DDT-R19011102-1E3 IPA111 FCC Part15C wireless charger Report


Test Report

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd
                                                            ■Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3
                                                       Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

                                                            ■Issued Date: Apr. 15, 2019


  Applicant                   : ION Audio, LLC
                                  200 Scenic View Drive, Cumberland, RI 02864
  Address                     : U.S.A
                                  High-Power All-Weather Speaker with Wireless
  Equipment under Test        : Charging

  Model No.                   : EXPLORER EXTREME

  Trade Mark                  :

  Project Code                : iPA111

  FCC ID                      : 2AB3E-IPA111

  Manufacturer                : ION Audio, LLC
                                  200 Scenic View Drive, Cumberland, RI 02864
  Address                     : U.S.A

  Issued By: Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd.

  Add: No. 17, Zongbu Road 2, Songshan Lake Sci&Tech, Industry Park, Dongguan
        City, Guangdong Province, China, 523808
  Tel: +86-0769-38826678, E-mail: ddt@dgddt.com, http://www.dgddt.com

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                                                      Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

         Test report declares........................................................................................................3
1         Summary of test results ........................................................................................................... 5
2         General test information .......................................................................................................... 6
2.1.      Description of EUT ................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.      Accessories of EUT .................................................................................................................. 7
2.3.      Assistant equipment used for test .......................................................................................... 7
2.4.      Block diagram of EUT configuration for test ......................................................................... 7
2.5.      Deviations of test standard ...................................................................................................... 7
2.6.      Test environment conditions ................................................................................................... 7
2.7.      Test laboratory .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.8.      Measurement uncertainty ........................................................................................................ 8
3         Equipment used during test .................................................................................................... 9
4         20dB Bandwidth ...................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.      Block diagram of test setup ................................................................................................... 10
4.2.      Limits ........................................................................................................................................ 10
4.3.      Test Procedure........................................................................................................................ 10
4.4.      Test Result ............................................................................................................................... 10
4.5.      Original test data ..................................................................................................................... 11
5         Radiated emission .................................................................................................................. 12
5.1.      Block diagram of test setup ................................................................................................... 12
5.2.      Limit .......................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.      Test Procedure........................................................................................................................ 13
5.4.      Test result ................................................................................................................................ 14
6         Power Line Conducted Emission ......................................................................................... 17
6.1.      Block diagram of test setup ................................................................................................... 17
6.2.      Power Line Conducted Emission Limits .............................................................................. 17
6.3.      Test Procedure........................................................................................................................ 17
6.4.      Test Result ............................................................................................................................... 18
7         Antenna Requirements .......................................................................................................... 21

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                      Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

                            TEST REPORT DECLARE

  Applicant                   :   ION Audio, LLC

  Address                     :   200 Scenic View Drive, Cumberland, RI 02864 U.S.A

  Equipment under Test        :   High-Power All-Weather Speaker with Wireless Charging
  Model No.                   :   EXPLORER EXTREME

  Trade Mark                  :

  Manufacturer                :   ION Audio, LLC

  Address                     :   200 Scenic View Drive, Cumberland, RI 02864 U.S.A

Test Standard Used:
FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C
Test procedure used:
ANSI C63.10:2013
We Declare:
The equipment described above is tested by Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd and in
the configuration testedthe equipment complied with the standards specified above. The test
results are contained in this test report and Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd is
assumed of full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these tests.

After test and evaluation, our opinion is that the equipment provided for test compliance
with the requirement of the above FCC standards.

Report No:        DDT-R19011102-1E3
Date of Receipt: Feb. 14, 2019                  Date of Test:      Feb. 14, 2019 ~ Apr. 15, 2019

     Prepared By:                                           Approved By:

   ________________                                        ______________________
    Sam Li/Engineer                                        Damon Hu/EMC Manager

Note: This report applies to above tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in
parts without written approval of Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd.

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd         Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

                                Revision history

  Rev.    Revisions                                Issue Date      Revised By

   ---    Initial issue                            Apr. 15, 2019

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd              Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

1   Summary of test results
      Description of Test Item                   Standard                Results

            20dB Bandwidth                   FCC Part 15: 15.215          PASS

           Radiated Emission                 FCC Part 15: 15.209          PASS

    Power Line Conducted Emissions           FCC Part 15: 15.207          PASS

          Antenna requirement                FCC Part 15: 15.203          PASS

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                   Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

2    General test information

2.1. Description of EUT

EUT* Name                    : High-Power All-Weather Speaker with Wireless Charging
Model Number                 : EXPLORER EXTREME
EUT function description     : Please reference user manual of this device
Power supply                 : AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz or DC 12V from built-in battery
Wireless charging Operation
                             : 120kHz-205kHz
Antenna Type                 : Inductive loop coil antenna
Sample Type                  : Series production
Note: EUT is the ab. of equipment under test.

 Channel information
 Channel Frequency       Channel    Frequency    Channel    Frequency     Channel    Frequency
    1        120kHz        23        142kHz        45        164kHz         67        186kHz
    2        121kHz        24        143kHz        46        165kHz         68        187kHz
    3        122kHz        25        144kHz        47        166kHz         69        188kHz
    4        123kHz        26        145kHz        48        167kHz         70        189kHz
    5        124kHz        27        146kHz        49        168kHz         71        190kHz
    6        125kHz        28        147kHz        50        169kHz         72        191kHz
    7        126kHz        29        148kHz        51        170kHz         73        192kHz
    8        127kHz        30        149kHz        52        171kHz         74        193kHz
    9        128kHz        31        150kHz        53        172kHz         75        194kHz
   10        129kHz        32        151kHz        54        173kHz         76        195kHz
   11        130kHz        33        152kHz        55        174kHz         77        196kHz
   12        131kHz        34        153kHz        56        175kHz         78        197kHz
   13        132kHz        35        154kHz        57        176kHz         79        198kHz
   14        133kHz        36        155kHz        58        177kHz         80        199kHz
   15        134kHz        37        156kHz        59        178kHz         81        200kHz
   16        135kHz        38        157kHz        60        179kHz         82        201kHz
   17        136kHz        39        158kHz        61        180kHz         83        202kHz
   18        137kHz        40        159kHz        62        181kHz         84        203kHz
   19        138kHz        41        160kHz        63        182kHz         85        204kHz
   20        139kHz        42        161kHz        64        183kHz         86        205kHz
   21        140kHz        43        162kHz        65        184kHz
   22        141kHz        44        163kHz        66        185kHz

In section 15.31(m), regards to the operating frequency range less than 1 MHz, only one of
channel was selected to perform the test.
                 Testing channel                                        132

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                  Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

2.2. Accessories of EUT
 Description of
                       Manufacturer          Model number        Serial No.            Other
                    SHENZHEN GREEN                           Input: 100-240 Vac,
 Built-in Power                              GS10001800
                   POWER ELECTRONIC                            50/60Hz; Output:
     Board                                      550
                   TECHNOLOGY CO LTD                            18.0Vdc, 5.5A
                                                             Input: 100-240 Vac,
 Built-in Power      Shenzhen Sunlight
                                              GO180055         50/60Hz; Output:
     Board          Electronic CO., LTD.
                                                                18.0Vdc, 5.5A

2.3. Assistant equipment used for test
    Assistant                          Model number
                     Manufacturer                        EMC Compliance              Other
   equipment                             or Type
 Simulation load             /               /                   /                     /

2.4. Block diagram of EUT configuration for test

           Simulation load
               EUT                           Adapter                 AC Mains

2.5. Deviations of test standard
No Deviation.

2.6. Test environment conditions
During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:
     Temperature range:                                  21-25℃
       Humidity range:                                   40-75%
      Pressure range:                                   86-106kPa

2.7. Test laboratory
Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd
Add: No. 17, Zongbu Road 2, Songshan Lake Sci&Tech, Industry Park, Dongguan City,
Guangdong Province, China, 523808
Tel: +86-0769-38826678, http://www.dgddt.com, Email: ddt@dgddt.com
CNAS Accreditation No. L6451; A2LA Accreditation No. 3870.01
FCC Designation Number: CN1182; FCC Test Firm Registration Number: 540522
Industry Canada site registration number: 10288A-1

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                  Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

2.8. Measurement uncertainty

                   Test Item                                     Uncertainty

                                                          3.32dB (150kHz-30MHz)
    Uncertainty for Conduction emission test
                                                           3.72dB (9kHz-150kHz)

                                                        4.70 dB (Antenna Polarize: V)
     Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test
                                                        4.84 dB (Antenna Polarize: H)

     Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test
               (1GHz to 18GHz)
                                                           4.40dB (6GHz-18GHz)

                   Bandwidth                                        1.1%
 Note: This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the
 95% confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd           Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

3   Equipment used during test
Equipment            Manufacturer Model No. Serial No.      Last Cal.       Cal. Interval
RF Connected Test (Tonscend RF Measurement System)
Spectrum analyzer    R&S           FSU26       200071       Oct. 12, 2018 1 Year
Wideband Radio
                     R&S           CMW500      117491       Jun. 29, 2018 1 Year
Communication tester
Vector Signal
                     Agilent       E8267D      US49060192   Oct. 12, 2018 1 Year
Vector Signal
                     Agilent       N5182A      MY48180737   Jun. 29, 2018 1 Year
Power Sensor         Agilent       U2021XA     MY55150010   Oct. 21, 2018 1 Year
Power Sensor         Agilent       U2021XA     MY55150011   Oct. 23, 2018 1 Year
DC Power Source      MATRIS                    D813058W     Aug. 18, 2018 1 Year
Attenuator           Mini-Circuits BW-S10W2 101109          Aug. 18, 2018 1 Year
RF Cable             Micable       C10-01-01-1 100309       Oct. 21, 2018 1 Year
Temp&Humi                          ZXGDJS-15
                     ZHIXIANG                  ZX170110-A   Oct. 21, 2018 1 Year
Programmable                       0L
Test Software        JS Tonscend JS1120-3      Ver.2.7      N/A             N/A
Radiation 1#chamber
EMI Test Receiver    R&S           ESU8        100316       Oct. 12, 2018 1 Year
Spectrum analyzer    Agilent       E4447A      MY50180031   Jun. 29, 2018 1 Year
Trilog Broadband
                     Schwarzbeck VULB9163 9163-462          Nov. 09, 2018 1 Year
Active Loop antenna Schwarzbeck FMZB-1519 1519-038          Oct. 20, 2018 1 Year
Double Ridged Horn
                     R&S           HF907       100276       Nov. 16, 2018 1 Year
Broad Band Horn
                     Schwarzbeck BBHA 9170 790              Oct. 25, 2018 1 Year
Pre-amplifier        A.H.          PAM-0118 360             Oct. 12, 2018 1 Year
Pre-amplifier        TERA-MW                   101303       Oct. 12, 2018 1 Year
                                   CP-X2+      W11.03+
RF Cable             HUBSER                                 Oct. 21, 2018 1 Year
                                   CP-X1       W12.02
                                   SMAJ-SMA 17070133+17
RF Cable             N/A                                    Nov. 08, 2018 1 Year
                                   J-1M+ 11M 070131
MI Cable             HUBSER                    1091629      Oct. 21, 2018 1 Year
Test software        Audix         E3          V 6.11111b   N/A             N/A
Power Line Conducted Emissions Test 2#
EMI Test Receiver    R&S           ESU8        100316       Oct. 12, 2018   1 Year
LISN 1               R&S           ENV216      101109       Oct. 12, 2018   1 Year
LISN 2               R&S           ESH2-Z5     100309       Oct. 12, 2018   1 Year
Pulse Limiter        R&S           ESH3-Z2     101242       Oct. 12, 2018   1 Year
CE Cable 1           HUBSER        N/A         W10.01       Oct. 12, 2018   1 Year
Test software        Audix         E3          V 6.11111b   N/A             N/A

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                      Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

4    20dB Bandwidth

4.1. Block diagram of test setup

4.2. Limits
Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general emission limits, as
contained in § 15.217 through 15.257 and in Subpart E of this part, must be designed to ensure
that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth may otherwise be specified in
the specific rule section under which the equipment operates, is contained within the frequency
band designated in the rule section under which the equipment is operated.

4.3. Test Procedure
(1) Connect EUT’s antenna output to spectrum analyzer by RF cable.
(2) The bandwidth of the fundamental frequency was measured by spectrum analyzer with 30 Hz
    RBW and 100 Hz VBW. The 20dB bandwidth is defined as the total spectrum the power of
    which is higher than peak power minus 20dB.

4.4. Test Result

              Freq.                       20dB bandwidth
              (kHz)                        Result (kHz)

              132                              0.143                             PASS

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                                             Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

4.5. Original test data

                                                                 * RBW   30 Hz    Marker 3 [T1 ]
                                                                 * VBW   100 Hz             -82.83 dBm
                   Ref   -40 dBm              * Att   0 dB         SWT 1.15 s        132.380003846 kHz

                   -40 Offset      11 dB                                          OBW129.750000000 Hz
                                                                                  Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                            -62.08 dBm      A
                                                                                     132.301900000 kHz
            1 PK                                                                  Marker 2 [T1 ]
            VIEW                                             1
                   -60                                                                      -83.08 dBm
                                                                                     132.237375641 kHz
                                                                                  Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                   -70                                                                      -76.92 dBm
                                                       T1          T2                132.244150000 kHz
                                                                                  Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                   -80                                 2           3
                            D1 -82.08 dBm                                                   -77.64 dBm
                                                                                     132.373900000 kHz







                   Center   132.3334 kHz                     100 Hz/                       Span     1 kHz

            Date: 3.APR.2019       11:21:22

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd            Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

5   Radiated emission

5.1. Block diagram of test setup
In 3m Anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram for 9kHz~30MHz

In 3m Anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram for 30MHz~1GHz

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5.2. Limit
             FREQUENCY                  DISTANCE                FIELD STRENGTHS LIMIT
                  MHz                     Meters                  V/m         dB(V)/m
              0.009 ~ 0.490                300                 2400/F(kHz)   67.6-20log(F)
              0.490 ~ 1.705                 30                24000/F(kHz)   87.6-20log(F)
              1.705 ~ 30.0                  30                      30           29.54
                 30 ~ 88                    3                      100           40.0
                 88 ~ 216                   3                      150           43.5
                216 ~ 960                   3                      200           46.0
                960 ~ 1000                  3                      500           54.0

Note: (1)The emission limits shown in the above table are based on measurements employing a
CISPR QP detector except for the frequency bands 9-90kHz, 110-490kHz and above
1000MHz.Radiated emissions limits in these three bands are based on measurements employing
an average detector.
(2) At frequencies below 30MHz, measurement may be performed at a distance closer then that
specified, and the limit at closer measurement distance can be extrapolated by below formula:
    Limit3m(dBuV/m)= Limit300m(dBuV/m) + 40Log(300m/3m) = Limit300m(dBuV/m) + 80
    Limit3m(dBuV/m)= Limit30m(dBuV/m) + 40Log(30m/3m) = Limit30m(dBuV/m) + 40

5.3. Test Procedure
(1) EUT was placed on a non-metallic table, 150 cm above the ground plane inside a
semi-anechoic chamber.
(2) Test antenna was located 3m from the EUT on an adjustable mast, and the antenna used as
below table.
            Test frequency range           Test antenna used            Test antenna distance
                9kHz-30MHz               Active Loop antenna                     3m
               30MHz-1GHz             Trilog Broadband Antenna                   3m

According ANSI C63.10:2013 clause and 6,5.3, for measurements below 30 MHz, the
loop antenna was positioned with its plane vertical from the EUT and rotated about its vertical
axis for maximum response at each azimuth position around the EUT. And the loop antenna also
be positioned with its plane horizontal at the specified distance from the EUT. The center of the
loop is 1 m above the ground. for measurement above 30MHz, the Trilog Broadband Antenna or
Horn Antenna was located 3m from EUT, Measurements were made with the antenna positioned
in both the horizontal and vertical planes of Polarization, and the measurement antenna was
varied from 1 m to 4 m. in height above the reference ground plane to obtain the maximum signal
(3) Below pre-scan procedure was first performed in order to find prominent frequency spectrum
radiated emissions from 9kHz to 1GHz:
(a) Scanning the peak frequency spectrum with the antenna specified in step (3), and the EUT
was rotated 360 degree, the antenna height was varied from 1m to 4m(Except loop antenna, it’s

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                       Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

fixed 1m above ground.)
(b) Change work frequency or channel of device if practicable.
(c) Change modulation type of device if practicable.
(d) Rotated EUT though three orthogonal axes to determine the attitude of EUT arrangement
produces highest emissions. Spectrum frequency from 9kHz to 1GHz (tenth harmonic of
fundamental frequency) was investigated.
(4) For final emissions measurements at each frequency of interest, the EUT was rotated and the
antenna height was varied between 1m and 4m in order to maximize the emission.
Measurements in both horizontal and vertical polarities were made and the data was recorded. In
order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of equipments and all of the interface
cables were changed according to ANSI C63.10:2013 on Radiated Emission test.
(5) The emissions from 9kHz to 1GHz were measured based on CISPR QP detector except for
the frequency bands 9-90kHz, 110-490kHz, for emissions from 9kHz-90kHz,110kHz-490kHz and
above 1GHz were measured based on average detector, for emissions above 1GHz, peak
emissions also be measured and need comply with Peak limit.
(6) The emissions from 9kHz to 1GHz, QP or average values were measured with EMI receiver
with below RBW.
                        Frequency band                     RBW
                         9kHz-150kHz                      200Hz
                        150kHz-30MHz                       9kHz
                         30MHz-1GHz                       120kHz

5.4. Test result
PASS. (See below detailed test result)

Below 30MHz:
    Frequency          Result@3m           Limit @3m              Detector        Conclusion
      (MHz)             (dBuV/m)            (dBuV/m)
       0.05               56.75              133.62                Peak             PASS
       0.05               49.27              113.62               Average           PASS
      0.132               85.54              125.32                Peak             PASS
      0.132               78.46              105.32               Average           PASS
       0.38               62.87              116.00                Peak             PASS
       0.38               54.75               96.00               Average           PASS
       0.64               54.11               71.48                 QP              PASS
       1.16               45.42               66.31                 QP              PASS
       5.92               37.14               69.54                 QP              PASS

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         Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                              Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

         Above 30MHz:
                        TR-4-E-009 Radiated Emission Test Result
Test Site           : DDT 3m Chamber 1#                        D:\2019 RE1# Report Data\Q19011102-1E IPA111\RF.EM6

Test Date           : 2019-04-01                               Tested By            : Sunny
                        High-Power All-Weather Speaker with
EUT                 :                                          Model Number         : EXPLORER EXTREME
                        Wireless Charging
Power Supply : Battery                                         Test Mode            : Tx mode

Condition           : Temp:24.5’C,Humi:55%,Press:100.1kPa      Antenna/Distance     : 2018 VULB 9163 1#/3m/HORIZONTAL

Memo                :

         Data: 21

Item          Freq.          Read       Antenna       Cable      Result        Limit      Over         Detector       Polarization
                             Level       Factor       Loss       Level         Line       Limit
(Mark)        (MHz)          (dBµV)      (dB/m)        dB       (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)     (dB)
  1           48.16           0.91        14.40       3.85        19.16        40.00      -20.84         QP          HORIZONTAL
  2           89.59           9.06        9.96        4.14        23.16        43.50      -20.34         QP          HORIZONTAL
  3          109.03          15.36        11.79       4.25        31.40        43.50      -12.10         QP          HORIZONTAL
  4          218.31          19.29        11.96       4.88        36.13        46.00       -9.87         QP          HORIZONTAL
  5          480.53           7.83        16.83       5.76        30.42        46.00      -15.58         QP          HORIZONTAL
  6          535.71           8.61        17.63       5.92        32.16        46.00      -13.84         QP          HORIZONTAL

         Note: 1. Result Level = Read Level + Antenna Factor + Cable loss.
              2. If Peak Result complies with QP limit, QP Result is deemed to comply with QP limit.
              3. Test setup: RBW: 120 kHz, VBW: 300 kHz, Sweep time: auto.

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         Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                              Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

                        TR-4-E-009 Radiated Emission Test Result
Test Site           : DDT 3m Chamber 1#                        D:\2019 RE1# Report Data\Q19011102-1E IPA111\RF.EM6

Test Date           : 2019-04-01                               Tested By            : Sunny
                        High-Power All-Weather Speaker with
EUT                 :                                          Model Number         : EXPLORER EXTREME
                        Wireless Charging
Power Supply : Battery                                         Test Mode            : Tx mode

Condition           : Temp:24.5’C,Humi:55%,Press:100.1kPa      Antenna/Distance     : 2018 VULB 9163 1#/3m/VERTICAL

Memo                :

         Data: 22

Item          Freq.          Read       Antenna       Cable      Result        Limit      Over         Detector       Polarization
                             Level       Factor       Loss       Level         Line       Limit
(Mark)        (MHz)          (dBµV)      (dB/m)        dB       (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)     (dB)
  1           50.41           2.22        14.46       3.87        20.55        40.00      -19.45         QP            VERTICAL
  2           69.11           3.39        9.66        4.01        17.06        40.00      -22.94         QP            VERTICAL
  3          109.03          13.31        11.79       4.25        29.35        43.50      -14.15         QP            VERTICAL
  4          218.31          12.79        11.96       4.88        29.63        46.00      -16.37         QP            VERTICAL
  5          517.25           8.12        17.36       5.87        31.35        46.00      -14.65         QP            VERTICAL
  6          866.09           2.26        21.37       6.78        30.41        46.00      -15.59         QP            VERTICAL

         Note: 1. Result Level = Read Level + Antenna Factor + Cable loss.
              2. If Peak Result complies with QP limit, QP Result is deemed to comply with QP limit.
              3. Test setup: RBW: 120 kHz, VBW: 300 kHz, Sweep time: auto.

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Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                       Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

6    Power Line Conducted Emission

6.1. Block diagram of test setup

6.2. Power Line Conducted Emission Limits

                                             Quasi-Peak Level               Average Level
                                                 dB(V)                        dB(V)
    150kHz      ~     500kHz                      66 ~ 56*                     56 ~ 46*
    500kHz      ~     5MHz                           56                           46
     5MHz       ~     30MHz                          60                           50

Note 1: * Decreasing linearly with logarithm of frequency.
Note 2: The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.

6.3. Test Procedure
The EUT and Support equipment, if needed, were put placed on a non-metallic table, 80cm
above the ground plane.

Configuration EUT to simulate typical usage as described in clause 2.4 and test equipment as
described in clause 10.2 of this report.

All I/O cables were positioned to simulate typical actual usage as per ANSI C63.10.

All support equipment power received from a second LISN.

Emissions were measured on each current carrying line of the EUT using an EMI Test Receiver
connected to the LISN powering the EUT.

The Receiver scanned from 150 kHz to 30MHz for emissions in each of the test modes.

During the above scans, the emissions were maximized by cable manipulation.

The test mode(s) described in clause 2.4 were scanned during the preliminary test.

After the preliminary scan, we found the test mode producing the highest emission level.

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The EUT configuration and worse cable configuration of the above highest emission levels were
recorded for reference of the final test.

EUT and support equipment were set up on the test bench as per the configuration with highest
emission level in the preliminary test.

A scan was taken on both power lines, Neutral and Line, recording at least the six highest

Emission frequency and amplitude were recorded into a computer in which correction factors
were used to calculate the emission level and compare reading to the applicable limit.

The test data of the worst-case condition(s) was recorded.

The bandwidth of test receiver is set at 9 kHz.

6.4. Test Result
PASS. (See below detailed test result)

Note1: All emissions not reported below are too low against the prescribed limits.
Note2: “-----” means Peak detection; “-----” means Average detection.
Note3: Pre-test AC conducted emission at both voltage AC 120V/60Hz and AC 240V/60Hz,
recorded worse case (AC 120V/60Hz).

                                                                                       Page 18 of 21

      Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                                 Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

                  TR-4-E-010 Conducted Emission Test Result
Test Site            : DDT 5# Shield Room                           D:\2019 report data\Q19011102-1E\CE.EM6
Test Date            : 2019-03-04                                   Tested By             : Jerry
                       High-Power All-Weather Speaker with
EUT                  :                                              Model Number          : EXPLORER EXTREME
                       Wireless Charging
Power Supply         : AC 120V/60Hz                                 Test Mode             : Tx mode

Condition            : Temp:24.5’C,Humi:55.5%,Press:100.1kPa LISN                         : 2018 ENV216 2#/NEUTRAL

Memo                 :

      Data: 21

  Item           Freq.      Read       LISN     Cable    Pulse         Result    Limit         Over    Detector      Phase
                            Level     Factor    Loss    Limiter        Level     Line          Limit
  (Mark)         (MHz)      (dBµV)      (dB)     (dB)        (dB)      (dBµV)    (dBµV)        (dB)
    1            0.15       32.32      9.66     0.17     9.78          51.93     66.00        -14.07     QP        NEUTRAL
    2            0.15       20.10      9.66     0.17     9.78          39.71     56.00        -16.29   Average     NEUTRAL
    3            0.16       31.62      9.66     0.17     9.78          51.23     65.30        -14.07     QP        NEUTRAL
    4            0.16       18.26      9.66     0.17     9.78          37.87     55.30        -17.43   Average     NEUTRAL
    5            0.26       24.75      9.65     0.19     9.78          44.37     61.38        -17.01     QP        NEUTRAL
    6            0.26       16.34      9.65     0.19     9.78          35.96     51.38        -15.42   Average     NEUTRAL
    7            0.53       20.15      9.64     0.20     9.78          39.77     56.00        -16.23     QP        NEUTRAL
    8            0.53       14.22      9.64     0.20     9.78          33.84     46.00        -12.16   Average     NEUTRAL
    9            0.55       19.96      9.64     0.20     9.78          39.58     56.00        -16.42     QP        NEUTRAL
   10            0.55       13.48      9.64     0.20     9.78          33.10     46.00        -12.90   Average     NEUTRAL
   11            0.78       17.32      9.64     0.21     9.78          36.95     56.00        -19.05     QP        NEUTRAL
   12            0.78       13.17      9.64     0.21     9.78          32.80     46.00        -13.20   Average     NEUTRAL

      Note: 1. Result Level = Read Level +LISN Factor + Pulse Limiter Factor + Cable loss.
           2. If QP Result complies with AV limit, AV Result is deemed to comply with AV limit.
           3. Test setup: RBW: 200 Hz (9 kHz—150 kHz), 9 kHz (150 kHz—30 MHz).
           4. Step size: 80Hz (0.009MHz-0.15MHz), 4 kHz (0.15MHz-30MHz), Scan time: auto.

                                                                                                              Page 19 of 21

      Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                                 Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

                   TR-4-E-010 Conducted Emission Test Result
Test Site            : DDT 5# Shield Room                           D:\2019 report data\Q19011102-1E\CE.EM6
Test Date            : 2019-03-04                                   Tested By             : Jerry
                       High-Power All-Weather Speaker with
EUT                  :                                              Model Number          : EXPLORER EXTREME
                       Wireless Charging
Power Supply         : AC 120V/60Hz                                 Test Mode             : Tx mode

Condition            : Temp:24.5’C,Humi:55.5%,Press:100.1kPa LISN                         : 2018 ENV216 2#/LINE

Memo                 :

      Data: 23

  Item           Freq.      Read       LISN     Cable    Pulse         Result    Limit         Over    Detector      Phase
                            Level     Factor    Loss    Limiter        Level     Line          Limit
  (Mark)         (MHz)      (dBµV)      (dB)     (dB)        (dB)      (dBµV)    (dBµV)        (dB)
    1            0.15       34.49      9.66     0.17     9.78          54.10     66.00        -11.90     QP           LINE
    2            0.15       19.01      9.66     0.17     9.78          38.62     56.00        -17.38   Average        LINE
    3            0.19       30.13      9.66     0.18     9.78          49.75     63.98        -14.23     QP           LINE
    4            0.19       20.45      9.66     0.18     9.78          40.07     53.98        -13.91   Average        LINE
    5            0.32       18.38      9.65     0.19     9.78          38.00     59.71        -21.71     QP           LINE
    6            0.32       13.00      9.65     0.19     9.78          32.62     49.71        -17.09   Average        LINE
    7            0.40       20.58      9.65     0.20     9.78          40.21     57.95        -17.74     QP           LINE
    8            0.40       12.89      9.65     0.20     9.78          32.52     47.95        -15.43   Average        LINE
    9            0.52       20.34      9.64     0.20     9.78          39.96     56.00        -16.04     QP           LINE
   10            0.52       14.52      9.64     0.20     9.78          34.14     46.00        -11.86   Average        LINE
   11            0.78       17.32      9.64     0.21     9.78          36.95     56.00        -19.05     QP           LINE
   12            0.78       13.10      9.64     0.21     9.78          32.73     46.00        -13.27   Average        LINE

      Note: 1. Result Level = Read Level +LISN Factor + Pulse Limiter Factor + Cable loss.
           2. If QP Result complies with AV limit, AV Result is deemed to comply with AV limit.
           3. Test setup: RBW: 200 Hz (9 kHz—150 kHz), 9 kHz (150 kHz—30 MHz).
           4. Step size: 80Hz (0.009MHz-0.15MHz), 4 kHz (0.15MHz-30MHz), Scan time: auto.

                                                                                                              Page 20 of 21

Dongguan Dongdian Testing Service Co., Ltd                      Report No.: DDT-R19011102-1E3

7    Antenna Requirements
For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203, An intentional radiator shall be
designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be
used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a
unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the
provisions of this section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna can be
replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited.

                                       END OF REPORT

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Document Created: 2019-04-24 16:04:56
Document Modified: 2019-04-24 16:04:56

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