RF Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                            Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                         Page 1 of 28

                          APPLICATION CERTIFICATION
                                      On Behalf of
                   Carewell Electric Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.

                                 REMOTE CONTROL
                                   Model No.: HD1

                                  FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1

            Prepared for     :   Carewell Electric Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.
            Address          :   Torch Development Zone, No.2, Ouya Road, Zhongshan,
                                 Guangdong, China

            Prepared by      :   ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
            Address          :   F1, Bldg. A, Changyuan New Material Port, Keyuan Rd.
                                 Science & Industry Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong
                                 P.R. China

                                 Tel: (0755) 26503290
                                 Fax: (0755) 26503396

            Report Number    :   ATE20160089
            Date of Test     :   Apr 26, 2016-May 12, 2016
            Date of Report   :   May 13,2016

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                       ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                                                                 Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                                                              Page 2 of 28

                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS


     Test Report Certification
    1.      GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 4
         1.1.      Description of Device (EUT) .................................................................................................................... 4
         1.2.      Description of Test Facility ...................................................................................................................... 5
         1.3.      Measurement Uncertainty ......................................................................................................................... 5
    2.      MEASURING DEVICE AND TEST EQUIPMENT ..................................................................... 6
    3.      SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS................................................................................................... 7
    4.      THE FIELD STRENGTH OF RADIATION EMISSION ............................................................ 8
         4.1.      Block Diagram of Test Setup.................................................................................................................... 8
         4.2.      The Field Strength of Radiation Emission Measurement Limits .............................................................. 9
         4.3.      Configuration of EUT on Measurement ................................................................................................... 9
         4.4.      Operating Condition of EUT .................................................................................................................... 9
         4.5.      Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 10
         4.6.      The Field Strength of Radiation Emission Measurement Results .......................................................... 11
    5.      20DB OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH ................................................................................................ 13
         5.1.      Block Diagram of Test Setup.................................................................................................................. 13
         5.2.      The Bandwidth of Emission Limit According To FCC Part 15 Section 15.231(c) ................................ 13
         5.3.      EUT Configuration on Measurement ..................................................................................................... 14
         5.4.      Operating Condition of EUT .................................................................................................................. 14
         5.5.      Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 14
         5.6.      Measurement Result ............................................................................................................................... 14
    6.      RELEASE TIME MEASUREMENT............................................................................................ 15
         6.1.      Block Diagram of Test Setup.................................................................................................................. 15
         6.2.      Release Time Measurement According To FCC Part 15 Section 15.231(a) .......................................... 15
         6.3.      EUT Configuration on Measurement ..................................................................................................... 16
         6.4.      Operating Condition of EUT .................................................................................................................. 16
         6.5.      Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 16
         6.6.      Measurement Result ............................................................................................................................... 16
    7.      AVERAGE FACTOR MEASUREMENT .................................................................................... 17
         7.1.      Block Diagram of Test Setup.................................................................................................................. 17
         7.2.      Average factor Measurement according to ANSI C63.10-2013 ............................................................. 17
         7.3.      EUT Configuration on Measurement ..................................................................................................... 18
         7.4.      Operating Condition of EUT .................................................................................................................. 18
         7.5.      Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 18
         7.6.      Measurement Result ............................................................................................................................... 18
    8.      ANTENNA REQUIREMENT........................................................................................................ 19
         8.1.      The Requirement .................................................................................................................................... 19
         8.2.      Antenna Construction ............................................................................................................................. 19

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                                                         ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                  Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                               Page 3 of 28

                                     Test Report Certification

             Applicant          :   Carewell Electric Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.
             Manufacturer       :   Carewell Electric Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.
             EUT Description    :   REMOTE CONTROL
                                     (A) MODEL NO.: HD1
                                     (B) SERIAL NO.: N/A
                                     (C) POWER SUPPLY: DC 3V (Battery)

             Measurement Procedure Used:

             FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.231a
             ANSI C63.10-2013

             The device described above is tested by ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD to
             determine the maximum emission levels emanating from the device. The maximum emission
             levels are compared to the FCC Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.231a. The measurement results
             are contained in this test report and ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD is assumed full
             responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these measurements. Also, this report
             shows that the Equipment Under Test (EUT) is to be technically compliant with the FCC

             This report applies to above tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in part
             without written approval of ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.

             Date of Test :                            Apr 26, 2016-May 12, 2016
             Date of Report :                                May 13, 2016

             Prepared by :
                                                          (Tim.zhang, Engineer)

             Approved & Authorized Signer :
                                                          ( Sean Liu, Manager)

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                             ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                            Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                         Page 4 of 28


                   1.1.Description of Device (EUT)
                     EUT                : REMOTE CONTROL

                     Model Number       : HD1

                     Power Supply       : DC 3V (powered by battery)

                     Modulation:        : ASK

                     Operation Frequency : 315MHz

                     Applicant          : Carewell Electric Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.
                     Address            : Torch Development Zone, No.2, Ouya Road, Zhongshan,
                                          Guangdong, China

                     Manufacturer       : Carewell Electric Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.
                     Address            : Torch Development Zone, No.2, Ouya Road, Zhongshan,
                                          Guangdong, China

                     Date of sample     : Apr 26, 2016
                     Date of Test       : Apr 26, 2016-May 12, 2016

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                       ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                    Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                 Page 5 of 28

                   1.2.Description of Test Facility
                     EMC Lab                :   Accredited by TUV Rheinland Shenzhen

                                                Listed by FCC
                                                The Registration Number is 752051

                                                Listed by Industry Canada
                                                The Registration Number is 5077A-2

                                                Accredited by China National Accreditation Committee
                                                for Laboratories
                                                The Certificate Registration Number is L3193

                     Name of Firm           :   ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
                     Site Location          :   F1, Bldg. A, Changyuan New Material Port, Keyuan Rd.
                                                Science & Industry Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong
                                                P.R. China

                   1.3.Measurement Uncertainty
                     Conducted Emission Expanded Uncertainty    =   2.23dB, k=2

                     Radiated emission expanded uncertainty     =   3.08dB, k=2

                     Radiated emission expanded uncertainty     =   4.42dB, k=2

                     Radiated emission expanded uncertainty     =   4.06dB, k=2
                     (Above 1GHz)

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                            ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                          Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                       Page 6 of 28

               Table 1: List of Test and Measurement Equipment
 Kind of equipment Manufacturer         Type          S/N          Calibrated dates Cal. Interval
 EMI Test Receiver Rohde&Schwarz        ESCS30        100307       Jan. 09, 2016      One Year
 EMI Test Receiver Rohde&Schwarz        ESPI3         101526/003   Jan. 09, 2016      One Year
 Spectrum Analyzer Agilent              E7405A        MY45115511   Jan. 09, 2016      One Year
 Pre-Amplifier        Rohde&Schwarz     CBLU118354 3791            Jan. 09, 2016      One Year
 Loop Antenna         Schwarzbeck       FMZB1516   1516131         Jan. 14, 2016      One Year
 Bilog Antenna        Schwarzbeck       VULB9163      9163-323     Jan. 14, 2016      One Year
 Horn Antenna         Schwarzbeck       BBHA9120D     9120D-655    Jan. 14, 2016      One Year
 Horn Antenna         Schwarzbeck       BBHA9120D     9120D-1067   Jan. 14, 2016      One Year
 LISN                 Rohde&Schwarz     ESH3-Z5       100305       Jan. 09, 2016      One Year
 LISN                 Schwarzbeck       NSLK8126      8126431      Jan. 09, 2016      One Year
 Highpass Filter    Wainwright          WHKX3.6/18 N/A             Jan. 09, 2016      One Year
                    Instruments         G-10SS
 Band Reject Filter Wainwright          WRCG2400/2 N/A             Jan. 09, 2016      One Year
                    Instruments         485-2375/2510

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                    ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                    Report No.: ATE20160751
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               FCC Rules                Description of Test       Result
               Section 15.207           Conducted Emission        N/A
               Section 15.231(b)        Radiated Emission         Compliant
               Section 15.231(c)        20dB Bandwidth            Compliant
               Section 15.231(a)(1)     Release Time        Compliant
               Section 15.203           Antenna Requirement Compliant
              The product is a manually operated transmitter.
              Section 15.231 (a) (2), (3), (4) and (5) are not applicable.

              All normal using modes of the normal function were tested but only the worst test data of the
              worst mode is recorded by this report.

              Note: The power supply mode of the EUT is DC 3V, According to the FCC standard
              requirements, conducted emission is not applicable

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                              ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                  Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                               Page 8 of 28


                   4.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup
                         4.1.1.Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators


                                    (EUT: REMOTE CONTROL)

                         4.1.2.Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram

                                  ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS

                                                  3 METERS


                                                                                    0.8 METER

                                   GROUND PLANE

                                    (EUT: REMOTE CONTROL)

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                             ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                      Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                   Page 9 of 28

                   4.2.The Field Strength of Radiation Emission Measurement Limits
                         4.2.1. Radiation Emission Measurement Limits According to FCC Part 15 Section

                             Frequency Range of            Field Strength of           Field Strength of
                                                         Fundamental Emission         Spurious Emission
                                Fundamental                   [Average]                   [Average]
                                    [MHz]                       [μV/m]                      [μV/m]
                                 40.66-40.70                     2250                        225
                                    70-130                       1250                        125
                                   130-174                    1250-3750                    125-375
                                   174-260                       3750                        375
                                   260-470                   3750-12500                   375-1250
                                 Above 470                      12500                       1250
                         Where F is the frequency in MHz, the formulas for calculating the maximum
                         permitted fundamental field strengths are as follows: for the band 130-174 MHz,
                         uV/m at 3 meters = 56.81818(F) - 6136.3636; for the band 260-470 MHz, uV/m at
                         3 meters = 41.6667(F) - 7083.3333. The maximum permitted unwanted emission
                         level is 20 dB below the maximum permitted fundamental level.
                         4.2.2. Restricted Band Radiation Emission Measurement Limits According to FCC
                                part 15 Section 15.205 and Section15.209.

                   4.3.Configuration of EUT on Measurement
                      The following equipment is installed on Radiated Emission Measurement to meet the
                      commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to
                      maximize its emission characteristics in normal application.
                         4.3.1. REMOTE CONTROL (EUT)
                             Model Number         :   HD1
                             Serial Number        :   N/A
                             Manufacturer         :   Carewell Electric Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.

                   4.4.Operating Condition of EUT
                         4.4.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 4.1.

                         4.4.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.

                        4.4.3. Let the EUT work in TX mode measure it.

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                   Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                              Page 10 of 28

                   4.5.Test Procedure
                      The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turntable, which is 0.8 meter high above
                      ground(Below 1GHz). The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turntable, which is
                      1.5 meter high above ground(Above 1GHz). The turntable can rotate 360 degrees to
                      determine the position of the maximum emission level. EUT is set 3.0 meters away
                      from the receiving antenna, which is mounted on an antenna tower. The antenna can be
                      moved up and down between 1.0 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
                      emission level. Broadband antenna (calibrated bi-log antenna) is used as receiving
                      antenna. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set on
                      measurement. In order to find the maximum emission levels, all of the EUT location
                      must be manipulated according to ANSI C63.10:2013 on radiated emission
                      measurement. The EUT was tested in 3 orthogonal planes.

                      The bandwidth of test receiver is set at 120 kHz in 30-1000 MHz, and 1 MHz in
                      1000-4000 MHz.

                      The frequency range from 30 MHz to 4000 MHz is checked.

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                              ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                      Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                 Page 11 of 28

                   4.6.The Field Strength of Radiation Emission Measurement Results

                       The frequency range 30MHz to 4000MHz is investigated.

EUT:                 REMOTE CONTROL
Model No.:           HD1                                Power Supply:       DC 3V
Test Mode:           TX                                 Test Engineer:      Star

Frequency     Reading       Factor    Average   Result(dBμV/m)   Limit(dBμV/m)      Margin(dB)       Polarization
 (MHz)       (dBμV/m)        Corr.    Factor
                   PEAK        (dB)    (dB)      AV     PEAK      AV     PEAK       AV      PEAK
   315         99.70        -17.53     -7.79    74.38    82.17   75.62   95.62     -1.24    -13.45
   630         65.59        -11.05     -7.79    46.75    54.54   55.62   75.62     -8.87    -21.08
   945         48.46        -5.45      -7.79    35.22    43.01   55.62   75.62    -20.40    -32.61   Horizontal
  1260         63.01        -12.40     -7.79    42.82    50.61   55.62   75.62    -12.80    -25.01
  1575         50.35        -10.97     -7.79    31.59    39.38   55.62   75.62    -24.03    -36.24
   315         89.46        -17.53     -7.79    64.14    71.93   75.62   95.62    -11.48    -23.69
   630         64.02        -11.05     -7.79    45.18    52.97   55.62   75.62    -10.44    -22.65
   945         50.05        -5.45      -7.79    36.81    44.60   55.62   75.62    -18.81    -31.02    Vertical
  1260         58.75        -12.40     -7.79    38.56    46.35   55.62   75.62    -17.06    -29.27
  1890         49.32        -9.60      -7.79    31.93    39.72   55.62   75.62    -23.69    -35.90
1. Emissions attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value are not reported.
2. The field strength is calculated by adding the antenna factor, high pass filter loss(if used) and cable loss,
   and subtracting the amplifier gain(if any)from the measured reading. The basic equation calculation is
   as follows:
  Result = Reading + Corrected Factor
  Where Corrected Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + High Pass Filter Loss – Amplifier Gain
3. FCC Limit for Average Measurement = 41.6667(315)-7083.3333 = 6041.6772 μV/m =75.62 μV/m
4. The spectral diagrams in appendix I display the measurement of peak values.
5. Average value= PK value + Average Factor (duty factor)
6. If the peak-detected amplitude can be shown to comply with the average limit, then it is not necessary to
perform a separate average measurement.
7. The EUT is tested radiation emission in three axes(X,Y,Z). The worst emissions are reported in three

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                 ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                  Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                             Page 12 of 28

8. Pulse Desensitization Correction Factor
  Pulse Width (PW) = 0.48ms
  2/PW = 2/0.48ms = 4.17kHz
  RBW (100 kHz) > 2/PW (4.17 kHz)
  Therefore PDCF is not needed

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                             ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                  Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                             Page 13 of 28


                   5.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup
                         5.1.1.Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators


                                    (EUT: REMOTE CONTROL)

                         5.1.2.Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram

                                    ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS

                                                  3 METERS


                                                                                    0.8 METER

                                   GROUND PLANE

                                   (EUT: REMOTE CONTROL)

                   5.2.The Bandwidth of Emission Limit According To FCC Part 15 Section

                      The bandwidth of emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency.
                      Therefore, the bandwidth of the emission limit is 315 MHz×0.25% = 787.5 kHz.
                      Bandwidth is determined at the two points 20 dB down from the top of modulated

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                             ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                      Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                 Page 14 of 28

                   5.3.EUT Configuration on Measurement
                      The following equipment are installed on the bandwidth of emission Measurement to
                      meet the commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends
                      to maximize its emission characteristics in normal application.
                         5.3.1.REMOTE CONTROL (EUT)
                              Model Number      :   HD1
                              Serial Number     :   N/A
                              Manufacturer      :   Carewell Electric Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.

                   5.4.Operating Condition of EUT
                         5.4.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 5.1.

                         5.4.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.

                         5.4.3.Let the EUT work in TX mode measure it.

                   5.5.Test Procedure
                         5.5.1. Set SPA Center Frequency = Fundamental frequency, RBW = 10 kHz, VBW
                                = 30 kHz, Span = 1MHz.

                         5.5.2.Set SPA Max hold, Mark peak, -20 dB.

                   5.6.Measurement Result

                      The EUT does meet the FCC requirement.

                      -20 dB bandwidth =48 kHz <787.5 kHz.

                      The spectral diagrams in appendix I.

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                    Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                               Page 15 of 28


                   6.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup
                         6.1.1.Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators


                                    (EUT: REMOTE CONTROL)

                         6.1.2.Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram

                                    ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS

                                                   3 METERS


                                                                                      0.8 METER

                                   GROUND PLANE

                                    (EUT: REMOTE CONTROL)

                   6.2.Release Time Measurement According To FCC Part 15 Section 15.231(a)
                      Section 15.231(a) (1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will
                      automatically deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                               ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                      Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                 Page 16 of 28

                   6.3.EUT Configuration on Measurement
                      The following equipment are installed on Release Time Measurement to meet the
                      commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to
                      maximize its emission characteristics in normal application.
                         6.3.1. REMOTE CONTROL (EUT)
                              Model Number      :   HD1
                              Serial Number     :   N/A
                              Manufacturer      :   Carewell Electric Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.

                   6.4.Operating Condition of EUT
                         6.4.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 6.1.

                         6.4.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.

                         6.4.3.Let the EUT work in TX mode measure it.

                   6.5.Test Procedure
                         6.5.1. Set SPA Center Frequency = Fundamental frequency, RBW = 100 kHz, VBW
                                = 300 kHz, Span = 0 Hz. Sweep time = 10 s.

                         6.5.2.Set EUT as normal operation and press Transmitter button.

                         6.5.3.Set SPA View. Delta Mark time.

                   6.6. Measurement Result

                      The release time less than 5 seconds.

                      Release Time = 1.88s

                      The spectral diagrams in appendix I.

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                       Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                  Page 17 of 28


                   7.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup
                          7.1.1.Block diagram of connection between the EUT and simulators


                                    (EUT: REMOTE CONTROL)

                          7.1.2.Semi-Anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram

                                      ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS

                                                      3 METERS


                                                                                         0.8 METER

                                      GROUND PLANE

                   7.2.Average factor Measurement according to ANSI C63.10-2013
                    ANSI C63.10-2013 Section 7.5 Unless otherwise specified, when the radiated emission
                    limits are expressed in terms of the average value of the emission, and pulsed operation is
                    employed, the measurement field strength shall be determined by averaging over one
                    complete pulse train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train does not
                    exceed 0.1 s (100 ms). In cases where the pulse train exceeds 0.1 s, the measured field
                    strength shall be determined during a 0.1 s interval.64 The following procedure is an
                    example of how the average value may be determined. The average field strength may be
                    found by measuring the peak pulse amplitude (in log equivalent units) and determining
                    the duty cycle correction factor (in dB) associated with the pulse modulation as shown in
                    Equation (10):
                    Average factor in dB = 20 log (duty cycle)

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                  ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                      Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                 Page 18 of 28

                   7.3.EUT Configuration on Measurement
                      The following equipment are installed on average factor Measurement to meet the
                      commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to
                      maximize its emission characteristics in normal application.
                         7.3.1. REMOTE CONTROL
                              Model Number      :   HD1
                              Serial Number     :   N/A
                              Manufacturer      :   Carewell Electric Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.

                   7.4.Operating Condition of EUT
                         7.4.1.Setup the EUT and simulator as shown as Section 7.1.

                         7.4.2.Turn on the power of all equipment.

                         7.4.3.Let the EUT work in TX mode measure it.

                   7.5.Test Procedure
                         7.5.1.The time period over which the duty cycle is measured is 100 milliseconds, or
                               the repetition cycle, whichever is a shorter time frame. The worst case
                               (highest percentage on) duty cycle is used for the calculation.

                         7.5.2.Set SPA Center Frequency = Fundamental frequency, RBW = 100 kHz, VBW
                               = 300 kHz, Span = 0 Hz.

                         7.5.3.Set EUT as normal operation.

                         7.5.4.Set SPA View. Delta Mark time.

                   7.6. Measurement Result
                      The duty cycle is simply the on time divided by the period:

                      The duration of one cycle = 35.6ms

                      Effective period of the cycle = (0.84×7) + (0.48×18)ms =14.52 ms

                      DC =14.52ms/35.6ms=0.408

                      Therefore, the average factor is found by 20log0.408= -7.79dB

                      The spectral diagrams in appendix I.

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                      Report No.: ATE20160751
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                   8.1.The Requirement
                     According to Section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no
                     antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.

                   8.2.Antenna Construction
                     Device is equipped with permanent attached antenna, which isn’t displaced by other
                     antenna. The Antenna gain of EUT is 0dBi. Therefore, the equipment complies with the
                     antenna requirement of Section 15.203.


FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                 ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                        Report No.: ATE20160751
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                   APPENDIX I
                   (Test Curves)



                                        ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                 Site: 1# Chamber
                                        F1,Bldg,A, Changyuan New Material Port Keyuan Rd,                    Tel:+86—0755—26503290
                                        Science & Industry Park,Nanshan Shenzhen,P.R.China                   Fax:+86—0755—26503396
Job No.:         Ricky 2016 #457                                                 Polarization:         Horizontal
Standard: FCC Class B 3M Radiated                                                Power Source:            DC 3V
Test item:           Radiation Test                                              Date: 16/05/11/
Temp.(          C)/Hum.(%) 25         C/55%                                      Time: 14/42/06
EUT:                 REMOTE CONTROL                                              Engineer Signature:              Frank
Mode:            TX 315MHz                                                       Distance:       3m
Model:           HD1
Manufacturer: CAREWELL
Note:          Report NO.:ATE20160751

       90.0      dBu¥/m








       0.0               ;                    j                                         }        ;
            30.000     -&EI   50   60    ifl   BI]   ‘                           300     iflfl      5.]]']   600     i‘flfl    IBfiD,fl MHz

                 Freq.         Reading        Factor     Result    Limit   [Margin            Height      Degree
 No:            (MHz)      (dBuVi/im)          (dB)     (dBuvim) (aBuvim)| (aBy |P°C" (em)                (geg)          ROm=*
1                315.0000| 99.70              —17.53      8217     95.62 |13.45| peak
2                630.0000| 6559               411.05      54.54    7562 21.08| peak
3                945.0000|    48.46            —5.45      43.01    75.62 32.61| peak

                                       ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                          Site: 1# Chamber
                                       F1,Bldg.A, Changyuan New Material Port Keyuan Rd,                            Tel:+86—0755—26503290
                                       Science & Industry Park,Nanshan Shenzhen,P.R.China                            Fax:+86—0755—26503396
Job No.:       Ricky 2016 #458                                                      Polarization:            Vertical
Standard: FCC Class B 3M Radiated                                                   Power Source:             DC 3V
Test item:         Radiation Test                                                   Date: 16/05/11/
Temp.(        C)/Hum.(%) 25         C/55%                                           Time: 14/43/58
EUT:               REMOTE CONTROL                                                       Engineer Signature:             Frank
Mode:          TX 315MHz                                                            Distance:          3m
Model:         HD1
Manufacturer: CAREWELL
Note:        Report NO.:ATE20160751

     90.0      dBu¥/m
                                                                                                                    fimit1:       —


                           |             1    |        |                                1

     M essefecs beesnncnneafenscheenf encb ennenenenennnn en neneeden ns T






     0.0                   1             1    1        !                                      !        !        ?        1        !
          30.000     40    50     60     70   80                                   300        400      500      600     700     1000.0 MHz

               Freq.           Reading        Factor        Result    Limit   |Margin               Height     Degree
No            (MHz)    (dBuv/im)               (dB)        (dBuVim) (dBuvim)| (dB) P°°°" (em)                  (dea)           Remerk
1             315.0000| 8946                  1753           7193     95.62 23.69| peak
2             630.0000] 64.02                 —11.05         5297|    75.62 22.05| peak
3             945.0000| 50.05                  545           4460     75.62 31.02) peak


                                       ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                               Site: 1# Chamber
                                         F1,Bldg.A, Changyuan New Material Port Keyuan Rd,                Tel:+86—0755—26503290
                                        Science & Industry Park,Nanshan Shenzhen,P.R.China                Fax:+86—0755—26503396

Job No.:        Ricky 2016 #430                                                 Polarization:        Horizontal
Standard: FCC Class B 3M Radiated                                               Power Source:         DC 3V
Test item:            Radiation Test                                            Date: 16/05/10/
Temp.(         C)/Hum.(%) 25           C/55%                                    Time: 9103715
ELT:              REMOTE CONTROL                                                Engineer Signature:           Ricky
Mode:           TX 315MHz                                                       Distance:       3m
Model:          HD1
Manufacturer: Carewell

Note:         Report NO.:ATE20160751

      70.0      dBu¥/m
                                                                                                         limit1:       «—







           1000.000                                                                           3000                   4000.0 MHz

                Freq.          Reading      Factor    Result      Limit   |Margin           Height     Degree
 NO            (MHz)      (dBuV/im)          (dB) (dBuVim) (dBuvim)| (4B) |P4°"" (em)                  (ea)         PM#
i               1260.048) 63.01             —1240   5081     75.62 |25.01 peak
2               1575.030| 5035|             1097    3938     75.62 |36.24 peak
3               1890.020| 47.51              ‘g.60  3791     75.62 |37.71 peak


mifil                                ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.                                                               Site: 1# Chamber
                                      F1,Bldg,A,Changyuan New Material Port Keyuan Rd,                                Tel:+86—0755—26503290
                                     Science & Industry Park,Nanshan Shenzhen,P.R.China                               Fax:+86—0755—26503396
Job No.:         Ricky 2016 #431                                                        Polarization:           Vertical
Standard: FCC Class B 3M Radiated                                                       Power Source:            DC 3V
Test item:         Radiation Test                                                       Date: 16/05/10/
Temp.(          C)/Hum.(%) 25       C/55%                                               Time: 9/04/08
EUT:               REMOTE CONTROL                                                        Engineer Signature:              Ricky
Mode:            TX 315MHz                                                              Distance:          3m
Model:           HD1
Manufacturer: Carewell

Note:          Report NO.:ATE20160751

       70.0      dBuV/m
                                                                                                                      limit1:       —

       B      esnc n n n nnnn n n n n en en n en n n n en en n   dn en n n n en en en   en en en en en en en dn en en en en en en n en en






       0.0                                                       }
            1000.000                                                                                      3000                    4000.0 MHz

                 Freq.      Reading      Factor      Result          Limit     |Margin                 Height     Degree
 No.            (MHz)      (dBuV/m)       (dB)     (dBuvim) (dBuvim)| (aB) P4°"" (em)                              (eg)          Sm
1                1260.048| 58.75         —1240       46.35    75.62   29.27| peak
2                1575.030| 4957          —10.97      38.60    7562    37.02) peak
3                1890.020|   49.32        —9.60      39.72    75.62   35.90| peak

                                                                                                         Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                                    Page 25 of 28

                           MARKER 1                                  * RBW 10 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                             315 MHz                                 * VBW 30 kHz             -11.32 dBm
                           Ref 10 dBm            * Att   40 dB        SWT 30 ms        315.000000000 MHz
                           10                                                       ndB [T1]   20.00   dB
                                                                                    BW 48.000000000    kHz
                                                                                    Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                              -30.70   dBm
                   1 PK
                                                                                       314.976000000   MHz
                   MAXH                                          1
                           -10                                                      Temp 2 [T1 ndB]
                                                                                              -30.45   dBm
                                                                                       315.024000000   MHz








                           Center 315 MHz                    300 kHz/                         Span 3 MHz

                   Date:         7.MAY.2016   23:41:12

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                                 ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                                         Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                                    Page 26 of 28

                           DELTA MARKER 2                           RBW 100 kHz    Delta 2 [T1 ]
                             1.88 s                                * VBW 300 kHz               0.34 dB
                           Ref 10 dBm            * Att   20 dB      SWT 10 s               1.880000 s
                           10                                                      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                             -58.66 dBm
                                                                                           4.060000 s      A

                   1 PK





                                                          1             2




                           Center 315 MHz                        1 s/

                   Date:         7.MAY.2016   10:20:24

Release Time = 1.88s

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                                ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                                     Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                                Page 27 of 28

The graph shows the pattern of coding during the signal transmission.
The duration of one cycle = 35.6 ms.
        DELTA MARKER 3                            RBW 100 kHz    Delta 3 [T1 ]
          35.6 ms                                * VBW 300 kHz              -0.40 dB
        Ref 10 dBm            * Att   20 dB       SWT 100 ms            35.600000 ms
        10                                                       Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                           -63.00   dBm
                                                                         4.200000   ms    A
                                                                 Delta 2 [T1 ]            SGL
1 PK
                                                                            -1.14   dB
        -10                                                             27.800000   ms





          1                           3




        Center 315 MHz                        10 ms/

Date:         7.MAY.2016   10:24:58

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                                ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

                                                                                                  Report No.: ATE20160751
                                                                                                             Page 28 of 28

        DELTA MARKER 2                           RBW 100 kHz    Delta 2 [T1 ]
          480 µs                                * VBW 300 kHz               0.51 dB
        Ref 10 dBm            * Att   20 dB      SWT 30 ms            480.000000 µs
        10                                                      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          -64.60 dBm
                                                                        2.400000 ms    A
1 PK









        Center 315 MHz                        3 ms/

Date:         7.MAY.2016   10:28:07

The graph shows the duration of ‘on’ signal. From marker 1 to marker 2, duration is 0.48ms.
        DELTA MARKER 2                           RBW 100 kHz    Delta 2 [T1 ]
          840 µs                                * VBW 300 kHz               0.53 dB
        Ref 10 dBm            * Att   20 dB      SWT 30 ms            840.000000 µs
        10                                                      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          -62.65 dBm
                                                                       23.940000 ms    A
1 PK





        -60                                                          1 2




        Center 315 MHz                        3 ms/

Date:         7.MAY.2016   10:29:02

The graph shows the duration of ‘on’ signal. From marker 1 to marker 2, duration is 0.84ms.

FCC ID: 2AAZPHD1                                                                             ACCURATE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD

Document Created: 2016-05-17 17:24:41
Document Modified: 2016-05-17 17:24:41

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