SAR annex C

FCC ID: 2AB4FD2000

RF Exposure Info

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                                           Aranaseis: SCS 0100


coemase        pmennommmmmmmummuumemmacen
in en metom none neneneayon en on naseeso unm
(resmnrenenvevrcauen naritsmmun nsavargpeeme ocevens
1cntasenienesonteonem ns mmummart moimiyes
eonasn ommon stt oncttrcimen
ns smm            or         cepmcemmies      wvesmcomee
neamnace          ocm        semeonmcnnizas   hen
reomewive m       lncime     ccneronsnn
howerivnmm        lecime     coreronmncum
hecwenavinmam      |wctgm    sein tmmim
                             copopn tm
Imnnmnaenmmimam |ncmozion woorse
Wmeramooon         |mcom             cour.nem sen
ue                 sewe      scarepecucacaum  w
(mmanmesen         lor       censenizas       weumiou
 rrmtiom           wecarmt   mngcere sommame  nmerce sn
 homm tm           wovnome mesenetmam         nmeeoun in
 rnseveion         coonone   ocms mm          nroseoeac in
 it peonremec      eemmene e exomme   memaem  neaomc    in
 Inormeiim Incums nountmmroestntn             neursec ons
                   hes             reae        san
 Incatme esotenpunetoon uonsm onteomes
centcine csscrem          Pacias

Caltbration Laborstory ot                &
Scmiga parner                            C                    $ Epmmomes
                                                              © krmurntwan
  Engneatng AG
              Werrounnetuues         @SY
                                                              s Mn
dormeinn mm sememn                                               nmmmans: Scs 0108
Rernernmun ievern on anennminiess
hm snnve mopmmnarcatone cemcom
Ts                  esue simdaing tev
Come                senstiy in TSL/ NOR xz
Na                  ret applcatle orrot mensured
Caltvration is Pefarmed Accortingtothe rollowing Standards:
   a) EeE S18202013, 1EEE Recommendad Proctce fo Detormning he Poak Spatal
       Averaged Specifc Absorton Rate (GAT) n th Hman Hoad rom Wesless
       Communicatons Devios: Measuroment Techniquer‘June 2019
   b) 120 6220041‘Measuremant procedire for h assensmentof Spectc Absoriton Rate
       (SAF) fom Nldand bady—maunte devioe used next t th oa (requency rango of
       300 Nt o oity, Jy 2016
   e) 1G 622002, ‘Proosdur to determine he Specilc Absoriion Rate (SAF)forwreiess
       communieaton devices used in closeproumiy o the human bady (requency range of 0
       ite t Glte‘,Maeh 2010
   «) K# aesont, SAMeasiement Requrements or 100 Kz t 6 ie
Addiional Documentation:
    ) DASYS Systom Harcbook
 Methods Applied an Intrpretation of Parameters:
    : Meassroment Conditons: Furhar daals areavalabe ho ho Vaidaton       Repartatthe ond
       of the certcats. Al es stated i thecoriicate are val at h recuency indcated
    + Antenna Parameters wth TSC:The sorse is mounted in a touch contguraton below the
       certe mating o h fat sranion.
    + Retum Loss:Ths paramtr is measined wth h sourcepostioned unde th lied
       phariom (as descrba in the measirement condiion cause) T Retur Loss ansires low
        ratected pove. No uncerainy recurec.
    +. SA measied: SAR measored at e stated antorna ut power
        SAnomatzedt SA as measured, nomalznd o an ut power o 1W at th antomna
    . §A fornoninal TSt prameter: Tha measired TSL parametrs are usedto callate he
        roninal SAR rosut
                                                                        of mansurement
                            meascroment is sated as hn landardnncetainy ds
 ‘Te reorted incetainy offaclo
 imby t coverag                  k2 whchfoa nomal iereuto corespon o a covege
 povibity of approunalay %.

 cemcneie c cssrave                      maas

 Mensu rementernetn
   aptenc     Conditionsa tto s 1
     o8trvenion                     sn         wane
     Erpsntcn                  RereriGmciinn
     Franon                     Hitrarwrm    Cmmmmom
     Eit reanswe                 TeanParer
     Toom Serneiaicn           CommemmesiE=toarr—m
     rogamer                     ow vime
Head TSL porameters
  Theistengponnot nc utoe ue zies
                                    ervamee   |_renioay    |_nacom
   NeniuainndT itpormas              nee         En         oremom
   Hemored ons T9panaus            @eren‘e     |_msses    arenvomers
   NesTS enponecrrge sogion          se          cz           >
SA resut wHead TSL
   Hinmamtomisnmarearm              tss
   SR nmwn                        Twratseee         Sm
   Sttrmmmitaasric esns           remzro m       Ecronmers)
   iR mapeseric= vemareree          crme
   Stromes                        Crom              Zermg
   Et rammatontiscm               omm            Zmngemesien
Boty TSL parameters
  Tieistoarypono nut sewotes
                                   Terpacs |_rensumy       "|_cmmeny
    femrultety Ti esnc              ave       «s           omm
    Ts BoirT9 prsnows              Emmoimcrme             mrrom
    Sotr Tsc anperizecunge aaveion  coxe      &               >
SAR resut with Body TSt.
    Shermap on rcr‘ i meticorac    ces
    Stnewes                      Iwreszoe           aeme
    SthirrancalGon Tipowron     remete im       amwngemesien
    Whmmamon on (opamenie          com
    Sinromes                     Crems              zm
    Commmcram                   remmzeno iw     Zmwngemosten

cete ceezrecs                  rpsas

 Appondix(Addtional assessments outside the scope of 5CS 010%)
 Antorna Parameters with Head TSL
     inpuince revionadinison                             winvzm
     rewnion                                                ara
 Antonna Parameters wih Body TSL
     inpuirce reviomeatieisan                        ara—zon
     Rewmion                                           are
 Addiicnal EU Data
     on                                                wea
     Hevieemion                                      Seriecor

Centam e rare             mc

DASYS Validation Report for Head TSL
                                                                  bue 2iezz01s
To Latootog: SPEAG,ZarchSuiverted
DT CLAIS® Tp: CLA190Serial: ClA1so—         wm
Communicajon Spnen: UID0— CW Foqunsy: 190 ie
Medim parncton wet t= 150 Mc 070 Sn« 303= 1000 kyin‘
PFasionsecion: PSecion
MessremenSuntac: Dass areetmc/Anist ont 192011)
  + tate mabve—staim. contec 2. i2i2 2 12. Cattemet s0 22017
   +   Senor Sric: 1tm (MisanicaSurice Dowston)
  +.   Hestonics DABH So6i:Caltrant 4072017
  +.   Piason: B v4; Tipe: QDONASi—iomn
  +.   pasvie s 00(sevcaax ies ocurm
CLA Calibration for HSL—LE Thsue/CLA150,touch configuration, in=1W/Area Scan
(Max®HxHInopolned pd uol 500mm dye 300mm
Misiman vae ofSAR (merpalaed) = 521 Wikp
CLA Calibrationfor HSL—LE Tisae/CLA150,touch configuration, Pin=1W/Znom Scan,
dit=1—4rim (WelOxTYCube 0: Mesorenent id dcotoan. dystrm. dnoo
RcerencVale         Vin: over Do»—003 ds
o $AR (etnpolac) 691 whe
sanlt w 27 wSaruio n zi wie
Maximam valse o SAR (newured) s is

                   sai wag=7.17aiwhe

cecoroen raie                          rarsas

 Impeciance Measurement Pio for Head TSL

       m on                 urume. se           re ns mam
                                                m     inmenems

       a                                          ;
                                 :             4,7
       m                                          /

       o0 i u.        a m <a m                yetain t qnmenmem

Canteie cusos rers                   Purtas

 DASYS Validation Report for Body TSL
                                                                     Due 210ra01s
 To Labootog: SPEAGZarichSwivertnd
 DUT: CLAISK Type: CLATS®: Seral: CLAISO       wm
 Communicaton Syven: UID 0— CW; Fequeny: 150 Mite
 Medim paricton uid 150 Mc o = 081 S¥me = 62 Ip= 1000 kyin‘
 Pranionsecion: Fa Secion
 MessremeSandac: DaSvs E12c ANSt 6t 92011)
 pasy Corfimrsion
    +. Pibe: EXIDVH— SNSRTComCNL7, 11.57,1 57Caliant 30122017
    +: SemerSarie: 1t (MeddaiclSriceDeecto)
    +. Elstones DABH So6Calbrant: 24072017
    + Pason: ELv40; Type: QDOVAIOIBB: Serat r—ions
    +0         s i000; sevican x ies torum

CEA Calibrationfor MSL—LE Tissuw/CLA150, touch contiquration,
                                                              P1 W/Area   Scan
(BxBxt): Inorpobned pid dvel 500 mm dye 100 mm
Meximun alseofSAR (mepolted) 533 We
CLA Callbrationfor MSLLF Tissue/CLA150, touch configuration, Pin=1 W/Zoom Scan,
 Ist=L.tmim (Bel0a7/Clbe 0: Messeenent id dxntrin dystomde=1 m
Referenc Valse= .36 Vin: Pover Dat 00 dB
Pesk SAR (curnpolned)=708 Wia
SA w= 278 Wig: SaRd0 ) 25 We
Maximun valoe ofSAR (neaurnd s wig



centeate ceonrers                       rapras

Appendix C: Dipole Calibration Certificate

                  8 of 16

                    Appendix C: Dipole Calibration Certificate

1.2. 450 Dipole Calibration Certificate

                                      9 of 16

Caliortion Laboratory of                                          g. Rnrumerma  men
Sdmia  & Pamor                                                    $ Enemmavan
 Engnoemng AG                            e                        s enchaness
mmh mc recme                        <
kommanere ts tron snn                                              nenmsanc: Scs 0108
Rereneievemi in e aneurmnunetn
wommnu rprenmrtemempmmarmmmmne omm
Tst             tesuesimudaing leud
Cone            senstvty in TSL/ onxz
Na              rot acpicale ornot measured
Calivation is Peformad Accorting t the Folowing Standards:
                                                       Detominng hePoak Spata—
   a) EEE S 1928—2019, 1E€E Recommendad Pactcefor
      Averaged Speciic Rosrpion Rate (SA)in te Human Head m Wiass
      Communicatons Devers: Measuremant Techniques‘    Jane 2019
   ) (EG 622001, Manmurement procedurforthe   assensment o Speatic Absorplon Rate
      (6AP) hom Fancthad and bad—mounted devices used nxt o the oa (requency rango of
      o whts 6 Gri, wy 20e
   ) 126 622002 ‘Procedure o detarnine e Spocitc Abscrpion Rate (GAF)for irass
      communieaton dvices used in lose proimiy o the hurman body (requency range of 30
      Nite 6 Grty;Mrch 2010
   4) KGB 8384 "SA% Measurament Recurement fo 100 ie t 6 Gite
Adciional Documentation:
   ) DASY4 Sytem Handbook
Mathods Appliod an        Intrprstation of Pramters:                                  athe and
   + Measirement Conditon: Furher detais are avalatierom the Vakdaton Repor       inclcted
      of the cartiate. Al fqures suted in the cortcate  are vald at h   recuency
   +. Arenna Paramotoswth TSC:The dpola          s mounted wth h snscer o potion ns fond
      pont mcty beon t centr maring otth fat hantom sectonwth the arns orented
      parietto tbody is
   +. Feed Pontinpadance and Retun tos: Tresempedance parsnatrs e measured wth the dacle
      seationed undeth i ied             phatom, The           stiated is vanslommed rom the
      ineasirementat ha SWA connectrto h fod pont. The Retu Loss ensures ow
      retectes power. No uncetainty equred
   +: Eectrea! Dein: One—vay deiy between the SWA connectorand he anternafond point
      No uncetainy reaured.
   + SAR measuret SA monsiredattheromalzed    sated anterna inoutpower
   .. $Anomalznd: SA as measired,                      o an nputpower of 1 W athe artonna
   . SA forremina! TSL parameten:Te measired TSL paramatersar use t clcuate the
      rominal SAFresut.
 Te        pored urcerainy   of measwrenartis nared as ho standard entanty of mensurement
 eraaale         ie  eorageitkc enfora romal dstrnuton coresnonds o a covenge
 mevtnily                       o%

 Cetane oconnreis                          rareas

  Ob ontemcntipeton s o ue 1
   1t venion                         Eoo                       wane
   Enmesuron                    Arreetfmesuen
   rranom                         Airammen             Retnaren ssormm
   SoureeSeoecmr—rsc                 ioem                  wnlnee
   Hron tea fravien               B t e «smm
   rogury                         cows s rie
Head TSL pormeters
  Theistoang roaroun t ite uies
                                       Tespunce    |_Pemamay    |_Contecnay
   Hemin ind penas                       ave          as         ores
   MmssT promous                       mrorenre     |_mraex    ommeremees
   Ts TSinpratice cungesrvgin            «se           z
SA resut wit Head TL
   HiRmnantone onieremarc             Graz
   S mewns                         montreazon              tawe
   Saiermaitont t ponnaen           remimro m         caring em nien
   rmm=mmamerans                       cromn
   Sthmemwes                       meonreasere           eramng
   SnR rennareatrSrewrwn            rominero iw       Smng e wesien
Body TSparamaters
  Tteictoans sonms antacaroe se cte,
                                       Terpuanee   |_remmmay    conmucnay
   Fenin tom Ti omm                      zee          sr         ostaram
   l BoorTS proncus                    Gresen‘e     |_tores    envmtemees
   iotThenpenieschnge auiveen            core          z            >
SA resut wit Rody TSL
   SAmepn ore v en‘i o toa ts     Graen
   Satmesne                    mowreasee                   Ts
   SA mtTi peonon               remaimeo in           Caring i Sten
   W mrvagnton woen‘ irtoar ts    en
   Sttnemwns                   on reasoee              crame
   SAhic en ber TSronrown       romimens in           Te etresien

ceomon ereve                     masus

Appondix (Addional assessments outside the scope o 5CS 0108)
Antonns Parameters with Head TSL
    inovives renirmerntsan                              Emem
    cam                                                   mm
Antonns Parameters wih Body TSL
    inpuiece vaniomedisieizon                      en
    omm                                            —nse

General Artonna Parameters and Design
    EnmaiPon emanem                       Gsam
Anuen ue in i 900 us povs ya i mm t h dow t espotcan o neasant
Te ie is nat o anunerngcaea ie Thc contre on eangn n anctycorecnt e
smondar i dave e woone oraviee woternmadnbonpan onons se vome ns avone
aradduo n dum ane imerve machnge bave in t e poacsm in nne
Mennnar Cirtreranpren io Sn m an ramcrtyn couig Tieonue mgnaon
amange e umt
Hn ce ove nb estsi tol ame, ncaneaymgtte on en comectom rene
Addiional EUT Data
    Henasay                                         woe
    Henuazmicn                                    omm sn

ceine ooierem                           Puptcs

DASYS Validtion Report for Head TS
                                                                 Dae zso2
To Latootoy: 57EAGZaich Suivertnd
bu‘tbipal aso nitte pesov
Communicaton Spren: UID 0— CW Frequney 50 Mite
Medin parcton id (= 430 Mc 087 tm« = 437 = 1000kyin‘
Prariomsecion: w Secion
MesuremenSuntirt DASYS (EEETECANSt 61 19—2011)
DASYS2 Conipraion
   +. rete: mxaove—siaim Conrtios,108, 10 attemet 0122077
  + Semo Suice:Ltren (MestunicSurtce Devstio
  +. Bectnies DABH SCaltount 24072017
  +0 Aranon: Bv40;Type:QOOVAOIIS: Sea: rsions
  .. pasvse sinotam;simcanx ies ocuin
Dipole Calibationfor Head Toswe/d=1Srum, Pin=280m/ZZoom Scan (7«7x7/Cube :
Memironenpit hoi.     Orctom uesomn
Refwonc Vale» .13 in: Pover Dt =—001 d
Poak SA(ourpalaed
sw n «0 wies
MeximumvaeeofSAR (nemsend

                    s1 wig« 1oabwig

Gentente owonie rais                 rpsus

Impodance Monnuremant Pic for Head TSL

      on n        +       use        gee hiz      uum,

                                            ym qomeneme


Cantcnene on mzse                  rureas

DASYS Valiation Report for Body TSL
                                                               bae zsorz0s
Tos Latontor: SPEAG, 7i h Sviverted

Metion parnctonwat                                  +
PFrarionsecion: PSecion
MemuremenSumtant DASYS (EEENECANSt 6t 9 2011)
    + hk Extbv~ snaert ComtI08,108, 100Caitrant 3012 2017
    + Semor Sutie: 4n(MechnicaSurice Destion)
   +. Rtoe c« DASadSé:Calbeant: 2402017
   + Phasoo: EL v40; Type: QDoNAdoit sem toon
   +. pasver s n0tam;semcanx issocim
Dipole Calbrationfor Body Tiswwet Smm, Pn=250mW/Zoom Scan (ZeTx7Cube 0:
Messrenent it dextom. dsom. t
Reference Vil 4123Vc Pover Dt = oras
Pea SA(ourpalned= 171 whe
se o=1 wsakio n= 020 we
Maximum vale ofSAR
     sn                                  m

cee owon ie ravs                      ramras

Appendix C: Dipole Calibration Certificate

                 16 of 16

Document Created: 2019-02-11 14:44:56
Document Modified: 2019-02-11 14:44:56

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