15_ESF93 UserMan-US


Users Manual

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Smart Fitness Scale
Model: ESF93

User Manual

               Questions or Concerns? support@etekcity.com • (855) 686-3835   1

    Thank you for purchasing the
    ESF93 Smart Fitness Scale
    by Etekcity.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please
    reach out to our helpful Customer Support
    Team at support@etekcity.com. We hope you
    enjoy your new scale!


      Get exclusive deals, giveaways, and product
     registration. Better products for better living.
                Find us at etekcity.com

Table of Contents                              Package Contents

Package Contents                          3    1   x   Smart Fitness Scale
Specifications                            3    1   x   Mirco-USB Charging Cable
Safety Information                        4    1   x   Measuring Tape
Function Diagram                          5
                                               1   x   Quick Start Guide
Digital Display                           6
Vesync App Setup                          7
Using the Smart Scale                     8
   • Weighing without the VeSync App      8
   • Weighing with the VeSync App         9    Specifications
   • Using the App                        11
   • Connecting with Other Fitness Apps   21
Maintenance                               24       Input                   DC 5V, 500mA
Troubleshooting                           27       Weight Capacity         400 lb / 28 st / 180 kg
Warranty Information                      31
Customer Support                          32       Graduation              0.1 lb / 0.05 kg
                                                   Weight Units            lb / st / kg
                                                   Platform                Tempered glass
                                                                           11.8 x 11.8 x 0.9 in /
                                                                           30 x 30 x 2.3 cm
                                                   Battery Type            1000mAh Li-ion battery
                                                   Charging Time           3 hours
                                                   Auto-Off                30 seconds


    Safety Information                                             •   The glass platform is slippery when wet. Always make
                                                                       sure the platform and your feet are dry before stepping
                                                                       on for measurement.
    Please read and follow all instructions and safety             •   Place the scale on a hard, flat surface to avoid tipping.
    guidelines in this manual.
                                                                   •   To weigh safely and accurately, stand with your feet
                                                                       shoulder-width apart while on the scale. Do not stand
    Medical                                                            on the edge of the scale or jump on the scale.
    •   This scale should not be used to diagnose or treat any     •   Avoid standing on the scale for a long period of time, or
        medical condition.                                             when not weighing yourself.
    •   Scale data should not be used as a substitute for          •   Do not overload the scale. Maximum weight capacity is
        medical advice from a healthcare professional.                 400 lb / 28 st / 180 kg.

    •   This scale uses a harmless electrical current to           •   Keep the scale in a cool area with low humidity. Keep
                                                                       the scale away from heat sources, such as ovens or
        measure body fat. Consult a healthcare professional
                                                                       heaters. Avoid temperature fluctuations. Store the
        before using the smart scale if you use medical                scale in a horizontal position, not vertical.
        electronic equipment such as a pacemaker.
                                                                   •   Do not use while charging. Remove the charging cable
                                                                       before using.
    General Use                                                    •   Handle with care.
    •   Check the scale before using. Do not use the scale if it   •   Not for commercial use. Household use only.
        is damaged in any way.
    •   Do not strike or hit the scale. Do not use the scale if
        the glass is cracked or broken. Due to the nature of
        tempered glass, the glass will shatter if there is even
        a slight crack. If you see a crack, contact Customer
                                                                         SAVE THESE
        Support immediately (page 32).

Function Diagram
A.   USB Charging Cable    E. Reset Button
B.   Weighing Platform     F. Unit Switching Button
C.   Display               G. Anti-Skid Padding
D.   USB Charging Socket                              D                          E





                                        TOP                      UNDERSIDE   G

    Digital Display
    A.   Weight Measurement
    B.   Battery Life Indicator
    C.   Bluetooth® Icon
    D.   Weight Units


                                      lb   D


VeSync App Setup
Note: Due to app updates and improvements, the contents
of this manual may change without notice. The VeSync app
user interface may appear slightly different.

1.   To download the VeSync app, scan the QR code
     or search “VeSync” in the Apple App Store® or
     Google Play™ Store.

       • This scale uses the VeSync app, not the VeSyncFit
       • For Android users, you may need to select Allow
           to use VeSync.

2. Open the VeSync app. If you already have an
   account, tap Log In. To create a new account,
   tap Sign Up.


    Using the Smart Scale
      • Fully charge before first use.
      • To switch between pounds (lb), stone (st), and
          kilograms (kg), press the unit switching button on the
          underside of the scale.
      • If you are pregnant, scale measurements will not be
                                                                   Figure 1.1

    Weighing without the VeSync App
    1.   Place the scale on a hard, flat surface.
         [Figure 1.1]

    2. Step onto the scale. The scale will automatically
       turn on and start measuring your weight.

    3. Continue standing on the scale until the digits
       on the screen flash 3 times, showing your final
       measurement. [Figure 1.2]

                                                                   Figure 1.2


Weighing with the VeSync App
Pairing the Scale with VeSync

1.   Tap   to add your smart scale.   2. Tap Scales.




     3. Select Etekcity Fitness Scale (ESF93).

     Note: Make sure your phone’s Bluetooth® is turned on in
     your phone settings.

     4. Follow the in-app instructions to add your smart
     Note: After setup is complete, you can change the name
     and icon at any time by going to the smart scale screen and
     tapping      .


Using the App                                            Note:
                                                           • Entering inaccurate information will make the scale’s
                                                               measurements less accurate.
Creating a User                                            • If you don’t identify with the available gender options,
                                                               or are unsure, pick the choice that you think best
                                                               physically matches you. This choice is used for physical
If you are a new user, you will need to enter physical
                                                               measurements, such as body fat percentages.
information before weighing yourself for the first
time so the scale can calculate your body metrics.


     Weight Measurement                                 2. Step on the scale with bare feet. Continue
                                                           standing on the scale for 5–10 seconds. Your
     1.   On the “My Home” screen, tap on the name of      measurements will appear in the VeSync app.
          your smart scale.
                                                          • If you see a series of zeroes on the scale display,
                                                              the scale is measuring your body fat and sending
                                                              measurements to the VeSync app.
                                                          • This scale is not recommended for children under the
                                                              age of 10 because data may be biased.




3. For further details, see:
    A. Add or Switch Users (page 14)
    B. More Measurements (page 15)                               A
    C. Data Graphs (page 16)
    D. Device Settings (page 18)

Note: If you’re wearing shoes or socks, the scale cannot
measure health metrics such as body fat. Step on the scale
with bare feet.



     Add or Switch Users

     On the “My Home” screen, tap on the name of your
     smart scale, then tap on the profile picture.

         A. To add a new user, tap +.
         B. To select a user, tap on user.

       • To delete an existing user, see Edit Member, page 20.
       • Once a user is deleted, there is no way to retrieve
           deleted information.


More Measurements

On the “My Home” screen, tap on the name of your
smart scale, then scroll down for a comprehensive
analysis of the 12 health metrics that the scale
tracks. Tap on any of the health metrics for more


     Data Graphs

     1.   On the “My Home” screen, tap on the name of   2. You can view daily, weekly, or monthly progress.
          your smart scale, then tap Data Graphs.          Tap    to view your weighing history.




3. Tap on any entry to see more information.

Note: To delete, swipe left on an entry.

4. View the 12 health metrics that the scale tracks.
   Tap on any of the health metrics for more


     Device Settings

     On the “My Home” screen, tap on the name of your
     smart scale, then tap   in the upper right corner
     to see Device Settings.

     In Device Settings, you can customize the following
     scale settings:

         .   Device Name
         .   Icon
         .   Weight Unit
         .   Update Firmware
         .   Members (see page 19)
         .   Connect to Fitbit (see page 21)
         .   Connect to Apple Health or Google Fit
             (see page 22 & 23)
         .   Delete Device

       • Tap on any setting to change it.
       • When you change the weight unit in the app, the smart
           scale will change to match.


Add Member

1.   On the “My Home” screen, tap on the name of         2. Enter your information, then tap Save.
     your smart scale, then tap     in the upper right
     corner to see Device Settings. Tap Members,
     then tap +.




     Edit Member

     1.   On the “My Home” screen, tap on the name of         2. Tap on the member’s picture and select the
          your smart scale, then tap     in the upper right      information you want to edit. Tap Save when
          corner to see Device Settings. Tap Members.            you’re finished.

                                                                • To delete a user, tap    in the upper right corner.
                                                                • There is no way to retrieve deleted information after a
                                                                    user is deleted.



Connecting with Other Fitness Apps

1.   On the “My Home” screen, tap on the name of      3. Turn on Fitbit, then sign in to your Fitbit account.
     your smart scale.
                                                      4. Allow VeSync to share your data with Fitbit.
2. Tap      in the upper right corner to see Device   Note: Sharing data is necessary for VeSync to connect with
   Settings. Tap Connect to Fitbit.                   Fitbit.






     Apple Health®                                               open the Health app and tap Sources at the
                                                                 bottom of the screen, then select VeSync.
     1.   Make sure your Bluetooth is on. On the “My Home”   4. Turn all categories on to allow the VeSync app
          screen, tap on the name of your smart scale.          to access and update health data. Then, tap
     2. Tap      in the upper right corner to see Device        Allow at the top of the screen.
        Settings. Tap Connect to Apple Health.               Note: If you tap Don’t Allow, the Health app will not work
                                                             with VeSync until you reopen the Health app, turn all
     3. The Health app should open automatically. If not,    categories on, and tap Allow.





Google Fit™                                               Once the toggle is green, you have successfully
                                                          paired Google Fit with VeSync.
1.   On the “My Home” screen, tap on the name of
     your smart scale.                                Note:
                                                        • Sharing data is necessary for VeSync to connect with
2. Tap      in the upper right corner to see Device         Google Fit.
   Settings. Tap Connect to Google Fit.                 • If the Google Fit app does not open automatically in
                                                            VeSync, open the Google Fit app and tap Profile at the
3. The Google Fit app should open automatically.            bottom of the screen, tap     in the upper right of the
   Select your account and allow VeSync to sync.            screen, then tap Manage connected apps.


                                                              Etekcity Example 1

                                                              Etekcity Example 2



     Recalibrating the Scale
     If the scale has been moved or flipped upside down,
     it must be recalibrated to ensure accurate results.

     1.   Place the scale on a hard, flat surface.

     2. Step on the scale with 1 foot until digits appear
        on the display [Figure 3.1] Then, step off.

     3. The scale will show “ ” while calibrating, then       Figure 3.1
        “    ” when complete. [Figure 3.2]

     Cleaning the Scale
     •    Use a slightly damp cloth to clean the surface of
          the scale, followed by a soft, dry cloth to wipe
          away any remaining moisture.

     •    Do not use chemical or abrasive cleaning agents
          to clean the scale.                                 Figure 3.2


Charging the Battery
The display will show “   ” when the battery needs        3. The bars in the battery symbol ( ) will
to be charged.                                               continuously fill as the scale charges. When
                                                             charged, the      symbol will be filled.
1.   Insert the USB charging cable into the USB
     charging socket. [Figure 4.1]                        Note:
                                                            • Charging time is about 3 hours.
2. Plug the USB charging cable into a DC 5V                 • For best results, fully charge your scale before using.
   adapter and plug into an outlet. You can also
   plug the cable into a powered USB outlet.
   [Figure 4.1]


                                                   Figure 4.1

     Display Messages

                  Wireless Connection              No Wireless Connection

           Change Battery               Overload                  Calibrating


1.   The scale doesn’t turn on.                            4. The scale doesn’t connect with the VeSync app.
      • The scale may need to be charged. Plug it in and        • Make sure your phone’s operating system is
        charge for 3 hours.                                       running on iOS™ 8.0+ or Android™ 4.3+.
                                                                • Close and relaunch the VeSync app. Make sure
2. Nothing happens when I press the unit button.                  you’re using the latest version.
      • The scale may need to be reset. Use a safety pin        • Turn on Bluetooth on your phone (for Android
        or paper clip to press the “Reset” button on the          users, make sure your Location is turned on as
        underside of the scale.                                   well).
                                                                • Make sure your scale and phone are within
3.   Information flashes on the screen and then                   30 ft / 10 m of each other.
     disappears.                                                • Make sure the scale is not currently connected to
      • The battery is low and may need to be charged.            any other phone or app.
                                                                • Try turning off any VPN apps.
                                                                • The scale may need to be reset. Use a safety pin
                                                                  or paper clip to press the “Reset” button on the
                                                                  underside of the scale.


     5. My scale will only measure my weight, or only my         Note: Resetting the scale will fix many issues. To reset the
        weight and BMI.                                          scale, use a safety pin or paper clip to press the “Reset”
                                                                 button on the underside of the scale.
          • Set up your smart scale in the VeSync app. Your
            weight will show on the scale display, and more
            results will show on the app.                        If you still need help, please contact Customer Support
                                                                 (see page 32).
          • Make sure Bluetooth is turned on.
          • If you’re wearing shoes or socks, the scale cannot
            measure health metrics such as body fat. Step on
            the scale with bare feet. [Figure 5.1]

                          Conductive Areas

                            Figure 5.1


FCC Statement

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority
to operate this equipment.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one of the following measures:

  •   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  •   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  •   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  •   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.


     FCC Radiation Exposure Statement

     This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
     environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying
     RF exposure compliance. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure compliance
     requirements, please follow operation instructions as documented in this manual. This
     transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
     transmitter. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of
     5mm between the radiator and your body. The availability of some specific channels and/or
     operational frequency bands are country dependent and are firmware programmed at the
     factory to match the intended destination. The firmware setting is not accessible by the
     end user.


Warranty Information                                                           This warranty does not apply to the following:
                                                                                    • Damage due to abuse, accident, alteration, misuse, tampering, or
                                                                                    • Improper or inadequate maintenance.
                 Product Name       Smart Fitness Scale                             • Damage in return transit.
                                                                                    • Unsupervised use by children under 18 years of age.
                          Model     ESF93

     Default Warranty Period        1 year                                     Etekcity Corporation and its subsidiaries assume no liability for damage
                                                                               caused by the use of the product other than for its intended use or as
   For your own reference, we strongly recommend that you record               instructed in the user manual. Some states do not allow this exclusion
                 your order ID and date of purchase.                           or limitation of incidental or consequential losses so the foregoing
                                                                               disclaimer may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal
                                                                               rights and you may also have other rights which may vary from state to
Terms & Policy
                                                                               ALL EXPRESSED AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE
Etekcity Corporation warrants all products to be of the highest quality in     WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, ARE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD
material, craftsmanship, and service, effective from the date of purchase      OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY.
to the end of the warranty period.
                                                                               Additional 1-Year Warranty
Etekcity Corporation will replace any product found to be defective due        You can extend your 1-year warranty by an additional year. Log onto
to manufacturer flaws based on eligibility. Refunds are available within       www.etekcity.com/warranty to register your new product for the
the first 30 days of purchase. Refunds are only available to the original      extended warranty.
purchaser of the product. This warranty extends only to personal use           Please fill out all required fields and include your order ID, place of
and does not extend to any product that has been used for commercial,          purchase, and purchase date, if applicable.
rental, or any other use for which the product is not intended. There are no
warranties other than the warranties expressly set forth with each product.    Defective Products & Returns
                                                                               If you discover your product is defective within the specified warranty
This warranty is non-transferrable. Etekcity Corporation is not responsible    period, please contact Customer Support via support@etekcity.com
in any way for any damages, losses, or inconveniences caused by                with a copy of your invoice and order ID. Do not dispose of your product
equipment failure or by user negligence, abuse, or use noncompliant with       before contacting us. Once our Customer Support Team has approved
the user manual or any additional safety or use warnings included in the       your request, please return the product with a copy of the invoice and
product packaging and manual.                                                  order ID.


     Customer Support
     If you encounter any issues or have any questions about your new product, please contact our helpful
     Customer Support Team.

     Customer Support                                        Support Hours
     Etekcity Corporation                                    Monday—Friday
     1202 N. Miller St., Suite A                             9:00 am­—5:00 pm PST/PDT
     Anaheim, CA 92806

     Email: support@etekcity.com                             *Please have your invoice and order ID ready before
     Toll-Free: (855) 686-3835                               contacting Customer Support.


Connect with us @Etekcity

             Building on better living.


Document Created: 2019-09-29 11:15:18
Document Modified: 2019-09-29 11:15:18

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