User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                                                          SIDE 1                                                                                                                                                                          MATERIALS:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          White Paper
 TroubleshootIng: If you are having Issues connecting your wireless                Keyboard Spocification:                                                                   Reorint orrelocatsthe recaivingantenna.                                                                            WIRELESS TRAVEL KEYBOARD

 keyboard with your iPhone or iPad, checkthe following before                      Bluctmoth V3.0 Iterface standard              Sleeping Current:<200n8                     Increase the distance between the equlbment and recahver
                                                                                   Operating distance: 10 maters                 Cnarging Cument: > 160mA                    Camnect the equlbment to an outlt on a crcul iffrent fom thatto which therecalver is
 seeking assistance:                                                               Modulaton system: GFSK 248                    Standby time: Aprx. 30 days                 commected.
 * The Blustooth of your IPhone or IPa is activated.                               Trensmiting Power: Class 2                    Unintermipted workingtime: 100 hours        Consultthe dealeoan experlenced radtoTV technlctn for help.
 ® Your keyboard is within operating range.                                        Operating Votage: 3.0—5.0                     Cnargingtme: 2:3 hours
                                                                                                                                                                             This davico compllos with Part 16 of e FCC Rulo. Operation s subject t the folowing
                                                                                   Working Current:<5.0mA                        Keys Dynamics: 80 +109
 ® The battery of the fexible keyboard is charged.                                                                                                                           two condiions:(1) this deviea may not cause harmfiinfeference and (2) this device must
                                                                                   Standby Curent 2.5mA                           Keys Life:2 millonstrotes                  accept any Interference reculved, Inluding ntorference that maycause undestrd operation.
 * The Flexlble Blustooth Keyboard has been palred correctly with
                                                                                   Energy Saving Slep mode: The keybourd wl e Into slaap mode when Itis nactiv for           Modltons not authortaa by the manufacturer mey vold the user‘s
 your iPhone or iPad.
                                                                                   16 minutes, and the keyboard powerindloator ight wil go of. To actvat from sleap mode,    authoriby to operatsthis device.
 = The power of your iPhone or iPad and the Flexible Blustooth                     Just press any key and welt seconds,the keyboard wl come beck on.                         WARNING: This product my contain emall parts which may pose 2 chokinghazerd to             With the growing popularity of tablets, netbooks, smartphones & other
 keyboard are both turned on.
                                                                                   Sefety Caution: Keap thtem away sharp oblcts. Do notplace heavy objects on top of         ctildren. Thlsproduct is nota tog.Keep outof reach of children ue to i of suffocation.     tny typing devices, our fe—sized fingers often yearn for a normal—slzed
 * If the iPad has been upgraded, or you are using a different iPad,               the keyboard. Do not Microwave the item. Do not foree or distotedthe Keyboard. Koep       This product may Include components which may pose a strangulaton hazard to chldren.
 resync using the steps on the previous pages.                                     away fom ol, chomicalor any otherorganlsiguc.                                                                                                                                        keyboard. For the guy or gal on—the—go, this compact rol—up wireless

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9 cm
                                                                                   Care and Malntanance: To help preservs battry Ie, lde the CN/OFF SWITCH t "of"                                                                                                       keyboard provides the solution! Lightweight & responsive, it‘s perfectly
 Disclaimer: iPad@®, iPhone and Mac® are fredemarke of Apple Inc., rogietarad in   when you are no longer usingth ravel kayboard. Store the dravel keyboard with t loast                                                                                                designed to get the Job done anywhere, anytime. Internal components
 ‘he U.S. and other counties.This tem s not sponsored, endorsed, odstrbuted by     50% oflts battery charged. Wipethe exterlr of the RollUp Keyboard wit a clean, soft,                                                                                                 are sealed inside a single—plece silicone case, preventing damage from
 Apple Inc.Apple ts not responslb‘e fo the oporetono this devcs or ts complance    dry cotn.

 wi safey orequlalory standards, Bletsoth® is a registerad tradomark of                                                                                                                                                                                                 debris, spills & travel bumps and bruises.
                                                                                   Fderal Communication Commission Intorfarance Statement: This equipment has
 Blustooth S1G,IncBlackBent is a reaitered vademark of Research in Mation, td.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Features:
 *Note: Not compatile wih BleckBarry® systems                                      beentested and faund t comply with the Ims for a Class B dlghal devico. Pursuantto
                                                                                   Part 16 of theo the FCC Rules,thase Imits are desgned to rovideraasonatle protection                                                                                                             Dustproof, fexible silicone Bluetooth® 3.0 keyboard

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CUT LINES
                                                                                   against harmflinferference in a residentia instalation. This equipmont generales, uses                                                                                                           ralls up for sasy storage and travel
                                                                                   and can radits radlefrequency onergy and, t notInstaled and used In ccordance with                                                                                                               Connects wirelessly with your Bluetooth enabled IPad®
                                                                                   Instructions, may catse harmfuIntererence to radloor tlastlon recaption, whien can be
                                                                                   determined by turing the equipment off and on. The user is encoureged to y to corectthe                                                                                                         tablet and iPhone®
                                                                                   Interfrence by one or more afthefalouing mensures:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          +« =FOLDS

                                                                                                                                                                     30.3 cm

                                                                                                                                                                       SIDE 2

 Contents of the Package Includs:                                                  5 Solect "Blustooth Wireloss Keyboard® bevces —                                           Gharging the Keyboard: You can monltor the battery level on your                           Product Photo/ Button Gontrols:
 OneSllcons Roll—up Keyboard                                                       on your IPhone or |Pad searched d@vice            awetsst ertoars                         silicone roll—up keyboard. When the battery power is low, the battery low
 USB—rechargeable Lithium lon battery                                              list. A message will pop up on your                            '                            dicatorlight will start blinking and itis time to recharge the keyboard.                        PowerSwich       Charing Part
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  vorn           (hlem Uaty
 One USB to Micro USB Charging Cable                                               iPhone or iPad with a pin code.                                                           Simply connact the Micro USB connactor of the charging cable to the
 User Manual                                                                                                                                                                 Micro USB Charging Portion on the keyboard. Connect the USB (Iype A)
 Instructions: To use, follow the steps below to pair the travel
                                                                                                                                                                             connactor to an USB Port on a PC or an USB power adaptor with DC
                                                                                                                                                                             5¥300—500mA output. The charging". Indlcator light will stay on when
 Blustooth roll—up keyboard with your iPhone or iPad. The Pair
                                                                                                                                                                             the keyboard charging. The light willturn off when the charge is complete.
 settings wl be saved even when your IPhone or IPad are turned off.
                                                                                   6 Type in the PIN code and press the Return or Enter Key on theflexible                   Battery Precaution: Ploase dispose ofthis product as you woull any exhausted batlery.
 1. Peel back the PORT/SWITCH Cover from the top left edge of the
 keyboard and then power on the Blustooth Keyboard. The power and                  Blustooth Keyboard. If the pairing succeeded, your iPhone or iPad will
 Bluetooth Indlcator Iight will be on for 5 seconds, then the lights wll go off.   show that the Bluetooth Keyboard is "Connected".

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9 cm
 2 Press the Bluetooth connection button on the keyboard
 3 Tum on youriPhone or iPad                                                       B8 maees          Cam
 4 Go to the Settings App on your iPhone or IPad and select the Blustooth          en mimimt                       omm                                           en
 tab. Your iPhone or iPad will search for Bluetooth enabled devices.
                                                                                                                   oo                                         coveces @

  Besews           Cor
                                                                                   E8 mowee»
                                                                                   Cmm                   0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Charging Indlostor    RatteryLevel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mno use
                                                                                   7. The keyboard is now fully activated!                                                                                                                         conlEcton
                                                                                   i the Blustmoth Wireless Keyboard stays "Not Comnected" on your iPhone orPad, furn o                                                                                                         Blistoth Connection Button
                                                                                   the powerofthe keyboard and repontsteps 1 through 7.

                                                                                                                                                                     30.3 cm

Document Created: 2013-09-11 16:53:48
Document Modified: 2013-09-11 16:53:48

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