User manual II

FCC ID: 2AB4FD2000

Users Manual

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Function Settnge                           Funstion Sattings
                cwrne                      lenk ts mc caio cate oot Heene cuetom
  wa    mis    vs m                        ut bertom ut b in c Thelont 04 con b adacc.
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  ie|   ns     ma ims                      o Trnnitig Powee Alow n e toreds imnting
  m     im |   ma es                       m Hiblon y mons h pvadusln o peme slncL.
  ma|   ms     is me                       a TakcArind: en t mds vata n e mpunbrnoda luthe
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Funcion Sottinge
Kinged s h srinila2t e on odtn P ng
wide hy n tnneal icb ca‘t cay ut e y opeatn, Pocs     1 Faity efomallons tcws ime to esn radi‘s tty en
ns aywea y io.                                        wben ty mans, utictctba ow efoerato, mda nunt, 99
®ndosioeLigta:Abous umon eietho ED Intnigtn           wake,hariuns vonde frrmnr venr, BP vonio and hn
otherado y m ncmmsnyanten ofie LED endon .            reogeneatlo ino.
Kut onbe unc and nc ofe an e LeD ty an
netirirt Uoreatcld h ced im otie L0 Inaty             m Railo Confiquation
1i ntngutlnotfic enerom n o d ht                      «13 Pnguner: 90b curstcturea PX mssy
Porseon Pasiet:Whenthe nds tb ponson samnet,          #T% Foquenay Setth curentcieral Ti mc
ton paseved c b ehas, i nocmmaytcotyons               ChamelMume:torecan madty e ahann mme anconteg
the id poamer, e m paosrd ca b stt Fovt h im          trot nom.
paiiva tnd crtin io ud,pomort nodfatin e up           w Baler ode ul aurport atashannet: U cannodty
nomunty                                               tm ce cudemecortng hok mds ho m 015 epteral
                                                      w ThonSot n sepportighn shanent: Uoes cn modty t
                                                      Eio c oncorina hok med, hm ho ie i 1tm t t
a ds fatutio: Adove mer mlctaute nunbe, rane, rgun:   srtien.
noysmenl use mode by mes, h mat ic ulrlayed           a Deviaon: Ts nctois h VFO node oc nltin
w o hn lsnd neda.                                     1oouhephams dBrace tacuaney oting rnegs:008co000~
a Powe on nuctin: e c nc se or matshem:               somnone,
stt afonct pwncn n neconng ts proiroicn               a Binaton:Ts in s en V¥O m o miaereouns
i Langinge Slscion: t sn mepnt ho ingungu t Cmm art   phasitancs xunncyturotbcatt.nogetv itnctl
Eni.                                                  Inanceycptent.
                                                      a Freqaony: Th Ancfoia ut hVBO node iaptmgany.

M Racto information
a y hmber: Aown ie s qumy e ret1 urbarty mav.
w concut e accomed etnt

Function Sattings                                             Function Settings
(2sniceanitioraoatcsep ptonat.                                Scan
@Channal TypesThis unc nat ts changeVFO modet clghal          «#Yourmdlo canauppot 18 sountinglt at mont and wh s msin—
mode or snalog mode(analog mode ~ Algtal made nrvoptinal.     m of32 manbrn fo per can lt cach scan lt suppori a mitire
                                                              o anato und igha stannalyou can nddfdeeto channal or ao prc
mM Kaypad Programmable                                        ifor hn channe byading ecanring K. The scanting modes
Uses can natlop has, iday, PTT2 ky nhort roseand lng          supportime con and cartarco.
proe Nincton n th raleprogranimable mony by thi nouds.        @The curentchannel acan Itadd t sean roupconinlns at loat
   e have aevarn functon asfoloun:                            2 channats o opon the scan channalincton. Whan scamni. Inion
"Nofinetontater           2Pmampttoms onl                     tothechannels in e nou n and chockwhathar hre havsthe
2mergency mode           4Emergeny mode at                    weic atviton i each channa.Iaethepror leva, opn the
5Haowequancy salecion                                         scar,te wcruanduplyn thacisinaton tsoan ogono prorty
8Monter (wipport anakg, ghal can montor difrant D rumse}      dtopleys 2. ptodty 1 dhplays 2. pdely2 dhnlye 2, ths LED
7.Nole charnalmpornydaketn                                    indlakr Ight foah renge. Wien soumin i actvs to a coaln
6Repoattaceround S.teanonat                                   shennl willsta to recste. l moslv th unnacensa ca, pross
10Enopton onlof          f1VOXIunchot                         programmatl ky noloschannl ts armorarydelets and tan
12.Zone evistable         13Batioy powerindiator              tarporaty ramoved rom thcumant cannal n thnoanving tu it
14Wotk sns onl            1SEitcal                            w s cone scc ong provsC hay iekly onlcolor
187M io                   17.Record                           enterscan mon acact on a,svich th channalor prose
Nots: When ealsct "amergancy mode or" or "emergoncy mode      progremmatls ky can onlto uit the curent sean.
aff, tha aaea button ahortar fong pross wil be raetad sacy    Net:1.Long pross 2 kay can guicy antesean tum onof.
t                                                             21(chonnat hacka tha sutematialy ecarning function, when
Zere                                                          aniished to this channal the davioe automatialy ontar sean.
"Therudlon wupport 250 zons at mont, one zon cadd 16          2¥hen progremenabl kay Ainctionis at to ncen turn onfol, t
shamnals most 250 zones oan suppor 40000 channelsatmost       san bs onsned acen iisctly by programmabils lay.
"Thraugh the menu zon oplons, you can anirth aslecid zane n
the zone Tt or ant e zone utable fincion in t prograrmable    M Digital Emergentcy Alarm
kaypad, and ten te tarth zone natctaie (tahoukt ho aattw      Emrgonsy mis saodto arprams amargoncy stuetonYoucan
or mre zsnes can mak the e avichatle.                         Inuncl omergoecy nat y ine in ary seson o antr amerge:

Function Settings                                                  Function Settings

                                                                   age, to that users can understand betiny usage and charge ho be
                                                                   Hery maly The main itartaon balery clsplay 2 tene geide in ut~
                                                                   fiisnt of elticiy, ho gride moderalo, one grid shows the balcy
Note: Entar het box,—soorrmeponding toAr¥correeponing              in low,ithe lcon urmred and there low electic hint hatthe
108,Cacoeeponding to C, Ercorresponting to D,long pross            buiiny is n suficient it hould be recharged as soon es possie.
    hey can returm main interfece.                                 PS Poaltioning System (Optona)
2Undardual band dual stendby, ts optlonal DTMF slgnaling           ©Support GPS poettoing system, thisfuncton oan qury the loont
ean not be solved, reemote Kl} remot Kill code don‘t wark, t       fon posiioning informtion o theradio,itinsudes &mo,dao, l
noed to undr the dual band dual standiy.                           ude,Infude, spood,alttde and estalto rumber. Ar oponed tho
Encryption                                                         GPS functon,the GPS oalon date can be manuall sent t the
You can use digtalor analog way to Inats orremoto Ki n the radlo   target radlo or as the short message form to save in the draf bo for
system. For axample, you may wanttoatop using stolenredieto        needed serding, thetargot radlo wil b stord in theform F mens—
provent thlevas rom usig it and anable i when recoverig.           ago when it recelve he dats, and the recelved GRS date can be
                                                                   Mawad n the reoutve nbo.
                                                                   @The rado is placed n an apon ares, ater opened thi functon, the
WorkAlone                                                          Intoface will lsplayed the GFS charactom, o reouhrg vald date,
Work lone can sutabl to tindvcuat workng in an unexpected          GFS charecterwil become green, o that t can be vwad th infor:
stwationcuring work, and cant make keystrohes or volce launct in   mation of ongtude, atfude, tmo,dale, spoed, attide and satel,
the presat tme, and theradio can automaticaly anter alarm to gat   pross EZkay torefrashed the GES dte Inormation. Set up stepe:
help.                                                              Moni—Altachmont—Locatin systam—Sat ime zone—Swlch or——
                                                                   Nota: This funetion only slaplayad whor it aniectnc.
                                                                   Fit Racto (Optlona)
Note: 1.Only support lgltal mode channal.                          i Support eonling te requency of c             Ni.
2When an amergency systam is not selectnd,thlsfunction in
Battery Lavel                                                      Stops: Ment—Atlichmont—FM Radlo—Power on Channal Selscted
Pross the peprograrmmable kay can view the rmaining belly volk


                    our Fujian Juston Electroinc Equipment Co., Ltd radio generators RF electromagnetic
                during transmit mode.This radio is designed for and classified as"Occupational Use Only",
                meaning it must be used only during the course of employment by individuals aware of the
 hazards,and the ways To Minimize Such hazards. This radio is NOT intended for use by the"General Population"
in an uncontrolled environment. This radio has been tested and complies with the FCC RF exposure limits for
"Occupational Use Only".Inaddition, our Fujian Juston Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. radio complies with the
following Standards and Guidelines with regard to RF energy and electromagnetic energy levels and evaluation
 of such levels for exposure to humans:
      --IEEE Std. 1528:2013 and KDB447498, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human
Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.
      --American National Standards Institute (C95.1-1992), IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to
Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
      --American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992), IEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurement
of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields- RF and Microwave.

                    The information listed above provides the user with the information needed to make him or
                 her aware of RF exposure, and what to do to asÿsure that this radio operates with the FCC RF
                 exposure limits of this radio.

 Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility
      During transmissions, Fujian Juston Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. radio generates RF energy that can
 possibly cause interference with other devices or systems. To avoid such interference, turn off the radio in
 areas where signs are posted to do so. DO NOT operate the transmitter in areas that are sensitive to
 electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals, aircraft, and blasting sites.

 Occupational/Controlled Use
      The radio transmitter is used in situations in which persons are exposed as consequence of their employment
 provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for exposure and can exercise control over their exposure.

       This radio complieswith IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF exposure
 emvironment at operating duty factors of up to 50% and is authorized by the FCC for occupational use only. An
 appropriate warning lable is affixed to all units. In order to comply with RF exposure requirements, a minimum
 distance of 2.5cm must be maintained when held-to-face, and body-worn operations are restricted to the approved
 original acessories (belt clip) a minimum distance of 0cm,Don't use this device when antenna shows obvious

 This product is compliance to FCC RF Exposure requirements and refers to FCC website search for FCC ID:2AB4FD2000 to gain further
 information include SAR Values.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This device complies with Part
15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

Document Created: 2019-02-21 18:09:12
Document Modified: 2019-02-21 18:09:12

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC