseessecesecesecesecessecessccssccccssccsscesscessccsscccscccnces5
1.5     FACiliticS @NO ACCT@UIEACIONS................ccss0ees00esesesesesesseesseceseeesesesscessecesscessccccssccsscesscessccsscccnsccncen6
1.5.1      FACILMU@$ ......... cce nmnmmenennnennnmnnnnnnnenenenennnnnennnennrenernnnnernnenereneren ennrenerennnennnnerneennrenerenes 6
1.5.2      Test EAViTORMENE CONUIHOMS............ .000 l0ccecce cce eeemmennmeenmennrennrnnnrnnerenen en eereeenreen en erneenn en nenes 6

2.      47 CFR PART 15C REQUIREMENTS .....2200000000000000000000000e0eseseee0eeeeseees0see0eeeeseeeoscessccesccoeccnee07

2.1     Antenna requirement..                                                                                                              2227
2.1.1      Applicable Standard ...                                                                                                          .27

2.1.2      Antenna Information..                                                                                                            «27
2.1.3      Result: comply ...                                                                                                               .27

2.2     20 dB BANGWiGTeSHMQ ................cccccssssscsesesesseseeesecesecesecesecesscessccesscessccnescccssccssccsscccscccsccessccnee8
2BA        TAE ... .cccccmmmmmemmrnmmenrmmrmrmmenrenrnerrerenennenrncrreererenernenerreernrenereneennernrenenenrrncrnccrnrennnennd 8
2.2.2      TESt DESCTIDHMOM ......... ... .ccscc rnemenmenmnnne en en nrnneereee en erneerenereeen en ereeen en erneereneneeenenen es 8

2.2.3      TESt RESUIE........000 000000 renernnmenmnnmneerennrnerneeereee en ernerenereeen en eereeenreen en ernern en en 8
2.3     CONUUCE@U EMMISSHONM ..........c.ccccscceceeseeeseeeecenecenecesecessecensccsecesecesscccssccsscesscenensccsscesscesscccsccenscensecs 11
2.3.1      REQUITEMENE.............0cccccccceememeerenernnmnnmnnmnenerene en ereeeereee en erneerenerenen en eerenenrnen en eeneennnannnes 11

2.3.2      TESt DESCTIDHMOM ............ccc cce rnnmenmnnmnnne en en nrnnnernee en erneerenereneneeneerenenrneerneennnenenanenes 11

2.3.3      TeSt RESUIE........000 000000 renernnmenmnnmnnnernnrnernneernee en erneerenereeenerneereeenrnen en erneennnannees 12
2.4     Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions and Radiated Spurious Emission..................... 13
2AAA       LAMMES ...c..cccmmmmmmmemnmeenrnemrnnnnennenrnennnerenennennnernecrerenernenernnererenereneenrenerenerennnncrncennrennne 13
2.A.2      TESt DESCTIDHMOM ......... ... .ccsccsc en rnnmenmnnmnnne en en nrnneereee en erneerenereneneeneerenen en erneennnenenan enc 14

24.3       TESt PFOCEUUTE........ .cc nnmenrnennnnnnennnnnnennnennnnnnennnennnenerennrenennennrennnnnnnerncennnennne 16
2.4.A      TESt RESUIE.........0eceeememmemmenmmemnmeennmenrnnrnenennennnnnernnenennnnennnernnererennren en renerenennnnnerncennnennne 16

                                                            Change History
        Issue                    Date                                               Reason for change
         1.0                2015.05.05                                                   First edition

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\(D                                                                         Report No.: SET2015—06775


1.1         EUT Description

EUT TYPE .cc :                              SPY TRACKER
Hardware Version .                          N/A
Software Version ... :_                     N/A
Frequency Range.................. :         2412MHz~2472MHz (at interval of 4MHz)
Number of channel............... :0         16
Modulation Type .................. :        GFSK
Antenna Typé ........c..lcl.lllll. :0       PIFA
Antenna GaIN .........l...l.lllll2lll. :0   1.50Bi
Power supply .............2lll.ll. :        DC 3V(battery)
Note 1: For a more detailed description, please refer to Specification or User‘s Manual supplied by
            the applicant and/or manufacturer.

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S                                                                                Report No.: SET2015—06775

1.2      Support Equipment

1.3      Test Standards and Results
The objective of the report is to perform testing according to 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C for the EUT
FCC ID Certification:

        No.                    Identity                                  Document Title
         1                47 CFR Part 15            Radio P         Devi
                          Subpart C 2014              adio Frequency Devices

         2               ANSIC63.10 2009            Ar'nerlcan NaFlonal Standard for Testing Unlicensed
                                                    Wireless Devices
                                                    American National Standard for Methods of
         4               ANSTC63.4 2009             Measurement of Rafiio—Noise Emissi'ons fr('ml         .
                                                    Low—Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in
                                                    the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz

Test detailed items/section required by FCC rules and results are as below:

                   FCC Rules                           Description of Test                  Result

                     §15.203               Antenna Requirement                            Compliant

                     §15.207               Conduction Emission                              N/A

                   §15.215(c)              20 dB Occupied Bandwidth                       Compliant

                   §15.249(a)              Field strength of the fundamental signal       Compliant
               $        Sal(d)             Radiated Spurious Emission                     Compliant


             "N/A"       denotes test is not applicable in this test report.

1.4      Description of Test Mode

                Channel                   Frequency(MHz)             Channel          Frequency(MHz)

                     1                         2412                      9                 2444
                     2                         2416                      10                2448
                     3                         2420                      11                2452
                     4                         2424                      12                2456
                     5                         2428                      13                2460
                     6                         2432                      14                2464

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                                                                         Report No.: SET2015—06775

                    7                  2436                    15                 2468
                    8                  2440                    16                 2472

           Frequency                                     Test channel

        2412~2472MHz                            1channel , 8 channel, 16channel

1.5      Facilities and Accreditations

1.5.1    Facilities

CNAS—Lab Code: L1659
CCIC Southern Electronic Product Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. CCIC is a third party testing
organization accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS)
according to ISO/IEC 17025. The accreditation certificate number is L1659. A 12.8*6.8*6.4 (m) fully
anechoic chamber was used for the radiated spurious emissions test.
FCC—Registration No.: 406086
CCIC Southern Electronic Product Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered
and fully described in a report filed with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). The
acceptance letter from the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 406086, valid time is until
October 28, 2017.

IC—Registration No.: 11185A—1

CCIC Southern Electronic Product Testing (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered
by Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for the performance of radiated
measurements with Registration No. 11185A—1 on July. 15, 2013, valid time is until July. 15, 2016.

1.5.2    Test Environment Conditions

During the measurement, the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:

 Temperature (°C):                        15°C — 35°C
 Relative Humidity (%):                   30% —60%
 Atmospheric Pressure (kPa):              86KPa—106KPa

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S                                                                      Report No.: SET2015—06775

2.1 Antenna requirement

2.1.1 Applicable Standard

According to FCC 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other
than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently
attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be
considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section.

2.1.2    Antenna Information

Antenna Category: Integral antenna

Antenna General Information:
           No.              EUT Model                     Ant. Cat.            Gain(dBi)

             1                  10524                   PIFA antenna              1.5

2.1.3    Result: comply

The EUT has a permanently antenna which complies with the Part 15.203. Please refer to the EUT
internal photos.

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                                                                                   Report No.: SET2015—06775

2.2        20 dB Bandwidth Testing

2.2.1      —Limit

Intentional radiators must be designed to ensure that the 20dB bandwidth of the emission in the
specific band.

2.2.2       Test Description

                                    Spectrum Analyzer                        EUT

  (1) The transmitter output(antenna port) was connected to the spectrum analyzer in peak hold mode.

  (2) The resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz and the video bandwidth of 100 kHz were used.

  (3) Measured the spectrum width with power higher than 6dB below carrier.

                      Spectrum Parameters                   Setting
                      Attenuation                           Auto
                      Span Frequency                        >20Db Bandwidth
                      RBW                                   100 kHz
                      VBW                                   300 kHz
                      Detector                              Peak
                      Trace                                 Max Hold
                      Sweep Time                            Auto

Equipments List:

        Description           Manufacturer          Model          Serial No.        Cal. Date   Cal.Due Date
 Spectrum Analyzer                  R&S            FSP40        1164.4391.40        2014.06.11    2015.06.10

2.2.3       Test Result

                                 Frequency              20dB Bandwidth (MHz)
                                 2412MHz                              1.21
                                 2440MHz                              1.54
                                 2472MHz                              1.32

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                                                                                                  Report No.: SET2015—06775

                                                                      *RBW 100 kHz        Marker 3 [T1 j
                                                                      +vew 300 knz                   —0.27 dBm
                  Ref 20 dBm                       *att   30 as       sWT 10 ms                2.412210000 G=z
                   20 offker 13|as                                                       Marker| 1 (T1
                                                                                                    —19}30 asm
                  —10                                                                            411720600 cz«       KR
                                                                                         Delta P [T1 j
                                                                                                    —1l41 as
                   o            +         <BBre              /                                froocohoo mm iou


                   ~20                            h         3/               yM\\

                  |——20                             f\/\/                             \/\QV\,\

                               MW                                                                %—\,/‘\A/\,NSDB


                  |—— 60



                  Center 2.412          GHz                      590 kma/                            Span 5 mHz

                                                  2412MHz 20 dB Bandwidth

                                                                       *RBW 100 kHz       Marker 3 [Tl j
                                                                       +vew 300 knz                   —1.44 dBm
                  Ref 20 dBm                       *att   30 as        * swP 10 ms             2.439930000 G=z
                   20 offker 13|as                                                       Marker| 1 [Tl
                                                                                                    —201 60 aBm
                  —10                                                                             430400600 cz       KW
                                                                                         Delta P [T1 j
                                                                 ;                                  —ol es as
                   0           o1 <T:ar asm                      ¥                                eerrermetemm—min ryy,

                  ——10                                                       \

                  —2°               Dz <2T—44

                  *                     ./\//                                            /\\\/\/ ©
                               ue‘                                                                 \Jt//\            abe
                  asig++                                                                                     eapec


                  |—— 60



                  Center 2.440          GHz                       500 kmz/                            Span 5 mHz

                                                  2440MHz 20 dB Bandwidth

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                                                                                                         Report No.: SET2015—06775

                                                                        *RBW   100   kHz   Marker 3 [T1 ]
                                                                        *vew 300 kRz                   0.59 dBm
                    Ref     20 dBm               *aAtt   30 as          *SWT 10 ms              2.472220000 GRz
                     20 offket        13|am                                                Marker| 1 (T1
                                                                                                      —1954 aBm
                    —1o                                                                                  471700600 cz«        KR
                                                                                           Delta    ko        (T1
                                                                    {                       *             C         Slic as
            |vz==    B        Di 0.59| dBm                   /\/
                                                                    x   \/\                        1.         320000000 MSZ ivz


                    l—20         n2    —1.9. 41. dam     j                     [\    >

                    |——20                        N/                                         \/r‘\/\q

                              prernur]                                                                        “MIV/\‘NSDB


                    Center    2.472      GHz                  500       kHz/                                    Span 5 MHz

                                               2472MHz 20 dB Bandwidth

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                                                                                     Report No.: SET2015—06775

2.3         Conducted Emission

2.3.1       Requirement

According to FCC section 15.207, for an intentional radiator that is designed to be connected to the
public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power
line on any frequency within the band 150kHz to 30MHz shall not exceed the limits in the following
table, as measured using a 50uH/50Q line impedance stabilization network (LISN).

                                                                Conducted Limit (dBuV)
         Frequency range (MHz)                               —
                                                         Quai—peak                     Average
                 0.15 — 0.50                              66 to 56                            56 to 46
                   0.50 — 5                                  56                                 46
                        5 — 30                               60                                 50
(a) The lower limit shall apply at the band edges.
(b) The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 — 0.50MHz.

2.3.2         Test Description

A. Test Setup:

        2. A{Qg?f V.>:            ¥§r=>—i .S,O_C.I}l, “ VVVVV>                         Communication
                      i           1                           i                           Antenna«

                           EUT.       (Wi—Fi Module}»         |                      %\\

                  ~x|                      (*                 |
                                                                             Pulse Limiter.
        <§0cm >4I                                   s         1   ___LISN.      i\\
                    i                                                    O‘ffi         ~\_|   Receiver

         ==                                                                                   Service

The Table—top EUT was placed upon a non—metallic table 0.8m above the horizontal metal reference
ground plane. EUT was connected to LISN and LISN was connected to reference Ground Plane. EUT
was 8Ocm from LISN. The set—up and test methods were according to ANSI €63.10:2009

The EUT is powered by Battery. The factors of the site are calibrated to correct the reading. During
the measurement.

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S                                                                    Report No.: SET2015—06775

B. Equipments List:

  Description           Manufacturer         Model      Serial No.    Cal. Date   Cal. Due Date
 Test Receiver     ROHDE&SCHWARZ            ESCS30      A0304260     2014.06.11    2015.06.10
        LISN       ROHDE&SCHWARZ           ESH2—Z5      AO304221     2014.06.11    2015.06.10

2.3.3     Test Result

        Not apply for products powered by DC systems.

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S                                                                             Report No.: SET2015—06775

2.4       Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions and Radiated Spurious Emission

2.4.1     Limits

The field strength measured at 3 meters shall not exceed the limits in the following table:

               Fundamental                              Field Strength(millivolts/m)

            Frequencies(MHz)                                                           ,
                                              Fundamental                       Harmonics

                 902~928                           50                                  0.5

               2400~2483.5                         50                                  0.5

                5725~5875                          50                                  0.5

Note: The limits shown in the above table are based on measurements using an average detector,
except for the fundamental emission in the frequency band 902~928MHz, which is based on
measurements using a CISPR quasi—peak detector.

Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated
by at least 50dB, below the level of the fundamental or to the general field strength limits listed in
15.209 as below, whichever is less stringent.

        Frequency (MHz) Field Strength (uV/m) Field Strength (dBuV/my                    M ~"CSUCUC" t
                                                                                         Distance (m)
          0.009 — 0.490            2400/F(kHz)             20lo0g(2400/F(KHz))+80            300

          0.490 — 1.705           24000/F(kHz)             201°g(2400%’1:(KHz))+4             30
           1.705 — 30.0                 30                     2010g(30)+40                   30

              30 — 88                   100                         40.0                      3
              88 — 216                 150                          43.5                      3
             216 — 960                 200                          46.0                      3
            Above 960                  500                          54.0                      3

        (1) The tighter limit applies at the band edges.
        (2) Emission level(dBuV/m)=20log Emission level (uV/m).

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O                                                                       Report No.: SET2015—06775

2.4.2    Test Description

                                                                                RX Antenna

               Metal Full Soldered Ground Plane
                                                        Spectrum Analyzer
                                                        iReceiver                      e

                                 Radiated emissions from 9kHz to 30MHz

                                                                        RX Antenna

                                                                Ant. feed |                T
                                                                point       (
        _____                                                               i          1~4 m

          T                      | «t              3m     ———————®]
        80cm                     i                                 |

                Metal Full Soldered Ground Plane
                                                    Spectrum Analyzer
                                                    (Receiver                         0o

                                 Radiated emissions from 30MHz tol GHz

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\(D                                                                       Report No.: SET2015—06775

                                                                               RX Antenna
                                                                 Ant. feed


                 Metal Full Soldered Ground Plane

                   5e                                                          L4 g
              _                                                          Spectrum Analyzer /Receiver
      System Simulator

                                       Radiated emissions above 1GHz

Equipments List:

   Description          Manufacturer        Model         Serial No.          Cal.Date       Cal.Due
    Receiver               R&S              ESIB26        A0304218           2014.06.08     2015.06.07
  Full—Anechoic          Albatross       12.8m*6.8m*      A0412372           2014.06.08     2015.06.07
    Chamber                                 6.Am
  Test Antenna—         Schwarzbeck       VULB 9163       9163—274           2014.06.10     2015.06.09
  Loop Antenna          Schwarzbeck        HFH2—Z2       0837.1866.54        2014.06.11     2015.06.10
  Test Antenna —
                           R&S              HF906          100150            2014.06.09     2015.06.08
  Test Antenna —
      Hormn                 ETs           UG—s96A/U       A0902607           2014.06.05     2015.06.04
    Amoi                                    MITEOQ
      mpriet               R&S           AFS42—00101       25—9—42           2014.06.05     2015.06.04
   1G~18GHz                                   800
    Ampilier               R&S           J$42—180026    1,111,0980.00        2014.06.05     2015.06.04
   18G~40GHz                               00—28—5A
                           R&S            PAP—0203H
                                                            22018            2014.06.10

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                                                                                      Report No.: SET2015—06775

2.4.3        Test Procedure

a) The EUT was placed on a turn table with 0.8 meter above ground.
b) The EUT was set 3 meters from the interference receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top of a
  variable height antenna tower.
c) For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune the antenna tower
  (from 1m to 4m) and turntable (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the maximum reading. A pre—amp
  and a high pass filter are used for the test in order to get better signal level to comply with the
d) Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.
e) New battery is used during test.

f) All radiated emission tests were performed in X, Y, Z axis direction. And only the worst axis test
  condition was recorded in this test report.

2.4.4        Test Result

Test Results 9 kHz to 30 MHz

The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated by more than 20dB below the permissible
value has no need to be reported.

Test Results 30MHz to 1000 MHz

        Marker:                 105.811623 MHz                        29.86 dBuV/im

         Level [dBuV/m]




        40                                                                                             [mve

                     L__                          M


         0 OM             50M      7OM     100M                   200M       300M        500M   700M      1G
                                                 Frequency [Hz]

              MES   V1
              LIM   FCC CL.B F QP/AV     FCC ClassB, field strength

                                                  2412MHz — Vertical

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\r/                                                                                  Report No.: SET2015—06775

     Marker:                 856.152305 MHz                          40.32 dBuV/im

      Level [dBuV/m]




                                                                                       I      M
     30                                                              M                 °


          OM           50M     7OM        100M                   200M       300M           500M   700M     1G
                                               Frequency [Hz]

          MES   H
          LIM   FCC CL.B F QP/AV        FCC ClassB, field strength

                                              2412MHz — Horizontal

     Marker:                  30 MHz                     30.52 dBuV/m

      Level [dBuV/m]




     40                                                                                                  axprt‘
     30          i
     20                            14


      0 30M            50M     7OM        100M                   200M       300M           500M   700M     1G
                                             Frequency [Hz]

          MES   V
          LIM   FCC CL.B F QP/AV        FCC ClassB, field strength

                                                 2440MHz — Vertical

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\r/                                                                                     Report No.: SET2015—06775

     Marker:                 179.679359 MHz                        35.55 dBuV/im

      Level [dBpV/m]




     40                                                                                                        *
     so [                                     M
                                                              fif       bakde
                                                                           )                      t
                                                                       L/ "                 *


          30M          50M     7OM      100M                   200M       300M             500M   700M    1G
                                           Frequency [Hz]

          MES   H
          LIM   FCC CL.B F QP/AV      FCC ClassB, field strength

                                              2440MHz — Horizontal

     Marker:                 181.623246 MHz                        31.72 dBuV/im

      Level [dBuV/m]




     40                                                                                                  e
                                                              ?                  Mwflu    mb
     30                                       [____


      0 30M            50M     7OM      100M                   200M       300M             500M   700M    1G
                                           Frequency [Hz]

          MES    _V
          LIM   FCC CL.B F QP/AV      FCC ClassB, field strength

                                               2472MHz — Vertical

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                                                                                                Report No.: SET2015—06775

      Marker:                     362.40481 MHz                             36.94 dBuV/m

       Level [dBpV/m]




     "30                                               17
                                                                        |   J
                                                                                    MUf                       pec


       0 30M             50M        7OM          100M                   200M        300M             500M      700M      1G
                                                       Frequency [Hz]

           MES H
           LIM FCC CL.B F QP/AV             FCC ClassB, field strength

                                                   2472MHz — Horizontal

                                      QuasiPeak               .          Antenna               20
                   Frequency                            Bandwidth           .                Limit                             .
     channel                              (dBu                            height                            Antenna       Verdict
                        (MHz)                              (kHz)                           (dBu V/m)
                                          V/m)                              (cm)

                        105.812           29.86           120.000           100.0            43.50           Vertical         Pass
    L channel
                    856.152               40.32           120.000           100.0            46.00          Horizontal        Pass
                        30.000            30.52           120.000           100.0            40.00           Vertical         Pass
    M channel
                        179.679           35.55           120.000           100.0            43.50          Horizontal        Pass
                        181.623           31.72           120.000           100.0            43.50           Vertical         Pass
    H channel
                    362.405               36.94           120.000           100.0            46.00          Horizontal        Pass

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S                                                                    Report No.: SET2015—06775

Test Results above 1GHz

Test mode: TX 2412MHz

                              ,                              Level                 Limit
Frequency    ?2;          Reading          Correction      (dBuV/m)              (dBuV/m)
  (MHz)      Hiv     Peak           AV     Factor(dB)    Peak      AV          Peak         AV
                    (dBuV)        (dBuV)                (dBuV)   (dBuV)       (dBuV)      (dBuV)
  2390        H      22.41         4.49      24.09      46.50         28.58   74.00           54.00
              v      22.87         3.96      24.09      46.96         28.05   74.00           54.00
  2400        H      23.98         5.27      24.10      48.08        29.37    74.00           54.00
              v      24.07         4.98      24.10      48.17        29.08    74.00           54.00
  412         H      41.61        22.69      24.18      65.179       46.87    114.00          94.00
              V      40.85        21.81      24.18      65.03        45.99    114.00          94.00
              H      39.75        23.98       8.52      48.27        32.5     74.00           54.00
  4824        V      41.52        24.62       8.52      50.04        33.14    74.00           54.00

Test mode: TX 2440MHz

                              ,                              Level                 Limit
Frequency    ?zlt         Reading          Correction      (dBuV/m)              (dBuV/m)
  (MHz)      Hwv     Peak          AV      Factor(dB)    Peak         AV       Peak            AV
                    (dBuV)        (dBuV)                (dBuV)   (dBuV)       (dBuV)      (dBuV)
              H      45.57        24.32      24.24      69.81        48.56    114.00          94.00
  2440        V      46.76        25.29      24.24      71.00        49.53    114.00          94.00
              H      43.61        23.52       8.60      52.21        32.12    74.00           54.00
  4880        V      42.92        23.37       8.60      51.52        31.97    74.00           54.00

Test mode: TX 2472MHz

                              ,                              Level                    Limit
Frequency    ?th          Reading          Correction      (dBuV/m)              (dBuV/m)
  (MHz)      Hiv     Peak          AV      Factor(dB)    Peak         AV       Peak            AV
                    (dBuV)        (dBuV)                (dBuV)   (dBuV)       (dBuV)      (dBuV)
  2a7         H      44A4         23.67      24.35      68.79        48.02    114.00          94.00
              V      45.39        22.59      24.35      69.74        46.94    114.00          94.00
 2483.50      H      22.51         5.33      24.54      47.05        29.87    74.00           54.00
              v      23.61         4.45      24.54      48.15        28.99    74.00           54.00
  4944        H      43 A2        22.24       8.79      52.21        31.03    74.00           54.00
              v      42.58        23.36       8.79      51.37        32.15    74.00           54.00

CCIC—SET/T (00)                                                                   Page 20 of 21

\(D                                                           Report No.: SET2015—06775

Remark : About spurious emission :RBW 1MHz VBW 3MHz Peak detector for PK value , RBW
1MHz VBW 10Hz Peak detector for AV value; About fundamental frequency .RBW is bigger than
20dB BW .so RBW 3MHz VBW 10MHz Peak detector for PK value , RBW 3MHz VBW1OMHz
RMS detector for AV value.

                                 ** END OF REPORT **

CCIC—SET/T (00)                                                            Page 21 of 21

Document Created: 2015-05-26 11:19:33
Document Modified: 2015-05-26 11:19:33

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